1 Intro - Kimia Analis UII
1 Intro - Kimia Analis UII
1 Intro - Kimia Analis UII
Tutoril 01c
Food and Agriculture
Space science
History of Analytical Methods
• Sample histories:
• synthetic route
• how sample was collected, transported, stored
• the sampling process
3. Plan of Action
Performance Characteristics: Figures of Merit
N 2
s bias = - xt
x x N
s i 1
N 1
Sm = Sbl+ ksbl
Sm Sbl
s CV
RSD x m
x S = mc + Sbl
4. Analyzing and Reporting Results
Perform measurement
Compare results
with standards
Apply required
Covert data statistical techniques
into information
After reviewing results
Verify results might be necessary
to modify and repeat
Transform procedure
information into Present information
Handbook, Settle
Separation Techniques
Gas chromatography
High performance liquid chromatography
Ion chromatography
Super critical fluid chromatography
Capillary electrophoresis
Planar chromatography
Spectroscopic techniques
Infrared spectrometry (dispersive and fourier transform)
Raman spectrometry
Nuclear magnetic resonance
X-ray spectrometry
Atomic absorption spectrometry
Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
Inductively coupled plasma MS
Atomic fluorescence spectrometry
Ultraviolet/visible spectrometry (CD)
Molecular Fluorescence spectrometry
Chemiluminescence spectrometry
X-Ray Fluorescence spectrometry
More Techniques
Mass Spectrometry
Electron ionization MS
Chemical ionization MS
High resolution MS
Gas chromatography MS
Fast atom bombardment MS
Laser MS
Electrochemical techniques
Amperometric technique
Voltammetric techniques
Potentiometric techniques
Conductiometric techniques
Microscopic and surface techniques
Atomic force microscopy
Scanning tunneling microscopy
Auger electron spectrometry
X-Ray photon electron spectrometry
Secondary ion MS
Technique Selection
Location of sample
bulk or surface
Physical state of sample
gas, liquid, solid, dissolved solid, dissolved gas
Amount of Sample
macro, micro, nano, …
Estimated purity of sample
pure, simple mixture, complex mixture
Fate of sample
destructive, non destructive
Elemental information
total analysis, speciation, isotopic and mass analysis
Molecular information
compounds present, polyatomic ionic species,functional group,
structural, molecular weight, physical property
Analysis type
Quantitative, Qualitative
Analyte concentration
major or minor component, trace or ultra trace
An Example: HPLC vs. NMR
Location of sample
bulk or surface B B
Physical state of sample
gas, liquid, solid, dissolved solid, dissolved gas L,Ds L,S,Ds
Amount of Sample
macro, micro Ma, Mi Ma, Mi
Estimated purity of sample
pure, simple mixture, complex mixture Sm,M P,Sm
Fate of sample
destructive, non destructive N,D N
Elemental information
total analysis, speciation, isotopic and mass analysis T,S (ion) limited
Molecular information
Compounds present, Polyatomic ionic species, Cp,Io,St Cp,Fn,St
Functional group, Structural, MW, Physical prop
Analysis type
Quantitative, Qualitative Ql,Qt Ql,Qt
Review of Background Material
Chemical equilibrium
Activity coefficients
Ionic strength
Acids and bases
Other simple chemical tests (“spot tests”)
Some important figures of merit
Review of a few other helpful concepts
Chemical Equilibrium
There is never actually a complete conversion of
reactants to product in a chemical reaction, there is only
a chemical equilibrium.
A chemical equilibrium state occurs when the ratio of
concentration of reactants and products is constant. An
equilibrium-constant expression is an algebraic equation
that describes the concentration relationships that exist
among reactants and products at equilibrium
aA + bB cC + dD
Acid base
NH3 + H2O NH4+ + OH- Kb = [NH4+][OH-] / [NH3]
PbI2(s) Pb2+ + 2I- Ksp = [Pb2+ ][I-]2
IO3- + 5I- + 6H+ 3I2(aq) + 3H20 Keq = [I2]3 / [IO3-][I-]5[H+]6
ax = x [C]
Activity coefficient:
ai = i [X]I
Bronsted-Lowry definitions:
acid: anything that donates a [H+] (proton donor)
base: anything that accepts a [H+] (proton acceptor)
HA + H2O A- + H3O+ NH3 + H2O NH4+ + OH-
Source: www.aw.com/mathews/ch02/fi2p22.htm
The p- value is the negative base-10 logarithm of the molar
concentration of a certain species:
pX = -log [X] = log 1/[X]
Source: http://cwx.prenhall.com/petrucci/medialib/media_portfolio/text_images/TB17_03.JPG
Amphiprotic Compounds
Amphiprotic solvents: a solvent that can act as either an
acid or base depending on the solute it is interacting
– methanol, ethanol, and anhydrous acetic acid are all
examples of amphiprotic solvents.
NH3 + CH3OH NH4+ + CH3O-
CH3OH + HNO2 CH3OH2+ + NO2-
Advantages Disadvantages
great flexibility large amount of analyte required
suitable for a wide range of analytes lacks speciation (similar structure)
manual, simple colorimetric -subjective
excellent precision an accuracy sensitive to skill of analyst
readily automated reagents unstable
Chemical Stoichiometry
Henderson-Hasselbach equation
Example 1
30 mL of 0.10M NaOH neutralised 25.0mL of hydrochloric acid. Determine the
concentration of the acid
Percent Concentration
a. percent (w/w) = weight solute X 100%
weight solution
Detector response
Slope relates to
mass) of an analyte that can be sensitivity
detected at a known confidence
level LOQ
Linearity: the degree to which a LOD
response of an analytical Dynamic range
detector to analyte
concentration/mass Concentration
approximates a linear function
Limit of quantitation (LOQ): the range over which quantitative
measurements can be made (usually the linear range), often
defined by detector dynamic range
Selectivity: the degree to which a detector is free from
interferences (including the matrix or other analytes)
Simple Chemical Tests