300+ TOP Public Administration MCQs and Answers Quiz 2023

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Public Administration MCQs and Answers Quiz

300+ TOP Public Administration

MCQs and Answers Quiz

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Public Administration Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following administrative thinkers has
defined administration as “the organization and direction of
human and material resources to achieve desired ends” ?
A. L. D. White
B. J. M. Pfiffner
C. J. A. Veig
D. H. A. Simon
Answer: B

2. Which one of the following statements is not correct in

respect of New Public Management ?
A. It has market orientation
B. It upholds public interest
C. It advocates managerial autonomy
D. It focuses on performance appraisal
Answer: B

3. ‘Good Governance’ and ‘Participating Civil Society for

Development’ were stressed in World Bank Report of
A. 1992
B. 1997
C. 2000

D. 2003
Answer: A

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4. If the administrative authority within a department is

vested in a single individual, then that system is known as
A. Board
B. Bureau
C. Commission
D. Council
Answer: B

5. Globalisation means
A. Financial market system is centered in a single state
B. The growth of a single unified world market
C. Geographical location of a firm is of utmost importance
D. Foreign capitalist transactions
Answer: B

6. By whom was the ‘Managerial Grid’ developed ?

A. Blake and White
B. Blake and Schmidt
C. Blake and Mouton
D. Mouton and Shophan
Answer: C

7. Who among the following says that public administration
includes the operations of only the executive branch of
government ?
A. L. D. White and Luther Gulick
B. L. D. White
C. Luther Gulick
D. W. F. Willoughby
Answer: C

8. The concept of the ‘zone of indifference’ is associated with

A. Decision-Making
B. Leadership
C. Authority
D. Motivation
Answer: C

9. Who has analysed the leadership in terms of ‘circular

response’ ?
A. C. I. Barnard
B. M. P. Follett
C. Millet
D. Taylor
Answer: B

10. Simon proposed a new concept of administration based

on the methodology of
A. Decision-making
B. Bounded rationality
C. Logical positivism
D. Satisfying
Answer: C

11. Who wrote the book ‘Towards A New Public
Administration : The Minnowbrook Perspective’ ?
A. Frank Marini
B. Dwight Waldo
C. C. J. Charlesworth
D. J. M. Pfiffner
Answer: A

12. Who rejected the principles of administration as ‘myths’

and ‘proverbs’ ?
A. W. F. Willoughby
B. Herbert Simon
C. Chester Barnard
D. L. D. White
Answer: B

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13. The classical theory of administration is also known as

A. Historical theory
B. Mechanistic theory
C. Locational theory
D. Human Relations theory
Answer: B

14. How many principles of organization were propounded
by Henry Fayol ?
A. 10
B. 14
C. 5
D. 9
Answer: B

15. Simon was positively influenced by ideas of

A. Terry
B. Barnard
C. L. D. White
D. Henry Fayol
Answer: B

16. Negative motivation is based on

A. Fear
B. Reward
C. Money
D. Status
Answer: A

17. ‘Job loading’ means

A. Shifting of an employee from one job to another
B. Deliberate upgrading of responsibility, scope and challenge
C. Making the job more interesting
D. None of the above
Answer: B

18. The theory of ‘Prismatic Society’ in Public

Administration is based on
A. Study of public services in developed and developing
B. Institutional comparision of public administration in
developed countries
C. Structural-functional analysis of public administration in

developing countries
D. Historical studies of public administration in different
Answer: C

19. Who among the following is an odd thinker ?

A. Taylor
B. Maslow
C. Herzberg
D. Likert
Answer: A

20. Which of the following is not included in ‘hygiene’ factors

in the Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation ?
A. Salary
B. Working conditions
C. Company’s policy
D. Responsibility
Answer: D

21. The ‘Gang-Plank’ refers to

A. Discipline
B. Initiative
C. Equity
D. Level jumping
Answer: D

22. The history of evolution of the Public Administration is
generally divided into
A. Three phases
B. Four phases
C. Five phases
D. Six phases
Answer: C

23. Henry Fayol’s General theory of Administration is

applicable at
A. Policy management level
B. Top management level
C. Middle management level
D. Workshop management level
Answer: B

24. F. W. Taylor, the founding father of Scientific

Management movement propounded the theory which was
conceived to be a scientific methodology of
A. Careful observation
B. Measurement
C. Generalisation
D. All of these
Answer: D

25. In which of the following are public and private

administrations not common ?
A. Filing
B. Managerial techniques
C. Scope and complexity
D. Accounting
Answer: C

26. Bureaucracy that is committed to the programmes of the

political party in power is called—
A. Depoliticised bureaucracy

B. Semi-politicised bureaucracy
C. Committed bureaucracy
D. Fully politicised bureaucracy
Answer: C

27. The principle of ‘span of control’ means

A. An employee should receive orders from one superior only
B. The number of subordinate employees that an administrator
can effectively direct
C. The control or supervision of the superior over the
D. The number of people being controlled
Answer: B

28. Which of the following is not a function of staff agency ?

A. Planning
B. Advising
C. Consultation
D. Achieving goals
Answer: D

29. Which of the following is not a staff agency in India ?

A. Cabinet Secretariat
B. Cabinet Committees
C. Planning Commission
D. Economic Affairs Department
Answer: D

30. In hierarchy, the term ‘scalar’ means

A. Step
B. Ladder
C. Position
D. Process
Answer: B

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31. The 4Ps theory of departmentalization as advocated by

Luther Gulick are
A. Purpose, process, plan, place
B. Place, person, programme, process
C. Purpose, process, place, programme
D. Purpose, process, person, place
Answer: D

32. One who tells one’s supervisor anything detrimental to

an associate is called
A. A squealer
B. A rate buster
C. A chiseller
D. None of these
Answer: A

33. According to Urwick, where the work is of a more simple

and routine nature, the span of control varies from
A. 9 to 12
B. 8 to 12
C. 7 to 9
D. 10 to 12
Answer: B

34. Delegation of authority by a Sales Manger to his saleman
is an example of
A. Upward delegation
B. Sideward delegation
C. Downward delegation
D. None of these
Answer: C

35. A virtual organisation is

A. One which has profit as the major goal
B. One in which leadership always tends to fulfil psychological
needs of the subordinates
C. A small, core organization that outsources major busi-ness
D. One which has concern of the employees as its top priority
Answer: C

36. The most effective means of citizen’s control over

administration is
A. Election
B. Pressure Groups
C. Advisory Committees
D. Public Opinion
Answer: A

37. The Santhanam Committee on prevention of corruption

was appointed in
A. 1961
B. 1964
C. 1963
D. 1962
Answer: D

38. The first country in the world to introduce the right to

information was
A. Norway

C. Sweden
D. Finland
Answer: C

39. What is meant by the Doctrine of State Immunity ?

A. The State is immune to being sued
B. The State can be sued but not in the national courts
C. The State cannot be sued in its own court without its consent
D. None of the above
Answer: A

40. ‘Habeas Corpus’ literally means

A. To have the body of
B. To command
C. To prohibit
D. None of the above
Answer: A

41. The system of ‘Rule of Law’ was propounded by

A. A. V. Dicey
B. Lowell
C. W. F. Willoughby
D. H. Finer
Answer: A

Awra on a Budget sa Shopee


42. Who says that “Power corrupts and absolute power
corrupts absolutely” ?
A. L. D. White
B. Lord Beveridge
C. Lord Acton
D. Josiah Stamp
Answer: C

43. The Public Accounts Committee of Parliament in India

consists of
A. 15 members
B. 22 members
C. 25 members
D. 30 members
Answer: B

44. If a public servant imposes upon the citizens duties and

obligations which are not required by law, it can lead to
A. Error of law
B. Abuse of power
C. Error of authority
D. Error of fact finding
Answer: B

45. Of which of the following administrative systems is the

absence of judicial review a feature ?
1. USA
2. UK
3. France
4. India
A. 3
B. 2 and 3
C. 1 and 3
D. 2
Answer: B

46. The present constitution of the USA was adopted in
A. 1786
B. 1778
C. 1787
D. 1789
Answer: C

47. ‘Grand Corps’ in French Civil Service stands for

A. Senior level of specialist administrators
B. Senior level of generalist administrators
C. Senior level of generalistcum-specialist administra-tors
D. Senior level of defence administrators
Answer: C

48. In France, the term of the President is

A. Four years
B. Five years
C. Six years
D. Seven years
Answer: D

49. In England, the Cabinet must resign from office as soon

as it loses the confidence of
A. The King or the Queen
B. The House of Commons
C. The House of Lords
D. All of these
Answer: B

50. Under their service rules, the British Civil servants

A. Are required to be neutral in politics
B. Can be partisan
C. Can be partly neutral and partly partian
D. Can pursue active party politics
Answer: A

51. The term ‘Performance Budget’ was coined by

A. Administrative Reforms Commission of India

B. Second Hoover Commission of USA
C. Estimates Committee of India
D. First Hoover Commission of USA
Answer: D

52. During passing of budget in the Parliament ‘Guilotine’ is

applied to those demands which are
A. Discussed and approved
B. Discussed but not approved
C. Discussed and reduced
D. Not discussed for want of time
Answer: D

53. Audit of State Government is

A. A state subject
B. A union subject
C. In the concurrent list
D. None of these
Answer: B

54. In which year was the Committee on Public Undertakings

constituted by the Lok Sabha ?
A. 1953
B. 1956
C. 1963
D. 1964
Answer: D

55. The number of demands in the general budget for civil

expenditure is
A. 103
B. 106
C. 102
D. 109
Answer: A

56. The rule of lapse means

A. All appropriations voted by the legislature expire at the end of

the financial year
B. All pending bills in Parliament lapse with its prorogation
C. The demand for grants of a ministry lapse with criticism of its
policy by the opposition
D. The appropriation bill lapses if it is not returned by the Rajya
Sabha within 14 days
Answer: A

57. The C & AG of India does not audit the receipts and
expenditure of
A. Municipal undertakings
B. State Governments
C. Government companies
D. Central Government
Answer: A

58. The role of the Finance Commission in Central-State

fiscal relations has been undermined by
A. The State Governments
B. The Zonal Councils
C. The Planning Commission
D. The Election Commission
Answer: A

59. The Railway Budget was separated from the Central

Budget in the year
A. 1920
B. 1921
C. 1922
D. 1923
Answer: B

60. The Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee of the

Parliament is appointed by
A. Speaker of Lok Sabha
B. Prime Minister of India
C. President of India
D. Chairman of Rajya Sabha

Answer: A
61. The question asked orally after the question hour in the
House is called—
A. Supplementary question
B. Short notice question
C. Starred question
D. Unstarred question
Answer: C

62. The economy cut motion seeks to reduce the proposed

expenditure of a demand for grant by—
A. Rupees one hundred
B. Rupee one
C. A specified amount
D. An unspecified amount
Answer: C

63. Who was the Chairman of the Economic Reforms

Commission (1981-84) ?
A. Dharam Vira
B. L. K. Jha
C. K. Hanumanthiya
D. B. G. Deshmukh
Answer: B

64. In which year was the decision of separating accounting

function from audit function taken by the
Central Government for its financial administration ?
A. 1950
B. 1965
C. 1976
D. 2000
Answer: C

65. In which recruitment, in a system for higher position is open

to all the qualified candidates who may
wish to apply is known as ?
A. Direct recruitment
B. Recruitment by promotion 
C. Ordinary recruitment
D. Passive recruitment
Answer: A

66. ‘Position classification’ is the classification of—

A. Salaries
B. Duties
C. Departments
D. Personal status of incumbents
Answer: B

67. The civil service was defined as “professional body of

officials, permanent, paid and skilled” by—
A. Herman Finer
B. O. G. Stahl
C. Felix Nigro
D. E. N. Gladden
Answer: A

68. A new All India Service can be created by—

A. An amendment of the constitution
B. An executive order
C. A resolution under Article 312 of the Constitution
D. A statute
Answer: C

69. The British concept of Civil Service neutrality is laid down by

A. Fulton Committee
B. Assheton Committee
C. Masterman Committee
D. Northcote-Trevelyn Committee
Answer: C

70. The ‘spoils system’ in the USA began during the period of—
A. Jefferson
B. Jackson
C. Washington 
D. Adams
Answer: B

71. Promotion in Civil Services indicates—

A. Such changes in the situation which indicate difficult work
and more important responsibility
B. Change in the place of work
C. Transfer of work from field to Headquarters
D. Always an increase in pay
Answer: A

72. Which of the following is not an All India Service ?

A. Indian Foreign Service
B. Indian Administrative Service
C. Indian Forest Service
D. Indian Police Service
Answer: A

73. The Union Public Service Commission of India has been

established under the—
A. Article 315
B. Article 320
C. Article 325
D. Article 335
Answer: A

74. Which of the following reports deals with the relations

between the specialists and generalists ?
A. Haldane Committee Report
B. Sarkaria Commission Report
C. Fulton Committee Report
D. Kothari Committee Report
Answer: C

75. Reservation for the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in

the services has been provided in the
Indian Constitution under—
A. Article 315 
B. Article 335
C. Article 365
D. Article 375
Answer: B

76. Which one of the following is not the occasion for criticising
the administration in the Lok Sabha?
A. General discussion on the budget B. Voting on demands for
C. Motion of thanks to the President D. Discussion on the Finance
Answer: c

77. Which of the following is not true of Audit in India?

A. It is Constitutional obligation B. It looks into the question of
merites of expenditure
C. It investigates into the impropriety, wasterfulness or
extravagance of expenditure D. It is governed by an executive
Answer: d

78. Which one of the following does not form a part of the
A. Review of public Finance of the previous year B. Estimates of
receipts and expenditure of the current year
C. The actual receipts and expenditure of the previous three
years D. Proposals for meeting the requirements of the following
Answer: c

79. Which one of the following statements about ‘Audit’ is not

A. It adopts a fault-finding approach B. It concerns itself with
financial propriety
C. It is concerned with adherence to rules, regulations and
procedures D. It critically examines income, expenditure and
Answer: a 
80. Which one of the following is not a primary function of the
accounting system?
A. To reveal financial conditions of the or ganisation B. To
protect those who handle funds
C. To prevent necessary adjustment in expenditure D. To help
Answer: b

81. Which Committee of Parliament in India examines the Audit

Report of Comptroller and Auditor General?
A. Estimates Committee B. Committee on Public Undertakings
C. Assurance Committee D. Public Accounts Committee
Answer: d

82. Dimock ejoins that a soundly conceived budget should have

five major qualities. Which of the following does not find its
place among than?
A. Responsibility B. Reliability C. Comprehensiveness D.
Answer: d

83. Which of the following functions is not the responsibility of

the Central Budget Agency?
A. Making adequate resources available B. Ensuring proper
utilization available
C. Preparing new programmes for achieving governmental
objectives D. Evaluating the targets fixed and achieved
Answer: d

84. If the financial administration is to become effective, which

of the following principles could be dispensed with without
much disadvantage?
A. Responsibility B. Accountability C. Control D. Expansion
Answer: d

85. In which country trade unions are also associated with the
work of audit?

A. United States of America B. Japan C. Sweden D. France
Answer: b

86. Which Committee of Parliament in India examines the Audit

Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General?
A. Estimates Committee B. Assurance Committee
C. Public Accounts Committee D. Committee on Public
Answer: c

87. Who prepares the ‘Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts’

of the Centre and State Governments?
A. Public Accounts Committee B. Comptroller and Auditor
General of India
C. Planning Commission D. Audit and Accounts Department
Answer: d

88. Who among the following has defined the civil service as a
“Professional body of officials, permanent, paid and skilled”?
A. Ogg and Zink B. Herman Finer C. L.D. White D. W.F.
Answer: b

89. Which of the following does not concern the Union Public
Services Commission?
A. Recruitment B. Classification of Services C. Disciplinary
matters D. Promotion
Answer: b

90. Which one of the following explains the concept of ‘Selection

from within’?
A. Selection of candidates through direct recruitment B. Selection
based on merit
C. Selection through promotions D. Selection based on seniority
Answer: c

91. Who among the following said, “There can be no doubt that
the standard of administration depends upon the caliber of civil 
servants who are appointed to these posts”?
A. Jawaharlal Nehru B. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
C. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel D. Warren Hastings
Answer: a

92. Which one of the following Committee was appointed by the

UPSC in 1974 to go into the issue of recruitment and selection
A. A.D. Gorwala Committee B. D.S. Kothari Committee
C. Santhanam Committee D. Joint Committee on Administrative
Answer: b

93. Which of the following system is adopted for classification of

higher civil services in India?
A. Rank Classification B. Position classification
C. Unified Grading Structure D. All of these
Answer: a

94. On what equal basis, positions are grouped under ‘position

A. Salary structure B. Duties and Responsibility
C. Seniority in services D. Age
Answer: b

95. Which one of the following is not a part of formal training?

A. Prescribed syllabus B. Lecture in the class
C. Correspondence programme D. Learning while working
Answer: d

96. Which of the following to principles are appropriate for

A. Merit and Educational level B. Merit and Experience
C. Merit and Seniority D. Experience and seniority
Answer: c

97. Which of the following is not an All-India Service?

A. Indian Foreign Service B. Indian Administrative Service 
C. Indian Forest Services D. Indian Polices Service
Answer: a

98. Who was the Chairman of the Fifth Pay Commission?

A. Justice C. Rangarajan B. Justice Pandiayan
C. Justice Ahemedi D. Justice Kuldeep Singh
Answer: b

99. Which is the incorrect base of salary structure?

A. Equal pay for equal work B. Capability of the appointee
C. Living Expenditure D. Equal pay for all
Answer: d

100. Which of the following principles is related to salary

determination of civil servants?
A. Demand and Supply B. Merit
C. Seniority D. Merit-cum-Seniority
Answer: a

101. Village Panchayat is accountable to the—

A. Panchayat Samiti
B. Zila Parishad
C. Chairman of the Village Panchayat
D. None of the above
Answer: D.

102. Who among the following is known as ‘the father of local

selfgovernment’ in India ?
A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. Lord Canning
C. Lord Ripon
D. Lord Wellesley
Answer: C.

103. Ashok Mehta Committee recommended for the

establishment of—
A. Nagar Panchayat
B. Panchayat Samiti 
C. Mandal Panchayat
D. Gram Panchayat
Answer: C.

104. The first municipal corporation in India was set-up at

Madras in the year—
A. 1767
B. 1687
C. 1667
D. 1678
Answer: B.

105. In the Constitution of India, economic and social planning is

included in the—
A. Union List of the VII Schedule
B. State List of the VII Schedule
C. Concurrent List of the VII Schedule
D. None of the above
Answer: C.

106. Which among of the following is not considered as part of

the Civil Society ?
A. Non-Government Organisations
B. Caste associations
C. Legislature
D. Family
Answer: C.

107. Who conceived the concept of Gram Swaraj ?

A. Jaya Prakash Narain
B. Vinoba Bhave
C. Mahatma Gandhi
D. Swami Dayanand
Answer: C.

108. State Finance Commission is appointed by a State

Government every five year to determine—
A. Financial resources of the state for placing state’s 
requirements before the Union Government
B. Development requirements of the state for formulating State
Five Year Plan
C. Budgetary requirements of various departments of the state
D. Pattern of distribution of state’s tax revenue between the state
government and local bodies (both rural and urban) and the
pattern of grant-in-aid to local bodies
Answer: D.

109. Reservation of seats for women in Panchayati Raj bodies

seeks to ensure—
A. Economic welfare of women and children
B. Gender parity in rural society
C. Participation of women in public life
D. Empowerment of women as an individual
Answer: C.

110. Mayor-in-Council form of government means—

A. Cabinet form of government at the municipal level
B. Classical prefectorial form of government at the municipal
C. Making Mayor unaccountable to his colleagues
D. Presidential form of government at the municipal level
Answer: A.

111. According to 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act, the

minimum age for contesting elections to the Panchayati Raj
Institutions should be—
A. 18 years
B. 23 years
C. 21 years
D. 25 years
Answer: C.

112. Town Area Committee is constituted and governed by—

A. District Board
B. State Legislature 
C. Governor
D. Municipal Council
Answer: B.

113. The Lokayukta and Uplokayuktas Act was first passed in—
A. Maharashtra
B. West Bengal
C. Karnataka
D. Orissa
Answer: D.

114. Eleventh Schedule of the Constitution relating to the

Panchayats contains—
A. 18 items
B. 28 items
C. 19 items
D. 29 items
Answer: D.

115. Which one of the following statements is not correct about

civil society organisations ?
A. They are sovereign bodies
B. They are voluntary but nonprofit-making agencies
C. They work in close proximity with people
D. They create awareness; educate and sensitise people on
common issues and act as catalysts of social change
Answer: A.

116. The ‘Recall’ provision to remove the elected office-bearers

from the local self-government institution has been executed in

A. Bihar
B. Kerala
C. Madhya Pradesh
D. Haryana
Answer: C.

117. The State Election Commission conducts, controls and
supervises municipal elections under—
A. Article 240(1)
B. Article 241(2)
C. Article 243(K)
D. Article 245D.
Answer: C.

118. Which of the following states does not have Panchayati Raj
Institution at all ?
A. Assam
B. Tripura
C. Kerala
D. Nagaland
Answer: D.

119. Under which of the Article of the Constitution of India did

the District Planning Committee come into existence ?
A. 243 ZD
B. 243 ZE
C. 244 ZD
D. 242 ZD
Answer: A.

120. Which of the following is not the duty of a District

Magistrate ?
A. Maintenance of Law and Order
B. Collection of land revenue
C. Implementation of poverty alleviation programmes
D. Conduct of local bodies elections
Answer: D.

121. Both the media and police are expected to perform for:
A. 24 hours

B. 2 hours

C. 12 hours 
Answer: A.24 hours
122. At the first instance, the media should educate ______ about
the problems ofcriminal investigation:
A. Itself

B. Policemen

C. People

Answer: A.Itself

123. The media can help the police in building details of _____
work by policemen.
A. Good

B. Office

C. Police station

Answer: A.Good
124. Mass media includes:
A. Newspaper, Radio, magazine

B. Police Station, Twitter, Insatgram

C. Letters, Television, Phone

Answer: A.Newspaper, Radio, magazine

125. Media should enlist support for police operation through:
A. Community

B. Keeping the public informed about their responsibility

C. Creating atmosphere of good will

Answer: A.Community

126. The work of the police has been increasing with the increase
of _____ unrest:
A. Student

B. Media

C. Climate

Answer: A.Student
127. ______ is essential for the successful functioning of police
A. Public relations

B. Human relations

C. Psychological relations

Answer: A.Public relations

128. The expanding role of the police has brought out the
increasing need for public:
A. Cooperation

B. Division

C. Work

Answer: A.Cooperation
129. Police aims to contribute in a constructive manner to ensure
the protection of:
A. Human rights

B. Press

C. Civil society

Answer: A.Human rights

130. Police-public relations includes:
A. Police legitimacy 
B. Police tourism

C. Community policing

Answer: C.Community policing

131. The pillar of community policing is

A. Interaction

B. Partnership

C. Differences

Answer: B.Partnership
132. The cornerstone of community policing is the quality of
interaction between:
A. Police and government

B. Police and people

C. Police and community

Answer: C.Police and community

133. The focus of community policing is:
A. Law enforcement

B. Public

C. Politicians

Answer: B.Public
134. The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) was
established in:
A. 1991

B. 1993

C. 1994 
Answer: B.1993
135. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was
adopted in:
A. 1947

B. 1948

C. 1949

Answer: B.1948

136. The courts in India have been recognizing Human Rights as:
A. Natural

B. Constitutional

C. Corporate

Answer: A.Natural
137. Human Rights are essential for :
A. Human beings

B. Society

C. Government

Answer: A.Human beings

138. ______ is the space between the state and the individual.
A. Community policing

B. Civil society

C. Media

Answer: B.Civil society

139. Police performance can be improved through collaboration
A. Bureaucrats 
B. Political parties

C. Civil society

Answer: C.Civil society

140. The activities of the police particularly in relation to
accusations of abuse of humanrights have often been highlighted
A. Civil society

B. Students groups

C. Trade Unions

Answer: A.Civil society

141. Strong links with civil society groups help the police in ____
of cases:
A. Registration

B. Investigation

C. Prosecution

Answer: B.Investigation

142. When dealing with students’ groups the police personnel

prefer the presence of
A. Politicians

B. Lawyer

C. Senior police officers

Answer: C.Senior police officers

143. The police personnel treat the students as their principal
A. Critic

B. Supporter 
C. Ally

Answer: A.Critic
144. The students have a much ____ class base than the police
A. Narrow

B. Wider

C. Closed

Answer: B.Wider
145. The students who confront the police establishment are
generally drawn from the
A. Upper class of the society

B. Middle classes of the society

C. Lower classes of the society

Answer: B.Middle classes of the society

146. In confrontation with the police the students gets sympathy
from the
A. Politicians

B. General masses

C. Elites

Answer: B.General masses

147. The negative attitude of the students towards the police
stems from the policemen’s
A. Discourtesy

B. Unprofessionalism

C. Civility

Answer: A.Discourtesy

148. The chances of confrontation between the police and the

students are considerablylower in
A. Political issues

B. Academic issues

C. Non-academic issues

Answer: B.Academic issues

149. In ensuring the protection of human rights the police have
to continuously examine their methods and
A. Behaviour

B. Goals

C. Life

Answer: A.Behaviour
150. Violation of Human Rights is most common among
A. Public

B. Police

C. Politicians

Answer: A.Public

151. Violation of Human Rights is most common among the

police personnel mainlybecause of
A. Constitution

B. Politicization of police force

C. Indifferent attitude of police personnel

Answer: B.Politicization of police force
152. Human Rights in simple usage means
A. Rights of women only

B. Rights of children only

C. Rights of everyone

Answer: C.Rights of everyone

153. Human Rights are
A. Visible

B. Sociable

C. Inherent

Answer: C.Inherent
154. Community policing is a law enforcement
A. Agency

B. Strategy

C. Commission

Answer: A.Agency
155. A key component of community policing is
A. Organizational transformation

B. Reservation

C. Rationalization

Answer: A.Organizational transformation

156. Neighbourhood policing is associated with

A. Police station

B. Beat system 
C. Community policing

Answer: C.Community policing

157. Community policing became important in the
A. 1950s

B. 1960s

C. 1970s

Answer: C.1970s
158. Grievance is a feeling of:
A. Injustice

B. Grief

C. Negativity

Answer: A.Injustice
159. Grievances originate from gaps in:
A. Communication

B. Power struggle

C. None of the above

Answer: A.Communication
160. A person’s attitude towards the police is conditioned by:
A. Interaction

B. Confrontation

C. Conflict

Answer: A.Interaction

161. Citizens’ grievances against the police at the time of

registration of cases usually take the form of: 
A. Bribes

B. Nepotism

C. Indifferent attitude

Answer: A.Bribes
162. At the time of investigation of cases, citizens’ complaints
against the police stemfrom:
A. Inappropriate investigative authority

B. Indifferent attitude

C. Confrontation

Answer: A.Inappropriate investigative authority

163. The major grievance of the citizens’ against the police is :
A. Corruption

B. Conflict

C. Control

Answer: A.Corruption
164. Third degree method relates to:
A. Fabrication of evidence

B. Favouritism

C. Beating

Answer: C.Beating
165. In general, the citizens do not _______ the police.
A. Trust

B. Doubt

C. Suspect 
Answer: A.Trust
166. The police-public relations is:
A. Hostile

B. Friendly

C. Pleasant

Answer: C.Pleasant

167. The public regard the police as:

A. Inhuman

B. Kind

C. Friend

Answer: A.Inhuman
168. Whenever there are disturbances in the society ______ are
the first to be blamed
A. Politicians

B. General public

C. Policemen

Answer: C.Policemen
169. The Police Durbar hears grievances of:
A. Individual personnel

B. Group of officers

C. Officers

Answer: B.Group of officers

170. The majority of complains citizens have against the police is
A. Investigation of crime 
B. Techniques of crime

C. Registration of crime

Answer: C.Registration of crime

171. The Orderly Room System receives complaints ________ in a
A. Once

B. Twice

C. Thrice

Answer: B.Twice
172. The Orderly Room System hears grievances of:
A. Individual personnel

B. Group of officers

C. Officers

Answer: A.Individual personnel

173. Police Durbars are held _______ a month.

A. Once

B. Twice

C. Thrice

Answer: A.Once
174. Common problems of policemen are heard in:
A. Orderly Room System

B. Police Durbars

C. Welfare Committee

Answer: B.Police Durbars
175. Policing in India is highly:
A. Centralised

B. Decentraliosed

C. Democratic

Answer: A.Centralised

176. The National Police Commission was established in 1977

after the:
A. State Emergency

B. National Emergency

C. Financial Emergency

Answer: B.National Emergency

177. The Supreme Court in India gave directions for police
reform in
A. 1989

B. 1999

C. 2006

Answer: C.2006
178. The police are mostly used to maintain and sustain the;
A. Bureaucrats

B. Ruling Party

C. Politicians

Answer: B.Ruling Party

179. The autonomy of the police force is affected by:
A. Criminals 
B. Politics

C. Economy

Answer: B.Politics
180. The First Police Commission was set up in:
A. 1855

B. 1860

C. 1977

Answer: B.1860

181. The Working Group on Police Reforms was set up in 1967

A. Central Vigilance Commission

B. Administrative Reforms Commission

C. National police Commission

Answer: B.Administrative Reforms Commission

182. The National Police Commission was appointed by
government in:
A. 1971

B. 1977

C. 1987

Answer: B.1977
183. The National Human Rights Commission was established to
attend to citizens’complaints about alleged violation of:
A. Rights

B. Duties

C. Responsibili suggested introduction ofties

Answer: A.Rights

184. Which Committee suggested the introduction of community

A. Ribeiro Committee

B. Gore Committee

C. Padmanabhaiah Committee

Answer: C.Padmanabhaiah Committee

185. The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 2013 was passed by the
Parliament followingthe recommendations of the:
A. Shah Commission

B. Ribeiro Committee

C. Justice Verma Committee

Answer: C.Justice Verma Committee

186. The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 2013 have increased

the accountability of thepolice with respect to:
A. Gender-based crimes

B. Crimes against Children

C. Cyber Crimes

Answer: A.Gender-based crimes

187. The most alarming challenges of policing in 21st Century is

that of:
A. Cyber crimes

B. Terrorism

C. Excessive political interference

Answer: A.Cyber crimes

188. A major challenge that police in India has been facing since
independence is:
A. Cyber crimes

B. Excessive political interference

C. Terrorism

Answer: B.Excessive political interference

189. One of the major reasons for inefficiency of police personnel

A. Increased workload

B. Deficient salary

C. Citizens’ complaints

Answer: A.Increased workload

190. The present state police administration needs:

A. Systematic reorganization

B. More responsibilities

C. Status quo

Answer: A.Systematic reorganization

191. Police administration needs to be based on:

A. Fundamentalism

B. Ethnicity

C. Accountability

Answer: C.Accountability

192. The 21st Century demands the police to be:

A. Responsive

B. Biased

C. Predisposed

Answer: A.Responsive

193. For prompt services the police functions of investigation and

maintenance of law and order needs to be:
A. Continued

B. Separated

C. Aligned

Answer: B.Separated

194. The Police Act of 1861 conceived the police as a:

A. Service

B. Force

C. Community

Answer: B.Force

195. A significant obstacle to major police reform is the lack

A. Political will

B. Bureaucratic will

C. Judiciary will

Answer: A.Political will

196. To meet the new challenges in policing, the police has to

A. Myopic

B. Dynamic

C. Static

Answer: B.Dynamic

197. The core responsibility of modernization of police in

India lies with the:
A. State government

B. Central government

C. Regional government

Answer: A.State government

198. The pattern of assistance from the Ministry of home

Affairs to the state governmentfor modernization scheme is
A. 50:50

B. 75:25

C. 60:40

Answer: B.75:25

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