The Impact of Reward On Employee Performance A Cas

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The Impact of Reward on Employee Performance (A Case Study of Malakand

Private School)

Article in International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences · May 2015

DOI: 10.18052/


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2 authors, including:

Muhammad Ibrar
Preston university islmabad


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International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Vol. 52 (2015) pp 95-103 Online: 2015-05-15
© (2015) SciPress Ltd., Switzerland



Muhammad Ibrar, Owais Khan

Department of Business Adminstration (Human Resource Management)
E-mail address:

Keywords: Extrinsic rewards; Intrinsic rewards; job performance

Purpose :The aim of this study is to investigate how to employee performance impact on
reward in private school. The study also aims to show how to employee improve the performance
has in reward system.
Design/methodology/approach: Questionnaire is used as instrument and 100 questionnaires were
used to check the respondent’s opinion
Findings: descriptive analysis, correlation and multiple regression tests were applied for data
Conclution:study concludes that there is positive relationship between rewards (extrinsic and
intrinsic) and employee’s job performance. Most of the organizations implement rewards system to
increase the job performance and job satisfaction.
Originality/value: By reviewing the different finding that the reward and employee performance.
the contribution of this paper is to look at how to finding the effective solution of employee
performance will be in reward system inter-organisational and school.
Study of paper: The study of this paper is exploratry is qualitative study of research.

A reward system is important for the employee performance. As employee performance will
be more effective to high reward system. That how to be high performance is base high reward vice
versa. Job performance is also part of human resources management. Performance is an
important for the organization succession and achieving the goals. There is so much changing
occurring in the school education in the world an every school has much relay on employee’s good
performance. Rewards are considered an important tool to check the employee’s performance in
every organization. Management use rewards for employees motivations. So we can say that
effective reward system attract new employees for organization and motivate existing employees to
perform high levels. Employee’s good work is necessary to achieve the specific goals. Employees
give their good efforts for achieving goals and good effort depends on rewards. In other words we
can say that good rewards are most important way to engage the employees with their work and
with their organization.
Schuler and Jackson (1996), the connection and relationship between rewards, motivation and job
satisfaction of employees have much significance to success of both public and private sectors.
Employees want to get both types of rewards means financial and nonfinancial rewards. Some
employees of school prefer the financial rewards and other are nonfinancial rewards that
opportunity to take an important tasks and projects, attention and encouragement of leadership. In
this way employees feel that they are being valued by the employers and also feel that the company
is seriously involved in employee’s career and development. So these rewards contribute to improve
the satisfaction level of workers (Dewhurst, 2010).

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96 Volume 52

La Belle (2005), different employees have different needs about rewards. Some employees consider
cash is sufficient to fulfill their needs and some others wants to material incentives like car, house,
and some prefer holidays and some prefer nonmaterial incentives. Public sector employees much
prefer extrinsic factors then intrinsic factors, such as pay, as more important than private sector
employees (Maidani, 1991).
These two basic rewards (financial and nonfinancial) can be utilized positively to increase the
performance of employees. Financial reward mostly consist on pay for performance such as job
promotion, bonus, commission, gifts etc. and nonfinancial rewards mostly consist on social
recognition, appreciation, work kind condition, meaning full work responsibility etc.

According to Neckermann and Kosfeld (2008), nonfinancial rewards also called nonmaterial
 The impact of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards on employee’s performance.
 Rewards increase your overall satisfaction on the job.

Rewards systems are often implemented within organizations as a key management tool that can
contribute to a firm’s effectiveness by influencing individual behavior and motivating employees at
work (Lawler and Cohen,1992).
Organizations tend to focus on financial rewards, and non-financial rewards have become
increasingly being overlooked (Chiang and Birtch, 2008).
Every employee has his or her own set of needs and motivators. Therefore, school principal have to
carefully select the right rewards that respond to individual needs. Some are motivated by money,
while others motivated by recognition, increment of pay. Career advancement or personal growth;
which is not direct or instant material benefits. Thus it is wrong to assume that everyone shares the
same motivator and needs. (Lai, 2009)
Many researchers have found that employees’ job satisfaction is affected by both financial and non-
financial rewards (Gerald and Dorothee, 2004; Clifford, 1985; Kalleberg, 1977; and Rehman, Khan,
Ziauddin and Lashari, 2010). An ineffective reward management will affect employees’ satisfaction
and de-motivate them, hence affecting their performance outcome.
Rewards is one of the important elements to motivate employees for contributing their best effort to
generate innovation ideas that lead to better business functionality and further improvise company
performance both financial and non-financially.
According to Dewhurst (2010), there are other means to reward employees that do not just focus
on financial compensation. Some of these include the praised that employees are able to acquire
from their managers, the opportunity to take on important projects or tasks, and even leadership
attention. Much research on leader power have found that supervisor reward power would be
positively associated with employee task performance, productivity, satisfaction, turnover, and
organizational citizenship behaviors( Simon,1976; Martin & Hunt, 1980; Jahangir,2006).Employee
will give their maximum when they have a feeling or trust that their efforts will be rewarded by the
management. There are many factors that affect employee performance like working conditions,
worker and employer relationship, training and development opportunities, job security, and
company’s overall policies and procedures for rewarding employees, etc. Among all those factors
which affect employee performance, motivation that comes with rewards is of utmost importance.
Motivation is an accumulation of different processes which influence and direct our behavior to
achieve some specific goal (Baron, 1983).
Rewards can be extrinsic or intrinsic, extrinsic rewards are tangible rewards and these rewards are
external to the job or task performed by the employee. External rewards can be in terms of salary/
pay, incentives, bonuses, promotions, job security, etc. Intrinsic rewards are intangible rewards or
psychological rewards like appreciation, meeting the new challenges, positive and caring attitude
from employer, and job rotation after attaining the goal. According to Luthans(2000), there are two
basic types of rewards, financial and non-financial and both can be utilized positively to enhance
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Vol. 52 97

performance behaviors of employees. Financial rewards means pay-for-performance such as

performance bonus, job promotion, commission, tips, gratuities and gifts etc. Non financial rewards
are non monetary/non cash and it is a social recognition such as acknowledgement, certificate, and
genuine appreciation etc. The non financial rewards is also called materials award (Neckermann and
Kosfeld, 2008).Desired performance can only be achieved efficiently and effectively, if employee
gets a sense of mutual gain of organization as well as of himself, with the attainment of that defined
target or goal. An organization must carefully set the rewards system to evaluate the employee’s
performance at all levels and them rewarding them whether visible pay for performance of invisible
satisfaction. The concept of performance management has given a rewards system which contains;
needs and goals alignment between organization and employees, rewarding employee both
extrinsically and intrinsically. The system also suggests where training and development is needed
by the employee in order to complete the defined goals. This training or development need
assessment of employee gives them an intrinsic motivation. Frey (1997).

Reward is a broad construct that has been said to represent anything that an employee may
value that an employer is willing to offer in exchange for his or her contributions (Chiang and
Birtch, 2008). The lack of rewards will create an unpleasant environment, thus diminishing
employees’ work efforts and may cause them to with draw from their jobs. For these reasons,
rewards are increasingly important. The main objectives of rewards are to attract and retain
employees, to motivate employees to achieve high levels of performance, and to elicit and reinforce
desired behavior of the employees. Organizations often use financial rewards to prevent employee
dissatisfaction and to motivate employees, although it may not be the best motivator for the long
term (Mossbarger and Eddington, 2003).
Deeprose (2014) had stated that “while the presence of money may not be a very good motivator,
the absence of it isa strong de-motivator”. In addition, financial rewards are significant not only in
terms of their instrument value as a medium of exchange, but also a highly tangible means of
recognizing an individual’s worth, improving self-esteem, and symbolizing status and
achievement(Armstrong, 1996).
Therefore, organizations can best utilize financial rewards in supporting organizational human
resource strategy.Non-financial rewards are tangible rewards provided and controlled by a firm;
which do not necessarily benefitemployees in monetary sense (Chiang and Birtch, 2008).
Nowadays, individuals require beyond monetary rewardsfor their effort (Millmore et al, 2007). This
means that employees seek for other return in exchange for their contribution which is of value and
meaningful to them, rather than being given just money (Johnson and Welsh,1999). Given the
labor-intensive nature of the hospitality industry and the rising pressure to control costs,
nonfinancial rewards are being used increasingly to motivate employee performance and to increase
employee satisfaction (Chiang and Birtch, 2008).
Rewards have two broad types; extrinsic and intrinsic rewards are also called financial and
nonfinancial rewards and these rewards further divided in so many sub categories. Extrinsic rewards
relates to financial rewards or cash related like formal recognition, fringe benefits, incentive type
payments, pay, promotion and intrinsic relates to nonfinancial or non-cash rewards like
achievement, accomplishment feelings, recognition, job satisfaction and growth (Clifford,1985).
Today world balance between employee‟s commitment and performance for the organizationis
much necessary and rewards are most important tool for employee‟s commitment, job satisfaction,
and motivation and employees good performance. Kalleberg, (1977) explained rewards consist on
benefits that employees receive in exchange of their work during the job. According to Wang
(2004), in so many organization rewards plays so many roles in sustaining and creating
commitment among employees for good performance and that better performance leads to job
satisfaction. When employees achieved their desire results from job so that of desired achievement
is called job satisfaction (Brief & weiss, 2002).
98 Volume 52

Ali & Ahmad, (2009) investigated that there is positive relationship between “recognition and
reward”, “performance”. They stated that if reward and recognition are given to employee then
there is a huge change in their employee performance.
The study conducted to check the relationship between rewards and employee‟s performance
schools of Pakistan. They use these variables employees‟ performance, job description, extrinsic
reward, intrinsic reward, gender discrimination, and environment; recondition techniques, and
performance bonus. They used cement companies, questionnaire was used for data collection, and
Total two hundred questionnaires were randomly distributed among the employees of private
schools in Khyber Pakhtoonkhawa Province of Pakistan. The results revealed that there is a direct
relation between reward system and employee‟s performance (Qureshi, Zaman, & Shah, 2010).
Jehanzeb et al. (2012)
According to Mishra and Dixit (2013), financial and non financial rewards and benefits are highly
correlated with employee‟s performance in an education rewards system. Because of positive
relationship of between rewards and performance also increase the job satisfaction of workers. Job
satisfaction leads to success and feelings of achievement during the job. Also linked increase
productivity, increase worker’s efforts on job and leads to happiness enthusiasm, feeling of
fulfillment (Kaliski, 2007). Rewards promote happiness and job satisfaction investigated in his
research study by (Boehm & Lyubomirsky, 2008). Intrinsic and extrinsic rewards are determinants
work satisfaction (Clifford, 1985).
According to Andrew & Kent (2004), explained in his research all the employees revolve around
the rewards and recognition so the both aspects have much importance for employees. Good reward
system help to retain high performers in the firm so rewards must be fulfill the high performer’s
feelings (Carraher, Gibson, & Buckley, 2006). Bishop (1987) explained that pay relates to
productivity and reward system relate to size of the firm. Monetary and nonmonetary rewards
motivate the workers of any organization and these rewards also resulted in higher growth and
productivity (Reio & Callahon, 2004). Organizations in today’s environment seek to determine the
reasonable balance between employee commitment and performance of the organization. The
reward and recognition programs serve as the most contingent factor in keeping employees’ self
esteem high and passionate. Oosthuizen (2001) stated that it is among the function of managers to
motivate the employees successfully and influence their behavior to achieve greater organizational
efficiency. La Mott (1995) is of the view that performance at job is the result of ability and
motivation. Ability formulated through education, equipment, training, experience, ease in task and
two types of capacities i.e. mental and physical. The performance evaluation and rewards are the
factors that proved to be the bonding agents of the performance evaluation programs.
According to Wilson (1994), the process of performance management is one among the key
elements of total reward system. Entwistle (1987) is of the view that if an employee performs
successfully, it leads to organizational rewards and as a result motivational factor of employees lies
in their performance. Majority of the organizations require their employees to work according to the
rules and regulations, as well as, job requirements that comply with full standards. The
investigations that have been conducted to find the relationship between compensation and
individuals were focused to increase the performance of employees (Ciscel, 1974). The highly
motivated employees serve as the competitive advantage for any company because their
performance leads an organization to well accomplishment of its goals. Among financial,
economical and human resources, human resources are more vital that can provide a company
competitive edge as compared to others.
According to Andrew (2004), commitment of all employees is based on rewards and recognition.
Lawler (2003) argued that prosperity and survival of the organizations is determined through the
human resources how they are treated. Most of organizations have gained the immense progress by
fully complying with their business strategy through a well balanced reward and recognition
programs for employee. Deeprose (1994) argued that the motivation of employees and their
productivity can be enhanced through providing them effective recognition which ultimately results
in improved performance of organizations. The entire success of an organization is based on how an
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Vol. 52 99

organization keeps its employees motivated and in what way they evaluate the performance of
employees for job compensation. Managing the performance of employees forms an integral part of
any organizational strategy and how they deal with their human capital (Drucker as cited in Meyer
& Kirsten, 2005). Today where every organization has to meet its obligations; the performance of
employees has a very crucial impact on overall organizational achievement. In a demotivated
environment, low or courage less employees can not practice their skills, abilities, innovation and
full commitment to the extent an organization needs. Freedman (1978) is of the view that when
effective rewards and recognition are implemented within an organization, favorable working
environment is produced which motivates employees to excel in their performance. Employees take
recognition as their feelings of value and appreciation and as a result it boosts up morale of
employee which ultimately increases productivity of organizations. Csikszentmihalyi (1990) Flynn
(1998) argued that rewards and recognition programs keep high spirits among employees, boosts up
their morale and create a linkage between performance and reward of the employees. The basic
purpose of recognition and reward program is to define a system to pay and communicate it to the
employees so that they can link their reward to their performance.
Rewards play a vital role in determining the significant performance in job and it is positively
associated with the process of motivation.
Lawler (2003) argued that there are two factors which determine how much a reward is attractive,
first is the amount of reward which is given and the second is the weight age an individual gives to
a certain reward.
Deeprose (1994, p. 3) is of the view that “Good managers recognize people by doing things that
acknowledge their accomplishments and they reward people by giving them something tangible.”
Fair chances of promotion according to employee’s ability and skills make employee more loyal to
their work and become a source of pertinent workability for the employee. Bull (2005) posits a view
that when employees experience success in mentally challenging occupations
Rewards and recognition are the key parameters of today’s motivation programs according to most
of the organizations as these bind the success factor with the employees’ performance. Robbins
(2001) asserts that promotions create the opportunity for personal growth, increased levels of
responsibility and an increase on social standing. Similarly, the recognition which is a central point
towards employee motivation adores an employee through appreciation and assign as status at
individual level in addition to being an employee of the organization. Barton (2002) argued that the
factor in Rewards and recognition at their job. Rewards enhance the level of productivity and
performance at job whether it’s a first time performance or repeated activity at the job in a
progressive way.
Eastman (2009) consistently found that intrinsic motivation is conducive to producing creative
work, while extrinsic motivation is unfavorable to producing creative work.
Gagne (2009) suggested a new model of knowledge-sharing motivation which provides suggestion
for designing five important human resource management (HRM) practices including staffing, job
design, performance and compensation systems, managerial styles and training.
Ali and Ahmed (2009) confirmed that there is a statistically significant relationship between
reward and recognition respectively, also motivation and satisfaction. The study revealed that if
rewards or recognition offered to
100 Volume 52

The following hypothesis can be formulated on the basis of literature review.

Ho: There will be no association between extrinsic rewards and employee’s job performance.

H1: There will be direct assocation between extrinsic rewards and employee’s job performance.

Ho: There will be no association between intrinsic rewards and employee’s job performance.

H2: There will be direct assocation between intrinsic rewards and employee’s job performance.


A group of related ideas that provides guidance to a research project or business endeavor.
The appropriateness of a theoretical framework that a marketing department is using to promote its
corporate and product image to the consuming public can be an important determinant of its
ultimate success. A theoretical framework as identified the relationship between different variables
as it positive or negative, no relationship.

Identification of variables: An this research paper I identified different types of dependent and
dependent variables This study use rewards as an independent variable and these rewards consist of
two main types‟ extrinsic rewards and intrinsic reward. So extrinsic rewards includes bonus, lunch,
work tools, car benefit, housing, private office room, flexible office hours, free medical, relaxation
room, free tickets and intrinsic rewards includes well aware, right, opportunity,
recognition, my development, importance, opinions, grow, quality work, appreciated. Study
involves employee‟s job performance and as dependent variables.

Shematic Diagram;





Figure 1: Conceptual research framework

International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Vol. 52 101

This model shows the impact of reward extrinsic and intrinsic rewards on employee‟s job

The reward is more important of any nature of business, organization, instituation, schools,
very benefacial for the employee‟s job performance . It is natural process that human performance
performance is based on motivation and motivation can be concerned in reward on this increased
with better performance is compared to absent of reward. This study of research paper
prove performance of employee is positive impact in school system.


Personal information
1. Respondent No _________________________
2. Gender of the respondent
a. Male
b. Female
3. Age of the respondent
a. 18 – 23
b. 24-29
c. 30-35
d. 36-41
e. 42-47
f. 48 and above 48
4. Field of the respondent ----------------------------
5. Educational career of the respondent
a. BS(4 year)
b. MA /MSc
c. M.phil
d. PHD
e. Any other diploma
6. Family of the respondent
a. Joint family
b. Nuclear family
c. Extend family
7. Marital status of the respondent
a. Single
b. Married
8. Do you know about Reward?
a. Yes
b. No
9. If yes, then what does it mean?
a. Motivation of employee
b. No motivation of employee.
c. No impacts
d. Any other
10. Does the reward bring positive impact of employee performance?
102 Volume 52

a. Yes
b. No
11. If yes, clarify for what aspect..
a. keeps more employee
b. Lower turnover
c. To achieving the target goals
d. Any other
12. Which reward is more important for employee to motivate.
a. Financial reward
b. Non financial reward
c. any other
12. Pay decisions are linked to performance achievements?

a. Yes
b. No

13. The reward system facilitates implementation of strategy by motivating desired levels of
a. Yes
b. No
14. The reward system facilitates the implementation of strategy by attracting and retaining the
right kind of people.
a. Agree
b. Strongly agree
c. Disagree
d. Strongly Dis-agree

15. Positive and negative financial and non-financial consequences of performance (e.g. salary
adjustments, recognition) are utilized effectively.
a. Yes
b. No
16. Performance goals are mutually developed and have specific time frames.
a. Agree
b. Strongly agree
c. Disagree
d. Strongly Dis-agree

What are your suggestions regarding the reward on employee performance.

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Volume 52

The Impact of Reward on Employee Performance (A Case Study of Malakand Private School)

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