Integrated QBBBBBBB
Integrated QBBBBBBB
Integrated QBBBBBBB
Date : 1.11.2022(AN) Time :50 MIN Date : 1.11.2022(AN) Time :50 MIN
1. What is mean by Supply Chain Management? 1. What is mean by Supply Chain Management?
2. What is Time dimensions in Managerial Jobs? 2. What is Time dimensions in Managerial Jobs?
3.What is mean by contract negotiation? 3.What is mean by contract negotiation?
4.Can You List out some fundamentals of supply chain management? 4.Can You List out some fundamentals of supply chain management?
5.Define Outsourcing? 5.Define Outsourcing?
10. a) Illustrate and explain about the importance of supply chain 6. a) Illustrate and explain about the importance of supply chain
management? management?
Or Or
b) Describe in detail about the measures of Supply chain b) Describe in detail about the measures of Supply chain
management? management?
11. a) Describe in detail about the term outsourcing and risk involved in 7. a) Describe in detail about the term outsourcing and risk involved in
it? it?
Or Or
b)Discuss about negotiation and supplier selection and also b)Discuss about negotiation and supplier selection and also
mentioned some principles of negotiation? mentioned some principles of negotiation?