Volume2 CCTV

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Volume 2: Scope of Work including

Functional and Technical Specification

Guwahati Smart City Limited,

Guwahati, Assam

Tender Notice No: SPV/GSCL/DEV/214/2023/194


The information contained in this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) document whether subsequently provided to the bidders (“Bidder/s”),
verbally or in documentary form by Guwahati Smart City Limited (henceforth referredtoas“Authority”inthisdocument)oranyof its
employees or advisors, is provided to Bidders on the terms and conditions set out in this tender document and any other terms and
conditions subject to which such information is provided.

This RFP is neither an agreement nor an offer or invitation to any party. The purpose of this document is to provide the Bidders or any
other person with information to assist in the formulation of their Techno- commercial offers (“Bid”). This RFP includes statements,
which reflect various assumptions and assessments whichmaybearrivedat bythe Authorityinrelationtotheprojectscope.ThisRFPdoes
not purport to contain all the information which each Bidder may require. This RFP may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not
possible for the Chief Executive Officer, Authority and their employees or advisors to consider the objectives, technical expertise and
particular needs of each Bidder. The assumptions, assessments, statements and information contained in the bid documents may not
be complete, accurate, adequate or correct. Hence, each Bidder must therefore conduct their own independent analysis of the
information contained inthe RFP and seek its own professional advice from appropriate sources.

Information provided in this RFP to the Bidder is on a wide range of matters, some of which may depend upon the interpretation of
the law. The information given is not intended to be an exhaustive account of statutory requirements and should not be regarded
as a complete or authoritative statement of law. The authority accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise for any
interpretation of opinion on law expressed herein.

The authority also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or otherwise how so ever caused arising from a
reliance of any Bidder upon the statements contained in this RFP. Authority may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any
obligation to do so, can amend/modify or supplement the information in this RFP.

This RFP does not imply that Authority is bound to select a Bidder or to appoint the Selected Bidder (as defined hereinafter), for
Implementation and Authority reserves the right to reject all or any of the Bidders or Bids without assigning any reason thereof.

1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11
1.1. Introduction to Intelligent City Surveillance Project in Guwahati……………………………………………………11
1.2. Project Objectives………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….11
1.3. Strategic Objective of the Project………………………………………………………………………………………………….12
1.4. Project Outcomes & Benefits…………………………………………………………………………………………………………13

2. Scope of Work for the Project………………………………………………………………………. 14

2.1. Intelligent City Surveillance System……………………………………………………………………………………………...14
2.2. Variable Message Signage ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15
2.3. Public Announcement and Emergency Call Box…………………………………………………………………………....15
2.4. Geographical Information System (GIS)…………………………………………………………………………………………15
2.5. Integrated Command Control Center for Intelligent Surveillance System……………………………………….16
2.6. Key activities under the scope of the SI………………………………………………………………………………………….16
2.7. Operations and Maintenance (O&M) services……………………………………………………………………………….23
2.8. Convergence………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….24
2.9. Responsibility Matrix…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….24
2.10. Project Deliverable, Milestones and Timelines………………………………………………………………………………27

3. Payment Schedule…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 29
3.1. Payment Schedule – Implementation Phase………………………………………………………………………………………..29
3.2. Payment Schedule – Operation & Maintenance Phase……………………………………………………………………….30
4. Solution Overview of Proposed Intelligent City Surveillance System………………….. 30
4.1. Installation of cameras………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..30
4.2. Installation of Public Address System and Emergency Call Back…………………………………………………………..30
4.3. Installation of Poles……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….31
4.4. Provisioning hardware and software……………………………………………………………………………………………………31
4.5. Connectivity…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………32
4.6. Site Clearance obligations and other relevant permission………………………………………………………33
4.7. Electrical works and power supply…………………………………………………………………………………………33
4.8. Civil and Electrical works……………………………………………………………………………………………………….33
4.9. Surge and Lightning-proof measures…………………………………………………………………………………….34
4.10. Earthing System……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………34
4.11. Junction Box, Poles (Gantries and Cantilever)………………………………………………………………………………….34
4.12. Cabling Infrastructure…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..34
4.13. Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of the Field Equipment……………………………….35
4.14. Cameras……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….35
4.15. Public Address System…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..35
4.16. Emergency Call Box System…………………………………………………………………………………………………..36
4.17. Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Network and Backbone Connectivity…36
4.18. Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of ICCC………………………………………….36
4.19. Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of IT Infrastructure for DR over cloud………….37
4.20. Capacity Building and Training…………………………………………………………………………………………….38
4.21. Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)………………………………………………………………………………………….39
4.22. Third Party Audit…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………39
4.23. Final Acceptance Testing………………………………………………………………………………………………………40
4.24. System Documents and User Manuals………………………………………………………………………………….40
4.25. Operations and Maintenance during contract period…………………………………………………………..41
4.26. Project Management and Operation Maintenance……………………………………………………………...41
4.27. Indicative resource requirement…………………………………………………………………………………………………………41
4.28. Hand-over of the system before contract expiry……………………………………………………………………43
4.29. Other requirements……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..43
4.30. Video Analytics for the project…………………………………………………………………………………………….43

5. Intelligent City Surveillance System – Functional Requirement & Technical

Specifications……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 44
5.1. Camera Specification………………………………………………………………………………………………………………44
5.2. IP Public Address System Specification……………………………………………………………………………………48
5.3. Emergency Call Box Specification…………………………………………………………………………………………..49
5.4. Video Monitoring, Recording & Management software………………………………………………………..50
5.5. Technical Specifications of AI Based Video Intelligence Platform…………………………………………..60
5.6. VMD (Variable Messaging Display)……………………………………………………………………………………….79
5.7. Environmental Monitoring Sensors……………………………………………………………………………………….83
5.8. Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)………………………………………………………………………………………………….87
5.9. DG- 180 KVA Silent DG Set with AMF Panel……………………………………………………………………………………..94
5.10. Integrated Command and Control Centre (ICCC)………………………………………………………………………………….98
5.11. Enterprise Management System……………………………………………………………………………………………………..124
5.12. Video wall……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….132
5.13. IP-PBX System…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………134
5.14. Industrial Grade Switch…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..148
5.15. Internet Router & Core Router……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..150
5.16. 24 Port L3 Switch (fully loaded)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………151
5.17. 24 Port Distribution Switch (Fully Loaded Non PoE)……………………………………………………………………………..152
5.18. 24 Port PoE Switch………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………153
5.19. SAN Switch………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….154
5.20. SAN Storage……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….155
5.21. Backup Software………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..156
5.22. Server Load Balancer…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………157
5.23. Servers……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….157
5.24. Server for Video Analytics…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..158
5.25. KVM Module……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….159
5.26. Rapid Deployable System………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..160

5.27. 24 Port Copper Patch Panel, fully loaded……………………………………………………………………………………………….162

5.28. 40 MM HDPE Duct………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..162
5.29. Specifications for Passive Components………………………………………………………………………………………………….163
5.30. Rack with Fire Suppression System………………………………………………………………………………………………………..168
5.31. Pole For CCTV Camera…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..168
5.32. Next Generation Perimeter Firewall………………………………………………………………………………………………………169
5.33. Next Generation Core Firewall………………………………………………………………………………………………………………175
5.34. Next Generation Firewall for Viewing Station……………………………………………………………………………………….179
5.35. Zero Day Network Threat Protection System…………………………………………………………………………………………183
5.36. Next Generation Anti-Virus and Endpoint Detection & Response………………………………………………………….186
5.37. Privileged Access Management Solution………………………………………………………………………………………………189
5.38. Security Information & Event Management(SIEM)………………………………………………………………………………200
5.39. Threat Intelligence Management ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….204
5.40. VAPT Certification & STQC Audit for DC for every year………………………………………………………………………..206
5.41. Integrated Command and Control Center(ICCC) Room Interior …………………………………………………………..207
5.42. Safety and Security System for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC)…………………………………..214
5.43. Cloud Service (DR)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………216
5.44. Geographical Information Systems (GIS)………………………………………………………………………………………………226
5.45. Estimated MPLS network Plan and bandwidth requirement………………………………………………………………….235

6. Bill Of Material(BoM) .......................................................................................................................... 236

7. Location details ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………236

Terms Meaning

ANPR Automatic Number Plate Recognition

AP Access Points

ATCS Adaptive Control System

AVLS Automated Vehicle Locator System

BOM/BOQ Bill of Material/Bill of Quantity

BQS Bus Queue Shelters

CCHS Central Clearing House solution

CCTV Closed Circuit Television

CCC Command and Control Centre

CONOPS Concept of Operations

COP Common Operating Platform

CSP Cloud Service Provider

DBA Database Administrator

DC Data Centre

DNS Domain Name Server

DR Disaster Recovery

DRC Disaster Recovery Centre

EMD Earnest Money Deposit

EMS Enterprise Management System

ETA Estimated Time of Arrival

ETD Estimated Time of Departure

Electronic Ticketing Machine
E-Procurement Portal Means electronic tendering system of Authority

FMS Facility Management Services

FRS Functional RequirementSpecifications

GIS Geographical InformationSystems

GPRS General Packet Radio Service

GPS Global Positioning System

GSM Global System for Mobile Communication

GUI Graphical User Interface

IaaS Infrastructure as a Service

IMS Infrastructure Management System

HDPE High-Density Polyethylene

HO Head Office

ICCC Integrated Command and Control Centre

ICT Information and Communication Technology

IDS Intrusion Detection System

IMS Infrastructure Management System

IOE Internet of Everything

IoT Internet of Things

IP Internet Protocol

IPS Intrusion Prevention System

IT Information Technology

ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library

LAN Local Area Network

LOI Letter of Intent

LOA Letter of Award

KPI Key Performance Indicator

MCC Mobile Command Centre

MeitY Ministry of Electronics & Information and Technology

MLCP Multi-Level Car Parking

MoHUA Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs

MoU Memorandum of Understanding

MPLS Multi-Protocol Label Switching

MTBF Mean Time Between Failure

MTTR Mean Time to Repair

NFC Near Field Communication

NIC National Informatics Centre

ONVIF Open Network Video Interface Forum

O&M Operations and Maintenance

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer

OFC Optical Fibre Cable

OGC Open Geospatial Consortium

OS Operating System

OTP One Time Password

OWASP Open Web Application Security Project

PaaS Platform as a Service

PKI Public Key Infrastructure

Public Information System

PA System Public Address System

PDUs Power Distribution Units

PIS Passenger Information System

PMC Project Management Consultant

PoE Power over Ethernet

PoP Point of Presence

PTZ Pan Tilt Zoom

QR Code Quick Response Code

RF Radio Frequency

RFID Radio Frequency Identification

RFP Request for Proposal

RLVD Red Light Violation Detection

RoW Right of Way

RTO Recovery Time Objective

RPO Recovery Point Objective

SaaS Software as a Service

SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition

SCM Smart Cities Mission

SDWAN Software Defined Wide Area Network

SI System Integrator

SLA Service Level Agreement

SMPS Switched Mode Power Supply

SMS Short Message Service

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol

SOP Standard Operating Procedures

SOS Save Our Souls. SOS is International Morse code distress signal

SRS System Requirement Study

TPA Third Party Auditor

TRAI Telecom Regulatory Authority of India

TRS Technical Requirement Specifications

TSP Telecom Service Provider

UAT User Acceptance Testing

UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply

URL Uniform Resource Locator

VA Video Analytics

VM Virtual Machine

VMD Variable Message Display

VCA Video Content Analysis

VLAN Virtual Local Area Network

VM Virtual Machine

VMS Video Management Software/System

WAN Wide Area Network

GMC Guwahati Municipal Corporation

Authority Guwahati Smart City Limited

1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction to Intelligent City Surveillance Project in Guwahati
Guwahati has incorporated a special purpose vehicle (SPV) – Guwahati Smart City Limited (GSCL) (the 'Authority') to plan,
design, implement, co-ordinate and monitor the smart city projects in Guwahati. GSCL is a company incorporated under Indian
Companies Act 2013 with equal shareholding from Govt. of Assam. The city being gateway to the North East India, has been
facing several issues across the city for which proper surveillance is required.

The SPV is introducing ICT based applications as per an action plan to monitor and manage the city and improve its efficiency,
by providing better maintenance and public delivery services. As part of this plan, the Intelligent City Surveillance Project will
ensure a safe and secure environment and also help in urban planning.

1.2 Project Objectives

One of the key objectives of GSCL is to promote a better quality of life for residents by enhancing the safety & security and
improving the efficiency of services. In order to achieve this objective, GSCL desires to foster the development of a robust ICT
infrastructure that supports digital applications and ensures seamless steady operations.

This project aims to converge multiple types of camera feeds to a centralized point, which is the Intelligent Command and
Control Room and co-located Data Center and DR in Private Cloud. Fixed Box, PTZ, and ANPR cameras and other Smart City
elements like Emergency Call Box (ECB), Public Announcement System (PA) , Environmental Sensor and Visual Message Display
System (VMD) will be deployed across Guwahati to enhance women, child, and elderly safety. The camera feeds will travel from
the source to the destination via MPLS connectivity, with the SI being responsible for network backbone and last mile
connectivity through an Internet Service Provider. The Data Center will have Tier III provisions and High Availability measures
for IT and Non-IT components. The success of this project will be driven by Video Analytics using AI and ML methodologies. The
MSI must write and execute well-considered SoPs and workflows of all the use-cases to ensure project success and a
sustainable, scalable system. The implemented platform will be used to leverage video feeds from other schemes, so data lake
formulations and approaches must be clearly defined. The project implementation must be time-bound and professional to
meet all the outlined objectives.

The vision of the project is to implement a citizen friendly, holistic, integrated and responsive Intelligent City Surveillance System
to achieve the following objectives:

1.2.1 Safety Improvement: Real-time safety management, and intelligent surveillance can help prevent
criminal activities and also respond to potentially dangerous situations in advance. Further, city
surveillance will improve women's safety by providing a constant monitoring and alert system, deterring
potential offenders, and aiding in the identification and prosecution of perpetrators, promoting a safer
and more secure environment for citizens, especially women.

1.2.2 Higher Productivity: Achieving improvement in productivity, logistics and other economic activities by
obtaining precise real-time information in key areas of the city through video surveillance system.

1.2.3 Enforcement: Law enforcement is improved through continued monitoring of the city, specifically at
crowded areas and aids in detection of criminal activity, enabling timely response and investigation
through the use of video analytics.

1.2.4 Effective & Preventive Policing: Geographical Information System (GIS) combined with city surveillance
can enhance preventive policing by identifying crime hotspots, tracking criminal activity patterns, and
enabling targeted resource deployment.

1.2.5 Event Tracking and Real Time Information: The real-time information at the Integrated Command and
Control Center (CCC) from Cameras, Environmental Sensors and other technology interventions like GIS
shall enable the operator to take necessary actions based on the type of information and send out
emergency notifications through Variable Message Signages or inform other urban bodies as per set

1.2.6 Integration with existing Traffic Management System: Video and analytic data from traffic
management system will further strengthen the effectiveness of the city surveillance system for real
time policing as well as help to identify trends and patterns, which can inform city planning and
infrastructure improvements.

With this RFP, GSCL intends to set-up an Intelligent City Surveillance System through a process of competitive bidding for
selecting a System Integrator (SI)/ Implementation Agency (IA) for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Five (5)
years of operations and maintenance. The selected SI shall have the overall responsibility to design, build, implement,
operate, and maintain the CCC from the date of Go-Live / successful commissioning of the Intelligent City Surveillance
Project. Overall, the selected System Integrator (SI) will be responsible for designing, deliver and maintain a sustainable,
productive, scalable and reliable system for the benefit of citizens of Guwahati.

1.3 Strategic Objective of the Project

The system is to be designed taking into consideration the future scalability and integration with upcoming systems. The
system should help to meet the following strategic objectives:
1. Safety and Security
2. Improved Responsiveness
3. Effective Policing
4. Improved Management

1 Safety and Security ● Live Monitoring and control of movement of Crowd at Important locations of the
city including entry and exit points
● Live alerts in case of an event/ incident
● Help to identify, apprehend and prosecute offenders
● Monitoring of suspicious activity, vehicles, objects etc. with respect to protecting life
& property
2 Improved ● Access to Police by the Citizens for quick and effective response, improved visibility
Responsiveness and transparency
● Provide assistance to emergency services and faster turn-around time
3 Effective Policing ● Assist in management and policing of large-scale events
● Aid to investigation by Police Department by integration of analytic tools
● Providing evidence for criminal and civil action in the courts

4 Improved ● Help in maintaining Law & Order situations

Management ● Help in improving the administration work

1.4 Project Outcomes & Benefits

The project once implemented shall benefit all the stakeholders. The envisaged key benefits to the City Administration and
Citizen are as under:

City Administration ● The implementation of Intelligent City Surveillance System in Guwahati will ensure
safety and crowd surveillance.
● The central command and control will ensure efficient continued working of the field
● Continuous surveillance would help in reduction in number of criminal and unlawful
activities, unnecessary gathering, women safety.
● Prompt emergency response in cases of accidents, fires, disasters, epidemics, etc. due
to availability of real time data and response mechanisms
● To lower the costs by adopting a centralized architecture, enabling the platform to be
administered and supported from one location
● Instant MIS reports for planning, budgeting, monitoring & evaluation
● Instant identification of delay points enabling prompt administrative action
● Facilitate cross-department collaboration with the help of online systems in compliance
with various standard operating procedures will bring transparency in city
Citizen ● Increased public safety through crime prevention and quicker incident response
● Enhanced accountability of public officials and citizens
● Deterrence of criminal activity due to the visible presence of surveillance cameras,
especially increased safety of citizens, especially women
● Protection of critical infrastructure, such as airports and railway stations, from potential
terrorist attacks and other threats
● Better management of public spaces, such as parks and markets, through real-time
monitoring and response
● Improved emergency response capabilities through better situational awareness and
● Reduced public disorder and nuisance behavior, such as littering and public urination,
through the fear of being monitored
● Increased trust between citizens and law enforcement due to the perception of
improved safety and security
● The potential to use surveillance data for urban planning and decision-making
2 . Scope of Work for the Project
The SI’s scope of work shall include but is not limited to the following broad areas. Details of each of these broad areas have also
been outlined in subsequent sections of this document. The project will be implemented throughout the city of Guwahati. The
list of places along with detailed indicative BoQ is mentioned in subsequent section (Ref Sec. 6) of this volume of RFP.

The SI shall deploy the team based out of Guwahati proposed for the project upon signing of the agreement and ensure that a
Project Inception Report and Detailed Engineering Report are submitted to Authority as per the schedule in the subsequent
section of this tender document, covering following aspects:

• Names of the Project Team members, their roles and responsibilities

• Approach and methodology to be adopted to implement the Project (which should be in line with what has been proposed
during the bidding stage, but may have value additions/ learning in the interest of the project).
• Responsibility matrix for all stakeholders
• Risks the SI anticipates and the plans they have towards their mitigation
• Detailed project plan specifying dependencies between various project activities/ sub-activities and their timelines
• Any other items specified in subsequent sections of this tender document

The SI shall conduct a comprehensive As-Is study of existing infrastructure, systems and associated processes in the city in line
with project requirement.

The below ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE explains various aspects to be considered during AS-IS study.

The existing infrastructure study of junctions/intersections to be done during various time periods of day including peak and
non-peak hours to establish the key performance indicators (KPI) for the Intelligent City Surveillance System.
The report shall also include the expected measurable improvements against each KPI as well as use cases to be implemented
under INTELLIGENT CITY SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM, once the command & control centre is commissioned. The benchmarking data
should also be developed to track current situation and desired state.

Additionally, the SI should provide detailed TO-BE designs specifying the following, at the minimum:

• High Level Design (for all components installed) for Application architecture, Logical and physical database design, Data
dictionary and data definitions, ER diagrams and other data modeling documents and Physical infrastructure design for
devices on the field.
• Application component design including component deployment views, control flows, etc.
• Low Level Design (including but not limited to) for all components installed Application flows and logic including pseudo
code, GUI design (screen design, navigation, etc.), Database architecture, including defining data structure, data dictionary
as per standards laid-down by Government of India/ Government of (State)
• KPI design for the Video wall to visualize important events on real time

SI shall implement and deliver the following modules:

2.1 Intelligent City Surveillance System

The City Surveillance System will improve the livability of Guwahati by enhancing public safety, reducing crime rates, and promoting
efficient resource allocation. It will enable the authorities to monitor public areas and respond quickly to any potential safety or
security threats. It will help in creating a safe and secure environment for residents, reducing crime rates, and increasing their quality
of life. The data collected by the surveillance system can be used to make informed decisions about resource allocation, such as
transportation, energy, and waste management, improving the overall efficiency of the city. Overall, a city surveillance system can
significantly contribute to creating a livable and sustainable urban environment.

By analyzing the data collected by surveillance cameras, AI algorithms will identify patterns, anomalies, and potential threats that
might be missed by human operators. This will help to improve the speed and accuracy of threat detection, enabling the authorities
to respond quickly and effectively. Analytics will be used to analyze data from multiple sources, such as social media or weather
forecasts, providing additional context and insights that can be used for informed decision-making.

Facial Recognition technology can help identify suspects in real-time, enabling the authorities to respond quickly to potential threats.
Crowd Estimation can monitor large gatherings and detect potential safety concerns, while Abandoned Object Detection can identify
unattended bags or packages that might pose a threat. Person Collapsing can identify people who have collapsed or are in distress,
alerting emergency responders. Stray Animal Detection can identify animals in urban areas, improving animal control efforts.
Vandalism detection can help authorities prevent property damage and maintain a clean city. Women's safety analytics can help
authorities prevent harassment or violence against women. Encroachment Detection can identify violations of public spaces and
rights-of-way, enabling authorities to enforce regulations. People Fighting analytics can detect fights in public areas, enabling
authorities to quickly intervene and restore order. Perimeter Protection can monitor city boundaries or specific locations, detecting
any breaches or intrusions. Overall, these analytics can help authorities detect potential safety threats, allocate resources more
efficiently, and maintain a safer and more secure urban environment.

2.2 Variable Message Signage

Messages, Announcements and Public Awareness Messages should display on Variable Message Signages located at different
locations in city and controlled from the Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC). Real-time information can be shared
with motorists about traffic conditions, accidents, and road closures, enabling better traffic management and reduced
congestion. Additionally, VMS can be used to display emergency alerts and public safety messages, providing critical information
to residents and visitors. VMS can be used for public outreach campaigns and promoting civic engagement. Real-time
environmental data from the sensors installed across the city will also be shared through the signages. VMS will play an essential
role in improving the efficiency, safety, and overall livability of a city.

2.3 Public Announcement and Emergency Call Box

Emergency notifications, Announcements and Public Awareness Messages will be announced via Public Address system located at
different locations in city. PA Systems integrated with Emergency Call Boxes enable effective communication with the public
during emergencies or critical situations, such as natural disasters. The PA system can be used to broadcast emergency
announcements, warnings, and evacuation instructions to a large audience quickly.

Integrating the PA system with ECBs can enable direct communication between the public and emergency response teams,
allowing for more rapid and effective response to incidents. The ECBs can also be used to summon medical or law enforcement
assistance in case of emergencies, providing a critical lifeline for those in need. PA system can be used for public service
announcements, traffic updates, and other informational messages, providing residents and visitors with real-time information
that can improve their safety and quality of life.

2.4 Geographical Information System (GIS)

GIS platform integrated with a city surveillance system will provide significant benefits to the security of Guwahati. By leveraging
GIS technology, the system will gain a comprehensive understanding of the city's physical layout and infrastructure, allowing
security operators to quickly respond to incidents and emergencies. The integration of GIS layers, such as camera positioning,
building structures, and utility resources, can provide real-time, actionable intelligence to operators during an incident. The GIS
platform can also be used to monitor and analyze crime patterns and hotspots, allowing for proactive and preventative measures
to be taken.

The single integrated , deployed GIS platform will be able to do Image feature extraction, geoprocessing, image mosaicking, sub
setting, classification (supervised, unsupervised) change detection, AI/ML based object Detection components , 3D , network
analysis, SAR based processing and analysis, Photogrammetry, Terrain analysis.

2.5 Integrated Command Control Center for Intelligent Surveillance System

Guwahati has envisaged to develop state of the Art Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) to enable city administrators
including Guwahati Police and other administrative bodies for real time monitoring of the various facets of management of
Guwahati City and its related components. Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) will be the heart of this project, where
the overall monitoring and control of major functions of the data / communication network resides.

While the information gathered at ICCC can rapidly be shared across various agency lines to accelerate problem response and
improve better coordination. Furthermore, the ICCC will help in anticipating the challenges and minimizing the impact of
disruptions on city road / Junctions. The scope of the project includes implementation of ICCC at location identified by GSCL.

SI has to provide edge devices, network connectivity, application softwares and other required components. Compute and
storage components of the solution shall be housed at the co-located Data Center. The DR will be on cloud to ensure high
reliability of the system. The SI will make all the arrangements related to its safety and security.

All the services related to ICT components of Intelligent City Surveillance System project such as Cameras, Public Address System,
Emergency Call Back System, IPPBX etc. and any future ICT initiatives which will act either as upstream or downstream interfaces
to the Integrated Operations Platform. Feed from all these field devises will be monitored and controlled from ICCC. ICCC will be
the single platform from where all decision making shall be done.

This platform should be compatible and integrable with the National Informatics Centre (NIC) portal and infrastructure. The data
and analytics generated by the system should be accessible through both web and mobile applications. These applications should
provide both textual and graphical information enabling a comprehensive understanding of the surveillance data .

2.6 Key activities under the scope of the SI

• CONOPS (Concept of Operations )design finalization and sign off with Authority
• Project Planning, Procurement, and execution.
• AS-IS and TO-BE Assessment, Survey and Gap analysis for components under the scope.
• Development of use cases and Standard operating procedures (SoPs)
• Site Preparation including required civil work and site clearances.
• Solution design, development, implementation, customization, testing of entire system.
• Training- general awareness, Use cases, SoP management, governance, Command & Control Centre operation, System
• Business Process Reengineering and KPIs for the selected applications/ services
• UAT & Go-live
• Capacity Building
• Operation & Maintenance (O&M) for 05 Years from Go-live date
• STQC Certification and system audit
 Cyber Security audit and compliance
MSI’s key responsibilities under the Scope of Work
The summary of MSI responsibilities is as follows:

 Initiation and Planning for each Phase

a. Define Project Implementation Plan as per phased approach.
b. Conducting site survey, obtaining necessary permissions, developing systemrequirements,
standard operating procedures, etc.

c. Finalization of exact locations of the Cameras, Junction Boxes, Pole, Power Metres at different

d. Finalization and submission of a detailed scalable & secured technical architecture and submission
of detailed project plan which includes
○ Deployment of the Team, Project Manager, Their Roles & Responsibility
○ Responsibility Matrix of the stakeholders
○ Approach & Methodology to be adopted

e. Risk & Its mitigation

f. Detailed project Plan, Specifying dependencies between various projects
activities/Sub activities, Coordination with Civic agencies, & The timeline of the project

g. Quality Management plan

h. Communication Plan
i. Stakeholder management plan
j. Finalize the detailed Technical Architecture in coordination with ISP, Coordination & Execution Plan
for seamless Integration

k. Design the LAN connectivity diagrams for approx. 800 Locations from each Junction Box to Pole,
From Power Meter to Junction Box & Prepare the Implementation plan in coordination with ISP

l. Design the Architecture, Concept of Operations for ICCC, Datacenter and DR on cloud and prepare
the 3D Diagrams, DC Floor Strengthening Plan.

m. Assessment of IT Infrastructure and Non-IT Infrastructure requirements, assessment of business

processes, assessment of software requirements, assessment of integration requirements,
assessment of connectivity requirement all locations (including buildings).

n. MSI will adopt latest finishing items and construction materials so that better finish and quality is
achieved at reasonable cost.

o. Formulation of solution architecture, detailed design of safe citysolutions, development of test

cases (Unit, System Integration and User Acceptance),
SoP documentation

p. Finalization of Bill of Material for the DC, ICCC and DR on cloud

q. Finalization of Bill of Material of Cameras, UPS, Field Switches, ECB, PA system, Rapid
deployable Surveillance system and Environmental Sensor etc.
r. Finalization of Bill of Material of Application Softwares
s. Prepare the Approach & Methodology document for Integration
t. Plan to Integrate Community Surveillance & Existing Cameras in other projects
u. Inventory management for all items/ equipment, software, licenses, Warranty, CAMC
Certificates, etc.

v. MSI shall ensure that system confirms technical specifications, however,

equipment/items of better version may be acceptable.

w. Any other, meeting the RFP requirement.

 Implementation
a. Phase-wise time bound procurement and implementation.
b. Obtain all necessary Legal/Statuary Clearance for Installing Poles & Junction Boxes
c. Provisioning for Electricity
d. Develop, Deploy, Test & Commission the surveillance system
e. Supply, Install & Configure all User Level Components (Active & Passive)
f. Installation of on-premises DC and DR on Cloud

g. Supply & Installation of Rapid deployable Surveillance System

h. Installation of Video wall, Workstations, LEDs, UPS, etc.
i. Project Implementation & Phase wise Planning
j. Physical Setup of ICCC as per the layout approved.
k. Helpdesk setup, procurement of equipment, edge devices, COTS software (if any), licenses.
Physical Security and Housekeeping setup

l. IT and Non-IT Infrastructure installation, development, testing and production environment setup

m. Safety and security of IT and Non-IT Infrastructure

n. Establishment and configuration of Network Connectivity in coordination with ISP contracted by
o. Software Application customization (if any), development of bespoke solution (if any), data
migration, integration with third party services/application (if any) User Manuals, training
curriculum and training materials Role-based training(s)

p. Preparation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for operation of the system andto ensure
implementation/ operation of the system as per SOPs

q. SOP preparation in consultation with GSCL, implementation, Integration with GIS Platform,
Integration of solutions with Command and Control Center, KPI Development. SOP needs to be
approved by GSCL

r. Information Security Policy, Backup Policies

s. Portal to monitor project activities.
t. Training to GSCL / Police Officials
u. Testing Phase
○ Unit & Integration Testing
○ End to End Testing
○ Regression Benchmarking Testing
○ User Acceptance Testing

v. UAT and Phase Wise Go-Live

w. Final Acceptance Test & GO Live
x. Submission of System Documents, User Documents
○ Project Commencement Documentation
○ Equipment Manual
○ Training Manual
○ Installation Manual
○ User Manual
○ System Manual
○ Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) Manual, Business plan and Sustainable system designing
y. Testing Phase
○ Unit & Integration Testing
○ End to End Testing
○ User Acceptance Testing
○ Roll Out

z. Facilitating UAT and conducting the prelaunch security audit of applications.

aa. Integration of the various services & solution with ICCC platform Develop provisions for a scalable
bb. MSI shall furnish a progress report periodically (monthly) of project activities etc. indicating date
of start, date of completion and progress made till the date of report (approximate percentage of
work done).
cc. MSI will ensure that safety code, as per applicable laws, including health and sanitary arrangement
for the deployed staff/personnel, has been complied with.
dd. MSI shall maintain a site order book and inspection book containing the details of orders issued at
site and their compliance. The same shall be opened for checking by TSP or any agency authorized
by GSCL or GSCL itself.
ee. Any other, meeting the RFP requirement.
ff. Responsibility towards ISP work handshake:
o Marking of the final pole locations at the junctions
o Power availability & MCB 16amp on junction box for ISP’s network devices
o Power meter & power cable availability
o Providing Multiple switch strip inside the junction Box
o Outdoor IP65/66/67 junction box with 5 years warranty and support
o Making of platform for the pole and pole installation
o Approval of designs from customer and civic bodies
o Space inside the junction box with the gap of 1U between the devices.
o Hot air exhaust and cooling system inside the junction box
o MSI should design the junction box to block the dust & External Particles
o Regular preventive maintenance of the junction boxes which involves maintenance of
basic hygiene
o Chemical earthling availability and maintenance
o UPS power with 1 hour battery backup for all installed devices
o Connectivity between camera and switch
o Connectivity between switch & MUX/router
o Providing High security lock system in junction boxes to ensure the safety andsecurity of
the devices
o Lightening arrester with GI strip
o Providing access for the ISP team at each junction/pole & DC/DR location
o Supporting and coordinating with the ISP in facilitating ROW/Digging and network
o permissions from different authorities
o Warning signboards at each junction point
o Acrylic Board mentioning this area in surveillance
o Cross connect availability in DC & DR locations and other if applicable
o Providing safety & security at the junction locations
o Ensuring no access to trespasser or any other than the authorized person at thejunction
o locations
o Providing cable conduit with in junction box
o First Level Troubleshooting needs to be done by the MSI engineer
o Electrician if required at all locations must be arranged by the MSI.

Post Implementation (Operation & Maintenance)

a. Deploying manpower Security of ICCC premises Annual technical support
b. Preventive, repair maintenance and replacement of hardware and software components
c. Provide a centralized Help Desk and Incident Management Support till the end of contractual
period Recurring refresher trainings for the users and Change Management activities
d. Provide required access and information for Audits
e. Preventive, repair maintenance and replacement of non-ICT components
f. Overall maintenance of the ICCC facility and continuity of operations as per SLAs.
g. Monitoring of Network Connectivity (provided by service provider) as per servicelevel and
report the non- compliance.
h. Submit Quarterly Reports
i. Adhere to defined SLAs
j. Any other, meeting the RFP requirement.
k. Setting up the Help Desk for O&M
l. Manpower Deployment for O&M Phase
m. Preparing the Document and Reporting Mechanism
n. Completing the documentation of Warranty, License & Agreement
o. Pent scanning & Network Dressing & Internal Audit
p. Third Party Administrator (TPA)
q. Security & Network Audit - Format & SOPs
r. Helpdesk Management
s. Reporting & Dashboards
t. SLA Management - ISP & MSI
u. Setting up Governance Team
v. Exit Management
w. Closure of the contract
Note: Any additional item/hardware/software/services etc. required for successful completion and
operation of the system shall be provided by the MSI, without any additionalcost to the project.

 Support and warranty:

Operations and Maintenance phase will require technical support and comprehensive warranty on 24*7
*365 basis for all hardware and software parts as envisaged in the project.A comprehensive warranty
applicable on goods supplied under this contract shall be provided for the period mentioned in the
The MSI has to ensure comprehensive maintenance with OEM warranty and the AMC for all the
component items under this project. The electronic/ online warranty of the items is a criterion wherein
the OEM has to officially email the adherence of the warranty terms for the defined time period with GSCL
and the MSI. It will be the prime responsibility of the MSI to ensure seamless and uninterrupted
functioning of the system with all compliances as per project requirements and thereby regulate the
OEM(s) accordingly.

 Standards of Performance
The MSI shall provide the services and carry out their obligations under the Contract with due diligence,
efficiency and professionalism/ethics in accordance with generally accepted professional standards and
practices. The MSI shall always act in respect of any matter relating to this contract. The MSI shall abide
by all the provisions/Acts/Rules/Regulations, Standing orders, etc. of Information Technology and other
relevant legality as prevalent in the country. The MSI shall also ensure to maintain the standards laid
down by User department from time to time for carrying out work in office or at public places.
The MSI will ensure that there is no damage caused to any private or public property in execution of work
in field. In case such damage is caused, MSI shall immediately bring it to the notice of GSCL office in writing
and MSI will pay necessary charges towards fixing of the damage. GSCL instructs MSI that no traffic
congestion/public inconvenience is caused while carrying out work at public places.
The MSI shall ensure that its employees/representatives or the agencies hired by them to carry out the
contract don’t breach privacy of any citizen or establishment during the course of execution or
maintenance of the project.

 Deployment of adequate Key Personnel and support Staff by MSI

It is very crucial for MSI to deploy adequate required manpower for the time bound success of project
implementation along with sufficient helpdesk, Technical Support, training and facility staff to bring
efficient outcomes of the system operability.
The deployment of man-power must not come out as an inefficient and adversely impacting parameter
towards the project success. GSCL reserves the rights to ask for immediate replacement of the deployed
man-power with regards to the inefficient performance as per the requirement of the project. Inefficient
performance may attract termination of the contract.
Key Personnel shift to Scope of Requirement
a. Initial Composition; Full Time Obligation; Continuity of Personnel
Bidder shall ensure that each member of the Key Personnel devotes substantial working timeas per the
staffing schedule/ manpower plan to perform the services to which that person has been assigned as per
the Bid.
Bidder shall not make any changes to the composition of the Key Personnel and not require or request any
member of the Key Personnel to cease or reduce his or her involvement in the provision of the Services
during the defined term of the engagement unless that person resigns, is terminated for cause, is long-
term disabled, is on permitted mandatory leave under Applicable Laws or retires. In any such case, GSCL’s
prior written consent would be mandatory.
b. Evaluations of Personnel
Bidder shall carry out an evaluation of the performance of each member of the Key Personnel in connection
with the Services at least once in each Contract Year. Bidder shall provide reasonable written notice to
GSCL of the date of each evaluation of each member of the Key Personnel. GSCL shall be entitled to provide
inputs to the Bidder for each such evaluation. Bidder shall promptly provide the results of each evaluation
to GSCL, subject to ApplicableLaw(s).
c. Replacement
In case any proposed resource resigns, then the Bidder has to inform GSCL within one week of such
Bidder shall promptly initiate a search for a replacement to ensure that the role of any member of the
Key Personnel is not vacant at any point in time during the contract period, subject to reasonable
extensions requested by Bidder to GSCL
Before assigning any replacement member of the Key Personnel to the provision of the Services, Bidder
shall provide GSCL with:
 a resume, curriculum vitae and any other information about the candidate that is reasonably
requested by GSCL; and
 An opportunity to interview the candidate.
The Bidder has to provide replacement resource of equal or better qualification and experience as per
the requirements of this RFP.

If GSCL objects to the appointment, Bidder shall not assign the individual to that position and shall seek
an alternative candidate in accordance with the resource requirements of this RFP.
The Bidder needs to ensure at least 4 weeks of overlap period in such replacements. GSCL will not be
responsible for any knowledge transition to the replacement resource and any impact/escalation of cost
incurred by the bidder due to resource replacement.
d. High Attrition causing adverse impacts to Project flow
If in the first 6 month period from the Contract Effective Date in case of replacement of the projected
man power resourcing, a penalty of INR 2,00,000 for first fifteen days and INR 10,000 per day can be
imposed on the Bidder (for one replacement) till appropriate and approved replacement is done. Bidder
e. Provide GSCL with a reasonably detailed explanation as to the reasons for such change, including, where
applicable and permitted, notes from any exit interviews conducted by Bidder with any departing
member of the Key Personnel; and
f. If such change to Key Personnel has or is likely to have any material adverse impact on the provision of
the Services or any substantial part thereof, undertake, at its own costs, such remediation acts as are
reasonably necessary in order to improve the retention of the Key Personnel including making reasonable
changes to the human resources policies and procedures applicable to the Key Personnel (including those
related to compensation, benefits and other conditions so that they are competitive with the market) as
may be necessary to ensure that such policies and procedures comply with Good Industry Practice.

 Compliance with labour regulations

The MSI shall pay fair and reasonable wages to the workmen employed by him, for the contract
undertaken by him and comply with the provisions set forth under the Minimum Wages Act and the
Contract Labor Act 1970 and other relevant provisions of the Law.

 Operation Power charges

Operational power charges for the field electrical meter will be paid by MSI after readiness & final
acceptance of the site and reimbursed by GSCL. MSI will be responsible of arranging the power for
installation, implementation & testing of the site till final acceptance by GSCL. Field Electrical Meters will
be issued in the name of GSCL. One time electrical meter connection installation & implementation,
cabling charges and the operation & maintenanceIncident management, complaint logging for any fault in
meter or field electrical connections will be responsibility of MSI during the entire contract period. The
power connections (electrical meters) charges will be paid by MSI and the recurring power charges will be
borne by the GSCL from Go-Live phase respective to each phase. Appointed MSI will coordinate the
execution of connections with Electrical Department. The DG gen set, UPS will be installed at the ICCC
approved site and the operational expenses of fuel consumed by DG gen set till the time of acceptance
will be borne by MSI.
2.7 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) services
The SI shall undertake the O&M services for a period of 5 years in the project from Project Go-Live. Warranty period of the
product supplied under project i.e. hardware, software, IT/Non-IT etc., will be considered after Go-Live. In case, the project
implementation gets delayed the O&M period will be accordingly adjusted/reduced/increased so that the overall project
tenure remains for complete 5 Years.

2.8 Convergence
The SI shall note that the activities defined within scope of work mentioned are indicative and may not be exhaustive depending
on the respective city specific requirement later provided by them. SI is expected to perform independent analysis of any
additional work that may be required to be carried out to fulfill the requirements as mentioned in the RFP and factor the same
in their techno-commercial bid response.

2.9 Responsibility Matrix

R/A = Responsible/Accountable
C = Consulted
I = Informed

# Key Activities SI GMC GSCL Police PMC Other


1 Project Kick Off R/A C C C C I

2 Deployment of manpower R/A I C I C I

3 Assess the requirement of IT and R/A C C C C C

Non-IT Infrastructure

4 Involving and facilitating with I I R A R I

departments for business process
5 Providing As-Is information R/A R/A

6 Assessment of R/A C C C C I
Business processes

7 Acceptance of changes and I R A R

ownership of business process post
8 Assessment of R/A C I C I
Application requirements
9 Assess the Integration requirement R/A C C C I
10 Assess the connectivity requirement R/A C C C I
all locations (Field level+
CCC/DC/DR site)
11 Providing relevant data sets for R A
identified use cases

12 Preparation and finalization of use R/A I R C C I


13 Assessment of R/A I R A C I
14 Develop the R/A C R R C C
Concept of
Operations (CONOPS)
15 Formulation of R/A C C C I
16 Preparation of R/A C C C I
Detailed Drawing

17 Preparation of detailed Design of R/A C C C I

CCC Solution

18 Development of test cases (Unit, R/A I R R R I

System Integration and User
19 Preparation of phase wise bill of R/A C C

20 Approval of C R/A C
material for
21 SoP preparation R C A A C I

22 Material Procurement R/A C C

including software licenses

23 Physical Infrastructure setup R/A C C C C C

24 IT and Non-IT Infrastructure R/A I C I C I

25 Development, Testing R/A I C I C I

and Production
environment setup
26 Software Application R/A I C I C I
customization (if any)

27 Development of R/A I C I C I
Bespoke Solution
(if any)
28 Implementation, testing of R/A I C C C

29 Integration of Map and other R/A C I C

subsystems in CCC

30 Training contents preparation R/A

31 Integration with city level/Third R/A I C C C I

services/application (if any)
32 SoP and KPI implementation R/A I C C C I

33 User Acceptance Testing R/A I C C C I

34 Helpdesk setup R/A I C C C I

35 Preparation of manual/ documents R/A I C C C I

for system installation, system
operation, User guide, SoPs
36 Role based training(s) on the R/A I C C C I
SYSTEM Solutions
37 Go Live R/A C R/A C C I

38 Operation and Maintenance of IT, R/A I C C C I

Non-IT infrastructure and

39 SLA and R/A I R R C I

40 Logging, tracking R/A I C C C I
and resolution of
41 Patch & R/A I C C C I
42 Future Integration with other R/A I C C C I

43 Business process re- R/A I C C C I


44 Use-cases enhancements R/A I C C C I

Authority may modify the above matrix as per project requirements, which shall be adhered to, by all the stakeholders
as mentioned above.

SI have to arrange own warehouse during Project phase to store the material in Guwahati as well as they have to take
proper insurance during project delivery and O&M time period.

2.10 Project Deliverable, Milestones and Timelines


• T0 = Date of Signing of Agreement

• T1 = After Go-Live & Final Acceptance Testing

Sl. Milestone Deliverables ( Phase 1) Timelines (in

No. months)
1 Project Initiation · Project Team deployment, Detailed Survey Report including infrastructure T0+2
AS-IS and TO BE assessment, phase wise location distribution.

· Design Built Report (DBR) containing the High Level Design, Low Level
Design, BOQ
· Detailed Project deployment plan including Operations Management,
Contract Management, Risk Management, Information Security and Business
Continuity, Capacity Building Plan

Phase 2 (ICCC & At 30% of identified Field Locations)

2a Supply of Materials for Material Delivery, Inspection Reports (Component- wise) T0+4
ICCC and 30% Field
2b Installation of Materials Installation of Materials at ICCC and 20 % Field Locations. (Component Wise) T0+5
at ICCC and 30 % Field

2c Commissioning of Commissioning of Materials at ICCC and 20 % Field Locations (Component T0+6

Materials at ICCC and 30 Wise)
% Field Locations

Phase 3 (At next 30% of identified Field Locations)

3a Supply of Materials for Material Delivery, Inspection Reports (Component- wise) T0+5
30% Field Locations

3b Installation of Materials Installation of Materials at 30 % Field Locations. (Component Wise) T0+6

at 30 % Field Locations.

3c Commissioning of Commissioning of Materials at 30 % Field Locations (Component Wise) T0+7

Materials at 30 % Field
Phase 4 (At remaining 40% of identified traffic junctions)
4a Supply of Materials for Material Delivery, Inspection Reports (Component- wise) T0+6
40% Field Locations

4b Installation of Materials Installation of Materials at 40 % Field Locations. (Component Wise) T0+7

at 40 % Field Locations.

4c Commissioning of Commissioning of Materials at 30 % Field Locations (Component Wise) T0+8

Materials at 40 % Field
Phase 5 ( Final Go Live and O&M)
5 Final Go Live and UAT Overall System Go Live and UAT T0+9 (T1)

5B Operation and · Monthly SLA Compliance Report T1 + 60

Maintenance phase months
(O&M) - After Final
Acceptance Testing & Go-
Live of entire solutions
3.Payment Schedule

• 3.1 Payment Schedule – Implementation Phase

Based on findings of the site survey activity done by the SI, the SI may propose a change in the number of sites or individual units
to be deployed for the entire project as well as overall scope of work and a consequent change in phasing. GSCL also retains the
right to Suo-Moto change the number of sites or individual units to be deployed for each components of the Project. The final
decision on change in phasing and related change in payment schedules shall be at the discretion of GSCL.

It should be noted that SI has to take prior approval from GSCL on a request order before supplying the project components for
phase wise implementation of the project.

SI should complete all the activities within the defined timelines as indicated in Timeline of this project. The timeline will be
reviewed regularly during implementation phase and may be extended in case GSCL feels that extension in a particular Request
Order/Integration or any track is imperative, for the reason beyond the control of the bidder. In all such cases GSCL’s decision shall
be final and binding. The SI will be eligible for the payment based on the completion of activities and approval of the relevant

• The request for payment shall be made to the Authority in writing, accompanied by invoices
describing, as appropriate, the services performed, and by the required documents -Pre-
Acceptance Testing, Test Results, Audit Reports etc.

• All payments shall be made after Verification of documentation by the GSCL or any person
authorized by GSCL.

• Due payments shall be made promptly by the Authority, generally within Thirty (30) days after
submission of an invoice or request for payment by SI.

• The currency in which payments shall be made to the SI under this Contract shall be Indian
Rupees (INR) only.

• In case of disputed items, the disputed amount shall be withheld and shall be paid only after
settlement of the dispute.

• Any penalties/ liquidated damages, as applicable, for delay and non-performance, as mentioned
in this RFP document, shall be deducted from the due payments of the respective milestones.

• Taxes and duties, as applicable, shall be deducted / paid, as per the prevalent rules and regulations
as on date of the invoice. Any change in rates of Taxes and duties during the project shall adjusted
upwards or downwards as per the latest regulations.
• All payments shall be made on pro-rata basis on actual supplies or services provided.

The payments shall be made as per the following schedule:

1) 10% of the CAPEX cost shall be released on submission of following and consequent approval by GSCL:

 Detailed Survey Report including infrastructure AS-IS and TO BE assessment, phase wise location distribution.
 Design Built Report (DBR) containing the High Level Design, Low Level Design, BOQ
 Detailed Project deployment plan including Operations Management, Contract Management, Risk Management
2) 50% of the CAPEX cost shall be released on Supply of material on pro-rata basis and as per the approved supply plan by

3) 15% of the CAPEX cost shall be released on Installation on pro-rata basis and as per the approved supply plan by GSCL.

4) 15% of the CAPEX cost shall be released on Commissioning on prorate basis and as per the approved supply plan by GSCL.

5) 5% of the CAPEX cost shall be released on Go Live of individual systems on prorate basis and as per the approved supply
plan by GSCL.

6) 5% of the CAPEX cost shall be released on overall Go Live of the complete project.

• 3.2 Payment Schedule – Operation & Maintenance Phase

The Operations and maintenance phase will start as soon as Go-Live for each phase occurs. The SI will be required to adhere
to the SLA and provide post implementations support of warranty and O&M for the remaining project period after
implementation/Go Live. Payment towards Operation & Maintenance shall be made subject to fulfillment of SLAs.

Payment of Operations and maintenance phase will be made on quarterly basis (at completion of each quarter) based on
the adherence to SLA, for the amount quoted for each respective year.

4. Solution Overview of Proposed Intelligent City Surveillance System

4.1 Installation of cameras

The cameras which will be installed at the junctions will be connected to the UPS installed in the junction boxes for providing
alternate power source. The main source of power will be from the existing power infrastructure used by GSCL for power supply
to signals. The SI will size the panels as per the requirement of each junction. The SI should have to consider following check-
points while installing/ commissioning cameras:
1. Ensure objective is met while positioning the camera such that the required field of view is being captured as finalized in
primary survey.
2. Ensure camera is protected from the on-field challenges of weather, physical damage and theft.
3. Make proper adjustments to have the best possible image / video captured.
4. Ensure that the pole is well placed for vibration resistance adhering to the Road safety norms.
5. Collusion preventive barriers around the junction box and pole foundation in case its installed in collision prone place.
6. Appropriate branding or color coding (Police /GSCL Branding) of poles and junction boxes, to warn mischief mongers
against tampering with the equipment at the junction.
7. Ensure the laws/regulations and privacy in the area regarding CCTV installation are considered. The camera's field of view
has to adjust to abide by those.
8. Proper signage will be used to indicate CCTV surveillance uses .
9. Ensure the right type of camera (e.g., bullet/dome/PTZ) is installed based on the requirement in the area.
4.2 Installation of Public Address System and Emergency Call Box

Public Address System with Emergency Call Back System to be installed at various junctions
4.3 Installation of Poles:
1. The SI shall ensure that all the installations to be as per satisfaction of GSCL. Ensure that the power and signal connections are
properly installed in the pole such that they are protected from damage and tempering. During pole installation, the line-of-
sight/field-of-view should be checked with test cameras

2. For installation of Cameras, PA-ECB etc. the SI shall provide appropriate poles (Depending on the location and weather
conditions a durable, corrosion-resistant, and wind-resistant pole material should be chosen ) and any supporting equipment

3. SI to ensure that the poles erected to house cameras, PA-ECB etc. are good, both qualitatively and aesthetically

4. SI should use the industry best practices while positioning and mounting the cameras and ensure that the pole
implementation is vibration resistant. Arrangements for bird scare spikes on top of camera shall be made to prevent birds from
sitting on top of camera/ camera box.

5. The poles shall be installed with base plate, pole door, pole distributor block and cover

6. Base frames and screws shall be delivered together with poles and installed by the SI

7. In case the cameras need to be installed besides or above the signal heads, suitable stainless-steel extensions for poles have
to be provided and installed by the SI, so that there is clear line of sight

8. The successful SI shall provide the structural calculations and drawings for approval to GSCL. The design shall match with
common design standards as applicable under the jurisdiction of Guwahati city and NHAI guidelines to be followed.
9. All necessary coordination related to this installation will be done by SI in discussion with the GSCL

10. Poles and cabinet shall be so designed that all elements of the field equipment can be easily installed and removed.

11. All the poles, junction boxes and necessary infrastructure deployed on the field shall be marked with logo of GSCL with text
(as required). SI shall ensure its provisioning and proper numbering shall be done for all field equipment / inventory.
Documentation for the inventory list with numbering and GIS coordinates shall be submitted by SI to GSCL at regular intervals
and also at the time of Go-Live.

12. Need to share the safety and Quality Assurance Plan for entire project and considered during design phase and need to
follow/comply the CPWD rules for entire field activity, specially for Civil/Electrical work like trenching, restoration, foundation
and Electrical/Signal cabling in Field.

4.4 Provisioning hardware and software

It includes design, supply, installation and commissioning of IT Infrastructure at CCC with Cloud Data Center. This consists of:

• Basic Site preparation services.

• IT Infrastructure including all hardware, application portfolio, licenses etc.
• Centralized platform for data analytics and signal optimization.
• Command and Control Center (CCC) infrastructure (architectural, civil and electrical cabling work) including
operator workstations, video wall etc.
• Establishment of LAN and WAN connectivity at CCC with field components.
• Application integration services with other Government systems.
• Monitoring the data and the network in Command-and-Control Centre (CCC) to prevent unauthorized access or cyber-attacks
and a warning system should be in place.
• Backup plans (Manual and Auto) in case of system failures should be in place and as well should be consider during design
• Requirements of database management systems and their security should be consider during design phase.
• Requirement of cloud storage and any restrictions in server location (should be located only within India) should be consider
in design and detailed engineering phase.
• Would be good to have a provision for adding feature add-ons later as necessary.

4.5 Connectivity
The SI shall conduct detailed study for connectivity of all filed devises / cameras considering feasibility, design optimization
The testing and monitoring procedures need to submit, to ensure the quality and performance of the connectivity over the time
should also be in place and consider the same during detailed engineering and design phase.
The overall Architecture is given below

4.6 Site Clearance obligations and other relevant permissions
Prior to starting the site clearance, the SI shall carry out survey of field locations as specified in this RFP, for buildings, structures,
fences, trees, existing installations, etc. The authority shall be fully informed of the results of the survey and the amount and
extent of the demolition and site clearance shall then be agreed with the authority. The Authority shall facilitate SI to take all
requisite approvals and take necessary clearances for activities like Right of Way (ROW) etc.
The environmental and social impact assessment and mitigation measures for the site clearance activities should also be

4.7 Electrical works and power supply

The SI needs to ensure fluctuation free power supply to the cameras for smooth functioning. Any physical infrastructure, like
laying of cables etc. required for providing power supply from the existing junction boxes to the cameras will be done by SI.
Electricity charges for all the field elements/command and control center shall be borne by the authority. The SI shall directly
interact with electricity board (APDCL) for provision of mains power supply at all the identified locations for INTELLIGENT CITY
SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM field solution before Go-Live. The electricity charges after Go-Live of the project shall be borne by the
authority as per actual consumption. The SI shall be responsible to submit the electricity bill including connection charge, meter
charge etc. to the electricity board (APDCL) directly. SI shall have to submit the challan of bill submission to authority. Authority
will reimburse the amount submitted to the SI after verification in next billing cycle.

SI is responsible for Maintenance and repair of the electrical works and power supply. SI is responsible for the backup and
alternative power sources in case of a power outage or disruption. SI will be responsible for any damages happen due to any
nonstandard work.
4.8 Civil and Electrical works
a) SI is responsible for carrying out all the civil work required for setting up all the field components of the system
• Preparation of concrete foundation for MS-Poles & cantilevers
• Laying of Pipes complete with fitting
• Hard soil deep digging and backfilling after cabling
• Soft soil deep digging and backfilling after cabling
• Chambers with metal cover at every junction box, pole and at road crossings
• Concrete foundation from the Ground for outdoor racks
b) The SI will be required to provide electricity to the cameras through the aggregation point. Since this component has
dependency on approval from local authorities, it is recommended that Bidder plans this requirement well in advance &
submits the application to the concerned electricity distribution agency with requisite fees if applicable.
c) The SI to carry out study and identify locations to provide UPS backup, depending upon power situation across city, so as
to meet the camera uptime requirements.
d) SI is responsible for carrying out all the electrical work required for powering all the components of the system
e) Electrical installation and wiring shall conform to the electrical codes of India.
f) SI must make provisions for providing electricity to the cameras, field elements, the JB (Junction Box) housing the UPS/
SMPS power supply with minimum backup as defined in this RFP, using UPS/inverter.
g) Registration of electrical connections at all field sites shall be done in the name of SI/GSCL as agreed and finalized in the
contract document.
h) SI has to also arrange for alternate or redundant power supply in form of UPS etc. in case the primary source of power fails
for all surveillance, INTELLIGENT CITY SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM equipment as described in the RFP.
i) SI should house the electricity meters inside the power cabinet as mentioned in this RFP document.

4.9 Surge and Lightning-proof measures

The SI shall comply with lightning-protection, surge-protection and anti–interference measures for system structure, equipment
type selection, equipment earthing, power, signal cables laying etc.

The SI shall describe the planned lightning-protection and anti –interference measures in the feasibility report. Corresponding
lightning arrester shall be erected for the entrance cables of power line, video line, data transmission cables. All crates shall
have firm, durable shell. Shell shall have dustproof, antifouling, waterproof function and should capable to bear certain
mechanical external force.

4.10 Earthing System

All electrical components are to be earthen by connecting two earth tapes from the frame of the component ring and will be
connected via several dedicated earth electrodes. The cable arm will be earthen through the cable glands. The entire applicable
IT infrastructure i.e. signal junction or command Center shall have adequate earthing. Further, earthling should be done as per
Local state National standard in relevance with IS standard. The SI has to provide maintenance free chemical earthing for all
electrical equipment to be used in this project.

Earthing should be done for the entire power system and provisioning should be there to earth UPS systems, Power distribution
units, AC units, etc. so as to avoid a ground differential. Department shall provide the necessary space required to prepare the
earthing pits.

4.11 Junction Box, Poles(Gantries and Cantilever)

The SI shall provide the Junction Boxes, poles, gantries and cantilever to mount the field sensors like the cameras, sensors,
light aspects, active network components, controller and UPS at all field locations, as per the functional and technical
requirements given in the RFP.
The Junction Box needs to be appropriately sized in-order to accommodate the systems envisaged at the Junctions. The junction
box should be designed with lock and key facility.

4.12 Cabling Infrastructure

The SI shall provide standardized cabling for all devices and Subsystems in the field and Command and Control center.
SI shall ensure the installation of all necessary cables and connectors between the field sensors/devices assembly, outstation
junction box, for pole mounted field sensors/devices the cables shall be routed down the inside of the pole and through
underground duct to the outstation cabinet. All cables shall be clearly labeled with indelible indications that can clearly be
identified by maintenance personnel. The proposed cables shall meet the valid directives and standards. Arrangements
pertaining to provision and maintenance of man holes shall be in scope of SI.
The potential problem of flash floods in the city of Guwahati and frequent road reconstruction in the city should be considered
while laying the cabling infrastructure and need to be consider in design phase .
4.13 Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of the Field Equipment
The Scope includes supply, installation, commissioning and up-gradation (as required) of various field systems which include
Cameras, Public Address, Emergency Call Back, Weather Sensors other IT infrastructure required for successful operation of

Based on the survey report approved by authority, the SI will undertake the system configuration and customization in line with
the changed, improved or specific requirements of Guwahati Police and GSCL including:

• The SI shall be responsible for obtaining all permits and approvals necessary to install the Intelligent City Surveillance
System components from authority. However, authority shall borne the ROW charges and provide permissions from
various government departments.
• The SI shall be required to submit a detailed installation report post installation of all the equipment at approved locations.
The report shall be utilized during the acceptance testing period of the project to verify the actual quantity of the
equipment supplied and commissioned under the project.
• Finally approved/accepted solution for each component of Intelligent City Surveillance System including enforcement
system shall be accompanied with “Intelligent City Surveillance System Configuration” document and the same should be
referenced for installation of Intelligent City Surveillance System including enforcement system at Junctions that are
identified within the scope of this project.
• The implementation methodology and approach must be based on the global best practices in-order to meet the defined
Service Levels during the operation.
• Best efforts have been made to define major functionalities for each sub- system of Intelligent City Surveillance System
including enforcement System. However, SI should not limit its offerings to the proposed solution in this RFP and is
suggested to propose any associated item part of RFP BOQ already been given in this tender.

4.14 Cameras
The broad scope of work to be covered under this will include the following, but is not limited to:

• The SI shall install the cameras at the specified junctions/locations across the city.
• The SI shall design, supply, and install the camera system as defined in the RFP, all camera accessories , camera housing
and mounting shall be installed by the SI. The SI shall supply all of the necessary equipment for the camera poles, warning
signs and shall make the final connections to the camera.
• The SI shall be responsible for providing the necessary IT infrastructure for detection, analysis, retrieval of the information
at Command and Control Center.
• For more details on technical and functional specifications of Cameras, bidder should refer to Functional and Technical
Requirements in this RFP.
• The SI will responsible for the maintenance and Regular updates of the camera systems.

4.15 Public Address System

The broad scope of work to be covered under this will include the following, but is not limited to:

• The SI shall install the Public Address System at the specified junctions/locations across the city.
• The SI shall design, supply, and install the public address system as defined in the RFP, all accessories and mounting shall
be installed by the SI. The SI shall supply all of the necessary equipment for the poles and shall make the final connections.
• The SI shall be responsible for providing the necessary IT infrastructure for announcement to be made from the information
at Command and Control Center.
• For more details on technical and functional specifications of Public Address System, bidder should refer to Functional and
Technical Requirements in this RFP.

4.16 Emergency Call Box System

The broad scope of work to be covered under this will include the following, but is not limited to:

• The SI shall install the Emergency Call Back System at the specified junctions/locations across the city.
• The SI shall design, supply, and install the Emergency Call Back system as defined in the RFP, all accessories and mounting
shall be installed by the SI. The SI shall supply all of the necessary equipment for the poles and shall make the final
• The SI shall be responsible for providing the necessary IT infrastructure for receiving and accepting Voice command and
retrieval of the same at Command and Control Center.
• For more details on technical and functional specifications of Emergency Call Back System, bidder should refer to Functional
and Technical Requirements in this RFP.
• System should detect the false alarms.
• The CCTV cameras should have a field-of-view that include the view of the emergency call box system.

4.17 Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Network and Backbone Connectivity
• Network and Backbone Connectivity is an important component of the Intelligent City Surveillance System and needs
attention in assessment, planning and implementation. It is important not only to ensure that the required connectivity is
provisioned within the required timelines but also ensure that it is reliable, secure and supports the required SLA
parameters of Latency, Jitter, Packet Loss and Performance.
• The SI shall procure bandwidth as a service for the contract duration in order to meet the requirements as defined within
the service level agreement (SLA).
• The SI should provide detailed network architecture of the overall system, incorporating findings of site survey exercise.
The network so envisaged should be able to provide real-time data streams to the CCC. All the components of the technical
network architecture should be of industry’s best standard and assist SI in ensuring that all the connectivity SLAs are
adhered to during the operational phase.
• The SI shall prepare the overall network connectivity plan for this project. The plan shall comprise of deployment of network
equipment at the junctions to be connected over the network, any clearances required from other government
departments for setting up of the entire network.
• SI is also required to do the estimation of bandwidth requirements considering the specifications mentioned in this RFP
• As per TRAI guidelines, the resale of bandwidth connectivity is not allowed. In such a case tripartite agreement may be
formed between Purchaser, selected Bidder and Internet Service Provider (s). In order to meet the RFP requirement,
Selected Bidder may have a to form tripartite agreement with multiple ISPs.

4.18 Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CCC

The SI shall also set up a CCC at an identified location in Guwahati. The CCC shall be established in an approximate area of ~3000
Sq. ft. SI should refer to the indicative plan of the CCC attached with this RFP document. It will be SI’s responsibility to:

• Supply, Install, and Commission of IT Infrastructure including site preparation in CCC. A secured environment will be
provided to the SI at the CCC. As well as need to share a feasibility report for the shifting of infrastructure would be in
case of relocalization of CCC during design phase.
• Supply Smart Network Rack, Network Switches, and required accessories at CCC.
• The SI shall establish a state-of-the-art CCC, the key components of the CCC will be as follows:
4.18.1 Video Wall system
4.18.2 Operator workstations
4.18.3 Active Networking Components (Switches, Routers)
4.18.4 Passive Networking Components
4.18.5 Electrical Cabling and Necessary LED Illumination Devices for approx. ~3000 Square feet area
4.18.6 Office Workstations
4.18.7 UPS (1-hour backup)
4.18.8 Furniture & Fixtures as specified in subsequent sections of this RFP document
4.18.9 Physical and electronic Security systems for authorized entry (Biometric access control)
4.18.10 Safety System for protection against Fire, Theft and any other possible damage.
• The SI shall provide system integration services to customize and integrate the applications procured through the project.
The Intelligent City Surveillance System applications proposed by the SI should have open APIs and should be able to
integrate and share the data with other third- party systems already available.
• The SI must ensure that redundancy is provided for all the key components to ensure that no single point of failure affects
the performance of the overall system.
• The above are only indicative requirements of IT and Non-IT Infrastructure requirements at CCC. The exact quantity and
requirement shall be proposed as part of the technical proposal of the SI.
• The implementation roll-out plan for hosting of the data center over the cloud shall be approved by authority. The detailed
plan shall ensure the scalability, expandability and security.
• The SI shall be required to submit a detailed installation report post installation of all the equipment at approved locations.
The report shall be utilized during the acceptance testing period of the project to verify the actual quantity of the
equipment supplied and commissioned under the project.

4.19 Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of IT Infrastructure for DR over cloud
The SI shall be responsible for deploying Disaster – Recovery for the Intelligent City Surveillance System on Cloud. The SI shall
select a MeitY empaneled Cloud Service Provider (CSP). The SI may refer to the details of MeitY empaneled CSPs over,
http://meity.gov.in/content/gi-cloud-meghraj. It should also comply with the empanelment requirements published by the

All the requirements/scope of work mentioned in this section shall be the responsibility of the SI. SI shall also ensure that as a
SI, the CSP provides the features in the cloud and also performs the scope of work which is directly attributable to CSP.

i. The SI is required to prepare and submit along with their technical proposal, the details of methodologies &
computations for sizing & capacity of storage, compute, backup, network and security.
ii. There should be sufficient capacity (compute, network and storage capacity offered) available for real time
provisioning during any unanticipated spikes in the user load.
iii. The SI will be responsible for adequately sizing the necessary compute, memory, and storage required, building the
redundancy into the architecture (including storage) and load balancing to meet the service levels mentioned in the
iv. While the initial sizing & provisioning of the underlying infrastructure (including the system software and bandwidth)
may be carried out for the first year; subsequently, it is expected that the SI along with the CSP, based on the growth
in the user load (peak and non-peak periods; year-on year increase), will scale up or scale down the compute, memory,
storage, and bandwidth requirements to support the scalability and performance requirements of the solution and
meet the SLAs.
v. Ensure redundancy at each level
vi. SI shall provide interoperability support with regards to available APIs, data portability etc. for GSCL to utilize in case
a) Change of Cloud Service Provider,
b) Migration back to in-house infrastructure,
c) Burst to a different cloud service provider for a short duration, or
vii. Required support to be provided to GSCL in migration of the VMs, data, content and any other assets to the new
environment created by the GSCL or any Agency (on behalf of GSCL) on alternate cloud service provider's offerings to
enable successful deployment and running of GSCL solution on the new infrastructure.
viii. The SI/CSP should configure, schedule and manage backups of all the data including but not limited to files, folders,
images, system state, databases and enterprise applications:
a) Perform and store data and file backups consisting of an initial full back up with daily incremental backups for
b) For the files, perform weekly backups;
c) For the databases, perform a twice weekly full database backup, with a three times daily backup of database
log files
d) Encryption of all backup files and data and management of encryption keys as a service that can be enabled
for GSCL that require such a service.
e) Retain database backups for five (5) years on system and thereafter on tapes which can to be restored when
ix. SI/CSP shall not delete any data at the end of the agreement (for a maximum of 90 days beyond the expiry of the
Agreement) without the express approval of GSCL.
x. The SI is fully responsible for technology refreshes, patch management and other operations of infrastructure that is
in the scope of the SI.
xi. The SI should offer dashboard to provide visibility into service via dashboard.

4.20 Capacity Building and Training

Capacity Building is an important aspect of this Project. SI has to conduct a proper training need analysis of all the concerned
staff and draw up a systematic training plan in line with the overall Project plan. For all these training programs the SI has to
provide necessary course material and reference manuals (user/maintenance/ administration) along with training schedules
for all phases. The course and documentation required shall be prepared in English language. The training shall be held at
various office/department locations as finalized by GSCL.

Training shall be provided to the following trainees:

i. Senior Officers: Officers from Guwahati Police and other departmental stakeholders
ii. Functional users: Field staff, the staff of command and control Center and other departmental stakeholders
• SI should ensure that the knowledge transfer to the concerned department staff happens effectively post training.
• Prepare the training material in consultation with authorities. Detailed training manuals would be prepared by the
SI prior to the start of the training. Master copies of all training material should be submitted to the Authority for

4.21 Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)

The Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) is a process that evaluates the equipment during and after the assembly process by verifying
that it is built and operating in accordance with design specifications. Successful Implementation.
SI must submit Factory Acceptance Test Certificate for the below mentioned materials before the actual supply of the items.
These items include all the IT / Non-IT / Active and Passive components as per RFP

4.21.1 Acceptance testing

GSCL shall review and finalize the detailed acceptance test plan proposed by the SI. The authority would also conduct audit of
the process, plan and results of the Acceptance Test carried out by the SI for both IT and non-IT components. The authority
would issue certification of completion for which, authority shall verify availability of all the defined services as per the contract
signed between the SI and GSCL. The SI shall be required to demonstrate all the services, features, functionalities as mentioned
in the agreement.
Testing and Commissioning shall be carried out before the commencement of Operations.

4.21.2 Partial Acceptance Testing

Partial Acceptance Test shall involve scrutiny of documents for various IT / Non-IT components to verify if the specifications
conform to the technical and functional requirements mentioned in the Tender and subsequent corrigendum.
Authority reserves right to conduct physical inspection of the equipment delivered to ensure that they arrive at the sites in
good condition and are free from physical damage and incomplete shipments and shall return the products to the supplier at
the supplier’s expenses if required quality is not maintained.
Physical inspection of hardware will also include physical checking and counting of the delivered equipment in presence of the
The equipment will only be acceptable as correct when each received item corresponds with the checklist that will be prepared
by the SI prior to shipment.
Any shortfalls in terms of number of items received may render the delivered equipment incomplete.

4.22 Third Party Audit

GSCL reserves the right to respect and monitor/assess the performance / maintenance of the project systems at any time during
the course of the contract. GSCL may demand and upon such demand being made, GSCL or its authorized Third Part Agency
(TPA) shall be provided with any documents, data, materials or any other information which it may require, to enable it to
assess the progress / performance of the project.
GSCL also have the right to conduct itself or through another third part audit agency as it may deem fit, an audit to monitor the
performance by the bidder on its obligations/functions in accordance with the standards committed to or required by GSCL
undertake to cooperate with and provide to GSCL / Audit agency. All documents and other details or information as may be
required by them for this purpose. Any deviation or contravention identified as a result of such audit / assessment would need
to be rectified by the bidder.

The core objective of TPA is to provide objective assurance to monitor and assess the conformance by the bidder on various
project activities and add value to improve the project operations. It would help GSCL to accomplish the project objective by
bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of infrastructure, operations service level
management and control and governance process.

4.23 Final Acceptance Testing

The final acceptance shall cover overall Supply, implementation, testing and commissioning of the Intelligent City Surveillance
System Project, after successful testing by the authority, a Final Acceptance Test Certificate (FAT) shall be issued by the authority
to the SI.

Prerequisite for carrying out Final Acceptance testing activity:

• Detailed test plan shall be developed by the SI and approved by authority. This shall be submitted by SI before Final
Acceptance Testing activity to be carried out.
• All documentation related to Intelligent City Surveillance System project and relevant acceptance test document
(including IT Components, Non-IT Components etc.) should be completed and submitted before the final acceptance
test to the Department.
• The training requirements as mentioned should be completed before the final acceptance test.
• Successful hosting of Application.

The Final Acceptance testing shall include the following:

• All hardware and software items must be installed at respective sites as per the specification.
• Availability of all the defined services shall be verified.
• DR Drill to be performed and 100% successful.
• The SI shall be required to demonstrate all the features / facilities / functionalities as mentioned in the RFP.
• The SI shall arrange the test equipment required for performance verification and will also provide documented test

4.24 System Documents and User Manuals

• The SI shall provide documentation, which follows the ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) standards
or IEEE/ISO Acceptable Documentation Standards.
• The documentation should be submitted as the project undergoes various stages of implementation and provide all
traceability documentation on changes done on the IT components during the course of the implementation.
• Indicative list of documents includes:
o Site assessment report should provide comprehensive detailing of existing and envisaged infrastructure and
requirements in the project.
o Project Plan should provide micro level activities with milestones and dependencies etc.
o Original manuals (installation, training etc.) from OEMs.
o Training Material will be provided which will include the presentations used for trainings and also the
required relevant documents for the topics being covered.
o The SI shall be responsible for preparing detailed process documentation related to the operation and
maintenance of each and every component of the Intelligent City Surveillance System Project.
o The SI shall document all the installation and commissioning procedures and provide the same to the
authority within one week of the commissioning of the project.
o Manuals for configuring of switches, routers, etc. shall be provided by the selected SI.
o Complete inventory list of all the equipment deployed at field level with proper numbering and GIS

The SI shall be responsible for documenting configuration of all devices and keeping back up of all configuration files for
the complete project tenure, so as to enable quick recovery in case of failure of devices.

4.25 Operations and Maintenance during contract period

Success of the Project would lie on how professionally and methodically the entire project is managed once the implementation
is completed. SI is required to depute a dedicated team of professionals to manage the Project and ensure adherence to the
required SLAs.

The SI shall provide O&M services for all project related components installed as part of Intelligent City Surveillance System
project during the Contract Period, including one (1) year of warranty period after “Go-Live”.

The activities to be carried out during the contract period shall include, but not limited, to the following:

• Monitor the operation of Intelligent City Surveillance System and take suitable interventions as required such as
change of signal plan, change of signal timing from CCC enabling green corridor etc. Periodic change of signal plans
and other configurations parameters on directions of Authority.
• Monitor health of signal and camera equipment and initiate immediate corrective action in any fault.
• Undertake configuration management for all systems.
• Undertake system admin, database admin, back up, archival, network admin activities.
• Comprehensive maintenance of all equipment/sub-system during Contract period.
• Facility Management of Command and Control centre during O&M phase.
• Help Desk Management.

4.26 Project Management and Operation Maintenance

The SI will be required to provide facilities management services to support the authority / Police department officials in
performing their day-to-day functions related to this system.SI is required to depute a dedicated, centralized project
management and technical team for the overall Project management and interaction with authority and other departments
during the time of Implementation. The project management team of SI will work in tandem with the Project PMU/ PMC set up
by GSCL during the entire contract duration.

4.27 Indicative resource requirement

Below is the indicative resource requirement for centralized administration of the Project

Deployment Minimum Deployment
SI no. Position Quantity during during Operation and
Implementation Maintenance phase
1 1 At least 80% 100%
Commandand Onsite Support to Project
2 1 At least 80%
Control Centre team on need basis
(ICCC) Expert
Solution Onsite Support to Project
3 1 At least 80%
Architect team on need basis
Network &
4 1 At least 60% 100%
Security &
5 Surveillance 1 At least 80% 100%
Server &
6 1 At least 60% 100%
Storage Expert
Quality Control Onsite Support to Project
7 Expert 1 At least 80% team on need basis
including quarterly visit and
report submission

The above-mentioned manpower requirement is minimum and if the SI believes that to meet the SLAs, additional resources are required,
the same may be provided by the SI. GSCL can suggest changes in the aforementioned resource requirement as per the
requirement. It is the SI’s responsibility to identify and deploy the resources during the O&M phase.

The Command Centre Operators provided by the SI shall be responsible for verification and generation of the e-challans. They
will also be responsible for providing support in terms of monitoring of the data feeds at Command and Control Center and
handholding the Officials from Police department required for operationalization of the Intelligent City Surveillance System

System Engineer - Hardware shall be responsible for first level of technical support in terms of ICT equipments placed at the
Command and Control Centre as well as Help Desk functions.

SI shall deploy adequate site engineers required for smooth operation of the Project components.

SI shall deploy adequate Facility Management staff at Command and Control Centre. Facilities management shall include but
not limited to building and grounds maintenance, cleaning, catering and vending, security, space management, utilities
management etc. and associated manpower shall also be under the scope of the SI during Operation & Maintenance phase.

SI shall be required to provide such manpower meeting the following requirements:

• All such manpower shall be without any criminal background /record.

• Authority reserves the right to carry out background check of the personnel proposed on the Project for verification
of criminal record, at the beginning of deployment or during deployment.
• SI shall have to replace any person, if not found suitable for the job.
• Operational Manpower shall work in at least 2 shifts, with no person being made to see the feeds for more than 8
hours at a stretch.
• Detail operational guideline document shall be prepared during implementation which shall specify detail
responsibilities of these resources and their do’s and don’ts.

4.28 Hand-over of the system before contract expiry

SI will supply the following to the GSCL before the expiry of the contract:

• Information relating to the current services rendered and data relating to the performance of the services;
• Entire documentation relating to various components of the Project, any other data and confidential information
related to the Project;
• All other information (including but not limited to documents, records and agreements) relating to the products and
services related to the project
• Enable Police Department and its nominated agencies, or its replacing Successful SI to carry out due diligence in order
to transition the provision of the Project Services to authority or its nominated agencies, or its replacing Successful SI
(as the case may be).
• The SI shall provide GSCL or its nominated agency with a recommended exit management plan ("Exit Management
• Promptly during exit on reasonable request by GSCL, SI shall provide access to and copies of all information held or
controlled by them which they have prepared or maintained in accordance with this agreement relating to any material
aspect of the services (whether provided by the SI or subcontractors appointed by the SI).
• GSCL shall be entitled to copy of all such information. Such information shall include details pertaining to the services
rendered and other performance data.
• SI to provide appropriate knowledge transfer.

4.29 Other requirements

The SI should ensure the following (not limited to) while implementation of project:
• SI to ensure that for operation and maintenance team has the uniform with the identity card, safety shoes, helmet,
Neon Jacket sets.
• SI will have to carry his own four-wheeler and a ladder of 15 feet length to carry out implementation and maintenance
work (including transportation of items required for Project) during the Contract Period. All the expenses pertaining
to vehicle such as driver’s expenses, fuel, lubricants, maintenance, etc. will have to be borne by the SI.
• SI will pay the charges related to Electric Meter, recurring electricity charges. These charges will be then reimbursed
by GSCL. Fuel for DG shall also be provided by authority.
• SI will implement the Biometric attendance system for the attendance of Project member proposed in this document
at the command and control center. The SI will share the attendance report with the client at the end of the month.
The quarterly payment will be disbursed as per the SLA requirements.

4.30 Video Analytics for the project

• The SI shall have to provide a robust video analytics software under this project. The video analytics should have an AI
features and preferably should be on Open-source platform. The detailed specifications are mentioned in subsequent
sections of this RFP document.
5 Intelligent City Surveillance System – Functional Requirement & Technical
The functional requirements and technical specifications provided in the below sections are indicative and carry guiding

Any specified parameters mentioned in the scope/technical requirement in the RFP may be considered if it is required for
meeting current & future requirements during the contract period. The SI is fully responsible for the specified outcome to
be achieved.

An Architecture diagram shared for better clarity in section 4.5.


All Cameras to be of Same Make and need to share this specification (Power Consumption, Warranty Period, Field Of View,
Firmware update (Auto or manual) spec, Form factor/dimension/weight) along with table mentioned spec .

CCTV Technical Compliance Remark

S.No OEM Criteria
1 CCTV OEM should be active company and should have direct presence in
India from last ten years (not as joint venture, partnership firms or through
any other association) & manufacturing in India since last Five years (not as
joint venture, partnership firms or through any other association) (3rd Party
Manufacturing not allowed) and Foreign CCTV OEM should have
manufacturing unit globally from last 10 Years at the time of bidding.
Documentary evidence should be submitted.
2 Bidder shall ensure compliance to the Office Memorandum for insertion of
Rule 144 (xi) in the General Finance Rules (GFR)-2017 bearing reference
number F.No. 6/18/2019-PPD dated 23 July 2020 or latest, by the Public
Procurement Division, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance. Non-
compliant bid(s) will be summarily rejected. The OEM should not have any
common directors who are also on the board of companies having
beneficiaries from land border countries at the time of bidding.
The camera OEM must submit declaration regarding their own
manufacturing setups and shall not have 3rd party manufacturing from any
company blacklisted in India or any company sharing land border with India.
The IPR/copyright of source code of firmware/software etc. should not
reside in countries sharing land borders with India. OEM should submit
supporting document to establish proof of this eligibility criteria.

3 Bid should be compliant to the Policy and Make in India makes shall be given
preference as per Order 2017-Revision vide the Department of Industrial
Policy and Promotion (DIPP) Order No. P-45021/2/2017-PP(BE-II) dated 16th
September,2020 or latest. OEMs under make in India must submit
Undertaking and supporting documents.
5 MP IP Bullet Camera with in-built 100 Mtr. IR Technical Compliance Remark
S.No Features Required Parameter
1 Sensor 1/2.7”, 5MP Progressive Scan CMOS Sensor
2 Max resolution 5 MP
3 Min. illumination Color: 0.01 Lux @F1.2, B/W: 0.001 Lux@F1.2, 0
Lux at IR ON
4 Electronic Shutter Auto, Slow Shutter, (1/1s-1/100,000s Adjustable)
5 Lens 5-50mm Motorized Lens
6 IR Range up to 100Mtr
7 Camera Feature WDR (120dB), 3D-DNR, AGC, AWB, Day & Night,
8 S/N ratio ≥60db
9 Video Analytics Line Crossing, Motion Detection, Intrusion
Detection, Scene Change, Human Detection
10 Video & Audio Video: H.265 & H.264 (H.265/ HEVC and H.264
Compression /AVC Certificate to be submitted at the time of
submitting bid)
Audio: G.711A
11 Video & Audio Bit Rate Video: Constant bit rate, variable bit rate
12 Video Streams Mainstream: 5MP
Sub Stream: D1 (704x576)/ CIF (352×288)
Third Stream: VGA (640X480)/CIF (352×288)
13 Security Feature New Password Policy, ActiveX Remove, Shifting
to HTML5, HTTPS, Video Encryption , HTTPS X
509 certificate, syslog, 801.X, Trusted Boot
14 Protocol TCP/IP, IPv4,Ipv6, RTCP, NTP, UPnP, SMTP, FTP,
Filter, SNMP V1 & V2
15 Alarm In/out 1 Alarm In/1 Alarm Out
16 Audio In/out 1 Audio In/1 Audio Out
17 System Compatibility ONVIF Profile S, G & T . CCTV OEM Should be
ONVIF Full Member.
18 Privacy Mask Support 4 area privacy mask
19 Network Port RJ45 10M,100M adaptive Ethernet interface
20 SD Card Support up to 512GB
21 Operating Conditions -30°C ~ 60 °C Humidity 95% or less (non-
22 Ingress protection IP66/67 Complaint
23 Vandalism IK10 Vandal Proof Complaint
24 Product Certification CE, FCC, IS-13252 (Part 1):2010, BIS Registered
25 OEM should have ISO 9001, 14001, 27001, 45001, ISO/IEC 27032:2012 and
CMMI Level 5 Certificate.

5MP IP PTZ Camera 30x Optical Zoom

Sl. No. Parameters Specifications Technical Compliance
1 Image Sensor 1/1.9″ Progressive Scan CMOS
2 Min. Illumination Color: 0.005Lux@F1.2 B/W: 0Lux with IR on
3 Zoom Optical Zoom 30X & Digital Zoom 16X
4 Focal Length 4.7~141mm @F1.5~F4.0 or equivalent to 30x
Optical zoom
5 Video Compression H.265 & H.264 (H.265/ HEVC and H.264 /AVC
Certificate to be submitted at the time of
submitting bid)
6 Field of View H58°~H3°/D71°~D3°/V44°~V2°
7 WDR 140dB Super WDR
8 Shutter Time 1/100000s~1s
9 Other Feature Day & Night, 3D positioning, Backlight
Compensation, White Balance, Gain Control,
Ultra DNR (2D/3D), Electronic Image Stabilization
10 S/N >65dB
11 Pan Range/Pan Speed 360° endless/ Pan Manual Speed: 0.1°∼400°/s,
Pan Preset Speed: 400°/s
12 Tilt Range/Tilt Speed 0°∼90°(Auto Flip)/ Tilt Manual Speed:
0.1°∼320°/s, Tilt Preset Speed: 320°/s
13 Preset 256
14 Patrol 8 Patrols, up to 48 presets each patrol
15 Pattern 4 Patterns
16 IR Distance Up to 200m
17 Video Streaming Main Stream: 30fps@(2592x1944), 60fps@
(1920x1080, 1280x960)
Sub Stream: 60fps@(704x576, 640x480,
Third Stream: 30fps@(1920x1080, 1280x720,
18 Network
19 Ethernet 1*RJ45 10M/100M Ethernet Port
20 Streaming Method Unicast / Multicast
21 Protocol IPv4/IPv6, SMTP, SNMP, UPnP, SIP, PPPoE, VLAN,
802.1x, QoS, IGMP, ICMP, SSL, TCP, UDP, RTP,
22 Audio Compression G.711/AAC/G.722/G.726
23 Audio I/O 1 IN/1 out
24 Alarm I/O 4 IN/2 Out
25 RS485 Support
26 Edge Storage Support for micro-SD/SDHC/SDXC (Max 256 GB
27 Advanced Function Auto Tracking, IP Address Filtering, AGC, Anti-
flicker, Corridor Mode, Deblur
28 Privacy Masking Up to 8 areas
29 Region of Interest Support
30 Smart Defogger Built-In Fan & Heater combined with Software
algorithm Provide Fog Free Picture
31 PTZ Auto Tracking Support
32 Events
33 Event Trigger Motion Detection, Network Disconnection,
External Input, IP address conflict, Illegal Access,
Storage anomaly etc.
34 Event Action FTP Upload, SMTP Upload, SD Card Record
35 Video Analysis Region Entrance, Region Exiting, Advanced
Motion Detection, Tamper Detection, Line
Crossing, Loitering, People Counting, Object Left,
Object Removed
36 System Compatibility ONVIF Profile S, G & T . CCTV OEM Should be
ONVIF Full Member.
37 General
38 Working Condition Temperature: -50℃~70℃ / Humidity:
39 Power Supply PoE (802.3at) / AC 24V/3A±10%
40 Power Consumption 16.5W MAX / 35.5W MAX
41 Surge Protection IP67 Compliant, IK10 Certified, Level 2 lightning
protection 6000V surge protection
42 Certification CE, FCC, IS-13252 (Part 1):2010, BIS Registered
43 OEM should have ISO 9001, 14001, 27001, 45001, ISO/IEC 27032:2012 and
CMMI Level 5 Certificate.

5 MP IP BOX Camera
Sl. No. Parameters Specifications
1 Sensor 1/2.7”, 5MP Progressive Scan CMOS Sensor
3 Max resolution 5 MP
4 Min. illumination Color: 0.01 Lux @F1.2, B/W: 0.001 Lux@F1.2, 0
Lux at IR ON
5 Electronic Shutter Auto, Slow Shutter, (1/1s-1/100,000s Adjustable)
6 Lens 5-50mm CSMount/M12 Mount Lens/Any Other
7 IR Range External IR
8 Camera Feature WDR (120dB), 3D-DNR, AGC, AWB, Day & Night,
9 S/N ratio ≥60db
11 Video & Audio Video: H.265 & H.264 (H.265/ HEVC and H.264
Compression /AVC Certificate to be submitted at the time of
submitting bid)
Audio: G.711A
12 Video & Audio Bit Rate Video: Constant bit rate, variable bit rate
13 Video Streams Mainstream: 5MP
Sub Stream: D1 (704x576)/ CIF (352×288)
Third Stream: VGA (640X480)/CIF (352×288)
14 Security Feature New Password Policy, ActiveX Remove, Shifting
to HTML5, HTTPS, Video Encryption , HTTPS X
509 certificate, syslog, 801.X, Trusted Boot
15 Protocol TCP/IP, IPv4,Ipv6, RTCP, NTP, UPnP, SMTP, FTP,
Filter, SNMP V1 & V2
16 Alarm In/out 1 Alarm In/1 Alarm Out
17 Audio In/out 1 Audio In/1 Audio Out
18 System Compatibility ONVIF Profile S, G & T . CCTV OEM Should be
ONVIF Full Member.
19 Privacy Mask Support 4 area privacy mask
20 Network Port RJ45 10M,100M adaptive Ethernet interface
21 SD Card Support up to 512GB
22 Operating Conditions -30°C ~ 60 °C Humidity 95% or less (non-
23 Ingress protection IP66/67 Complaint
24 Vandalism IK10 Vandal Proof Complaint
25 Product Certification CE, FCC, IS-13252 (Part 1):2010, BIS Registered
26 OEM should have ISO 9001, 14001, 27001, 45001, ISO/IEC 27032:2012 and
CMMI Level 5 Certificate.


IP-Public Address System Technical Compliance

Sl. No. Parameter
1 IP66 Outdoor IP Speaker
2 Audio streaming: One-way/two-way
3 G.711 Audio Compression
4 Max sound pressure level: >121 dB
5 Frequency response: 250-10000Hz
6 Coverage pattern: 70° horizontal by 100° vertical (at 2 kHz)
7 Built-in 30 W amplifier
8 Security: Password protection, IP address filtering, HTTPS encryption, Digest
authentication, User access log
NTP, SMTP, UPNP, SMTP, IPv4, IP filter
10 Power: 12V DC 30W
11 RJ45 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX PoE
12 Operating Temperature: 10°C to 60 °C

Technical Compliance
IP Speaker Software Remark
1 Software should have the capability to connect multiple IP speakers
Software should have the capability for one to one and one to many
3 Software should have the capability to make the group of multiple IP speaker

Software should have the capability to modify the IP speaker configuration

like Audio Volume increase & decrease etc.

5 OEM of software should be CMMI Level 5.

6 Software should have a multi- level user authentication feature.


Emergency Call system

S.No Specification Technical Compliance
(Yes/No) Remark

1 ECB Should have SOS button for two way communication

2 ECB Should have Hands-free Emergency Audio Video calling feature
3 ECB should have provision to support 3G/4G, Ethernet network and fiber
optic connectivity. Any one type of connectivity as defined at design stage
should be supplied as per customer requirement.
4 ECB Should support Video Based call management application with a live
site map, the calls for help can be served practically from a remote location.
5 Video Compression: H.265 & H.264
(H.265/ HEVC and H.264 /AVC Certificate to be submitted at the time of
submitting bid)
6 ECB Should have 2MP (1920 x1080) Camera
7 Focal Length of Camera 4mm lens
8 ECB should have 16GB Built-In Memory
9 ECB Camera Support Triple Stream @25/30 fps in each stream
10 ECB should have built in Mic and Speaker
11 Operating Conditions: -30° C ~ +60° C / Less than 95% RH
12 ECB should be IP66 Compliant. Call Boxes should be built to withstand harsh
weather conditions and vandalism, ensuring their functionality in various
environmental situations.
13 ECB operate at DC 12V ± 10%
14 ECB Camera Support WDR (120dB)

Technical Compliance
Emergency Call Box Software Remark
SOS Emergency Call Box offers hands-free emergency call management service at
the time of distress. Such call boxes should be mounted in easily accessible
1 locations. Emergency Call Boxes should be mounted in locations where a CCTV
Camera from the proposed bill of material is nearby positioned to capture the
overview of the region.
The call-box with Video and all the call boxes are connected to a central server
through the bandwidth connectivity envisaged for the project.
Video Based call management application with a live site map, the calls for help can
be served practically from a remote location
Software shall be capable to transfer the call to the next Pre-defined Station and
ECB Monitoring System at Control Room

Software should be capable to define minimum three pre-define stations to get the
alert of each ECB

Software should have the capability to send the alert simultaneously once any Call
will be initiated between the ECB and Station, at the same time alert will be sent to
VMS and audio/video recording will be started at ECB Recording Server in Control

5.4 Video Monitoring, Recording & Management software

VMS from ONVIF Full Member OEM which should be tested on at least 30 Camera OEMs and 3rd party VA is mandated. The Video
Monitoring, Recording & Management software (VMS) should be integrable with in-house apps developed by Indian Government.

Qualification Criteria to be adhered for selection of VMS OEM. Technical Compliance

OEM of VMS should be in the manufacturing for minimum 15 years globally. Bidder to
submit OEM undertaking with details.
OEM of VMS should have Service Centre Support in India from minimum last 7 years.
OEM Undertaking for same o be submitted.
To ensure openness will approximately all camera OEMs, the VMS OEM must have
integrated 10000+ camera device at SDK/API level. Documentary evidence need to be
OEM of camera and VMS must have supplied and executed min. 1000 IP camera license
in any CCTV surveillance system project (Either directly by OEM or SI) to any state /
central govt / PSU / Judiciary / or any govt. institution in last 05 years ending on the
tender floating date.
To ensure openness VMS should not be from the same OEM of CCTV camera and OEM
of Video Analytics

Technical Compliance
Sr. No Description Remark
1 General
The Video Management System shall be a fully distributed solution, designed for
limitless multi-site and multiple server installations requiring 24/7 surveillance
with support for devices from different vendors. The Video Management System
shall offer centralized management of all devices, servers and users and must
empower a flexible rule-based system driven by schedules and events.
VMS shall support IP cameras (all the features & functionalities) from at least
thirty (50) major camera brands with API level Integration. Documentary
evidence having make detail should be mandatorily submitted.
The VMS application shall support all the features & functionalities of the offered
cameras. Documentary proof should be submitted for same.
The offered VMS should have integration with 10000+ camera models at API
level. Documentary evidence having camera make and model detail should be
mandatorily submitted.
VMS shall have API based integration with the major camera vendors in order to
support features such as, up to 3 Multi-streams, SD Card storage sync, Camera
based Edge Analytics support, Camera I/O support, Camera Audio support
To ensure openness, VMS, cameras and VA should not be from the same
manufacturer but should be tightly integrated on API level.
VMS shall support installation and ability to run on virtualized windows servers
VMS manufacturer shall provide their SDK (or any other integration means)
libraries and documentation) to ensure a seamless integration with any other
VMS shall be open to any standard storage technologies integration.
VMS shall be open to any video wall system integration.
VMS OEM should be one of the top 5 OEM from Latest Global IHS World Report
for Video Management Software
VMS should have the possibility to integrate third party Video Analytics systems.
VMS should consist of only Base license and Channel Licenses. VMS should be
provided with unlimited number of Failover Servers and Failover Camera
The system shall act as an SNMP agent which can generate an SNMP trap as a
result of rule activation in addition to other existing rule actions.
The system shall be able to utilize Microsoft Windows SNMP Service for
triggering of SNMP traps
The VMS should have the feature to record client workstation screens for
monitoring & to provide an account of fraudulent activities by capturing screen
recordings of activities/transactions.
The VMS should be mandatory provided with 100 number of Client Licenses. In
case of additional Licenses required, no extra cost needs to be considered.
The VMS should have the feature of privacy masking to conceals certain parts of
the image, both in live and playback video and in exported material. It supports
permanent masks and liftable masks that can be lifted and managed with user
credentials. Masking level is adjustable and ranges between ‘light blur’ to ‘solid
The VMS should support video data grooming feature to enables reduction of
video recording data size by reducing the frame rate of the video data.
VMS should support Scalable Video Quality Recording to record high-quality
video to edge storage, while a
low-quality reference video stream can be recorded centrally in the recording
The VMS system shall be a scalable client – server architecture built using well
known operating systems
The VMS system shall enable recording to be done at the aggregation sites and
shall allow the local Control center to import selected video’s on demand.
Aggregation site types shall be categorized according to function and size as per
the table below.
To facilitate the VMS system architecture, the BIDDER shall ensure that sufficient
capacity is designed into the data communications & telecommunications
infrastructure to deliver the required functionality, along with the ability to
allocate and reserve resources (including bandwidth).
The Recording server shall have the ability to handle Video Motion detection on
Nvidia GPU to optimize the server requirement.
The VMS data communications and telecommunications network shall use a
suitable transport medium and associated cabling and data transmission
infrastructure that will support real-time video display of cameras at the
nominated operations centers. The type of transmission network shall be
determined by the BIDDER.
The VMS system shall be compatible to single and multiple processor servers.
The server processor & hardware shall be optimized in all cases.
The VMS system shall cluster the processing & memory load across several
machines. The failure of any one server in the solution shall not cause a failure
in the entire system.
The VMS system device drivers shall be stored separately to the central core
application to ensure any instability in 3rd party SDKs do not affect the core
The VMS management server shall be able to intelligently scan an IP network for
new devices (cameras or servers) along with automatic model detection.
Network infrastructure and installation are the responsibility of the Bidder.
Network components both active and required for the successful
implementation of the video surveillance detailed in this tender shall be provided
by the Bidder. The network infrastructure shall meet the streaming requirement
of the project without any bottlenecks. The network infrastructure shall support
UDP multicast, UDP unicast and TCP transmission.
The VMS system shall provide an integrated secure, scalable and easily accessible
software-based solution for the management of the existing & future physical
security infrastructure
The VMS system shall provide a powerful and efficient management interface for
all the security systems across all monitored sites.
The Video Management System shall be a fully distributed solution, designed for
limitless multi-site and multiple server installations requiring 24/7 surveillance
with support for devices from different vendors. The Video Management System
shall offer centralized management of all devices, servers and users and must
empower a flexible rule-based system driven by schedules and events.
The Video Management System shall contain recording servers used for
recording video feeds and for communicating with cameras and other devices.
The recording servers shall process the recordings and playback the video
The Video Management System shall include a federated architecture allowing
clients on the host system with the right user rights to view video sources
belonging to multiple independent Video Management Systems simultaneously,
as if they were on The Video Management System shall contain a management
server that shall be the central manager of the system and control recording
servers, cameras, devices and users. The management server shall handle the
initial client login, system configuration and logging.
The management server shall allow access to a system manager from where the
administrator can configure and manage all servers, cameras and users.

The system shall allow the management server to be installed on multiple servers
within a cluster of servers ensuring that another server in the cluster
automatically takes over in case the first server fails.
VMS should have the capability to integrate with 3rd party Fire alarm, Access
Control Systems, BMS systems.
The Video Management System shall support installation and ability to run on
virtualized Windows servers.
The VMS system shall support Device firmware upgrade of single and multiple
devices in bulk from within the Management Interface
The Video Management System shall allow an unlimited number of cameras to
be connected to each recording server and an unlimited number of recording
servers to be connected to each management server across multiple sites, if
The Video Management System shall support high availability of recording
servers. A failover option shall provide standby support for recording servers
with automatic synchronization to ensure maximum uptime and minimum risk
of lost data.
The Video Management System shall support a versatile rule system including
scheduled or event-driven actions with numerous options including support to
time profiles.
The Video Management System shall support latest Microsoft windows
operation software. The system must use DirectX and .NET Framework.

The Video Management System software shall include multicast and multi-
streaming support.
The Video Management System shall include automatic camera discovery.
The Video Management System shall support archiving for optimizing recorded
data storage through unique data storage solutions by combining performance
and scalability with cost efficient long-term video storage.
The Video Management System shall incorporate fully integrated matrix
functionality for distributed viewing of any camera in the system from any
computer with the client viewer.
The Video Management System shall incorporate intuitive map functions
allowing for multilayered map environment. The map functionality shall allow for
the interactive control of the complete surveillance system, at-a-glance overview
of system integrity, and seamless drag-and-drop integration with video wall
module option.
The VMS software must be possible to integrate customer provided GIS MAP,
Google MAP, Open Street MAP only having the MAP credentials.
The Video Management System shall support 56-bit encryption of video for
export purposes. The 56-bit encryption shall meet the requirements on export
limits for encryption.
The Video Management System shall support full two-way audio between clients
and remote devices. Two-way audio integration shall support the following
features and functions:
The Video Management System software shall provide fast evidence export by
exporting in video to various formats, including video from multiple cameras in
encrypted native database format with an included viewer.
The Video Management System shall show full awareness of the system through
audit logs and shows user activity through comprehensive logs.
The Video Management System shall include support for a frame work data
module designed to integrate multiple third party Video Content Analysis (VCA)
solutions seamlessly into client viewer environments.
The Video Management System shall include a Software Development Kit (SDK)
that offers important capabilities for integrating the Video Management System
with third party software and applications.
The Video Management System shall include a stand-alone viewer application to
be included with video exported from the client viewer application. The viewer
application shall allow recipients of the video to browse and playback the
exported video without installing separate software on their computers.
The Video Management System shall include support for Active Directory to
allow users to be added to the system. Use of Active Directory requires that a
server running Active Directory, acting as a domain controller, to be available on
the network.
The Video Management System shall be designed to support each component
on the same computer for efficiency in smaller systems, or each component on
separate systems for large system deployments.
VMS should support ONVIF S, G, T, Q & M Profile supported by IP Devices

VMS should be Full Member of ONVIF or Affiliate to Parent Company or

Contributing membership level.
Video Recording Server should support Recording at different resolution for the
same camera enabling to record one stream at Higher resolution at local station
for 30 days and the other at minimum resolution of 800 X 600 which will be
archived to central storage for predefined days. Bidder shall have option to
consider more than one server per station to achieve the same.
Video Recording Server should support archiving minimum resolution of 800 X
600 video to Central Unified storage at scheduled hours. Archiving should
resume automatically after any disconnection in the WAN link between station
and central location.
Archived Recordings for predefined days should be deleted automatically after
retention period from the central storage as per FIFO policy.
The VMS software must be capable to send events via SMS, email and WhatsApp
provided the credentials to the designated client.
In case of non-availability of WAN link, Video recording Server shall save
minimum resolution of 800 X 600 data internal to server for up to 7 days to avoid
data loss, once the link is established the archiving should happen completely.
Edge Storage
Edge storage shall secure that when a lost or broken connection is back up, the
data stored on the camera’s internal storage shall be retrieved and stored in the
media database.
Edge storage shall secure that after recovery from a malfunction it shall be
possible to play back and view the video, and audio recorded by the device, while
the malfunction persisted
2 Bookmarking
A bookmarking feature shall be included in the Video Management System,
allowing the client viewer users to mark incidents on live and/or playback video
3 Optimized Video Archiving
Administrators shall be able to select a storage container for each device and
move a device from one storage container to another or move all recordings
inclusive archives to the new storage container, or delete them all.
Administrators shall be provided with an overview of the defined storage
containers, their archives with path, and free and used space on the drives for
each device, including the used storage space in the recording database, and in
Video management software shall also have ability to optimize bandwidth
requirement on cloud-based storage solution by Recording at local site recording
server for at least 24 hours and archive to cloud on schedule basis from different
recording servers at different time profile in order to utilize minimum bandwidth
4 Failover Support
The system shall support automatic failover for recording servers. This
functionality must be accomplished by a failover server that shall work as a
standby unit, which takes over in the event that one of a group of designated
recording servers fails. Recordings shall be synchronized back to the original
recording server once it is back online.
The system shall support multiple failover servers for a group of recording
The system shall provide monitoring of all failover servers from the graphical
alarm management module.
The system shall provide seamless access to recordings on the failover Server for
all clients through the same client views once the services are fully started.
5 Multicast Support
The system shall support multicasting of video feeds to client workstations in
order to conserve network resources. Multicasting should be enabled from the
recording servers and not directly from the cameras. Thus the IGMP network
would be necessary only for the switches where server and clients are
Multicasting shall send a single stream of video to multiple clients, where the
stream may be decoded and displayed on all clients simultaneously. This
functionality shall support virtual matrix configurations.
The infrastructure provided for the system shall support Internet Group
Management Protocol (IGMP) for each remote network.
The system shall automatically switch to unicast, if the client fails to connect to
the multicast stream.
6 Multi-streaming Support
The recording server must accept, display and record individual streams of video
from each camera that supports it, for example, display a stream in H.264 format
and record another stream in MPEG4 format. The intent of this functionality shall
be providing independent streams of video from the camera to the server with
different resolution, encoding and frame rate.
Multi-streaming support shall allow the system to be configured with H.264 with
a high frame rate for live viewing and shall allow the system to be configured
with high resolution H.264 at low frame rates for recording and playback.
The system shall allow recorded video to be recorded at 8fps.
7 SNMP Support
The system shall act as an SNMP agent which can generate an SNMP trap as a
result of rule activation in addition to other existing rule actions.
The system shall be able to utilize Microsoft Windows SNMP Service for
triggering of SNMP traps.
8 NAT Firewall Support
The system shall support port forwarding, which must allow clients from outside
of a Network Address Translation (NAT) firewall to connect to recording servers
without using a VPN.
Each recording server shall be mapped to a specific port and this port must be
forwarded through the firewall to the recording server’s internal IP address.
9 Management Server Redundancy
The management server shall provide a resilient system solution based on
Windows Server Clustering and Native, to secure maximum uptime.
10 Centralized Search
The system shall have dedicated tab for searching recording sequences,
bookmarks, events, motion, alarms. These Search categories can be combined,
also with third party search agent plugins. Save search templates. Visualize
location of Search result. Integrates with technology partner solutions
11 Motion Detection
The system should have built-in, real-time, camera-independent motion
detection with the ability to generate motion metadata for Smart Search.
The system should also support motion-based recording feature.
12 Alarms Support
The alarm support shall allow for continuous monitoring of the operational
status and event-triggered alarms from servers, cameras and other devices.
The alarm support shall provide a real-time overview of alarm status, or technical
problems, while allowing for immediate visual verification and troubleshooting.
13 Matrix Functionality
The system shall include an integrated matrix solution for distributing video to
any computer with the client viewer installed. A computer on which the matrix-
triggered images can be shown must be known as a matrix recipient.
The client viewer shall provide remote users with a comprehensive suite of
It shall be possible to view live video from cameras on the surveillance system
from 1 to 100 per view.
It shall be possible to playback recordings from cameras on the surveillance
system, with a selection of advanced navigation tools, including an intuitive
timeline browser.
It shall be possible to create and switch between an unlimited number of views,
each able to display video from up to 100 cameras from multiple servers at a
time. The system shall allow views to be created which are only accessible to the
user, or to groups of users based on 37 different layouts optimized for 4:3, 4:3
Portrait, 16:9 and 16:9 Portrait display ratios.
It shall be possible to access views of cameras on any PC with a client viewer
application installed.
It shall be possible to use multiple screens as well as floating windows for
displaying different views simultaneously.
It shall be possible to quickly substituting one, or more of a view’s cameras with
other cameras.
It shall be possible to view images from several cameras in sequence in a single
camera position in a view – a so called carousel.
It shall be possible to view video from selected cameras in greater magnification
and/or higher quality in a designated hotspot.
It shall be possible to receive and send video through the matrix functionality.
The VMS software must have client in English and Hindi language.
It shall be possible to include HTML pages and static images (for example, maps,
or photos) in views.
It shall be possible to control PTZ cameras.
It shall be possible to use digital zoom on live as well as recorded video.
It shall be possible to activate manually triggered events.
It shall be possible to activate external outputs (e. g. lights and sirens).
It shall be possible to use sound notifications for attracting attention to detected
It shall be possible to get quick overview of sequences with detected motion.
It shall be possible to get quick overviews of alerts.
It shall be possible to quickly search selected areas of video recording for motion.
It shall be possible to skip gaps during playback of recordings.
It shall be possible to configure and use several different joysticks.
It shall be possible to print images, with optional comments.
It shall be possible to copy images for subsequent pasting into word processors,
email, etc.
It shall be possible to export recording (for example, for use as evidence) in AVI,
JPEG and database formats.
It shall be possible to use pre-configured as well as customizable keyboard
shortcuts to speed up common actions.
It shall be possible to insert overlay buttons, for example, for activation of
speakers, events, outputs, movement of cameras etc.
It shall be possible to use a sequence function that lists thumbnail images
representing recorded sequences from an individual camera or all cameras in a
It shall be possible to use a forced playback mode allowing the user to playback
recorded video from inside the ‘live’ mode while viewing ‘live’ video.
The client viewer shall support the use of 3-axis USB joysticks for control of pan,
tilt, zoom and auxiliary camera functions.
The Client should support multiple languages including English & Hindi language
The client viewer shall support the use of multimedia control devices, which are
capable of emulating keystrokes, for the efficient review of recorded video.
The client viewer shall support the use of keyboard shortcuts for control of
standard features. It shall allow the user to program numerical keyboard
shortcuts for camera views. The shortcut number shall be displayed with the
view description in the live and playback displays. The shortcut shall allow the
user to change views with 2 to 3 keyboard entries.
The client viewer shall support GPU based video decoding to improve video
rendering performance and up to 75% reduction in CPU load of the workstation
running Client software. The use of GPU based video rendering shall also make
client ready for 4K/UHD camera technology.
VMS System should Support to Manage device password on one or multiple
devices from within the VMS Client
The client viewer shall have the capability to receive multicast streams. The client
viewer shall have the capability to detect if the network becomes unreliable and
to automatically switch to unicast to ensure that the operator is able to receive
The operator shall have the ability to use digital zoom where the zooming is
performed in the image only on any number of cameras simultaneously. This
functionality shall be the default for fixed cameras. The use of digital zoom shall
have no affect on recording, or other users.
14 Map Functions
Built-in map function in the client viewer shall provide an intuitive overview of
the system and shall offer integrated access to all system components.
Map function shall be able to use standard graphical file formats including: jpg,
gif, png, tif, etc.
It shall be possible to use any number of layered maps, and it shall be possible to
easily drag-and-drop and point-and-click definition of cameras, servers,
microphones, speakers, I/O devices, hot-zones, and PTZ camera presets.
Hot zones shall be allowed for intuitive navigation between different map levels.
Map function shall support instant camera preview when moving the mouse
pointer over a specific camera.
Map function shall support central overview of the surveillance system via an
alarm list containing alarm indicators of high, medium or low prioritized alarms.
Furthermore the alarms shall be categorized by the following states; new, in
progress, on hold, or closed. Alarms must be possible to acknowledge by right-
clicking elements on maps.
The VMS software must be integrated with Google MAP, GIS MAP etc.

Cameras can be possible to position on the MAP by using latitude and longitude.

15 Remote Client Viewer

The web-based remote client viewer shall offer live view of up to 16 cameras,
including PTZ control with joystick, fisheye (360 degrees) cameras and
event/output activation. The playback function shall give the user concurrent
playback of up to 16 recorded videos with date, alert sequence, or time
The web-based remote client viewer shall offer quick overviews of sequences
with detected motion.
The web-based remote client viewer shall be able to generate and export
evidence in AVI (movie clip) and JPG (still image) formats.
The system shall support the use of separate networks, VLANs, or switches for
connecting the cameras to the recording servers providing physical network
separation from the clients and facilitate the use of static IP addresses for the
The system shall support H.264,H.265, MPEG-4 (Part 2), MPEG-4 ASP, MxPEG,
and MJPEG compression formats for all analog cameras connected to encoders,
and all IP cameras connected to the system.
The system shall support dual-streaming cameras and shall cover the following
compression formats: H.264, MPEG-4 (Part 2) and MJPEG.
The recording server shall utilize high performance ISCSI, SCSI, SAS and SSD disk
drives for online recording storage and shall allow the use of lower cost SATA
drives for the RAID arrays for online archive storage. Use of online archiving shall
ensure that data always is readily available. Use of tape-backup systems shall not
be acceptable.
The system shall allow the frame rate, bit rate and resolution of each camera to
be configured independently for recording. The system shall allow the user to
configure groups of cameras with the same frame rate, bit rate and resolution
for efficient set-up of multiple cameras simultaneously.
The recording server(s) shall have the ability to support multiple Network
Interface Cards (NIC) and shall support connection to the cameras on a network
separate from the client viewer, management server and system manager.
The recording server shall have the ability to accept the full frame rate supplied
by the cameras, while recording a lower frame rate yet still shall make the higher
frame rate available to the clients for live viewing.
The VMS software must provide minimum 2 technological updates yearly with in
the warranty support time of 3/5 years to upgrade the system automatically to
accept the new upgraded technology and new devices smoothly into the system.
3rd Party System Integration
Access Control should be integrated thru VMS Access Control Module or thru
SDK/API integration.
FAS System to be integrated thru API/SDK or thru Bacnet Over IP Protocol Plugin
with VMS
BMS System to be integrated thru API/SDK or thru Bacnet Over IP Protocol Plugin
with VMS
VMS manufacturer shall provide their SDK without any additional charges (or any
other integration means) libraries and documentation) to ensure a seamless
integration with any other system.
The VMS software must have the ability to operate in a FIPS 140-2 compliant

The VMS software must ensure compliance with GDPR data privacy law requires
careful planning and preparation of the design of your video surveillance system
and the policies and procedures regulating how it is used.
16 Remote Mobile App
Integrated Mobile Application to monitor overall CCTV system and for required
coordination during emergency

Mobile Client support Native mobile app for smartphone or tablet users, for easy
access to live and playback of cameras, and to activate system events and
outputs. Additionally, for use as a remote recording device by using the mobile
device’s built-in camera, whereby video from the device’s camera is streamed
back to the VMS and recorded like a standard camera.

Support Smart Connect: Easy configuration of internet access to the mobile

server by automatic configuration of firewalls and internet routers via UPnP, with
verification of configuration and operation of internet connection, with option
to email connection details to mobile client users. Includes automatic mobile
server on LAN via UPnP.
Shall support Android as well as Apple IOS software, with respective smart

Provide mobile client capability for mobile device users to use their mobile
device cameras as cameras in the VMS

5.5 Technical Specifications of AI Based Video Intelligence Platform

AI based Integrated Security Management Technical

Compliance Remark
Policing Platform
Sr. No Key Description
1 Unified Platform for Singular Unified Video AI Platform - The Platform
Deployment, Training, shall be a singular and unified AI based Video
Scaling and Intelligence platform capable to run all the
Management of all the Surveillance, Women Safety, Citizen safety,
video AI related encroachment detection and any other Video
application and Analytics use cases on a single platform, namely -
Hardware provisioning
Surveillance Related –
Facial Detection
Advance Intrusion Detection
Women Safety
Crowd Estimation and Management
Abandon Object Detection
Person Collapsing
Encroachment Detection
Stray animal Detection
People Fighting/Violence
Perimeter Detection
Camera Health Monitoring
Each of the video analytics use case shall be able to
run on a unified video intelligence platform. Where
the platform shall have the capability to support
several multi-vendor/OEM video analytics
applications that can be deployed on any camera
or video-feed seamlessly.

Hardware Provisioning for Surveillance

Application -
The inferencing hardware provisioned to run the
video analytics application should be common to
all the applications irrespective of the type of
architecture of deployment. Any application
including but not limited to surveillance apps like
FRS, person attribute etc. should be capable of
running on any device be it a central server or an
edge based device or LPU .

2 Dynamic Deployment Each of the video analytics use-case shall be

structured as an independent module that can be
deployed on any camera using a simple user
interface utility, providing a complete visibility of
the use cases and which cameras they are running
The platform should have utility of scheduling each
use case on individual camera by minimum of an
hourly granularity.
The user should be able to easily select the camera
by tag, groups or locations and schedule
applications on any camera.
3 Advanced AI The Video Analytics system shall be compatible
compatible with the latest technological advancements in the
domain of computer vision and AI. Hence, it shall
be able to quickly adapt to newer libraries and AI
advancements. All the analytics and use-cases shall
be based on advanced AI technology and shall not
depend on traditional algorithms.

4 Libraries and The system shall be fully compatible with popular

frameworks Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence
frameworks including but not limited to OpenCV,
OpenVINO, Tensorflow, CAFFE, Pytorch, MXNet,
TensorRT, Keras and Darknet from day one

5 Training new models The system shall allow seamless training by

labelling any objects within the images and
providing them suitable attributes of multiple
types such as class, subclass, colour, type etc. The
system shall allow training to happen continuously,
on demand or on periodic intervals, which shall be

6 Annotation Capabilities The system shall have an inbuilt annotation tool

of the Platform that allows a user to label the images with relevant
information using both rectangle and polygon
drawing facilities.
The annotation should allow labelling of images or
drawn objects with different class names. In case of
persons, it should also support labelling of various
attributes such as color of clothing, type of clothing,
age, gender etc as well.

The annotation tool should have a comprehensive

project management feature, including assigning
annotation jobs on a set of images to individual
users. The system should also have support for
higher privileged users who can
approve/disapprove the annotations done by the

The user should be able to train new deep-learning

models from the annotated data using the
Annotation UI itself. The user-interface should
allow to plug-in the trained model in any of the
relevant Video Analytics use-cases dynamically at
each camera.

The system should allow the user to plug newly

trained AI models at runtime by simply selecting
the models in the per-camera configuration page

SI to consider sufficient hardware and sizing as

required for optimal running of proposed software

during design phase.

7 Model Comparison The System shall have a library (This library has to
be regularly updated over the time) of standardized
AI models developed by the OEM of the Video
Analytics System, academic institutions and
members of the developer community. These
models shall be used for comparing and
benchmarking the performance of newly developed
models. The system shall allow for both qualitative
and quantitative comparison of models, i.e. it shall
allow the end user to compare individual
parameters of the model (such as learning rate) as
well as the overall performance of the model on any
given dataset when compared to a standardized
8 Monitoring and Autonomously objective metrics shall be available
analytics to be evaluated and Insights into the performance
of each algorithm, model and their versions shall be
made available to key stakeholders or users as
defined. Visual map of composition, workflow,
usage analytics, resource utilization, failure points
etc. would be made available to provide complete
control of A.I. workload.

9 Key UI View and The System shall provide the following key results
operational from the use case
functionalities of the Event Notifications: The result of each of the use
Video Intelligence case shall be in the form of events that contain the
Platform screenshot with other metadata describing the
event, such as detected objects, timestamp,
camera/video that generated the event and all
other metadata representing the event from
different use cases. The User Interface shall have a
grid and list view with all the events from different
use cases, cameras etc. These features should be
also supported through a mobile application to
may be utilized by various users in future.

There should be option to export data (video,

insights, analysis, etc. files) to a suitable file format

The system should support customization of alerts,

video feeds, and priority-based alerts for individual
users from day one.
Resource Management View: The User interface
shall provide a list of all the resources available in
the system such as computing servers and
cameras. The status of each of the devices,
whether they are online/offline shall also be
available at all times.

AI Training Tool: The User interface shall have a

training tool to annotate and label images from the
events to train new AI models and update the
existing ones. The training tools shall also contain a
list of all the models available in the system, which
can be plugged into any AI use case easily.
Use case deployment matrix: The user interface
shall have a matrix to assign, start, stop and
schedule any use case on any camera. The status
of active and non-active use cases shall be clearly
visible with colour coded information.

There will be 2 video analytics use cases deployed

per fixed camera on an average.

Video Synopsys UI- The Video Intelligence shall

provide an intuitive UI for Vide Synopsys. Able to
analyze all the recorded video files and provide the
operator with synopsis video for quick review and
investigation thereby reducing viewing time
considerably. The video files from all the 3rd Party
Video Management Software (VMS) shall be

Data Analytics Dashboard: The user interface shall

also have an analytics dashboard listing all the
patterns of events from different cameras with a
heat-map of number of events on an hourly basis.

10 Common UI for all the The user interface shall be a unified dashboard
use-cases that shows events from all the Video Analytics use-
cases and all the cameras in a common UI, and
which gets populated in real time from event

11 Web based Interface The User based access and interface of the system
shall be completely web interface that can be
accessed from any system in the local area network
(LAN) or wide area network (WAN) with login
credentials. It shall allow multiple users to log in at
the same time, and receive real-time alerts and

The alerts and notifications should be based upon

the user profile.
The user can log in from any device and yet should
be able to access the system according to his/ her
profile .
12 Live Video Interface The User interface shall allow a user to view the live
video stream from any camera with overlaid
information of regions, objects, people and vehicles
based on each of the use-case

13 Configuration per-use- The system shall allow each use-case to be uniquely

case per-camera level configured for every individual camera stream, with
parameters for camera calibration, image quality
improvement, night/day settings etc. .

Each use-case shall be able to run on different

cameras with different settings (e.g., different
Zones for Intrusion, different lines for line crossing
detection, etc.) at different hours of the day.

The configuration page shall allow a user to choose

any of the available AI models to detect and classify
objects within the image. The description of the
models shall clearly specify performance and
hardware requirements of each of the model.

14 Camera Calibration The Video Analytics system UI should have an in-

Tool built 3D camera-calibration tool that can take user
inputs such as reference-heights, reference depths
and floor landmarks to calibrate the camera. The
calibration tool should have an option to use the
GPS coordinates of the camera location.

Once the camera is calibrated, each detected object

should also be assigned real-world coordinates with
respect to the Camera GPS coordinates.

This functionality should be available for each

camera added in the VA system
The OEM should ensure that there should not be
any geometric distortions on the deployed cameras.

15 Key configuration The use case on each camera shall allow setting up
parameters configuration of multiple detections zones such as
lines and regions that can be used to define
perimeters, regions of interest.

The configuration user interface shall allow

adjusting various sensitivity and confidence
parameters to adjust each video-analytics use-
case’s performance with respect to the physical
deployment of the camera.
16 Filtering and Retrieval The system shall allow a user to filter and retrieve
all the events based on any combination of the
following parameters:
- Time of the event
- Objects in the event
- Type of the use-case
- Camera Location etc.
17 Transparent and Open The architecture shall clearly demonstrate the
Architecture technology stack with layers of the core platform,
data governance and interface to different software
18 Highly parallel and The algorithms powering the video intelligence
distributed system shall possess capability to operate parallel
and distributed manner across a cluster of
machines. Both training of AI algorithms and
inference shall be distributed.

19 User Management The system shall support user with a hierarchical

access level, with different access level for different
users demarcated with respect to cameras,
locations and the data. The user access control
system shall allow setting of SOP's like CRUD
(Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations for
each user.

20 Deployment of use- The system shall allow deployment of any use case
case across any camera on any camera without any MAC level or IP level
locking. Ideally any use case shall be deployable
and redeploy able on any camera or video source
as far as the camera view supports such use cases
to be deployed.

21 Video Compatibility The System shall be a real-time video analytics

engine that utilizes advanced image processing
algorithms to turn video into actionable
intelligence. The AI based Video Analytics system
shall consist of video-processing & analytics engine
that works seamlessly both on saved videos or
camera streams in real-time and provide events to
the user based on the use-case basis. The system
shall be compatible with all ONVIF compliant IP
cameras with H.264/H.265 video decoding.
22 Centralized All the video streams shall be processed centrally at
Deployment Support the Data Center with one or more servers for video
processing. The user shall be able to log in to the
system through the central dashboard to access all
the data from all the servers. The processing of
videos as well as alert generation shall be done on
premise. At no point in time shall the data from the
site be shared over the internet or sent over to the
cloud. The System UI shall only be accessible using
workstations and terminals available on premises.

23 Support for third-party The AI system shall also support third-party

use-cases developed algorithms and use-cases that can
provide the user with a large base of use-cases to
choose from.
If a new use-case needs to be developed based on
Video Intelligence, the system shall provide a
developer Software Development Kit (SDK) for this
purpose. The SDK shall be provided along with
detailed documentation for building end-to-end
use-cases on the system.

The system shall also allow the user to plug

different AI models in the individual running of the
video analytics use-case.
24 Flexible Technology The technology stack shall be modular and scalable
Stack based on containerized micro services. Each use-
case shall be orchestrated as a stand-alone micro
service, which communicates with a central server
for exchanging of the data.

A.I. micro services components shall be agnostic to

language used in technology stack. It shall work
with any language, framework, and library of choice
without any impact on the rest of the architecture.
This type of flexibility will ensure lower friction for
collaboration and deployment of AI.
Algorithms being containerized shall ensure both
interoperability and portability, allowing for code to
be written in any programming language or any
version of library and framework but then
seamlessly exposes a single API to be integrated and
ported with multiple modules/AI components of
diverse stack. It shall seamlessly integrate with
other components and shall be portable/ replicable
easily across the machines automatically.

High Availability and Virtualization Support - The

Video Intelligence platform should support HA and
Virtualization from Day 1.
25 General VA The Video Analytics shall be based upon Machine
specifications Learning and Deep Learning framework.

To save the duplication of the video storage, the

analytics should flag the video for the configurable
duration of time pre and post event in the Video
Management System. It should be possible for the
operator to jump to the alert flag in the archived
video for detailed investigation of the event.

It shall be possible to run the analytic as per

hourly/daily/weekly schedule. There should be a
provision to define multiple such schedules. It
should be possible to set the schedule to any
analytic use case. It should be possible to assign
multiple analytics on the same camera.

It is possible to generate email or a text message to

the designated recipients in case critical alerts are
generated. The application shall escalate the alert
to the designated users through email or a text
message in case the alert is not acknowledged by
the operator in a specified period of time.

It shall enable common configuration settings in a

batch mode on multiple cameras.
The application shall allow searching the analytics
events based on priority, date and time (from and
to) and camera. It should be possible to generate
statistical analysis of various use cases across the
time of the day.
The analytics shall enable the operator to define an
unlimited number of detection regions per camera.
The system shall allow setting each region
independently to be ‘Active for Analytics’ for any
given period of time of the day.

The analytics events shall be stored in the database.

In case the events are purged, the purged events
stored to external files for later reference.

For Vehicular Analytics, it is possible to deploy the

analytics in centralized architecture where all the
feeds from the cameras are available in the Data
Center and analyzed centrally.

The system shall have a single client application for

setting analytics, live viewing, archived viewing, and
the administrator functions.

26 Video Summarization The proposed solution should help in making Video

System Functional Searchable, Quantifiable and Actionable, reviewing
Requirements & KPIs: long duration of video in short time; quantitatively
analyze video to derive actionable insights for data
driven safety, security and operational decision
making. The proposed system should be state of the
art image processing technology essentially
creating condensed summaries of original, full
length video recordings, while preserving all objects
and events of interest. These should be presented
either simultaneously or in rapid succession,
regardless of the time point and sequence in which
they occurred, effectively providing operators with
a clear view of activities and enabling them to
rapidly review and home in on events of interest.

The system should provide operators, what they

need to quickly scan through video data to find
suspicious, out of the ordinary or potentially
criminal aspects. After detecting an object of
interest, the user shall be able to select to see the
object in its original form in the original video which
can then be exported.
Video Summarization tool based on attributes and
meta data field will facilitate to reach to relevant
and meaningful content for the defined search
meeting the requirements for effective post
investigation analyses within shorter time span.

System shall be able to analyze all the recorded

video files and provide the operator with
Summarization video for quick review and
investigation thereby reducing viewing time
a. The video files from all the 3rd Party Video
Management Software (VMS) shall be supported.

System shall support: -

· Shall support Video File exports from all kind of
3rd Party VMS and even the video files recorded
from a Mobile Or any other kind of Analog Camera.

· System shall be able to enhance safety and

security with quick rapid human response to critical
events recorded on video
· Shall support Video File exports from all kind of
3rd Party VMS and even the video files recorded
from a Mobile Or any other kind of other video
· Shall automatically extracts objects from the
original video and efficiently reconstructs and
superimposes them back in the original scene,
simultaneously displaying events that have
occurred at different times.
· System shall rapidly pinpoint people and
vehicles of interest, using an extensive range of
appearance and movement filters, across multiple
video sources from different cameras installed in
the premises.
· Shall Instantly locate people, vehicles, and
items of interest by searching for similar looking
· System shall display time-stamps for various
objects in the video continuously, while the
summarization is played.
· Shall provide a web interface to upload the
video files, generate the Summarization & for the
management of multiple investigation cases
· System shall provide density control while
replaying the Summarization video. Density refers
to the number of events shown concurrently when
playing a Summarization.
· The density control shall increase or decrease
the number of events shown at once also changing
the event density shall alter the run time duration
of the video Summarization thereby enabling quick
review time.

· Time Range - Limit the search criteria to specific

time ranges
· Source - Limit objects to specific cameras or files

· Class – Video Summarization shall be shown

based on People, Two-Wheeled Vehicles, Other
Vehicles and Animals
- People Class: Man, Woman and child.
- Two-Wheeled Vehicle Class: Bicycle and
- Other Vehicles Class: Car, Pickup, Van, Truck, Bus

- Bags: Backpacks, Hand-held Bags

- Hats: Hats, No Hats
- Upper Wear: Short/No Sleeves, Long Sleeves

- Lower Wear: Long, Short

· Colour - Identify objects according to any
combination of Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green,
Lime, Cyan, Purple, Pink, White, Grey and Black

· Size - Select objects based on their actual (real-

life) size from a histogram of sizes relevant to a
specific case
· Speed - Select objects based on their actual
speed from a histogram of speeds relevant to a
specific case
· Dwell - Select objects dwelling for longer than a
certain period in a scene
· Area - Identify objects included or excluded
within one or more user-defined 3- or 4-sided
polygon areas. The user shall be able to set the
minimum duration the object spends inside the
· Path - Identify objects traveling along one or
more user-defined paths. The user shall be able to
set the minimum duration the object spends inside
the area.
· Appearance similarity – System shall be able to
do filter and display only the objects matching
similar-looking people (People Similarity) or
Vehicles (Vehicle Similarity).

App Specification – Abandon Object detection

S. No. Key Description
1 App detection The app should be able to detect Left and
Unattended baggage in a camera view.
2 App Reporting The app should report the incident with an image
marked with the region / area where unattended
baggage is detected.

App Specification – Person Collapsing

S. No. Key Description
1 App detection The app should detect if a person walking upright
has collapsed or fallen on the ground.
2 Configurable The user should be able to configure the amount
parameters of time beyond which if the person is on the
ground, the system should raise an alert.

3 App Reporting This app should raise an alert if any pedestrian is

Jay walking.
The app should provide zone wise data of both the
pedestrian movements at zebra crossings and jay
walking with a minimum of hourly granularity.

App Specification – AI Based Advance Intrusion Detection

S. No. Key Description
1 App detection The app should be able to detect an act of
intrusion. Intrusion herein refers to the instance of
an individual crossing a pre-defined virtual fence
defined by the user.
2 Configurable The user should be able to configure the length
parameters and orientation of the virtual fence. She should
also be able to define the direction in which
crossing the line would be considered as intrusion.
App shall have intelligence of identifying intrusion
done by Human , vehicle or Animal

AI based Crowd Estimation and Management

S. No. Key Description
1 Introduction Crowd Estimation and Management (CEM) Video
Intelligence system shall allow estimation of crowd
density within the camera view. This is an
important tool for understanding the crowd
movement and management for the security and
facilities management agencies. System shall raise
an alert if the crowd density within a camera view
is above a certain threshold.
2 Deployment The CEM System shall be a purely computer vision
and artificial intelligence-based system that be
deployed on all the existing and new CCTV
cameras, including box cameras and PTZ cameras.

3 Camera compatibility The system shall be completely independent of the

make/model of the cameras and be compatible
with ONVIF compliant cameras. The CEM system
shall support H264, H264+, H265 and MJPEG video
streaming from cameras.
4 Accuracy on datasets The CEM system shall have 85% average accuracy
in estimation of crowd on public databases and/or
real time situation to be given during proof of
concept time/need to submit the test report.
The accuracy should be estimated in a test dataset
following standard train/validation/test split
methods-during detailed engineering and design
5 Ability to define The CEM system shall have an ability to annotate
regions multiple regions within the camera view and the
user shall be able to specify crowd thresholds for
each of the regions separately. If within any region
the crowd density estimation if above the user
defined threshold, the system shall raise an alert.

6 Alerts The system shall raise alerts in case of the following:

- The CEM system shall raise an alert if the density

of crowd is above a user-defined threshold.

- The system shall raise an alert in case of erratic

movement detected within the crowd
- The system shall raise an alert if there is any
chance of stampede or overcrowding due to
increase in flow rate and erratic movement

- The system shall trigger alarm if more than desired

density is observed near specified regions of
7 Crowd flow estimation The CEM system shall also provide a data of crowd
data flow from one user-defined region to the other, in
case of two regions selected by the user.

8 Data representation The CEM system shall have an MIS system with a
detailed report and dashboard on crowding events
and data at a minimum of hourly granularity.

- The system shall report Crowd Density and

direction to load-balance various gates.
- The system shall provide detailed counts of total
visitors in hourly/daily/weekly/monthly and overall.

- The system shall also provide IN and OUT

counters for all the visitors
9 Heat Maps The CEM system shall have an option of generating
real time heat maps of crowd density.

AI Based Camera Health Monitoring

S. No. Key Description
1 Camera Status The Camera Health Monitoring app should be able
to monitor the status of the camera and report an
alert in case the camera is not functional or
tampered with intentionally or unintentionally.

2 View Obstruction It should detect and raise an alert if the camera view
is obstructed by any foreign object. The user should
be able to adjust the threshold parameters of
extent of obstruction in terms of percentage of
camera view

3 Bright Light Shown The app should be able to detect and raise an alert
if the camera view is tampered with bright lights.
The system should specifically identify it as a
camera tampering event with light shining.

4 Camera View Changed It should raise an alert if the camera view is

changed/moved suddenly.
5 Illumination Too Low It should raise an alert if the camera scenes gets too
dark below a threshold.
6 Camera Connectivity It should raise an alert if the camera is turned off or
connectivity is lost.
7 Notification with The health monitoring app should notify the user
Health Type with the type of camera health issue, namely: View
Obstruction, Bright Light Shown, Camera View
Changed, Low Illumination and loss of connectivity

8 Sensitivity It should have provision to adjust the sensitivity of

Management detection on each camera
Facial Detection System
S. No. Key Description
1. Detection Face Recognition System shall work on real time
and offline mode for identifying or verifying a
person from various kinds of inputs from digital
image file and live video source from any IP video
streaming sensor like IP Camera, Body Worn
Cameras, Mobile handset cameras, UAV/Drones
2. Live and Offline Mode FDS shall be able to capture face images from live &
pre-recorded CCTV feeds received

3. Detections in crowd The system shall be able work to detect more than
20 faces in crowd on moderate face rotation either
horizontal or vertical. It should support a yaw angle
of -40 to +40 degrees, a pitch angle of -30 to +30
degrees and a roll angle of -30 to +30 degrees.

4. Detection of partial The FDS shall recognize partial faces with varying
faces angles from multiple videos simultaneously from
Video clips, Group Photographs and VMS Playback
directly from FRS Client Interface. FRS shall be able
to process uploaded pre-recorded video feeds with
a speed of up to X20, depending on the proposed
hosting hardware and the video quality

5. Ability to add reference The system shall be able to add photographs

Images obtained from law enforcement agencies to the
criminals’ repositories tagged for sex, age, scars,
tattoos etc. for future searches.
6. Support for The system shall support diverse graphic & video
cameras/video formats formats as well as live cameras. FRS shall support
day/night operation with ability to detect faces
both in colour and in black/white mode by using any
H.264, H.265 Fixed IP and PTZ Cameras with IR
Illuminators without any special configurations

7. User-management FRS must support a user management module that

enables different user level groups to support
various permission levels.
FRS client shall have ability to share recognition
data like images & videos with multiple users and
operators for better reference, alarm & incident
8. Image Enhancement FRS system must have capability to enroll whatever
Capabilities images fed in the system with image enhancement
and ability to verify the quality of the enrolled
images with different colour indicator for low
quality images enrolled in watch list/database.

9. Image Format support The system shall be able to utilize any of the file
formats like JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF etc. format for
10. De-duplication FRS shall be able to check if new enrolled face is
already enrolled in the database before registering
the new enrolled face in the system. Also, the
system shall be able to find a previous detection of
a POI (person of interest) upon enrolment to watch
list (retrospective search) in less than 2 sec.

11. Enrolment of faces The system shall have option to automatically enroll
face images from CCTV cameras/video source. This
functionality should also be provided through the
Video Intelligence platform in addition to the FRS

The system should also have an option for Bulk

Enrollment either from file system or a 3rd party
databases such as UID, SAARTHI, IT, NCRB, EPIC etc.

12. Categories of database The system shall have capacity to create different
faces categories of people with option to customize the
matching threshold for different categories.

13. Full HD Support The system shall be able to work on full HD Camera
video with maximum performance.
14. Implementation The system shall be able to be implemented on IT
hardware like Server or Workstation.
15. OS Support The FRS algorithm should be able to use proven
open source tools and technologies like Linux to
bring down the total cost of ownership of the
solution. FRS running on any other OS should be
supplied with Pre-Licensed Server based latest
version OS like Microsoft Server 2016 and Microsoft
SQL as needed by the application
16. Database Support The system shall employ database system like MS
SQL/ MYQL/ Leading Open Source
Database/Sybase/ Mongo DB/ Postgres/Oracle etc.
The FRS system should natively integrate with Video
Intelligence platform and use a common database
of the platform, so that common queries can be
made on the common database for faces detection
and other events.

17. Algorithm The Vendor should have any performance

Benchmarking benchmarking certificate. NIST certificate will be
18. Performance The system must perform a full 1: N search of the
probe image in under 5 seconds against a database
of up to 50 mn face records.

19. Mobile Application FRS Software vendor shall have mobile application
Support of the same FRS software to support iOS and
android based smart field devices. Mobile
application shall be capturing the face of suspect in
field and sending back to the FRS server for
matching. Matching result shall be shown on the
mobile application screen with matching score.
There shall be provision in mobile application to
stream mobile device camera as video streamer.

20. Detection robustness System shall be able to detect the faces across the
multiple CCTV video sources for online (real-time)
and offline modes regardless of following
a. Changes in Facial expression
b. Changes in facial hair or hairstyle
c. Changes by moderate aging (up to 15 years)

d. Partially hidden faces or occluded faces like

wearing dark glasses mask etc.
e. Changes in lighting conditions
21. Search Capabilities Simple Search UI that facilitates quick and easy
access to the collection of events recorded by the
system without the constant monitoring by
operators and must perform a full 1: N search of the
probe image in under 2 seconds against a database
of up to 5-8 Million POIs. It shall support following

a. Search previous events by images from previous

b. Search previous events by images uploaded by
c. Search previous events by enrolled names
d. Search previous events by date and time
e. Search previous events by watch list group

f. Search in Watch list by image

22. Retrospective Search FRS shall have capability of Search backwards for
previous detections and/or recognitions (events) of
the detected person without enrolment from live
CCTV & other forensic videos / offline videos

23. Up to 5 nearest FRS shall have ranking features to show next 5

matches support closest & similar subjects in the Watch list with
nearest score to the detection. This option enables
you to review POIs that are potential matches for
this detection for efficient system performance.

24. OEM owned algorithm The FRS OEM should have ownership of Face
Recognition Engine /Algorithm for any custom
specific development as required by client
25. Map feature FRS must allow tracking of person on maps to be
uploaded in the system for cameras connected to
FRS and shall highlight the camera location on the
map for each detection/alert.

26. SDK/API for integration FRS shall provide an SDK/API for integration with
any third-party software like C4I (Command,
Control Communication & Compute Center). API
must be available with a full set of documentation
of each method with accompanying sample code.
All FRS function shall be fully accessible via API.

27. Video Alert FRS shall be able to play a short video clip of the
moment of face detection without dependency on
VMS which can be downloaded/exported/saved for
evidence proof

28. Timeline of detections FRS shall provide timeline sequence of all

detections of subject with date, time & location.
29. Email Integration FRS shall support email Alerts via Gmail, Outlook or
via an Exchange SMTP service. Different recipients
can be defined for different Camera Groups. User
shall be able to define how frequently
recognition/detection emails are sent, the email
subject and the email sender (among other things).
The email itself includes the timestamp of the
detection, the score, the description, the reference
image (defined in the Watch list) and the detected

30. Minimum hardware FRS Application Engine must be able to run a

support minimum of 20 FRS Camera Channels per Server.
(Server with 128 GB RAM, 3 NVIDIA Tesla T4 card
with 40 cores.) Other optimized and better sizing
shall be accepted.

31. Use of AI accelerator FRS shall use extensive AI Technology and perform
hardware video processing on GPUs like NVIDIA; INTEL or
similar as per design & sizing vetted by AI FRS
Algorithm OEM. The number of servers to be
supplied, shall be based on the number of camera
channels on which the FRS needs to be performed.

5.6 VMD (Variable Messaging Display)

Technical Specification Compliance Remarks

(Yes / No)

· LED Pixel Pitch is 4mm or better.

· Colour of LED: Full Colour, class designation C2 as per IRC/EN 12966 standard
· LED Pixel Configuration: SMD
· Certifications:
o ISO 9001:2015
o ISO14001:2015
o OHSAS18001:2007
o EN12966
· LED package vendor acceptable makes (certificate from the LED package vendor to be
provided during the supply certifying the same)
· Cree /Nichia/Nationstar or Equivalent
· LED Display Size in mm is 3000 (H) x 1500 (L) X 200 (W)
· LED Active area in mm is 2880 (H) x 1248 (L)
· LED Display Brightness is 6000 cd/m2
· System Contrast Ratio is 5000:01:00 /
· LED Display Brightness Control: Manual / Auto / Scheduled
· System Viewing Angle: 140° / 140°
· System Luminance Class/Ratio: L3 as per IRC/EN 12966 standards.
· System Grey Bit is 16Bit.
· LED Modules should have Anti-UV mask, black matt without any reflection, and Fire
Ø Installations by OEM:
· OEM should have at least 80 Nos installations of outdoor LED wall in a single network
with content being published centrally and control also being done centrally. Proof of this
should be submitted. Size of these installs should be similar or bigger and should be in India
running for at least 1 year successfully.
· OEM should have a registered office in India for minimum 4 years from this tender.
Ø Cabinet Specification
· IP Class of LED Display Front: IP65 / Back: IP54
· LED Display Maintenance: Back Service
· Material for VMS frame: at least 2mm aluminum or Non-corrosive, water resistant or
better. Frame of the VMS is Matte black & Powder coated.

Ø Operating Temperature
· Operating Temperature of LED Display is -20° C ~ 60° C
· Storage Temperature of LED Display is -40° C ~ 60° C

Ø Others
· LED Display Communication: Ethernet, Wifi, GSM.
· Nominal Work Life of LED Display is 50000 Hours

Ø Picture Display
· System’s Picture Display is At least 300mm as per IRC /EN 12966 standards
· Full Matrix of LED Display and It is capable of displaying real time message generated by
· System has special frontal design to avoid reflection and UV resistant
· Beam Width of LED Display is B6 as per IRC/EN12966 standards.
· System’s Standard- viewing angle both horizontal and vertical is 160 / 160 degree
· System’s Viewing Distance is Suitable for readability from 150 Mtrs. or more at the
character size of 240mm, from moving vehicles
Ø Alarms
· System’s Refresh Frequency should not be less 90 Hz. No visible flicker to naked eye.
· System’s Communication (connectivity) is Wired & GPRS based wireless technology with
3G upgradable to 4G capability.
· Display’s Ambient Operating Temperature is capable of working in ambient
temperature range of T1 (- 15oC to +60oC.)
· System is capable to protect against Pollution/dust/water
Ø Power
· 230V AC (more than 90% power factor) or DC as per equipment requirement.
· Protection for overvoltage/ fluctuation/drop of the nominal voltage (50%) incorporated.
· power supply is with PFC, thus screen's actual power consumption is less and heat less,
which are good for long-time usage;
· The enclosure shall contain at least two 15 Amp VAC (industrial grade) outlet socket for
maintenance purpose.

Ø Luminance Control & auto Diming

· It automatically provides different luminance levels but shall also be controllable from
ICCC using software.
· System has Auto dimming capability to adjust to ambient light level (sensor base
· System has Photoelectric sensor shall be positioned at the sign front and sign rear to
measure ambient light.
· It is Capable of being continually exposed to direct sunlight without impairment of
· Messages are readable even in broad daylight without any shade & displayed image
shall not appear to flicker to the normal human eye (>5500 cd/m2).
Ø Self-Test
· All periodic self-test results are relayed to the CCCC in real time to update the status of
the VMS
Ø Mounting, Installation and finishes
· Mounting structure: Use minimum 6 Mtrs. High Cylindrical GI Pole (Class B) or suitable
structure with 5.5 mtr. Minimum vertical clearance under the VMS sign from the Road
· The mounting is capable of withstanding road side vibrations at site of installation.
· It is provided with suitable walkway for maintenance access.
· The side interior and rear of enclosures are provided in maintenance free natural
aluminium finish. All enclosure are flat and wipe clean.
· Rugged locking mechanism is provided for the onsite enclosures and cabinets
· For Structural safety, we provide structural safety certificate from qualified structural
engineers approved/ certified by Govt. Agency.
· Wind Load: WL9 as per EN12966 to withstand high wind speeds and its own load.
Ø Local Storage in VMS
· Embedded VMS controller is be capable to store at-least 100 messages and
symbols/pictograms to allow display to run in isolated mode on a predefined
structures/timings, in case of connectivity failure.
· The MTBF of DDS shall not be less than 100,000 hours.

Ø Functional Requirements:
· Central Control Software allows controlling multiple VMAS from one console.
· System is Capable of programming to display all types of Message having alphanumeric
character in English and Hindi and combination of text with pictograms signs. The system has
feature to manage video / still content for VMAS display.
· The system has capability to divide VMAS screen into multi parts to display diverse form
of information like video, text, still images, advertisements, weather info, city info etc.
· It is Capable of controlling and displaying multiple font types with flexible size and
picture sizes suitable as per the size of the VMAS.
· It is Capable of controlling brightness & contrast through software.
· It is Capable to continuously monitor the operation of the Variable Message sign board,
implemented control commands and communicate information to the Traffic Monitoring
Centre via communication network
· Real time log facility – log file documenting the actual sequence of display to be available
at central control system.
· Multilevel event log with time & date stamp.
· Access to system only after the authentication and acceptance of authentication based
on hardware dongle with its log.
· Report generation facility for individual/group/all VMASs with date and time which
includes summary of messages, dynamic changes, fault/repair report and system accessed
logs, link breakage logs, down time reports or any other customized report.
· Configurable scheduler on date/day of week basis for transmitting pre-programmed
message to any VMAS unit.
· Various users can access the system using single sign on and shall be role based.
Different roles which could be defined (to be finalized at the stage of SRS) could be
Administrator, Supervisor, Officer, Operator, etc.
· Apart from role based access, the system shall also be able to define access based on
· Rights to different modules / Sub-Modules / Functionalities shall be role based and
proper log report should be maintained by the system for such access
· Components of the architecture must provide redundancy and ensure that there are no
single points of failure in the key project components. To take care of remote failure, the
systems need to be configured to mask and recover with minimum outage.
· The architecture must adopt an end-to-end security model that protects data and the
infrastructure from malicious attacks, theft, natural disasters etc. provisions for security of
field equipment as well as protection of the software system from hackers and other threats
shall be a part of the proposed system. Using Firewalls and Intrusion detection systems such
attacks and theft shall be controlled and well supported (and implemented) with the security
policy. The virus and worm’s attacks shall be well defended with Gateway level Anti-virus
system, along with workstation level Antivirus mechanism. There shall also be an endeavour
to make use of the SSL/VPN technologies to have secured communication between
Applications and its end users. Furthermore, all the system logs shall be properly stored &
archived for future analysis and forensics whenever desired.
· Ease of configuration, ongoing health monitoring, and failure detection are vital to the
goals of scalability, availability, and security and must be able to match the growth of the
· System use open standards and protocols to the extent possible
· System has Facility to export reports to excel and PDF formats.

Ø Remote Monitoring
· All VMAS are connected/configured to Traffic Monitoring system for remote monitoring
through network for two-way communication between VMAS and control Room to check
system failure, power failure & link breakage.
· Remote Diagnostics to allow identifying reason of failure up to the level of failed
individual LED.
· The system is capable to display warnings, traffic advice, route guidance and emergency
messages to motorists from the ICCC in real time.
· The system is also be capable to display warnings, traffic advice, route guidance and
emergency messages to motorist by using local PC/Laptops. The system shall display graphical
representation of the lanes with directional arrows and colour such as green, yellow, red for
depicting density of traffic
· The VMAS can display text and graphic messages using Light Emitting Diode (LED) arrays
· The System is able to display failure status of any LED at ICCC.
· The System supports Display characters in true type fonts and adjustable based on the
Operating system requirement.
· The ICCC workstation can communicate with the VMAS controller through the network.
It shall send out command data to the variable message sign controller and to confirm normal
operation of the signboard. In return, the ICCC workstation shall receive status data from the
VMAS controller.
· VMAS controllers continuously monitor the operation of the VMAS via the provided
communication network.
· Operating status of the variable message sign shall be checked periodically from the
· It is capable of setting an individual VMAS or group of VMAS’s to display either one of
the pre-set messages or symbols entered into the computer via the control computer
keyboard or by another means.

· It is capable of being programmed to display an individual message to a VMAS or a group

of VMAS’s at a pre-set date and time.

· A sequence of a minimum of 10 messages/pictures/ pre-decided sign or group of signs

shall be possible to assign for individual VMAS or group of VMAS’s.

5.7 Environmental Monitoring Sensors

Functional Requirement
Sl. Parameter Description Technical Remark
No. Compliance
(Yes/ No)

1 The environmental sensors housed in the Sensor station shall monitor

following parameters and include the following integrated sensors
inside one station
a. Carbon Monoxide (CO) sensor
b. Ozone (O3) sensor
c. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) sensor
d. Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) sensor
e. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) sensor
f. Particulate/SPM Profile (PM10 and PM2.5) sensor
g. Temperature sensor
h. Relative Humidity sensor
i. Wind Speed sensor and direction sensor
j. Rainfall sensor
k. Barometric Pressure sensor
l. Noise sensor
All Air Sensors should be as per the Air Act and any modifications to
2 The sensors shall be able to communicate its data using both wired
and wireless technology.
3 Apart from information provision, the sensors must ensure data is
transmitted securely and have security measures from sensors to the
software platform
4 The environmental sensors location shall be visible as a layer in GIS
Maps as dashboard
5 Environmental Sensor station shall be housed in a compact
environmentally rated outdoor enclosure. It shall be an integrated
module which shall monitor overall ambient air and noise quality
among other parameters as detailed above
6 Environmental sensor station shall be ruggedized enough to be
deployed in open air areas such as streets and parks
7 Software shall display real time and historical data in chart and table
views for dashboard view of the Client
8 Software shall display trends of environmental parameters based on
user specific time periods.
9 It shall be possible to configure and calibrate the sensors through the
software from a remote location
10 Alarms shall be generated for events where the environmental
parameters breach the safe or normal levels.
11 Data of all the environmental sensor shall be available on the same
software interface
12 It shall be integrated at the ICCC for the purposes of monitoring,
display of information and control of the system
13 Ensure compliance of published Environmental
standards/benchmarks and parameters set by:
a. National Air Quality Index (NAQI)
b. Central Pollution Control Board(CPCB) or State pollution control
c. Meteorological department.
d. Health department /Public health
14 The environmental monitoring system should be capable of
integration from the ICCC in real time.
15 The environmental systems should have a functionality to display
units levels in real time sensors.
16 The System should be able to display failure status of any sensors at
17 Environmental application in ICCC should continuously monitor the
pollution levels and AQI index operation of the Sensors locations via
the provided communication network.
18 Operating status of the environmental sensors levels should be
checked periodically from the ICCC.
19 MSI shall also ensure store Environment related Data & information
in real time status of all the monitoring of Environmental sensors
displayed/installed in the smart city locations .
20 The AQI index and pollutant Levels/benchmarking shall be viewable
and readable from a distance upto 150 meter. And various angles on
the junctions installed or road as decided by the Authority
21 MSI shall ensure the Environment monitoring systems
devices/sensors shall be connected/configured to ICCC
platform/dashboard for remote monitoring by establishing a
communication network between Environmental sensors and
Environmental monitoring platform at ICCC to check system failure,
power failure & link breakage.
22 Remote Diagnostics on real time basis of Environmental sensors and
devices should allow identifying failure up to the level of failed
individual display segment.
2.14 Technical Requirement: Environmental Sensors
Sl. Parameter Description Compliance
1 Carbon Monoxide Range of CO sensor shall be between 0 to 1000 PPM
2 (CO) Sensor Resolution of CO sensor shall be 0.01 PPM or better.
3 Lower detectable limit of CO sensor shall be 0.040 PPM or better
4 Precision of CO sensor shall be less than 3% of reading or better
5 Linearity of CO sensor shall be less than 1% of full scale or better
6 Response time of CO sensor shall be less than 60 seconds.
7 Operating temperature of CO sensor shall be as per City requirement
8 Ozone (O3) Sensor O3 Sensor shall have a range of at least 0-1000 PPB.
9 Resolution of O3 sensor shall be 10 PPB or better.
10 Lower detectable limit of O3 sensor shall be 10 PPB or better
11 Precision of O3 sensor shall be less than 3% of reading or better
12 Linearity of O3 sensor shall be less than 1% of full scale.
13 Response time of O3 sensor shall be less than 60 seconds
14 Operating temperature of O3 sensor shall be as per City requirement
15 Nitrogen Dioxide NO2 Sensor shall have a range of at least 0-10 PPM.
16 (NO2) Sensor Resolution of NO2 sensor shall be 0.001 PPM or better.
17 Lower detectable limit of NO2 sensor shall be 0.001 PPM or better.
18 Precision of NO2 sensor shall be less than 3% of reading or better.
19 Linearity of NO2 sensor shall be less than 1% of full scale
20 Response time of NO2 sensor shall be less than 60 seconds.
21 Operating temperature of NO2 sensor shall be as per City
22 Sulphur Dioxide SO2 Sensor shall have a range of at least 0-20 PPM.
23 (SO2) Sensor Resolution of SO2 sensor shall be 0.001 PPM or better.
24 Lower detectable limit of SO2 sensor shall be 0.009 PPM or better.
25 Precision of SO2 sensor shall be less than 3% of reading or better.
26 Linearity of SO2 sensor shall be less than 1% of full scale.
27 Response time of SO2 sensor shall be less than 60 seconds
28 Operating temperature of SO2 sensor shall be as per City requirement
29 Carbon Dioxide CO2 Sensor shall have a range of at least 0-5000 PPM
30 (CO2) Sensor Resolution of CO2 sensor shall be 1 PPM or better
31 Lower detectable limit of CO2 sensor shall be 10 PPM or better
32 Precision of CO2 sensor shall be less than 3% of reading or better.
33 Linearity of CO2 sensor shall be less than 2% of full scale.
34 Response time of CO2 sensor shall be less than 60 seconds
35 Operating temperature of CO2sensor shall be as per City requirement
36 Particulate/SPM Particulate profile sensor shall provide simultaneous and
Profile (PM10 and continuous measurement of PM10, PM2.5, SPM and TSP
PM2.5) sensor (measurement of nuisance dust) in ambient air.
37 Range of PM2.5 shall be 0 to 230 micro gms / cu.m or better.
38 Range of PM10 shall be 0 to 450 micro gms / cu.m or better
39 Lower detectable limit of particulate profile sensor shall be less than 1
40 Accuracy of particulate profile sensor shall be <± (5 μg/m3 + 15% of
41 Flow rate shall be 1.0 LPM or better.
42 Operating temperature of the sensor shall be as per City requirement
43 Temperature Temperature sensor shall have the capability to display temperature
Sensor in °Celsius.
44 Temperature range shall be -10° to +100°C.
45 Sensor accuracy shall be ±0.3°C (±0.5°F) or better.
46 Update interval shall be 10 to 12 seconds
47 Relative Humidity Range of relative humidity sensor shall be 1 to 100% RH.
48 sensor Resolution and units of relative humidity sensor shall be 1% or better.
49 Accuracy of the sensor shall be ±2% or better.
50 Update interval shall be less than 60 seconds
51 Drift shall be less than 0.25% per year.
52 Wind Speed Wind speed sensor shall display wind speed in km/h
53 Sensor and Range of sensor shall be 0-60 m/s.
54 direction sensor Accuracy of wind speed sensor shall be ±5% or better.
55 Update interval shall be less than 60 seconds
56 Range of the wind direction sensor shall be 0° to 360°.
57 Display resolution shall be 16 points (22.5°) on compass rose, 1° in
numeric display
58 Accuracy shall be ±3% or better.
59 Update interval shall be 10 seconds
60 Rainfall Sensor Rainfall sensor shall the capability of displaying level of rainfall in
inches and millimetre
61 Daily Rainfall range shall be 0 to 99.99” (0 to 999.8 mm).
62 Accuracy for rain rates shall be up to 4”/hr (100 mm/hr) or ±4% of
63 Update interval shall be less than 60 seconds.
64 Barometric Barometric pressure sensor shall have the capability of displaying
Pressure Sensor barometric pressure in Hg, mm Hg and hPa/mb.
65 Range of barometric pressure sensor shall be 540 hPa/mb to 1100
66 Uncorrected reading accuracy shall be ±1.0 hPa/mb at room
temperature or better
67 Elevation range of the barometric pressure sensor shall be - 600 m to
4570 m.
68 Elevation accuracy shall be ±10’ (3m) to meet equation accuracy
specification or better
69 Overall accuracy shall be ±0.03" Hg (±0.8 mm Hg, ±1.0 hPa/mb) or
70 Update interval shall be less than 60 seconds
71 Noise Sensor Noise Sensors shall be installed for the outdoor applications.
72 Noise sensor shall detect the intensity of the ambient sound in a
particular area.
73 Noise sensor shall be able to identify the areas of high sound intensity
ranging from 30 dBA to 120 dBA.
74 Noise sensor shall have resolution of 0.1 dBA.
1 KVA TRUE ONLINE UPS WITH 60 MINUTES BACK-UP- will be used for all location except ICCC and VC’s.
100 KVA MODULAR ONLINE UPS WITH 60 MINUTES BACK-UP- will be used for ICCC and On-premise DC
Warranty period should be Go-live+ 5 year, Power factor, Efficiency, Transfer time (should be 4 to 8 ms for online to battery
/battery to online mode) need to share.

Since there may be unseen situations when the power outage in some locations is more than 60 minutes, it should be ensured that
all data from various equipment like camera, sensors, etc. are backed up to avoid loss of data and Its SI responsibility to maintain it.
Proper civil infrastructure for housing the UPS must be ensured at each location during design and detail engineering phase.

Minimum Technical Specification

Sl. No. Parameter Description Technical Remark

(Yes/ No)
1 KVA IGBT based On-Line UPS with inbuilt Isolation Transformer for
1 Configuration
Galvanic Isolation.
2 Capacity 1 KVA / 900 Watts
AC Input Voltage
3 160-280 V AC, 1 Phase @100% load
4 Input Frequency 50Hz ± 10% (Suitable for Generators)
AC Output
5 230 V AC, 1-phase ± 1% (Sine Wave Output)
6 50 Hz ± 0.5 Hz
Overload – 110%: UPS shuts down after 05 minutes or transfers to AC supply
Overload when it is normal.
Capacity Overload – 125%: UPS shuts down after 1 minutes or transfers to AC supply
when it is normal.
8 <2% for Linear Loads and <5% for non-linear loads
UPS output should be fully isolated by double conversion and inbuilt
9 isolation transformer within the UPS cabinet itself. External transformer
shall not be considered.
Indications &
10 Audible Mains On, Inverter On, Overload, Battery Low
LCD display for measurement of AC Voltage, Battery voltage, Battery
11 Digital Metering
Current, Load Current, Output frequency.
Offered UPS must have inbuilt 10 Amps Charging Current for proper
12 Battery Charger
charging of Battery Bank.
UPS should have Cloud based Monitoring & Management platform with
UPS Remote necessary hardware and below features:
Monitoring  UPS monitoring system should be plug and play easy installation that
through Mobile allows the user to manage and monitor the UPS status remotely via
App an ANDROID and iOS mobile phone application in addition to
browser based platform
 SNMP having both Wi-Fi antenna and RJ45 port with QR Code ID
 Clear interface to view instant status
 Real Time alert and notification
 Logs for troubleshooting
 Secure Web and APP portal to access and monitor UPS from any
connected device
 Shutdown remote server without any software installation
Datasheet to be provided for the above
The system must be capable of providing requisite battery back-up time of
60 Minutes using 12V, VRLA Sealed Maintenance Free Batteries with each
UPS. Required VAH: 1500 VAH for 60 minutes with required battery bank.
Offered VRLA SMF batteries should comply with below:
Battery  Long Design Float life of at least 10 years
Back-up &  Made of Lead-Calcium-Tin alloy composition for long float service life
Other  Manufactured in India (class 1 MII Product)
Details  Made of UL94 V0 class fire retardant container and cover
 Operating Temperature Range of 0°C - 45°C
 ISO 9001, ISO 14001 for manufacturing plant in India
 Brochure of Battery indicating above specifications with Make &
Model to be specified
 ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001 certified.
15 Certification  E-Waste (EPR authorization from CPCB, Govt. of India)
 BIS/CE Certificate
Installation & Bidder/OEM should install, commission and maintain the UPS system as
16 Commissioning per Govt Electrical standard practices. Bidder/OEM’s Valid Govt
electrical license to be enclosed with Bid
 UPS OEM should have its registered office in Assam for ≥10 years and
company owned 8~10 service centres across Assam with adequate
technical manpower and spares for ensuring 24 x 7 x 365 support as
per contract SLA. Contact numbers and addresses to be provided for
support centers
After Sales  UPS OEM should have ongoing service & maintenance contracts for
Support & ≥1000 nos. On-Line UPS Systems to Govt./PSU organizations in Assam
Manufacturer’s & NE as proof of having 24 x 7 x 365 service support capabilities and
Credibility competency along with their Client references.
 UPS OEM should not have past history of blacklisting or breach of
contract from any government/PSU organization.
 UPS OEM should have past experience for deploying minimum 2000
nos. of ≥1 KVA UPS Systems in any Govt/PSU project in Assam & NE
in a single order


Warranty period should be Go-live+ 5 year, Power factor, Efficiency, Transfer time (should be 4 to 8 ms for online to battery
/battery to online mode) need to share.
Proper civil infrastructure for housing the UPS must be ensured at each location during design and detail engineering
Minimum Technical Specification

Sl. No. Parameter Description Technical Compliance Remark

(Yes/ No)
1 KVA IGBT based On-Line UPS with inbuilt Isolation Transformer
1 Configuration
for Galvanic Isolation.
2 Capacity 1 KVA / 900 Watts
AC Input
3 160-280 V AC, 1 Phase @100% load
Voltage Range
4 50Hz ± 10% (Suitable for Generators)
AC Output
5 230 V AC, 1-phase ± 1% (Sine Wave Output)
6 50 Hz ± 0.5 Hz
Overload – 110%: UPS shuts down after 05 minutes or transfers to
Overload AC supply when it is normal.
Capacity Overload – 125%: UPS shuts down after 1 minutes or transfers to
AC supply when it is normal.
8 <2% for Linear Loads and <5% for non-linear loads
UPS output should be fully isolated by double conversion and
9 inbuilt isolation transformer within the UPS cabinet itself. External
transformer shall not be considered.
Indications &
10 Audible Mains On, Inverter On, Overload, Battery Low
Digital LCD display for measurement of AC Voltage, Battery voltage,
Metering Battery Current, Load Current, Output frequency.
Battery Offered UPS must have inbuilt 10 Amps Charging Current for proper
Charger charging of Battery Bank.
UPS should have Cloud based Monitoring & Management platform
with necessary hardware and below features:
 UPS monitoring system should be plug and play easy
installation that allows the user to manage and monitor the
UPS status remotely via an ANDROID and iOS mobile phone
application in addition to browser based platform
UPS Remote  SNMP having both Wi-Fi antenna and RJ45 port with QR Code
Monitoring ID
 Clear interface to view instant status
Mobile App
 Real Time alert and notification
 Logs for troubleshooting
 Secure Web and APP portal to access and monitor UPS from
any connected device
 Shutdown remote server without any software installation
Datasheet to be provided for the above
Battery The system must be capable of providing requisite battery back-up
Back-up time of 30 Minutes using 12V, VRLA Sealed Maintenance Free
& Other Batteries with each UPS. Required VAH: 900 VAH for 30 minutes
Details with required battery bank.
Offered VRLA SMF batteries should comply with below:
 Long Design Float life of at least 10 years
 Made of Lead-Calcium-Tin alloy composition for long float
service life
 Manufactured in India (class 1 MII Product)
 Made of UL94 V0 class fire retardant container and cover
 Operating Temperature Range of 0°C - 45°C
 ISO 9001, ISO 14001 for manufacturing plant in India
 Brochure of Battery indicating above specifications with Make
& Model to be specified
 ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001 certified.
15 Certification  E-Waste (EPR authorization from CPCB, Govt. of India)
 BIS/CE Certificate
Installation & Bidder/OEM should install, commission and maintain the UPS
16 Commissioning system as per Govt Electrical standard practices. Bidder/OEM’s
Valid Govt electrical license to be enclosed with Bid
 UPS OEM should have its registered office in Assam for ≥10
years and company owned 8~10 service centres across Assam
with adequate technical manpower and spares for ensuring
24 x 7 x 365 support as per contract SLA. Contact numbers and
addresses to be provided for support centers
 UPS OEM should have ongoing service & maintenance
After Sales
contracts for ≥1000 nos. On-Line UPS Systems to Govt./PSU
Support &
17 organizations in Assam & NE as proof of having 24 x 7 x 365
service support capabilities and competency along with their
’s Credibility
Client references.
 UPS OEM should not have past history of blacklisting or breach
of contract from any government/PSU organization.
 UPS OEM should have past experience for deploying minimum
2000 nos. of ≥1 KVA UPS Systems in any Govt/PSU project in
Assam & NE in a single order


Warranty period should be Go-live+ 5 year, Power factor, Efficiency, Transfer time (should be 4 to 8 ms for online to
battery /battery to online mode) need to share.
Since there may be unseen situations when the power outage in some locations is more than 60 minutes, it should
be ensured that all data from various equipment like camera, sensors, etc. are backed up to avoid loss of data and Its SI
responsibility to maintain it.
Proper civil infrastructure for housing the UPS must be ensured at each location during design and detail engineering phase.

S. Technical Compliance
No. (Yes/No)
Supply, installation and commissioning of 100 KW N+1 True On-Line Double
Conversion, modular type UPS. The UPS shall be DSP controlled with front end
IGBT rectifier. Inverter shall be 3 Level IGBT based for highest efficiency. The 100
KW N+1 KW UPS system should have provision to operate in parallel redundant
mode, with similar UPS to provide redundancy in future (at least 3 nos. UPS
frames/cabinets in parallel).
Each 100 KW N+1 KW UPS shall be with modular architecture with suitable nos of
25KW~50KW Hot Swappable Power Modules of double conversion configuration,
especially designed for mission critical applications, i.e. 5 nos x 25 KW or 4 nos x
40KW or 3 nos x 50KW Modules, such that 01 module shall be redundant.
2 Individual Module size >50 KW and <25 KW shall not be accepted. There shall be
provision to scale up the UPS to minimum 200 KW through vertical expansion
simply by inserting additional 25KW/50KW hot swappable power modules as and
when necessary. Further, UPS should also be scalable upto 600 KW through
horizontal expansion
The frame for Each 100 KW N+1 UPS shall be in a space saving design, with
standard IT 42U frame
Each hot swappable UPM power module shall include a rectifier, battery
4 converter, inverter and independent logic circuitry. There should be no common
controller (either single or redundant) outside the modules
Each hot-swappable power module should have isolated air flow design, such that
the PCB boards and heat-sinks are in two completely different sections, which
should allow the UPS to run in dusty environments, significantly improving its
stability and environmental adaptability.
Each UPS frame shall also have an STS Module comprising of a fully rated,
6 continuous duty static bypass switch for high-speed transfers along with RS232
port, USB port, SNMP Slot, Dry contact ports.
The control panel comprising of a Colour graphical LCD DISPLAY, touch screen
based, with LED status indicators for monitoring of all measured parameters, UPS
and battery status and alarms along with facility for displaying the waveform of
the output voltage and current, and the bypass voltage. There shall be provision
for Recording/Storing of waveforms of critical elements during fault conditions for
rapid maintenance service diagnosis.
UPS should have inbuilt facility for Life cycle monitoring of critical components like
8 fan, capacitors, battery which helps the UPS to predict the life of these
The UPS shall have inbuilt 35 Amperes Charging Current to adequately charge the
battery bank. The vendor has to supply the necessary battery rack and
interconnecting cables (nyvin fire retardant type). There shall be provision for
adding extra rack mounted charger module (3U) of 30 Amperes in order to allow
proper charging of batteries in case extended autonomies are required. Technical
Datasheet verifying this feature should be provided.
BATTERIES: Each 100 KW N+1 KW UPS shall have battery bank comprising of
158,000 VAH using 12V, VRLA Sealed Maintenance Free Batteries for 60
minutes backup time. Offered VRLA SMF batteries should comply with below:
Long Design Float life of at least 10 years
Made of Lead-Calcium-Tin alloy composition for long float service life
Battery should be Manufactured in India (class 1 MII Product with >50% local
10 content)
Made of UL94 V0 class fire retardant container and cover
Operating Temperature Range of 0°C - 45°C
Self-discharge per month <3% of rated capacity at 25°C
ISO 9001, ISO 14001 for manufacturing plant in India
Brochure of Battery indicating above specifications with Make & Model to be
Energy Saver Smart sleep function: System should have capability to intelligently
11 shutdown inactive power modules to increase energy savings and achieve higher
Self-Test mode: System can perform a full load test without the connection of a
load bank, processing power in a re-circulating fashion, using its own rectifiers
and inverters as an internal load bank, generating significant savings in cost,
time, coordination and power.
Isolation Transformer of 200 KVA should be provided with each UPS for providing
galvanic isolation between input & output. Isolation Transformer should be
external to the UPS and placed inside a suitable enclosure with powder coated
paint and provided with cast iron wheels at bottom and hooks for lifting the unit.
MODEL RATING (1.0 p.f.) 100 KW N+1 KVA/KW Modular On-
Line UPS
Make & Model To be Specified
Rated input voltage 380 V; 400 V; 415 V, 3 Phase
Voltage tolerance 310~475 VAC @100% load
220~475 VAC @50% load
Rated input frequency 50 or 60 Hz, user configurable
Frequency tolerance 40 to 70 Hz
Input power factor, double conversion > 0.99
@100% load
Input current distortion at rated input < 3%, 100% load
Crest factor 3:1
Rated output voltage 380 V; 400 V; 415 V, 3 Phase
Output voltage variation, steady state ± 1% (balanced load); ± 2%
(unbalanced load)
Total voltage harmonic distortion
100% linear load < 1%
100% non-linear load < 5%
Rated output frequency 50 or 60 Hz, configurable
Output frequency variation ± 0.1 Hz
Overload capability 1 hour: 110%, 10 mins: 125%, 1
Efficiency in double-conversion, rated ≥95%
linear load
Type of bypass Static
Bypass rating 200 KW
Bypass voltage range 380 V; 400 V; 415 V
Battery technology 12V, VRLA SMF Batteries
Nominal VAH capacity 158000 VAH for 60 minutes Back-up
Battery start option Yes
Standard connectivity ports USB/RS-232, BMS/SNMP card
System Display Touch based graphical LCD display
UPS should have Cloud based
Monitoring & Management platform
with necessary hardware and below
 UPS monitoring system should
be plug and play easy
installation that allows the user
to manage and monitor the
UPS status remotely via an
ANDROID and iOS mobile
phone application in addition
to browser based platform
 SNMP having both Wi-Fi
UPS Remote Monitoring through antenna and RJ45 port with QR
Mobile App Code ID
 Clear interface to view instant
 Real Time alert and notification

 Logs for troubleshooting

 Secure Web and APP portal to
access and monitor UPS from
any connected device
 Shutdown remote server
without any software
Datasheet to be provided for
the above
Acoustic noise at 1 m, in 25 °C ambient < 65 dBA
Ambient service temperature range 0°C to + 40°C without output power


Quality ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO
Safety IEC 62040-1
EMC IEC 62040-2
E-Waste EPR authorisation from CPCB, Govt of
Installation & Commissioning Bidder should install, commission and
maintain the UPS system as per Govt
15 Electrical standard practices. Bidder’s
Valid Govt electrical license to be
enclosed with Bid

After Sales Support & Manufacturer’s  UPS OEM should have its
16 registered office in Assam for ≥10
years and company owned 8~10
service centres across Assam
with adequate technical
manpower and spares for
ensuring 24 x 7 x 365 support as
per contract SLA. Contact
numbers and addresses to be
provided for support centers
 UPS OEM should have ongoing
service & maintenance contracts
for ≥1000 nos. On-Line UPS
Systems to Govt./PSU
organizations in Assam & NE as
proof of having 24 x 7 x 365
service support capabilities and
competency along with their
Client references.
 UPS OEM should not have past
history of blacklisting or breach
of contract from any
government/PSU organization.
 UPS OEM should have past
experience for supply &
installation of at least 10 units of
≥100 KW Modular UPS System in
any Govt. or PSU Data
Centre/Server Room/Computer
Centre Site
The bidder should submit documentary evidence in support of 100% compliance
to the tender specifications. The bidder should submit the Datasheet and
user/operation manual of the UPS system offered.


The sound level of the DG must be in accordance with the latest CPCB norms

Specification Specification Name Bid Requirement (Allowed Values) Technical

Compliance Remark
Power Generator Power Generator Fixed (Power Generators are permanently
INSTALLATION installation configurations installed)"
General Specifications for
Electrical works - Part VII
(DG Set)
OUTPUT CAPACITY Nominal Rated Capacity 180
No of Phase Three Phase
ENGINE Rated Engine Power (kWm) 100% of the required powered at STP
(Standard Temperature Pressure) i.e.,
equal to (Nominal Rated Capacity (KVA) of
power generator + Any Auxiliary power
Consumption by the Power generator) x
Power factor (0.8) / Alternator efficiency,
110 % of the required powered at STP
(Standard Temperature Pressure) Le equal
to (Nominal Rated Capacity (KVA) of power
generator Any Auxiliary power
Consumption by the Power generator) x
Power factor (0.8) /Alternator efficiency OR
Type of Engine cool i n g Liquid Cooled
Type of governor Electronic Or higher (G2 or G3)
Number of cylinders (nos) Greater than or equal to 4
Rated RPM of Engine 1500
Fuel High Speed Diesel (HSD)
Starting voltage (volt) 12 / 24
Salient Features of Engine Turbo Charged Engine, Direct injection Fuel
ALTERNATOR Alternator Voltage Rating 415.0
Conformity to Indian Generally conforming to IS:13364 (Part-2)
Standard (for Alternator) latest (Above 20 KVA)
Voltage Regulation Grade VG 3 Or higher
CONTROL PANEL Control Panel AMF Control Panel
Control Panel Location Inside the canopy
Display meters in the Multifunctional Digital display meter
control panel (with (displaying Voltage, Current, Frequency,
appropriate rating and Power Factor)
accuracy class) - inclusive in
the scope of supply
Other devices in the control Required switches and cut-out, MCB,
panel (with appropriate MCCB, Contactor, Circuit breaker, Battery
rating) - inclusive in the charger
scope of supply
Displayed parameters / Engine Speed, Lube oil pressure,
Features Coolant/cylinder head Temperature,
Engine running hours, Engine battery
voltage, Engine Running status, Generator
Voltage (Ph-Ph), Generator Voltage (Ph -N),
Generator Current (R, Y, B), Generator
apparent Power (kVA), Generator active
Power (kW), Power factor, Frequency, Fuel
level, Event log, Control supply Voltage
Indicators Low Lube oil pressure, High water / coolant
/ cylinder head temperature, Low fuel
level, Over speed
Audio Alarm Low Lube oil pressure, High water / coolant
/ cylinder head temperature, Low fuel
level, Over speed
BATTERY Battery Type & Low Maintenance free to IS: 14257 for high
Specification cranking performance"
No of batteries ½
SALIENT FEATURES Salient Features of Power Glass window on Acoustic Enclosure i n
Generator front of the Control Panel, Emergency Stop
outside the Acoustic Enclosure
SCOPE OF Installation with installation - inclusive in the scope of
INSTALLATION supply any anything extra if required
WARRANTY Warranty on Complete 5 years support after successful
/SERVICE power generator/DG Set commissioning. Bidder should quote for 02
years comprehensive warranty (including
cost of all spares and consumable for
routine preventive and corrective
maintenance) followed by CAMC
(including all spares and consumables for
routine preventive and corrective
maintenance) for 03 years, i.e., 3rd, 4th
and 5th year after 02 years warranty
period. GSCL will not pay any additional
cost for maintenance or repairs during
breakdown, during these 05 years, except
cost of fuel. This shall be subject to force
majeure conditions.
MAINTENANCE Number of preventive No of Visits shall be as per DG OEM
SERVICES maintenance visits offered standard policy. Declaration of the OEM is
in an year during warranty required from the bidder during
period (Supply of all submission of bid.
consumable and spares is
the seller's responsibility)
While providing preventive Declaration of the bidder is required from
and corrective the bidder during submission of bid
Maintenance Services
within the warranty and
CAMC period, the bidder
will not be allowed to
charge anything for
consumables and spares
(except fuel). All packaging,
forwarding freight and
Service charges shall be
under bidder’s scope
TEST REPORT Agree to provide all Declaration of the bidder is required from
/DOCU MENT relevant documents Test the bidder during submission of bid (ARAI
Report / supporting certificate/Alternator test Certificate/AMF
document panel test certificate with drawing)
/ Reports etc to the buyer
at the time of bidding or on

Remote Access Mandatory The bidder should provide remote access

provision to the Gen Set operational
Breakdown Call Should be attended within Declaration of the bidder is required from
24-48 hours the bidder during submission of bid

Scope of installation for Diesel Generating Set when offered by the vendor - inclusive in the scope of supply

S. Technical Specification Technical

No Compliance Remark
. (Yes/No)

1 Installation of Power Generator when offered by the vendor is inclusive in the scope of
supply and shall be done by the seller. The installation work of Power Generator and its
constituent parts shall be generally conforming to CPWD General Specification for
Electrical Works, Part - VII - latest.
2 Foundation shall be constructed by the Selected bidder. Foundation shall be of PCC type
with the ratio of 4:2: 1. The length and breadth of the foundation shall be 300 mm more
from the respective length and breadth of the Power Generator. The height of the
foundation shall be 400 mm, i.e., 200 mm below and 200 mm above the ground level.
All the materials / labour required for foundation work shall be supplied by the selected
3 Supply, laying and termination of exhaust Pipe Line, interconnecting power and control
cable, changeover switch etc. shall be done by the seller. The cable supplied shall be ISI
marked heavy duty PVC insulated, armoured cable, with PVC outer Sheath of Type ST- 2
(FR Grade, Category Cl), with aluminium conductor having insulation of PVC compound
type -C, suitable for rated voltage up to and including 1100 volts and conforming to IS:
1554 (Part-1) latest. For 3-Phase Power Generators, 3.5 core or higher core (150 sq mm)
cables shall be used. Total length of the cable supplied by the seller may be within 70
meters for each Power Generator with AMF control panel. (4 turns)
4 Construction of suitable earthing station and necessary connections shall be done by the
Selected bidder. All the materials / labour required for construction of earthing station
shall be supplied by the Selected bidder. The total number of earthing pits/stations shall
be 4, i.e., 2 for neutral and 2 for body-earthing. Neutral earthing shall be done with
copper Plate and Body earthing shall be done with G.I. plate / Copper. The consignee
should choose installation site in such a way that the earthing stations can be made
within 10 metres of the Power Generator. Earthing station shall be typically constructed
as per prevalent standard practices and shall be generally conforming to CPWD General
specification for Electrical Works, Part - VII & Part - I - latest.
5.10 Integrated Command and Control Centre(ICCC)

S.no Description Compliance Remarks

(Yes / No)
1 The Smart City Software Suite should serve as a foundation for building the
technology base of the smart city and should harness advances in digital technologies
in IoT, Big Data, BI, AI, Mobile and GIS. The Software Suite should cover a Digital
platform to integrate the various urban systems and Pre -integrated Application
software covering Integrated Command and Control Center, Mobile workforce
Management, It should also act as a central system through which the city
administrators can monitor and operate the various city services intelligently and
2 The Smart City software suite should be standard Commercial-of-the-shelf (COTS)
product, and should adhere to the industry standards for interoperability, data
representation & exchange, aggregation, processing, and storage management. It
should Aggregate, Process, Store, Analyse and Act based on the streaming data from
sensor networks, data from application subsystems and provide a centralized
common platform for services to be used by various applications.
3 Proposed ICCC Platform should have been deployed in at least 5 smart cities in India /
Global. Minimum 3 City implantations must be in India among the 5 implementations.
All these implementations should be successfully operational for least 3 years with
Integration to minimum 10 different sub systems /applications.Document Proof:
OEM Shall submit P.O and Completion Certificate/ Installation Notes/UAT Certificates
from MSI as documentary proof.
4 ICCC Platform OEM should have ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 27001:2013.
5 ICCC platform should be “make in India”
6 The proposed Smart City Software Suite should at the minimum support the following
services and capabilities.
7 Seamlessly connect & monitor urban systems
8 1. It should be able to connect, collect and process data from various urban systems
and detect anomalies.
9 2. It should provide an easy-to-use interface to onboard and provision sensor data
and data from various applications systems
10 Analyse data in real time and automate core processes
11 . It should enable Intelligent automation of the workflows based on anomalies
detected including actuating devices/systems and work with AI/ML system for
predictive actions.
12 2. It should enable the operator to configure various types of SOPs and automate the
13 Drive in-line departments operational efficiency through AI
14 1.It should support ready to deploy Smart Cities AI/ML applications for various
domains to drive efficiency across various in-line departments.
15 2.It should be integrated with a tool to support composing the data, building ML
models and deploy them as APIs to be used by various AI/ML applications.
16 Build 360º situational awareness for operations
17 It should enable effective management of City Operations through a Integrated
Command and Control Center Application System.
18 Empower city workforce with insights to respond faster
19 1. It should be integrated with Unified Workforce management Application system so
that City Workforce across all departments can be integrated and equipped with
Mobile App to efficiently run their day to day activities.

20 2. It should provide complete visibility to the events and real time insight to take
action faster by the workforce.
21 Smart City Software Suite should be in compliance with the Smart City Standards of a
layered architecture and should be able to integrate the various layers to provide a
unified system capability. The Software Suite should at the minimum cover the
following layers.
22 IoT & AI Platform
23 A central IoT & AI Platform for integrating the Sensor Data and Application Data from
the various city-wide urban systems. It should be pre-integrated with various sub
systems like – IoT, Complex Event processing. Big Data, BI and AI Advanced Data
Analytics, API/ESB, BPM, GIS, Security and Logging & Monitoring. Also, it should
support rich pre-integrated tools for Provisioning and Administration, Building
Dashboards and Deploying and Building ML Models and deploying.
24 The Smart City Software Suite should be integrated and support all the core
applications that will enable the Digital Transformation of the city. The Applications
should cover –
25 · Integrated Command and Control Center System for City Operations
26 · Mobile Workforce Management System for integrating the city workforce
through a City Workforce App.
27 · Business Intelligence based real time dashboards for various domains.
28 The Smart City Software Suite should comprise of various client applications for the
stakeholders to use and consume the services. Wide range of personas covering – City
Authorities, City Operator and Managers, City Workforce and Managers across the
various departments, Community should be able to access the system securely
through Web Application, Dashboards, Portals and Mobile Apps.

29 Smart City Platform : The functional specifications provided in the below sections are
critical functionalities to be adhered by the proposed Smart City Platform.
30 Smart City Platform should serve as a City-Wide IoT & AI Platform that can integrate
data from any urban system, detect anomalies and take action in real-time so that the
urban system operations can be remotely managed through a common city command
and control centre.(Urban System – Municipality, Health, Education, Transport,
Utility, Power/Electricity, Disaster mgmt.,Law and order, etc ).
31 It should be a system of systems platform pre-integrated with advanced digital
technologies to collect, process, store and analyse the data. The system of systems
approach supports the sub systems to be pre-integrated to the platform to deliver the
total value of IoT and AI.
32 The Platform should support Microservices and each of the Service components
should be loosely coupled to support scale. The sub systems of Smart City Platform
should be able to provide the services as listed below
33 Data Integration: Should integrate data from sensors and external applications from
the city-wide urban systems
34 Data Processing: Should process the data in real time and create alarms based on data
anomalies and geo-events
35 Data Management & Analytics System: 1.Big Data based Storage System to store the
structured, semi-structured and unstructured data
36 2.Platform should have pre-integrated analytics engine covering BI services to build
and deploy Dashboard for monitoring operational KPIs and gain insights to city civic
services delivery
37 3. Platform should also have a pre-integrated AI engine with Ready to use ML Pipeline
for prediction, recommendation, optimization, forecasting, Natural Language
Processing, and anomaly detection to provide advanced analytics based on AI/ML.

38 Common Enabling System: Platform should be enabled with the following common
services delivery-
39 1. Mobile Enablement – Integrate with mobile applications and enable service
40 2. GIS Integration Engine to work with various Map and Map Services – Custom Map,
ESRI (offline) and Google (online). GIS integration may also be made with indigenous
GIS system (https://stategisportal.nic.in/stategisportal).
41 3. Inbuilt, pre-integrated security system for Device, User and Data Security
42 4. Logging and Monitoring for platform and application services uptime
43 5. BPM Engine to create Dynamic Workflows and Automate SOP execution
44 Out-of-the-Box Tools: The Platform should have built-in tool capabilities to support
easy provisioning and management of the platform, build and deploy -ML models,
configurable dashboards, and reports

45 1. Platform Administration tool- Tool which shall act a central hub for Smart City
platform administration and monitoring
46 2. Machine Learning Composer – Visual programming-based environment for building
Machine Learning Models and deploying the same
47 3. Configurable Dashboard- Enable customer to personalize their dashboards and
deploy faster
48 The Platform should be integrated and work with unified communication and Contact
Center System for Call handling, routing, and recording. Standard APIs should be
available for quick and easy deployment.

49 The Platform should be integrated with Building Management System to integrate

various building systems through BACNET and Modbus network protocols.
50 The Platform should be integrated with SCADA System to integrate various SCADA
Sub-systems through OPC UA
51 The Platform should be integrated with Advanced Metering System for Meter Data
Management and Insights.
52 Data Integration Subsystem- Data Acquisition from Sensors/Devices : The digital
platform should be a pre-integrated with IoT and AI capabilities, thus enabling the city
with actionable intelligence.
53 The platform should be able to integrate with any type of sensor platform being used
for the urban services irrespective of the technology used. The Platform shall be
agnostic to communication channels such as LoRA, ZigBee, GPRS, Wi-Fi, IP Camera

54 It supports a secured multitenant layer to acquire and validate data collected

(push/pull) from the sensor and transform rough data into valid, verified, possibly
corrected data.
55 Edge Analytics: It should pre-process the data in real-time from the sensors using
Edge computing capability.
56 The Platform should provide SDK support which have low code, highly secured and
low footprint model runtime that can be embedded in IoT gateways and small
footprint edge devices.
57 Network Protocol Adoption: It should support bi-directional communication between
platform and the sensor system.
58 It should be network and protocol agnostic.
59 Identity Store: The Platform shall provide a centralized identity registry for device
management and provisioning operations. The inbuilt registry will establish an
identity for devices and track metadata such as the devices’ attributes and
60 The Identity Registry shall use a hardware fingerprint to authenticate IoT device with
its Physical Unclonable Functions
61 Backbone Messaging System: The Platform should have a Backbone Messaging
System like Kafka for building horizontally scalable real-time data pipelines to receive,
store, route and deliver messages.

62 Data Normalization : The Platform shall automate the steps required to analyse data
from IoT devices. It should transform and enrich IoT data before using it for real-time
analytics and time-series data storage for analysis.

63 It should support transformation of messages from native protocol of devices to a

common format and should have data transformation adaptors to perform better
analytics on runtime.
64 It should be agnostic to sensor technologies and integrate with various types of
sensor platform.
65 The Platform should allow normalization of all the in-coming data from different
devices of various OEMs.
66 API Management System : The Smart City digital platform should be pre-integrated
with API & ESB Integration System that enables various smart city applications to be
integrated covering existing and proposed new applications in a seamless manner and
provide service automation.
67 The API & ESB subsystem shall cover - API gateway, Key Manager, API Portal, ESB and
Analytics & Monitoring.
68 API Management System shall be capable of supporting policy enforcement for API
subscriptions, application creation, etc. with the help of customizable workflows.
69 Normalized APIs for the City Application domains should be available (Parking,
Outdoor Lighting, Traffic, Environment, Urban mobility etc.) to monitor, control
sensor and/or actuators functionality to enable app developers to develop apps on
the platform. For example, Lighting APIs: Vendor agnostic APIs to control Lighting
70 API Management System should possess Cross collaboration APIs: Enabling contextual
information and correlation across domains and verticals (Multiple vendor and Multi-
sensor in future)

71 API Gateway: The platform should enable decentralized API management policies
72 Key Manager: The platform should authenticate and authorize API requests from any
client or device types that requests the resource servers which are operating on
traditional and microservice architectures.

73 API Portal: The API portal shall be the repository of standard APIs for consumption by
any third-party applications/ sub-systems
74 Normalized APIs should be available to carry out integration with other
75 Enables City and/or its partners to write software adaptors based on the API(s)
provided by device vendors and have the ability to control, monitor and collect the
data from these street devices
76 Services and Protocol Support: API Management System should possess integrated
ESB solution capable of ensuring pluggable approach to Smart City Application
77 Route, Mediate and Transform Data: API Management System should possess
following routing capabilities such as header based, content based, rule-based and
priority-based routing
78 API Management System should possess mediation capability to support
all Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIPs), database integration, event publishing,
logging & auditing and validation
79 API Management System should possess payload transformation capability to support
XSLT 1.0/2.0, XPath, XQuery and Smooks
80 API & Interface Security: API Management System should support security standards:
OAuth 2.0, HTTPS over SSL, and key management help protect the data across all
81 API Management System should support security features built for many of its
components by using HTTPS, TLS for all its public facing API implementations. For
deployment where CCC Software API(s) exposed to application eco system, API
Management, API security features and API Key management functions are required.

82 Control Access and Enforce Security : API Management System should be capable of
configured Single Sign-On (SSO) using SAML 2.0 for easy integration with existing web
83 ESB System: The ESB System shall be highly available (Active / Active, Failover, Load
Balancing, etc.)
84 The ESB System shall support common publish-subscribe architecture
85 The ESB System shall be capable of vertically and horizontally scalable
86 The ESB System shall support synchronous and asynchronous transactions
87 The ESB System shall support service orchestration, business process management,
and complex event processing
88 The ESB System shall provide common management capabilities (monitoring,
auditing, and logging.)
89 The ESB System shall support general use of XML as the messaging language
90 The ESB System must enable the management and control of APIs exposed to third
parties by identifying authorized access, time of access, SLA and number of allowed
requests etc.
91 The ESB System must support real-time monitoring and management of APIs at
92 The ESB System must enable appropriate and authorized users to easily create and
edit new workflow processes through a graphical user interface that will specify the
steps of the workflow, business rules around each step, authorized users, and control
points that require manual authorization

93 The ESB System design shall incorporate a multi-bus approach supporting micro-
services architecture and differentiation between internal and external integrations
94 The ESB System shall be Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) capable and support SOA
95 Data Processing sub-system - Complex Event Processing System
96 The Smart City digital platform should be pre-integrated with Complex Event Processing
System with BPM enabling the configuration of the Policy, alarm management and
execution of SOPs. The system shall provide extensive capabilities in detecting
anomalies and also correlating anomalies across various city domains.

97 The Complex Event Processing sub-system shall allow the city to create complex
analytics on sensor data with Adaptive Intelligence
98 The Complex Event Processing sub-system shall have a drag and drop functionality
using which rules can be applied to a single stream of data or multiple streams from
interconnected sensor systems.

99 The Complex Event Processing sub-system shall process and integrate millions of events
per second in real time with <10ms latency.
100 The Complex Event Processing sub-system shall support streaming and complex event
processing types such as filters, streaming aggregations, patterns, non-occurrence,
anomaly detection, Aggregative Functions (window based, or Start Based, Group
based), Joins (works with Windows) Pattern, Sequence, Geo Spatial and etc.

101 The Complex Event Processing sub-system should allow Application to

102 - Generate alerts based on thresholds
103 IF, Then Else analysis - Based on input
104 The Complex Event Processing sub-system should calculate aggregations over a short
window (time, length, session, unique, etc) or a long time period
105 - Average, Sum etc
106 The Complex Event Processing sub-system should perform Analytics based on geo
spatial data which includes
107 1. Alert based on geo boundaries - Geo Fencing
108 2. Distance Travelled
109 3. Speed
110 The Complex Event Processing sub-system should calculate aggregations over long time
periods with seconds, minutes, hours, days, months & years granularity
111 - Correlate data while finding missing and incorrect events
112 - Detect temporal event patterns
113 - Analyse trends (rise, fall, turn, tipple bottom)
114 - Run pre-treated machine learning models (PMML, TensorFlow)
115 - Learn and predict at runtime using online machine learning models
116 It should support Static rule processing, Context specific rule processing, Dynamic rule
processing, Decision making through synchronous stream processing, Query tables,
Windows and Aggregation.

117 It should serve the following value propositions,

118 - Ability to respond to real-time data with intelligent & automated decisions
119 - Should provide an environment for designing, developing, and deploying
business rule & event applications
120 - Should provide an integrated development environment to develop Object
Model (OM) which defines the elements and the relationships
121 - Should be able to deal with the change in operational systems based on the
operator's decision
122 Data Management System- Big Data System
123 The Smart City digital platform should be pre-integrated with Big Data based Data
Management platform based on Hadoop.
124 The Platform shall support Big Data Lake for storing all the data and supports various
data stores - Key Value Store, Time Series and Documents based.
125 The Big Data System should be highly scalable in terms of storing large volumes of
structure and unstructured data.
126 The Big Data System should support various engines for ingestion - IoT, ETL based
services, APIs based Services and Connectors
127 The Big Data System should be pre-integrated with BI and AI/ML engines for Business
Intelligence and Predictions.
128 The Big Data System governance framework should cover administration, security,
configuration, and reporting.
129 The Big Data System should be able to consume raw data feeds from different data
sources and ability to prepare information for downstream uses. E.g., Ability to
process data coming through online systems, mobile apps, social media, edge sensors,
third party applications and tools, data files (EXCEL, GIS etc.) and different data bases
for effective interpretation.
130 The Big Data System should support the latest open-source projects of Apache
Hadoop and Spark ecosystems. Should stay up to date with the newest releases of
open-source frameworks, including Kafka, HBase and Hive LLAP etc.

131 The Big Data System should be designed to avoid storing and processing of duplicate
132 The Big Data System should support System Integration (E.g., Web services) and Data
integration (E.g., ETL / ELT) functionality out of the box with capabilities for data
transfer to Big Data Platform to support Analytics Use cases with different latencies.

133 The Big Data System should be capable of using connections to perform all the tasks
and to implement the following Integration Services features:
134 The Big Data System should have connection with source and destination data stores
such as text, XML, Excel workbooks, relational databases and bigdata to extract and
load data
135 The Big Data System should have connection with relational databases that contain
reference data to perform exact or fuzzy lookups
136 The Big Data System should have connection with relational databases to run stored
procedures and SQL commands such as SELECT, DELETE, and INSERT
137 The Big Data System should have connection with SQL Server to perform maintenance
and transfer tasks such as database backup and login transfer
138 The Big Data System should have connection with Analysis Services projects and
databases to access data mining models, process cubes & dimensions and to run DDL
139 The Big Data System shall specify existing or create new files and folders to use with
Foreach Loop enumerators and tasks
140 The Big Data System should have connection with message queues, windows
management instrumentation (WMI), SQL Server Management Objects (SMO), Web,
and mail servers.
141 The Big Data System must provide the ability to make OLAP and OLTP transactions in
the same time
142 The Big Data System must support both Column-based and Row-based in-memory
data structure
143 The Big Data System should have Schema flexibility and ability to add columns on real
144 The Big Data System should have security mechanism for metadata access by enabling
controls on access to entity instances and operations like add/update/remove
145 The Big Data System should be Integrated with centralized RBAC store to enable
authorization/data-masking on data access based on classifications associated with
entities. The authorized access would be classified as Personally identifiable
information (PII) and SENSITIVE
146 Data as Service Server should be capable of enabling API access to the Sensor/ Event
data through Interactive querying. It shall also have pluggable approach that would
allow the system to extend the API requirement using the standards

147 The Integrated data access system should have APIs including Real Time Data, Latest
data, Time series data and Search data
148 It should aggregate time-series data from sensor/device-based system and event
series data through ETL process to get insights of operational view and KPIs.
149 The stored data shall be leveraged using Machine Learning and Analytics engine to
enable Real time interactive querying, enable intelligence by KPI based reports and
150 Data Analytics sub-system
151 The Smart City digital platform OEM should be pre-integrated with analytics engine to
enable necessary insights and analytics.
152 The Analytics sub-system should be an AI-based smart city analytics platform module
to maximize business value through advanced machine learning capabilities. The
machine learning capabilities aid in automating policies that result in better asset and
infrastructure management.

153 The platform shall be pre-integrated with analytics to perform multi-dimensional

analysis on incidents data supporting business intelligence and machine learning
capabilities that enable delivery of pre-packaged analytics applications like dashboard,
reports, advanced analytics - disaster management, social analytics, etc.

154 The Platform shall be integrated with analytics engine, and which shall support
following capability.
155 The Analytics sub-system should support multiple Data Sources. Min below standard
data sources should be supported from day 1 – CSV, TSV, MS Excel, NoSQL, RDBMS
156 The Analytics sub-system should be able to discover, compare, and correlate data
across heterogeneous data sources to unravel the patterns that are previously hidden.
At a broader level system shall support following tasks:

157 • Connect to a variety of data sources

158 • Analyze the result set
159 • Visualize the results
160 • Predict outcomes
161 The Analytics sub-system should be capable of performing descriptive, predictive, and
also prescriptive analytics wherever applicable.
162 The Analytics sub-system should have capability to analyse data in motion to display
the alerts in real-time and store the data in centralized database for future trend
163 The Analytics sub-system should be capable of developing predictive analytics based
on the requirements of the city. Domains can range from Solid Waste, Transport etc.
164 The Analytics sub-system should provide with end user access ranging from ETL,
integration of data from structured & unstructured data sources, intelligence with
simulation and modelling and interactive dashboards with ad-hoc query, integration
with spreadsheets, proactive alerting, Scorecards and so on.

165 The Analytics sub-system should provide capabilities to create KPIs to measure progress
and performance over time and graphically communicate strategy & strategic dynamics
using Strategy maps, Cause and Effect diagrams, and Custom views. Intuitive and dense
visualizations must be available.

166 The Analytics sub-system should help simulate what if scenarios. It should help visualize
assets/resources at risk due to the pending/ongoing incident, should render impacted
region on a GIS/3D map. The solution should help build the list of assets, their
properties, location and their interdependence through an easy-to-use Graphical User
Interface. Solution should highlight not only the primary asset impacted but also
highlight the linked assets which will be impacted.
167 The subsystem should be capable of providing time-shifted or offline analytics on the
archived data.
168 It should provide capabilities for the analysis to run autonomously, refreshing data and
re-analyse the situation continuously across a complex set of variables.
169 Analytics Engine Visualizations
170 Analytics sub-system should provide visualizations dashboard.
171 In the visualization workspace, it should allow to change visual attributes of a graph.
172 User should not be allowed to alter the graph/visualization definition.
173 In the visualization workspace, user should be able to do the following operations:
174 - Change the graph/visualization type
175 - Print the graph
176 - Export the graph
177 - Narrow down on the value ranges
178 - Toggle the axis labels
179 - Integrate with other 3rd party applications seamlessly
180 Sentiment Analytics
181 The Analytics sub-system shall have the capability to provide sentiment analytics of
configured key words/accounts through internet crawling through the platform.
Ability to categorize key issues/topics/words in real time on social media platform
(Twitter, Facebook, Website Discussion Forums, News Papers) which are contributing
to negative/positive perception among citizens.
182 Business Intelligence
183 The BI subsystem should be capable of providing vertical specific models and report
184 It should support tabular models at all compatibility levels, multidimensional models,
and data mining service.
185 It should be built considering scale from ground up and should have single source of
analytical data to ensure discrepancies at minimum.
186 The Analytics sub-system shall be capable of carrying out business intelligence as well
as real time analytics for city systems where it shall develop insight into possible future
conditions or events. Analytics shall measure the efficacy of services delivered and help
operators and city personnel to test scenarios.

187 The Analytics sub-system shall make use of cross-system data analytics from historian
and real-time information received from independent systems through smart city
platform to aid in the operations and management of city services.

188 The system shall have ability to synthesize, analyse and integrate data from all City
systems and should provide analytical insights to city integrated operation Centre for
running real time sensors and to decision makers for policy making and optimizing
189 Platform should provide a user friendly; web based, drag and drop interface for data
190 Platform should be capable of summarizing and presenting the data using a variety of
highly customizable charts
191 Platform should be capable of displaying and tracking of metrics with the support visual
features like Metric Dials and Graphs etc.
192 Platform should be scalable to incorporate any additional functional requirements (Low
Code Tools-like IOTops, ML Composer, Configurable Dashboard)and analysis
193 Platform should be capable of displaying the dashboards on third-party
194 Platform shall allow generation of dashboard using ad-hoc queries by the user
195 The reporting solution should be web-enabled
196 Platform should enable different types of users to conduct effective explorations on all
available data without the need of subset, sample, and multiple views of data with
minimal training for users

197 Platform should have self service capability in importing and integrating local
text/csv/xls files with the data warehouse and be able to generate reports
198 Platform should assist the user with explanation on forecast results by providing “What
does it mean” capabilities
199 Platform should provide geographical map views to provide a quick understanding of
geospatial data
200 Platform should provide capabilities to subset data independently without any
technology intervention
201 Platform should allow ad-hoc hierarchy creations for traversing till intricate information
to execute root cause analysis
202 Platform should provide the capability to export data in Excel and CSV/TSV document
203 Platform should provide the ability for user to view interactive reports using iOS &
Android devices using a native application. It should provide rich user experience with
capabilities such as gesture control, zoom and swipe etc.

204 Platform should provide the capability to the user to save and share the analysis as
exploration, report, or PDF
205 Platform should directly extract information from transactional systems without
depending on data warehouse or data marts
206 Platform should be capable of scheduling data updates and report refresh
207 Platform shall have capability to generate MIS reports
208 Platform should enable the user with an interface to design reports and dashboards
with automatic refresh capability on changes in underlying data
209 Platform should allow the user to drill down the reports to the granular level of details
210 Platform should be able to populate/ filter output with interactive filtering of reports
from existing selection
211 Platform should be capable of passing parameters among reports to retrieve details
and investigate specific entity
212 Platform should enable the user to execute pre-defined procedures using the interface
to visualize reports
213 Platform should support configurable report generation based on ad-hoc querying
across multiple fields of entity-wise information
214 AI Data Pre-Processing
215 Platform should enable machine learning with big data, providing the ability to obtain
valuable insight from large amounts of structured, unstructured and fast-moving data
216 Platform should enable organization and labelling of data by the intelligent methods of
alignment and indexing
217 Platform should be capable of handling missing data
218 Platform should support data cleaning operations.
219 ML Libraries Notebook
220 Platform should be capable of native support for asynchronous execution of collective
operations and peer-to-peer communication
221 Platform should allow user to export models in the standard file formats( Pickle, H5,
222 Platform should enable fast, flexible experimentation and efficient production through
a hybrid front-end, distributed training and ecosystem of tools & libraries
223 Platform should have a web-based notebook that would enable data-driven, interactive
data analytics and collaborative documents
224 The notebook should possess a console-based approach to interactive computing,
providing a web-based application suitable for capturing the whole computation
process: developing, documenting, and executing code and communicating the results.

225 Model Store and Service

226 Platform should allow the user to convert ML model to a bitstream, store it in disk and
reloaded at any point of time.
227 Platform should allow the user to do real time and batch predictions using the models
228 Platform should create an API wrapper around the predicted model and should be
capable of deploying it as a web-service
229 Common Enabling System : The Smart city platform should be pre-integrated with
Common Enabling System that will extend the capabilities of the platform to
configure and automate the workflows, build location intelligence, provide mobile
enablement of the services, provide security system for Identity and authentication of
devices, users & data and support Logging & Monitoring for Application working and
230 Business Process Management
231 The Smart City digital platform should be pre-integrated with Business Process
Management (BPM) sub-system that would enable the process automation,
delegation, parallel workflows, etc.
232 It should be capable of handling parallel process flows, that would carry out all possible
combinations including split, merge and cross reference of processes. It
233 It should also enable the user to delegate or assign an activity to individuals or teams.
234 GIS Map Support
235 Platform must provide ability to configure various geo-spatial data from different
providers including but not limited to City GIS systems
236 Platform must provide ability to support different geo spatial formats from commercial
and open geospatial standards.
237 System should support integration with any Map API services like Google, Esri, Open
Street, etc. It should be possible to visualize all the Assets (Sensor, Devices, Vehicles,
Cameras, other city resources) on map.
238 It should be possible to visualize all the Assets (Sensor, Devices, Vehicles, Cameras,
other city resources) on map.
239 The Assets must be provided as layers with ability to switch these layers and visualize
the assets of only selected layers.
240 The GIS Maps should provide interactive visualization of travel time and traffic based
on the sensor data and data ingested from 3rd party sources.
241 It should allow the operator to execute dynamic messaging across the city through the
sign boards to inform the citizens in real time.
242 GIS Platform shall support GIS Maps in following file format PDF, JPG, PNG, Vector PDF
Map, Web Map Service (WMS) defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC),
Google Map-aerial; terrain, Bing Map, aerial, satellite, hybrid, ArcGIS/ESRI and Open
Platform GIS Applications
243 GIS platform should provide a picture-in-picture map view capability,
244 - Upon the availability of GPS positioning of a file, the user should be able to quickly
alternate between the video and map view within the video player
245 - The application must be able to ingest and present either a static location (e.g., for a
fixed camera) or dynamic location (e.g., for mobile cameras) that allows users to
validate the location where the video was recorded at the time of the event

246 Location engine

247 a. Map services and geospatial coordinates: Shall provide the geographical coordinates
of specific facilities, roads, and city infrastructure assets, as well as unmapped facilities
248 b. Geospatial calculation: Shall calculate distance between two, or more, locations on
the map
249 c. Location-based tracking locates and traces devices on the map
250 IoT Security
251 The Platform should set up individual identities and credentials for each of the
connected devices and help retain the confidentiality
252 The Platform should provide mutual authentication and support encryption at all points
of connection, so that data is never exchanged between devices and IoT Platform
without a proven identity.

253 To maintain the integrity of the system, the Platform shall allow the user to selectively
revoke access rights for specific devices as needed.
254 To ensure the flexibility for the device vendor, the platform should allow the user to
create Authentication and Authorization policies based on device profile level, it shall
also support the below policies:

255 1. Standard Authentication

256 2. Custom Authentication
257 3. x.509 Certificate based Authentication
258 Standard Authentication should comprise of Time-based password for the device to
ensure that in case the device gets compromised, it can only utilize the token for the
defined time.
259 Security - IoT Device Identity Registry
260 All IoT Device connecting to the IoT Platform shall be secured through strict device
Identity Policies and token-based authentication
261 The Platform shall Support AES 128, 256 Based Payload Encryption.
262 The Platform shall have Per device authorization policies to ensure zero data leak
263 Security - User Identity and Access Management
264 Role based access shall be enforced for all application activities.
265 The Platform should support LDAP to be used as an additional data store for user
management and authentication.
266 Shall have Single Sign on and Multi factor authentication for secure user access to
application services
267 Data Security & Integrity
268 Data Governance / RBAC: The Platform should support data governance & stewardship
model, in which roles, responsibilities are clearly defined, assigned, implemented,
documented and communicated

269 Data Protection / Production Data integrity: The Platform should support procedure in
place to ensure production data shall not be replicated or used in non-production
270 Data Protection / Data at rest: The Platform should support encryption for tenant data
at rest (on disk/storage)
271 Data Retention: The Platform should support capabilities to enforce tenant data
retention policies
272 Data recover & restore: The Platform should support capability to recover and restore
data in case of a failure or data loss.
273 Data disclosure & privacy: The Platform should disclose data attributes, elements
collected from source. All the attributes should be disclosed & appraised to data owner.
With appropriate approval from City authority, Platform should have ability to encrypt
sensitive data element at rest.

274 Configuration of Data Security Features

275 The Platform shall have the ability to configure user access and authorization control
to provide specific set of information/data/application control to designated or
authorized set of users. For E.g.: Ability to restrict water department operation team to
view water billing data (if not authorized).

276 Cybersecurity framework and security

277 A Cybersecurity framework should be developed aimed at building a secure and
resilient application for citizens and stakeholders of Smart City. The framework
comprising of policy, procedures, and guidelines should be designed to protect the
application and information; build capabilities to prevent and respond to cyber-
attacks; and minimize damages through cyber-attacks.

278 Data Governance

279 The Platform shall be Integrated with data governance to ensure only authorized owner
have permission to read / write data into the system.
280 The Platform shall allow storage encryption to prevent illegal data and behavioural
tracking activities
281 The Platform shall assure data quality in terms of accuracy, accessibility, consistency,
completeness and updating.
282 The Platform shall Govern all aspects of API Access services including data service
descriptions, data consumption, service usage, service discovery, service lifecycle
management and service policy

283 Monitoring - all the data access from the application shall be logged and monitored
284 Centralized Logging & Monitoring Platform
285 The Platform shall consist of a centralized logging and Monitoring platform which
integrates with all part of platform services for Audit and performance monitoring.
286 The Centralized Logging and Monitoring sub-system should be integrated with all smart
city application and the IoT platform to give the user an operational view
287 The system should be able monitor the application/platform infrastructure for
performance with time series view of:
288 - Up time
289 - CPU Utilization
290 - Network Utilization (Bytes received per second, Bytes sent per second, Packet
drops and Timed out connection)
291 - User connection count
292 - Disk connection count
293 - Process Count
294 - Total threshold count
295 Platform should keep track of sensor last seen date and time and be able to detect
disconnected sensors & raise alarms
296 The Platform shall allow time shifted analytics with the log data.
297 The user should be enabled to control all the platform service from a single system, the
control operation includes
298 1. Service Restart
299 2. Update Configuration
300 The system should allow user to get detailed SLA monitoring along with SLA report
301 Out of the Box Support for Tools: The Smart City Platform should support pre-
integrated Tools for Provisioning and Administration, Composing and Building ML
models and support Configuration of dashboards.
302 Provisioning & Service Management
303 The Smart City digital platform OEM shall provide solution for enabling end to end
Platform Administration which includes Asset Management, Rule Configuration &
Workflow Management.
304 The solution shall have a view of all the sensors connected to the platform with their
health status for real time monitoring.
305 The solution shall support secure device onboarding process with bulk uploading
306 The solution shall be capable of sensor health abnormality detection and automated
workflow execution with integrated workforce app.
307 The solution should provide icon-based user interface on the GIS map to report non-
functional assets.
308 The solution should also provide a single tabular view to list all assets along with their
availability status in real time.
309 Machine Learning Builder
310 ML Composer should provide an environment to build machine learning models
through low-code/no-code visual toolkit for developing, deploying, and operating
enterprise AI ML driven applications.

311 The system also supports traditional ML models, time series forecasting, and deep
312 There shall be a tool for the city administrators to create analytics / predict outcomes,
when necessary, the tool provided shall allow the user to develop models for analytics
using the necessary data available to the user.

313 The Machine Learning Tool should have an easy-to-use, visual interface that gives users
the access to data exploration.
314 The Machine Learning Tool shall support data input from multiple data Sources for data
315 The Machine Learning Tool supports ready to use ML Pipeline for prediction,
recommendation, optimization, forecasting, Natural Language Processing, Anomaly
316 The Machine Learning Tool should support users to choose from multiple Machine
Learning Model types like (Not limited to:)
317 1. Auto ML: Users can select this option and the system automatically selects the
Algorithm based on best accuracy
318 2. Manual ML: Users can select Algorithms manually and provide parameters based on
the selected Algorithm
319 3. Geo ML: Users can select ML Algorithms especially built for Geospatial Data.
320 Users can Export files in multiple data formats (CSV, PDF, Excel etc.)
321 The Machine Learning Tool shall allow the users to load disparate data sources and join,
filter, and wrangle data, all without having to write queries.
322 Configurable Dashboard
323 Configurable Dashboard should help in reducing the customization time for building
the dashboard.
324 Configurable Dashboard should provide a single web interface for configuring the
data source to visualize the data using various visuals available
325 Application should allow to connect various data sources for fetching the data. The
Configurable Dashboard shall provide the user to connect with any data source
provided in the application for fetching the data and later can be configured in the
widgets Standard Dashboard templates should be available for various Smart City
Domains- Surveillance, Traffic, Environment, Parking, Waste Management, Energy,
326 The application should provide GIS based visuals for geospatial analysis.
327 The application should allow user to configure the basic settings, colour theme, etc.
which need to get updated throughout all the widgets built
328 The application will allow user to create widgets which can be used for building the
dashboard. Once the widget configuration is done, the same widget can be used in
multiple dashboards without the need to create multiple times

329 The user should be able to fetch the data from the saved data source and configure
the dataset for the selected widget.
330 The user should be able to view the configured widgets which user can bring a
common place and create the layout as per the need.
331 The user should be able to save the dashboard and can get shareable link which can
be used to embed the dashboard in any application
332 The user should be able to create a KPI defined on top the connected data source. If
the KPI has been met, a pre-defined process should be executed.
333 The Smart City Software Suite should support pre-integrated applications software
that enable the digital transformation of cities. The applications should be fully
integrated with the City Platform and can be modularly deployed in a phased manner.

334 Command & Control Centre: Integrated Command & Control Center System to build a
unified city operations centre for Major Incidents and Events.
335 Advanced Analytics covering Business Intelligence (BI) and AI/ML.: Advanced Analytics
Applications to derive intelligence and drive efficiencies in operations of the various
in-line departments. Standard BI Dashboard templates for various smart city
336 Mobile Workforce Management System to unify the city workforce across
departments through a common App: Mobile Workforce Management System to
unify the city workforce across departments through a common Workforce app and
empower them with real-time intelligence and mobility

337 Smart City Solutions. Optionally it should be possible to extend the Smart City
Platform services and build various in-line department specific solutions for use the by
the various departments. The various applications can cover.

338 Solid Waste Management System for garbage collection and disposal.
339 Parking Management System for booking and availing parking services.
340 Intelligent Transport System for public transit and passenger information.
341 Intelligent Street Light System for optimising the use of the Street Lights
342 Command-and-Control Centre
343 The Command-and-Control Centre should be pre-integrated with the platform and
shall act as the central hub for integration of the various systems and form the
foundation for the city administrator to manage the city operations.

The Integrated Command and Control Center Software should support Incident
Management and provide a 360-degree situational awareness of the city operations
with real-time KPI based operational dashboard.
344 Incident Management - General Capabilities.
Incidents are verified and converted from alerts (Like Camera based Alerts, Bin Fill Alert,
Environmental alerts etc) generated by various sensors/systems. The each type of
alarms are configured based on the rules defined. This will consider during detailed
engineering and design phase.
345 The application should:
346 help the city operators to run the city efficiently by integrating all the alarms and
provides an easy-to-use GUI interface (web & client server)
347 help manage: alarms, map-based visualization of the city assets and events, execute
SOPs and coordinate the operations;
348 provide 360-degree situational awareness and insights across urban functions to city
349 SOP Execution:
350 Based on the incident type, system shall open the activities that need to be carried out
for the incident. The SOP shall provide the actions like notification, correlate, dispatch,
and close incident. This activity should be defined in the administrator system for each
type of incident. This activity will be either manual or automated. SOP’s will be
configured based on the concerned department’s usage through administrative module
as well as will consider during design and detailed engineering phase.
351 It should be integrated with a real-time KPI dashboard that will provide 360-degree
situational awareness of the various urban system operations and efficiency.
352 The alarm management module should:
353 enable the City Operations Center (CoC) to service all alarms generated automatically
by the city digital platform for operators to visualize the alarms, create incidents and
dispatch city workforce for action.

354 Provide the details about each alarm received from the various sub-systems
355 provide the operator details regarding the source of the alarm, type of alarm,
generated time, priority, and elapsed time to take appropriate action.
356 provide advanced map & video visualization for situation awareness.
357 provide an easy use GUI that is simple to operate.
358 operator to view various types of alerts in a single place and validate the alerts for
further processing.
359 GIS Visualization
360 The application shall provide map-based visualization for all the details of the alarms
and enable the operator in decision making.
361 Application enables visualization of all the assets (camera, access control, lighting) on
the GIS map as a layer.
362 Unique identification (icon /symbol) should be provided for each of the asset types.
363 The application shall allow health status (functional /non-functional) of assets to be
identified using colour code.
364 All field resources (vehicles /field workforce) should be location enabled and mapped
to the GIS with unique identification (icon /symbol).
365 Each of the asset shall be created as a layer on the map and can be turned ON /OFF by
the operator depending upon the alarm type and incident use case.
366 The application shall enable operator to search assets based on the type and
jurisdiction and enables operator to object based interactive building floor plan,
parking lot layouts, bus inside, etc.

367 Video Visualization

368 The application shall provide video-based visualization of all the associated cameras
for the alarms in matrix view and enables the operator in decision making.
369 Selection of cameras can be based on the following:
370 I. Map based selection
371 II. Jurisdiction/ camera selection from the camera list alert the details of the alerts
372 AI and BI Applications
373 It should support AI applications to solve narrow problems covering the various urban
systems and build applications to deliver actionable insights and optimise the
operations.it should also support standard BI dashboard templates for various smart
city domains so that it can be configured and deployed readily.

374 Social Analytics / Citizen Sentiment Analytics

375 The Application should predict, analyse and report the activity’s happenings in social
media through automated intelligent applications
376 The application should evaluate newly launched programmes and policies through a
continuous feedback loop
377 The application should pave the way for better governance by keeping a tab on the
pulse of citizens through real-time analysis of feeds from social websites
378 The application should provide various analytics trends, heatmap for geo-tagged data,
word cloud based on posts received from various social media platforms
379 The application should analyse the sentiment of posts and categorized into positive,
negative and neutral in dashboard view.
380 The application should recognize the named entity for creating word cloud to give an
overview of the words which is used most by the people.
381 BI Dashboard Templates
382 The Dashboard Templates must cover various smart city domains – Surveillance,
Environment, Transport, Parking, Traffic, Waste, Buildings, and related components
such as HVAC, Elevators, UPS/DG Set, Fire Alarm, Security etc.

383 Mobile Workforce Management Application System

384 It should support Mobile Application to unify the city workforce and enable the day-
to-day activities thus driving efficiency and speed of operations. It should be pre-
integrated with the platform data and services and should support various types of
user roles across the departments of the city.

385 Workforce Mobile App

386 The application should provide intelligence and insight for city workforce to stay
connected and act on real time.
387 It should be based on user roles and support workforce across various departments
388 Workforce app should be able to visualize all the events with the status
389 App should have provision to filter the events based the activity status (All, Pending,
In Progress and Completed) and criticality (Low, Medium and High)
390 App should provision to view event details like Event Name, Location, Source, Time
391 Provision to navigate to the event location
392 Provision to attach image, video, audio as action taken report
393 Provision to chat with control room operator
394 Provision to view lists of jobs and events based on day wise view, week wise view and
month wise view on a calendar
395 Provision to access the map-based view of current location
396 Provision to share location, identify nearby workforce
397 Provision to report any incident from the field to the command centre operator/
department operator.
398 There should be a provision to track the location of the workforce by the Command
Center/department operator
399 App should be available for Android and iOS
400 Workforce Management Web Portal
401 The portal should allow for easy configuration of User Roles, e-Form and enablement
of various user services based on department requirements. Various user services to
be enabled for workforce are: 1) My Events 2) My Schedules 3) Communicate- Chat,
Video and Audio 4) Nearby workforce, events, departments 5) Report Incident 6) E-
forms 7) Attendance 8) Chat
402 It should provide a dashboard covering total running and closed schedules, online and
offline users, Pending and closed incidents.
403 Provision to add new events based on the Event code, Event Name, Time to Complete
(Target time to complete - in Minutes), Priority (Drop down - High, Medium, and Low),
Assign Form
404 Provision to edit & delete event details and search for events from the event list
405 Provision to view the workforce user list, add, edit, reset & delete user
406 Provision to add group based on group name and group code
407 Provision to create, edit and delete a new e-form
408 Provision to search, view add, delete department

S.No Parameter Application Use Cases Dashboard Use Cases Compliance Remarks
(Yes / No)
1 ITMS (Intelligent Traffic Asset Synchronization Live view of traffic density
Management System - based on area and status
RLVD, ANPR, Geo Visualization violation (Traffic)
SVD,NHDS,TRDS,DOP,NSB) Automated Number Plate Recognition Live view of traffic density
(ANPR) Alert by location
Red Light Violation Detection (RLVD) Alert Alarm trend
Speed Violation Detection (SVD) Alert Hourly/average and traffic
Unauthorized vehicle movement Type of violation based on
Vehicle without valid permit Type of violation based on
alarm status
Vehicle without/expired insurance
Stolen vehicle as well as report vehicles by
police department
Vehicles without valid PUC certificate
2 Adaptive Traffic Control Synchronization & Geo Visualization of Total ATCS controllers
System (ATCS) Traffic Signals
Real time monitoring of traffic Signals Active ATCS controllers
Blinker mode activate and deactivate Inactive ATCS controllers
Signals running status (Auto/Manual) Energy consumption per
Traffic Signals health status (On/Off) as well Percentage change
alert (previous 24h)"
Congestion Alert (Over Saturated & Under Grievance statistics
Controller Fault Alert Highest traffic density
Blinker Mode Alert Average traffic density in
4D Radar failure alert Realtime view of traffic
Hurry Call/Green corridor SOP Total Signals
Adaptive camera will provide the real time ATCS Health Status
Vehicle count
3 City Surveillance System Synchronization & Geo Visualization of Live view of all the
(VMS & VA) surveillance Camera's cameras within the city
City Surveillance Camera live feed for Total, Active, Inactive
situational awareness Camera's
Detection/Recognize the pattern of Region wise Alarm Type
Demonstration & Conflicts in Crowd
Detection of loitering person Top 10 Crime Region

Tampering alert Violation (Surveillance)

Wrong way or Illegal turn detection violation (Traffic)

Speeding Vehicle
Accident Detection
Person Climbing Barricade
Person Collapsing
Vehicle of Interest tracking by speed, colour,
and number plate
No Helmet Detection
Banned vehicle detection
4 Environmental Sensor Synchronization & Geo Visualization of Synchronization & Geo
Environment sensor locations Visualization of
Environment sensor
Environment sensor health alert status · Total Environmental
(On/Off) sensors
· Active environmental
· Inactive
environmental sensors
AQI alert through Environment sensor: · Air quality trend
based for 24hr based on
time and date
1. Air Quality alerts will be generated based · Real time air quality
on standard threshold limits for CO, NO2, index
SO2,O3,CO2,PM2.5,PM10 like Good, Normal,
Satisfactory, Moderately polluted, poor, very
poor & Severe

2. Alerts will be generated based on · Realtime temperature

temperature, Humidity, Pressure & Noise reading
· Realtime value of light
· Realtime reading for
noise level
· Air Quality trend
based on day, Month, Year
· Real time Air quality
analysis based on areas
· Air quality index for
peak hours
· AQI Actual vs Forecast
· Pollutant Actual vs
Status of all alarms in the
city (Total, received,
Air quality Index Visualisation by hovering on
Individual Sensor
Integration with GIS map with analytic layer
5 VMD Synchronization & Geo Visualization
Realtime view of sensors
on maps
VMD Operational Status (ON/OFF) · Total VMD sensors
· Active VMD sensors
· Inactive VMD sensors
· VMD Alert status
· Energy consumption
per day
· percentage change
(previous 24h)"
· VMD Asset status
Pre-defined general information messages to
Variable Message Public (e.g., Traffic Congestion,
Signboard Advertisement, Other relevant information
provided by ASCL)
Specific Message (Manually defined
message) to individual/selected
VMD's Regular health check-up (fault
detection) of VMD device
Specific Image to individual/selected VMD's
Publish predefined data from Environment
Sensor to the Nearest VMD Device
Device Health Status Alert in case of Ambient
Light Sensor Off and in case of VMD Panel
door open.
6 Public Address System PA Operational Status (ON/OFF) Realtime view of PA
systems on maps
Pre-recorded general information messages Total PA sensors
to Public (e.g., Traffic Congestion,
Advertisement, Other relevant information
provided by department)
Specific Message (Manual announcement) to Active PA sensors
selected PA's
Specific Message (Manual announcement) to Inactive PA sensors
selected PAs in multiple Zone's /Area
Regular health check-up (fault detection) of PA loudness
PA device
Play pre-recorded Audio Message PA Asset status
individually or change the schedule of
existing queue
7 ECB ECB operational health alert status (On/Off) · Incident Statistics
· Realtime view of
sensors on maps
· Total ECB sensors
· Active ECB sensors
· Inactive ECB sensors
· ECB Call count ECB
Asset status
Emergency alert through ECB with details
(Caller Image, Caller Clip, Caller Voice &
date, and time)
Show location of ECB systems on map with
its current working status red & green along
with issue in case of offline

Receive Emergency calls and showcases the

location on GIS map & play nearest cameras
for situational awareness

8 GIS ICCC Should integrate with the GIS MAP and Asset visualization on the
support the MAP based visualization MAP Screen
ICCC Should support marking of the event on
the MAP Screen
Should Support Integration with future Applications. Dashboard Use Cases
9 Intelligent Transport Real-time fleet tracking and Management Vehicle Dashboard
System MAP Based visualization of the vehicle list, View the map with the
route list, Bus stop List, point of interests, live spot
for buses, Bus stops.
View a list of vehicles on routes for ETA Visualize the count of
citizen grievances
Vehicle Scheduling - Time Table Visualize the Fleet
View the Device Alerts, Citizen Complaints
10 Solid Waste Management MAP based visualization of the assets like Visualize total Vehicles
System, Vehicle Type, Bin Type, Vehicle Status, Citizen
Grievance, Cameras

view the tracking details of the vehicle such Visualize total Bins
as Vehicle Number, Vehicle Type, Position,
Speed, Location, Time on the map.

Scheduling and trip playback Visualize total Distance

Bin locations on the MAP Screen Visualize total complaints
View list of households with details such as Visualize total trips
Bin Name, Householder, House Number,
Zone, Ward, Road Name, Status.

Creation of POI’s by providing details such as Visualize staff attendance

Zone, Ward, POI Name, POI Type, POI
Long/Lat, POI Radius, POI Address.

Creation of Primary and Secondary Route Visualize bin status

Collection status)
Staff Attendance
11 Grievance Redressal Incident Creation · Grievances Trend,
System, and other e- Search Grievances · Total Number of cases
Governance & Citizen
services Filter Grievances based on the different · Pending cases,
sources such as (Citizen App
Chat, Voice Call, Twitter, SMS, WhatsApp,
Email, City Chatbot, E- Governance, Citizen
Portal, Facebook
Social Intelligence
Dispatch Workforce to attain the incident · In progress cases,
View the Logs of incident/non incident/calls · Completed cases
Collect the feedback from citizen · Citizen feedback
Chat with Citizens · Chanel wise
distribution of grievances
Visualize similar events · Grievances Trend,
Visualize nearby incidents · Total Number of cases
Visualization of the incidents and caller · Pending cases
location on the MAP Screen
12 Street Lighting Smart Light (Smart Pole) Synchronization & · Smart Light (Smart
Geo Visualization with Branding Pole) Synchronization &
Geo Visualization with
Smart Light (Smart Pole) Auto Switch ON/OFF · Smart Light (Smart
and diming, based on Schedule Pole) Health Alert (Fault
Smart Light (Smart Pole) Health Alert (Fault · Single Light Failure
detection) Detection in a Smart Pole
Single Light Failure Detection in a Smart Pole · Energy Consumption
Monitoring and
Energy Consumption Monitoring and
13 Drone Surveillance System ICCC will be required to integrate with Drone Surveillance System
(Through Drone OEM Video Management System or Server based
connectivity) using open API Standards.

ICCC Should be able to showcase the live video feed of Drones.

* Few Important definitions/detailing of key words-

1. Urban System-
The term any urban system used here to define the capability of integrating with any city urban systems over OPEN API’s which
includes (Existing/ Proposed/New Systems) which are required to be communicated with the ICCC Platform.
Urban System Integrations listed below are qualified based on the initial assessment of Guwahati Requirements. However we can
update this based on your inputs.
1. ITMS (Intelligent Traffic Management System-RLVD, ANPR, SVD, existing ITMS feature)
3. City Surveillance System
4. Smart Parking Application
5. Smart Pole and Smart Street Light
6. Public Address System
7. ECB
8. Environmental Sensor
9. Environment Sensor (Flood)
10. Variable Message Signboard
11. Smart Kiosks
12. Drone(UAV)
2. Social Media Analyzing -
 Social Analytics Application enables City Administrators and Safety agencies to listen to the various social media networks and
websites and enable correlation of the data into sentiment analytics which can be mapped to various type of public safety
 The Platform enables the social listening of various social media channels through location, keywords, hash tags and users in
near real-time. This transforms location-based social data to intelligence to understand what’s happening in the specific
jurisdiction zones. The Platform enhances situational awareness through social monitoring. It will allow hyper-local social
search to monitor events, assess crisis areas and coordinate with field team. This allows the regulators to analyze the archived
social data to identify keyword trends, time-based activity, influential contents, social sentiments etc. The reports are
generated from the system by extracting social data and allows to share with rest of the organization in PDF/CSV formats.
3. Sentiment Analytics-
 Sentiment refers to the emotion behind the social media content and used to measure the tone of the conversation - is
Positive (happy), Negative (annoyed/angry) or neutral. Text analysis which part of main module awards sentiment value to
each tweet or any text comes it's away. It is powered by ML algorithms which is again trained on well-prepared data set to
ensure high accuracy. It will classify and indicate the sentiment count as chart/graph per the topic of search. Trending hashtags
are shown as part of analytics in the dashboard.
 The scope is to provide sentiment analytics of configured key words/accounts through internet crawling through the
platform. Ability to categorize key issues/topics/words in real time on social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Website
Discussion Forums, News Papers) which are contributing to negative/positive perception among citizens.
4. Contextual Search-
To engage immediate search on various social websites, this module will be used. These search results can be used for taking
actions by the operator following the SOP’s
5. Overall Analytics View-
This view presents overall spatial analytics on map as heat map to show active regions from where the feeds are coming, it also
gives a line graph to show engagement of people over prescribed time. Overall sentiment can be understood through pie
charts as shown in the screenshot below; Having analyzed the data we have we give list of top influences as well as recent
twitter users with their profile description.
6. Social Publish Module-
This module gives the platform to the authorities to notify the citizens on any important news or announcements and keep
citizens informed/ updated.
7. Geo-Spatial Analysis -
To analyze the social feeds on the map, we use this module which helps to locate the exact location from where the event is
happening and action can be taken based on this. Operator can further filter the data by platform, sentiment, username,

Enterprise Management System - Technical Specifications

Sr No Description Remark
Enterprise Management System (EMS) :
For effective operations and management of IT Operations , there is a need for an industry-
standard Enterprise Management System (EMS). Given the expanse and scope of the project,
EMS becomes very critical for IT Operations and SLA Measurement. Some of the critical
aspects that need to be considered for operations of IT setup of are:
1 a) Network Fault Management b) Network Performance Management c) Network
Configuration Management d) Server Performance Monitoring e) Network Traffic Analysis f)
Centralized Log management g) Centralized and unified Dashboard h) Centralized and
customizable service level reporting i) Helpdesk for Incident management j) Asset
Management j) Project Management
The Monitoring Solution should provide Unified Architectural design offering seamless
common functions including but not limited to: Event and Alarm management, Auto-
discovery of the Network environment, Correlation and root cause analysis, Reporting and
EMS/ NMS OEM must be an industry standard solution and shall be present in Network
3 Automation and Orchestration Tools report. Documentary proof must be submitted at the
time of submission.
There should be a tight integration between infrastructure metrics and logs to have the single
consolidated console of Infrastructure & security events.
Consolidate IT event management activities into a single operations bridge that allows
5 operator quickly identify the cause of the IT incident, reduces duplication of effort and
decreases the time it takes to rectify IT issues.
The Operator should be able to pull up security events related to a given Configuration Item,
from a single console which also has NOC events, and use the security events to triage the
6 problem. This way the Operator gets consolidated system/network event details and security
events (current and historical) from the same console and save time in troubleshooting /
isolating the issue.
The solution should have capability to perform cross domain correlation with alarm
correlation built-in algorithms from Network , Systems and other domain events as well as
KPI patterns, also correlation should not be limited to only parent-child or service mapping
The operator should be able to build correlation rules in a simple GUI based environment
where the Operator should be able to correlate cross domain events

Scalability – The system should be capable of supporting at least 15 thousand network flow
per second on single server with capability to capture each unique traffic conversations

The solution shall provide future scalability of the whole system without major architectural
The Solution shall be distributed, scalable, and multi-platform and open to third party
11 integration such as Cloud, Virtualization, Database, Web Server, Application Server platforms
The monitoring module of proposed solution must not use any third party database (including
12 RDBMS and open source) to store data in order to provide full flexibility and control on
collected data as well as avoiding tempering with SLA calculations
All the required modules should be from same OEM and should be tightly integrated for
single pane of glass view of enterprise monitoring
The OEM of the proposed EMS solution should be a "Make In India" company with 100% local
The OEM of the proposed EMS solution should have presence of min. 10 years in the market
15 and the solution should be deployed in min. 5 smart city projects in India. The documentary
proof should be submitted at time of the bid submission.
The solution and it's data store should be virtual appliance and deployable on Linux operating
systems to reduce the overall TCO.
Consolidated Dashboard
1 The platform must provide complete cross-domain visibility of IT infrastructure issues
The platform must consolidate monitoring events from across layers such as Network, Server,
Application, Database etc

The solution should support single console for automated discovery of enterprise network
components e.g. network device, servers, virtualization, cloud, application and databases

The solution must support custom dashboards for different role users such as Management,
admin and report users
The solution must allow creating custom data widget to visualize data with user preferences
eg. Refresh time, time span, background colour, unit conversion
The solution must support custom query based widget with multiple visualization methods
6 including Chart, Guage, Grid, Top N list etc. to visualize and represent collected data with
The solution must provide compehensive query language to pull and plot complex
visualization with multiple arithmatic operator such as top, sum, min, max etc.
The solution must support out of the box data widgets for Metric, Log and network flow data
with multiple visualization methods such as gauge, grid, charts, Top N etc.

The solution should provide superior view of infrastructure health across system, networks,
application and other IT Infrastructure components into a consolidated, central console

There should be only one dashboard/interface to collected network/server/application/log

10 data after correlation and consolidation across the IT landscape to reduce/correlate number
of metrics/alarms
Network Performance Management
The solution must provide discovery & inventory of heterogeneous physical network devices
1 like Layer-2 & Layer-3 switches, Routers and other IP devices and do mapping of LAN & WAN
connectivity with granular visibility up to individual ports level.

The solution must support custom device template to support Generic SNMP devices as well
as exptensive support on traffic encryption including SNMP v3 with AES-256 encryption
The NMS should provide very powerful event correlation platform/engine and thus must
filter, correlate & process, the events that are created daily from network devices. It should
3 assist in root cause determination and help prevent flooding of non-relevant console
It shall provide Real time network monitoring and Measurement offend-to-end Network
performance & availability to define service levels and further improve upon them.
The Network performance operator console should provide operators with seamless
transitions from fault data to performance data. For example - select a NMS fault event and
fault drill down must also provide historical, near real time and correlated data without
switching the page
The solution should have the ability to do "baseline" performance metrics and determine
normal operating values and patterns by self-learning algorithms on a day, week, month, etc.
and ability to configure threshold on these values. The solution should also have built in
algorithms to start the monitoring with zero threshold configurations
The proposed system should be able to auto-calculate resource utilization baselines for the
7 entire managed systems and networks and allow user choose algorithms that is more
relevant to specific KPI in case of false positive
The agents should be extensible and customizable allowing incorporation of any required
monitoring source not included in the out-of-the-box monitoring policies. With capabilities to
collect and analyze performance data from the operating system and installed applications
and use historical patterns to establish performance baselines.
All baseline thresholds should have lower bound, higher bound, polarity, deviation set point
and reset point for ease of use.
System should have anomalies detection, outlier detection and stop alarm flooding with
these dynamic thresholds.
The solution should be capable of performing prediction- based anomaly detection to identify
11 unusual or unexpected events and measurements within the monitored environment.

The Solution should provide AI and ML capabilities to help in preventing of Network problems
before they occur The Solution should include unsupervised learning module to gather
12 realtime network data and which learns the behavior of devices, applications, and users on
the network It should be capable to bring together and correlate network and application
data to predict anomaly and performance issues
The solution must provide agentless and agent based method for managing the nodes and
have the capability of storing events / data locally if communication to the management
server is not possible due to some problem. This capability will help to avoid losing critical
The NMS admin consol must provide the ability to start, stop and restart the agent on target
14 server infrastructure and the agent should provide collection capabilities not limited to just
KPIs but also support collecting raw logs as well as packets.
The proposed EMS solution must provide agentless as well as agent based monitoring for
15 server infrastructure. The agents should be able to set polling interval as low as 1 second with
low overhead on target server infrastructure.

16 The proposed solution should include a distributed search engine data-store to ingest
various types of textual, numerical, geospatial, structured and unstructured data.
The NMS admin console must provide operators with seamless automation to extract fields
17 from collected logs via drag and drop functionality to avoid log parsing complexity of
collected logs from various syslog/ windows/ application sources.
It shall provide Real time network monitoring and Measurement offend-to-end Network
performance & availability to define service levels and further improve upon them.
The EMS solution shall keep historical rate and protocol data for a minimum of 30 days (most
recent) in its short term operating database. All data in that database shall have a maximum
1- minute window granularity. User shall be able to select any 1-minute window over the last
30 days and display unique utilization and protocol data for every monitored interface

The proposed solution should be able to take back up of running and startup configuration of
network devices. It should also provide versioning for backup to track changes.
Fault Management
The proposed solution must should provide out of the box root cause analysis with multiple
root cause algorithms inbuilt for root cause analysis. It should also have a strong event
correlation engine which can correlate the events on the basis of event pairing, event
sequencing etc.
The Platform must include an event correlation automatically fed with events originating
from managed elements, monitoring tools or data sources external to the platform. This
correlation must perform event filtering, event suppression, event aggregation and event
The proposed solution should provide alert console with alert summary such as no. of
3 correlated alert, network alert, server alert, virtualization alert, cloud alert, applcation alert
The system must have provistion to overlay alert on reported metric to understand alert
triggering behaviour across mutiple drill down pages
The proposed solution should have drill-down and correlation page to correlate cross domain
historical data points and result should be exported as image and tabular format.

The proposed solution should provide out of the box root cause analysis with multiple root
6 cause algorithms inbuilt for root cause analysis. It should also have a strong event correlation
engine which can correlate the events on the basis of event pairing, event sequencing etc.

Powerful correlation capabilities to reduce number of actionable events. Topology based and
event stream based correlation should be made available.
The solution must offer relevant remedy tools, graphs in context of a selected fault
The proposed monitoring solution should have capability to configure actions based rules for
set of pre-defined alarms/alerts enabling automation of set tasks.
The Platform must support Event or Alarm Correlation integrations with service desk to
trigger automated creation of incidents, problems management

The solution should classify events based on business impact and also allow defining custom
severity levels and priority metrics such as Ok, Critical, Major, Down, Info etc with color codes

12 The solution should allow creation of correlation or analytics rules for administrators
The proposed solution must provide default event dashboard to identify, accept and assign
generated alarms
Log Management
The proposed solution must provide a common classification of event irrespective of the log
The proposed solution must provide the ability to store/ retain both normalized and the
original raw format of the event log as for forensic purposes for the period of 3 months and
allow to extend it to further with additional hardware without any disruption to the ongoing
data collection
The proposed solution should provide a minimum log compression of 8:1 for ensuring log
compression to reduce overall log index storage space for the raw log format
The log data generated should be stored in a centralized server. The period upto which the
data must be available should be customizable.
The proposed solution must support logs collected from commercial and proprietary
5 applications. For assets not natively supported, the solution should provide the collection of
events through customization of connectors or similar integration
The proposed solution must support log collection for Directories (i.e. AD, LDAP), hosted
applications such as database, web server, file integrity logs etc. using agents
The Log receiver or log collection component must store the data locally if communication
with centralized collector/receiver is unavailable.
The proposed solution must support log collection from Network infrastructure (i.e. switches,
routers, etc.). Please describe the level of support for this type of product.
The system shall support the following log formats for log collection: Windows Event Log,
9 Syslog, Access Log Data, Application Log data, Any Custom Log data, Text Log (flat file), JSON
The collection devices should support collection of logs through Syslog,
10 syslogNG and also provide native Windows Agents as well as Agentless(PowerShell)
11 The proposed solution must provide alerting based upon established policy
The proposed solution must provide SDK and Rest API to write custom connectors and
collectors to pull log and monitoring data from third party system
The proposed solution must provide UI based wizard and capabilities to minimize false
positives and deliver accurate results.
The proposed solution must collect, index the log messages and support full-text searching
for forensic investigation

The proposed solution must support the ability to take action upon receiving an alert. For
example, the solution should support the ability to initiate a script or send an email message.

16 The solution must provide pre-defined log correlation rules to detect suspicious behavior
The solution must support real-time and scheduled alerting time-line while creating a log
policy to catch specific log pattern
The solution should support applying regex pattern in real-time to extract vendor specific log
data for reporting and alerting purpose
The system shall have the capability to drag and drop building of custom search queries &
The system shall be capable of operating at a sustained 5000 EPS per collection instance. The
20 system shall provide the ability to scale to higher event rates by adding multiple collection
Network Flow-based Traffic Analysis
The proposed traffic monitoring system must be able to track all network flow (including
1 netflow v1-v9, Jflow, Sflow and IPFix) of traffic on the network and identify malicious
behavior with all IP conversations.
The proposed system must provide details of applications, hosts, and conversations
consuming WAN bandwidth to isolate and resolve problems.
The proposed system must provide baseline network flow policy to detect anomaly in traffic
usage behaviour
The solution must provide flow data expolrer with capability to analyze extacted data using
4 multiple columns , chart type, group by operators and filters. System must also provide
dashboard to flow data explorer drill down capability.

The proposed solution must be able to monitor and report on a variety of unique protocols
5 (used in the overall deployed solutions) per day and display utilization data for each protocol
individually. This capability must be available for each monitored interface uniquely.

The proposed solution must keep historical rate and ip to ip, ip to protocol, protocol to
protocol conversation data for a minimum of 3 months (most recent) in its current long term
operating database. All data in that database must have a maximum 15 minute window

The proposed solution should include a distributed search engine data-store to ingest
various types of textual, numerical, geospatial, structured and unstructured data.

Should support use of policies that can detect violations based on blacklist/whitelist
The proposed solution must keep historical rate and protocol data for a minimum of 60 days
9 (most recent) in its short term operating database. All data in that database must have a
maximum 1 minute window granularity with option change retention period

The system must support the ability to create reports that allow the user to search all IP
traffic over a specified historical period, for a variety of conditions.
o Search for any traffic using a specific configurable destination port, or port range.
o Search for any protocol in use by a specific host, interface or list of hosts or interfaces.

Service Desk - Incident Management

The proposed helpdesk system shall provide flexibility of logging, viewing, updating and
1 closing incident manually via web interface
The proposed helpdesk solution should have achieved PinkVERIFY certification on at least 6
available ITIL processes such as Incident Management, Request Management, Problem
Management, Change Management, Availability Management and Event Management
2 (Documentary proof should be provided at the time of bidding).
Each incident shall be able to associate multiple activity logs entries via manual update or
3 automatic update from other enterprise management tools.
The proposed helpdesk system shall be able to provide flexibility of incident assignment
4 based on the workload, category, location etc.
The proposed solution should automatically provide suggested knowledge base articles based
5 on Incident properties with no programming
The proposed solution should automatically suggest available technicians based on workload,
6 average ticket closure time assigning tickets with no programming
The proposed solution should tightly integrate with monitoring system to provide two way
integration - E.g. when system down alarm created, it should automatically create ticket and
assign it to technician, in case system comes up before ticket is resolved by technician, it
7 should automatically close the ticket to minimize human efforts
The proposed system must not create more than one ticket for same recurring alarm to avoid
8 ticket flooding from Monitoring system

The proposed solution should allow administrator to define ticket dispatcher workflow which
automatically assign incoming tickets based on rules defined in workflow. E.g. Network fault
9 keyword tickets gets assigned to network technician automatically within NOC team
The proposed helpdesk system shall provide grouping access on different security knowledge
10 articles for different group of users.
The proposed helpdesk system shall have an updateable knowledge base for technical
11 analysis and further help end-users to search solutions for previously solved issues
The proposed solution should allow Technician to relate Incidents to Problem, Change and
12 vice versa to have better context while working on any of ticket type
The proposed helpdesk system shall support tracking of SLA (service level agreements) for call
13 requests within the help desk through service types.
The proposed helpdesk system shall integrate tightly with the Knowledge tools and CMDB
14 and shall be accessible from the same login window
The proposed helpdesk solution should be equipped with chatbot functionality for identifying
the intent of the query and provide an accurate answer and suggest options to confirm or
15 resolve the issue.
The chatbot should have NLP functions (Natural Language Processing) to analyze the context
16 of the query.
Proposed solution should not be dependent on any third party NLP algorithm. It should be
17 inbuilt in the product.
18 Proposed helpdesk should have support of inbuilt conversational AI.
19 Proposed helpdesk should support custom theme option including color scheme of GUI, Fonts
and custom logo placement.
Asset Inventory Management
A configuration management database shall be established which stores unique information
1 about each type Configuration Item CI or group of CI.
The proposed solution allow scheduling periodic report to check current software and
2 hardware inventory
3 The proposed solution must allow attaching CI record to generated service tickets
The Proposed solution should provide end to end Asset Life Cycle Management: Makes it
easier to handle the complete life cycle of an asset, that is, all stages/modules from
4 procurement to disposal

The Proposed solution should support maintaining AMC/Warranty Information with Alerting
5 when about to expire also provide Asset Deletion capabilities enabled with workflow engine
The Proposed solution should support Software License Metering: Helps to understand the
software license compliance and the use of unauthorized software in the organization and
6 helps to act proactively to curb illegal usage and problems associated with it.
The proposed solution should provide Asset Dashboards/Reporting: Graphical representation
all the assets based on Category, location, aging of the asset, customer, which can be further
7 level down to the incident record ID
The proposed solution should provide out of the box purchase and contract management
8 modules to support end to end asset life cycle

9 The proposed solution must provide asset baselining to manage and track asset effectively.
Project Management
A project management tool should have a clean, intuitive, and user-friendly interface that
1 allows users to easily navigate the software and access the features they need.
The tool should allow for easy creation and management of project plans, including tasks,
timelines, milestones, and dependencies. It should also allow for real-time tracking of
2 progress against the project plan.
The tool should enable team members to communicate, collaborate, and share project
3 information in real-time.
The tool should allow users to create, assign, and track tasks, as well as set deadlines,
4 priorities, and reminders.
Project scheduling: The tool should provide the ability to create and manage project
5 schedules, including milestones, deadlines, and dependencies.
Resource management: The tool should enable users to allocate and manage resources,
6 including people, materials, and equipment.
Budget tracking: The tool should enable users to create and manage project budgets, track
7 expenses, and monitor financial performance.
Reporting and analytics: The tool should provide users with reports and analytics that enable
8 them to monitor progress, identify bottlenecks, and make informed decisions.
The tool should have robust security features and access controls that protect project data
9 and ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive information.
Integration with other software: The tool should integrate seamlessly with other software,
such as accounting or CRM systems, to streamline workflows and improve efficiency.
The tool should be scalable and flexible to accommodate the needs of small or large teams,
and customizable to fit the specific requirements of different projects and industries.
12 The proposed solution must allow attaching CI record to generated service tickets
13 The Proposed solution should provide end to end Asset Life Cycle Management: Makes it
easier to handle the complete life cycle of an asset, that is, all stages/modules from
procurement to disposal
14 The Proposed solution should support maintaining AMC/Warranty Information with Alerting
when about to expire also provide Asset Deletion capabilities enabled with workflow engine

The Proposed solution should support Software License Metering: Helps to understand the
15 software license compliance and the use of unauthorized software in the organization and
helps to act proactively to curb illegal usage and problems associated with it.
The proposed solution should provide Asset Dashboards/Reporting: Graphical representation
16 all the assets based on Category, location, aging of the asset, customer, which can be further
level down to the incident record ID
18 The proposed solution should provide out of the box purchase and contract management
modules to support end to end asset life cycle
Service Level Reporting:
1 The solution should provide reports that can prove IT service quality levels, such as
application response times and server resource consumption
2 The system reports should be accessible via web browser and Reports can be published in
PDF and csv format
3 The solution most have an integrated dashboard, view of Contract Parties & current SLA
delivery levels and view of Services & current SLA performance
4 The solution must provide Reports that can be scheduled to publish automatically, or they
can be produced on demand
5 The solution should be able to report in the context of the business services that the
infrastructure elements support— clearly showing how the infrastructure impacts business
service levels
The solution should provide Business Service Management functionality to track Service
quality by logically grouping Network, Server, and Application components. The solution
6 should provide correlation between Network, Server, and Application to identify the business
impact from the specific event or alarm
7 The solution must provide way to define key performance indicators (KPIs) within the Service
Quality report.
8 The solution must provide SLA measurement to track service quality from both Availability
and Performance perspective.
EMS Other Key Requirements:-
1 Proposed NMS solution must have deployment reference in Smart city for monitoring &
managing network nodes in at least 5 Smart City Projects.
2 The Solution should provide all the modules as a single monitoring engine to correlate events
in real-time from Networks, Servers, and Applications
3 The solution should be virtual appliance and deployable on Linux operating systems to reduce
the overall TCO
4 The proposed OEM should possess ISO 27034 Certification for Application Security
Management. Documentary proof must be provided at the time of submission.
5 The proposed Network Monitoring Solution, Help Desk and Asset Management module
should be from a single OEM.


Command Centre - Video Wall – Techno-Functional Spec

Parameters Minimum Specifications Compliance Remark
1 Video Wall cubes of 70"(± 5 %) diagonal in a 5(C) x 2(R)
configuration complete with base stand with Unique cooling
Configuration system ensures longer LED/ LASER lifetime

2 Cube Cube & controller, Software should be from the Same OEM
3 Native Full HD (1920x 1080) DLP Single chip/DLP LED/ LASER
Resolution Technology or higher
4 LED/ LASER Lit DLP Rear Projection Technology without any
colour wheel
5 LED/ LASER light source with a minimum life time of 1,00,000
hrs. in Normal Mode; Individual cube should be equipped with
multiple LED/ LASER banks and each LED/ LASER bank should
have an array of diodes. Single or multiple diode failure should
Light Source not impact image display on the screen

6 Display DLP Rear Projection with 4K@60Hz minimum resolution

Technology supported
7 Minimum 500 cd/m2 and should be adjustable for lower or
Brightness on
even higher brightness requirements
8 >95% (ANSI 9points) complete separation of image signal
Brightness processing versus color and brightness uniformity correction

9 Color Should provide auto color adjustment function and should be

sensor based,

automatic calibration system which works with an advanced

color sensor. The sensor continuously measures the primary
levels of the entire wall and adjusts white point and color
when needed.

Color and brightness sensor should be in- built inside the

projector only
Placing sensors outside the projector and projector body is not
10 Screen 180° viewing angle
11 Dynamic 500000:1 or more
Contrast System must be modular in installation; Dark box type stacking
model is not acceptable

12 Less than 650 BTU / h, with noise < 20 dB(A) one module at 5m
Heat dissipation
distance in front
13 IP Based control ; old IR based control should not be
14 IP based control should also be provided for quick access; old
Remote IR based control should not be acceptable

15 Screen to Screen Less than 0.5 mm Gap between 2 screens

16 2x Input (DP1.2) 2x Input (HDMI2.0) 2x LAN
Terminal in each 2x USB
Cube 1x Output (DP1.2)

17 Power Power Consumption for each VDU/Rear

Consumption in Projection Modules should be less than 180 Watts
Full Bright
18 100 – 240 VAC, 50-60Hz; Option to have Redundant Power
Power Supply
Supply in each cube
19 Input Frequency 24 – 62 Hz
20 Genlock 49 – 61 Hz
21 Cooling Inside Any advanced cooling mechanism
22 Individual cube should be equipped with multiple LED/ LASER
Lifetime of Light source in Eco Mode: 1,00,000 Hrs.
Lifetime of Light source in Normal Mode: 1,00,000 Hrs
Light Source Light source should redundant for each of 3x LED Banks /

23 Maintenance Cube should be accessible from the rear side for maintenance
Access only
24 Cube control & Video wall should be equipped with a cube control &
Monitoring monitoring system. It should provide options to view control
layouts on remote devices such as tab, laptop, etc through web

Should be able to control & monitor individual cube, multiple

cubes and multiple video walls

Should provide a virtual remote GUI over the IP to control the

video wall
Status log file should be downloadable as per user convenience
System should be AI (Artificial Intelligence) and non -AI based
advance proactive with Advance Pro-active real- time
Monitoring and Diagnosis of hardware over cloud for
predictive failure to have maximum uptime.

25 It should be possible to share the layouts over LAN/WAN

Network with Display in Meeting room or on Remote
Sharing & Workstations connected on LAN/WAN Network

26 Octa Core, 2.1 GHz or higher end processor, RAM- Minimum

32 GB expandable to 64 GB

5.13 IP PBX System

Technical Specifications for IP PBX System (Latest Server - Media Gateway Architecture) System

Sl. No. Technical Technical Description Technical

Parameters Compliance Remark
1 Configuration & Architecture:
IP Telephony The IP telephony system must be based on a pure IP
System technology that is a software-only solution.
Architecture The IP telephony system must support unified
communication (UC) server & gateways architecture for
SIP, Digital and Analog trunks connectivity.
The system must be capable of supporting Analog, Digital &
IP Telephones, and SIP based video desk phones.
IP User License for 50% additional ports to be provided
than current requirement from Day 1. The system should
have future expansion capacity to expand up to 20000
The Communication servers must be Commercial of the
shelf Servers (COTS) & work in an Active-Active redundancy
mode. It should be possible to define servers load
balancing mode. The solution with embedded server /
appliance Server or with standalone traditional / hybrid
traditional PCM/TDM EPABX type gateways will not be
The communication servers must work in an Active-Active
redundancy mode. It should be possible to define servers
load balancing mode. Both servers should work together in
load balancing mode with defined user capacity i.e., all
servers should be active with call processing with
predefined SIP phones / gateways register on any of the
server for load distribution. If any Server Fails in the Cluster
adjacent server should automatically take the load of the
failed sever along with load of gateway and end points
without breaking on-going calls. Redundant Server/Hot
stand-by mode of working is not acceptable.
The proposed solution should have to be a robust on the
latest platform of Server-Gateway technology with a
distributed architecture which must be a state of the art
system being used as per latest Telecom standards. The
proposed system should have 2 no’s of Servers to be
located in geo-redundancy mode, Both the Servers should
be in one Cluster.
Both the servers must be provided in a cluster mode. If one
cluster server fails, one of the other cluster servers in the
network must be able to take the complete load of the calls
automatically (without any manual intervention) and
without dropping any existing calls (IP,TDM & PRI) or data
(CDR, CTI). Management of all servers in cluster should be
from same web page. All servers should have same
The OEM offered unified communication and call manager
application must have valid trademark registration
certificate as per Govt. of India trademark act 1999, Section
23, rule No. 62(1). Vendor to submit a copy of the same
certified by respective exchange OEM.
The telephony system must be able to register SIP
phones/SIP video phones and MGCP phones directly to it.
System should work on Geographically distributed
It should be possible to install Telephony system in
VMware EXSi 5.5 or higher.
All Data (Numbers, COS, Routing, Applications) should
reside in all the Servers
Database replication in All servers should be automatic and
real time
Should support N+1 Redundancy Architecture as well as
1+1 redundancy Architecture
Should support Remote Survival Nodes
In case of failure of one server, the SIP Phones, SIP
Gateways, MGCP Phones should register with second
Server automatically
System Diagnostics should be done in Server
Hot Standby for SIP Phones and Gateways i.e., SIP Phones
and Gateways should register automatically to next
available telephony server.
COTS - commercial off-the-shelf Servers should be used for
telephony system. OEM made or proprietary made servers
will not be accepted.
Telephony system should use Linux Operating System
System should support CSTA phase III Protocol
Full continuation for call signalling and media must be
Calls must not be disconnected and control must remain
throughout the swap to an alternate server including full
call control (transfer, conference actions, continuation of
CDR data for the existing call).
Load Balancing of end points must be possible by the
There must be no restriction on the number of endpoints
being backed up in case of one server failure.
UC platform servers must provide full failover and
Vendor must submit valid latest Type test TEC-GR (Vide
TEC-GR spec. No.: TEC/GR/SW/PBX-005/01/SEP.2016)
(Generic Requirement) approval certificate issued by
Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC), Department
of Telecommunication, Govt. of India tested with IPv4 &
IPv6 for both SIP terminals and SIP Trunks from days 1 for
the particular model of IP-PBX with Server & Media
Gateway system quoted. Notarized copy of the same is
required to submit along with the technical bid.
Hardware of the offered IP Telephony Exchange of server –
Gateway architecture with redundancy system should be
from OEM, Hardware of Chinese/ ROC (Republic of
China)/Countries taking ant India movements are not
allowed quote as per Land border sharing policy of Govt. of
India. IP telephony system UC Software, IP/SIP Phones,
Analog Media Gateways, Call Billing and accounting
software, Emergency conference communication, Help
Desk and voice mail must be from the same OEM of IP
Telephony Exchange. No Third party solution is allowed.
The Bidder to demonstrate complete system as Proof of
Concept/Explain over presentation to GSCL technical team
of all the above criteria for Technical qualification after
Opening of the technical Bid. Each and every feature
mentioned in technical specs to be demonstrated. Failing
which bid will be summarily rejected. The cost of POC
/Demo will be responsibility of bidder.
System should RFC 3261 (SIP: Session Initiation Protocol)
support the RFC 3262 (Reliability of Provisional Responses in Session
following SIP RFCs: Initiation Protocol)
RFC 3263 (Locating SIP Servers)
RFC 3264 (An Offer/Answer Model with Session Description
Protocol (SDP))
RFC 3265 (Specific Event Notification)
RFC 2327 (SDP- Session Description Protocol)
RFC 1889 and 1890 (RTP/RTCP)
RFC 3515 (REFER)
RFC 2833 (DTMF over IP)
Scalability It should be possible to add more sites and users without
the need to change the software and existing
The system UC Software must be scalable to at least 20,000
endpoints in single cluster architecture. Proof of reference
document to be submitted by OEM on their letter head.
Also Call Manager system must support unlimited SIP
trunks within the same application within the same server.
The system must be modular, scalable and distributable.
The IP PBX system must be tested ready with both IPv4 &
IPv6 as per Govt. of India guidelines dtd. January 2020. Test
certificate issued from TEC to be submitted along with a
technical bid. Self-declaration by bidder/OEM will not be
The call signalling server must handle at a minimum of
100K BHCC.
The system must be modular, scalable and distributable
System Survivability The UC platform must consist of one or many servers
where each server in the cluster provides complete 100%
application functionality.
In case of a failed server, all endpoints registered with that
server need to register instantly with a different server in
the cluster with no interruption to on-going calls.
Media Gateways must have survival mechanisms that allow
them to maintain 100% of the telephony services for their
users in case of failure in the WAN links when the signalling
with the call server drops.
The life cycle of the entire system being provided must be
at least Ten (10) years.
The system gateway must be able to restart automatically
without human intervention when the external AC power
supply is resumed after complete power failure (even after
the batteries are discharged).
The telephony system must be capable of providing
99.999% availability.
Distributed The UC platform must have distributed architecture and
Architecture centralized control for all the sites in the network.
The proposed solution must support Hybrid cloud solution
in order to guarantee business continuity with overall
survivability regardless of a failure at any single location.
The proposed solution must enable part of the cluster to
be hosted in a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) to run all
The proposed solution must have built in redundancy using
a cloud solution to provide automatic disaster recovery
The proposed solution should have provision to be installed
using an image of the application an easily implemented on
the Cloud Service Provider servers.
Quality of Service The voice and signalling frames must be marked [tagged] in
(QOS) order to be recognized.
Server – Physical COTS – Commercial Off-the-Shelf servers must be used.
Attributes The redundant server must have separate hardware, not
sharing elements like hard drives and RAM etc., to avoid a
single point of failure.
The server should have AC power supply.
The system must be based on server gateway architecture
with external appliance servers
No card based processor systems / soft switch should be
The call processor must run on Linux OS.
Minimum Server The CPU must be minimum 4 core processor
Specifications: The server must have at least 16GB RAM
The server must have Hard Drives (1TB each) of storage
The server must have a Dual 1GB network interface.
Form Factor for physical server (Not Virtual Machine)
should be 1 U
Should be Compatible to work with VMware EXSi 6.5 or
System Security Administration of the system should be using HTTPS
It should support the Interop with leading SBC
System should use TLS (Transport Layer protocol) to
encrypt SIP, HTTP, FTP and SRTP (Secure Real-time
Transport Protocol) and SRTCP to encrypt RTP and RTCP
System Audit Logs for 30 days
Certificate management
System should have auto Provisioning profiles contain pre-
configured sets of features that must automatically polls
and updates registered phones with the latest phone
firmware and configuration files.
Mobility The system should have Call Back feature. If the user dials
his own extension from predefined number
(mobile/landline) then system should disconnect the call
and then system should call the user to provide the
dialtone so that user can make intercom or PSTN calls.
The system should have Call Through feature. If the user
dials his own extension from predefined number then
system should provide dialtone to make intercom or o/g
The system should have one number (Forking, reach-me-
anywhere) feature. Users should be able to receive calls on
any of their phones, from almost anywhere. An incoming
call rings on all or specific phones until the user answers
the call. The user can transfer the call, establish a
conference, and so on, whether the answering device is an
internal device, an external phone, or a cellular handset. If
the answering phone is an external device, the call
automatically becomes an authorized mobility call.
The system should support SIP Client on smart phone for
Android as well as for iOS.
SIP Endpoints All SIP phones must support the standard SIP protocol. No
proprietary protocols are allowed to be used.
SIP phones must support the configuration of
programmable buttons with functions such as Break-in,
Conference call, Deflect, silent monitoring and more.
SIP phones must work in conjugation with the following
1. Contact Centre (Agents Phones)
2. Attendant Console
3. Managed Audio Conferencing
4. Managed Video Conferencing
5. UC clients
Automatic Call Busy ACD Group announcement
Distribution (ACD) Hunt Group Release
Log In / Log Out
Multiple Announcements:
1. Mandatory announcement - All incoming callers to an
ACD/HUNT group must be able to hear an introductory
announcement in its entirety usually explaining about the
company, product, or campaign.
2. First announcement - If all agents are busy, callers must
be able to hear this announcement once usually informing
them that their call has been placed in queue. (The system
must be able to cut short this announcement if an agent
becomes available to attend to the caller.)
3. Music - If no agents are available after the first
announcement (or no First and Periodic announcers have
been configured), the caller must be able to hear
background music while in queue.
4. Periodic announcement - Alternating with background
music, these announcements can also be played to callers
in queue according to the Periodic Announcement Interval
(see above) until the ACD/HUNT call is answered.
Release / Resume
Wait Queue
Wrap-Up Time
Automatic Release of ACD Agent
Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Extended Overflow
Zone Page A phone user must be able to simultaneously broadcast a
message over all types of endpoints.
The maximum quantity of endpoints in one zone should
not be less than 100.
System System administration should be web based.
Administration All programming of system should be done through a web-
based GUI interface.
The administrator should have Dynamic Profiles.
The system should allow for complete multi-level
administration. The administrator must be able to define at
least five (5) different administration level profiles that can
be applied to allow subsets of users to access and manage
particular pages in the systems Web Portal
Certification The OEM must have ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 270001 and
Requirements ISO 90003 certification in all the company’s activities. Duly
certified copies of the same is required to be submitted
along with technical bid. Non-submission will be
considered for technical rejection of bids.
System Features ANI (Caller ID) Restriction
ARS (Automatic Route Selection)
Auto Attendant
Call Forward at Night/Holiday
Call Forward Destinations
Call Forward for Undefined Stations
Call Forward on Busy
Call Forward on DND (Do Not Disturb)
Call Forward on Logout
Call Forward on No Answer
Caller id based routing for individual extension
Deflect (Divert) Call
Digit Train Conversion
Direct-In-Line (DIL)
Hot Line
Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
Least Cost Routing
Look Ahead Routing (LAR)
Numbering Plan
Personal Routing Rules based on caller id and DNIS
Predetermined Night Answer
Toll Restriction – Digit Analysis
Toll Restriction – Trunk Groups
Trunk to Trunk Connection
Trunk Transfer Restriction
Classes of Service
Night Answer Central Bell / UNA Pickup
Page Queue
Recall / Incomplete Destination
Second Ring back Tone
Speed Dial Public (System) and Private
Virtual Numbers
Music On Hold
each User should support up to 6 devices i.e., SIP phone /
analog phone / soft phone / mobile client etc.
Voice Page
Silent Monitor
Zone Page
Barge In
Connection to MS Teams using SBC
Wake up
Extension Features Answer Call Waiting by Transfer
Auto Set Relocate
Automatic Disconnect
Automatic Number Identification (ANI) Display
Browse Personal Directory
Busy Lamp Field
Call Forward All
Call Hold
Call Log
Call Parking and Call Pickup
Call Waiting
Caller ID Control
Caller-ID Screening
Caller id based routing for individual extension
Calling Number and Name
Camp-on Idle
Configurable DSS Buttons
Direct Dial without Off Hook (Hands Free)
Directed Call Pickup
Display Automatic Number Identification (ANI)
Display Dialled Number and Name
Display Dynamic Call Divert Information
Display Select Hold Display
Display Time/Date Function
Do Not Disturb (DND)
Elapsed Time Display
Group Call Pickup
Hands Free
Hands-Free Announce and Reply (Idle State)
Last Number Redial
Login and Logout
Message Waiting Indication
Multi Appearance (Call Waiting)
Multiple Line Appearance
On-Hook Dialing
Placing Multiple Calls on Hold
Privacy – ANI Restriction
Reminder/wakeup Call
Restrictions – Station
System Non-Exclusive Hold
Transfer with Consultation
Transfer without Consultation (Blind)
Voice Page
Emergency Preemption
Listen to Paging while in a call (Busy Condition)
ULA - User Line Appearance (ULA)
Emergency The Emergency communication solution must be
Response embedded within the platform, not installed on a separate
conference server and should be from the same OEM of the telephony
communication system. It should have the facility to automatic dial out to
System connect up to 120 participants in a single conference.
System should also have 120 party managed meet me
conference. It should be possible to further divide 120
party conference bridge into any combination like 10 X 10
party, 5 x 20 party etc. if required. The meet me
conference should be secured means to enter to the
conference bridge; the user should enter the password.
The emergency communication management should be
from Web Browser/HTML5 based GUI based interface
from Windows PC and Touchscreen Devices.
If SIP camera is connected on same LAN network, it should
have the ability to view the video (of the location) from a
camera to the Dispatcher screen and create an alarm.
It should have the ability to view video using streaming
with HTML5.
It should have the ability to view video using Adobe Flash
The Group Operator should have following features as
1. The Group Operator must be able to add / remove
2. The Group Operator must be able to add other
conference members
3. The Group Operator must be able to mute /
unmute (User, None, All)
4. The Group Operator must be able to lock / unlock
the conference
5. The Group Operator must be able to close the
6. It must be possible to dial out a pre-defined group
(or multi-groups) of participants/numbers by simply
pressing the pre-assigned key.
7. Each pre-set conference must have its own unique
dial number such that when this group number is dialled;
all the number stations will ring simultaneously.
8. Any combination of stations and external numbers
must be able to be defined as members of the Group Call.
9. Participants may join a conference in the audible or
in the mute mode, if in mute mode, the right to speak must
be selectively offered to attendees per their request by a
special signal sent to the Group Operator by the attendees.
10. Attendees must be able to be added or excluded
at any time by the Group Operator
11. The conference must be terminated when the
Group Operator leaves (auto terminate if all members left
are muted).
12. The Group Operator must be able to barge into an
existing user call based on pre-emption predefined rules.
13. Group operator must support two SIP phones so that
if one phone is busy in conference, the second phone can
be used to add participants.
14. Both group operator SIP phones should be controlled
by web based conference management GUI for telephony
feature like answer, hold, transfer etc. if required in future.
15. The same Group operator should also function as
operator console
16. Mute Ring Button – When a call comes to the
Dispatcher phone, the Dispatcher can mute the ring, The
call will continue.
17. Add Department attribute to user – In the Phone Book,
add a department name for the user. The Dispatcher can
do a search based on the Department
18. Configurable Background – Change the background of
the Dispatcher screen from the Application
19. Join Incoming Calls to an open Conference – When a
call arrives to the Dispatcher, he can add that call to an
open conference
20. Stage Conference from the Dispatcher screen – the
Dispatcher can create an ad-hoc conference from the
Dispatcher screen.
21. Change Meet me Access Code – The password of a
conference can be changed by the Dispatcher to block or
allow callers to join a conference
Contact Centre 1.1 General capabilities
Specification 1.1.1 The proposed solution must be embedded
within the platform, not installed on a separate server and
should be from the same OEM of the telephony system.
1.1.2 The system must be an All-in-one solution that
provides solution for UC&C. Bidder should supply 5 agent
licence, one supervisor and 5 port IVR for help desk.
1.1.3 Single server deployment with intuitive and
central management capabilities should support true
1.1.4 Help desk managers must be able to easily
prioritize customers and incoming contacts regardless of
the media used.
1.1.5 The same set of business and routing rules can
be applied to voice / chat calls, emails, and faxes if
1.1.6 The help desk must support multi-layer routing
including Priority, Skill Based, Statistical, Business Rules,
and Customer Defined Values.
1.1.7 Help desk must have embedded IVR, enabling
managers to design routing plans and accurately assess
help desk activity trends.
1.1.8 The IVR application must be a GUI application
that can be managed by the customer.
1.1.9 The customer must have the ability to build new
self-services applications like new IVR flow for new service.
1.1.10 Customer must have the ability to define/change
routing rules by himself based on customer's profile.
1.1.11 The help desk must support Outbound, Call-back
and Campaigns – including preview, progressive and
automated outbound dialling.
1.1.12 The supervisor must be able to see the status of
help desk agents in real-time in his PC like logout, busy,
free, release, non ACD etc. in graphical form in pie chart /
bar chart.
1.2 Contact Centre facilities
1.2.1 Real-time Monitoring – must provide
supervisors with statistical information about the current
status of the help desk with on line refresh (1sec). The
application must include pre-defined list of reports and the
customer (end user) should be able to choose reports as
1.2.2 The Real Time application must provide the
ability to build/change the workspace for each user and by
user (not vendor or distributor).
1.2.3 The RT must provide the ability to move agents
to/from different groups/queues for current login only.
1.2.4 Historical Reports – must be able to collect all
information from call entry to call termination. Call profile
details for internal investigation purposes should be part of
the contact centre solution.
1.2.5 The help desk solution must have an embedded
Management Information System (MIS) suite that monitors
all help desk activities, generating reports that summarize
the past performance of the system over a given time
period, and providing statistical analysis of the help desk
within a specified period. Real-time and historical reports
Help desk agent should be able to do following activities
from agent application installed on PC:
Login/Logout from group
Wrap-up Code
Release for Break
Release for Meeting
Control Wrap Up
Supervisor Help
Agent Board
Hang Up
Integration Capabilities with Sales Force, Microsoft
dynamics, SAP CRM & Oracle & SIEBEL
Solution should be integrated with CRM
PRI Gateway – 1 PRI gateway with 1 ports (30 channel) to be provided from
Ports same OEM of telephony system.
Voice Proxy – RTP voice proxy function for NAT/firewall
Fax Relay – T.30 transparent mode, T.38 fax relay
Call Handling – configurable dialling plan, up to 500 routing
Configuration Interface – Web Utility
Remote Management – Telnet, HTTP, TR069
PSTN – ISDN PRI standard: ANSI, NI-2, DMS, 5ESS
SIP – RFC3261, RFC2976, RFC3515, RFC3581
DTMF – tone detection generation and detection; DTMF
relay: RFC2833, INFO (SIP)
DTMF detection and progress tone detection
Play ring-back tone
T.30 and T.38
RTP proxy for NAT traversal
Ethernet – RJ-45, 10/100/1000 Base-T
Trunking Interface – RJ-45
Power Input – Single 230 V AC
Operation Humidity – 10% to 90% (non-condensing)
Operation Temperature – 0 to 40ºC
Traditional EPABX type media Gateways having universal
slots will not be accepted. The Media Gateway of
mentioned ports capacity must be 19” rack mountable
compact & modular in configuration with size must be 2U
or less. So that to save space for installation.
The proposed Media Gateway should only consist only PRI
configuration. Media Gateways with unnecessary
additional type of extensions and trunks ports facility
should not be accepted.
Any accessories like connector, cables etc. should be
supplied by the contractor.
Voice Logger – 8 Voice Logger (8 Channel) fully integrated with IP telephony
Channel system should be supplied with active recording to record
any logical entity like analog phone, Digital phone, SIP
phone, analog trunk, digital trunk, SIP trunk, trunk group,
conference call etc. without doing parallel tapping of the
phone / trunk.
Voice logger application should be from the same OEM of
IP telephony system. Third party voice logger system
should not be quoted.
Should allow setting up advance recording rules from
telephony system and sending advanced Meta data for
Standards based - Should uses SIP and CSTA to connect to
IP telephony system. Standard Voice file formats (GSM,
PCM etc.) and databases (MS-SQL, My SQL, Oracle etc.)
It should enable centralized recording and does not require
any port mirroring. Voice logger system with Diagnostics
capability should provide a comprehensive monitoring and
alarm system, empowering the IT department to detect
and manage any abnormalities that may occurs in the
Recording System.
Search and Display - The voice logger should enable user to
access and manage your voice recording files via a client or
by using a web browser. It should also support monitoring
agent’s screen and voice calls in real time.
Basic IP Phones · SIP phone should be from the same OEM of IP
telephony system
· minimum 128x48-pixel or more graphical LCD with
· 2 VoIP accounts
· 4 soft keys
· 4 Function keys (Phonebook, MWI, Headset, Redial)
· Auto provision via FTP/TFTP/HTTP/HTTPS for mass
· SRTP/ HTTPS/ TLS, 802.1x
· Volume adjustment, ring tone selection, Headset,
· IPv4 / IPv6
· Codec: G.722, G.711, G.726, G.729, G.729A,
· Full-duplex hands-free speakerphone
· SIP (RFC3261)
· NAT Traversal: STUN mode or 3rd party SBC
· DTMF: In-Band, RFC2833, SIP Info
· IP Assignment: Static/DHCP
· 1xRJ9 handset port
· LED for call and message waiting indication
· Dual-port Gigabit Ethernet
· Power over Ethernet (IEEE 802.3af), Class 2

Industrial Grade Switch

8 Port Switch

SL No Minimum Specifications Technical Remark

1 The Switch Should be Industrial grade in nature and should have 8x10/100/1000 Base-T
PoE+ ports and 4x100/1000 Base-X SFP ports and to be supplied with required module.

2 Switch should support maximum PoE Budget of 240watt

3 The switch should have minimum switching capacity of 24Gbps.

4 Switch Should support 16K MAC addresses and 4000 VLAN

5 Switch should support Jumbo frame, ITU-T G.8032, IEEE 802.1ad, IEEE 802.1Q, IEEE
802.1v, IEEE 802.3ac, IEEE 802.1AX, DHCP Server and Relay for IPv4 and IPv6, DHCP
Option 82

6 Switch should support IGMP v1/v2/v3 snooping, MLD v1/v2 snooping with min 512
multicast group.
7 Switch should support ACL, BPDU protection, Dynamic ARP Inspection, DHCP Snooping,
STP root guard, IP Source Filtering, RADIUS and TACACS+.

8 Should support UDLD, Digital Diagnostic monitoring, Port and VLAN mirroring and IEEE
802.1ag or equivalent.
9 Should support SNMPv6, Telnetv6 and SSHv6, NTPv6, Openflow and have USB or
equivalent interface for easy backup and restore.

10 Switch should support MAC Sec/FIPS 180-1 and IEEE 1588v2 PTP

11 Operating Temperature of switch should be -40°C to 75°C

12 The switch should have internal/external (DIN rail mountable) AC power supply.

13 Protection Class should be minimum IP 30 and NEMA TS-2

14 Switch should be EN55022, EN55024, IEC 61000-4-2, IEC 61000-4-3, IEC 61000-4-4, IEC
61000-4-5, IEC 61000-4-8, IEC60068-2-31, IEC60068-2-27, IEC60068-2-6 and RoHS.

15 Should support UDLD or equivalent feature to prevent loops on detecting

unidirectional links, Connectivity Fault Management, Monitoring Temperature, Supply
voltage, Average transmit power, Average receive power and Laser bias current of the
FO module, should have feature if any intrusion is detected on fiber link the particular
port should be shutdown automatically.
16 All the switches should be offered with min 5 years replacement warranty with proper
back-up on respective-OEM letter Head. All the switches and FO Modules should be
from the same OEM.

16 Port Switch
SL No Minimum Specifications Compliance
1 The Switch Should be Industrial grade in nature and should have 16x10/100/1000 Base-
T PoE+ ports and 4x100/1000 Base-X SFP ports and to be supplied with required
2 Switch should support maximum PoE Budget of 240watt
3 The switch should have minimum switching capacity of 40Gbps.

4 Switch Should support 16K MAC addresses and 4000 VLAN

5 Switch should support Jumbo frame, ITU-T G.8032, IEEE 802.1ad, IEEE 802.1Q, IEEE
802.1v, IEEE 802.3ac, IEEE 802.1AX, DHCP Server and Relay for IPv4 and IPv6, DHCP
Option 82

6 Switch should support IGMP v1/v2/v3 snooping, MLD v1/v2 snooping with min 512
multicast group.
7 Switch should support ACL, BPDU protection, Dynamic ARP Inspection, DHCP Snooping,
STP root guard, IP Source Filtering, RADIUS and TACACS+.

8 Should support UDLD, Digital Diagnostic monitoring, Port and VLAN mirroring and IEEE
802.1ag or equivalent.
9 Should support SNMPv6, Telnetv6 and SSHv6, NTPv6, Openflow and have USB or
equivalent interface for easy backup and restore.

10 Switch should support MAC Sec/FIPS 180-1 and IEEE 1588v2 PTP

11 Operating Temperature of switch should be -40°C to 75°C

12 The switch should have internal/external (DIN rail mountable) AC power supply.

13 Protection Class should be minimum IP 30 and NEMA TS-2

14 Switch should be EN55022, EN55024, IEC 61000-4-2, IEC 61000-4-3, IEC 61000-4-4, IEC
61000-4-5, IEC 61000-4-8, IEC60068-2-31, IEC60068-2-27, IEC60068-2-6 and RoHS.

15 Should support UDLD or equivalent feature to prevent loops on detecting

unidirectional links, Connectivity Fault Management, Monitoring Temperature, Supply
voltage, Average transmit power, Average receive power and Laser bias current of the
FO module, should have feature if any intrusion is detected on fiber link the particular
port should be shutdown automatically.
16 All the switches should be offered with min 5 years replacement warranty with proper
back-up on respective-OEM letter Head. All the switches and FO Modules should be
from the same OEM.

5.15 Internet Router & Core Router

Sl. Parameter Technical Compliance Remark

Technical Specification
No. (Yes/ No)

Multi-Services Should deliver multiple IP services over a flexible

combination of interfaces

As per overall network architecture proposed by the

bidder, the router should be populated with required
2 Ports
number of LAN/WAN ports/modules, with cable for
connectivity to other network elements

Speed As per requirement, to cater to entire bandwidth

requirement of the project.

Must support minimum 2* 10G Port with necessary SFP+

4 Modules (UTP or Fiber as per bidder design. Fully loaded).
Must have capability to interface with variety interfaces.

Must have support for TCP/IP, PPP

Must support IPSEC VPN
Must have support for integration of data and voice
5 services
Routing protocols of RIP, OSPF, MPLS,PIM-SSM ,IS-IS, BGP+
Support IPV4 & IPV6

Control and Filtering features for flexible user control

6 control

7 Remote Access Remote access features

 Redundancy in terms of Power supply(s). Power supply

should be able to support fully loaded chassis
8 Redundancy
 All interface modules, power supplies should be hot-

9 QOS Features  RSVP

 Priority Queuing

 Policy based routing

 shaping

 Time-based QoS Policy

Bandwidth Reservation / Committed Information Rate

5.16 24 Port L3 Switch (fully loaded)

Sl. Parameter Technical Compliance Remark

Technical Specification
No. (Yes/ No)

Ports Must support minimum 24* 10G Port with necessary

1 SFP+ Modules.(UTP or Fiber as per bidder design) (Fully
loaded switch)

2 MAC Support 8K MAC address.

Forwarding rate & Switching capacity of min. 40 Gbps or better and

Switching Capacity equivalent or better packet forwarding rate (Mbps)

Port Features Must support Port Mirroring, Port Trunking and 802.3ad
LACP Link Aggregation port trunks

Flow Control Support IEEE 802.3x flow control for full-duplex mode

Protocols  Support 802.1D, 802.1S, 802.1w, Rate limiting

 Support 802.1Q VLAN encapsulation, IGMP

 Support based on 802.1p priority bits with at

least 8 queues

 DHCP support & DHCP snooping/relay/optional

82/ server support

 Shaped Round Robin (SRR) or WRR scheduling


 Support for IPV6 ready features

Support up-to 255 VLANs and up-to 4K VLAN IDs

Access Control  Support port security

 Support 802.1x (Port based network access


Support for MAC filtering.

VLAN  Support 802.1Q Tagged VLAN and port based

VLANs and Private VLAN
The switch must support dynamic VLAN Registration or

Protocol and  Network Time Protocol or equivalent Simple

Network Time Protocol support

 Switch should support segmentation

classification should be based on user-definable
application types:DSCP, Port based, TCP/UDP port

Management  Switch needs to have console port for

management via a console terminal or PC

 Must have support SNMP v1,v2 and v3

11  Should support 4 groups of RMON

Should have accessibility using Telnet, SSH, Console

access, easier software upgrade through network using
TFTP etc. Configuration management through CLI/GUI
based software utility and using web interface

5.17 24 Port Distribution Switch (Fully Loaded Non PoE)

Sl. Technical Compliance Remark

Technical Specification
No. (Yes/ No)

1 24 port switch, 24 port RJ45 (10/100/1000) with uplink

2 MAC Table 8K, VLAN support 4096

Packet Forwarding Rate should be 40 Mbps or better

Switching capacity of min. 40 Gbps or better

4 Switch should support Layer 2 switching protocols such as Standard Spanning

Tree 802.1d,Rapid Spanning Tree (RSTP) 802.1w Multiple Spanning Tree
(MSTP) 802.1s (up to 8 instances),PortFast , BPDU Filter, Root Guard, Loop
Guard, BPDU Guard , Error Recovery for enabling disabled link

Switch should support VLAN, Port based VLAN, 802.1Q tag based VLAN, MAC
based VLAN, Protocol based VLAN, Management VLAN, Private VLAN Edge
(PVE), Q in Q (double tag) VLAN, GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP) for
propagating VLAN

6 Switch should Support DHCP Relay, DHCP Server

Switch should Support Security Secure Shell (SSH), Secure Socket Layer (SSL),
7 802.1x, IP Source Guard, Port Security, DHCP Snooping, Loop Protection,
Storm Control

Switch should Support Various ACL - Source Destination MAC, VLAN ID, DSCP/
8 IP precedence, TCP/ UDP source and destination ports, 802.1p, Ethernet type,
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) packets, TCP flag

9 Switch Should Support RADIUS/TACACS+Switch should support segmentation

10 Switch should Support Port Mirroring

11 Switch should Support SNMP, syslog, CLI, GUI, NTP

12 Switch should have 90- 240 V AC input & console port for local access

5.18 24 Port PoE Switch

Sl. No Technical Compliance Remark

Technical Specification
(Yes/ No)

1 Shall support a minimum of 24 ports 10/100 RJ 45

2 Switching capacity non-blocking, should be MAC binding feature in


3 Should support 24 port POE as per 1EEE 803.af for IP cameras. (each port
Power as per Bidder design)

4 capable of handling 45-degree temperature.


SL Technical Requirement Technical Remark

1 The switch should have hot-swappable redundant power supply & fan module
without resetting the switch, or affecting the operations of the switch.

2 The switch should be able to support non-disruptive software upgrade.

3 The switch should be able to support process restart
4 The switch should be capable of creating multiple hardware-based isolated Virtual
Fabric (ANSI T11) instances. Each Virtual Fabric instance within the switch should be
capable of being zoned like a typical SAN and maintains its own fabric services,
zoning database, Name Servers and FSPF processes etc. for added scalability and
5 The switch should be capable of supporting hardware-based routing between
Virtual Fabric instances
6 The switch should support graceful process restart and shutdown of a Virtual Fabric
instance without impacting the operations of other Virtual Fabric instances

7 The switch should support Smart Zoning increasing the overall scalability of the SAN
8 Inter-switch links should support the transport of multiple Virtual Fabrics between
switches, whilst preserving the security between Virtual Fabrics
9 The switch should be equipped with congestion control mechanisms such that it is
able to throttle back away from a congested link.
10 The switch should be capable of discovering neighbouring switches and identify the
neighbouring Fibre Channel or Ethernet switches.
11 The fibre channel switch should be rack-mountable. Thereafter, all reference to the
switch’ shall pertain to the ‘fibre channel switch
12 The switch to be configured with minimum of 96 ports 16 Gbps FC configuration
backward compatible to 4/8.
13 All 96 x FC ports for device connectivity should be 4/8/16 Gbps autosensing Fibre
Channel ports.
14 The switch shall support hot-swappable Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP) LC typed
15 The switch should support hardware ACL-based Port Security, Virtual SANs (VSANs),
and Port Zoning.
16 The switch should support routing between Virtual Fabric instances in hardware.

17 The switch shall support FC-SP for host-to-switch and switch-to-switch

18 The switch should be able to load balance through an aggregated link with Source
ID and Destination ID. The support for load balancing utilizing the Exchange ID
should also be supported

S Technical Requirement Technical Remark

No Compliance
1 Storage Solution should be provided with NSPoF (No single point of failure)
2 The solution should allow upgrades of hardware and software for investment
3 Controllers: Minimum dual controllers with symmetric active-active architecture.
Each controller shall be configured with minimum 6 core or higher CPU
4 Cache Memory: Should be provided with minimum 768GB Global cache or more.
5 Connectivity: Minimum 2 ports per controller to be provided for host connectivity
6 RAID Support: RAID 5/6 level Support
7 Redundancy: Fans and power supplies: Dual redundant, hot- swappable
8 Storage subsystem should support 10TB/14TB/18TB or higher
NLSAS/SATA/equivalent 7.2K drives in the same device array.
9 Should be supplied with 3 PB effective usable capacity storage with NL-SAS drives.
10 Should have the capability to designate global hot spares that can automatically be
used to replace a failed drive anywhere in the system.
11 Should be configured with required Global Hot-spares for the different type and
no. of disks configured, as per the system architecture best practices.
12 Multipath: Multi-path & Load balancing should be supported. Unlimited host
multipath licenses should be quoted from day one.
13 Thin Provisioning: Array should be supplied with Thin provisioning for the
configured capacity.
14 De- duplication: Array should have capability to provide compression, de-
duplication and encryption.
15 Tiering: Should support inbuilt automated tiering feature that migrates the most
frequently accessed data to the SSD/RAM. Necessary licenses for configured
capacity if required without additional cost
16 Snapshots: Should be able to take "snapshots" of the stored data. Offered Storage
shall have support to make the snapshot in scheduled or auto snaps. Snapshot
should support both block and file.
17 Replication: Array should have the capability to do remote replication using IP
18 Software Licenses : All the necessary software and licenses to configure and
manage the storage space, RAID configuration, logical drives allocation, snapshots,
compression, de-dup, replication, auto-tiering for the configured capacity.
19 Monitoring: Should support the functionality of monitoring of Disk drive and Storage
system for all possible hard or soft failure.
20 The Storage should be jointly validated by VMS (Video Management System)
software and storage for batter integration requirement
21 Warranty: Five years on site warranty from OEM


SL Technical Requirement Technical Remark

1 The solution should offer centralized, web-based administration with a single view
of all back up activities and should have alerts generation facility in case of any
issue in backup process.
2 Support de-duplication at source and at target (disk) on any commodity storage
volume. Based on policy backup software should be able to move data to a
Tape/Disc library automatically
3 Support scheduled unattended backup using policy-based management for all
Server and OS platforms
4 Should have in-built frequency and calendar based scheduling system.
5 Should be able to backup any applications in online mode through online SAN
based backups of databases through appropriate agents; Important Applications
such as Database, webserver, application, emails irrespective of the number of
servers / CPUs, configuration of the servers, etc.
6 Should be capable of having multiple back-up sessions simultaneously
7 Should be capable of taking back up of SAN environment as well as LAN based
8 Should support different types of backup such as Full back up, Incremental back up,
Differential back up, Selective back up, Point in Time back up and Progressive
Incremental back up and snapshots
9 Should have the ability to integrate with archival software and create a single
repository for backup and archive for space efficiency and easier data
10 Should have in-built media management and supports cross platform Device &
Media sharing in SAN environment.
11 Should be able to rebuild the Backup Database/Catalogue from tapes in the event
of catalogue loss/corruption.
12 Should have online backup solution for different type of databases such as Oracle,
MS SQL, MySQL and Sybase / DB2 etc. on various OS.
13 Should be able to copy data across firewall.
14 Should also be capable of reorganizing the data onto tapes within the library by
migrating data from one set of tapes into another, so that the space available is
utilized to the maximum. The software should be capable of setting this utilization
threshold for tapes
15 Should be able to support versioning and should be applicable to individual backed
up objects.

5.22 Server Load Balancer

Sl. No Remark
Technical Compliance
Technical Specification
(Yes/ No)
1. The Load Balancer device should be a dedicated Hardware Appliance
with the following features:
a. Should support multiple virtual network functions in which each VNF
has a dynamic or dedicated resource allotted to it like CPU, RAM, Hard
Disk, SSL cores.
b. The appliance shall deliver the high availability required by modern
data centres. It should support Active/Passive or Active / Active HA
configurations using standard VRRP protocol or equivalent

c. The Load Balancer shall automatically synchronize configurations

between the pair and automatically failover if any fault is detected with
the primary unit.
2. The Load Balancer shall support offloading of SSL connections and
should deliver 10 Gbps or better

3. Proposed device should have minimum 8 x 10G SFP+ ports prepopulated

and up to 2 x 40 QSFP ports
4. Proposed device should support up to 04 virtual instances with
capability to run multiple virtual network Functions.

5. The server load balancer should deliver minimum 1 Million concurrent

7. Local Application Switching, Server load Balancing, HTTP,TCP
Multiplexing, HTTP Pooling, HTTP Pipelining, Compression, Caching, TCP
Optimization, Filter-based Load Balancing, Transparent
Deployments, Content-based Load Balancing, Persistency, HTTP
Content Modifications, Band Width Management(BWM), Support for
connection pooling to TCP request, Support for distributed denial-of-
service (DDoS) protection
8. The solution should support XML-RPC for integration with 3rd party
management and monitoring. Should also support SAA, SAML,
Hardware binding and AAA support along with SSO. Solution must
support machine authentication based on combination of HDD ID, CPU
info and OS related parameters i.e. mac address to provide secure
access to corporate resources."

5.23 Servers

Sl. NO. Parameter Technical Compliance Remark

Technical Specification
(Yes/ No)

1 Processor Latest series/ generation of 64-bit x86 processor(s) with

minimum 24 or higher Cores as per bidder design

Processor speed should be minimum 2.1 GHz

Minimum 2 processors per each physical server

2 RAM Minimum 128 GB Memory per physical server scalable

up to 1.5 TB

3 Internal Storage 2 x 600 GB SAS (10k rpm) hot swap

4 Network interface 4 X 10GbE LAN ports for providing Ethernet connectivity

or equal Fiber ports as per bidder design

5 Power supply Dual Redundant Power Supply

6 RAID support As per requirement/solution (Since RAID 5 provides

balanced cost, reliability, capacity, and performance
requirements simultaneously, RAID 5 may be

8 Form Factor Rack mountable

9 Virtualization Shall support Industry standard virtualization hypervisor

like Hyper-V, VMWARE, Oracle VM etc.

5.24 Server for Video Analytics

Sl. No Parameter Technical Compliance Remark

Technical Specification
(Yes/ No)

1 Processor Latest series/ generation of 64-bit x86 processor(s) with

24 or higher Cores

Processor speed should be minimum 2.1 GHz

Minimum 2 processors per each physical server

2 RAM Minimum 128 GB Memory per physical server scalable

up to 1.5 TB

3 Internal Storage 2 x 600 GB SAS (10k rpm) hot swap

4 Network interface 4 X 10GbE LAN ports for providing Ethernet connectivity

5 Power supply Dual Redundant Power Supply

6 RAID support As per requirement/solution (Since RAID 5 provides

balanced cost, reliability, capacity, and performance
requirements simultaneously, RAID 5 may be

7 Operating System 64-bit latest version of operating system as per

requirement of AI solution
8 Form Factor Rack mountable

9 Virtualization Shall support Industry standard virtualization hypervisor

like Hyper-V, VMWARE, Oracle VM etc.

11 GPU Minimum 2 GPU each server, A10 or better (server grade

GPU cards not workstation grade)

5.25 KVM Module

Sl. No Parameter Technical Compliance Remark

Technical Specification
(Yes/ No)

KVM Keyboard, Video Display Unit and Mouse Unit (KVM) for
Requirement the IT Infrastructure Management at Data Centre

2 Form Factor 19” rack mountable

3 Ports minimum 8 ports

4 USB or KVM over IP.

5 Auto-Scan It should be capable to auto scan servers

6 Rack Access It should support local user port for rack access

The KVM switch should be SNMP enabled. It should be

operable from remote locations

8 OS Support It should support multiple operating system

It should have dual power with failover and built-in

9 Power Supply
surge protection

10 It should support multi-user access and collaboration

5.26 Rapid Deployable System

Sl. Features Description Technical Remark
No. Compliance
(Yes/ No)
1 Camera Type Mobile Speed Dome
2 Certification UL/BIS ,CE,FCC and RoHS
3 Image Sensor 1/2.8" CMOS or better
4 Max. Mbps CVBR 6
5 Compression H.264,H.265
6 Streaming Min. Triple compressed stream (Individually Configurable)
7 Encryption HTTP(SSL/TLS)/HTTPS
8 Video For video authentication, classic watermarks/ digital signature must be
Authentication embedded in Video Stream along with name, time, date stamped
which cannot be tampered.
9 Physical Layer 10/100 base Tx Ethernet
10 Protocol Minimum TCP, HTTP, RTP, RTSP, SNMP, IPV4, IPv6, FTP, NTP, DHCP,
11 IP Support Static/dynamic or both
12 Remote Remote configuration and status using web- based tool
13 System Update Remote system update over Network using web client
14 PC Client PC application client with a channel recording feature support
15 Web Client Viewer through HTTP (min.) System Configuration Setting/ Streaming
16 Simultaneous 5 users or more
17 Lens Type 5.9-135.7mm, 20x motorised, Autofocus, Auto-iris, Varifocal
18 Dynamic Noise 3D
19 Auto Exposure Automatic Level Control/Electronic Level Control
20 Intelligent Defog Yes
21 Illumination Colour: 0.05 lux, F1.6, B/W: 0.01 lux, F1.6
At 30 IRE, Inbuilt IR (60 mtrs. or better)
22 Signal Process Digital Signal Process
23 Auto Gain Control Yes
24 Back Light Yes
25 High Light Yes
26 Electronic Shutter 1/10000s to 1 s or better
27 White Balance Yes
28 Wide Dynamic 96db
29 Day and Night Yes, (ICR)
30 Operating 0 °C to 60 °C; Humidity 20 80% RH (non-condensing)
31 Power Source Suitable adaptor shall be supplied to make the equipment work on
230V +10%, 50Hz and Power over Ethernet (POE 802.3 at) OR 12 V DC
through NVR
32 Internet protocol IPv4 and IPv6
33 Housing Poly Carbonate/ Aluminium Construction with IP-66 Including pole
mount/wall mount accessories, Power and data cables
34 Presets 100 presets or higher
35 Accessories All required accessories at site for installation of camera to be provided
like Pole Mount, Corner brackets, Connector kit, screws etc.
36 IP video input 8 Ch independent POE interfaces
37 Two-way audio 1 Ch
38 Incoming at least 80 Mbps
39 Encoding H.264,H.265
40 Recording Min.1920 x 1080
41 VGA output 1-ch with resolution upto 1280 x 800
42 CVBS output 1-ch
43 Live view Simultaneous 8 Ch
44 HDD type Pluggable 2 - 2.5-inch SATA HDDs / SSDs
45 Capacity 2 TB capacity HDD each
46 Protection Safety lock support anti-theft for storage hard disk.
47 Backup interfaces Hard disk box, USB interface supporting data backup
48 Dialling 3G / 4G with SIM card
49 Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n supported, 2.4GHz
50 GPS Support
51 Network interface 1; RJ45; 10M/100M self-adaptive Ethernet interface
52 Antenna interface 1 SMA interface for 1 3G or 4G antenna, 1 WIFI antenna and 1 GPS
53 Serial interface RS-232
54 USB interface Front USB Port
55 SIM card 1, standard SIM card slot
56 Operating system Linux
57 Operating method IR remote control
58 Working -10°C to 55 °C
59 Working humidity 10% to 90%
60 Display Yes
61 TFT 7 inch TFT to be provided along with all necessary cables for connecting
with NVR/Camera for display and power adapter etc.
62 Joystick to be provided
5.27 24 Port Copper Patch Panel, fully loaded

Technical Specifications Compliance Remark
(Yes/ No)
Patch panel should be modular design, to be populated with 24 nos. Cat 6 UTP RJ 45
Keystone Jack as per specifications provided
Each Ports should be with individual spring loaded shuttered/ hinge type cover for dust
protection. Each port (jack) and individual replaceable.
Material: Should Be made of cold rolled steel and conform to TIA / EIA 568-C.2 Component
4 Should have integral rear cable management shelf.
Commercial Standards:
ANSI/TIA 568-C.2 and IEEE 802.3bt Component Compliant
FCC Subpart F 68.5 Compliant
IEC-603-7 Compliant
ISO 11801 Class E Compliant
ETL Verified for Category 6 Component Compliance Or BIS Equivalent

5.28 40 MM HDPE Duct

Functional Requirement Compliance Remark
(Yes/ No)
Wherever cables are laid underground, it must be laid within HDPE duct as per the
specifications below.
LAN/ OFC Cable should not be laid together with Power cable. If cables are laid using
conduit, then there should be separate conduit for LAN cable and power cable.
When taking multiple cables through a single HDPE Duct it should be ensured that there is
always space available to take one more additional cable through it if required later.
Technical Specifications Compliance Remark
(Yes/ No)
As per design considering passive components to be used in Project.
Outer Diameter
To be industry standard as applicable.

Raw material used for the HDPE pipe shall meet the following requirements:
i. the anti-oxidant establishers, colour master batch and other additive used shall
be physiologically harmless and shall be used only to minimum extent necessary to
meet the specification.
1 ii. Usage of any additives used separately or together should not impair the long-
term physical and chemical properties of the HDPE pipe.
iii. Suitable Ultra-Violent stabilizers may be used for manufacture of the HDPE pipe
to protect against UV degradation when stored in open for a minimum period of 8
iv. The base HDPE resin used for manufacturing outer layer of pipe shall conform to
any grade of IS-7328 or to any equivalent standard meeting the following
Density 940 to 958 kg/m3 at 27o C
Melt Flow Rate 0.12 - 1.1g/10 minutes at 190oC & 5kg load
v. In case of HDPE pipe of two concentric layer construction, the friction reducing,
polymeric material to be used as the inner layer lubrication material shall be
integral with HDPE layer. The lubricant materials shall have no toxic or dramatic
hazards for safe handling. Permanent Lubricated (Per Lub) HDPE Pipes should be
sourced from the manufacturer with ISO 9000 accredited manufacturing facility.
Plastic coupler: The coupler shall be used to join two HDPE pipes. The coupling
shall be able to provide a durable water tight joint between two pipes without
deteriorating the strength of the pipes. The strength of coupler shall match the
primary strength of the HDPE pipe. It should be push fit type. Threaded coupler is
not acceptable. The jointing shall meet the air pressure test of 15 kg/cm2 for a
minimum period of 2 hours without any leakage
End plug: This shall be used for sealing the ends of empty pipe, prior to installation
of FO cable and shall be fitted immediately after laying of the HDPE pipe, to
prevent entry of any unwanted elements such as dirt, water, moisture,
insects/rodents etc.
Cable sealing plug: This is used to hold the cable and prevent entry of any
unwanted elements, as specified above.
End cap: This cap is made of hard rubber, shall be fitted with both ends of HDPE
5 pipe to prevent the entry of any unwanted elements such as dirt, water, moisture,
insects/rodents during transportation and storage
The HDPE Pipe should comply with the following standards
A. IS: 4984 - Specification for HDPE pipe.
B. IS: 2530 - Method for tests for polyethylene molding materials and compounds.
C. IS: 9938 -Recommended colours for PVC insulation for LF wires and cables.
D. TEC-spec no -HDPE pipe for use as duct for G/CDS-08/01 optical fibre cable.
E. IS: 7328 - HDPE material for molding and extrusion.
F. ASTM D 1693 - Test method for environmental stress cracking of ethylene
G. ASTMD 1505 - Test method for density.
H. ASTMD 3895 - Method for Oxidation Induction test.

5.29 Specifications for Passive Components

Double Jacket CAT6 UTP Outdoor Cable

Sl. No. Functional Requirement Compliance Remark
(Yes/ No)
All passive network passive components should be from the same OEM
and OEM to provide 30 years performance warranty against this.
RJ-45 Field Termination plug as per specifications provided to be used
with the field device and not standard RJ45 plug.
LAN/ OFC Cable should NOT be laid together with Power cable. If
3 cables are laid using conduit, then there should be separate conduit for
LAN cable and power cable.
All the cables to be tagged either with wrap around labels or Cable
flags using machine labelling. Handwritten labels are not allowed.
Wherever cables are laid underground, it must be laid within HDPE
duct as per the specifications provided.
All CAT6 patch cords to be used should be pre-fabricated ones and not
6 locally made at site except for the cable connecting the SPD output to
the field device as Field Termination plug to be used on the device side.
Sl. No. Technical Specifications Compliance Remark
(Yes/ No)
4 Pair Cable with integral cross -member pair separator for uniform
characteristic impedance.
Category 6 Unshielded Twisted 4 Pair 100 Ω cable shall be compliant
with ANSI/ TIA/ EIA-568-C.2- 1/ ROHS Additional ISO/ IEC 11801 2ndEd.
Transmission Performance Specification for 4 Pair 100Ω
Category 6 Cabling
Category 6 UTP cables shall extend between the work area location
3 and its associated
telecommunications closet and consist of 4 pair, UTP cable jacket.
4 Conductor: Solid Copper
5 Conductor Diameter: 0.574, ± 0.01mm (23AWG)
6 Inner Jacket: LSZH/ PE/ PVC
7 Outer Jacket: PE –Black, Anti-Rodent, LSZH/ PE/ PVC
8 Max Temperature: -10°C to +60°C
9 Mechanical Test
10 Should have Pulling force more than 10 Kg.
11 Electrical Test
12 Conductor Resistance: <9.38Ω /100m
13 Resistance Unbalance 5% Max
14 Mutual Capacitance: < 5.6nF/100m
15 Capacitance Unbalance: 330pF/100m.
16 Characteristic Impedance: 100 +15 Ω conductor

12 Core Outdoor Armoured Single Mode OS2 Type Outdoor Fiber Cable Double Sheathed

Specificatio Technical Compliance

Sl. No. Requirement Remark
ns (Yes/ No)

12 Core fiber Cable, Single Mode OS2

Type, Armoured, Double Sheathed
Gel filled cable complying to ISO.IEC
11801 - 2nd Edition, type OS1;
1 Cable Type
568-C.3.;ITU-T REC G 652D spec,
complied for Low Water Peak fibre
suitable for use in direct burial and
IEC 60793/60794-1-2, outdoor ducts
and backbone cabling
Corrugated Steel Tape Armour -
2 Armour
Thickness > 0.15mm
Water Thixotropic Gel (Tube), Petroleum
Blocking Jelly (Interstices)
,@ 1310nm <=0.35 db/Km MAX
4 Attenuation
,@1550nm <=0.22 db/Km MAX
Loose tube
5 2.0mm (nominal) – PBTP
Inner 1.1 mm(nom)
6 Sheath
Outer UV proof HDPE Black (1.8 mm
Sheath Nominal Thickness)
Core/Mode- 9 ± 0.4 μm
Field (um)
9 Diameter 125 ± 1
10 245 ± 10
Loose tube Single PBTP Loose tube filled with
material water blocking Thixotropic gel
Jacket UV Stabilised Polyethylene (HDPE)
13 Central Non Metallic (FRP)
14 Max. Tensile 3500N
15 Maximum 6000N/10 mm
13.5±1.0 mm
16 Diameter
Radius 20D
17 installation)
Identificatio Colour coded
18 n
weight 175-185± 10%kg/km
19 Kg/Km
Temperatur .-40 Degree C to +70 Degree C
20 e
Fiber Optic LIU 12 Port loaded with SC Adapter, Splice Tray, SC Pigtail and Splice Protector
Specificatio Technical Compliance
Sl. No. Requirement Remark
ns (Yes/ No)

The 1U Multi-Function Fibre

Enclosure is a configurable rack
mount unit for storing and
terminating incoming fibre cable.
The fibre enclosure has been
designed to accommodate various
termination types and adapter
configurations. Accommodates up to
4 Modlink Cassettes or up to 4 nos of
6 or 12-Pak adapter plates.
The enclosure must, have a sliding
drawer for ease of reconfiguring
fibers, incorporates a heavy-duty ball
Fiber optic
1 bearing slide mechanism, allowing
patch Panel
easy access to fibers
The adapter plates must be an
interchangeable front plate which
can facilitates upgrades as & when
Copper grounding stud tie down
points at each cable entrance point.
The enclosure must have front cable
management to properly route patch
Fibre management enclosures that
can be used as rack mount enclosure
for integrated applications.
Powder coated Mild Steel
Rugged steel construction in
2 Material graphite finish
Rear, side & base access for
Incoming / Outgoing fiber cables
Management rings within the system
Cable to accommodate excess fibre
3 Managemen cordage behind the through
t rings adapters and maintain fibre bend
Panel cover is of slide out for easy
maintenance. Incorporates heavy-
duty ball bearing slides for smooth
and limited extension of the drawer
4 Sliding cover
unit, allowing for patch cable access
while protecting installed patch and
trunk cables from damage during re-
entry of the enclosure
Optical Fibre
SC Adapter SM Plate - loaded with 12
5 Adapter
Nos SC Adapter
SC, Single mode, 9/125 μm - 1.5 mtrs
6 Pigtails
( 12 Nos)
12 Port Splice Tray - 1 No
7 Splice Tray

Fibre Optic Splice Enclosure

Sl. No. Functional Requirement Compliance Remark
(Yes/ No)
To be used for Straight through application for jointing of
Optical Fibre Cable.
Should be mounted on the pole using accessories from the
All passive network components along with accessories
3 should be from the same OEM and OEM to provide 30 years
performance warranty against this.
Sl. No. Technical Specifications Compliance Remark
(Yes/ No)
Fiber Optic Joint closure
shall be environmentally
1 Type sealed enclosure for
fiber management in the
outside environment.
Shall be available for 48
2 Size options
fiber splice options.
2 IN/ 2 OUT cable inlet
3 Cable inlets options shall be
4 nos. and splice trays to
be hinged for access to
4 Splice trays
any splice without
disturbing other trays
Closure shall be
5 Cable Handling compatible with most
common cable types.
The closure shall be
suitable for usage in
aerial, pedestal and
6 Environment
Shall be at least IP 65
rated for outdoor
Must be ROHS or BIS
7 Compliant
5.30 Rack with Fire Suppression System

Sl. No Technical Specification Technical Compliance

(Yes/ No)
1 Floor Mount Rack
2 42U x 800 x 1000 Skeleton with Castor Mounting Provision
3 800W Front Perforated Door with Swing Handle Lock
4 800W Rear Perforated Door with Swing Handle Lock
5 1000D Openanale Side Panel – Pair
6 100MM Reducing channel * 1Pair
7 Castors set of 4Nos and Levellers
8 19" MGMT Rails * 2Pair
9 Roof Mounted Four Fan Unit of 90CFM / 230V with power cord
10 19 Socket 32AMPs, 230 Volt PDU
11 100mm Rear cable basket - 1pair
12 Horizontal Cable Manager 1U - 4nos
13 Hardware Packet of 20nos - 2nos
14 Fixed Shelf - 1nos
15 With inbuilt Fire Suppression System , Optical smoke detector, Clean agent


Sr. Description
(Yes / No) Remark

1 Pole Type Galvanized pole as per IS:2629 and Fabrication as per IS:2713
Pipes should be as per IS 1161
2 Fininsh Poles should be Hot Dipped Galvanized with min 75Micron
3 Height 6 Meters / 7Meters Height as per site requirement
Pole Nominal Bore : 175NB
Diameter Outer Diameter : 193MM
5 Min 4.5MM
2M / 4M Cantliver Arm should be provided as per site requirement
The cantilever should be fitted such that they can be rotated to change the
6 Cantilever direction or adjust the angle, if at all required.
The Cantilever should be strong enough so as to mount at least 2 CCTV
camera’s and associated fixtures like IR, etc., if required.
Bottom base
7 Minimum base plate of size 40x40x2 cm
All wiring must be hidden, through tubes/pipes. No wires shall be visible from
8 Pipes, Tubes
Minimum 1 meter; To ensure that video feed quality is not impacted due to
9 Foundation winds in different climatic conditions and from vibration caused due to heavy
vehicles on road
10 Should support pole, cantilever, Junction Box

5.32 Next Generation Perimeter Firewall

Sl.No Item Description Technical Specification Technical

Compliance Remark
1 Make To be mentioned by the bidder/ Vendor
2 Model No. To be mentioned by the bidder/ Vendor
3 Country of Origin To be mentioned by the bidder/ Vendor
4 Hardware Architecture The proposed hardware based firewall should not
consume more than 2RU Rack-mountable space
Proposed Firewall should not be proprietary ASIC
based in nature & should be multi-core CPU’s based
architecture to protect latest security threats.
5 Performance Capacity Appliance must have one Console port, dedicated one
management Port, two USB port and redundant
power supply
The device should have 8 x 1G Copper ports, 4 x 10G
(Cu), 4 x 10G SFP+ ports from day one. The device
should be upgradable to 8 x 1G Cu ports, 2 x 40G and 8
x 10G/25G in the same chassis in future.
Appliance should have minimum 1 TB (SSD) Built in
Storage from day 1.
Appliance should support 35 Gbps or more Firewall
throughput & 20 Gbps or more IPS throughput.
Appliance should support 18 Gbps or more Threat
Protection throughput
The device should have Concurrent Sessions: 8 Million
or higher & New connection/Sec: 200,000 or higher
Firewall Should support at least 15 Gbps or more IPsec
VPN throughput and support 2000 IPsec Site-to-Site
VPN tunnels & 4000 IPsec VPN clients and 20 Gbps or
more IPS Throughput
Firewall Should support at least 8 Gbps or more
TLS/SSL inspection & decryption throughput and
support 1000 SSL VPN clients. The appliance should
have 500,000 SSL DPI connections.
6 General Firewall Features Solution should provide unified threat policy like
AV/AS, IPS, URL & Content filtering, Application
control, Malware protection, Bandwidth management,
policy & policy based routing on firewall rules to
secure connectivity between Internet & internal
network and security controls must be applied on
inter zone .
Should support BGP,OSPF, RIP v1/v2 routing protocol
and IPv4 & IPv6 functionality (Both phase 1 and
Firewall should support manual NAT and Auto-NAT,
Static NAT, Dynamic PAT, PAT etc
Should have Layer 2 bridge or transparent mode, Wire
mode, Sniffer mode /Tap mode
Should support Zero-Touch registration & provisioning
using mobile App.
solution should support policy based routing,
Application based routing and also Multi Path routing.
Application Control : The proposed system shall have
the ability to detect, log and take action against
network based on over 3500 application signatures
Should have extensive protocol support to identify
common protocols such as HTTP/S, FTP, SMTP,
SMBv1/v2 and others, which do not send data in raw
TCP, and decode payloads for malware inspection,
even if they do not run on standard, well-known ports.
Firewall should support Link aggregation (static and
dynamic) to provide additional level of redundancy.
Firewall should support static routing ,Dynamic
Routing and WAN load balancing for redundant or
backup Internet connections.
The appliance should be capable of scanning raw TCP
streams on any port bi-directionally preventing attacks
that they to sneak by outdated security systems that
focus on securing a few well-known ports.
Should support deep packet SSL to decrypt HTTPS for
scanning(IPS,Gateway Antivirus,Content Filtering,
Application control) transparently and send to
destination if no threat found.
The Firewall should Support for TLS 1.3 to improve
overall security on the firewall. This should be
implemented in Firewall Management, SSL VPN and
Firewall should support clientless SSL VPN technology
or an easy to manage IPSec client for easy access to
email, files, computers, intranet sites and applications
from a variety of platforms..
Should support Redundant VPN gateway when
primary and secondary VPN can be configured to allow
seamless, automatic failover and failback of
Solution should have inbuilt support of DES, 3DES, AES
128/192/256 encryption MD5, SHA and Pre-shared
keys & Digital certificate based authentication
connection tunnel.
Should support Route-based VPN that allow dynamic
routing over VPN links to ensure continuous uptime in
the event of a temporary VPN tunnel failure, by
seamlessly re-routing between endpoints through
alternate routes.
Solution should support Dead Peer Detection, DHCP
Over VPN, IPsec NAT Traversal, Route-based VPN over
Proposed solution must support application
inspections on following protocols DNS,FTP,H.323
,SMTP,SQLnet, RTSP, Skinny, SMBv1/v2,SIP,
NetBios,TFTP,SNMP etc.
Solution should support User identification and
activity available through seamless
AD/LDAP/Citrix/Terminal Services SSO integration
combined with extensive information obtained
through Deep Packet Inspection.
Should have secure SD-WAN that enables
organizations to build, operate and manage secure,
high-performance networks across remote sites for
sharing data, applications and services using low-cost
internet services without adding any additional
components or hardware. Vendors not having SD-
WAN features integrated in their firewall should
provide additional device to provide this feature
support from day 1. Necessary licenses, if required,
need to be provisioned from day 1.
Proposed solution must have Mac IP Spoof Prevention,
Jumbo frames support & IP Helper for other than
Firewall should have Pictorial view of a particular
access rule, NAT and Routing rule which helps in
finding real-time statistics. Displays the rules which are
actively used or not being used & enabled or disabled..
7 Firewall Security Features Firewall should scan for threats in both inbound and
outbound and intra-zone for malware in files of
unlimited length and size across all ports and TCP
streams by GAV & Cloud AV.
The proposed firewall should support Bi-directional
raw TCP inspection that scans raw TCP streams on any
port and bi-directionally to detect and prevent both
inbound and outbound threats
Antivirus should provide real-time detection of viruses
and malicious code at the gateway for SMTP, POP3,
Firewall must support Proxy-less and non-buffering
inspection technology for DPI scanning without
introducing file and stream size limitations, and can be
applied on common protocols as well as raw TCP
Solution should have single-pass DPI architecture
simultaneously scans for malware, intrusions and
application identification and ensuring that all threat
information is correlated in a single architecture
Firewall must have integrated IPS shall be able to scan
packet payloads for vulnerabilities and exploits,
covering a broad spectrum of attacks and
vulnerabilities. Should have at least 5000 IPS
Signatures or 20K DPI signatures and 50 million Could
AV signatures.
Should protect against DDoS/DoS attack using both
Layer 3 SYN proxy and Layer 2 SYN blacklisting
technologies. It protects against DOS/DDoS through
UDP/ICMP flood protection and connection rate
Should have facility to block the URL's based on
categories, granular control like Allow/Block,
Bandwidth Management, Passphrase override, Notify.
URL database should have at least 15-20 million sites
and 55 + categories.
Shall be able to configure shaping on a per policy
basis for specific application/ Specific networks and
should be able to define guaranteed bandwidth and
maximum bandwidth per policy.
Should have advanced QoS that guarantees critical
communications with 802.1p, DSCP tagging, and
remapping of VoIP on the network.
Firewall should support HTTP Request tempering
protection, Directory traversal prevention, SQL
injection Protection, Cross site scripting Protection
(XSS) & DNS security
Should provide complete protection by performing full
decryption and inspection of TLS/SSL and SSH
encrypted connections regardless of port or protocol.
Solution should support an on premise based Multi-
engine Sandboxing for preventing zero-day threats.
One on-premise Sandbox solution/device should be
proposed which should integrate with the proposed
Firewalls. Both the Sandbox appliance and Firewalls
should be essentially from the same OEM.
The on-premise sandbox should have memory based
inspection, Multi-Stage Analysis with reputation check,
static analysis and dynamic analysis, Reporting and
Role-Based Access and Closed Network Support.
Should allow/Block list for file hash or IP/Domain and
Analysis of files up to 100MB. Should have False
positive and false negative reporting with automatic
whitelist and blacklist. The on-premise sandbox should
have Hardened OS with Secure Boot and chain of trust
for anti-tampering.
It should have 12,000 files per hour for Threat lookup
throughput and min 300 files per hour for Dynamic
Analysis throughput. VMs supported should be
Windows 7 32/64, Linux 64. It should have 2 x 1TB SSD
storage and 6 x 1Ge interfaces, 2 x 10G SFP+ interfaces
and a dedicated management port.

The Sandbox should have technology that detects and

blocks malware that does not exhibit any malicious
behaviour and hides its weaponry via encryption.
Should detect and block mass-market, zero-day
threats and unknown malware. The technology should
discover packed malware code that has been
compressed to avoid detection, the technology should
allow the malware to reveal itself by unpacking its
compressed code in memory in a secure sandbox
environment. It should see what code sequences are
found within and compares it to what it has already
seen. The Firewall should have the capability to
block/prevent from Side Channel attacks like
Meltdown, Spectre, Foreshadow, Foreshadow-NG,
Portsmash etc.
Should support both for analysis of a broad range of
file types, either individually or as a group, including
executable programs (PE), DLL, PDFs, MS Office
documents, archives, JAR, and APK plus multiple
operating systems including Windows, Android, Mac
OS X and multi-browser environments.
Should have ability to prevent potentially malicious
files from entering the network and those files sent to
the sandbox for analysis to be held at the gateway
until a verdict is determined.
Deep packet SSL should be available on the same
platform & License for DPI SSL should be along with
The Firewall solution should have detection and
prevention capabilities for C&C communications and
data exfiltration.
Firewall Identifies and controls network going to or
coming from specific countries to either protect
attacks from known or suspected origins of threat
activity, or to investigate suspicious originating from
the network. Ability to create custom country and
Botnet lists to override an incorrect country or Botnet
tag associated with an IP address.
8 High-Availability Features The proposed solution should support active-passive /
standby / active high availability. The Firewalls should
be proposed with High Availability configuration
(Active-Passive with State Sync) from day 1.
The device should support stateful session failover to a
standby appliance in the event of a hardware failure
without any manual intervention.
9 Visibility and Monitoring Should provide real-time monitoring and visualization
provides a graphical representation of top applications
, top address, top users and intrusion by sessions for
granular insight into across the network.
The system should provide GUI panels and actionable
dashboards with general information, system status,
system usage, network interface status, security
services information & High availability status.
Solution should support granular network visibility of
network topology along with host info.
Solution should have real-time visibility of infected
hosts, critical attacks, encrypted information &
observed threats.
10 Management & Reporting The management platform must be accessible via a
Feature web-based interface and without any additional client
Firewall should support management via Cli, SSH ,GUI
and support for SNMPv2/3..
The solution should support Centralize management
which includes configuration, logging, monitoring, and
reporting are performed by the Management Centre
onprem and on cloud.
The Centralize management platform should support
multidevice firmware upgrade, certificate
management, global policy template to push config
across multiple firewall in single click.
The Centralize management platform should support
account lockout security & account access control
through whitelisted IPs.
The on prem Centralize management platform should
support closed network deployment with High
Availability & 2FA via mail/MS/Google authenticator.
The solution should store syslog in local storage or
remote appliance. OEM can offer individual solution
for logging and reporting based architecture to meet
the requirements.
Firewall should have reporting facility to generate
reports on virus detected over different protocols, top
sources for viruses, destination for viruses, top viruses
Should have options to generate reports in terms of
which are the frequent attacks as well as top sources
and destination for attacks in different formats such as
The solution should have configurable options to send
the alert emails based on event type & reports as a
mail to the designated email address
Analytics platform support Real-time risk monitoring
and analysis of all network and user that passes
through the firewall ecosystem
The solution should support Cloud-based
configuration backup.
The solution should support IPFIX or NetFlow
protocols for real-time and historical monitoring and
The solution should support Application Visualization
and Intelligence - should show historic and real-time
reports of what applications are being used, and by
which users. Reports should be completely
customizable using intuitive filtering and drill-down
Logging and reporting solution should be supported.
Should have Multi Tenant and Device Group level
Should have reporting facility to generate reports on
virus detected over different protocols, top sources for
viruses, destination for viruses, top viruses etc.
The solution shall have readymade templets to
generate reports like complete reports or attack
reports, bandwidth report etc.
11 Certification, Warranty, The Firewall solution offered must be ICSA certified for
Installation, Testing and Network Firewall, Anti-virus or Common Criteria
Commissioning NDPP (Firewall and IPS) – Certification.
The Firewall OEM should be having "recommended
rating" by NSS Labs for consecutive three years in the
last six years. OEM should have scored minimum 97%
in Exploit Block rate in the last NSS Lab for NGFW
report (2019).
Proposed Solution should support 24x7x365
telephone, email and web-based technical support.
OEM should have TAC and R&D centre in INDIA.
Manufacturer’s warranty should be mentioned
minimum 05 (five) years warranty including all
services like GAV, IPS, Antispyware or antimalware,
CFS, Application control, BoT protection , ATP, Patch &
Firmware upgrade.
Bidder must carry out on site installation, testing and

5.33 Next Generation Core Firewall

Technical Specification Compliance Remark
Hardware Specification
1 Firewall should be ICSA Labs Certified
Proposed solution should come from firewall appliance family which has more than
2 10 years of ICSA labs certification
Minimum internal storage 1000 GB SSD for detailed graphical Logs & Reports on
3 Appliance
4 Appliance must have 16 GB RAM or Higher
5 Firewall should have 2 or higher USB 2.0 / USB 3.0
6 Firewall should have Redundant Hot-Swappable Power Supply
7 Firewall should have Redundant Hot-Swappable Fan
Proposed solution should have open standard multicore processor based architecture
8 and not proprietary ASIC based architecture
Interface Requirement
1 Solution should have 1/2 x Management Port + 1 x Console Port (RJ45/MicroUSB)
2 8 Ports of 1G Copper
3 4 Ports of 10G SFP+ (Fiber Ports)
6 or Higher Expansion Slot for Future Expansion (1G Copper / 1G SFP / 10G SFP+/ 40G
4 QSFP+)
Performance Capacity
1 Concurrent Sessions -30000000 or Higher
2 New Sessions/second - 300000 or Higher
3 Firewall Throughput - 70 Gbps or Higher
4 Threat Protection Throughput- 12 Gbps or Higher
5 VPN Throughput - 18 Gbps or Higher
6 NGFW Throughput - 20 Gbps or Higher
7 IPS Throughput - 30 Gbps or Higher
8 Firewall IMIX Throughput - 32 Gbps or Higher
Next Generation Firewall Features
The proposed system should have firewall with stateful packet filtering technology &
must support one-to-one and dynamic user based NAT with a facility to create rules
1 based on usernames, Source & Destination IP address, Hosts, network, IP Range
The firewall of the proposed system should be based on a hardened OS, should be
capable of delivering network protection services at all layers along with options of
network gateway level anti virus, anti spam, intrusion detection and prevention,
2 content filtering, multiple ISP load balancing, failover and VPN solutions.
The firewall should be able to support deployment in transparent mode , Bridge
3 mode, layer 3 transparent proxy mode
The firewall of the proposed system should provide Predefined services based on port
numbers and Layer 7 application and ability to create user-definable services which
4 can be used to define firewall rules
Minimum 20 perpetual Virtual Firewall licenses to be provided with the solution.
5 Scalable upto 25.
The proposed system must provide inbuilt PPPoE client and should be capable to
automatically update all required configuration (NAT Policies, VPN Configuration,
6 Firewall Rules) whenever PPPoE IP get changed.
The firewall of the proposed system should support 802.1q based VLAN tagging to
7 segregate devices logically
The proposed solution should have option to configure firewall policies to block or
8 allow rules based on Country based Geo Location
The proposed solution must have control mechanism to perform policy based control
9 for Application, shaping and visibility for Users, Groups, IP address & Network.
The proposed solution should be able to detect & block known applications like P2P &
10 IM.
The proposed solution should provide guaranteed and burstable bandwidth for
11 applications.
12 Should have Role based and multi factor authorization for Administration
The proposed solution should be able to detect & block known applications based on
13 time schedule.
The Proposed solution should have an option to provide complete policy enforcement
14 and visibility of roaming users and should restrict the remote user from disabling it.
The organization policy framework must be extended to the remote users and ideally
15 it should control the Web and Application filter of remote user
16 The proposed solution should be able to alert on user activity outside business hours
URL Filtering & Web Protection
1 Should support 85+ Web categories
Should support blocking of category based HTTPS sites without having to provide the
2 URL of the site to be blocked
3 Should support HTTPS transparent proxy
The proposed system should support browsing proxy and gateway mode
4 simultaneously
The proposed solution should block HTTPS URLs with complete path instead of only
5 sites names
6 The proposed solution should support regular expression in blocking of HTTPS sites
7 Should enforce Google/Yahoo Images strict filtering through a web interface.
8 Web based management through https and command line interface support
Application Filtering
1 The proposed solution should support Application Filtering in the same appliance.
2 The proposed solution should have inbuilt Application category database.
The proposed solution should provide policy-based shaping by application for User,
3 Group, IP address & Network.
The proposed solution should be able to detect & block known applications like P2P &
4 IM.
The proposed solution should have 2500+ application database & 5000+ application
5 signature
6 The proposed solution must give reports based on username / IP address.
Intrusion Prevention System
Intrusion Prevention system should be appliance based or integrated with the NGFW
1 solution
The proposed IPS system should have signature and anomaly base intrusion detection
2 and prevention system
The proposed system should have configuration options to prevent all the common
DOS and DDOS attacks like syn flood, ICMP flood, UDP flood, Ping of death. Should
have prevention option for more than 30 common attacks. Real-time intrusion
3 detection for minimum 6000+ signatures.
The IPS should be able to detect, respond to and alert any unauthorized activity.
Product detects the attacks and the network misuse that represent risk to the
4 customer.
NIDS shall be able to detect incidents that originate from inside the network
perimeter as well as from outside the network perimeter and shall be able to take
5 action on the basis of configured policies.
Support at least 25000+ or more signatures with online download support of newer
6 signatures.
The proposed system should automatically update the attack signatures database
7 from a central database server
The proposed system should be able to detect and block HTTP proxy both from
8 Content filtering solution & also from IDP
Gateway Anti-Malware
1 Gateway level Anti Malware solution should be an appliance based.
2 The proposed system should scan for viruses even for downloads from HTTPS sites
Proposed solution should be cloud based Anti-APT solution to scan for zero day
3 malwares
Embedded Anti Malware support. Should have option to automatically update the
new virus pattern updates. Anti Malware should be supported for HTTP, HTTPS, FTP,
POP3, SMTP, SMTPS (Port 465), SMTPTLS (Port 587), POP3. Anti Malware scanning
4 should be signature based and should provide ZERO HOUR Anti Malware support.
Gateway level Anti Malware should provide high-performance protection against
viruses in SMTP, SMTPS (Port 465), SMTPTLS (Port 587), POP3, HTTP, HTTPS and FTP .
It should block viruses and worms from penetrating into an organization’s internal
network through e-mail attachments, malicious Web pages, and files obtained
5 through FTP.
Virus gateway should provide real-time detection of viruses and malicious code at the
gateway for IMAP SMTP, SMTPS (Port 465), SMTPTLS (Port 587), POP3, HTTP, HTTPS
6 and FTP Internet .
7 The proposed solution should be licensed per unit as against per user.
The Proposed solution should Provide advance protection to prevent zero day
1 threats, ransomware and evolving malware
The Proposed solution should Analyse executable programs and documents like
2 Microsoft Office files, PDF files, JAR, DLL, PE
This Proposed solution should examine compressed archives like gzip, tar, zip, rar
and 7z Support for malicious files under Windows, Linux, Mac OS and
Android Performs advanced memory analysis of executable programs to detect
3 malicious files
The Proposed solution should Provides threat analysis dashboard to provide insight
4 of real time threats Dump and analyse network even when encrypted with SSL/TLS
This feature should be easy to configure and use. Should have a support inbuilt for
IPSEC VPNs, SSL VPN, PPTP, L2TP, VPN CLIENT pass through, should support DES, 3
DES and AES encryption, IKE certificate authentication , RSA secure ID & Vasco Token
1 support
The proposed SD WAN solution should provide complete threat protection, including
firewall, network DLP, gateway anti malware, intrusion prevention system (IPS), URL
2 Filtering and application control
3 The proposed solution should be managed centrally
4 Support for IPSec, L2TP, PPTP & SSL VPN.
5 Support Encryption : DES, 3DES, AES, twofish, blowfish & serpent encryption
6 Authentication support : Preshared Key, Digital Certificates.
7 support for Automatic IKE (Internet Key Exchange) and IKEv2
8 Supports IPSEC NAT traversal
9 Supports Hash Algorithms – MD5, SHA1, SHA2.
Should support for IPSEC and PPTP VPN pass through so that computers or subnets on
10 your internal network can connect to a VPN gateway on the Internet
Logging and Reporting solution
1 The proposed system should have integrated on-appliance reporting solution.
The proposed system should provide individual users download & Upload data usage
2 report.
The proposed system should email daily group browsing reports to respective group
3 heads in pdf format.
4 The proposed system should provide user and IP address based reports.
The proposed system should have options to create users with different access rights
5 (E.g. users who can only view reports and not manage the system)
The reporting solution of the proposed system should be able to provide detailed
6 Audit log for auditing and tracking system
Should support logging on the Next Generation Firewall appliance only and should not
require additional Hardware or Software for Logging. It should provide various kinds
of reports like virus reports, URL filtering reports, Top visited websites, Systems
infected by Spywares, User or IP wise download for the day. It should have graphical
7 reports of usages ISP wise, Application wise and IP wise.

Additional Point
Self-Declaration for Local Supplier-Local Content/Make in India Certification from
OEM/ Manufacture should be submitted/Uploaded as per Format of Annexure-II from
MeitY Notification file No 1(10)/20217 CL-ES dated 6/12/2019. If the bidder fails to
1 submit the same, the bidder shall be liable to be rejected/disqualified.
The product shall have Indian Standard, IC3S/Common Criteria (provided by STQC in
India common-criteria- certification-0 ) or Alternatively from International
equivalents, NDPP or NSS or ICSALabs, at least one of them should be provided while

5.34 Next Generation Firewall for Viewing Station

Technical Specification Technical

Compliance Remark
Hardware Specification
1 Firewall should be ICSA Labs Certified
2 Proposed solution should come from firewall appliance family which has more than
10 years of ICSA labs certification
3 Minimum internal storage 500 GB SSD for detailed graphical Logs & Reports on
4 Appliance must have 4 GB RAM or Higher
5 Proposed solution should have open standard multicore processor based architecture
and not proprietary ASIC based architecture
Interface Requirement
1 1 Ports of 1Gbps Copper
2 2/3 x USB 2.0/3.0 port and 1 system console port (RJ45/MicroUSB/USB)
Performance Capacity
1 Concurrent Sessions – 6350000 or Higher
2 New Sessions/second – 120000 or Higher
3 Firewall Throughput - 15 Gbps or Higher
4 Threat Protection Throughput-1 Gbps or Higher
5 VPN Throughput – 1 Gbps or Higher
6 NGFW Throughput - 3 Gbps or Higher
7 IPS Throughput - 3 Gbps or Higher
8 Firewall IMIX Throughput - 5 Gbps or Higher
Next Generation Firewall Features
1 The proposed system should have firewall with stateful packet filtering technology &
must support one-to-one and dynamic user based NAT with a facility to create rules
based on usernames, Source & Destination IP address, Hosts, network, IP Range
2 The firewall of the proposed system should be based on a hardened OS, should be
capable of delivering network protection services at all layers along with options of
network gateway level anti virus, anti spam, intrusion detection and prevention,
content filtering, multiple ISP load balancing, failover and VPN solutions.
3 The firewall should be able to support deployment in Bridge mode, layer 3
transparent proxy mode
4 The firewall of the proposed system should provide Predefined services based on port
numbers and Layer 7 application and ability to create user-definable services which
can be used to define firewall rules
5 The firewall of the proposed system should support 802.1q based VLAN tagging to
segregate devices logically
6 The proposed solution should have option to configure firewall policies to block or
allow rules based on Country based Geo Location
7 The proposed solution must have control mechanism to perform policy based control
for Application, shaping and visibility for Users, Groups, IP address & Network.
8 The proposed solution should be able to detect & block known applications like P2P &
9 The proposed solution should provide guaranteed and burstable bandwidth for
10 Should have Role based and multi factor authorization for Administration
11 The proposed solution should be able to detect & block known applications based on
time schedule.
12 The Proposed solution should have an option to provide complete policy enforcement
and visibility of roaming users and should restrict the remote user from disabling it.
13 The organization policy framework must be extended to the remote users and ideally
it should control the Web and Application filter of remote user
URL Filtering & Web Protection
1 Should support 85+ Web categories
2 Should support blocking of category based HTTPS sites without having to provide the
URL of the site to be blocked
3 Should support HTTPS transparent proxy
4 The proposed system should support browsing proxy and gateway mode
5 The proposed solution should block HTTPS URLs with complete path instead of only
sites names
6 The proposed solution should support regular expression in blocking of HTTPS sites
7 Web based management through https and command line interface support
Application Filtering
1 The proposed solution should support Application Filtering in the same appliance.
2 The proposed solution should have inbuilt Application category database.
3 The proposed solution should provide policy-based shaping by application for User,
Group, IP address & Network.
4 The proposed solution should be able to detect & block known applications like P2P &
5 The proposed solution should have 2500+ application database & 5000+ application
6 The proposed solution must give reports based on username / IP address.
Intrusion Prevention System
1 Intrusion Prevention system should be appliance based or integrated with the NGFW
2 The proposed IPS system should have signature and anomaly base intrusion detection
and prevention system
3 The proposed system should have configuration options to prevent all the common
DOS and DDOS attacks like syn flood, ICMP flood, UDP flood, Ping of death. Should
have prevention option for more than 30 common attacks.
4 The IPS should be able to detect, respond to and alert any unauthorized activity.
Product detects the attacks and the network misuse that represent risk to the
5 NIDS shall be able to detect incidents that originate from inside the network
perimeter as well as from outside the network perimeter and shall be able to take
action on the basis of configured policies.
6 Support at least 25000+ or more signatures with online download support of newer
Gateway Anti-Malware
1 Gateway level Anti Malware solution should be an appliance based.
2 The proposed system should scan for viruses even for downloads from HTTPS sites
3 Proposed solution should be cloud based Anti-APT solution to scan for zero day
4 Embedded Anti Malware support. Should have option to automatically update the
new virus pattern updates. Anti Malware should be supported for HTTP, HTTPS, FTP,
POP3, SMTP, SMTPS (Port 465), SMTPTLS (Port 587), POP3. Anti Malware scanning
should be signature based and should provide ZERO HOUR Anti Malware support.
5 The proposed solution should be licensed per unit as against per user.
1 The Proposed solution should Provide advance protection to prevent zero day
threats, ransomware and evolving malware
2 The Proposed solution should Analyse executable programs and documents like
Microsoft Office files, PDF files, JAR, DLL, PE
1 This feature should be easy to configure and use. Should have a support inbuilt for
IPSEC VPNs, SSL VPN, PPTP, L2TP, VPN CLIENT pass through, should support DES, 3
DES and AES encryption, IKE certificate authentication , RSA secure ID & Vasco Token
2 The proposed SD WAN solution should provide complete threat protection, including
firewall, network DLP, gateway anti malware, intrusion prevention system (IPS), URL
Filtering and application control
3 The proposed solution should be managed centrally
4 Support for IPSec, L2TP, PPTP & SSL VPN.
5 Support Encryption : DES, 3DES, AES, twofish, blowfish & serpent encryption
6 Authentication support : Preshared Key, Digital Certificates.
7 support for Automatic IKE (Internet Key Exchange) and IKEv2
8 Supports IPSEC NAT traversal
9 Supports Hash Algorithms – MD5, SHA1, SHA2.
10 Should support for IPSEC and PPTP VPN pass through so that computers or subnets on
your internal network can connect to a VPN gateway on the Internet
Enterprise Cloud
1 The proposed solution should have an integrated cloud security solution in appliance.
2 The proposed solution should have option to download 32 and 64 bit Enterprise cloud
3 The proposed solution should have ISP failover for cloud client.
4 The proposed solution should have DLP reporting for cloud client.
5 The proposed solution should have URL filtering, App Filtering on cloud client.
Logging and Reporting solution
1 The proposed system should have integrated on-appliance reporting solution.
2 The proposed system should provide individual users Bandwidth data usage report.
3 The proposed system should email daily group browsing reports to respective group
heads in pdf format.
4 The proposed system should provide user and IP address based reports.
5 The proposed system should have options to create users with different access rights
(E.g. users who can only view reports and not manage the system)
6 Should support logging on the Next Generation Firewall appliance only and should not
require additional Hardware or Software for Logging. It should provide various kinds
of reports like virus reports, URL filtering reports, Top visited websites, Systems
infected by Spywares, User or IP wise download for the day. It should have graphical
reports of usages ISP wise, Application wise and IP wise.

Additional Point
1 Self-Declaration for Local Supplier-Local Content/Make in India Certification from
OEM/ Manufacture should be submitted/Uploaded as per Format of Annexure-II from
MeitY Notification file No 1(10)/20217 CL-ES dated 6/12/2019. If the bidder fails to
submit the same, the bidder shall be liable to be rejected/disqualified.

2 The product shall have Indian Standard, IC3S/Common Criteria (provided by STQC in
India common-criteria- certification-0 ) or Alternatively from International
equivalents, NDPP or NSS or ICSALabs, at least one of them should be provided while

5.35 Zero Day Network Threat Protection System

Technical Remark
Technical Specifications Compliance
Solution must be a custom built on premise solution and must not be network
1 perimeter security component part devices like UTM and NGFW and not be a
CPU and chip based function.
The proposed solution should have capabilities to configure files, IP, URLs and
Domains to Black list or white list.
The Proposed solution should provide correlated threat data such as: IP
addresses, DNS domain names, URLs, Filenames, Process names, Windows
Registry entries, File hashes, Malware detections and Malware families through
a dashboard
The proposed solution must be able to provide intelligence feed for malware
4 information, threat profile and containment remediation recommendations
where applicable.
The proposed solution should be able to support XFF (X-Forwarded-For) to
identify the IP Address of a host in a proxy/NAT environment.
The proposed solution should have a built-in document vulnerabilities detection
engine to assure analysis precision and analysis efficiency..
The proposed solution should have virtual patching feature along with Indicators
of Compromise build and sharing.
Proposed solution should have 2 TB in RAID 1 of on box storage from day one
8 with a scalability of 8 TB and should be able to run at least 30 parallel sandboxes
images scalable up to 60 for analysis of payload

Customized sandbox solution should support following operating systems

(Windows 7, Win8/8.1, Win 10, Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2019)
and able to inspect threats for Linux, Mac & Mobile OS Malwares. Solution must
have the capability to analyse large files more than 40 MB file size.

Solution should support third part VA scanners (Qualys, Foundstone, Nessus) to

fine tune the policies for zero day threat protection against vulnerabilities.

The Solution must have inline sensor with capability of hardware based fail-open
& Software Fail Open, which must allow to pass through uninterrupted.

Solution should have inline inspection throughput of 1 Gbps for all kinds of real
12 world , scalable to 5 Gbps in a single device, optionally if required must support
Active-Active in HA or Active-Passive mode.

Must have minimum 4 x 10G monitoring interface (with SFP - SR modules) and 4
13 X 1 GE with fail-open capability and latency on network inline device must be
<60 microseconds.
The solution must use prevention techniques and provide zero-day protection
14 against worms, Trojans, spyware, key loggers, and other malware from
penetrating the network.

The solution must accurately detect intrusion attempts and discerns between
15 the various types and risk levels including unauthorized access attempts, pre-
attack probes, suspicious activity, vulnerability exploitation and zero-day attacks.

The solution filter must support network action set such as Block (drop packet),
Block (TCP Reset), Permit, Trust, Notify, Trace (Packet Capture), Rate Limit and
Quarantine & must support signatures, protocol anomaly, vulnerabilities and
anomaly filtering methods to detect attacks and malicious
The solution must have filter categories for easy management: - Exploits,
Identity Theft/Phishing, Reconnaissance, Security Policy, Spyware, Virus,
Vulnerabilities, Network Equipment, Normalization, Peer to Peer, Internet
Messaging, Streaming Media and must be able to control the known bad host
such as spyware, botnet C2 server, spam and so on based on country of origin,
exploit type and the reputation score.

The solution must have Inline sensors with custom sandboxing for simulation
18 and create IOC's on real time basis as per sandboxing analysis and revert back to
sensors to block threats on real time.
The proposed solution should be able to inspect the multi-protocol sessions to
19 detect and flag the suspicious activity including suspicious file downloads
through the web and internal infections.

The proposed solution should be able to detect lateral movement (East-West) of

the attack without installing agents on endpoint/server machines & support
100+ protocols for inspection like HTTP, FTP, SMTP, SNMP, IM ,IRC,DNS and P2P
protocols Internal direction, SMB ,Database protocol (MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle) &
should support to monitor from multiple segments like WAN, DMZ, Server
Farm, Wi-Fi network, MPLS links etc.

The Proposed solution should provide correlated threat data such as: IP
addresses, DNS domain names, URLs, Filenames, Process names, Windows
Registry entries, File hashes, Malware detections and Malware families through
a portal

The proposed solution should be able to provide customizable sandbox to fulfil

Customer's environments and needs for both 32-bits and 64-bits OS.

Solution must be capable of performing multiple file format analysis which

includes but not limited to the following: LNK, Microsoft objects, pdf, exe files,
compressed files, .chm, .swf, .jpg, .dll, .sys, .com, .hwp , .js, .jse, .ps1, .vbe, .vbs,
.hta, cmd, .bat, .htm, .hta, .xdp and solution should have an built-in document
vulnerabilities detection engine to assure analysis precision and analysis
The proposed solution must provide the capability to export network packet files
and encrypted suspicious files for further investigation and solution should be
24 able to detect known malwares before sending suspicious files to Sandbox for

The proposed solution have the capability to performs tracking and analysis of
25 virus downloads and suspicious files and solution should support exporting of
analysis results such as C&C server IP and malicious domain listing.

The proposed solution should have capability to include User-defined and

context-derived passwords for protected archives.
The proposed solution should have capabilities to configure separate
27 notifications to the administrator or individuals based on specific events like,
Sandbox detection, Black List and license events etc.
The proposed solution should have an intuitive Dashboard that offers real time
threat visibility and reports with (but not limited to) HTML/CSV/PDF formats and
provide the flexibility to generate on-demand reports in
daily/weekly/monthly/yearly or specific range (by day and time)

The proposed solution should support logging of important parameters like

29 Source IP, Destination IP, ports, protocol, Domain, time stamp etc. of the attacks

The proposed solution should have the flexibility to provides customizable

dashboard and solution should have the option to provide Investigative
30 dashboard that is capable of displaying correlated graphical data that is based
on link-graph, geo-map, chart , tree-map/pivot table and solution should be able
to corelate local APT attacks with Golbal historical APT attacks..

Should have minimum 25 million legitimate concurrent Sessions and 400,000

31 new Connections per second from day one & should have at least security
effectiveness rate 99 % as per 2017 NSS Labs Breach Prevention report

The Proposed solution should be able to generate out of box reports to highlight
32 Infections, C&C behavior, Lateral Movement, Asset and data discovery and
Solution must be able to share threat intelligence with integrated third-party
vendor products or services such as SIEM systems.
Solution must be able to connect to TAXII server for obtaining threat intelligence
34 & must be able to act as a TAXII server and share threat intelligence to
subscribed TAXII clients.
Solution must be able to provide web-based API such as Restful API for sharing
threat intelligence and integrating with security operation automations and
sharable threat intelligence must include at least 4 types - IP, URL, domain and
file checksum.

Solution must allow admin to define custom threat intelligence including IP, URL,
domain and file checksum, and deploy them to managed products / devices.

Solution should allow admin to define custom threat intelligence by

37 importing/exporting YARA rules and should allow users to define custom threat
intelligence by importing/exporting STIX.
Solution must have ability to export threat intelligence thru Data Exchange Layer
38 (DXL) communication fabric that connects and optimizes security actions across
multiple vendor products
Solution should produce high fidelity threat detection and help SOC prioritize
39 threat response and ability to go back in time by analyzing historical data and pin
point patient 0.
Should able to identify the point of entry of an attack, identify all the hosts that
are infected of the same threat, identify all the hosts that have connected to the
malicious site/CnC server and display in a single view the entire threat attack
Solution must add additional context to the threat intelligence and analysis and
alerts. It includes information about the threat actors and malware used and
other indicators of compromise are included so you can search for the attackers
in your environment.
42 Number VMs should be consider :20

43 Number of throughput should be consider: 4Gbps

5.36 Next Generation Anti-Virus and Endpoint Detection & Response

Sl. Specifications Technical Compliance Remark

No. (Yes/No)
Mandatory Specifications
The solution should include all components to comply below requirement. If any
third-party hardware software database is required should be included.

1 The footprint of the overall solution at the endpoint must be very light in terms of
Memory, Hard disk usage and CPU. The entire endpoint software should be single
agent software deployed with all features and functions of NGAV, EDR, Threat
Hunting, IT Hygiene, Vulnerability Management and Device Control and do not
require any agent or software update to enable or disable these modules. Agent
footprint must be under 70MB memory and 1-2% CPU.

2 The proposed solution should be in Leaders Quadrant of Gartner End Point

Protection Platform and Forester Wave EDR for last two years.
3 Solution should be managed form a on premise server or cloud. Should provide
99.9 % of uptime all components should be in HA mode both DC and DR including
all hardware, software & database components required to protect both on
premise and roaming users.
4 Solution should protect from all (known, unknown, zero day, ransomware and
fileless attacks) if any APT or sandboxing solution required to protect should be
included in HA
5 The proposed solution should provide protection and management of Windows,
Linux, container, Mac endpoints including Android and IOS. Protect all workloads
on-premise or on cloud platform such as (Amazon Web Services EC2, Google Cloud
Platform and Azure) from the same management console. Agent installation and
update should not require any reboot.

6 Container support (OCI) by capturing container activity and metadata, and solution
must provide full visibility into containers and add runtime security

7 Solution must continuously monitor endpoint activities for both on premise and
roaming uses, captures events and forensic details of interest in near real time.

8 Solution must provide post-execution behaviour based detection and prevention

based on Indicator of Attack (IOA) mapped against the MITRE ATT&CK framework
9 Endpoint agent must support policy controlled automated agent version update N-
1, N-2.
10 Solution should provide threat hunting platform with instant results. Threat
hunting activity must not impact CPU or memory of system at all i.e. no increase in
CPU and memory of managed endpoint during hunting activity at one system or all
endpoints at enterprise. It should not be based on network sweeps or endpoint
scans. OEM's should specify time required to hunt vulnerable application version,
hash or vulnerability organisation wide( all assets online, offline & roaming).

11 Proposed solution should capture telemetric data to provide threat hunting

capabilities for forensic artefacts in real-time and for historical search in less than a
minute, even for endpoints offline or out of corporate network without crawling
* Local IP and Public IP of endpoint had communicated in last 7 days.
* User logon activities ( login and logoff time with user name ) for Last 7 days.
* All Process & Service execution including admin tools and CMD commands with
process id user details for last 7 days.
* All PowerShell Activities on endpoint for last 7 days.
* Unique executable written on endpoint.
* Suspicious File Activities ( Zip, RAR & Scripts written).
* Files Written to Removeable Media
* Manual Registry Addition.
* Scheduled Tasks Registered and Firewall Rules Set on endpoint.
* DNS request & Network connection with Port Number made from endpoint with
detailed command line & file name for min last 7 days.
* Details of Network Listening ports on endpoint with file name and command line.
*Should be able to see network connections by Country or External IP's connected
* List of Usernames or Systems where remote logins have taken place. This can
quickly identify suspicious behaviour by user account or systems.
12 The administrator should be able to find in real time and historical search
capabilities in less than a minute where a specific file (by hash) has executed, with
which file name, in which process and at what exact time. First time & last time
executed on which host with time. The solution should not crawl endpoints and
provide details even for machines offline or out of corporate network.

13 The Administrator should be able to see a list of Usernames or Systems where

remote logins have taken place. This can quickly identify suspicious behaviour by
user account or systems.
14 The Administrator should be able to see the executable run from a temporary
directory or recycle bin on all systems in their environment.
15 EDR solution should provide risk assessment dashboard for endpoints with
assessment score for both OS and Agent configuration with details of checks failed
to proactively avoid configuration issues.

16 Solution should provide full remote remediation capabilities from the management
console even for roaming users on public network (eg. delete registry, file, push or
pull file/package, execute commands and powershell script, etc)
17 Solution must offer memory protection (e.g. ASLR, structured exception handling
overwrite protection, null page protection, heap spray preallocation, etc.)

18 The proposed solution should be able to track more than 130+ adversary groups.
The details of adversary and TTP should be available in the management portal
along with their other well- known names in the community like APT28 is also
known as Fancy Bear, Sofacy, Tsar Team, Sednit.

19 If detection belong to known adversary, solution should provide threat actor with
TTP's to proactively investigate and tune protection policies.

20 The Management Portal should provide capability to filter threat actor information
based on Origin, Target Country, Target Industry & Actor Motivations.

21 Solution must be able to remotely contain an endpoint using mechanism not

related to the operating system firewall. Containment must persist after a reboot.

22 The EPP solution must provide visibility of

* When the local admin passwords last reset happened.
* User logging as Domain Administrator or with Local Admin Rights.
* User Login Interactive, Terminal service and Service Account.
* Assets visibility of host with no endpoint security agent.
* Rouge devices in network ( printer, camera's, network devices) in network.
* Application Inventory with hash and version organisation wide or specific

23 Proposed OEM should adhere compliance to SOC II, PCI DSS, HIPAA/HITECH, SOX
and/or other regulatory frameworks

24 Solution should include 24/7 managed threat hunting as an additional service from
the OEM. Threat hunters should have minimum 8+ years of threat hunting

25 Proposed OEM should have inhouse IR, breach investigation, Red Team, Blue Team

5.37 Privileged Access Management Solution

A Single - Sign On and Authentication Models Technical Compliance Remark

1 The solution should be able to create seamless single sign-on for various
technologies such as Operating Systems, Databases, Network and Security
2 The solution should have a Generic Target System Connectors to enable one
to uses this connector for non-standard devices etc
3 The solution should be agentless i.e. does not require to install any agent on
target devices
4 The solution should support transparent connection to the target device,
without seeing the password or typing it in as part of the connection

5 The solution should support direct connections to windows, ssh, databases

and other managed devices without having to use a jump server.

6 The solution should have an inbuilt dual factor authentication for soft token,
mobile OTP etc. Also it should have an inbuilt authentication for Bio-Metrics
without having to acquire another biometric authentication server.

7 The solution should be able to integrate with enterprise authentication

methods e.g. multiple 3rd party authentication methods including LDAP,
RADIUS and a built-in authentication mechanism

8 The solution should also provide local authentication and all the security
features as per best standards.
9 The solution should provide flexibility user/device wise for local
authentication or enterprise authentication
10 The solution should support an application integration framework for web
based as well as .exe based applications. There should be strong out of the
box support including ease of integration with any third party connectors.

11 The solution should provide a method for creating new connectors with
minimal intervention required from OEM.
12 The solution should provide multi-tenancy feature whereby the entire
operations can be carried out within a tenant or line of business.

13 The solution should provide multi-domain feature whereby the entire

operations can operate in an distributed environment

14 The solution should be able to handle multi-location architecture or

distributed architecture with seamless integration at the User Level. For
example: Multiple datacentre may have multiple secondary installations but
the primary installation will also simultaneously work for all users and all

B Shared Account Password Management

1 The solution shall perform password change options which is parameter
2 The solution should set password options every x days, months, years and
compliance options via the use of a policy

3 The solution should be able to manage SSH Keys

4 For Linux/Unix servers, the solution should have an option to generate the
SSH key pair directly from the tool.

5 Ability to create exception policies for selected systems, applications and

6 The solution should enable an administrator to define different password
formation rules for target accounts on different target systems and supports
the full character set that can be used for passwords on each target system.

7 The solution enables an administrator to change a target-account password

to a random value based on a manual trigger or automatic schedule.

8 Allow single baseline policy across all systems, applications and devices (eg
one single update to enforce baseline policy

9 The solution should support changing a password or group of passwords

according to a policy (time based or 'on-demand')

10 Ability to generate 'One-time' passwords as an optional workflow

11 Ability to send notifications via email or other delivery methods triggered by

any type of activity
12 Ability to send notification via email to the user requesting the password
that checkout is complete
13 All locally stored target-account passwords should encrypted using AES or
similar encryption with at least 256 bit keys.

14 The solution should automatically reconcile passwords that are detected 'out
of sync' or lost without using external restore utilities

15 The solution should have the ability to reconcile passwords manually, upon
16 The solution should automatically verify , notify and report all passwords
which are not in sync with PIM
17 The solution should have the ability to automatically "check-out" after a
specific time and "check-in" within a specified time.

18 The solution should set unique random value anytime a password is

changed. The password generated should be strong and should not generate
a similar value for a long iteration.

19 The tool allows secure printing of passwords in Pin Mailers. Lifecycle of

printing and labelling of envelopes should be part of the module.

20 Secured Vault platform - main password storage repository should be highly

secured (built-in firewall, hardened machine, limited and controlled remote
access etc.)
21 The proposed solution should restrict the solution administrators from
accessing or viewing passwords or approve password requests

22 The solution should have the capability to seamlessly change the passwords
for the large number of desktops. It should be able to handle floating IPs

23 The solution should have provision for secure offline access of managed
credentials in case of vault failure (break glass scenario)

24 Offline access of managed credentials in case of vault failure should generate

audit logs that are synced with the Vault once it's back online.

25 The solution should have provision to allow authorized users to upload their
sensitive/confidential files in the Vault for secured and encrypted storage.

26 Files uploaded in Vault for secured and encrypted storage should be allowed
to be shared between PAM users with an option to expire the share after
defined period of time (in days).

C Access Control
1 The solution should be able to restrict usage of critical commands over a SSH
based console based on any combination of target account, group or target
system and end-user.

2 The solution should restrict privileged activities on a windows server (e.g.

host to host jumps, cod/telnet access, application access, tab restrictions)
from session initiated with PIM

3 The solution should be able to restrict usage of critical commands on

command line through SSH clients on any combination of target account,
group or target system and end-user.

4 The solution should be able to restrict usage of critical commands on tables

for database access through SSH, SQL+(client/), front-end database utilities
on any combination of target account, group or target system and end-user.

5 The solution should provide for inbuilt database management utility to

enable granular control on database access for Sql, my Sql, DB2, Oracle etc.

6 The solution enables an administrator to restrict a group of commands using

a library and define custom commands for any combination of target
account, group or target system and end user.

7 The solution should provide secure mechanism for blacklisting/whitelisting

of commands for any combination of target account, group or target system
and end user.
8 The solution can restrict user-specific entitlements of administrators
individually or by group or role.
9 The solution should have workflow control built-in for critical administrative
functions over SSH including databases (example user creation, password
change etc) and should be able to request for approval on the fly for those
commands which are critical.

10 The solution can restrict target-account-specific entitlements of end users

individually or by group or role.

11 The solution can restrict end-user entitlements to target accounts through a

workflow by days and times of day including critical command that can be
12 The solution should provide for a script manager to help in access controlling
scripts and allow to run the scripts on multiple devices at the same time.

13 System should be able to define critical commands for alerting & monitoring
purpose and also ensure user confirmation (YES or NO) for critical
commands over SSH.

14 It should be possible to grant access to a managed asset using a specific

method of access. For e.g. access to a SQL database ONLY through SQL
Management Studio.

D Privileged Session Management and Log Management

1 The solution should be able to support a session recording on any session

initiated via PIM solution including servers, network devices, databases and
virtualized environments.

2 The solution should be able to log commands for all commands fired over
SSH Session and for database access through ssh, sql+

3 The solution should be able to log/search text commands for all sessions of
database even through the third party utilities

4 The solution should be able to log/search text commands for all sessions on
5 The solutions should support selective option for enabling session based
recording on any combination of target account, group or target system and
6 All logs created by the solution should be tamper proof and should have
legal hold
7 The solution logs all administrator and end-user activity, including successful
and failed access attempts and associated session data (date, time, IP
address. Machine address, BIOS No and so on). The tool can generate — on-
demand or according to an administrator-defined schedule — reports
showing user activity filtered by an administrator, end user or user group.

8 The tool can restrict access to different reports by administrator, group or

9 The tool generates reports in at least the following formats: HTML, CSV and
10 System should be able to define critical commands for alerting & monitoring
purpose through SMS or Email alerts

11 The solution should provide separate logs for commands and session
recordings. Session recordings should be available in image/ video based
12 The session recording should be SMART to help jump to the right session
through the text logs
13 Secure and tamper-proof storage for audit records, policies, entitlements,
privileged credentials, recordings etc.

14 The proposed solution shall cater for live monitoring of sessions and manual
termination of sessions when necessary

15 The proposed solution shall allow a blacklist of SQL commands that will be
excluded from audit records during the session recording. All other
commands will be included.

16 The proposed solution shall enable users to connect securely to remote

machines through the tool from their own workstations using all types of
accounts, including accounts that are not managed by the privileged account
management solution.

17 The proposed solution shall allow configuration at platform level to allow

selective recording of specific device.

18 The proposed solution shall allow specific commands to be executed for RDP
connections (e.g. Start the connection by launching a dedicated program on
the target machine without exposing the desktop or any other executables).

19 The proposed solution shall support correlated and unified auditing for
shared and privileged account management and activity.

21 The proposed system shall support full colour and resolution video
22 The proposed system shall support video session compression with no
impact on video quality.
23 The solution should provide a secure method to facilitate access to managed
asset in case of PAM failure for identified users (local vault)

24 These managed assets accessed in offline mode should generate access logs
that are synced with the PAM solution once it's back online.

25 The solution should provide an option to supervise privileged user activity

with real time session shadowing capability.

E PIM Security
1 The solutions should use minimum FIPS 140-2 validated cryptography for all
data encryption.
2 The Solution should be TLS 1.2 and SHA-2 compliant for PCI-DSS compliance

3 All communication between system components, including components

residing on the same server should be encrypted.

4 All communication between the client PC and the target server should be
completely encrypted using secured gateway. (Example: a telnet session is
encrypted from the client PC through the secured gateway)

5 The Administrator user cannot see the data (passwords) that are controlled
by the solution.
6 Secured platform - main password storage repository/Vault should be highly
secured (hardened machine, limited and controlled remote access etc.).

7 The solution should secure master data, records, entitlement, policy data
and other credentials in tamper proof storage container.

8 The solution should store Password and SSH keys safekeeping in the certified
vault (minimum AES 256-bit encryption)

9 The solution should not require direct third party access to PAM Database

10 The solution should support common protocols to connect to PAM servers to

ensure the best interoperability with environments.

F PIM Administration
1 The solution should have central administration web based console for
unified administration.
2 The tool uses Active Directory/LDAP as an identity store for administrators
and end users.
3 The tool enables an administrator to define groups (or similar container
objects) of administrators and end users.

4 The tool enables an administrator to add an administrator or end user to

more than one group or to add a group to more than one supergroup.
5 The tool enables an administrator to define a hierarchy of roles without
6 Administrative configurations (e.g. configuration of user matrix) shall be
accessible via a separate client where client access is controlled by IP
7 Important configuration changes in the solutions (example changes to
masters) should be based on at least 5 level workflow approval process and
logged accordingly

8 The tool should have a provision to enable maker-checker configuration for

critical administrative actions. For e.g. new user creation, on-demand
password change etc.

9 Segregation of Duties - The Administrator user cannot view the data

(passwords) that are controlled by other teams/working groups (UNIX,
Oracle etc.).
10 The solution should provide for self service portal for users and devices for
ease of on boarding both users and devices.

11 All administrative task should be done LOB wise i.e. Line of Business Wise

12 All administrative tasks/actions should be logged along with change in

configuration value i.e. value before change made and after the change
13 The solution should have Auto-Onboarding Feature for both User and
Devices without having to do any manual activity.

G System Architecture
1 The solution architecture should be highly scalable both vertically as well as
2 The proposed solution shall provide multi-tier architecture where the
database and application level is separated.

3 The solution should work at the network layer instead through a jump
server. This will have achieve large number of sessions.

4 The proposed solution shall provide scalability where it is not limited by the
hardware. Also the solution shall provide modular design for capacity
planning and scalability metrics.

5 The proposed solution shall have the ability to support multiple mirrored
systems at offsite Disaster Recovery Facilities across different data centre
6 The proposed solution shall have built-in options for backup or integration
with existing backup solutions
7 The proposed solution shall handle loss of connectivity to the centralized
password management solution automatically.
8 The proposed solution shall not require any network topology changes in
order to ensure all privileged sessions are controlled by the solution.

9 The proposed solution shall support distributed network architecture where

different segments need to be supported from a central location.

10 The proposed solution shall support both client based (in the case where
browser is not available) as well as browser based administration

11 The proposed solution should be 100% agentless that includes password

storage, password management and session recording features.

12 The solution must support parallel execution of password resets for multiple
concurrent requests.
13 The solution should provide fully failover from a single active instance to a
backup/standby instance with a fully replicated repository

14 The solution should support multiple active instances with load balancing
and fully automatic failover to another active instance

15 The solution if required should be available to install on a virtual sever

16 The system should be highly available (24x7x365) and redundant from a

hardware failure, application failure, data failure, and or catastrophic failure.
Uptime availability should be 99.99% per calendar month .
17 The solution should have an ability to have direct connection to target device
as well as using secured gateway channel.

18 Solution should not require CAL license to integrate PAM

19 Solution should support hybrid architecture
H Out of box Integration
1 Ability to integrate with enterprise authentication methods e.g. multiple 3rd
party authentication methods including AD, LDAP, Windows SSO, PKI,
RADIUS and a built-in authentication mechanism.

2 Ability to integrate with Bio-Metric Solutions

3 Ability to integrate with Hard and Soft token solutions
4 Ability to integrate with ticketing systems.
5 Ability to integrate with Automation software for enhancing productivity in
the data center
6 The proposed solution supports integration with the Hardware Security
Module (HSM) devices to store the encryption keys.

I Ticketing System integration

1 The solution can force the requestor of password / session to provide a
reason, including a service desk incident ticket number, for the request.
2 The solution can communicate with a workflow engine to verify an incident
ticket number cited in the end user's request.

3 The solution provides the capability to enable end users to retrieve (or reset)
a target-system password only after approval by a designated approver (to
allow dual control). Approval criteria can be based on any combination of
target account, group or target system and end-user identity, group or role,
as well as contextual information such as day of the week or time of day.

4 Ability to enforce ticketing integration as well as approval workflow for

specific ticket types (e.g. change/incident ticket)

5 Inbuilt ticketing system with 5 level workflow approval with ticket level
validation, risk and impact assessments as per LOB wise, Service type and
user type. This ticketing system to help in creating a work order on an
executer, who will then request for the access through the request workflow
with this valid ticket

J SIEM Integration
1 The solution should be able to integrate with leading SIEM Solutions.

2 The solution should be able to integrated with applications like VA Systems,

performance monitoring applications to eliminate hard coded passwords

K Application Password Management (Hard-Coded Password Management)

1 The solution should have an ability to eliminate, manage and protect

privileged credentials in applications, scripts, configuration files etc.

2 The solution should be able to authenticate and trust the application

requesting the privileged password based on various authentication
3 Application Servers Support - The product should support removing static
hard coded passwords from Data Sources in Application Servers. Please
L Auto Discovery of Privileged Accounts
1 The solution should be able to perform auto discovery of privileged accounts
on target systems and perform two way reconciliation.

2 The solution should provide feature for user governance on the target
devices i.e. autodetect users and schedule a governance workflow and user
certification process with adequate review process.

3 Map privileged and personal accounts on various target systems

4 Ability to quickly identify all non-built-in local administrator accounts in your
environment (flag possible 'backdoor' accounts)

5 Ability to quickly identify private and public SSH keys, including orphaned
SSH keys, on Unix/Linux machines, extracts key related data and ascertain
the status of each key

M Notification Engine
1 The solution should have capability to provide alerts and notification for
critical PIM events over SMS & Email
2 The solution should have capability to provide alerts and notification for all
administration/configuration activities over SMS & Email

3 Customizable notification for command executed on SSH and Telnet based

4 Customizable notification for command/Process executed on Windows

5 Notification on target being access on criteria like Line of Business or Groups

6 Solution should have threat analytics and customised reporting capabilities

N Solution Workflow
1 The solution should have inbuilt workflow to manage
2 Electronic Approval based Password Retrieval
3 Onetime access / Time Based / Permanent Access
4 5 level approval workflow with E-mail and SMS notification with delegation
5 Ability to provide for delegation at all levels in the workflow

6 Mobile device support - ability to send a request to access a password,

approve the request and retrieve the password, all from a hand-held mobile
device e.g. smart phones

7 Supports a workflow approval process that is flexible to assign multiple level

of approvers based on product or model (i.e. require 2 or more approvals
before access is allowed).

8 Supports a workflow approval process that requires approvers to be in

sequence before final approval is granted.

9 Supports a workflow approval process that requires approvers to be in

sequence before final approval is granted.

O Dashboard & Reporting

1 Dashboard Capabilities should included real-time view of activities
performed by the administrators
2 The system shall have the ability to run all reports by frequency, on-demand
and schedule.
3 The solution should provide detailed and scheduled reporting with the
following basic report sets Entitlements Reports, User’s activities, Privileged
Accounts inventory and Activities log

4 The solution should have ability to report on all system administrative

changes performed by PIM Administrators with relevant auditable records

5 The solution should be able to report password lockouts (failure logon

6 Ability to report password checkouts on systems and users requesting
7 Ability to report password lockouts (failure logon attempts)

8 Ability to report on password change following verification process

9 Ability to report on password status

10 Reports should be customizable
11 Audit data can be exported for use for any BI Tool
12 Reports shall be automatically distributed by email
13 Access to audit reports (and report configuration) shall be restricted to
"auditor" end-users
14 Ability to replay actual session recordings for forensic analysis

15 The recorded session should be compressed and not take much space on
storage and only active session has to be monitored

16 Dashboard - for at a glance critical events and password policies. Describe

your dashboard capabilities
P Brand and Technology
1 OEM Should have 24*7 support
2 The Solution must be a leading, mature, internationally recognized and
widely used brand that has been in existence for at least 10 years.

Q Additional Functions
1 Access Management
•The Solution should allows an end user/bot to use the command line/tools
like MobaXterm, SecureCRT to not only authenticate a user in PAM solution
but also establish a connection to any *nix target device.

2 Architecture
•Should include an enterprise version which will be highly scalable to
support the High Availability at both DC and DR sites.
3 Architecture
•The solution should be scalable to be configured as Active-Passive from DC
to DR using its auto failover technique.
•The solution should have the ability to support DR in multiple geographical
locations and networks.

The module should enable the admin to take remote connection of user
endpoint without the need to possess local password or without using any
third party.

5 The solution should have End Point Privilege Management and Threat


Sl. No. SIEM Details

1 The solution should be able to collect logs from different infrastructure Technical Compliance Remark
components such as Servers, Firewalls, Databases, Applications. (Yes/No)

2 The solution should normalise the logs to collect insights from the logs

3 The proposed solution should have connectors to support the listed

devices/ applications, wherever required the vendor should develop
customized connectors at no extra cost

4 The Solution should support collectors at separate locations.

5 The user interface to monitor and investigate events from the SIEM tool
should be interactive and should provide capabilities necessary for further
6 The proposed solution should be configurable, manageable, and should
have ability to be monitored through a centralized management console

7 The solution should have ability to perform trend analysis basis the
historical data collected.
8 The solution should have ability to do full-text search on any field in the
indexed data
9 Solution should enable the easy customizable dashboards and customizable
dashboards based on various visualizations
10 Solution should anticipate likely threats to the customer both from outside
as well as arising from customer’s internal infrastructure.
11 The solution should provide an inventory solution through collected
12 Vendor should have capabilities to detect anomalies such as brute force,
command injections, indicators
13 Solution should collect existing logs from security controls such as
firewalls , IPS devices , to detect targeted attacks.

14 The solution should have capabilities to detect any compromises by linking

related alerts collected together over a period of time.

15 Solution should have capabilities to correlate alerts between sources &

destination Ips to find similar or colluding threat signals.

16 Solution should have detection models to find out threats sources are
linked to the same attacker by grouping alerts with common characteristics
like time, day location, target asset profiles etc.

17 In addition to the advanced analytics capabilities solution should have

capabilities to define rules on event logs captured from various sources to
detect suspicious activities Examples

• Failed login attempts

• Vendor logins from unauthorized subnets
• Vertical & Horizontal port scans
• from blacklisted Ips
18 Solution should support criticality levels of alerts from a number of security
products including Firewalls, Routers ,AV etc.

19 The proposed solution should support collection of events through

customization of connectors or similar integration for the assets that are
not natively supported
20 The proposed solution should be able to collect data from new devices
added into the environment, without any disruption to the ongoing data
21 The proposed solution should have connectors to support listed devices/
applications, wherever required the vendor should develop customized
22 All logs transferred to SIEM should be Authenticated (timestamped across
multiple time zones) encrypted and compressed before transmission.

23 The proposed solution should support log collection from all major
operating systems and their versions but not limited to Windows, Linux,
AIX, Solaris etc.
24 The collectors should be able to store/retain both normalized & raw data
for forensic purposes
25 The proposed solution should have capabilities to store the event data in its
original format in the central log storage
26 The proposed system shall be able to capture all details in raw log, events
and alerts and normalize them into a standard format for easy
27 The proposed solution should support multiple log collection protocols.

28 The proposed solution should prevent tampering of any type of logs and log
any attempts to tamper logs. It must provide encrypted transmission of log
data to the log management.
29 The proposed solution (SIEM) should be able to perform the correlations
between different logs.
30 Events should be presented in a manner that is independent of device
specific syntax and easy to understand for all users

31 Log Retention should be customizable as per the customer requirement

32 The solution should be able to parse logs generated by custom developed

33 The solution should be able to send notification over multiple channels

34 The solution should be able to integrate with third party threat intelligence
sources over APIs to enrich events and cases

35 The solution should allow to create custom visualizations and graphs as per
customer requirement
36 The solution should allow access to the raw logs for investigation and RCA
37 The solution should be able to export dashboards as pdf reports.

38 The solution should have User management module for authentication and
39 The proposed solution should support log collection, correlation and alerts
for the number of devices /applications

40 The proposed solution must ensure all the system components continue to
operate when any other part of the system fails or loses connectivity.

41 The proposed solution must automate internal health checks and notify the
user in case of problems.
42 The proposed solutions should be able to collect data from new devices
added into the environment, without any disruption to the ongoing data
43 The proposed solution should have connectors to support all the
devices/applications of all project landscape described in this RFP.

44 The proposed solution should be able to continue to collect log data during
database backup, de-fragmentation and other management scenarios,
without any disruption to service
45 The proposed solution should provide options to load balance incoming
logs to multiple collector instances.
46 The proposed solution should support log collection from all operating
systems and their versions including but not limited to Windows, Unix,
Linux, etc.
47 The proposed solution should be able to store/retain both the log meta
data and the original raw message of the event log for forensic purposes.

48 The proposed solution should allow the creation of an unlimited number of

new correlation rules
49 The proposed solution should be able to integrate with security and threat
intelligence feeds data feeds (i.e. geographic mapping, known botnet
channels, known hostile networks, etc.) for the purpose of correlating
events. These data feeds should be updated automatically by the proposed

50 The proposed solution should be able to parse and correlate multi line logs

51 Events should be presented in a manner that is independent of device

specific syntax and easy to understand for all users

52 The dashboard should show the status of all the tools deployed as part of
the SIEM
53 It should be possible to categorize events while archiving for example,
events for network devices, antivirus, servers etc.

54 The Dashboard design for the proposed solution should be editable on an

ad hoc basis as per the individual user need
55 The proposed solution should allow applying filters and sorting to query
56 The proposed solution should generate alerts on e-mail notifications for all
critical/high risk alerts triggered from SIEM
57 The proposed solution should have the ability to perform free text searches
for events, incidents, rules and other parameters.
58 The proposed system should identify the originating system details while
capturing event data.

59 The proposed solution should be able to store both normalized and RAW
60 The Solution should have its own integrated case management to analyse
the alerts.
61 The solution should be able to send notification over multiple channels
integration such as slack, teams, telegram.
62 The solution should be able to categories the events based on the mitre
attack framework.

63 Solution should enable easy customizable dashboards visualizations:

· Bar chart
· Pie
· Donut
· Area Chart
· Line Chart

5.39 Threat Intelligence Management

Sl. Minimum Specifications or better Compliance Remarks

No. (Yes / No)
1 Provider offers an agent-free product, requiring no software of any kind to be installed,
and is fully manageable via a web-browser through a web-based administration console
2 Provider offers integration with third-party products via an open REST-based API, with
“out-the-box” integration for various security analytics, network and infrastructure,
orchestration and automation, and threat intelligence platforms, accomplished via
public/private API keys and oauth2 endpoints
3 Provider offers threat data fully integrated across all threat intelligence capabilities, in
addition to full integration with first-party endpoint security detection capabilities
4 Provider derives threat intelligence collection from multiple sources, to include but not
limited to, data collected across 20-30 million globally deployed sensors in over 180
countries collecting at least 3.5 trillion threat intelligence events per week, 100,000 hours
of provider serviced incident response (IR) engagements per year, 400,000+ unique
malware samples a day, deep and dark web chatroom and forums, deep and dark web
marketplaces, network telemetry, and the surface web
5 Provider offers an indicator-of-compromise database covering at least 14 IOC data-types,
to include but not limited to sha256, sha1, md5, IP address, domain, URL, mutex, and
bitcoin addresses, automatically generated from the data collected across 20-30 million
globally deployed sensors in over 180 countries collecting at least 500 billion threat
intelligence events per day
6 Provider includes context for indicator-of-compromise with attribution to malware family,
threat actor, cyber kill chain mapping, MITRE ATT&CK framework mapping, finished
intelligence (FINTEL) reporting, threat type, and targeted industry.

7 Provider offers confidence level assessment for every indicator-of-compromise

8 Provider offers integrated ability to view related indicators with no more than one-click in
the UI
9 Provider offers various filtering options for indicator-of-compromise (IOC), in particular the
IOC type, confidence level, malware family, threat actor, and threat target
10 Provider offers the ability to visualize indicator-of-compromise (IOC) relationships
between multiple IOCs, threat actors, intelligence reports and, if applicable, first-party
endpoint security product detections
11 Provider offers a comprehensive threat actor profile database, tracking over 140 publicly
named nation state, e-crime, and hacktivist threat actors while mapping tactics,
techniques, and procedures to the cyber kill chain while enumerating the threat actors
origin, last known activity, target nations, and target industries
12 Provider attributes e-crime threat actor tactics, techniques, and procedures to services
used, services offered, customers, victims, crimes, monetization methods, technical
tradecraft, and marketing
13 Provider offers various filtering options for the threat actor profile database, in particular
the ability to filter for origin, target country, target industry, and threat actor motivation
14 Provider offers ability to submit file samples for detonation in any combination of
Windows 7 32-bit, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 10 64-bit, Ubuntu Linux 64-bit, and
Android sandbox environments for static and dynamic analysis, to determine the
behaviors indicated when the sample is detonated, with analysis including threat actor
attribution and integration with a comprehensive threat actor profile database, finished
intelligence (FINTEL) reporting, indicator-of-compromise database, MITRE ATT&CK
framework mapping, and string comparison against providers malware database
comprised of over 1.3 billion samples
15 Provider sandbox offers the ability to detonate PE files (.exe, .scr, .pif, .dll, .com, .cpl, etc.),
Office (.doc, .docx, .ppt, pptx, .ppsx, .xls, .xlsx, .rtf, .pub), PDF, APK, executable JAR,
Windows Script Component (.sct), Windows Shortcut (.lnk), Windows Help (.chm), HTML
Application (.hta), Windows Script File (*.wsf), Javascript (.js), Visual Basic (*.vbs, *.vbe),
Shockwave Flash (.swf), Perl (.pl), Powershell (.ps1, .psd1, .psm1), Scalable Vector Graphics
(.svg), Python (.py) and Perl (.pl) scripts, Linux ELF executables, MIME RFC 822 (*.eml) and
Outlook *.msg files, and both unprotected and password protected ace, arj, 7z, bzip2,
gzip2, iso, rar, rev, tar, wim, xz, and zip archive files

16 Providers sandbox enriches any detonation with additional context from internal
intelligence data sources and malware repository
17 Provider sandbox is capable of being fully automated via an open REST-based API
18 Provider sandbox is capable of being integrated with first-party endpoint security product,
automating the delivery, detonation, and analysis of quarantined executable files
19 Provider offers manual, human-based malware forensics and analysis conducted on
customer submitted samples on an ad-hoc basis
20 Provider maintain a searchable repository of indexed malware containing no less than 1.9
billion samples including binaries, macros, document files, and other file types
21 Provider offers ability to identify malware with code reuse and string similarity through
YARA rule hunting, and ASCII, WIDE, and HEX string searching against providers malware
database containing 1.9 billion samples

22 Provider offers ability to be alerted when new malware samples matching specific YARA
hunts are added to providers malware database
23 Provider offers web-browser plug-in supporting customer open source (OSINT) data
enrichment and correlation by scraping indicators of compromise from the surface web
and in-browser documents, to include PDF documents, matching the data up against
provider threat intelligence. Supported scrapable indicators of compromise include,
domain, IP address, URL, sha256 file hash, sha1 file hash, md5 file hash, and Bitcoin
24 Provider offers attribution of alerts to known threat actors
25 Provider offers Continuous Monitoring by Human Analysts
26 Provider offers detailed information and descriptions of malware families
27 Provider offers in-depth analysis and reporting on threat actor trends
28 Provider offers on-demand analysis of IP addresses and domains
29 Provider offers threat intelligence collected from over 100,000 hours of provider serviced
incident response (IR) work per year
30 Provider offers threat intelligence collected from over 400,000 unique malware samples a
31 Provider leverages graph technology for storing and retrieving data from databases,
capturing individual nodes with freeform properties, and potential complex relationships
between nodes, and connecting these nodes via vertices for executing queries supporting
the understanding of patterns and connections between disparate data types

32 OEM should be running their business operations in India for last 4 years and must have
office based in India for atleast last 4 years
33 The proposed OEM Threat Intelligence solution should be positioned as leaders in latest
Forrester Wave Intelligence Services analyst report

5.40 VAPT Certification & STQC Audit for DC for every year

Sl. VAPT Certification & STQC Audit for DC for every year Technical Remark
No. Compliance
(Yes/ No)

1 Security Testing (including penetration and vulnerability test): Security test shall be conducted to
demonstrate security requirements at network layer and software applications

2 Components shall pass vulnerability and penetration testing for rollout of each phase
3 Components shall also pass web application security testing for portal, mobile app, and other
4 Security testing shall be carried out for exact same environment/architecture that shall be set up
for go-live
5 Penetration test shall be carried out periodically and vulnerability analysis shall be carried half-
yearly during maintenance phase
6 For all applications hosted on-cloud or hosted on premises, the security testing shall be a
mandatory requirement.


Technical Specification for Control Room Interior and Control Desk Technical Compliance Remark
System Integrator / Contractor to ensure that the control room interior solution
provider has all these certificates / reports prior to tender RFP release date, and these
certificates / test reports must be submitted along with the bid. These certificates are
mandatory to ensure that the solution meets the desired functionality & norms
therefore, general compliance / self-compliance shall be deemed unacceptable.

Sr. No. Specification

1. The purpose of this document is to define the specifications of control
room interior and control desk.

1.1 Scope of Work: The scope of the project includes designing;

engineering, supply & installation of 24X7 mission critical control centre
interiors. Being a project of national repute this state-of-the-art facility
& all its components like ceiling, flooring, paneling, glass partitions,
control desks, ceiling light & luminaire’s electrical etc. must look
integrated and therefore it shall be treated as a part of one single
solution i.e., Control room interior solution. Main bidder to submit MAF
(Manufacturer's Authorization Form) from one professional control
room interior solution. To ensure an integrated solution, to qualify as
per the international control room design & safety norms; main bidder
shall bring one single professional control room interior solution
provider on board with an experience of designing, manufacturing and
installing at least twenty control room interiors along with control desk.
Corresponding purchase orders/work orders and their
appreciation/completion letters to be submitted along with the bid.

1.2 The Control Room Interior Solution Provider shall have experience of
supplying below products in any one year out of last seven financial
years to qualify: -
a) Acoustic Modular Metal Paneling / Partition – minimum 300 Sq.
b) Acoustic Modular Metal False Ceiling - minimum 300 Sq. Meter

c) Acoustic laminate/carpet flooring – minimum 300 Sq. Meter

d) At least 50 control desk modules with modular removable

Polyurethane Edge.
1.3 It is mandatory for the main bidder that the control room interior
solution provider supplies all elements & executes all the activities at
site like ceiling, flooring, control desks, paneling, partitions &
illumination to avoid interface & quality related issues.
1.4 The critical components of the control room i.e., designer metal ceiling,
carpet/laminated flooring, modular metal wall paneling/partitions shall
not emit formaldehydes, TVOC beyond permissible limits i.e. 9 μg/m³,
0.22 mg/m³ respectively. This is to ensure healthier air quality for the
operators. Therefore, the control room interior shall be greenguard
gold certified (Modular metal ceiling, Flooring & Modular metal wall
paneling) from UL / Intertek. Valid certificate/report to be submitted
along with the technical bid.

1.5 The paneling/partition shall be of factory-made removable type self

inter lockable metal panels with front sheet of Preformed Textured Hot
dip galvanized sheet with rigid polyvinylchloride (PVC) film on one side
and on the other side a coating to avoid rust (sheet thickness 0.6mm &
PVC Coating at least 0.11mm). The metal wall Paneling and Partitions
surface finish shall be made up of EN ISO 11925-2, EN 13823 certified
material. The ceiling material shall be of factory made acoustic modular
metal false ceiling of powder coated panels.

1.6 The project demands for a contemporary, aesthetically appealing,

ergonomically designed, safe and 24X7 working facility. Conventional
wooden cladding, Gypsum, Aluminum Composite panels, Laminates,
Fabric, Paint, Plaster of paris (for control room area) are prone to
damages & ageing. These components shall not be used to ensure
maintenance free working environment. Control room interior solution
provider to submit an undertaking on letterhead to comply the same.

1.7 Tiles Perforation – To achieve acoustics without deteriorating the

aesthetical appeal of the control room it is necessary that the wall
paneling shall have micro-perforations (less than 1.6mm diameter
each) all over the surface with a density of 5000 holes per square feet.
Audit certified design feature on modular wall paneling tile having clean
perforations and providing smooth finish on front fascia of tiles. The tile
shall have 5000 holes per square feet on front side of the tile. Valid audit
certificate (from UL / Intertek) to be submitted along with the technical
1.8 To provide acoustically superior environment and ensure proper
attenuation of airborne sound, it is necessary that the sound
transmission class (STC) value of wall paneling and partition shall be
minimum 35 (According to IS: 9901 (Part III) – 1981, DIN 52210 Part IV-
1984, IS0: 16283 (Part I) -2014, test report (from UL / Intertek) to be
submitted along with the technical bid.

1.9 As control room is a mission critical area and in an unlikely case of

damage to the existing wall paneling tiles the same shall be replaceable
within 20 seconds and thereby preventing loss of time of operators and
ongoing operations. Audit Certified feature of Modular wall paneling
tile having secure locking arrangement for equidistant mounting.
Locking arrangement enables easy replacement without using any tool
within 20 seconds. The feature shall provide easy flexibility of locking
all tiles in one column through gravity. Valid audit certificate (from UL /
Intertek) to be submitted along with the technical bid.

1.1 The wall paneling shall be robust & strong enough to sustain the routine
loads/minor impacts of typical control room environment. The wall
paneling/partition structure shall have audit certified feature of Load
bearing capacity of 300 Kgs to hold any display unit on clamp having
minimum length of 750mm. Valid audit certificate (from UL / Intertek)
to be submitted along with the technical bid.

1.11 Seismic safety of user & control room equipment is a prime concern
area. The metal paneling, metal linear plank ceiling & false flooring shall
sustain the seismic vibrations as per design spectrum IS 1893 for zone
4 or better vibrations. The test shall be carried out by authorized
government agency. Test Report to be submitted along with the
technical bid.

1.12 From fire safety point of view the metal wall paneling tiles shall be class
A fire rated as per the norms of comparative measurements of surface
flame spread and smoke density measurements with that of select
grade red oak and fiber-cement board surfaces under the specific fire
exposure conditions. The proposed metal paneling & metal ceiling tiles
shall be Class A certified/tested as per ASTM e84 (from UL / Intertek)
for surface spread of flame and smoke generation. This is mandatory to
ensure that the materials used in the interiors do not provoke fire. Valid
certificate / report to be submitted along with the technical bid.
1.13 The modular metal paneling & metal ceiling shall comply to the lead-
free directive to ensure restriction of hazardous substances so that the
final product does not contaminate the environment. The final product
i.e., modular metal paneling & metal ceiling does not contain hazardous
substances and we give a healthy life to our coming generations it is
necessary that the modular metal paneling & metal ceiling system shall
be RoHS certified/tested (from UL / Intertek). Valid certificate to be
submitted along with the technical bid.

1.14 To avoid dark spots/areas in the control room it is necessary that

continuous linear lights are used across the width/length of the control
room. Audit certified design feature of integrated channel in ceiling for
quick installation & replaceability of continuous linear light. The ceiling
system having integrated inbuilt channel for installation of cove lights
and shall permit quick and easy replacement of cove light without using
any tools. Replacement to be carried out within 120 Seconds per meter.
Valid audit certificate (from UL / Intertek) to be submitted along with
the technical bid.

1.15 Illumination: - Control Room illumination shall be designed as per ISO

11064 norms.
1.16 Metal modular false ceiling shall have Noise absorption coefficient
(NRC) value 0.60 according to IS:8225-1987, ISO: 354-1985 and ASTM
423-90. Test report to be submitted along with the technical bid.

1.17 Designer Acoustic Laminate Flooring

To avoid distraction of users because of unwanted noise generated
from movement of chairs/people in the room it is necessary that the
proposed flooring shall damp such impact noises. Acoustic flooring
(shall reduce impact sound by 14dB (ISO 717-2)). It shall be twin-layer
linoleum built up from minimum 2mm acoustic laminate and a 2mm
cerement backing. Flooring shall be decorative type of approved shade,
pattern, texture, and design and of approved manufacturer.
Dimensions shall be as per the final approved design and site
requirement. Flooring shall be laid over concrete floor with laying
compound strictly as per manufacturer’s specification.

1.18 Designer False flooring

a) Mandatory – Top surface shall be acoustic laminate flooring. Height
above the RCC floor – upto 150 to 450mm as per layout. The flooring
shall be manufactured of fiber reinforced calcium sulphate panels
having edges finished with PVC edge band and top surface shall be
finished with durable & environment friendly acoustic laminate pasted
with glue. Tile size shall be 600mm X 600mm.

b) The Panel shall have density of 1600KgM3 , Fire resistance DIN EN

1366-6 2005-02, Core material thickness shall be minimum 30mm.

c) The acoustic laminate shall be made up of twin-layer linoleum built

up from 2mm Laminate.
This false floor panel shall rest on Edge support rigid grid system having
Galvanized Iron base plate dimensions as 100mm X 100mm. The
stringer shall be fixed on pedestal having height adjustment of ±25mm.

1.19 Straight Glass Partition Material (12mm thick toughened glass)

1) Full height glass partitions walls shall be made of 12mm toughened

glass with frame-less structure. Proper structure shall be made to
ensure the fixing of glass from RCC slab above false ceiling and holding
channels on flooring.

2) Straight and vertical structural members shall not be visible. Glass

shall be fitted on extrusion with tool less technology and having a
provision for replacing glass with perforated sheet/acoustic tile by
removing the glass.

3) NOTE: - The nature of installation shall be replaceable, expandable

and flexible to cater the future expansion/technical up-gradation.

1.2 12mm thick Frameless tempered clear glass door with fittings (Single /
Double Doors): - With door spring and locking arrangements and both
way handle and patch fittings.

1.21 Metallic Door (Single / Double Doors): - With door hinges and locking
arrangements and both way handle. Prepare with rigid thermo fused
film metal panels. Specification: 0.6mm thick Metal panel sheets,
internal cavity filled with adequate quantity of honeycomb. Material of
the partition and that of metal door will remain the same. The door
thickness shall be minimum 45mm and frame thickness shall be
minimum 115mm.
1.22 The Control Desk shall conform to high standard of engineering as
mentioned in the document; meeting the specified codes, standards
and designs. It shall be capable of performing 24X7 operations under
the specified environmental condition in compliance to control room
ergonomic norms i.e. ISO 11064. All the certificates and reports
mentioned below and in BOQ shall be submitted along with the
technical bid.

1.22.1 Structure: -
Made of heavy-duty extruded vertical and horizontal aluminium
profiles. The extrusions shall be duly powder coated with 40+ microns
over all surfaces. All sheet metal parts shall be finished with a durable,
black, electrostatic powder coating. OEM shall have a valid trademark
registration certificate issued by the Government of India for the
Control Desk proposed in this tender. Valid Trademark registration
certificate to be submitted along with the technical bid.

To allow future extension and expansion, a weld-free system shall be

proposed. Interconnecting joints shall not be visible. The structure shall
be rigid enough to withstand BIFMA X5.5 tests. OEM shall have had
BIFMA X5.5 certificate for at least seven years prior to April 1st, 2023.
The structure shall allow easy assembly of hinged shutters, slat wall,
gland plate, and monitor arms in extremely rigid manner. Valid
certificate of BIFMA X5.5 from authorized agencies to be submitted
along with technical Bid.

1.22.2 The EPD (Environmental product declaration) of Control Desk shall be

verified in accordance with ISO 14025 (from UL/Intertek) for Impacts on
Environment by Control Desk. Valid report/document from UL/Intertek
to be submitted along with the technical bid.

1.22.3 Table top: - The material of the working surface shall be minimum 25
mm thick MDF with High-Pressure laminate. The proposed Control
Desk’s life cycle should be assessed (from approved LCA consultant) for
environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product's life
for cradle to grave analysis. Valid report/document from UL/Intertek to
be submitted along with the technical bid.

1.22.4 Slat Wall: - Slat wall shall be made of approximately 2mm thick
extruded aluminium (aluminium alloy). The proposed Control Desk shall
be UL Listed and valid certificate to be submitted along with the
technical bid.
1.22.5 Modular removable PU nosing: The front edge of consoles is the
component which comes in frequent contact of the operator. The soft
polyurethane edge is meant to prevent injury (accidental impact) to
operator during emergency and it also reduces the contact stress. In
case of damage to this edge the desk design shall permit quick & easy
replacement within half an hour without taking any shutdowns or
removal of the tabletops. Audit certified design feature of modular PU
Edge: High-density poly-urethane foam moulded on industrial grade
aluminium core to form 50mm deep tapered edge to be installed on
worktop. In case of damage or wear, the edge shall be mechanically
replaceable within 30 minutes without opening or removing the
worktop. Valid UL audit certificate to be submitted along with the
technical bid. Extruded PU edging/PVC T-beading shall be deemed

1.22.6 Monitor Arm: - The Console shall feature ergonomic display mounting
arms. It shall enable quick & easy replacement of VESA mounts & arm
extensions as per the ergonomic. UL audit certified design feature of
monitor arm assembly shall have auto lock, push & remove feature for
quick release of VESA mounts and modular arm extensions for ease in
maintenance and fixing of monitor by one technician within 30 seconds
without using any tools. Valid UL audit certificates to be submitted
along with the technical bid.

1.22.7 The proposed control desk shall be ANSI/BIFMA e3-2019

certified/tested at least for level 3 from UL/Intertek as per Furniture
Sustainability Standard to identify the sustainability level of the
furniture with respect to the environmental, health & wellness, and
social impacts applicable to product(s). Valid certificate to be submitted
along with the technical bid.

1.22.8 Shutters & Side Legs: - Front, and back shutters shall be of 18 mm
Laminated MDF Board with premium finish. Side leg shall be of 25mm
of the same finish. The proposed console shall be Greenguard Gold
certified. OEM shall have had this certificate for at-least five years prior
to April 1st, 2023. Valid certificate from UL/Intertek to be submitted
along with the technical bid.
1.22.9 Cable Trays and Wiring: - The Console shall be designed with vertical
and horizontal cable trays to allow for continuous cable management
between the cabinets. Wire shall be routed into the cabinet through
gland plate. The proposed console shall be RoHS Certified/tested from
UL/Intertek and the valid certificate/ test report shall be submitted
along with the technical bid.

1.22.10 Hardware: - All bolts shall be of SS material to avoid rust due to

environment. The remaining hardware shall be Nickel Plated MS.


Conventional Fire Alarm System

Sl No. Technical Specification Technical Compliance
A General Requirements
1 Conventional Fire Alarm Panel with support for 2 Zone
or more, in-built auto-dialer (4G GSM and PSTN
support), in-built TCP/IP Communication Module for
connectivity with Central Monitoring Software, Tactile
Keypad for easy operation, CE Certified
2 Smoke Detector with accessories including response
indicator and Manual Call Point - 2 Sets to be installed
in each partition
3 Hooter cum Strobe with separate power supply and
inbuilt Li-ion Battery to ensure function even incase of
power failure - 1 No. to be installed in each partition
4 At least 10% spares to be delivered to ensure proper
Technical Requirements
1 Fire Alarm Panel should provide LED indication of
system and individual zone status. 16*2 characters
LED display or better
2 Fire Alarm should have in-built UPS type
SMPS with inbuilt battery charger
3 Fire Alarm should have in-built transient protection
for power supply and mother board.
4 Fire Panel should have tactile keypad for easy panel
5 Fire Alarm Panel should have facility to detect hooter
6 Fire Alarm Panel should have internal memory for
logging at least 200 events
7 Fire Panel should have in-built Inbuilt TCP/IP module
to communicate with Central Moniotring Software
and integration with Video Management Software
should be supported for alarm monitoring
8 Fire Alarm System should be installed and wiring
should be done as per OEM guidelines and same
should be certified by OEM.
OEM Criteria
1 OEM should have ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 27001
certification and direct presence in India.
2 OEM of Fire Alarm System should have supplied Fire
Alarms to at least 1 Central/State/PSU institution in
the last 3 years.
3 OEM of Fire Alarm system should confirm integration
with offered VMS for single dashboard alarm
monitoring. Also same confirmation is required from
4 OEM/Authorized Distributor of OEM should have
direct presence in India along with Helpdesk and
dedicated support technicians for providing remote
and on- site service support.
5 MAF from OEM of Fire Alarm is mandatory. MAF
should confirm back-to-back support for the entire
duration of the project lifecycle.

Feature Spec
Sl. No. Spec Details Technical
Compliance Remark
1 The Main Digital Addressable Water Leak Detection Panel shall Operate on 230 V A.C.
with battery backup. It will provide supervision of Interface modules. The Main Water
Leak Detection Panel shall provide minimum:
1. 10.1 inch Touch Screen Display to indicate Module No. and distance to Leak
Location in Meters.
2. Event Log with date and time.
3. SIM Naming facility.
4. RS485 Communication with Interface Modules.
5. Builtin Modbus/Bacnet output for BMS Communication.
6. Built-In audible sounder and one Common Hooter Output.
7. Fault Relay output.
8. Common Alarm Relay Output.

2 The Water Leak Interface Module shall operate with A.C. local supply. The Water
Leak Interface Module shall provide supervision for the water sensing cable. The
Interface Module shall provide, at minimum, the following:
1. Sensing cable capacity 150 mtrs.
2. LCD display to indicate distance to Leak Location in Meters .
3. Red LED for Power On.
4. Red LED for Alarm.
5. Fault Relay output.
6. Common Alarm Relay Output.
7. RS485 Communication with Main Water Leak Detection Panel
8. Built-In audible sounder and one Common Hooter Output.
3 The Liner Water Leak Cable shall provide, at minimum, the following:
1. Water detection cable shall consist of 4 conductors, 2 water sensitive and 2
2. The cable shall be restorable and corrosion resistant, and shall not require
replacement after being wet.
3. Maximum length of Liner Leak Detection Cable not to exceed 150 meters
per Interface Module.
4. Cable shall be installed in the path of a potential water leak.
The sounder shall give audible alarm when any sensor operates. It shall be complete
with electronic oscillations, magnetic coil (sound coil) and accessories ready for
mounting (fixing). The sound output from the Hooter should not be less than 85
decibels at the source point.



Compliance Remark
1 . The cloud service provider (CSP) should have been operating in India for the last 5 years

2 · CSP should be a registered firm or a company in India and the proposed Data
Centers (DC & DR) should have jurisdiction in India

3 · Neither the current organization nor the holding company should have been
Debarred and / or blacklisted by any organizations of Govt. of India/ Central PSU/ state
government entities as on bid submission date

4 · Proposed Cloud Service Provider (CSP) should be STQC audited and MeiTY
empanelled and offer all services from India only as per guidelines of MeiTY

5 · The CSP must have a turnover of at least 200 Crore in each of the last 5 years or 500
Crore in each of the last 3 years from data center and cloud services.

6 · The Primary and DR Data Centre (Cloud) shall be physically located in India. The
proposed Datacenter for DR should be at least 100 KM from current Primary Datacenter,
and it should not be in same River Flood plain

7 · The proposed data center must be Tier III or above for better availability of cloud
services and certified under:
o TIA 942/ Uptime Institute Certification
o Data Centre should be either Seismic Zone-II or Seismic Zone-III only

8 · CSP to have ISO-22301 certification for business continuity.

9 · CSP should be a Leader in latest Gartner Magic Quadrant for “Cloud Infrastructure
as a Service”.
10 · CSP should have minimum 2 data centers each empanelled with MEITY to be used
as DC and DR which are atleast 500 km apart.

11 · The CSP should provide financially backed SLAs for all the services offered and these
SLAs should be declared in public portal of CSP.

12 · The CSP should provide native marketplace with certified applications which can be
deployed on cloud. The CSP should also provide capability for administrators to create
private marketplace with images from the public marketplace.
13 · The CSP should provide all variants of cloud service as per MeiTY guidelines.
o Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS),
o Platform as a Service (PaaS)
o Software as a Service (SaaS)

14 · The CSP must provide the following services from both DC and DR proposed in this
o VM and dedicated physical server based compute services for x64 platform
o Multiple options of storage including managed disks, unmanaged disks, block storage,
file share and data lake storage in multiple performance tiers.
o PaaS services for analytics, AI, Kubernetes and container based offerings.
o Options for container registry and resource template libraries to support faster
deployment and best practice implementation.
o CI/CD services to support quick dev and test deployments.
o Support for both proprietary and open source versions of Linux distributions
o Managed instances and Database as a service for Microsoft SQL, MYSQL and
o Certified marketplace for purchase of third party solutions.
o Options for shipping of data from CSP to department if required for backup purposes
o Native Firewall, EDR and WAF services both as a native PaaS from the CSP as well as
certified third party solutions selectable from a marketplace hosted by the CSP without
intervention from CSP.
o Native Bastion host as a service to ensure secure and resilient access to VMs without
opening up public IP addresses.
o Native CSP VPN based access to cloud services to ensure no open direct public IP based
access to any cloud service under this RFP.
o Native CSP provided Media services and CDN for media streaming and large file
transfer between department/organization and CSP
o Offering for perimeter, host and in-memory security solutions for the compute and
storage offerings provided by CSP.
15 · The CSP should be a OEM of the following native services:
o Layer 3 and Layer 4 Firewall
o Layer 7 Firewall (WAF)
o Vulnerability Scanner
o Endpoint Security
o Backup Tools
o Disaster Recovery Tools
16 · The CSP should have minimum following experiences.
o Providing the Public Cloud Services (PaaS, SaaS) in India for last 5 years
o Should have minimum 10 Government / Private Customer reference/ PO in India
o Should have minimum 05 reference of Government Entity in India for providing (PaaS,
SaaS) Services.

17 · CSP should support both BYOL (Bring your own license) as well as PAYG (Pay as you
go). The OS offered should come with continuous updates and upgrades for the entire
contract duration.

18 · Monitoring services for cloud resources hosted in the data center and support for
customized report generation.
19 · The CSP should support per hour, per month and options for long term (1 yr. & 3 yr.)
reservation of compute VMs and DB as a service for MYSQL, PostGreSQL and Microsoft
SQL servers.

20 · The CSP should provide options for dynamic pricing as well as fix unit pricing of all
the resources proposed under this RFP for a period of 5 years.

21 · CSP should have accreditations relevant to security, availability, confidentiality,

processing integrity, and/or privacy Trust Services principles. SOC 1, SOC 2, SOC 3.

22 · Data Centers should be compliant at a minimum with the following:

o ISO 9001
o ISO/IEC 27001
o ISO/IEC 27017
o ISO/IEC 27018
o ISO/IEC 27701
o PCI DSS Level 1

23 · CSP should support a minimum uptime of 99.5% for each of its services. A publicly
available documentation needs to be provided for the same.

24 · The CSP must support dedicated connectivity from atleast 3 ISP providers for
department/organization to chose between at the time of deployment.

SPECIFICTION FOR CLOUD SERVICES for Guwahati Intelligent City Surveillance Project Technical Remark
1 Minimum VM and Compute Requirements:
· Virtual Machines offered should be with the latest generation processor offered by
the processor OEM.
· Physical core to vCPU ratio should not be more than 1:2 for all proposed Virtual
· Ability to automatically increase/scale the number of Instances/VMs during demand
spikes to maintain performance (i.e. ‘scale-out’)
· Cloud service architecture should be in such a way that avoids VM outages or
downtime when the provider is performing any kind of hardware or service maintenance
at the host level

· Required Operating System should be offered along with the Virtual Machines and
should support both BYOL (Bring your own license) as well as PAYG (Pay as you go). The
OS offered should come with continuous updates and upgrades for the entire contract

· MSP should have capability to provide dedicated hosts in its native Cloud
Infrastructure in India, which allows usage of existing third-party software license

· CSP Should offer monthly uptime of 99.5% or higher (as published in the CSP’s
Public Portal)
· Cloud provider should offer the following instance types –
o General Purpose – optimized for generic applications and provides a balance of
compute, memory, and network resources.
o Memory optimized – optimized for memory applications.
o Compute optimized – optimized for compute applications.
o Storage optimized – include very fast/large amount of local storage for NoSQL
databases and Hadoop.
o GPU – intended for graphics and general-purpose GPU compute applications

· Cloud provider should offer instances that provide a baseline level of CPU
performance with the ability to burst above the baseline.

· Cloud provider should offer instances that run on hardware dedicated to a single
Guwahati Smart City Ltd.
· Cloud provider should offer instances that can run nested virtual machines, that is
virtual machine inside a virtual machine.

· Cloud provider should be able to support following Linux distributions - Red Hat,
SUSE, Ubuntu, CentOS, and Debian

· Cloud provider should be able to support the last two major Windows Server

· Guwahati Smart City Ltd must be able to specify and modify server configuration
(CPU, memory, storage) parameters seamlessly.

· Cloud service should support local storage for compute instances to be used for
temporary storage of information that changes frequently.

· Cloud service must offer self-service provisioning of multiple instances concurrently

either through a programmatic interface (API/CLI) or through a management console.
· Guwahati Smart City Ltd should be able to logically group instances together for
applications that require low network latency and/or high network throughput.

· Guwahati Smart City Ltd should be able to split and host instances across different
physical data centers to ensure that a single physical failure event does not take all
instances offline.

· Cloud service should be able to automatically increase the number of instances

during demand spikes to maintain performance and decrease capacity during lulls to
reduce costs.

· Guwahati Smart City Ltd should be able to import their existing image and save it as
a new, privately available image that can then be used to provision instances in the

· Cloud service must support the ability to take an existing running instance or a copy
of an instance and export the instance into a VMDK or VHD image format.

· Cloud service must be architected in such a way to avoid instance outages or

downtime when the provider is performing any kind of hardware or service maintenance.

· Cloud service must be architected in such a way to automatically restart instances

on a healthy host if the original physical host fails.

· Cloud provider must be able to schedule events for Guwahati Smart City Ltd’s
instances, such as a reboot, stop/start, or retirement. Depending on the event, Guwahati
Smart City Ltd might be able to take action to control the timing of the event.

· Cloud service should support containers, including Docker and/or other

containerization platforms.
· Cloud provider should offer a highly scalable, high performance container
management service.
· Cloud service should be able to run Guwahati Smart City Ltd code in response to
events and automatically manage the compute resources.

· Cloud provider should offer license portability and support for Microsoft apps like
SQL Server and SharePoint Server, Active Directory as service

· Cloud provider should offer license portability and support for Oracle apps like
Oracle Database 11g, 12c etc.
· Cloud provider should offer license portability and support for IBM apps like DB2
and WebSphere.
· Cloud provider should offer a simple pay-as-you-go pricing where Guwahati Smart
City Ltds can pay for compute capacity by the hour with no long-term commitments.

· Cloud provider should offer VMs with upto 4 TB size.

· Cloud provider should be able to support running Generation 2 virtual machines

2 Minimum Storage Requirements:

· For all volumes pertaining to production VMs, Solid State Device (SSD) based Block
Storage should be offered providing minimum 4 IOPS per GB per Volume.

· For the proposed Block Storage, CSP should offer the capability to increase the
Volume size in minimum increments of 10GB or lower so that charges are for the actual
usage. Offers the ability to increase the size of an existing block storage volume without
having to provision a new volume and copy/move the data.
· Block Storage with minimum monthly uptime of 99.99% or higher (as published in
the CSP’s Public Portal)
· Object storage should be replicated across multiple DC’s for better resiliency and
should be designed for 99.99% availability and 99.99999999999999% (16 9's) durability.

· Support complete eradication of data such that it is no longer readable or accessible

by unauthorized users and/or third parties.

· Offer server-side encryption of data ‘at-rest’, i.e., data stored on volumes and
· Offer object storage tiering capability, i.e. the ability to recommend transitioning an
object between object storage classes based on its frequency of access.
· Object Storage
o Cloud provider should offer secure, durable, highly scalable object storage for storing
and retrieving any amount of data from the web.
o Cloud provider should support an extremely low-cost storage for archival. The CSP
should automatically tier the data.
o Cloud service should support encryption for data at rest using 256-bit Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES-256) encryption to encrypt your data.
o Cloud service should support encryption using Guwahati Smart City Ltd provided keys.
These keys should be used to manage both the encryption, as data is written to disks, and
decryption, when data is accessed.
o Management Service that creates encryption keys, defines the policies that control
how keys can be used, and audits key usage to prove they are being used correctly.
o Cloud Service should support managing an object's lifecycle by using a lifecycle
configuration, which defines how objects are managed during their lifetime, from
creation/initial storage to deletion.
o Cloud provider should provide a strong regional isolation, so that objects stored in a
region never leave the region unless Guwahati Smart City Ltd explicitly transfers them to
another region.
o Cloud service should be able to send notifications when certain events happen at the
object level (addition/deletion).
o Cloud service should be able to host a website that uses client side technologies (such
as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) and does not require server-side technologies (such as PHP
and ASP.NET).
o Cloud Service should support versioning, where multiple versions of an object can be
kept in one bucket. Versioning protects against unintended overwrites and deletions.
o Cloud service should support flexible access-control policies to manage permissions for
o Cloud service should be able to provide audit logs on storage buckets including details
about a single access request, such as the requester, bucket name, request time, request
action, response status, and error code.
o CSP should offer a mechanism to avoid accidental deletion of data. In such case data
when deleted should be preserved for a minimum of 3 months.
o Cloud service should support a lower cost option for noncritical, reproducible data at
lower levels of redundancy.
o Cloud service should allow uploading a single object as a set of parts where each part
is a contiguous portion of the object's data and these object parts can be uploaded
independently and in any order.
o Cloud provider should offer a service to speed up distribution of static and dynamic
web content.
o Cloud service should support read-after-write consistency for PUT operations for new
o Cloud provider should offer a storage gateway appliance for seamlessly storing on-
premises data to the cloud.
o Cloud provider should support moving large amounts of data into the cloud by
bypassing the internet.
o Cloud provider should support moving large amounts of data out of the cloud by
bypassing the internet.
o Cloud provider should support replicating data to DR site and should provide read-only
access to the replicated data.
· File Storage
o Cloud provider should offer a simple scalable file storage service to use with compute
instances in the cloud.
o Cloud service should offer SSD backed storage media to provide the throughput, IOPS,
and low latency needed for a broad range of workloads.
o Cloud service should support petabyte-scale file systems and allow thousands of
concurrent NFS connections.
o Cloud service should support consistent low latency performance between 5-15 MS at
any scale.
o Cloud service should support scalable IOPS and throughput performance at any scale.
o Cloud service should support thousands of instances so that many users can access
and share a common data source.
o Cloud service should automatically scale up or down as files are added or removed
without disrupting applications.
o Cloud service should be highly durable - file system object (i.e. directory, file, and link)
should be redundantly stored across multiple datacentres.
o Cloud service should support read after write consistency (each read and write
operation is guaranteed to return the most recent version of the data).

3 Cloud Native Monitoring & Management & Security Services

· Cloud Resource Monitoring: Capability to monitor cloud environment centrally,
custom monitoring metrics, monitor and store logs, view graphs & statistics, set alarms,
monitor and react to resource changes. Support monitoring of custom metrics generated
by applications and services and any log files your applications generate. Gain system-
wide visibility into resource utilization, application performance, and operational health,
using these insights to react intelligently and keep applications running smoothly.

· Audit Trail: Logs of all user activity within a CSP account including actions taken
through the CSP's Management Console, CSP's SDKs, command line tools, and other CSP
services. The recorded information includes the identity of the API caller, the time of the
API call, the source IP address of the API caller, the request parameters, and the response
elements returned by the Cloud service.

· Cloud Advisor: Analyses the Cloud environment and provides best practice
recommendations (or checks) in five categories: cost optimization, security, fault
tolerance, performance, and service limits.

· Cloud Service Providers must offer Cloud native turnkey SIEM offering by which
GSCL can configure real-time analysis and alerting of security events. At a minimum, the
integration or service must support alerting, log retention and some form of forensic
analysis that is able to search across logs and periods of time for patterns.
· Cloud Service Providers must include, at minimum, a local identity management
system (that is, local accounts) with granular role-based authorization for network
services in both the service interfaces and management console. At a minimum, the role-
based authorization must support assigning authorization based on individual users and
groups of users and delineation must be assignable per firewall, load balancer, IP address
and network segment and support, as applicable, the following granular actions: create,
delete and configure.

· Cloud Service Providers must allow GSCL to access the cloud service via an IPsec
VPN tunnel or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) VPN tunnel over the public Internet. This must
be a self-service capability from the provider side, although Guwahati Smart City Ltd will
have to make configurations on their end.

· CSP must provide an option to the Guwahati Smart City Ltd to encrypt the data on
the instance block storage volume so that data remains encrypted at rest. This must be a
simple, self-service option when the instance is provisioned.

· The block and object storage services must offer GSCL the self-service ability from
both management console and Command Line Interface to opt into provider-enabled
server side encryption (SSE) for objects or object hierarchies within the storage service.

· Large instance support: Providers must offer GSCL instances with a large number of
processor cores and memory for processor- or memory intensive use cases. The provider
must be able to provide instances that support at 128 vCPUs and 3072 GB of RAM.

· Cloud provider should offer a dashboard that displays up-to-the minute information
on service availability across multiple regions.

· Cloud provider should offer 365 days’ worth of Service Health Dashboard (SHD)
· Cloud provider should offer a service acts like a customized cloud expert and helps
provision resources by following best practices.

· Monitoring tools that will enable collection and tracking metrics, collection and
monitoring log files, set alarms, and automatically react to changes in the provisioned
resources. The monitoring tools should be able to monitor resources such as compute
and other resources to gain system-wide visibility into resource utilization, application
performance, and operational health.
· Able to define guidelines for provisioning and configuring cloud resources and then
continuously monitor compliance with those guidelines. Ability to choose from a set of
pre-built rules based on common best practices or custom rules (e.g., ensure Storage
volumes are encrypted, Compute instances are properly tagged, and Elastic IP addresses
(EIPs) are attached to instances) and continuously monitor configuration changes to the
cloud resources and provides a new dashboard to track compliance status.

· Provide Audit Trail of the account activity to enable security analysis, resource
change tracking, and compliance auditing

· CSP should offer a fully managed service in India that makes it easy to identify
potentially fraudulent online activities such as online payment fraud and the creation of
fake accounts.

· CSP should provide in India, a single location to track migration tasks across multiple
cloud native tools and partner solutions certified on the cloud to provide visibility into

· CSP should offer a fully managed service in India, that lets Guwahati Smart City Ltd
easily create and publish interactive dashboards that include ML Insights. The dashboards
should be accessible from any device, and embedded into your applications, portals, and

· Web Application Firewall (Layer 7): Protection from attacks by filtering based on
rules that create. Filter web requests based on IP addresses, HTTP headers, HTTP body, or
URI strings, which allows to block common attack patterns, such as SQL injection or cross-
site scripting that could affect application availability, compromise security, or consume
excessive resources. Features like protection against Web visibility, east of deployment
and maintenance, integrated security.

· DDoS Protection: Managed DDoS protection service that defends against most
common, frequently occurring network and transport layer DDoS attacks that target web
site or applications. When used with Content Delivery Network and global DNS service,
should provide comprehensive availability protection against all known infrastructure
(Layer 3, 4 and 7) attacks. Should provide always-on detection and automatic inline
mitigations, minimize application downtime and latency.

· Identity and Access Management: Service that properly separates users by their
identified roles and responsibilities, thereby establishing least privilege and ensuring that
users have only the permissions necessary to perform their assigned tasks.
· Managed Threat Detection Service: Continuously monitor for malicious or
unauthorized behaviour to help protect accounts and workloads. It should monitor for
activity such as unusual API calls or potentially unauthorized deployments that indicate a
possible account compromise. The service should also detect potentially compromised
instances or reconnaissance by attackers.

· Appropriately configure the security groups in accordance with the Client’s

networking policies.
· Regularly review the security group configuration and instance assignment in order
to maintain a secure baseline.
· Secure and appropriately segregate / isolate data /application by functionality using
DMZs, subnets etc
· Ensure that the cloud infrastructure and all systems hosted on it, respectively, are
properly monitored for unauthorized activity.

· Properly implementing anti-malware and host-based intrusion detection systems on

their instances, as well as any required network-based intrusion detection systems in
accordance with the Client’s Security policies.

· Review the audit logs to identify any unauthorized access to the Client’s systems.

5.44 Geographical Information Systems (GIS)

The GIS platform integrated with a city surveillance system can enhance inter-departmental coordination and communication
by providing a common operating picture for all stakeholders involved in public safety and emergency response. This can lead
to faster response times and better decision-making during critical situations.

An indicative list of use cases which the Master System Integrator (MSI)/ Implementation Agency (IA) will be required to
implement is given below. As and when the system expands, and more applications get added the Master System Integrator
(MSI)/ Implementation Agency (IA) is required to be open to all such subsequent additions. Exact definition of the use cases
shall be finalized as SRS(Software Requirement Specification) stage.

S.no. Function Use Case Display Information Stakeholder

1 Video camera Show location , attributes Location coordinates, working condition Department officials
surveillance and working condition of with whole attribute information display on
Mapping all assets viz. Cameras click with live feed on GIS /Web GIS Map.

2 Video camera Video camera site location Display of IFOV on click at any location with Department officials,
surveillance optimisation and analysis opening angle and viewing distance on 3D City Planners
Mapping for planning GIS/ Web GIS Map environment.
3 Video camera Significant location Gap IFOVs of all installed camera assets with a Department officials,
surveillance and Analysis buffer of view adjustment with all significant City Planners
viewing Analytics high security locations in the city for
surveillance coverage analytics

4 Video camera Camera view link Linking of live GPS location of app based Department officials,
surveillance and optimisation for tracking Services with camera (IFOV) for on the fly City Planners,
viewing Analytics (Live GPS) live view display of camera feed. It will be Surveillance
used for tracking /Geo-fencing of App department (police)
Based Vehicles services.

5 Video camera Camera view link Linking of moving asset with respect to Department officials,
surveillance and optimisation for speed and camera location (IFOV) for on City Planners,
viewing Analytics tracking(Speed) the fly live view display of camera feed. Surveillance
department (police)

6 Environment Display of location of all Display location and data retrieved from all Department officials,
sensor analytics environment sensor environmental sensor and display bar City Planners, Citizen
graphs and charts in near real time updates
on click.
7 Environment Sensor data based alert Display of sensor environment factor data Department officials,
sensor analytics generation in spatio-temporal genre and generation of City Planners, Citizen
alert to citizen within effective area (buffer)
of the sensor.

8 Environment ITMS based integration for Red flag from environment sensor to be Department officials,
sensor analytics re-routing of traffic displayed on dashboard and can be City Planners, Citizen
integrated with ITMS to reroute traffic
(using network analysis) in more polluted
9 Environment Temperature based Heat Display of a high temperature density map Department officials,
sensor analytics island mapping of the city using temperature data from the City Planners,
sensors for identification of urban heat
islands on GIS Map/Web GIS Map.

10 Environment Visualisation of Sensor Location coordinates, working condition Department officials,

sensor analytics locations and its with whole attribute information display on City Planners,
information on web GIS Web GIS Map

11 Environment Visualisation of sensor Visualisation of Sensor Impact Area Using Department officials,
sensor analytics impact area and colour as Impact area Buffer and Change of Buffer City Planners,
per sensor value on web colour as per Change in environments
GIS Map sensor value

12 Environment Environmental Sensor site Identify senor location using Web GIS Department officials,
sensor analytics location optimisation and Software using various parameters like City Planners,
analysis for planning Population density. Industrial area etc
COTS 3D GIS Platform with Geo Analytics Software Platform Specification Compliance

No. Specification Compliance
1 COTS GIS platform with 16 core licenses for 3D GIS

The proposed deployed COTS 3D GIS Enterprise Platform should be Industry standard COTS GIS
platform. The proposed deployed 3D GIS platform should have all functions of GIS and Image
feature extraction, geo-processing, image mosaicking, Photogrammetry, sub setting,
classification (supervised, unsupervised) change detection, AI/ML based object Detection
components in a single installed software only. The platform should also have advance modules
like network analysis, terrain analysis, 3D analysis, change Detection, Photogrammetry module,
Raster GIS analysis, SAR processing and 3D analysis.
The Proposed solution should be an integrated solution only having GIS, 3D Analytic and Image
Processing components in single COTS Enterprise software. The overall proposed solution should
be of Single GIS Platform only

The single integrated platform of GIS platform should have both GIS and Image analysis
components, which going to be deployed at site. It should support 64 bits. It should based on a
Services Oriented Architecture (SOA). The Enterprise GIS software must be OGC certified and
must have the capability to serve and consume OGC complied web services including WMS,
WFS, WCS, CSW, INSPIRE, etc. Licensing policy should not be restricted by hardware/ period or
sites. OEM undertaking should be submitted for further customization of application based on
GIS and Image processing Custom based web application, as per project needs of present and
future. No restriction during hardware upgrade/ scaling in future.
Server deployed Software should run as a native 64-bit application and should support Windows
5 64- bit and Linux 64 bits.

The deployed Integrated enterprise platform should have capabilities like geo-processing and
analysis, spatial and statistics analysis and Image analysis functions. It should support server end
Geo processing and Image analysis tools such as supervised classification, Enhancement,
Vegetation Indices, buffer, clip, erase. Provision should be available by server for sending the
request using the web client and display the processed data on web using OGC certified services.
The web GIS application should open on any browser and should support cross platform. It
7 should have RestAPI for integration with other applications

The Integrated 3D Enterprise platform should provide a map centric for managing geospatial
content of organization. It should serve as project centric approach to Create, Access, Analyze,
Manage and disseminate geo-spatial content with capability of user management and role-
based access control.
3D Enterprise Platform should have rich display and navigation tools like zoom in, zoom out,
fixed zoom in, fixed zoom out, pan, real time pan, bookmark, Geo link multiple views, swipe,
flicker, search by location, cursor location value, etc.

Ability for 3D representation of the city or town with LOD1 to LOD4 level details as required.
The 3D platform should have functionality for 3D analysis tools such as Measurement (Distance,
Area, etc.), Dynamic based View shed, Line Profile, Line of Sight, Dynamic Contour, Flooding
simulation, Dynamic Buffer generation of all geometry types. Capability to create slope & Aspect
from terrain model, dynamic water, Dynamic River course, sub-merge analysis, Volumetric
analysis. The software should have capability to create skyline based on observer position and
distance. Model Cut tool for the visualization of object from different directions,

The 3D enterprise software should support draping of vector and raster: WMS, WMTS,
KML/KMZ. Facilities to view Shape File, DGN, GPX & Geo-tiff, TIF. Provision to process and
display CEOS SLC and Hybrid Polarimetric data of SAR, DTED, DEM. It should support various data
such as Terrain (DEM, Tiff, DTED etc.. ), 3D Building and animation file i.e CZML Collada - *.dae,
*.obj, *.gltf. Photogrammetry Meshes data derived from UAV. Display of model generated form
Drone, Satellite Stereo Pairs, LiDAR, Point Clouds (LiDAR data *.las, *.laz). Support of Vector data
(GeoJSON, KML, Shape etc.), OGC (WMS, WFS, WCS, etc.), Capable of consume multiple third
party OGC map services for visualization

It should have capability to import / export data in various formats like .dwg,dxf, .dgn, .shp
(shape files), coverage file, .mif (MapInfo), .gml, .kml, .gpx. , Geo PDF GeoJSON, H4, H5 formats,
MBtiles etc. Should support ODBC compliance interface with industry standard RDBMS like
PostGRE SQL, Oracle, SQL server, Access etc.
The deployed GIS platform should provide a complete set of drawing & editing tools in order to
enable the user to draw & modify any or parts of various geographical objects (point, line and
polygon) on the map. Provision for finding invalid geometry and Polygon Topology error

The deployed 3D enterprise Platform should have capabilities like geo-processing and analysis,
spatial and statistics analysis and Image processing functions in a single window. It should have
out of box Geo processing and Image analysis functions like Clip, Erase, Spatial Join, Relate,
Buffer, clip, erase, intersection, dissolve, union, polyline to polygon, summarize, polygon auto
numbering based on line feature and direction, Image classification(supervised, unsupervised),
Image segmentation , Recode, Change detection module, Photogrammetric module, Resolution
Merge, Radiometric correction , Enhancement , Layer stacking, Georeferencing ,Collage Image,
Mosaicking, High pass, Low Pass filter, Fast Fourier transformation,3D viewer with 3D based
analytic tools and AI / ML based Object identification as out of box functions.


Software should have the facility for reports generation, customized map layout, high resolution
printing in different formats (jpg, pdf) with desired map scale and customized templates.
Should have capability to store the applied legend, color , symbology and further applied in
other GIS projects. Further, provision should be there to export and import the custom
annotation and labelling pattern from one project to other. Thematic mapping like Bivarte,
Multibivarte, chart mapping should be available as out of box. Geocoding and Reverse
Geocoding should be available.
Single deployed Platform should must support Time aware data for Trends / Time Series
17 Analysis. Provision should be there for Online and Offline GPS integration.

It should network analysis module to perform Routing analysis, Service Area Analysis, Dynamic
segmentation etc. Capabilities like Dynamic Labelling and Rule based Labelling should be
The software should have function to perform different operations like: mathematical, logical,
19 string operations on the field of table of vector layer or selected objects of vector.

The software should allow visualization of data in 2D/3D in enterprise application. Provision
should be available to host the 3d project from to browser mode. Facilities to import Satellite
images, LIDAR, Building model. The system should have facilities to store the 3d model which
can be used in future without doing any pre-processing.

The 3D GIS Enterprise platform should have out of box provision to generate / create feature on
3d enviourment of all geometry types. Facilities for creation on 2d and 3d symbol should be
there. Additionally, provision to share the 3d scenes is also required.
It should have module for terrain analysis and 3D analysis to create/ view - slope/aspect,
22 hillshade, elevation profile, topographic normalize, line of sight and viewshed analysis.

It should have algorithm for surface generation such as heat maps, Linear, IDW and Krigging.

The proposed software should support HRSI (High Resolution Satellite Imagery) and low
resolution satellite images (panchromatic & multispectral) such as IKONOS, Quick bird, Geoeye,
INSAT3D, PROVA-V,CEOS,ECW,JP2000, Sentinel, Radarsat, etc..
The platform should have capability to process optical satellite data, microwave image data, and
25 Metrological.

It should have enhancement algorithm such as Linear, Logarithmic, Histogram Equalize,

Histogram Matching, Density Slice, Gaussian, Squire root, Tone Balancing etc..

The software should have image transformation module such Vegetation Index, Principal
Component Analysis (PCA), Inverse PCA, Pan sharpening, Wavelet fusion, etc.
The3D enterprise platform should be capable to process the temporal or time series image data.
To identify encroachment and monitor urban sprawl, software should provide change detection
capabilities as out of box tools such as Basic Change Detection, Advance Change Detection, Auto
Change Detection and Site Monitoring. The advance change detection capability should allow to
ingest multiple input images to find the change. It should also handle the multi resolution
satellite image along with mis-registration. It should have capability of Object Library Creation
for Object Identification and Automatic Feature Extraction (AFE).
It should be out of box functions for generation of reports and pie charts maps like bubble, time
29 series, scatterplot matrix. Trees map, box plot, Data plot map.

The platform should have photogrammetric extension which should have facilities for automatic
stereo model by using stereo data from sensors like cartosat , worldview , superview , Astrium ,
Geoeye by using RPC /RPB information. Also, provision should be there for auto mosaicking of
stereo tiles by using sensor information.
Provision should be there to create DSM, DTM and Ortho rectify Images from stereo pair. Also
31 provision should there to generate the accuracy report of stereo model.

Software Specification- Desktop GIS:

Sl. Functional Description Compliance

No. Status
COTS GIS Desktop
GIS Functions
1. User should be able to create multiple views in single project using the capability of multiple
document interface (MDI) of the proposed software.
2. The application framework of the software should be such that it should have Dockable/Floating
Toolbars, Dockable and Auto Hiding Windows, Unicode Support for Multilanguage Attributes,
Drag and Drop to Rearrange Tools/Toolbars, Create New Toolbars or Menus without
Programming, Extend the Applications with Add-ins built with .NET, Java, or Python, Build New
GIS Components with .NET or Java or other development platforms.
3. The user should be able to create layer as per the data model defined by the authority or
concerned stakeholders along with the modification in table structure as per the requirement
of project.
4. Provision for defineding of map projection system and geodetic datum is required to set all the
maps in a common projection and scale.
5. The proposed software should have capability to create custom projection system using 3 to 7
6. Display of coordinates on map click is required to readout the co-ordinate in any projection i.e.
multi projection coordinate readout.
7. The proposed software should have facility to click on any feature of the map and return a select
set of attributes for feature.
8. User should be able to perform geo-processing functions such buffer generation, clip, erase,
intersection, dissolve, union, polyline to polygon, etc. for various type of GIS analysis. It should
have facility to perform the spatial intersection analysis like plot area with buffer zone to
calculate road-widening impact on adjacent land.
9. The Software should be able to import / export data from / to various formats like .dwg, dxf,
.dgn, .shp (shape files), coverage file, .mif (MapInfo), .mdb (GeoMedia), .gml, .kml, .gpx. , Geo
PDF GeoJSON, GeoRSS, etc.
10. Software should have functionality to export GeoPDF and MBTiles file
11. The proposed software should have function to process tabular data such as .xlsx, .csv, .dbf, etc.
12. GPS functions which allow the user to mark locations on a georeferenced map based on the
inputs from a GPS device.
13. Support of Coordinate Geometry (COGO) description for GIS objects creation and store in GIS
14. Facility to define joins between the two tables (graphic / non-graphic) of the database to get
integrated information in the table and perform GIS analysis.
15. The proposed software should provide facility to exchange the GIS Data with other platform
applications like Microsoft Word, and Excel to use GIS data and generate reports like graph and
16. Software should have rich display and navigation tools. It should have zoom in, zoom out, fixed
zoom in, fixed zoom out, pan, real time pan, bookmark, Geo link multiple views, swipe, flicker,
search by location, cross hair, cursor location value, numeric dump, query cursor etc. It should
have support of continuous panning i.e. real time pan.
17. Software should allow the user to perform undo / redo operations during editing of GIS maps.
18. The software should have capability for geo-referencing of vector and raster data both.
19. Facility to capture the geometry from the layout maps, creating maps by maintaining the
coincident geometry i.e. when a new polygon is captured simply by selecting an existing polygon
to digitize the common boundary thereby ensuring no slivers or gaps between adjacent area
features like parcels.
20. The software should provide a complete set of drawing & editing tools in order to enable the
user to Draw & Modify any or parts of various geographical objects (point, line and polygon) on
the map.
21. The software should have capability to remove the topological errors from vector data such as
road network, drainage network, canals, building, etc.
22. The software should have the ability to add data from internet or intranet to the existing map
data using OGC services.
23. The software should allow user to legend template of geographic data that store symbology for
displaying features.
24. The proposed software should have capability of thematic map mapping. User should be able
to apply color and symbology using the attribute attached with the layer based on single,
quantile and unique values functions.
25. In the proposed software, user should be able to perform labelling activity using the attribute
information of the layer. Therefore, a rich annotation tool should be available in the software
such as add label, edit label, move label, rotate label, remove all label, etc.
26. User should be able to define the rules for displaying the labels on map by defining the class
using the attribute to be displayed and can set the priority for displaying the multiple labels of
single layer.
27. The software should have a provision of hyper linking the GIS feature as well as its attribute
fields with existing documents, URLs, Images, drawing files or scanned maps related to that
28. User should be able to create version for history tracking.
29. Query builder tool should be available with the software to perform simple and complex queries.
30. The customized application should provide the user facility to make dynamic queries on GIS GUI.
The application should allow users to store and retrieve standard queries used by them in day
to day operation.
31. Software should have various query tools for queries based on attributes, location, etc.
32. Software should have support of various plots and charts such as Bubble chart, Box plot, Tree
map, Cord diagram, scatter plot matrix, Area graph, Line and Bar graph, schematic diagram, etc.
33. Software should have map composition / layout tool for printing spatial data at different scales
and at adjustable print quality.
34. Software should allow users to export results to various file formats like EMF, BMP, TIFF, JPEG,
PDF, etc.
Image Processing Functions
35. The proposed software should support HRSI (High Resolution Satellite Imagery) and low
resolution satellite images (panchromatic & multispectral) such as IKONOS, Quick bird, Geoeye,
PROVA-V, etc..
36. The software should have capability to process optical satellite data as well as microwave image
37. The software should support images with More than 8 bits, 11 bit, 16 bits, and 24 bits per band.
38. The software should support image format such .tif, geotiff, .img, .pix, .hdr, .h4, .h5, DTED, DEM,
CEOS, .bmp, .jpeg, Netcdf, Grid File, etc.
39. The software must have the user-friendly tool for re-projecting geospatial data (raster and
vector) from pre-assigned projection to the other projection system as per the user’s
40. Software must provide the functionality for clipping the area of interest from raster data using
user defined extent, extent defined through inquire box, and polygon layer.
41. The software should have the functionalities for splitting the image in the tiles based upon user
defined parameters. It should support mosaicking of images by geographic coordinates based
mosaicking method as well as pixel based mosaicking method.
42. The software should have the Geometric Correction tool for assigning geographic or projected
coordinates and to remove the geometric distortion in the image. It should also provide the
functionalities for Atmospheric correction for Haze reduction, and DN to Reflectance
43. The software should have Layer stacking tool to create composite multispectral satellite image
from a number of spectral bands of same spatial resolution.
44. The software must have image enhancement tools to permanently apply enhancement on the
imageries for further processing. Some of the basic enhancement tools such as Linear,
Logarithmic, Histogram Equalize, Histogram Matching, Density Slice, Gaussian, Squire root, Tone
Balancing etc., must be available for the on the fly image viewing and interpretation purpose.
45. The software is expected to have the Image filtering tool with various filtering algorithm such as
Convolution, Texture, Adaptive, Crisp, Laplacian, Statistical, FFT, etc.
46. The software should have image transformation modules e.g., Principal Component Analysis
(PCA), Inverse PCA, De-correlation Stretch, Water Index (NDWI, MNDWI, NDMI,NDSI,NDMI) and
various vegetation indices along with LAI, FAPAR, etc., for information enhancement. It should
have the tools for image fusion using various image fusion algorithms like Pan sharpening,
Wavelet, Brovery multiplicative, and HIS etc. for spatial resolution enhancement of the image.
47. The software should have the module for Natural Color image generation using NIR, Red and
Green band of high-resolution multispectral image data. This module should have capability to
stretch the natural color image into 8 bit.
48. The software must support image classification modules such as supervised and unsupervised
classification along with image segmentation.
49. The software must have tools for the accuracy assessment such as contingency matrix, signature
separability, etc.
50. The software should be capable to process the temporal or time series image data. The software
should provide change detection module such as Basic Change Detection, Advance Change
Detection, Auto Change Detection and Site Monitoring. The advance change detection module
should be capable to ingest multiple input images to find the change. It also handles the multi
resolution satellite image along with mis-registration.
51. It should support various methods of advance change detection such as single band differencing,
cross correlation, Image regression, Image ratioing, PCA, Change Vector Analysis (CVA),
Magnitude Differencing, Vegetation Index Differencing, Tasseled Cap, Chi-Square, Unsupervised
Change Detection, etc.
52. The software should have capability of Object Library Creation for Object Identification and
Automatic Feature Extraction (AFE) based on the object library.
53. The software should have AI/ML based object detection/identification module. The module
should have facility to create/update training model for single or multiple type of object present
in specified satellite/resolution images. The module should have latest algorithm for object
detection such as Faster RCNN.
54. The software should have functions like Linear Algebraic Combination, Change resolution, Bit
Conversion, etc.
55. The software should have function called Dynamic threshold for analyzing change detection
using image. This function is used to categorize the pixels in input image based on the threshold
56. The software should have raster catalog and vector catalog tool for raster and vector data
57. Network Analysis: The software should have network analysis module to find the shortest and
Optimum path using the topologically corrected road network.
58. Terrain Analysis: The software should have tools for terrain analysis and 3D analysis. The module
should be able to create slope/aspect, relief map, elevation profile, painted relief, line of sight
and, viewshed analysis. It should also support the “cut and fill analysis” and topographic
normalization using DEM data.
The software should have algorithm for surface generation such as Linear, IDW, Kriging,
Multilevel B Spline, etc.
59. Tracking Analysis: The software should have capabilities to animate the temporal GIS data using
the time stamp information available as attribute.
60. Software should support fully automatic raster to vector conversion tools.
61. SAR Data Processing: The software should have support of RISAT, ALOS, SENTINEL, TERRA-SAR,
The software should have various tools for SAR data processing such Calibration, amplitude &
intensity image generation, phase calculation, hybrid polarimetric parameter calculation, hybrid
image decomposition, radar vegetation index calculation and other data analysis tools such as
EM Clustering, BOX CAR Classifiers, Ship Detection, Wake Detection, Radon Filter and Canny
Filter, etc.
62. Meteorological Data Processing: The software should have tools for meteorological data
processing module such T-Phi gram generation, satellite Image prediction and wind vector
generation using sounder, imager and WVW INSAT data.
3D Functions
63. The software should have capability to create 3D scenes and flythourgh model using various
effect, animation and various analytics functions.
64. The 3D software should have capability to handle huge size of data and should have support of
GPU acceleration for smooth handling of GIS data.
65. The 3D software should be compatible on Desktop, Web and Mobile environment.
66. The software should have 3d analysis tools such as Measurement (Distance, Area, etc.), Dynamic
based View shed, Line Profile, Line of Sight, Dynamic Contour, Flooding, Buffer, etc.
67. The 3D module should have capability of land & surface interpolation to create slope & Aspect
from DEM.
68. The software should have functions of water preservation such as dynamic water, dynamic river,
sub-merge analysis, surface discharge, etc.
69. Volumetric calculation tool should be available with the software. Also, user should be able to
mark the cross section by considering height to calculate the volume.
70. Should have support of variance analysis of terrain data and terrain excavation.
71. The software should have functions to perform shadow analysis as per the almanac information.
72. Should have support of indoor, outdoor, over ground and underground visualization.
73. The software should have big data analytics tools like honeycomb & grid diagram, wind
direction, etc.
Photogrammetry Functions
74. The software should have various tools for SAR data processing such Calibration, amplitude &
intensity image generation, phase calculation, hybrid polarimetric parameter calculation, hybrid
image decomposition, radar vegetation index calculation and other data analysis tools.
75. Software should support RPC model for DEM generation.
76. Software should have preprocessing module so that user can mosaic the tiles of images using
TIL file available with raw stereo data.
77. Software should have modules for point cloud generation using inputs such as stereo pair image,
RPC file, seed DEM, GCPs and other parameters.
78. The software must have the tool for DSM to DTM or tool for object and ground image
79. The software should have tool for ellipsoid height to geoid height conversion.
80. The software should have DEM editing tools for gap or Void fill using Multi-level B-Spline, Gap
using Spline, or Stepwise Resampling algorithm.
81. Should have module for ortho-rectification of satellite image using, DEM and bundle block
adjustment as input.
82. The software should have tools for calculating the position accuracy of generated out put such
as DEM and Ortho Images.

5.45 Estimated MPLS network Plan and bandwidth requirement

S.No. Locations Estimated Remarks

1. Cameras 5 Mbps
2. Other field Location- VMD, Sensors etc 5 Mbps The quantities and bandwidth mentioned in this
Viewing Centre table are indicative only. Bidder shall re- evaluate
3. 500 Mbps the bandwidth as per the solution requirement
and propose accordingly.
Command & Control Centre/Data Centre
4. 5 GBPS
Data Recovery –Cloud
5. 16 GBPS

Trenching for last mile connectivity

Description Compliance Remark
(Yes/ No)
SI shall exercise due care that soil from trenching intended to be loose for back filling
is not mixed with loose debris. While trenching, SI should not cause damage to any
1 underground installations belonging to others agencies and any damage caused
should be made good at his own cost and expense.
The SI should provide sufficient width in the trench at all such places, where it is likely
2 to cave in due to soil conditions without any extra payment.

A minimum free clearance of 15 cm. should be maintained above or below any

3 existing underground installations. No extra payment will be made towards this.

In order to prevent damage to HDPE Pipe/PLB Blowing Type/Pre-installed rope over a

period of time, due to the growth of trees, roots, bushes, etc., the SI shall cut them if
4 encountered in the path of alignment of trench without any additional charges with
proper permission by Competent Authority.

In large borrow pits, excavation shall be done not less than 165 cms. In depth and
both sides of borrow pit shall be excavated more than 165 cms in depth to keep
gradient of bed less than 15 degree with horizontal.

If not possible as stated in sub clause above, alignment of trench shall be changed to
6 avoid borrow pit completely.


Refer Vol-IV for Capex and Opex details

7. Location details
Refer Annexure_Location details

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