Week 3 Form 3 21th Jan
Week 3 Form 3 21th Jan
Week 3 Form 3 21th Jan
Deforestation is the cutting down of trees in the forest to clear the land for
other uses. Deforestation has occurred in Trinidad and Tobago, just as it
has in other areas of the world. Scientists estimate that 80,000 square
kilometers of forest are lost from the world each year.
important commodity used for building lots of things. Another reason why
forests are cleared is to sell the wood obtained from the trees.
Cutting down trees does not just affect the plants and animals that live in
and on them; it also affects those that live on the forest floor. The plants
that can only live in shade are exposed to the strong sunlight when the
trees are removed. When these plants die, they no longer provide cover for
the animals that live around them, so the animals are also lost.
Threatened species in Trinidad and Tobago
The Pawi are at risk of extinction because of hunting and loss of habitat. It
is now only found in an area of 150 kilometers square of forests in the
North East of Trinidad.
Ocelots live alone and hunt at night. They asked if it is not threatened with
extinction worldwide as it is found in some other countries. However, the
population of ocelots in Trinidad is falling due to hunting and loss of
The manatee has no natural enemies but is under threat due to the
activities of people. These include collision with boats, ingestion of
fishhooks and litter and entanglement in fishing nets.
At the last census of these monkeys, in 2008, the estimated total population
of this monkey was only 61. The number is small due mainly to a loss of
Sometimes species from one area of the world are introduced into another.
This might be by accident., such as insects arriving with imported goods, or
it might be deliberate, such as the introduction of a new food crop.
controlled by predators, which eat them. Where there is no natural
predator, the population of a species increases unchecked.
The black wattle acacia tree produces lots of seeds. The species is
out-competing native forest species for resources.
The red palm mite is so small it can be carried on the wind. It attacks
coconut and other palms such as bananas.
The ancient the Asian green mussel has spread from Asia to other parts of
the world in the ballast water of ships.
Genetically modified(G.M) crops
The nucleus of a cell contains information that will allow the cell to copy
itself. This information is found on tiny ribbon light structures called
chromosomes. Each chromosome contains many genes. Each gene is
responsible for some feature of the Organism it comes from. For example,
your chromosomes contain genes that determine such things as the color
of your eyes.
Scientists can take the gene for a particular feature of one organism and
insert it into the chromosomes of another. This is called genetic
engineering. The technique is used to alter the characteristics of food crops,
producing genetically modified crops by modifying the genes of a food
crop it may be possible to do things like: