How To Get PN Certificate 2922n V110 Dec21
How To Get PN Certificate 2922n V110 Dec21
How To Get PN Certificate 2922n V110 Dec21
The attention of adopters is directed to the possibility that compliance with or adoption of PI (PROFIBUS& PROFINET
International) specifications may require use of an invention covered by patent rights. PI shall not be responsible for
identifying patents for which a license may be required by any PI specification, or for conducting legal inquiries into
the legal validity or scope of those patents that are brought to its attention. PI specifications are prospective and
advisory only. Prospective users are responsible for protecting themselves against liability for infringement of
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. The material in this document details a
PI specification in accordance with the license and notices set forth on this page. This document does not represent
a commitment to implement any portion of this specification in any company's products.
In no event shall PI be liable for errors contained herein or for indirect, incidental, special, consequential,
reliance or cover damages, including loss of profits, revenue, data or use, incurred by any user or any third party.
Compliance with this specification does not absolve manufacturers of PROFIBUS or PROFINET equipment,
from the requirements of safety and regulatory agencies (TÜV, BIA, UL, CSA, etc.).
PROFIBUS® and PROFINET® logos are registered trademarks. The use is restricted to
members of PROFIBUS&PROFINET International. More detailed terms for the use can be
found on the web page
In this specification the following key words (in bold text) will be used:
may: indicates flexibility of choice with no implied preference.
should: indicates flexibility of choice with a strongly preferred implementation.
shall: indicates a mandatory requirement. Designers shall implement such mandatory
requirements to ensure interoperability and to claim conformance with this
PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V.
Haid-und-Neu-Str. 7
76131 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 (0) 721 / 986 197 0
Fax: +49 (0) 721 / 986 197 11
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No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
1 Management Summary - Scope of this Document ............................................................. 8
2 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 8
3 List of affected patents ..................................................................................................... 9
4 References and related documents .................................................................................. 9
4.1 Reference ............................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Related documents.................................................................................................. 9
5 Definitions and Abbreviations ......................................................................................... 10
5.1 Definitions ............................................................................................................. 10
5.2 Abbreviations ........................................................................................................ 10
5.3 Defining the Responsibility and the Scope of a Certification Test .......................... 10
6 PROFINET PITL ............................................................................................................. 11
6.1 Quotation and order of test services ...................................................................... 11
7 Before you start the development ................................................................................... 11
8 The Way to the PI Certificate .......................................................................................... 12
8.1 Formal Sequence of the Certification Procedure .................................................... 12
8.2 Conformity according to IEEE/IEC-standards......................................................... 12
8.2.1 Confirmation for Copper Transmission ................................................................... 13
8.2.2 Confirmation for Fiber Optic Transmission ............................................................. 13
8.2.3 Confirmation for POF Transmission ....................................................................... 13
8.2.4 Confirmation for Wireless Ethernet ........................................................................ 13
8.2.5 Confirmation for Wireless Bluetooth ...................................................................... 13
8.2.6 Confirmation for APL ............................................................................................. 14
8.3 Manufacturer statement for Security Level 1 Tests ................................................ 14
8.4 Necessary Deliveries at the Beginning of a Test .................................................... 14
8.5 Preparation for a PROFINET Certification Test ...................................................... 14
8.5.1 Test the GSD-File ................................................................................................. 14
8.6 Execution of the Certification Test ......................................................................... 15
8.7 Testing of Profiles and Enhanced Features ........................................................... 15
8.8 Test Report ........................................................................................................... 15
8.9 Application for a Certificate ................................................................................... 16
8.10 Prolongation of a Certificate .................................................................................. 16
9 PROFINET Device Certification ...................................................................................... 16
9.1 The PROFINET Test Bundle .................................................................................. 16
9.2 Forms .................................................................................................................... 17
9.3 Brand Labeling ...................................................................................................... 17
9.4 Multi Identity devices ............................................................................................. 17
9.5 Devices based on reference implementations ........................................................ 18
9.5.1 Devices based only on hardware and/or software reference implementations ........ 18
9.5.2 Devices based on complete reference system ....................................................... 18
9.6 Additional Procedure regarding Retests for PROFINET ......................................... 19
9.6.1 General Approach ................................................................................................. 19
9.6.2 One µC Systems ................................................................................................... 20
9.6.3 Two µC Systems ................................................................................................... 20
9.7 Proceeding regarding product variations (Device Families) .................................... 21
9.8 PROFINET Device Certificate ................................................................................ 21
10 PROFINET Controller Certification ................................................................................. 26
10.1 The PROFINET Test Bundle .................................................................................. 26
List of figures
Figure 1: Formal sequence of certification ............................................................................ 12
Figure 2: the construction of a 1 µC PROFINET device ......................................................... 20
Figure 3: construction of a2-µC system (e.g. piggy back solution) ......................................... 21
Figure 4: Outline of the PROFINET Device Certificate .......................................................... 23
Figure 5: Outline of the PROFINET Certificate for reference implementations ....................... 24
Figure 6: Outline of the PROFINET Certificate with additional manufacturer declaration ....... 25
Figure 7: Outline of the PROFINET Controller Certificate ...................................................... 27
Figure 8: Outline of the PROFINET Controller Certificate with additional manufacturer
declaration ............................................................................................................................ 28
Figure 9: Outline of the PROFIdrive Certificate ..................................................................... 30
Figure 10: Outline of the ENCODER Certificate .................................................................... 32
Figure 11: Outline of the PROFIenergy Certificate ................................................................ 34
Figure 12: Outline of the PROFIsafe Certificate .................................................................... 38
Revision Log
Version Originator Date Change Note / History / Reason
0.9 Patz 17Oct95 Initial version
1.0 Patz 18Sept06 Version after TC1 review
1.10 Wenzel 01Feb12 Changes because of harmonization with the Framework document
and the Rules for PITLs document
Diedrich 08Jun12 Spelling, Content update
1.9 C2, ComDeC, 2021-03-16 Naming, common chapters, update of retest and manufacturer
Diedrich June 2021 declaration, additional figures; Final
2 Introduction
Since the specifications for PROFIBUS and PROFINET are open and standardized, it is possible for anyone
to build and sell nodes. However, to ensure that users get the quality of product they expect, PI operates
conformance programs. Enacted via the network of independent PITLs and securely administered by PI
itself, conformance testing ensures that nodes are compliant to relevant specifications and that therefore
high degree of interoperability is given in the applications.
The following table gives an overview about the covered PROFINET technologies.
PROFIsafe X1
PROFIdrive X
PROFIenergy X
PA Profile X
see PROFIsafe Policy for additional requests!
The rules for the certification of Passive Network Component are described at
1 Node stands for the PROFINET role Device and Controlling Device (short Controller)
5.2 Abbreviations
BOT Begin of Test: First date where a device/controller manufacturer can apply for a
Certification Test
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility: The extent to which an electric or electronic device will
tolerate electrical interference from other equipment (immunity) and will interfere with other
equipment. Within the European Community as well as in other countries it is regulated
by law that electric and electronic components and equipment comply with basic standards
such as IEC 61000-6-2 or IEC 61326 or corresponding individual product standards.
EOT End of Test Last date where a device/controller manufacturer can apply for a
Certification Test
DAP Device access point The device access point denotes the device interface and device
version and is described in the GSD
DUT Device under Test The device/controller to be tested
GSD General Station A GSD is an electronically readable file that contains both general
Description and device-specific parameters for communication and network
configuration for either PROFIBUS or PROFINET devices.
The GSD for PROFIBUS is an ASCII text file; the GSD for
PROFINET is a GSDML based file.
GSDML General Station General Station Description Markup Language. A GSDML is a
Description Markup XML based language to describe the supported functions and
Language behaviour of a PROFINET Device.
PICO PROFIBUS & The PICO grants Certificates on basis of positive Test Reports.
Certification Office
PITL PROFIBUS & A PITL is an accredited test laboratory for the corresponding
PROFINET technology, e. g. PROFINET, PROFIsafe, PROFIdrive,
International Test ENCODER Profile, PROFIenergy
It is not goal of the PROFINET Certification Test to check the functionality of an engineering tool and the
correct working of the real application (Controller and/or Device) e.g. the nominal rotation speed is intended
to be 3000 rpm but the measured rpm is 2800.
This guideline describes the procedures necessary for the attainment of a Certificate for a PROFINET
Device and a PROFINET Controller which is always the basis for the additionally supported profiles like
It is highly recommended for every manufacturer of a PROFINET field device with or without supported
profiles to read this document before the development starts. It helps to save time, costs and trouble. The
responsible bodies of PI keep this document up to date and give useful hints to be kept in mind to have a
ready field device which meets the requirements of the market.
A Certification Test is offered exclusively by an accredited PITL. A list of PROFINET PITLs, their
accreditation scopes, and the contact information can be obtained from the PI Website
Just get in contact with one of the mentioned PITLs and they will guide you through the certification process.
A PROFINET Certificate is granted based on a successfully passed Certification Test. The test content is
described in the latest version of the Test System. The validity period of a Test System is defined by PI with
the Begin of Test (BOT) and the End of Test (EOT). The Test System version is documented in the PITL
Test Report as well as on the Certificate.
To register for a test a legally binding application at a PITL is necessary. The actual test date may not be
scheduled at this point. The test application must be received by the PITL not later than the last day of the
expiration of the EOT of the currently valid Test System. The date of receipt will apply. The Certificate is
granted only if the test was successfully completed not later than 6 months after the EOT. The date on the
Test Report is essential.
A comprehensive test of the fieldbus interface at the manufacturer labs (in-house test) is essential for the
preparations for the Certification Test. Optimally, the Test Systems used by the PITLs are also used for the
in-house test.
PI offers a PROFINET Test Bundle which can be downloaded by members of PI from: download Software and Tools PROFINET Test Bundle.
It is free of charge for PI members and consists of all the relevant documents and tools you need to prepare
for a Certification Test.
© Copyright PNO 2021 - All Rights Reserved Page 11 of 40 pages
How to Get a Certificate for a PROFINET Node V1.10
If necessary, the applicant provides additional support to the personnel of the PITL during a Certification
Test. Within a reasonable extent, the applicant also provides its own testing means. If required, the staff of
the applicant must be available to operate these testing.
After execution of the Certification Test, the applicant will receive a Test Report from the PITL. With the
Test Report the applicant can then apply for a Certificate at the PI Certification Office (PICO). The PICO is
established at the PI Business Office of PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V., Germany (PNO). PNO is
responsible for the certification on behalf of PI.
The granted PROFINET certificate is valid for a period of 3 years. It can be prolonged if certain criteria are
fulfilled (see 8.8). By any modification of the communication related part of the device/controller the
Certificate gets invalid. The special regulations for retests of the corresponding technologies are described
in the chapters 9.6.
Field Device
A test with documented test results is mandatory. A positive APL test report is a prerequisite for PROFINET
Independent from the stated net load class the manufacturer is responsible that the required technological
function is also fulfilled under net load test conditions, e.g. update time of the inputs and outputs.
Hint 1:
Normally the PITLs are working with a power supply of 230 V AC, 400 V AC or low voltage of 24 V DC.
Please take care to supply the necessary equipment.
Hint 2:
A comprehensive description as well as the required hardware components shall be supplied from the
applicant. If this is not fulfilled the PITL is not able to execute a corresponding test.
For the execution of a smooth Certification Test it is useful that the applicant performs the following tests in
then they shall be removed from the GSD-file. The correctness of the GSD-file should be tested in advance
by the manufacturer.
A GSD-file can be created with every available XML-editor. It can be tested with the PROFINET GSDML
Checker [2].
Take care that you always have the latest version of the GSD-file to be equipped for future installation.
Please contact your selected PITL for further information.
If you reference a “Graphic File“, the file shall be shipped together with the GSD-file.
• The Media Redundancy Class is an optional feature (see IEC 61784-2) that becomes mandatory
in relation with selected application classes.
The DUT shall correspond to those produced in series. The scope of the Certification Test is documented
in Test Specifications, which is included in the PROFINET Test Bundle. It can be downloaded from the PI
Website by members free of charge. Non-members can order the Test Specifications from the PI Business
The test setup for each functionality is specified in detail within the Test Specifications.
Any failure during the test is reported to the applicant. Conflicts are handled within the PNO committee
- Vendor-ID,
- Device-ID,
- DAP-Module-ID (only for PROFINET devices)
of the real DUT. Furthermore, the Test Report contains a recommendation for the PI Certification Office
(PICO) whether a Certificate should be issued.
The Test Report is sent to the applicant. The PITL and the PICO shall hold the test results and the Test
Report in strict confidence.
PICO issues the Certificate based on the Test Report according to the rules of this document. The validity
of 3 years starts with the date of the Test Report.
In case of a positive test result, PICO will provide the Certificate to the applicant. Is the test result negative
and the applicant does not agree with the result the applicant may start the arbitration procedure according
to Document 1 “Framework for Testing and Certification of PROFIBUS and PROFINET Products”.
The manufacturer can ask for prolongation of the validity of the Certificate. For this purpose, it is necessary
to provide the PICO not later than three (3) months after the Certificates validity expires with a manufacturer
declaration. This declaration must contain the following statements:
• Declaring the unchanged conformance of the product with the tested prototype in hardware and
software in accordance with the Test Report (the last favorable test).
• That there is no newer version of the DUT that uses the same device identification, i.e. Vendor-ID,
Device-ID, DAP-Module-ID.
Otherwise the prolongation requires a retest.
An example of the text for the manufacturer declaration (see [4]) can be obtained from the PICO.
Based on the existing Test Report, of the new application form and of the manufacturer declaration the
PICO grants the prolongation of the Certificate. The certification indicates only one Hardware and Software
Version of the product. Older versions are not indicated in the Certificate. The Certificate has to indicate
that it is based on a manufacturer declaration completing the Test Report of the last Certification Test.
The PROFINET Test Bundle is usually released once a year in April, as an upgrade with new content. The
content is described in the “Readme” file provided with the Test Bundle.
9.2 Forms
The following forms are needed:
• Application for a Vendor_ID if not yet available [9]
• Application for a Certificate [5]
The manufacturer shall test the changes internally and give a statement to PICO about the compatibility of
the changes. The Certificate is granted at the basis of the manufacturer declaration in combination with the
Test Report of the original device.
At least the following tests have to be done by the manufacturer for each individual device ID:
• Check of the GSD file including Vendor_ID, Device_ID and the uniqueness of the module and
sub module ident numbers
• Check of the I&M records, the EndPointMapper and the sysDescr
• Short start-up and data exchange test
The vendor of a brand labelled product delivers a declaration to PICO that there are no other changes then
listed above.
3. Devices that have two or more Identities and can run ARs with all those different Identities at the
same time (e.g. devices for fieldbus integration as IE/PB Link).
Transparent gateways reporting any secondary side device as a PROFINET device on the
primary side
Devices with more than one PROFINET instance which are deployed on one interface and accessible at
the same time, are no multi-identity devices. Each PROFINET instance has to be treated as an independent
PROFINET device 2.
22 This specific case can apply for PA devices. It could be possible, that more than one instance can be accessed at the
same time.
This chapter describes the regulations for retests when changes at the PROFINET relevant parts have
been made at an already certified PROFINET device. A full test or a part test has to be performed within a
PITL. This leads to a new Test Report. The goal is to have a uniform and unambiguous understanding
whether a PITL is involved for a retest or not.
1) in case of a part test the manufacturer of a PROFINET device should contact a PITL and discuss the
2) at least the manufacturer has to give a statement to the PI Certification Office that he tested the product
with the PROFINET Test System. The result does not show any faulty behavior.
3) an in-house test with the PROFINET Test System is recommended by the manufacturer. There are
minimum tests defined in chapter 9.3 for this kind of in-house test. A positive result can then be forwarded
as a written statement (manufacturer declaration) to the PI Certification Office to extend the duration of the
4) GSD-file: Updating a GSD-file to a new version by ensuring 100% compatibility with the old one can be
done under responsibility of the manufacturer. The manufacturer has to give a statement directly to the
PICO. In any case the manufacturer is responsible that at any time only one valid GSD file is existing for a
product family. If the device vendor would like to update their Certificate with a new GSD file name they
could get an updated Certificate from PICO.
5) the usage constraints of the device are extended or changed, e.g. other power supply option, higher
protection class and other or extended measurement range
There are mainly two different product variants on the market which have to be considered. These are 1
µC-systems and 2-µC systems. The retest definitions are valid for both integration types. In 2-µC systems
the dependencies between communication and application parts can be easier identified.
Both variants are described in the following two chapters for information only.
µC software
cation µC2
area application
(e.g. DPM) software
• Vendor declaration: Vendor delivers declaration about identity of product variants to the PITL. In
the declaration, vendor shall clearly state that the product variants do not differ in PROFINET
functionality, software or hardware implementation but in other technical or technological parts
which are out of scope of PI certification requirements. All relevant vendor declarations shall be
part of the Test Report in this case.
• Test of all product variants: Vendor delivers all product variants to PITL. All are tested and the
test results are summarized in one Test Report.
All product names will be listed on the Certificate afterwards or will lead to individual Certificates for all
declared or tested devices. PICO chooses the useful option.
The Certificate for reference implementations indicates clearly PROFINET implementations which are used
as basis for PROFINET devices (Figure 5).
10.2 Forms
See chapter 9.2
Typically, a Certificate is issued within two weeks (Figure 7). A reference controller implementation can be
tested and certificated alike a reference implementation.
PROFIdrive is an application profile which can be used in combination with PROFINET for an interoperable
application interface for drive and motion control. Therefore, it is necessary to use a certified PROFINET
DAP with which a PROFIdrive module can be tested. The rules for a PROFINET certification do apply here.
11.3 Forms
The following forms are needed
• Application for a Certificate [7]
To be sure you have the actual documents please refer to the document “Versions for certifications”.
12.3 Forms
The following forms are needed
• Application for a Certificate [10]
13 PROFIenergy on PROFINET
PROFIenergy is an application profile which can be used in combination with PROFINET. Therefore, it is
necessary to use a certified PROFINET DAP with which a PROFIenergy module can be tested.
13.3 Forms
The following forms are needed:
• Application for a Certificate [8]
14 PA Profile on PROFINET
PA Profile is an application profile which can be used in combination with PROFINET. Therefore, it is
necessary to use a certified PROFINET DAP with which a PA Profile module can be tested.
The test cases are part of the PROFINET Test Bundle (see chapter 9.1).
14.3 Forms
The following forms are needed:
• Application for a Certificate [8]
In both cases, compact and modular station, the DAP and the PROFIsafe module have separate
• PROFIsafe – Profile for Safety Technology on PROFIBUS and PROFINET; Order No.: 3.129
• PROFIsafe Test Specification; Order No.: 2.242
The test case parameter assignment tests are part of the PROFINET Test Bundle (see chapter 9.1).
To be sure you have the actual documents please refer to the document “Versions for certifications”.
*) The PROFIsafe Layer tester can be ordered only in combination with a PROFIsafe Certification Test from
15.3 Forms
The following forms are needed:
• Application for a Vendor_ID [9]
• Application for a Certificate [6]
• Model_name
• Order_ID
• Revision SW-Version, HW-Version
• Application CRC for each channel
• Scope of the Test:
o Expanded protocol (XP)
o Basic protocol (BP) / Loop-back extension (LP)
• Test Report number
• Authorized PITL
• Validity of the Certificate
• Reference to the used DAP and GSD file
• PROFIsafe – Profile for Safety Technology on PROFIBUS and PROFINET; Order No.: 3.129
• PROFIsafe Test Specification; Order No.: 2.242
To be sure you have the actual documents please refer to the document “Versions for certifications”.
*) The Automated PROFIsafe Layer Tester for F-Host can be ordered at ifak Magdeburg.
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