DLL - English 2 - Q1 - W4
DLL - English 2 - Q1 - W4
DLL - English 2 - Q1 - W4
B. Performance Standard effectively transfers the correctly presents text elements properly identifies and describes Independently uses strategies in
knowledge of letter-sound through simple organizers to make people, animals, places, things and accomplishing literacy-related tasks
relationship from Mother Tongue inferences, predictions and uses them in a variety of oral and
to English correctly hears and conclusions written theme-based activities
records sounds in words
C. Learning Competencies/ Classify/Categorize sounds heard Listen to a variety of media Recognize simple sentences Engage in a variety of ways to share Measure one’s ability to
Objectives (animals, mechanical, objects, including books, audiotapes videos Objectives: information (e.g. role playing, retain and apply knowledge
musical instruments, and other age-appropriate Identify simple sentences reporting, summarizing, retelling and and concepts .Learn to
environment, speech) publications and show and tell) answer a weekly test.
EN2PA-Ia-c-1.1 a. Note important details pertaining Objectives:
Discriminate sounds from a to Describe and discriminate the best
background of other sounds a. character part of the story
EN2PA-Id-e-1.2 b. settings Listen and follow three-step
c. events directions
Objectives: Write personal recount by
Identify the characters in the story completing a stem to answer the
listened to guide questions
Express feelings and opinions
through varied activities
Write the LC Code for each EN2PA-Ia-c-1.1 EN2LC-Ia-j-1.1 EN2G-Ib-c-1.4 EN2SS-Ia-e-1.2
II.CONTENT Sounds Around Us Working Together Is Best Simple Sentences Bring Out the Hero in You
Different Animal Sounds “ Swimmy”
A. References CG 2016 pages 27,28-29 CG 2016 pages 27,28-29 CG 2016 pages 28-29,50 CG 2016 pages 28-29,52
1.Teacher’s Guides/Pages Unit 1 pp.44-45 Unit 4 pp.32,33-34
2.Learner’s Materials Pages LM pages 56-59 LM pages 408-409,410-412
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials from Let’s Begin Reading in English 2. English (Learner’s Material) 2. 2013. English (Learner’s Material) 2. 2013.
Learning Resources (LR) 2013. pp 275,276 pp 473-474. pp 410-412
portal Let’s Begin Reading in English 2.
B. Other Learning Resources English for You and Me 2- Story: “ Swimmy” UnionBank Computer or DVD player and the
Reading and Language Textbook Learning System (UBLS, pp. 100- story book
155-159 101)
The Little Red Hen and The Grain
of Wheat- Veronica Hutchinson
Choral Speaking in the
Elementary Grades
A. Reviewing previous lesson Checking of Agreement Review/ Drill/Review Drill/Review
or presenting the new lesson Review: Drill: What is the “title of the story” that Teach the poem, “Hickory Dickory”
What are the different sounds of Let the pupils practice reading you read yesterday? and let the children recite the poem.
animals that you’ve learned these words. Hickory Dickory Dock
before? rub The mouse went up the clock.
cub The mouse ran down
tub The clock struck one.
nun Hickory Dickory Dock
B. Establishing a purpose for Motivation: Motivation: Checking of Agreement Motivation: Orient pupils on the
the lesson Show a picture of a hen-page Get Set Motivation: Union Bank Learning System, directions.
(156 of English for You and Me 2- Have you seen a school of fish Let’s look at these pictures. Student’s Worktext, Drawing Original File Submitted and
Reading and Language) swimming in the river / aquarium / Listen as I use each word in a Conclusions from the riddle p.158. Formatted by DepEd Club
pond? sentence. Match each with the There are many trees here. Member - visit
Talk about it with a partner. correct picture by drawing a line The birds fly from one branch to depedclub.com for more
between the two. ( See page another. The monkeys swing on
278,Let’s Begin Reading in English 2, vines. I am sitting. Guess the setting
Learners Material of the story based from my clues.
J. Additional activities for Agreement: Agreement: Agreement: Agreement: Study next lesson.
application or remediation Complete the poem with the Have the pupils ask their parents or Write five examples of sentence in How can one become a hero? I can
correct animal sounds. other family members to tell them your notebook. be a hero, too. When I …and if I…
a story about a fish or other sea 1.____________________________ Take books from home to school (or
creatures. ________. vice versa) for independent/extra
reading about Filipino heroes
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% of the formative
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
to remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
G. What innovation or
localized material did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?