Educ 10 Lesson Plan Final
Educ 10 Lesson Plan Final
Educ 10 Lesson Plan Final
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the pupils must have:
1. Identified different sounds around us.
2. Imitated soft sounds and loud sounds.
3. Realized the importance of sounds around us.
III. Procedure
Teacher Activity Student Activity
A. Pre- Activity
Good afternoon children! I am Teacher Good Afternoon Teacher Tanya!
Tanya, and I will be your English Teacher
for Today.
1. Prayer
Before we start with our lesson, let us first
feel the holy presence of our Lord.
Okay class, you may take your seats (Children takes their seats)
2. Drill
2. Analysis
5. What time would Kuya Ben see Lito Students in chorus: tricycle driver
(evening, noon, tomorrow)
Students in chorus: tomorrow
3. Abstraction
Some of the things around us produce
sounds. Transportations makes different
sounds. They make loud or soft sounds.
2. Valuing
Okay, so what have you learned in today’s Students: We learned about Loud
lesson? sounds and Soft sounds.
IV. Evaluations
What is the sound made by the following? Write L if the sound is loud or S if the
sound is soft.
V. Assignment
Directions: List down at least five (5) things that can be found in your house that
produces both loud and soft sounds.