Book Dealers World Fall 2023

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Book Dealers

Vol. 45 No. 2 Fall 2023
National Association of Book Entrepreneurs

Six Steps for Getting National
Media Coverage
by L. Drew Gerber

7 Ways to Use Audio to

Increase Your Web and
Email Sales
by Alexandria Brown

How to Approach Book Clubs

As An Author
By Philip Kinsher

Who Will Buy Your Book?

By Brian Feinblum

How to Distribute Your Book

by Carla King

Book Marketing and

Publicity: Why
Writers Conferences
are Crucial to Your
Author Success
by Penny Sansevieri

How to Get Bookstore

Placement for Your
Self-Published Book
And How Retail Book
Distribution Works Paula Brand, author of “The Purple Parachute: A Woman’s
By Stephanie Chandler Guide to Navigating the Winds of Career Change” a Pinnacle
Book Achievement Award winner. Read her Publishers Profile
on page 3.
ISSN 1098-8521

Editor’s Our 43rd Year

P.O. Box 606
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
Dear Friends,
In the Northwest here, we are surrounded by fires and smoke all
around us. California just had a hurricane that is flooding many ar-
eas of the state. In beautiful Maui, a wind swept fire burned the Web Site
historic town of Lahaina down. Everywhere you look climate change
is affecting the whole world. Let us hope that we can get a handle
Executive Director
on these problems soon so we can provide a future for our young
Al Galasso
Associate Director
This issue of BDW spotlights our Summer 2023 Pinnacle Book Ingrid Crawford
Achievement Award Winners., Featuring many of our wonderful
members and their fine books. Take a little break out of your day
to spend time reading and relaxing with a favorite book. Discover
some new titles and authors you will enjoy. Check out some of our
wonderful entries and new authors today. Let your imagination soar
to a different era or place. We really need to at this time.

In this issue our articles include “Six Steps for Getting National
Media Coverage” by L. Drew Garber, “How to Approach Book Clubs As
An Author” by Philip Kinsher, “7 Ways to Use Audio to Increase Your
National Association Of
Web and Email Sales” by Alexandria Brown, “Why Writers Conferenc-
Book Entrepreneurs
es are Crucial to Your Author Success” by Penny Sansevieri and “How
to Get Bookstore Placement for Your Self-Published Book by Steph-
anie Chandler, plus much more. BOOK DEALERS WORLD
Copyright 2023. Al Galasso.
All Rights Reserved.
If you have not joined NABE yet, you can sign up on page 17 and Published three times a year in mid January,
check out the many money saving benefits, including Pinnacle Book mid-May and mid September by NABE, PO
Box 606, Cottage Grove, OR 97424. One
Achievement Award eligibility. year subscription for non-NABE members:
U.S. $50.00, Canada $55.00, Foreign $70.00.
Have a wonderful Fall and holiday season and enjoy many get-togeth- BDW will not knowingly accept fraudulent or
objectionable advertising. Articles in BDW
ers with your famly and friends. may not be reproduced in whole or in part
Al Galasso, NABE without the express written permission of the

Here is what people are saying
about “The Purple Parachute”

"This book provides a wealth of

resources for women going
PUBLISHER’S through career transitions. If you
want to reinvent yourself, read this
PROFILE book!" Dorie Clark, Wall Street
Journal best selling author of “The
Long Game” and “Reinventing
You”, and executive education fac-
ulty, Duke University Fuqua School
of Business.
Paula Brand
Author of “The Purple Parachute provides the
process needed in today’s post-
“The Purple Parachute” COVID world to secure employ-
ment. No one said that securing a
Combining her expertise in career new job would be easy, but with
counseling, LinkedIn, human re- But she received feedback from this resource, women looking for a
sources, workforce development colleagues that the book’s founda- new job will find everything they
and training facilitation, Paula tional concepts could be used by need to put their best foot forward
Brand has inspired thousands of any gender and at any age. as they pursue a new job. It’s a
professionals to take charge of must-read for every woman of any
their careers. Founder of Brand The DIY manual walks readers age.” Hannah Morgan, job search
Career Management, she is a through a step-by-step process to strategist, founder of Career
Global Career Coach & Consultant, learn about themselves as they, and author of The Info-
LinkedIn Expert, Speaker, Trainer move through the career transition graphic Resume.
and Facilitator with a background process.
in human resources, workforce de- For more information about Paula
velopment, training and career It introduces the A.S.T.E.R. Career Brand and “The Purple Parachute,”
counseling. Model to guide professionals check out her informative website
through the phases of their careers
with advice on what to do at each Ask for dealer information if you
She speaks to groups and pro- step of the way. A.S.T.E.R. stands wish to carry this award winning
vides individual career coaching for Assess, Seek, Test, Execute title.
on using LinkedIn effectively, man- and Repeat.
aging a successful career and nav-
igating through career transitions The book includes many activities
with a focus on empowering mid- for individuals and groups so if you
career women to achieve career run a job club or a women’s book
bliss. club, it could be very useful for your
Paula wrote her Pinnacle Award “I wrote the book to demystify ca-
winning book, “The Purple Para- reer management and job search,”
chute: A Woman’s Guide to Navi- says Paula.
gating the Winds of Career
Change” in order to help mid-ca- “I learned from my late dad (an
reer women succeed in the work- executive recruiter who started his
place and level the playing field. own firm in New York City many
years ago) that career common
sense is not common to most peo-

How to Get Bookstore ment! But it’s not exactly a pot Is Bookstore Distribution Worth-
Placement for Your Self- of gold at the end of a rainbow. while?
Published Book And
Accepting Dreaded Bookstore While seeing your book on
How Retail Book Returns store shelves can bring a
Distribution Works sense of accomplishment, it is
By Stephanie Chandler Once your books hit bookstore not a true marker of success.
shelves, they need to sell brisk- The reality is that most book
You’re certainly not alone if you ly. This means you should be sales today happen online.
want to get your book placed in working in the background to While nobody knows the exact
bookstores. This is a goal for generate publicity and inspire statistics, it has been estimated
many authors, and it’s not im- masses of people to go out to that 70% of all book sales hap-
possible. But there are some buy your book. If books don’t pen through Amazon.
details you need to know book- sell well within about 60 days,
store distribution for self-pub- you will likely find yourself hav- Sadly, physical bookstores
lished authors ing to accept huge quantities of don’t have as much clout as
returns. they used to. (And I’m speaking
How Book Distribution Works to you as a former bookstore
The bookstore industry oper- owner.) The one major advan-
Books are placed in brick-and- ates based on returns. If a book tage that a brick-and-mortar
mortar bookstores by book dis- doesn’t sell well, all copies are bookstore brings to the table is
tributors. As a self-published pulled from store shelves and that sales are likely reported to
author, you can apply to work sent back for a refund. There the New York Times Bestsell-
with a book distributor. But are simply too many titles com- ers lists (though not all stores
book distribution comes with a peting for shelf space. Re- report sales). Amazon sales
hefty price tag. turned books can be tossed are not factored into these lists.
carelessly into shipping boxes But it takes a tremendous
Distributors typically take 70% and can come back damaged. amount of publicity to generate
to 75% of your book’s retail But you still must issue the re- enough sales to make a dent in
price, leaving little room for prof- fund, even though you may be the list so either way, it’s an
it. They need to pass on a dis- stuck with inventory that is too uphill climb.
count to retailers, and the damaged to sell.
distributors need to get their cut. Just as publishers are selective
You will likely need to print, ship Yes, this is the harsh reality of about the manuscripts they ac-
and store hundreds or even bookstore distribution. And it’s quire for book deals, distribu-
thousands of books, which one of the only industries that tors are choosy about the
comes with a substantial invest- expects to receive full refunds. books they accept. They need
ment before you even get start- When a retailer like Macy’s to be confident that a book will
ed. Distributors may provide doesn’t sell out of a line of sell well, otherwise they lose
warehousing services, but they jeans, they don’t get to ship money too. If you think about it
aren’t free. Your books will pay them back to the manufacturer. in terms of business, everyone
rent to live there until they are They sell them off to discount is just trying to make a profit.
sold and moved to their new retailers like Marshall’s and TJ-
retail home. Maxx. Unfortunately, the book- If you’re not scared off yet, you
store industry is a different can apply to work with book
When a distributor convinces animal. distributors (see list of book
store buyers to carry your distributors here). Keep read-
books, it’s a big accomplish- ing for some additional options.

Submit Directly to Barnes and No- Professional Production – Your idea how much work is involved in
ble for Consideration book needs to be fully edited, not only publishing and marketing
have an eye-catching cover, and their books, but in getting retail
There is a process you can follow have all the elements of a profes- placement. But this isn’t the only
to submit your book for potential sionally designed book (title page, path to success.
placement at Barnes and Noble. BISAC codes, chapters starting
Your book must have the following: on the right, etc.). Keep in mind that not every book
is right for bookstore placement. If
ISBN – All bookstores require an You can see the full process and you have a niche title, such as a
International Standard Book Num- submission guidelines for getting book for medical doctors or a high-
ber, which you can acquire here. your book shelved at Barnes and ly technical manual used only by
Be sure to avoid using the free Noble here. technologists, bookstores proba-
numbers offered by print services bly aren’t where your target audi-
because this screams self-pub- Alternative: Create Demand ence is spending time. You will
lished, especially if it comes from likely get better results by focus-
Amazon. BN doesn’t want any- If you put your marketing wheels ing on online sales, and perhaps
thing to do with Amazon publishing. in motion and generate enough placement with specialty stores or
interest, buyers will start asking trade associations.
Barcode – These are used for for your book in stores. When this
scanning and inventory purposes. happens often enough, retailers I recommend focusing on selling
Many print services will help you will notice and seek you out when online. It’s where most of us buy
create one for free (including Lulu they are ready to buy in large our books anyway. Grow your plat-
and Ingramspark). You can also quantities. They will still require form online by finding out where
create them through the ISBN your books be available through a your audience spends time and
agency. Your barcode should distributor, but if your book is avail- connecting with them there.
have the ISBN and retail price able through Ingram, that may be
embedded into it, and retail price enough (provided you’ve set a Like it or not, traditional book in-
should be printed next to it as well. retail discount of 55% and accept dustry success often comes back
returns). Bookstores may also ask to platform. When you build a larg-
Spine – Because books are you to work with their favorite dis- er audience, you create more op-
shelved spine-out, you are re- tributor, and then you’re back to portunities for your book. If your
quired to have your title and au- giving up 75% of your retail price goal is to sell thousands of copies,
thor name on the spine. so everyone gets paid. let this motivate you to focus on
building your platform while you
Distribution – Your book must be Start Local leverage online marketing strate-
listed with a distributor and if it’s gies and speaking engagements
available through Ingram with a Independent bookstores and to sell books. With consistent ef-
55% discount and accepting re- some Barnes and Noble stores fort, you can create success for
turns, that should be sufficient. will accept a few copies of your your book on your terms.
book for sale, often on a consign-
Publicity Plan – Yes, they want to ment basis. You can walk into any Like this article? You will find more
see your full marketing plan and store and ask to speak with a resources and support when you
links to any articles or publicity manager. If you’re able to get trac- join the Nonfiction Authors Associ-
you’ve received. tion for sales in a single store, this ation on the web at
can create leverage to convince www.nonfictionauthorsassociation
Pricing – Your book needs to other stores to carry them too. But .com
priced competitively with other you must begin by reaching out
books in your genre. directly to one store at a time.

Positioning Statement – Explain Focus on Online Sales

what makes your book unique and
why the retailer needs it on their After reading all these guidelines,
shelves. you may feel discouraged by what
you’ve learned here. You’re not
alone. Many new authors have no

Six Steps for Getting National without any special technical knowl- Keep it simple. Try practicing what
Media Coverage edge. More than 90% of journalists you plan to say in front of an 8-year-
by L. Drew Gerber prefer to get their information online; old. Really! If you do this and the
therefore, having an online press kit child can repeat back to you what
Getting national media coverage in is crucial to giving them the facts you have said, you know that you’re
top print, broadcast, or online media they need to cover you, your product, communicating in a way that’s easy
can boost your business in ways that service or business. to understand.
are hard to imagine.
Develop your pitch. Pretend you are So remember: brand your message,
A single placement in a glossy na- in an elevator with Anderson Cooper hone your pitch, find your media and
tional magazine is worth tens of thou- and you have 30 seconds to tell him give them what they need to make
sands of dollars – sometimes a lot why he should have you on his CNN interviewing you interesting and re-
more – and not just in the value of ad show. Your pitch should be concise, warding.
space in the publication. Getting cov- reflect your passion and stress what
ered by national media lends a level makes you unique. As PR profes- That brings us to a final piece of
of credibility, prestige, and buzz that sionals we have found that short most important advice: focus on
money can’t buy. pitches are often more effective for what the reporter needs and how
getting the media’s attention than you can provide content that is use-
At Wasabi Publicity Inc., we sent out long press releases. ful to their audience, rather than
a pitch that landed author Dr. Jill hard-selling yourself or your product.
Murray on Dr. Phil’s TV show less Find the media: The Internet pro- Remember, you are getting great
than eight hours after she had vides countless ways to research publicity for free, and pay it forward!
signed up as a client. Within one media that may be interested in you.
week, that same pitch also got her Here is Drew Gerber’s One-Sheet
coverage with CNN Weekend News, is a free service we for Publicity
Issues with Jane Velez Mitchell, and created to connect media and sourc-
20/20, as well as interviews with es. It’s similar to others such as About the Author
syndicated radio shows and several HARO and Reporter Connection.
magazine articles. Sales rankings of For 30 years, L. Drew Gerber has
Dr. Jill’s newest book But He Never Watch your favorite show and find been inspiring those who want to
Hit Me shot up to number 16 on out the producer’s name from the change the world. As the CEO of and number 23 on credits, or read your favorite newspa- Wasabi Publicity, lauded by the likes
Barnes & Noble within hours of her pers and magazines to find out who of PR Week and Good Morning
Dr. Phil appearance. covers your topic area. When you America, he sparks “aha” conversa-
contact reporters, compliment their tions that lead to personal and busi-
Despite the enormous value of na- work to let them know you have ness success.
tional publicity, many business own- taken the time to research.
ers and entrepreneurs don’t His PR firm is known for landing
understand how to go about attract- Respond immediately. When the me- clients on Dr. Phil, Oprah, Anderson
ing the media’s attention. It’s not dia calls or emails expressing inter- Cooper, the Wall Street Journal, Inc.,
complicated if you follow these six est in covering you, respond Entrepreneur, and other top media
basic steps: immediately! Reporters usually work outlets.
on very tight deadlines, so the sourc-
Brand your message. Be crystal es that respond fastest with the most Wasabi Publicity lives to launch con-
clear about WHO you are, WHAT concise and useful information are versations that make a difference
makes you unique and WHY the most likely to get covered. and change the world.
media should care. Assure you have
a consistent message by having all Be prepared. Thoroughly prepare for You can contact Drew at
your press materials ready before your interview. Decide what you or
the press calls. A great way to do want to say and practice saying it in visit his informative blog at
this is to get an online press kit. short, concise sound bites. This is
where professional media coaching
We created a technology, Online can be valuable, since many people
Press Kits 24/7, which allows people have had little experience in front of
to create press kits simply and easily cameras and microphones.

Reach Thousands of Book Buyers
In the Publishers Preview Section of Book Dealers World and the
A Two For One Special Marketing Opportunity

Book Dealers World

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ship and sample costs, plus your company name, Web Site, promoted in quarterly e-mails to
address and phone number. This ad will appear in the bookstores, libraries and a wide variety of
Winter 2024 edition of BOOK DEALERS WORLD, Internet Book Buyers, and advertised in our
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As a Publisher, here’s what you will get:
Buyers From All Over The
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Save Yourself Time and Money! issue and more than 1000 e-mails will be sent
If you rented e-mail lists of potential prospects it would to book buyers.
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volved in securing the right lists. We do everything for
Package a $275.00 value for just
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Publishers Preview Ad in BDW plus
Remember That Even One Contact Made the Hot Books To Promote Feature on
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Thousands of Dollars of Sales
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NABE, Publishers Preview, Box 606, Cottage Grove, OR 97424 NABE MEMBERS:
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Telephone__________________Fax___________________ Final Deadline: December 20, 2023
E-Mail____________________________________________ See Next Page For Publishers Preview

Jose Carlos Eiras
2536 Golf View Drive, Weston, FL 33327 Tel: 954-662-0088

A collection of 37 unique, enticing and exciting human engagement

stories that take place all over the world. They are a mix of personal
experience, culture, history, humor and fiction. Moving, magical and
memorable. It is funny even hilarious, entertaining, thought-provoking,
adventurous, educational, mysterious, and even sensual. Blends the
cultural traditions of South America, Europe, and North America..

Kindle: $9.99 Paperback: $15.99

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Lynn Rae
6 William Curtis Circle, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada L3Y8L7
Tel: 905-898-0727 E-Mail:

Author and Inspirational Speaker Lynn Rae shares her coping strategies for
living with bipolar disorder and how she learned to be a productive, thriving
member of society. In The F Book: 7 Fs to Creating Your Fantastic Future. Lynn
outlines how incorporating the 7 Fs: Family, Friends, Fun, Fitness, Fulfillment,
Finances and Faith, will lead to a happier, healthier, more joy-filled life.

Retail: $19.99 Sample: $19.99 ppd

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

James Quinn, Europe Books

23913 Via Hamaca Valencia, CA 91355
Phone: 661-373-7118 E-Mail:

Prepare for an extraordinary adventure beginning with the astound-

ing discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb. Unveil the secrets of a devoted
cult, sworn to protect precious Egyptian antiquities from the clutches
of Osiris—an exclusive men's club with sinister motives, even resort-
ing to murder. As you journey through this fast-paced novel, be
captivated by the unparalleled storytelling found within this latest gilt
edged novel by James Quinn.

Retail: $14.95, Sample: $14.95 ppd..

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Susan Marie Chapman Canoe Tree Press
900 8th Ave S #204 Naples, FL 34102
Phone: 215-290-3037
Web Site:

Sweet Potato is an adorable little baby girl screech owl. She is called
Sweet Potato because she loves sweet potatoes and her feathers are
a burnt orange color just like a sweet potato. She lives with her
parents and two brothers in Flamingo Park. Her parents tell her that
owls are meat eaters and that she is supposed to sleep all day and
play all night. But, Sweet Potato has other plans.
Retail: $21.99, Sample: $21.99 ppd
Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Mary Virginia McCormick Pittman Xlibris

222 E. Houston St. Suite 1204 San Antonio, TX 78205
Phone 210-212-4500

Is it animal magic? Or the unique DNA of the wolf? This book presents
three incredible stories that will transport you into a world of canine
courage, endurance, bravery, and fortitude, which can be called
nothing less than miraculous. Beautifully illustrated.

Retail: Available on Amazon & Barnes & Noble

Write For Wholesale quantity discounts.

James Quinn, Europe Books

23913 Via Hamaca Valencia, CA 91355
Phone: 661-373-7118 E-Mail:

From award-winning author, James Quinn, comes this edge-of-your-

seat suspense thriller. A gilt edged novel portraying dynastic Southern
families involving vampires and a serial killer investigation during
Mardi Gras. New Orleans’ colorful history, including notorious hauntings
and mayhem, is vividly interwoven in the plot.The novel’s horrifying
suspense and compelling drama, containing diabolical twists and
turns, makes for a horrific and engaging read up to the story’s dramatic

Retail: $14.95 Sample: $14.95

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Dr. Pete Andersen Trius Publishing, LLC
6382 Lake Dora Avenue San Diego, CA 92119 Phone: 858-8869820

Leadership training to improve performance in less time for any job, task,
skill, or relationship. The 3 secret skills, a.k.a. “The Triad” teaches leaders,
parents, teachers, coaches, managers, supervisors, directors a system of
powerful intrinsic motives to satisfy the personal needs and values and
goals of the people doing the work. Improve the quality of life for the
performers and company, organization, or team leading to lifelong success
and happiness.

Price: $14.99 Sample: $14.99 ppd.

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Christine T Rose Redemption Press 1602 Cole St, Enumclaw, WA 98022

Phone 425-326-9855 E-Mail:
Web Site:

Winter 2022 Pinnacle Book Awards Top Women's Interest Book, 2021 Interna-
tional Book Awards Finalist for Best New Nonfiction.

…Full of engaging stories and great data, very interesting with timely informa-
tion about what needs to happen for all women to be empowered...Managers
and leaders should all be required to read this book. I couldn't put it down!"
Jack Canfield, New York Times bestselling co-creator, Chicken Soup for the

Retail: $22.99 Sample: $22.99 ppd.

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Carlos B. Gil The Gildeane Group

6015 NE 205th Street Kenmore, WA Phone: 206-714-4955
E-Mail: Web:

Based on recorded memoirs, Carlos B. Gil narrates how his parents emigrat-
ed from Mexico to southern California in the 1920s. His award-winning
publications tells the story of Mexican immigration from the point of view of
his own family. He also unveils the cultural conflicts connected with raising
children in a new society, and how the “Mexican” Gil children became Mexi-
can American.

Retail: $16.99 Sample: $16.99 ppd.

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Susan Robertson Page Publishing
PO Box 470 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
Telephone: 405-706-3704

My husband was Dale Robertson a very famous and talented actor who
starred in many films, mostly in the 1950’s. Also starred in Western Series
during the golden era of the TV Western, one of the most popular genres
ever produced for the small screen. Every network had numerous westerns
on the air, ranging from children’s Saturday afternoon fare to adult prime
time dramas. At one time over thirty-two hours of western entertainment
were available on the three networks!

Retail: $62.00
Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Susan Marie Chapman Canoe Tree Press

900 8th Ave S #204 Naples, FL 34102
Phone: 215-290-3037
Web Site:

Grumpy the Iguana has decided to surprise his family for Christmas.
It has been many years since he has seen his mom, dad and his little
sister but how was he going to get there? Green Parrot has a plan
and helps Grumpy get a bus ticket. Mr. Squirrel makes sure Grumpy
has the perfect gifts to take with him. This is a heartwarming Holiday
story about learning what is the most important Christmas gift of all.

Retail: $21.99, Sample: $21.99 ppd

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Robert Wahler, Authorhouse

1738 Braddock Ct. San Jose, CA 95125
Phone: 808.896.6203 E-Mail:

In 2006, National Geographic Society misreported the discovery of

the gnostic Gospel of Judas. Biased biblical scholars chosen by NGS
to analyze it missed that gnostic JUDAS -- not Jesus! -- is the enigmatic
"man who bears me" sacrificed at the climax. The Nag Hammadi
Apocalypses prove Judas was a cover for James, an invention to hide
his succession in the biblical Jesus Christ 'Betrayal of Christ' story as
traitor, not successor savior Jesus Christ.

Retail: $2.99
Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

William L. Rush and Christine F Robinson
Christian Faith Publishing
Phone 905-517-6679

A Memoir of Active Faith, Profound Love, and Courageous Disability Rights explores
an extraordinary love story grown out of engagement with both disability rights
advocacy and Christian faith communities. This important memoir contains
thoughtful, often-entertaining, and sometimes heart-wrenching anecdotes of a
couple's journey to create their profoundly intimate relationship and Christian
marriage, in a world not yet ready for them.

Retail: $16.25 Sample: $16.25 ppd.

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

Mark Lakeram
62 Colwood Gardens London, UK SW192DT
Phone: +447825059325

The Stitchin is the mind-bending thriller of teenager Sam Yates and his
brother ensnared in the illicit and death-defying goings on of an elite and
survivalist cult. When detective Sarah Silver gets embroiled in a standard
case, the paths of the Yates brothers, the cult and this dogged detective cross.
With the challenges the brothers face intensifying, will the truth be uncovered
before it’s too late?

Retail: $13.99 Sample: $13.99 ppd.

Write for wholesale quantity discounts

Arthur Yavelberg MSI Press LLC

1762-F Airline Hwy #203 Hollister, CA 95023
Phone: 831-578-0290 E-Mail:

If God exists and is good, why is there evil? Avoiding such questions underlies
the spiritual emptiness and anxiety in today's world. A Theology for the Rest of
Us explores how to approach the divine through Eastern and Western religious
traditions without dogma, challenging readers to "be you lamps unto your-
selves." Eye-opening book shares the roots of theology, compares faiths, lets
readers identify personal beliefs. Insight into cultures, history, and humanity.

Available through Ingram.

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

B.A.Vonsik Celestial Fury Publishing
5617 Rocking Horse Rd Orlando FL 32817
Phone 407-252-0341
E-Mail Web Site

To save the future, they must suffer the past! She scoffs at the legends of
long-ago civilizations. He grew up battling deadly dinosaurs. When their
lifelines intersect, can Nikki and Rogaan survive humanity’s genesis and the
deliverers of Providence in our apocalyptic end times…the Four Horsemen…in
the ancient battle for Our Eternal Souls? An epic science fantasy award-winning
story, 65 million years in the making where Jurassic Park meets Stargate SG1!

Retail: $19.95. Each. Sample: $19.95 each ppd.

Write for wholesale quantity discounts.

B.A.Vonsik Celestial Fury Publishing

5617 Rocking Horse Rd Orlando FL 32817
Phone 407-252-0341
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She discovers the legends of long-ago civilizations are real. They grew up
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PO Box 207 El Prado, NM 87529 Phone: 575-776-8370

"Luna, The Mare with the Sky Blue Eyes" is the story of a young mare nearly
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Mardi Harjo Christian Faith Publishing

933 Mahaley Rd Franklin, GA 3017
Phone: 678-633-9595 E-Mail:

Herein the author exposes the spiritually contaminated, self-deceptive behavior-

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ter of Jesus Christ alone can deliver us from its death grip. As God's Gospel is
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First and Second Editions

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Alice Weil Austin Macauley
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In 1990 Alice Weil was Kidnapped in Colombia and held captive in a

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story she wishes to give all those who might encounter a similar situa-
tion a ray of hope.

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Alice Weil Austin Macauley

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Monte Carlo Monaco 98000

Survival: A Story of Friendship based on a true story, tells the tale of how
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Alice Weil Austin Macauley

The Garden House
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Mother Nature has issued human beings various warnings over the years,
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7 Ways to Use Audio to Increase ask a friend or colleague to con-
Your Web and Email Sales duct a short, dynamic interview
by Alexandria Brown with you via phone. Record it and
post it at your website. Or, do a
Have you thought about adding series of interviews with other ex-
audio to your website yet? You perts in your field and post them at
should. While great copy does a your site.
good job of selling your services
and products, audio will amplify the 4. Feature Samples of Telesemi-
effect of your words. nars. Do you want more signups
for your free and/or paid telesemi-
Audio gives you a more personal nars? Then start recording them.
connection with your Web visitors. Pull out the highlights and post free
Social psychologists tell us that clips of them at your website.
humans are more likely to trust you
if they can both see you and hear 5. Pump Up Your Testimonials.
you. And prospects are more likely You probably already have custom-
to buy from those whom they feel er testimonials on your site. Now
they know, like, and trust. amplify their impact with audio. Author’s Secrets
Have your customers record their Revealed!
So let’s think about how you can testimonials in their own voices,
Packed with amazing tips
build that instant rapport with your and post them on your site along and tricks, to get you un-
prospects (AND boost your sub- with their names and photos. stuck from writer’s block
and to improve your writ-
scribers and sales to boot)! What ing in dozens of little
could you do with audio? There are 6. Make Your Emails and Ezines ways, there are tips
unlimited possibilities of what can Talk. Liven up your emails by mak- about all aspects of writing, for both fic-
tion and non-fiction authors. For details,
be done with audio on websites ing them talk to your prospects, visit or
and in email, but here are seven subscribers, and customers. The send Kim Lambert an e-mail at
simple ideas to get you started. members on your lists will feel like
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How to Approach Book Clubs influencers on platforms like #Book- showcase your passion for literature.
as an Author Tok or Instagram, authors can tap into By building authentic connections with
By Philip Kinsher new audiences and gain exposure to book club members, you can solidify
potential readers. their interest and potentially get your
Book clubs are as popular as ever — book on their agenda.
for readers and authors alike. Read- You don’t have to wait and hope a
ers enjoy them because they offer a book club will discover you — there Make it easy for book clubs to access
social outlet focused on discussions are steps you can take to proactively your book by providing reading re-
about books they love. Authors value contact and pitch to book clubs. sources such as discussion guides,
book clubs because they offer an ac- Research your audience author Q&A materials, or supplemen-
tive platform to connect with readers, tary content related to your book’s
generate buzz, and establish a base Obviously, not every book club is go- themes. These resources not only en-
of book lovers who might spread the ing to cater to you genre or style of rich the reading experience but can
word about their books. book, so step one is understanding a support or impact the book club’s dis-
particular clubs preferences, reading cussions.
Book clubs connect readers who meet habits, and interests. Research the
regularly — typically weekly or month- genres that resonate with your target Offering your book for free to book
ly — to discuss a selected book. audience and identify book clubs that clubs can make a lot of sense, espe-
These clubs usually consist of mem- are most likely to want to read your cially for new or independent authors
bers who have a shared interest in book. Do online research to seek out looking to build a readership. By pro-
particular genres, reading in general, book clubs that align with your topic viding complimentary copies, you re-
and exploring diverse literary themes. and genre. By tailoring your approach move the financial barrier for book
to specific book clubs, you increase clubs to consider your work and in-
Traditionally, book clubs meet in per- the chances of capturing their interest. crease the likelihood of them selecting
son, though modern book clubs can Create a compelling pitch your book for their reading list.
take various forms, including virtual
book clubs conducted via online plat- Craft a concise and compelling pitch Before you promise free copies to
forms. Virtual book clubs enable indi- that highlights the unique aspects of every book club, weigh the potential
viduals from different geographical your book. Clearly state why your benefits against the costs of giving
locations to come together and en- book will resonate with club members away free copies. Consider the size
gage in book discussions via video and spark engaging discussions. Em- and influence of the book club, the
calls, chat groups, or dedicated web- phasize the themes, characters, or anticipated exposure your book will
sites. This digital transformation has plot elements that make your book receive, and the potential for word-of-
expanded the reach and accessibility stand out and evoke curiosity. mouth recommendations. In some
of book clubs, allowing more people to cases, the exposure and goodwill gen-
participate and share their thoughts For example, if your book delves into erated through book club discussions
on literature and connect socially over thought-provoking ethical dilemmas, may outweigh the initial loss of reve-
a common interest. emphasize the potential for stimulat- nue from free copies. Or perhaps you
ing debates and differing opinions can barter a free book for an online
Book clubs offer obvious benefits for within the book club. Perhaps you book review from each of the book-
authors seeking to promote their could include an offer to address the club members.
books and connect with readers, in- club before or after they read your
cluding: work to heighten interest and personal You need books to connect with book
connection. Connect through email clubs. Of course, to get selected as a
Word-of-mouth promotion. When book and social media book club’s choice for the week, you
club members discover a book they need physical copies of your book
love, they often recommend it to their Once you have identified relevant ready and available. BookBaby is your
friends, family, and colleagues outside book clubs, reach out to them through go-to source for professional self-pub-
of the club. These readers are more email. Introduce yourself as an author lishing packages and worldwide distri-
likely than most to become evange- and express your interest in having bution to make certain your book gets
lists of authors or books they really your book considered for their reading in the hands of eager readers.
enjoy. list. Be genuine, personable, and dem-
Influencer connections. In the age of onstrate your understanding of their
social media, book clubs have be- club’s interests and goals.
come influential platforms where read-
ers share their favorite books, discuss Engaging with book clubs on social
literary trends, and showcase their media platforms can also be effective.
reading experiences. By engaging Participate in discussions related to
with book club members and book books, share valuable insights, and

Leadership with a Servant’s Heart
BOOK by Kevin Wayne Johnson’s principle
A View Through The Fog by Bob
McGee is compelling, poignant, and
goal is to teach, coach, mentor and packed with both moving and
DEALERS share several aspects of leading oth-
ers by valuing and caring for them.
hilarious anecdotes. All human life
(and death) is here. With his own
While it is true that "...many will not distinct voice, McGee opens the
DIARY remember what you say, but most
will remember how you make them
door on the dizzying world of the
Golden Gate Bridge-the beauty of
feel," the readers of this book will both nature and the bridge itself, the
learn the truth of this emotion and camaraderie and friction with
Follow His Lead by Richard Lamotte how to effect change in their respec- colleagues, and the devastating
is the story of Chuck who rushes home tive leadership styles. When leaders tragedies of suicide jumpers. He
from college when his father falls ill value and care for those that they are brings an entire community to the
and passes away. Bitterness over his entrusted to lead, their influence in- page with a thought-provoking and
loss is compounded by the frustration creases exponentially. For info, visit richly detailed memoir that will
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school. Rashly enlisting in the Army, more info visit
Chuck decides to train as a scout dog Zen and the Art of Navigating Col-
handler, and in Vietnam, Chuck's deep lege by Peter Klein s a first-of-its-
resentment is erased by time spent kind handbook for being prepared to Covering seven decades of living,
with his devoted dog, Zeke, and hap- get what you really NEED from the traveling, and growing, Does My
py-go-lucky roommate, Jonesy. For college experience―a path to dis­ Voice Matter? by Cynthia James
more info, visit covering a greater purpose and the follows James’s journey of self-dis-
tools to achieve it. Learn how to se- covery and authenticity as she grad-
Lyrical and captivating, Home Is With- lect courses that will get you inter- ually recognizes that she has a
in You by Nadia Davis recounts the views with potential employers, and voice—and learns how to use it. She
author’s experience of trauma and ad- much more. For additional info, visit uses her own life experiences as a
diction amid a highly publicized abu- backdrop for her exploration of how
sive relationship. Davis is brutally the voice is used as a tool of engage-
honest about her experiences and gen- Eye To Eye, Heart To Heart by ment; how a singular or collective
erous in revealing the paths she found Pamela Pech is a heartwarming tale voice can enhance empowerment,
to wholeness through spiritual advoca- based on the real lives of a prisoner transparency, and accountability;
cy, healthy co-parenting, and a dedica- and a rescue dog who both feel ex- and, finally, how expression can de-
tion to preventing generational trauma tremely sad and trapped in their own velop new ideas, shift cultures, politi-
More info at personal cages. When they work to- cal views, transform organizations,
gether in Pups on Parole, a program create laws, and improve lives. For
Jocelyn Learns To Dance by Jocelyn for dog training in prisons, they each info visit
E. Cox is loosely based on the writer's find their second chance. Ben and
own experiences as a young dancer. Gabbi go from cell mates to soul
Jocelyn spends her Saturday morn- mates as they show us how honest
ings waiting for her friends to finish work, an effort to learn, and a deep Grumpy and Green Parrot Find a
their fun activities. One day, she finds love can outshine any past "mis- New Home in Naples by Susan
an activity of her own and she is very takes." For more info, visit Mare Chapman tells the story of
excited. For more info, visit Grumpy the Iguana and the Green Parrot are looking for a tree house in
Black on Madison Avenue by Mark their new city of Naples, Florida.
Einstein: The Man and His Mind by S. Robinson reveals the incredible They have hired the services of Mr.
Gary S. Berger is a one-of-a-kind, experiences of a Black man who has Pelican who just happens to know
hard-cover, 4.4 pound book with rare- spent 40+ years on Madison Avenue where all the available tree homes
ly-seen photos of Albert Einstein as at some of the advertising industry's are in the area. Mr. Pelican can be
well as of beautifully preserved letters, most prestigious agencies and gives found on the historical Naples Pier.
manuscripts, journals, and even equa- readers a rare glimpse of what it's He has helped many animals find
tions written in Einstein's hand. Pres- like to be one of the very, very few their forever homes and now
ents an unparalleled private collection Black professionals in the advertis- Grumpy and Green Parrot are hop-
of Einstein memorabilia and helps ing agency business. Mark shares ing that he will be able to do the
place in historical context his ideas some of his amazing adventures with same for them. For more info, visit
about time, gravity, quantum theory, many popular celebrities. For info,
and cosmology. For more info, visit

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Book Title
City, State, Zip
Web Site
Retail Price
50 Word Book Description

Best Book in the
Summer 2023 Category of BODY MIND SPIRIT Best Books in the
Pinnacle Book A Voice From Heaven: Category of CHILDREN'S
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Alexander V Girman and Howie Groff
Best Book in the Cynthia J Girman
Category of ADVENTURE
Drawn Into Danger The King Meets Blessing
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Best Books in the Tom Hampton HOLIDAY
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Pamela Pech finance/ A True Story of Christmas David Lane
The Big Thing Effect
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Find a New Home in Naples
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Best Book in the Best Books in the
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How to Distribute Your Book My favorite way to distribute You could rather tediously sign
by Carla King print books is by using a combi- up for each of their publishing
nation of Amazon and Ingram- programs, type in your automat-
When it comes to distributing Spark and offering a 30% ic payment information, and up-
your book, there’s no shortage discount and no returns. I’ll load your ebook to each of
of options available. However, share the details on that a little these stores separately. But
the plethora of options can further down the page. many authors find that using an
leave authors stressed and con- ebook distributor to reach all the
fused as to which route to take. Your customer finds your ebook retailers is much more efficient.
In this post, I’ll breakdown the in the store they like to shop in.
various options and tools avail- That store is called an online Here’s an important FYI: Ama-
able to distribute your book. retailer. Once the customer zon sells about a third of printed
buys your book, they’ll get it in books in the US and is now
Ebook distributor the mail (if they order the print opening brick-and-mortar retail
version), or download the ebook bookstores, too. Books-A-Mil-
An ebook distribution service to their ebook reading device in lion, or BAM!, is the second-larg-
distributes your ebook to a wide Kindle format (if they bought it est brick-and-mortar book
range of online retailers. They from Amazon) or EPUB format retailer in the US after B&N.
collect a percentage of sales (if they bought it in any other They also sell books online.
(about 10%) to provide you with store).
wide distribution plus central- An ebook reading device is any
ized accounting and payment Some more definitions device or app that can read the
services. Later in this post I’ll ebooks purchased from an on-
share my recommended ven- Before we continue on to the line retailer. iPad owners have
dors for ebook distribution. recommendations I’d like to been trained to download the
Print book distributor define some more terms you’ll EPUB version and Kindle own-
come across when you’re re- ers know they need a Kindle
A book distributor sends your searching distribution. (KF8, mobi, or azw) file. You
print book (POD/print-on-de- can read Amazon Kindle books
mand, in most cases) to the An online retailer is an online on your iPhone using a Kindle
online booksellers and brick- store that sells ebooks in print, app that you download from the
and-mortar bookstores. Ingram- EPUB, or Kindle format to your app store. However, you can’t
Spark is currently the only reli- customers. The major online read an ebook in EPUB format
able distribution channel that ebook retailers are Amazon on your Kindle ebook reader,
indie authors can use to reach (which enjoys the majority of the because it’s a dedicated, one-
brick-and-mortar stores. Why? market and sells both print and purpose device that only reads
Because they offer the 53% dis- ebooks), Kobo (an ebook retail- Kindle files. Today, most people
count and returns program that er a wide international reach), read ebooks on a multi-purpose
bookstores require. Barnes & Noble (print and digi- tablet computer using an app.
tal), Apple (ebook only), and
It’s not good practice to use Am- Google Play (ebook only). What is a bookstore?
azon’s distribution service be-
cause bookstores generally do Competing (or to compete) with The definition of a bookstore
not like to order books from Am- Amazon is Walmart who sells has changed. A bookstore is
azon. Besides, they only offer a both print and ebooks (via Ko- both a bricks-and-mortar busi-
40% discount and have no re- bo), too. There are many, many ness and an online book retailer.
turns program. others. Does your local independent
bookstore have a website?
Probably! And you can probably

Pure-play retailers focus only They offer an automatic book Other Interesting Options
on selling one thing. An exam- formatting tool on their site and
ple of a pure-play bookstore is great customer service. Like Publish Drive and StreetLib are
B&N. Amazon is not a pure- most vendors, they keep 10% proud of their global reach and
play retailer because it sells all of the sales price. Scribl has some interesting
kinds of products. marketing features. Find re-
IngramSpark views of these services in the
Selling direct from your own free consumer’s guide when
website or at events or even IngramSpark will distribute both you sign up for my Free Publish-
from the trunk of your car is your print book and ebook to all ing Toolkit.
another way to distribute. There the stores, both online and
are a lot of tools that will help bricks-and-mortar bookstores. Educating yourself on the possi-
you sell books on your own It is owned by Ingram (the larg- bilities can cause a headache,
website by embedding a widget. est book distribution company I know. So here’s where I pro-
Check out Gumroad, Leanpub, in the world), so they have very vide the distribution scenarios I
and Patreon to get familiar with wide reach. Most of the other recommend most for self-pub-
the kinds of things you can do. distributors “hook in” to In- lishers.
My go-to list of print book and gram’s distribution service, so
ebook distributors you don’t have to use Ingram- The combination I recommend
Spark to get Ingram distribution. the most
Here’s a summary of the com-
panies I most often recommend However, IngramSpark is the Amazon KDP for your paper-
to authors who have profession- only service that offers both back and ebook, to enjoy a
ally produced a book and need ebook and print book distribu- direct relationship with Amazon.
distribution to the ebook and tion in a single dashboard. In- Draft2Digital to distribute to
print book retailers. There are gramSpark offers both all the other ebook retailers.
lots more in the Consumer’s paperback and hardcover book IngramSpark to distribute
Guide. production and distribution. your paperback and hardcover
Amazon book.
Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publish- Learn more from the podcast
Draft2Digital acquired Smash- ing (KDP) is Amazon’s tool for
words early in 2022. So go I host the Nonfiction Authors
self-publishers to sell your print
straight to Draft2Digital instead book and Kindle ebook in the Association podcast where I in-
of using Smashwords now. Amazon bookstore. They do re-terview authors, book publish-
Draft2Digital has a beta pro- ing and marketing experts, and
quire you to exclusively use Am-
gram for print. I talked with founders of companies who cre-
azon only for 90 days if you use
them the Nonfiction Authors As- their Amazon KDP Select mar- ate the tools to help you publish.
sociation podcast in July 2022. keting program for ebooks. Find it here.
Listen here. https://nonfictionauthorsassoci
Only use this program if you’ve
Draft2Digital provides ebook checked out their marketing events-3/
distribution to all the major re- tools and you’re sure you want
tailers online, plus hundreds of to use them.
storefronts worldwide.

Book Marketing and down the money. You’ll proba- and on and on. The point is,
Publicity: Why Writers bly want to take more classes, though the sessions will be very
Conferences are Crucial to but four is a good start. That’ll geared to the specific event
Your Author Success give you enough time to network, genre, you could glean a lot
by Penny Sansevieri maybe take in an agent meeting from attending these events if
or two (if that’s something you the tracks seem appealing to you.
I’m a big fan of author education, want to do), as well as attend How to Find the Right Confer-
and there’s no better way to keynotes and luncheon speak- ence for You
further your book marketing and ers.
publicity success than taking a You can start on Google, but
class or two. But even better If you’re attending an event just magazines like The Writer al-
than that is a chance to immerse to meet an agent (or two), make ways have a monthly listing of
yourself in your industry via a sure that there are agents at- events (and it’s pretty extensive).
writers conference! tending the event who handle Also, any local writer’s group
your genre. That can be a big may be linked to events that
With writers conferences finally disappointment if you base go- may also appeal to you.
returning to in person, now is a ing to the event solely on finding
good time to start planning your an agent, only to discover that What Are Your Book Marketing
next event. And though I loved none of them work in your partic- and Publicity Goals?
that many of these events still ular genre. A big piece of deciding on what
happened virtually, there’s noth- kind of events to go to will de-
ing like meeting other writers Types of Conferences pend on your goals. If you’re
and industry professionals in As I mentioned above, there are looking to sell your manuscript
person. literally as many writers confer- to a publisher, you’ll want an
ences as there are genres (well, event with many agent appoint-
Sadly, many authors attend writ- almost). There are romance-spe- ments. But if education is your
ers conferences for the wrong cific events, mystery and thriller interest, you’ll want to identify
reasons. I often hear authors events, and even writers confer- what you want to learn. Do you
say, “I’m going to land an agent.” ences geared to lawyers who need to get more versed in so-
And while it does happen that an write fiction. And you’d be sur- cial media? Are you interested
author finds an agent at a writ- prised how many attorneys in getting more influencers to
ers conference, it’s rare. we’ve worked with over the review your book? Want to know
years who write fiction! more about how to work the Am-
What Should You Expect? azon algorithm? Knowing what
Well, that really depends on the So first and foremost, start dig- you’d like to learn will help you
event. So first, I recommend you ging through some events and decide which event to attend.
review all the classes offered maybe even consider attending Hybrid vs. In-Person (and why
before deciding to commit to events outside your genre. Let you want to purchase confer-
something. Some conferences me explain. ence recordings)
focus only on craft, while others
are more heavily marketing-fo- I’ve spoken for Romance Writ-
cused, so it depends on the ers of America multiple times,
event itself. Don’t get pulled in which always puts on a great
by some flashy headline if the conference. And though I write
speaker tracks and content in non-fiction, I always find their
aren’t appealing to you. I sug- classes helpful. I know a lot of
gest finding at least four ses- authors who attend events out-
sions that you feel are side of their genre, like fantasy
worthwhile before plunking authors who go to Thriller Fest

Some events still offer a blend Here are a few things you Writers conferences come in all
of in-person and virtual, though should be ready to talk about: shapes and sizes, and they can
not all – and some have gone What kinds of books do you be a fantastic way to learn
all virtual for the foreseeable write? Get very clear on your about your craft, dig into more
future. So if you can’t afford to genre; not knowing what genre book marketing and publicity,
take time off to attend, that’s you write in is the #1 way to and network with other authors
definitely another option. look like an amateur.Describe in your same boat. It can be
Though it’s such a great invest- them in one succinct sentence. both inspiring and career-build-
ment to attend in person, so I If you’re writing non-fiction, ing if done right!
highly recommend it whenever what are your qualifications?
you can. Have you attended a confer-
Bring swag if you have it: Swag ence you loved? Tell us about
Most conferences record ses- can be anything from book- it in the comments!
sions, and I encourage authors marks to character trading
to get a set of recordings. Why? cards – swag is optional but if Here are a few I love:
You miss stuff, even when you you have it, bring it. San Francisco Writers
attend sessions in person. Also, Hit the bar: Some of the best Conference
you may hear of sessions that conversations happen after the IBPA’s Publishing University
you didn’t get to attend, so it’s last session, so be sure and Emerald City Writers
always good to have recordings stop by the hotel bar and don’t Conference
to listen to later! be afraid to tee up a conversa- Southern California
Be Prepared! tion or two while you’re there Writers Conference
–just don’t, you know, partake Romance Writers of America
Now that you’ve booked your too heavily. This is a work event, The 805 Writers Conference
writer’s conference, let’s get not a vacation.
ready to make the most of it. Never sit alone: It’s easy to
want to sit alone during lunch or
Join the conference Facebook dinner but don’t, and most
Translate Your
group: This is a great way to events won’t let you anyway. Children’s Book
start networking early and get You’ll be seated at a table of
to know some of the speakers, eight or ten, generally. Also,
Into Spanish
topics, and attendees. don’t sit with the same people
Ingrid Crawford provides quality
Bring business cards: You don’t all the time. Get to know as professional translation services
have to spend a lot of money many other writers and speak- from English into Spanish of
creating these, but bring some- ers as you can. children’s books between 25 to
thing professional looking that Don’t hog a speaker’s time: 50 pages at a cost you can af-
ford. Take advantage of the
you can hand out. This is from personal experi-
large Spanish-speaking market
Collect business cards: Also ence. As a speaker attending to increase your overall book
make sure that you note on the events, I can tell you that being sales. Most projects can be com-
back where you met the person courteous to others who want pleted in 30 to 60 days. Send a
and briefly take down what you to chat with a speaker, whether copy of your book to Ingrid for a
no obligation quote.
discussed. after a session or during a meal,
Be prepared to talk about your- will be greatly appreciated by
self: I know this is tricky for not just the speaker but other Ingrid Crawford
PO Box 606
many authors. We live in our writers who want a chance to Cottage Grove, OR 97424
world, and networking is hard, ask some questions. 541-942-7455
but the better prepared you can
be, the easier this will flow.

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