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01 Memory Aid Persons and Family Relatio

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1. Presidential Decrees;
E FFECT AND A PPLICATION OF 2. Laws which refer to all statutes, including local and
L AWS private laws;
3. Administrative Rules and Regulations where
The Civil Code took effect on August 30, 1950. purpose is to enforce/implement existing law
pursuant to a valid delegation;
E FFECTIVITY OF L AWS (A RT .2) 4. Charter of a City;
5. Circulars issued by the Monetary Board where
purpose is not merely to interpret but to fill in the
General Rule: Laws take effect after 15 days following details of the Central Bank Act;
the completion of its publication in the Official Gazette 6. Circulars and Regulations which prescribe a penalty
or in a newspaper of general circulation (EO No. 200). for its violation (People vs. Que Po Lay, G.R. No. L-
6791, March 29, 1954);
The law shall take effect on the 16th day because in 7. Executive Orders (Tañada vs. Tuvera G.R. No. L-
counting the period, the first day is excluded and the 63915, December 29, 1986).
last day included (Art. 13, NCC).
Publication not Required (I – L)
No one shall be charged with notice of the statute’s 1. Interpretative regulations and those internal in
provision until publication is completed and the 15 day nature, regulating only the personnel of the
period has expired. administrative agency.
2. Letters of Instructions issued by administrative
Exception: Unless otherwise provided by the law (EO superiors on rules/guidelines to be followed by
No. 200). subordinates in the performance of their duties
(Tañada vs. Tuvera, ibid).
The exception refers to the “15-day period” only and
not the requirement of publication. Publication is Date of effectivity of Municipal Ordinances is NOT
indispensable, absence of which will not render the covered by this rule but by the Local Government
law effective (Tañada v. Tuvera G.R. No. L-63915, Code (Tañada vs. Tuvera, supra).
December 29, 1986).
Rules on Period Provided by Statute
Shorter/longer period than the 15-day
Such period as provided in the statute shall prevail. Conclusive Presumption
Every person is presumed to know the law even if they
Takes effect immediately have no actual knowledge of the law. It applies only to
It shall take effect immediately after publication with mandatory and prohibitory laws.
the 15-day period being dispensed with (Tañada vs.
Tuvera G.R. No. L-63915, December 29, 1986). Does not apply to foreign laws because there is no
judicial notice of such foreign laws; it must be proved
No provision as to its effectivity like any other matter of fact (Ching Huat vs. Co Heong
It takes effect 15 days following its publication. L-1211, January 30, 1947).
Note: Mistakes in the application or interpretation of
Coverage (PLAC3E)


IAN MICHEL GEONANGA overall JHOY PALLONES subject chair, MICAELA Phoebe Alhambra, Diana Bartolome,
chairperson, JOSE ANGELO DAVID KRISTINA GALVEZ assistant subject chair, PIA Jesus Paolo Borlagdan, Darniel
chairperson for academics, RUTH ISABEL CO edp, FRANCIA ROMLINA Bustamante, Jamela Jane Caringal, Ma.
ABIGAIL ACERO chairperson for hotel RODRIGUEZ persons and family relations, Criselda Correa, Reynaldo Dalisay,
operations, ALBERTO RECALDE, JR. JENNETH CAE CAINDAY property, IRENE Kristine Lara Defensor, Carel Brendth
vice-chairperson for operations, MARIA ALCOBILLA wills and succession, JOSE Dela Cruz, Regine Estillore, Anne
CARMELA HAUTEA vice-chairperson AMELITO BELARMINO II and ROWNEYLIN Clarisse Guzman, Aziel Guzman,
Martin Michael Hatol, Maria Emma
for secretariat, MARK EMMANUEL SIA obligations and contracts, SAMANTHA
Gille Mercado, Richmond
ABILO vice-chairperson for finance, GRACE MANALO sales and lease, LAUREN
Montevirgen, Astrid Ong, Ruth Ann
RYAN LIGGAYU vice-chairperson for GAIL DIVINO partnership, agency and trusts, Ong, Rodel James Pulma, Dan Bernard
electronic data processing, JOMARC MABEL BUTED credit transactions, JULIUS Sabilala, Jeth Lester Tan, Maria Anne
PHILIP DIMAPILIS vice-chairperson CEASAR BALBUENA torts and damages, Cyra Uy
for logistics KATHLEEN VALERIO land titles and deeds,
ILLAC BOHOL conflict of laws

difficult or doubtful provisions of law may be the basis

of good faith and has been given the same effect as a W AIVER OF R IGHTS (A RT .6)
mistake of fact, which may excuse one from the legal
consequences of his conduct (Art. 526, 2155, NCC). General Rule: Rights can be waived.

Requisites for a valid waiver: (CUE–CF)

N ON R ETROACTIVITY OF L AWS 1. Full capacity to make the waiver.
(A RT .4) 2. Waiver must be unequivocal
3. Right must exist at the time of the waiver
General Rule: No retroactive effect. 4. It must not be contrary to law, public policy,
morals or good customs or prejudicial to a third
Exceptions: (P2UT NICE) person with a right recognized by law.
1. Procedural or Remedial; 5. When formalities are required, the same must be
2. Penal laws favorable to the accused; complied with.
3. Unless the law otherwise provides;
4. Tax laws when expressly declared or is clearly the Exceptions: (C–PEN)
legislative intent (Cebu Portland Cement vs. Coll. 1. Waiver is contrary to law, public order, public policy,
G.R. No. 18649, February 27, 1965); morals or good customs;
5. Laws creating new rights (Bona vs. Briones G.R. 2. If the waiver is prejudicial to a third party with a right
No. L-10806, July 6, 1918; Bustamante et al. vs. recognized by law.
Cayas, G.R. Nos. L-8562-8563, December 17, 3. Alleged rights which are really not yet in existence,
1955); as in the case of future inheritance
6. Interpretative Statutes; 4. If the right is a natural right, such as right to be
7. Curative or Remedial statutes; supported.
8. Emergency Laws.

Exceptions to the Exception: (E–L)

1. Ex Post Facto Laws; P ART OF L EGAL S YSTEM OR
2. Laws that impair obligation of contracts (Asiatic D OCTRINE OF S TARE D ECISIS
Petroleum vs. Llanes, G.R. No. L-25386, October (A RT .8)
20, 1926).

A CTS C ONTRARY TO L AW Doctrine of Stare Decisis

It enjoins adherence to judicial precedents and is
(A RT .5) based on the principle that once a question of law has
been examined and decided, it should be deemed
General Rule: Acts contrary to mandatory or settled and closed to further argument.
prohibitory laws are VOID.
Judicial decisions applying or interpreting laws shall
Exceptions: (PAVE) form a part of the legal system of the Philippines.
1. The law makes the act valid but punishes the Stare decisis et non quieta movere. Let the decision
violator (ex. Marriage solemnized by a person stand and disturb not what is already settled. The
without legal authority) doctrine of stare decisis is a salutary and necessary
2. The law itself authorizes its validity (ex. Lotto, rule. When the Court lays down a principle of law
sweepstakes) applicable to a certain set of facts, it must adhere to
3. The law makes the act only voidable (ex. Voidable such principle and apply it to all future cases where
contracts where consent is vitiated) the facts in issue are substantially the same. Else, the
4. The law declares the nullity of an act but recognizes ideal of a stable jurisprudential system can never be
its effects as legally existing (ex. Child born before achieved (Saguiguit vs. People, G.R. No. 144054,
annulment of marriage is considered legitimate). June 30, 2006).

Legal Effects of Judicial Decisions

1. No Publication required;



2. Binding between parties after the lapse of appeal 2. Months - 30 days, unless month identified;
period; and 3. Days – 24 hours;
3. Will bind all future cases with identical facts, until 4. Nights – Sunset to sunrise;
reversed by SC. 5. Calendar week – Sunday to Saturday;
6. Week – Count 7 days as indicated, not necessarily
Judicial decisions, although in themselves not laws, Sunday to Saturday.
assume the same authority as the statute itself
(People vs. Licera G.R. No. L-39990, July 2, 1975). To count the period, first day is excluded, last day is
No publication required, binding on parties after the
lapse of appeal period, and will bind all future cases Exception: Rule does NOT apply to computation of
with identical facts, until reversed by SC. age; each year is counted based on birth anniversary.

The application or interpretation placed by the Court Policy if the Last Day is a Sunday or a Legal Holiday
upon a law is part of the law as of the date of 1. If the act to be performed within the period is
enactment of said law because the Supreme Court’s prescribed or allowed (a) by the Rules of Court, (b)
interpretation merely establishes the by an order of the court, or (c) by any other
contemporaneous legislative intent that the construed applicable statute, the last day will automatically be
law purports to carry into effect (People v. Licera G.R. considered the next working day.
No. L-39990, July 2, 1975). 2. If the act to be performed within the period arises
from a contractual relationship, the act will become
HOWEVER, when a doctrine is overruled and a due despite the fact that the last day falls on a
different view is adopted, the new doctrine should be Sunday or Holiday.
applied prospectively and should not prejudice parties
who relied on the old doctrine (People v. Jabinal G.R. P ROVISION ON C ONFLICT OF
No. L-30061, February 27, 1974).
L AW (A RTS .14-17)
1. Penal Laws and laws of public security (Article 14):
Territoriality rule governs regardless of the
Customs nationality but subject to principles of international
Rules of conduct formed by repetition of acts uniformly law and to treaty stipulations.
observed as a social rule. They are legally binding and
obligatory. 2. Laws relating to family rights and duties, or to
General Rule: Customs must be proved as a fact status, condition and legal capacity of persons
according to the rules of evidence. (Article 15): Nationality rule applies regardless of
their place of residence.
Exception: A court may take judicial notice of a custom
if there is already a decision rendered by the same Exception: Divorce validly obtained abroad by alien
court recognizing the custom. spouse capacitating him or her to remarry, the
Filipino spouse shall have capacity to remarry under
Requisites to Make a Custom an Obligatory Rule: Philippine law. (Article 26 (2) Family Code)
1. Plurality or repetition of acts; 3. Laws on property (real and personal)
2. Practiced by the great mass of the social group;
3. The community accepts it as a proper way of acting, Lex Rei Sitae: The law of the country where the
such that it is considered as obligatory upon all; property is situated shall govern property
4. Continued practice for a long period of time. transactions. (Article 16 (1))

Exception: Order and amount of successional rights,

intrinsic validity of testamentary provisions, and
capacity to succeed governed by the national law of
Rule on Periods decedent (Article 16 (2)).
1. Years - 365 days, unless year is identified;



d. Order of
4. Laws on forms and solemnities

Lex Loci Celebrationis: Forms and solemnities of Rules on Personal Law: Domiciliary Rule and
contracts, wills, and other public instruments Nationality Rule Distinguished
(extrinsic validity) shall be governed by the laws of Domiciliary Rule Nationality Rule
the country in which they are executed (Article 17).
Basis for determining Basis for determining
Exceptions: personal law of an personal law is his
a. Marriage between Filipinos solemnized abroad individual is his CITIZENSHIP
shall be void though valid abroad when void DOMICILE
under Philippine laws. (Article 26(1) FC)
b. Intrinsic Validity of Contracts: Validity is 5. Renvoi Doctrine: Occurs when a citizen of another
determined by the following rules: country dies as a domiciliary of another country.
i. The law stipulated by the parties shall be Where the conflict rules of the forum refer to a
applied; foreign law, and the latter refers it back to the
ii. In default thereof, and the parties are of the internal law, the law of the forum shall apply.
same nationality, their national law shall be
applied; Transmission Theory: If the foreign law refers it to a
iii. If the parties are not of the same nationalities, third country, the said country’s law shall govern.
the law of the place of the perfection of the
obligation shall govern its fulfillment; 6. Doctrine of Processual Presumption: The foreign
iv. If the above places are not specified and they law, whenever applicable, should be proved by the
cannot be deduced from the nature and proponent thereof; otherwise, such law shall be
circumstances of the obligation, then the law of presumed to be exactly the same as the law of the
the passive subject shall apply. forum.

Lex Loci Rule on Prohibitive Laws

Lex Nationalii Lex Rei Sitae
Art. 15, CC Art. 16, CC Art. 17, CC General Rule: Prohibitive laws concerning persons,
Citizenship is Law of the Law of the their acts or property, and laws which have for their
the basis for place where place where object public order, public policy or good customs are
determining the property is the contract NOT rendered ineffective by laws, or judgments
the personal situated is the was executed promulgated or by determinations or conventions
law applicable basis for is the basis for agreed upon in foreign country. (Art. 17(3))
determining determining
law applicable law applicable Exception: Art. 26, par. 2 Family Code (ex. Divorce
Covers family Covers both Covers only Law)
rights and real and the forms and
duties, status, personal solemnities
condition and property (extrinsic H UMAN R ELATIONS
legal capacity validity)
of persons. ABUSE OF RIGHT (Art. 19)
Exception: Exceptions: Exceptions: Elements: (LEP)
Art. 26, par. 2 (CIAO) 1. Art. 1. Existence of a legal right or duty;
of Family Code a. Capacity to 26, par. 1 of 2. Which is exercised in bad faith;
succeed; Family Code 3. For the sole intent of prejudicing or injuring another.
b. Intrinsic 2. Intrins
validity of the ic validity of Doctrine of Violenti Non Fit Injuria (to which a person
will; contracts assents is not esteemed in law as injury)
c. Amount of Refers to self-inflicted injuries or to the consent to
successional injury which precludes the recovery of damages by



one who has knowingly and voluntarily exposed 2. Acquisition is undue and at the expense of another,
himself to danger, even if he is not negligent in doing which means without just or legal ground.
so (Nikko Hotel Manila Garden, et all vs. Roberto
Reyes (Amay Bisaya) G.R. No. 154259, Feb. 28,

Damnum Absque Injuria (damage without injury)

A person who exercises his legal right does no injury.
HOWEVER, it cannot be said that a person exercises Accion in Rem Verso and Solutio Indebiti
a right when he unnecessarily prejudices another or
Solutio Indebiti
offends morals or good customs. Accion In Rem Verso
(Art. 2154)
When damages result from a person’s exercise of It is not necessary that
rights, it is damnum absque injuria (ABS-CBN v. the payment was made
Republic Broadcasting Corp. G.R. No. 128690, by mistake, payment Payment was made by
January 21, 1999). could have been made mistake is an essential
knowingly and voluntarily element to maintain the
ACTS CONTRARY TO LAW (Art. 20) but nevertheless, there action for recovery.
Every person who, contrary to law, willfully or would be recovery of what
negligently causes damage to another, shall indemnify has been paid.
the latter for the same.
Requisites: (JELA)
ACTS CONTRA BONUS MORES (Art. 21) 1. Enrichment is without just or legal ground
2. Defendant has been enriched;
Elements: (L-C-I) 3. Plaintiff has suffered a loss; and
1. There is a legal act; 4. He has no other action based on contract, quasi–
2. But which is contrary to morals, good customs, contract, crime or quasi–delict.
public order or public policy; and,
3. It is done with intent to injure. For a more comprehensive discussion of Articles 19-
35, please see discussion thereof under Torts.
Articles 19, 20 and 21 are related to one another and
under these articles, an act which causes injury to
another may be made the basis for an award of P REJUDICIAL Q UESTION
damages (Albenson Enterprises Corp. v. CA, G.R. No. (A RT .36)
88694, January 11, 1993).
Articles 19 and 21 refer to INTENTIONAL acts while
Article 20 pertains either to WILLFUL or NEGLIGENT General Rule: If both criminal and civil cases are filed
acts, which must be contrary to law. (Ibid.) in court, the criminal case takes precedence.

P RINCIPLE OF U NJUST 1. In case of prejudicial questions, the criminal case is
E NRICHMENT (A RT .22) suspended because the issues in the civil case are
determinative of the outcome of the criminal case.

Accion in Rem Verso A prejudicial question is that which arises in a case,

It is an action for recovery of what has been paid the resolution of which is a logical antecedent of the
without just cause. issue involved therein, and the cognizance of which
pertains to another tribunal (Yap v. Paras, G.R. No.
Application: 101236, January 30, 1992).
1. When someone acquires or comes into possession
of something, which means delivery or acquisition of Requisites: (Section 7, Rule 111, Rules of Court)
things; AND



a. Previously instituted civil action involves an issue

similar or intimately related to the issue raised in Restrictions on capacity to act
the subsequent criminal action; an The same do not exempt the incapacitated person
b. The resolution of such issue determines whether from certain obligations as when the latter arise from
or not the criminal action may proceed. his acts or from property relations such as easements
(Art. 38): (MID-PC)
2. Independent civil action granted by law (CD-RQ) 1. Minority
a. Breach of constitutional and other rights (Art. 32) Minority does not exempt the minor from certain
b. Defamation, fraud, physical injuries (Art. 33) obligations, as when the latter arise from his acts or
c. Refusal or failure of city or municipal police to from property relations. (Art. 38) Thus, he may
give protection (Art. 34) acquire property using the capital of his parents,
d. Quasi-delict or culpa-aquiliana (Art.2177) said property to belong to the latter in ownership
and usufruct.
The Civil Code has SUPPLETORY application in 2. Insanity or imbecility
matters governed by special laws. 3. State of being deaf mute
Deaf mute may either be sane or insane.
4. Prodigality – The state of squandering money or
C IVIL P ERSONALITY (A RT .37) property with a morbid desire to prejudice the heirs
of a person (Martinez v. Martinez, 1 Phil. 182).
Civil Personality 5. Civil interdiction
It is the aptitude of being the subject, active or
passive, of rights and obligations. Modifications/ limitations on capacity to act (Art. 39):
(FI3T P2A3D)
Juridical capacity and Capacity to Act (Paras, E. Civil 1. Family Relations;
Code of the Philippines Annotated 15th ed. (2002), p. 2. Insanity;
236) 3. Imbecility;
Juridical Capacity Capacity To Act 4. Insolvency;
Fitness to be the 5. Trusteeship;
Power to do acts with 6. Penalty;
subject of legal relations
legal effects (Art. 37) 7. Prodigality;
(Art. 37)
Passive Active 8. Age;
Inherent Merely acquired 9. Alienage;
Lost through death and 1. Absence; and
Lost only through death 2. State of being deaf-mute.
other causes
Can exist without Cannot exist without
capacity to act juridical capacity Note: The consequences of the restrictions and
Cannot be limited or Can be restricted, modifications on a person’s capacity to act are
restricted modified or limited provided by the Civil Code, other codes, special laws
and the Rules of Court.
A person is presumed to have capacity to act.
(Standard Oil Co. v. Arenas, et al., 14 Phil. 363) N ATURAL P ERSONS
Theories on Capacity to Act
Theory of General Theory of Special Beginning of personality
Capacities Capacities
Applies to natural Applies to juridical General rule: Birth determines personality (actual
persons persons personality) (Art. 40).
This limits the power of
Exception: The law considers the conceived child as
effects except only in juridical persons only to
born for all purposes favorable to it if born alive.
those specific those that are expressly
Therefore, the child has a presumptive personality,
circumstances where conferred upon them or
which has two characteristics:
the capacity to act is those which can be
implied therefrom or 1. Limited and
incidental thereto 2. Provisional or conditional (Quimiguing vs. Icao, G.R.



No. L-26795, July 31, 1970) Note: Article 43 applies when the case involves two or
more persons who are called to succeed each other.
Note: The concept of provisional personality CANNOT But if the parties are not called to succeed each other,
be invoked to obtain damages for and in behalf of an Rule 131, Sec. 3 (jj) of the Rules of Court applies.
aborted child (Geluz vs. CA, G.R. No. L-16439, July Both are to be applied only in the absence of facts.
20, 1961). (Paras, p. 248)

A conceived child is already entitled to support from its Rule 131 Section 3 (jj). That except for purposes of
progenitors (Quimiguing vs. Icao, G.R. No. L-26795, succession, when two persons perish in the same
July 31, 1970) and can be acknowledged even before calamity, such as wreck, battle, or conflagration, and it
it is born (De Jesus v. Syquia, 58 Phil. 866). is not shown who died first, and there are no particular
circumstances from which it can be inferred, the
survivorship is determined from the probabilities
When is a child considered born: (Art. 41) resulting from the strength and the age of the sexes,
according to the following rules:
General Rule: For civil purposes, the fetus is 1. If both were under the age of fifteen years, the
considered born if it is alive at the time it is completely older is deemed to have survived;
delivered from the mother’s womb. 2. If both were above the age sixty, the younger is
deemed to have survived;
Exception: If the fetus had an intra-uterine life of less 3. If one is under fifteen and the other above sixty, the
than 7 months, it is NOT deemed born if it dies within former is deemed to have survived;
24 hours after its complete delivery from the maternal 4. If both be over fifteen and under sixty, and the sex
womb (Article 41). be different, the male is deemed to have survived,
if the sex be the same, the older;
Illustration: 5. If one be under fifteen or over sixty, and the other
Intra-uterine life When considered born between those ages, the latter is deemed to have
7 months or more Alive upon complete survived.
- regardless whether the JURIDICAL PERSONS (Art. 44 to 46)
child dies within 24 A juridical person is a being of legal existence
hours or not susceptible of rights and obligations, or of being the
subject of juridical relations (Roldan vs. Philippine
Less than 7 months Alive upon complete
delivery AND at least 24 Veterans Board G.R. No. L-11973, June 30, 1959)
hours thereafter
Who are juridical persons:
1. State and its political subdivisions
The legitimacy or illegitimacy of a child attaches upon
2. Corporations for public interest - governed either by
conception (Continental Steel Manufacturing Corp. v.
the Corporation Code or their special charters
Hon. Accredited Voluntary Arbitrator, et al., G.R. No.
passed by the legislature.
182836, October 13, 2009).
Personality begins as soon as they have been
How civil personality is extinguished
constituted according to law
Civil personality is extinguished by death. The effect of
death upon the rights and obligations of the deceased
3. Corporations, partnerships and associations for
is determined by law, by contract and by will (Art. 42).
private interest
Presumption of survivorship
Corporations are governed by the Corporation
In case of doubt as to which of two or more persons
Code. Their personality exist from the moment a
called to succeed each other died first:
certificate of incorporation is granted to it from the
1. Whoever alleges the death of one prior to the other
Securities and Exchange Commission (Sec. 19,
shall prove the same
Corporation Code)
2. In the absence of proof, the presumption is that the
parties died at the same time and there shall be no
By a contract of partnership, two or more persons
transmission of rights from one another (Art. 43)
bind themselves to contribute money, property or



industry to a common fund, with the intention of absent, he intends to return. (Uytengsu v. Republic,
dividing the profits among themselves; or for the 50 O.G. 4781, Oct. 1954)
exercise of profession (Art. 1767, NCC).
Partnerships are governed by the contract between Note: Three basic rules on domicile of choice:
partners and the provisions of Art. 1767 to 1867 of (Ugdoracion vs. COMELEC G.R. No. 179851, April
the Civil Code. 18, 2008):
a. A man must have a residence or domicile
C ITIZENSHIP AND D OMICILE b. Domicile, once established, remains until a new
one is validly acquired; and
Citizenship c. A man can have but one residence or domicile at
It is the membership in a political community which is any given time.
more or less permanent in nature. Article IV of 1987 d. Every sui generis may change his domicile.
Philippine Constitution now governs the rule on
citizenship. 3. Domicile by operation of law – attributes to a person a
Modes of acquiring citizenship domicile independent of his own intention or actual
1. Jus sanguinis – by blood, wherever he may be born residence, ordinarily resulting from legal domestic
2. Jus soli – by place of birth relations, as that of the wife arising from marriage, or
3. Naturalization – artificial means (judicial or the relation of a parent and a child
administrative) by which a state adopts an alien and
gives him imprint and endowment of a citizen of that Requirements for the acquisition of new domicile
country (Romualdez v. RTC, Br. 7, Tacloban City, 226 SCRA
408, 415)
Domicile 1. Bodily presence in a new locality – actual removal
For the exercise of civil rights and the fulfillment of civil or actual change of domicile
obligations, the domicile of natural persons is the 2. Intention to remain therein (animus manendi)
place of their habitual residence (Art. 50 NCC). 3. Intention to abandon the old domicile (animus non
Residence Domicile
Denotes a fixed Rules for determining the domicile of juridical persons
Indicates a place of permanent residence, (Article 51):
abode, whether which when absent, one A.Get the domicile provided for in the law creating or
permanent or temporary has the intention of recognizing them or in their articles of agreement.
returning B.If not provided for, get the place:
There can be several There can only be one 1. Where their legal representation is established.
places of residence place of domicile 2. Or where they exercise their principal functions.
No length of residence
It is residence coupled If the corporation has head office and with branches,
without intention of
with intention to remain the domicile is where the head office is located.
remaining will constitute
for an unlimited time (Paras, p. 366)

Elements of domicile F AMILY C ODE

1. Physical presence in a fixed place
2. Intention to remain permanently in said place
(animus manendi) (Romualdez-Marcos vs. The Family Code of the Philippines took effect on
COMELEC, G.R. No. 119976 September 18, 1995). August 3, 1988.

Kinds of domicile (Romualdez-Marcos vs. COMELEC, M ARRIAGE

G.R. No. 119976 September 18, 1995)
1. Domicile of origin – Given by law to a person at birth
2. Domicile of choice – That which is voluntarily Marriage
chosen by a sui juris – as his more or less A special contract of permanent union between a man
permanent home; that to which, whenever he is and a woman entered into in accordance with law for
the establishment of conjugal and family life.



Marriage Ordinary Contract

The Family Code emphasizes the permanent nature of
The law provides penal
marriage, hailing it as the foundation of the family. It is
and civil sanctions such
this inviolability which is central to our traditional and
as prosecution for
religious concepts of morality and provides the very
adultery or
bedrock on which our society finds stability
concubinage and
(Malcampo-Sin vs. Sin, G.R. No. 137590 March 26,
proceedings for legal
In Republic v. Nolasco (G.R. No. 94053 March 17, Can be dissolved only Can be dissolved by
1993), the Supreme Court stressed the strong need to by death or annulment, mutual agreement and
protect “…the basic social institutions of marriage and not by mutual by other legal causes
the family in the preservation of which the State has agreement
the strongest interest; the public policy here involved
is of the most fundamental kind. In Article II, Section Breach of promise to marry
12 of the Constitution, there is set forth the following
basic state policy: 'The State recognizes the sanctity General Rule: It is not by itself an actionable wrong
of family life and shall protect and strengthen the (Hermosisima vs. CA L-14628, September 30, 1960).
family as a basic autonomous social institution. The One cannot seek specific performance to compel
same sentiment has been expressed in the Family marriage.
Code of the Philippines in Article 149: 'The family,
being the foundation of the nation, is a basic social Exceptions: To be actionable, there must be another
institution which public policy cherishes and protects. act independent of the breach of promise to marry
Consequently, family relations are governed by law which gives rise to liability as where there was
and no custom, practice or agreement destructive of financial damage, social humiliation, and moral
the family shall be recognized or given effect. seduction.

Marriage and ordinary contract distinguished 1. Mere breach of promise to marry is not an
Marriage Ordinary Contract actionable wrong; but to formally set a wedding and
Special contract Merely a contract go through all the preparations and publicity, only to
Social institution Merely a contract walk out of it when the matrimony is about to be
Governed by law on Governed by law on solemnized, is quite different. This is palpably and
marriage contracts unjustifiably contrary to good customs for which
Not subject to defendant must be held answerable in damages
Generally subject to pursuant to Art. 21 NCC. (Wassmer vs. Velez, No.
stipulations except in
stipulations L-20089, December 26, 1964)
property relations
2. Where a man’s promise to marry was the proximate
Minors may contract
cause of giving herself unto him in sexual congress
Legal capacity is through their parents or
and there is proof he had no intention of marrying
required guardians or in some
her, the promise being a deceptive device, damages
cases by themselves
may be awarded pursuant to Art. 21 NCC because
Contracting parties
of the fraud and deceit behind it and the willful injury
must only be two
Two or more parties to her honor and reputation (Baksh vs. CA, G.R. No.
persons – one is a
regardless of gender 97336, February 19, 1993).
female and the other is
a male
Parties can fix a period
1. Legal capacity of the contracting parties, who must
for its efficacy to be
Permanent union be a male and a female
ineffective after a few
a. Eighteen years old or above
b. Not under any impediment mentioned in Arts.
Breach of obligations of Breach of ordinary 37 and 38 (Art. 5)
husband and wife does contracts gives rise to 2. Consent freely given in the presence of a
not give rise to an an action for damages solemnizing officer (Art. 2)
action for damages. No particular form required



Capable of intelligently understanding the nature Family Relations,

and consequences of the act 2010, p. 127);
issuance of
1. Authority of the solemnizing officer despite absence
2. Valid Marriage License of publication prior
3. Marriage ceremony where the contracting parties to the completion
appear before the solemnizing officer, with their of the 10-day
personal declaration that they take each other as period for
husband and wife in the presence of not less than publication
two witnesses of legal age (Art. 3) (Alcantara vs.
Alcantara G.R.
Effects of noncompliance with the requisites (Art. 4) No. 167746
Essential Formal August 28, 2007)
Void ab initio
Marriage ceremony (Art. 6)
Absence (ex: expired marriage license; one of No prescribed form or religious rite for solemnization
the parties is below 18 years old at of marriage is required.
the time of the marriage)
Voidable Voidable The absence of two witnesses of legal age is merely
an irregularity but the party responsible for the
(ex: consent irregularity shall be civilly, criminally, and
obtained administratively liable.
through force
and Marriages by proxy
intimidation; 1. If it was solemnized in the Philippines, the marriage
Art. 45, 46) is VOID because physical appearance is required
Irregularity Valid Valid, but person under Art. 6.
responsible for 2. If performed abroad, whether between Filipinos or
irregularity shall foreigners or mixed, the controlling article is Art. 26
be civilly and of the Family Code. (Paras, p. 377-378)
criminally liable
Authority of solemnizing officer
Except: when It is not the presence or absence of the solemnizing
parties over 18 officer which constitutes the formal requirement but
but below 21 the absence or presence of the solemnizing officer’s
failed to obtain authority at the time of the solemnization of the
parental consent, marriage (Arañes vs. Occiano A.M. No. MTJ-02-1390
in which case the April 11, 2002; Navarro vs. Domagtoy A.M. No. MTJ-
marriage is 96-1088. July 19, 1996).
voidable (Art. 14)
General Rule: The solemnizing officer is not duty
(example of bound to investigate whether the marriage license was
irregularity: no regularly issued.
witnesses of legal
age, or only one Must only determine if it was issued by a competent
witness of legal official (Alcantara vs. Alcantara G.R. No. 167746
age, or witnesses August 28, 2007)
but not of legal
age during the If so, it may be presumed that the said official fulfilled
marriage the duty to ascertain whether the contracting parties
ceremony (Sta. fulfilled the requirements of law (People vs. Janssen
Maria, M., G.R. No. L-31763 December 27, 1929).
Persons and



Exception: In cases of marriage in articulo mortis, in c. The ship must be at

remote places, and between a man and a woman sea or the plane must
living together as husband and wife for at least 5 years be in flight; including
without legal impediment to marry each other stopovers at ports of
Solemnizing officer must take steps to ascertain the
ages, relationship, and qualifications of contracting Assistant pilot has no
parties (Art. 29) authority to solemnize a
marriage even if airplane
Persons authorized to Requisites for the chief dies during the trip
solemnize marriages exercise of their authority Commander of a military a. He or she must be a
(Art. 7) (PMJ-C³) unit, in the absence of military commander of
Priest, rabbi, imam or a. Duly authorized by his chaplain (Art. 32) a unit;
ministers of any church church or religious
or religious sect sect; Note: Unit refers to a
battalion under the
b. Registered with the present table of
office of the civil organization and not a
registrar general; mere company (Minutes
of the Civil Code Revision
c. Acting within the limits Committee held on May
of the written authority 23, 1983, p. 4)
granted; and
b. He or she must be a
d. At least one of the commissioned officer;
parties belongs to the
solemnizing officer’s Note: Rank should start
church or religious sect from 2nd lieutenant, ensign
Municipal and city The term “mayor” includes and above (Webster
mayors (Sec. 444, 445 a vice-mayor who is the Dictionary, 1991 ed.)
Local Government “Acting Mayor” or who is
Code, January 1, 1992) merely acting as a Mayor c. A chaplain must be
(People vs. Bustamante, assigned to such unit;
citing Laxamana vs.
Baltazar G.R. No. L- d. Such chaplain must
11598 January 27, 1959) be absent at the time
Incumbent members of Note: Court of Tax of the marriage;
the judiciary within the Appeals, Sandiganbayan,
court’s jurisdiction Court of Appeals and e. Marriage must be one
Supreme Court justices in articulo mortis; and
have jurisdiction over the
whole Philippine territory f. The contracting
(Sta. Maria, M., Persons parties, whether
and Family Relations, members of the
2010,, p. 135) armed forces or
Ship captains or air a. The marriage must be civilians, must be
plane chiefs in articulo mortis (one within the zone of
of the parties is at the military operation.
point of death); Consul generals, a. Marriage must only
consuls or vice–consuls be between Filipino
b. The marriage must be of the Republic of the citizens;
between passengers Philippines abroad (Art.
or crew members; 10) b. Has authority to



solemnize marriage Exceptions to the marriage license requirement

only abroad; (MARCO):
1. Among Muslims or members of ethnic cultural
c. Acts not only as communities solemnized in accordance with their
solemnizer of a customs, rites and practices (Art. 33)
marriage but also
perform the duties of Exception only applies to Muslims and members of
a local civil registrar the ethnic groups of the Cordillera Autonomous
such as the issuance Region because they have a separate law—Code of
of a marriage license; Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines and
Organic Act of the Cordillera Autonomous Region
b. The solemnities (RA 6766). Other ethnic groups are still governed by
established by the Family Code (Sta. Maria, M., Persons and
Philippine laws shall Family Relations, 2010, p. 187).
be observed in their
execution (Art. 17, 2. In articulo mortis (Art. 27)
NCC). Marriage remains valid even if spouse at the point of
death subsequently survives (Art. 27)
Authorized venues of marriage (Art. 8) 3. In remote place
General Rule: Must be solemnized publicly, and not Residence of either party is so located that there is
elsewhere, in the no means of transportation to enable them to
1. Chambers of the judge or in open court personally appear before the local civil registrar (Art.
2. Church, chapel or temple 28)
3. Office of consul–general, consul or vice–consul 4. Marriage of people who have previously cohabited
for at least 5 years /ratification by cohabitation (Art.
Exceptions: 34)
1. Marriage in articulo mortis;
2. Marriage in remote places;
3. Marriage at a house or place designated by the Requisites:
parties in a sworn statement to that effect, with the a. The man and woman must have been living as
written request of both parties to the solemnizing husband and wife for at least five years before the
officer (Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Family marriage;
Relations, 2010, p. 140) b. The parties must have no legal impediment to
marry each other;
Note: This provision is only directory and the c. The fact of absence of legal impediment between
requirement that the marriage be solemnized in a the parties must be present at the time of
particular or a public place is not an essential marriage;
requisite. (Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Family d. The parties must execute an affidavit before any
Relations, 2010, p. 140) person authorized by law to administer oaths
stating that they have lived together for at least
Valid marriage license (Art. 9) five years (and are without legal impediment to
A formal requisite of marriage marry each other); and
e. The solemnizing officer must execute a sworn
Issued by the local civil registrar of the city or statement that he had ascertained the
municipality where EITHER contracting party qualifications of the parties and that he had found
habitually resides. no legal impediment to their marriage (Manzano
v. Sanchez G.R. No. MTJ–00–1329, March 08,
The license is valid in any part of the Philippines for 2001).
120 days from date of issue, which is the date when
the local civil registrar signed the license. The 5–year period should be computed on the
basis of cohabitation as husband and wife where
Automatically cancelled at the expiration of the period the only missing factor is the marriage contract to
if contracting parties have not made use of it (Art. 20) validate the union (ex: if both cohabited at the



age of 17, counting starts when parties reach 18 (Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Family Relations, 2010,
years). p. 154).

This 5–year period should be the years Testimony of one of the parties to the marriage,
immediately before the day of the marriage and it witnesses or solemnizing officer is admissible to prove
should be a period of cohabitation characterized the fact of marriage (Balogbog v. CA, G.R. No. 83598,
by EXCLUSIVITY – meaning no legal impediment March 7, 1997).
was present at any time within the 5 years and
CONTINUITY – that is unbroken (Republic v. It may also be proved by parol evidence (Sta. Maria,
Dayot, G.R. No. 175581, March 8, 2008). M., Persons and Family Relations, 2010, p.156).

5. Solemnized outside the Phil. where no marriage Mere cohabitation is not direct proof of marriage, and
license is required by the country where they were it must be proved by proper documents or by oral
solemnized (Art. 26 par. 1) testimony in case they have been lost ( Sta. Maria, M.,
Persons and Family Relations, 2010, p.158).
Solemnizing of a marriage involving a foreign
contracting party in the Philippines (Art. 21) Once the presumption of marriage arises, other
When either or both parties are foreign citizens, they evidence may be presented in support thereof. The
must first submit a CERTIFICATE OF LEGAL evidence need not necessarily or directly establish the
CAPACITY TO MARRY issued by their marriage but must at least be enough to strengthen
diplomatic/consular officials before marriage license the presumption of marriage. Every intendment of law
can be obtained. leans toward legitimizing marriage (Delgado vda de
De la Rosa v. Heirs of Marciana vda de Damian, GR
Ratio: A certificate of legal capacity is necessary No 155733, January 27, 2006).
because the Philippines, insofar as marriage is
concerned, adheres to the national law of the The Supreme Court rules in (Trinidad vs. CA, G.R. No.
contracting parties with respect to their legal capacity 118904. April 20, 1998) that when the question of
to contract marriage. Without this certification of legal whether a marriage has been contracted arises in
capacity, the local civil registrar will not issue the litigation, said marriage may be proven by relevant
marriage license (Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Family evidence. To prove the fact of marriage, the following
Relations, 2010, p. 151). would constitute competent evidence: the testimony of
a witness to the matrimony, the couple’s public and
Exception: Marriage of both foreign citizens will be open cohabitation as husband and wife after the
solemnized by their country’s consul-general assigned alleged wedlock, the birth and the baptismal
in the Philippines, if their country’s law allows the certificates of children born during such union, and the
same mention of such nuptial in subsequent documents.

Stateless persons or refugees from other countries Marriage

shall submit an affidavit stating circumstances to show Marriage license certificate/marriage
capacity to contract marriage before a marriage contract
license can be obtained (Art. 21 par. 2). Formal requisite; Not essential for the
validity of the marriage;
Marriage certificate (Art. 22) Absence renders Best evidence to prove
Best documentary evidence of the existence of a marriage void ab initio existence (not validity)
marriage (Tenebro vs. CA G.R. No. 150758 February except in the cases of marriage
18, 2004). provided under Art. 27
to 34
A mere photostat copy of a marriage certificate is a Issued by the local civil Issued by the person
worthless piece of paper (Vda. De Chua vs. CA, G.R. registrar (Art. 19) solemnizing the
No. 116835, March 5, 1998) but if such photostat copy marriage (Art. 23)
emanated from the Office of the Local Civil Registrar Issued before the Issued after the
and duly certified by the local civil registrar as an solemnization of the solemnization of the
authentic copy of the records in his office, such marriage marriage
certified photostat copy is admissible as evidence



Note: Marriage certificate is NOT an essential It is well-settled in our jurisdiction that our courts
requisite of marriage and should NOT be confused cannot take judicial notice of foreign laws. Like any
with a marriage license. other facts, they must be alleged and proved.
Australian marital laws are not among those matters
that judges are supposed to know by reason of their
M ARRIAGE C ELEBRATED judicial function. The power of judicial notice must be
O UTSIDE THE P HILIPPINES exercised with caution, and every reasonable doubt
(A RT .26) upon the subject should be resolved in the negative
(Garcia vs. Recio, G.R. No. 138322 October 2, 2001).


General Rule: Where one or both parties in the General rule: Divorce is not allowed in the Philippines
marriage are citizens of the Philippines, the foreign
marriage is valid in this country if solemnized in Exceptions:
accordance with the laws of the country of celebration 1. Between 2 aliens – if valid in their national laws
(Art. 26). even if marriage was celebrated in the Philippines
2. Between a Filipino and an alien – if (a) there is a
In case a Filipino contracts a foreign marriage which is valid marriage celebrated between a Filipino citizen
null and void in the place where it was solemnized, the and a foreigner; and (b) a valid divorce according to
same shall also be null and void in the Philippines the national law of the foreigner is obtained abroad
even if such was valid if celebrated under Philippine by the alien spouse capacitating him or her to
laws. remarry (Art. 26[2])).

If both are foreigners, lex loci celebrationis applies. The Filipino spouse should likewise be allowed to
remarry as if he or she was a foreigner at the time of
Exceptions: Foreign marriages shall not be recognized the solemnization of the marriage. To rule otherwise
in the Philippines if: (B2MA-PIP) would sanction absurdity and injustice (Republic v.
1. Contracted by a national who is below 18 years of Orbecido III G.R. No. 154380 October 5, 2005).
age (Art. 35(1))
Party pleading it must prove divorce as a fact and
Note: This exception should be construed as demonstrate its conformity to the foreign law
referring to a situation where the marriage abroad is allowing it, which must be proved as courts cannot
between a Filipino and a Filipina and not between a take judicial notice of foreign laws. If a valid divorce
Filipino or Filipina and an alien married in the alien’s decree has been obtained abroad, there is no more
state where he or she (the alien), though below 18 need to file an action to nullify the marriage. The
years of age, is capacitated to marry (Sta. Maria, plaintiff has no more personality to sue since the
M., Persons and Family Relations, 2010, p. 165). marriage bond has already been severed (Felicitas
Amor-Catalan v. CA, G.R. No. 167109, February 6,
2. Bigamous or polygamous except as provided in Art. 2007).
41, FC (Art. 35(4))
3. Contracted through mistake of one party as to the Article 26(2) applies where parties were Filipino
identity of the other (Art. 35(5)) citizens at the time of the marriage was celebrated,
4. Contracted following the annulment or declaration of and later on, one of them becomes naturalized as a
nullity of a previous marriage but before partition foreign citizen and obtains a divorce decree: the
(Art.35(6)) reckoning point is their citizenship at the time the
5. Void due to psychological incapacity (Art. 36) valid divorce is obtained abroad by the alien spouse
6. Incestuous (Art.37) capacitating the latter to remarry (Rep. v. Obrecido
7. Void for reasons of public policy (Art. 38) III, G.R. No. 154380, Oct. 5, 2005).

Note: The existence of the pertinent provision of the In Edgar San Luis v. Felicidad Sagalongos (G.R.
foreign marriage law must be shown to prove a foreign No. 134029, February 6, 2007), it was held that a
marriage. Filipino who had been divorced by his alien spouse
abroad may NOT validly remarry in the Philippines if
the marriage was solemnized BEFORE the Family



Code took effect. It was noted that there is no need

to retroactively apply Art. 26 paragraph 2 of the In these two cases, it is necessary that both
Family Code, since there is sufficient jurisprudential contracting parties be in bad faith in order for the
basis allowing the Court to rule in the affirmative. marriage to be considered void.( Sta. Maria, M.,
Persons and Family Relations, 2010, p. 195)
There must be a showing that the divorce decree
gave the foreigner spouse legal capacity to remarry BAD FAITH AS AFFECTING PROPERTY
because in some jurisdictions, remarriage may be DISPOSITION
limited or prohibited (Bayot v. Bayot, G.R. No.
155635 & 163979, November 7, 2008). General rule: In a void marriage, the property regime
is one of co-ownership (Art. 147 and 148). The law
The legislative intent is for the benefit of the Filipino provides that the person in bad faith will forfeit his or
spouse, by clarifying his or her marital status, her share in the co-ownership in favour of their
settling the doubts created by the divorce common children.
decree. Essentially, the second paragraph of Article
26 of the Family Code provided the Filipino spouse Exception: Void subsequent marriage due to the
a substantive right to have his or her marriage to the failure of a party to get a prior judicial declaration of
alien spouse considered as dissolved, capacitating nullity of the previous void marriage pursuant to Art.
him or her to remarry (Corpus v. Sto. Tomas, G.R. 40 of the Family Code in which case Art. 43 par. 2
No. 186571, August 11, 2010). (instead of Art. 147 or 148) shall apply (Sta. Maria, M.,
Persons and Family Relations, 2010, p. 195-196).
I. Those contrary to law or public policy General Rule: The action or defense for the
II. Due to absence of essential or formal requisites declaration of absolute nullity of a marriage shall not
I. Due to psychological incapacity prescribe (Art. 39, as amended by R.A. 8533
II. Incestuous marriages approved on February 23, 1998).
III. Void subsequent marriages
Only the spouses can file petition for declaration of
Note: As a general rule, good faith and bad faith are nullity
immaterial in determining whether or not a marriage is Pursuant to A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC (SC Resolution
null and void. Nonetheless, the party who knew that which took effect on March 15, 2003), a petition for
he or she was entering a void marriage before its declaration of absolute nullity of void marriage may be
solemnization may be held liable for damages by the filed solely by the husband or the wife. Thus,
other contracting party under Art,19, 20 and 21 of the compulsory or intestate heirs can question the validity
Civil Code. of the marriage of the spouses, not in a proceeding for
Exceptions: declaration of nullity, but upon the death of a spouse
1. Art. 35 (2): either of the contracting parties is in in a proceeding for the settlement of the estate of the
good faith in believing that the solemnizing officer deceased spouse filed in the regular courts (Enrico v.
has authority although he has none in fact Heirs of Medinaceli, G.R. No. 173614, September 28,
2. Art. 41: person whose spouse disappears for four 2007).
consecutive years, or two years where there was
danger of death, the present spouse may validly Declaration of nullity not a prejudicial question
marry again after he or she: The pendency of the civil action for nullity of marriage
a. Has a well-founded belief that his or her spouse is does not pose a prejudicial question in a criminal case
dead; for concubinage (Beltran vs. People, G.R. No. 137567,
b. Procures a judicial declaration of presumptive June 20, 2000). This ruling applies in a case for
death; bigamy by analogy since both crimes presuppose the
c. At the time of subsequent marriage ceremony, is subsistence of a marriage (Bobis v. Bobis, G.R.
in good faith with the subsequent spouse; No.138509, July 31, 2000).
otherwise, the subsequent marriage shall be



General rule: A void marriage can be attacked The requirement for a declaration of absolute nullity of
collaterally. a marriage is also for the protection of the spouse
who, believing that his or her marriage is illegal and
Exceptions: void, marries again. With the judicial declaration of
a. Art. 40: a person in a void marriage who wants to the nullity of his or her marriage, the person who
remarry must first file a civil case to obtain a judicial marries again cannot be charged with bigamy. A
declaration of nullity of the first marriage judicial declaration of nullity is required before a valid
b. Obtaining a judicial declaration of nullity for subsequent marriage can be contracted; or else, what
purposes other than remarriage (legitimacy, transpires is a bigamous marriage, reprehensible and
settlement of estate, criminal case) when the validity immoral. (Teves vs. People, G.R. No. 188775, August
of the marriage is an issue 24, 2011).
c. If a donor desires to revoke a donation propter
nuptias (in consideration of the marriage) given to For purposes other than remarriage, such as but not
one or both the spouses on the ground that the limited to determination of heirship, legitimacy or
marriage is void (Sta. Maria, M., Persons and illegitimacy of a child, settlement of estate, dissolution
Family Relations, 2010, p. 196-198). of property regime or criminal case, other evidence is
acceptable to show the nullity of the marriage and the
JUDICIAL DECLARATION OF NULLITY (Art. 40) court may pass upon the validity of marriage so long
as it is essential to the determination of the case
The absolute nullity of a previous marriage may be (Niñal vs. Bayadog, G.R. No. 133778, March 14,
invoked for purposes of remarriage on the basis solely 2000).
of a final judgment declaring such previous marriage
void (Art. 40). Collateral attack of marriage is allowed.

Remarriage is not the sole purpose of declaration of In a case for concubinage, the accused need not
nullity of a marriage as it can be declared void for present a final judgment declaring his marriage void,
other purposes for he can adduce evidence in the criminal case of the
nullity of his marriage other than proof of a final
For purposes of remarriage, the only legally judgment declaring his marriage void (Beltran vs.
acceptable basis for declaring a previous marriage an People, G.R. No. 137567, June 20, 2000).
absolute nullity is a final judgment declaring such
previous marriage void I. VOID MARRIAGES DUE TO ABSENCE OF ANY
Parties to a marriage should not be permitted to judge (BB–LAPIS)
for themselves its nullity, only competent courts having 1. Contracted by any party below 18 years of age even
such authority. Prior to such declaration of nullity, the with parental consent
validity of the first marriage is beyond question 2. Bigamous or polygamous marriages except Art 41
(Landicho vs. Rolova L-22579, February 23, 1968). 3. Solemnized WITHOUT a license except as
otherwise provided
One who enters into a subsequent marriage without 4. Solemnized by any person NOT LEGALLY
first obtaining such judicial declaration is guilty of authorized to perform marriages UNLESS one or
bigamy. This principle applies even if the earlier union both of the parties believed in good faith that the
is characterized by statute as “void” (Manuel vs. solemnizing officer had the legal authority to do so
People, G.R. No. 165842, November 29, 2005). 5. Marriages contracted through mistake of one of the
parties as to the physical identity of the other
Interestingly, in Lucio Morigo v. People, (GR No. 6. Subsequent marriages that are void under Article 53
145226, Feb. 6, 2004), the SC ruled that a judicial of the Family Code
declaration of nullity is NOT NEEDED where NO
MARRIAGE CEREMONY at all was performed by a General rule: A marriage contracted by any person
duly authorized solemnizing officer, as where the during the subsistence of a previous valid marriage
parties merely signed a marriage contract on their own shall be null and void (Gomez v. Lipana, GR. No. L–
without the presence of the solemnizing officer. 23214, June 30, 1970).

Elements of bigamy (Art. 349, RPC):



a. The offender has been legally married. Exception: Subsequent marriage is automatically
b. The marriage has not been legally dissolved or in terminated if the reappearance was recorded in a
case his or her spouse is absent, the absent sworn statement in the civil registry of the
spouse could not yet be presumed dead residence of the parties to the subsequent
according to the Civil Code. marriage at the instance of any interested person
c. The offender contracts a second or subsequent with due notice to said spouses, without prejudice
marriage. to the fact of reappearance being judicially
d. The second or subsequent marriage has all the determined in case such fact is disputed.
essential requisites for validity.
. Exception to the exception: If there was a
Exception: Before the celebration of the previous judgment annulling or declaring the first
subsequent marriage, a declaration of marriage a nullity, the subsequent bigamous
presumptive death is obtained after complying marriage remains valid.
with the following requirements: (JAB)
i. Judicial declaration of presumptive death; Notes: If the absentee reappears, but no step is
present spouse must file a summary taken to terminate the subsequent marriage either
proceeding for the declaration of the by affidavit or by court action, the absentee’s
presumptive death of the absentee without mere reappearance even if made known to the
prejudice to the latter’s reappearance. spouses in the subsequent marriage will not
ii. Absence of the other spouse must have been terminate such marriage (SSS v. Bailon, G.R. No
for 4 consecutive years, or 2 years where there 165545, March 24, 2006).
was danger of death under circumstances laid
down in Art. 391 of the NCC; By express provision of law (Art. 247, FC), the
iii. Well-founded belief of the present spouse who judgment of the court in a summary proceeding
wishes to marry that absent spouse is already shall be immediately final and executory. As a
dead; and matter of course, it follows that no appeal can be
had of the trial court’s judgment in a summary
There is no well-founded belief that the absent proceeding for the declaration of presumptive
spouse is already dead when the present party death of an absent spouse under Article 41 of the
fails to conduct a diligent search for the missing Family Code. It goes without saying, however,
party (Republic v. Nolasco, G.R. No. 94053, that an aggrieved party may file a petition for
March 17, 1993). certiorari to question abuse of discretion
amounting to lack of jurisdiction. Such petition
Note: This is intended to protect the present should be filed in the Court of Appeals in
spouse from criminal prosecution for bigamy accordance with the Doctrine of Hierarchy of
under Art 349 of the Revised Penal Code. Courts (Republic vs. Tango G.R. No. 161062 July
However, if the bigamous marriage was 31, 2009).
committed abroad, the guilty party cannot be
criminally prosecuted for bigamy in the Note: Enumeration in Art 35 is NOT exclusive. Other
Philippines as our penal statutes are territorial VOID marriages include:
in nature. 1. Marriages in a play, drama, or movie
2. Marriages between two boys and two girls
Exception to the exception: If both spouses of the 3. Marriages in jest
subsequent marriage acted in bad faith, said 4. Common law marriages
marriage shall be void ab initio and all donations
made by one in favor of the other are revoked by II. PSYCHOLOGICAL INCAPACITY (Art. 36)
operation of law (Art. 44).
No less than a mental (not physical) incapacity that
Effect of reappearance of absent spouse: causes a party to be truly incognitive of the basic
marital covenants that concomitantly must be
General rule: The subsequent bigamous marriage assumed and discharged by the parties to the
under Article 41 remains valid despite marriage. Its meaning is confined to the most serious
reappearance of the absentee spouse. cases of personality disorders clearly demonstrative of
an utter insensitivity or inability to give meaning and



significance to the marriage. This psychological A person who is unable to distinguish between fantasy
condition must exist at the time the marriage is and reality would be unable to comprehend the legal
celebrated (Santos vs. CA, G.R. No. 112019, January nature of the marital bond much less its psychic
4, 1995). meaning and the obligations attached to the marriage,
including parenting. One unable to adhere to reality
Psychological incapacity cannot be expected to adhere as well to any legal or
It is the downright incapacity or inability to take emotional commitments (Antonio v. Reyes, G.R. No.
cognizance of and to assume the basic marital 155800, March 10, 2006).
obligations. The burden of proving psychological
incapacity is on the plaintiff. The plaintiff must prove While disagreements on money matters would, no
that the incapacitated party, based on his or her doubt, affect the other aspects of one’s marriage as to
actions or behavior, suffers a serious psychological make the wedlock unsatisfactory, this is not a
disorder that completely disables him or her from sufficient ground to declare a marriage null and void.
understanding and discharging the essential In fact, the Court takes judicial notice of the fact that
obligations of the marital state. The psychological disagreements regarding money matters are common,
problem must be grave, must have existed at the time and even normal occurrences between husbands and
of marriage, and must be incurable (Kalaw v. wives (Tongol vs. Tongol, G.R. No. 157610, October
Fernandez, G.R. No. 166357, September 19, 2011). 19, 2007).

In Marable v. Marable, G.R. No. 178741, January 17, Petitioner is not entitled to moral damages based on
2011, the Supreme Court ruled that “the term declaration of psychological incapacity because the
‘psychological incapacity’ to be a ground for the nullity award of moral damages should be predicated, not on
of marriage under Article 36 of the Family Code, refers the mere act of entering into the marriage, but on
to a serious psychological illness afflicting a party specific evidence that it was done deliberately and
even before the celebration of the marriage. These are with malice by a party who had known of his or her
the disorders that result in the utter insensitivity or disability and yet willfully concealed the same (Noel
inability of the afflicted party to give meaning and Buenaventura v. CA, et al., G.R. No. 127358, March
significance to the marriage he or she has contracted. 31, 2005).
Psychological incapacity must refer to no less than a
mental (not physical) incapacity that causes a party to Jurisprudential guidelines (Molina doctrine) (Republic
be truly incognitive of the basic marital covenants that v. Molina G.R. No. 108763, February 13, 1997):
concomitantly must be assumed and discharged by (PROBE PIG)
the parties to the marriage.” 1. Incapacity must be permanent or incurable;
2. Root cause of the psychological incapacity must be:
Requisites of psychological incapacity: (JIG) a. Medically or clinically identified
1. Juridical Antecedence – Must be rooted in b. Alleged in the complaint:
the history of the party antedating the marriage, i. Sufficiently proven by experts
although the overt manifestations may emerge only ii. Clearly explained in the decision
after the marriage; and 3. Marital obligations refer to Art. 68–71, 220,221 and
2. Incurability – Must be incurable or, even if it 225 of the FC;
were otherwise, the cure would be beyond the 4. Plaintiff has burden of proof;
means of the party involved; 5. Incapacity proven to be existing at the time of the
3. Gravity – must be grave/serious such that the celebration of marriage;
party would be incapable of carrying out the 6. Trial court must order the prosecuting attorney or
ordinary duties required in a marriage (Santos vs. fiscal and the Solicitor General to appear for the
CA, G.R. No. 112019, January 4, 1995). state;
7. Illness is grave enough to bring about disability to
May involve a senseless, protracted and constant assume essential marital obligations; and
refusal to comply with the essential marital obligations Interpretations of the National Appellate Matrimonial
by one or both of the spouses although he, she or they Tribunal of the Catholic Church of the Philippines
are physically capable of performing such obligations while not controlling should be given great respect.
(Chi Ming Tsoi v. CA, G.R. No. 119190, Jan. 16,
1997). Note: The Supreme Court said that the provisions of
Article 36 should be interpreted on a case-to-case



basis. The Court said: “Let it be remembered that In Marcos v. Marcos (GR. NO. 136490, October 19,
each case involving the application of Article 36 must 2000), the SC held that psychological incapacity may
be treated distinctly and judged not on the basis of a be established by the totality of the evidence
priori assumptions, predilections or generalizations but presented. The facts alleged in the petition and the
according to its own attendant facts. Courts should evidence presented, considered in totality, should be
interpret the provision on a case-to-case basis, guided sufficient to convince the court of the psychological
by experience, the findings of experts and researchers incapacity of the party concerned (Bernardino S.
in psychological disciplines, and by decisions of Zamora vs. CA, G.R. No. 141917, February 7, 2007).
church tribunals.” (Aurelio vs. Aurelio, G.R. No.
175367, June 6, 2011). There is NO REQUIREMENT that the person sought
to be declared psychologically incapacitated should be
In Te v. Yu-Te (G.R. No. 161793, February 13, 2009), personally examined by a physician or psychologist as
the SC stressed that it is the court, on a case to case a condition sine qua non to arrive at such declaration.
basis, which determines whether a party to a marriage It can be proven by independent means that one is
is psychologically incapacitated, and that each case psychologically incapacitated; there is no reason why
should be treated differently. In ruling that the doctrine the same should not be credited (Republic of the
in Republic vs. CA and Molina (1997) was Philippines vs. Laila Tanyag-San Jose and Manolito
inapplicable, the Court declared that cases of San Jose, G.R. No. 168328, February 28, 2007).
psychological incapacity should be decided not on the
basis of a priori assumptions, predictions or Psychological incapacity is not meant to comprehend
generalizations but according to its own facts. Courts all possible cases of psychoses. The fourth guideline
should interpret the provision on a case-to-case basis; in Molina requires that the psychological incapacity as
guided by experience, the findings of experts and understood under Art. 36 (FC) must be relevant to the
researchers in psychological disciplines, and by assumption of marriage obligations, not necessarily to
decisions of church tribunals. While it was not those not related to marriage, like the exercise of a
suggesting the abandonment of the Molina doctrine, it profession or employment in a job (Tongol vs. Tongol,
ruled that said doctrine has become a strait-jacket, G.R. No. 157610, October 19, 2007).
forcing all sizes to fit into and be bound by it, and in
conveniently applying said doctrine, has allowed Final judgment denying a petition for nullity on the
diagnosed sociopaths, schizophrenics, ground of psychological incapacity bars a subsequent
nymphomaniacs, narcissists and the like, to petition for declaration of nullity on the ground of lack
continuously debase and pervert the sanctity of of marriage license. There is res judicata (Mallion vs.
marriage. Alcantara, G.R. No. 141528, October 31, 2006).
In ruling that both parties to the marriage were
psychologically incapacitated, the Court also stressed In petitions for the declaration of nullity of marriage,
that the expert opinion on the psychological and the burden of proof to show the nullity of marriage lies
mental temperament of the parties must not be with the plaintiff. Unless the evidence presented
discounted, but must instead be considered as clearly reveals a situation where the parties, or one of
decisive evidence. them, could not have validly entered into a marriage
by reason of a grave and serious psychological illness
The wife’s promiscuity and the psychiatrist’s report existing at the time it was celebrated, we are
that she was suffering from social personality disorder compelled to uphold the indissolubility of the marital tie
exhibited by blatant display of infidelity, emotional (Republic v. Galang, G.R. No. 168335, June 6, 2011).
immaturity, and irresponsibility cannot be equated with
psychological incapacity (Dedel v. Court of Appeals, III. INCESTUOUS MARRIAGES, WHETHER THE
BETWEEN (Art. 37):
Similarly, the husband’s alleged alcoholism, 1. Ascendants & Descendants of any degree;
drunkenness, his habitual verbal and physical abuse 2. Brothers & Sisters whether full or half blood
of the wife, failure to support the latter and her
children, and unbearable jealousy, do not constitute IV. THOSE CONTRARY TO PUBLIC POLICY
psychological incapacity (Republic vs. Melgar, G.R. CONTRACTED BETWEEN (Art. 38): (CS-PASS-AKA)
No. 139676,March 31, 2006). 1. Collateral blood relatives whether legitimate or
illegitimate up to the 4th civil degree



2. Step–parents & step children V. VOID SUBSEQUENT MARRIAGES

3. Parents–in–law & children–in–law 1. Without judicial declaration of nullity of previous void
4. The adopting parent & the adopted child marriage (Art. 40)
5. The surviving spouse of the adopting parent & the 2. Without judicial declaration of presumptive death of
adopted child absent spouse (Art. 41)
6. The surviving spouse of the adopted child & the
adopter No judicial proceeding to annul a subsequent marriage
7. Adopted child & a legitimate child of the adopter contracted under Art. 41 is necessary. Also, the
8. Parties where one, with the intention to marry the termination of the subsequent marriage by affidavit
other, killed the latter’s spouse, or his/her spouse. provided for in Art. 42 does not preclude the filing of
9. Adopted children of the same adopter an action in court to prove the reappearance of the
Note: There is no need for conviction in a criminal absentee and obtain a declaration of dissolution or
case of the guilty party. The fact of killing committed termination of the subsequent marriage (SSS vs. Vda.
by one of the parties to the marriage can be proved De Ballon, G.R. No. 166645, March 24, 2006).
in a civil case.
3. Where the absent spouse was presumed dead, and
The following can now marry each other: (LSG-AC ) 2
both the present spouse and would–be spouse were
1. Brother–in–law and sister–in–law in bad faith in contracting marriage (Art. 44)
2. Stepbrother and stepsister 4. Failure to comply with Art. 52 requiring the partition
3. Guardian and ward and distribution of properties and delivery of
4. Adopted and illegitimate child, parents and relatives children’s presumptive legitimes which should be
by consanguinity or affinity of the adopter; recorded in the appropriate civil registry and registry
5. Parties who have been convicted of adultery or of property after obtaining judgment for declaration
concubinage of nullity or annulment (Art. 53)
6. Collateral relatives by the half blood.
Note: Failure to record in the civil registry and registry
Determination if two persons are relatives up to the 4 th of property the judgment of annulment or of absolute
civil degree: nullity of the marriage, partition and distribution of the
1. Consider the nearest and immediate common property of the spouses and the delivery of the
ascendant children’s presumptive legitimes shall not affect third
2. Count the number of relatives from one of them to persons (Arts. 52–53).
the common ascendant and from the common
ascendant to the other one. VOID AND VOIDABLE MARRIAGE
Relationship by consanguinity is in itself not capable of Void Voidable
dissolution. Hence, the mere fact that a common Decree of nullity Decree of annulment
ascendant, a grandfather for example, died does not Incapable of Ratified by free
sever the blood relationship of first cousins. ratification cohabitation
Can be attacked Can be attacked directly
Two views on termination of marriage on the “affinity directly or collaterally only
prohibition” Can still be impugned Can no longer be
a. Relationship by affinity terminates with the even after death of impugned after death of
termination of the marriage whether there are parties one of the parties
children or not in the marriage. Co–ownership of Generally Conjugal
b. Relationship by affinity is dissolved if one of the properties through joint Partnership or Absolute
spouses dies and the spouses have no living issues actual contributions Community
or children; it does not cease if there are living Always void Valid until annulled
issues or children of the marriage ‘in whose veins
Action for declaration
the blood of the parties are commingled, since the
of nullity does not Action prescribes
relationship of affinity was continued through the
medium of the issue of marriage (Sta. Maria, M.,
Persons and Family Relations, 2010, p. 251-253).
See Comparative Chart on Effects of Declaration of
Nullity, Annulment and Termination of Marriage in Art.
41 and Legal Separation.



marriage; and

Nature or gravity of disease is irrelevant; it is

V OIDABLE M ARRIAGES enough that there was concealment at the time of
(A RT .45) the ceremony.

Unlike void marriages which is invalid from the d. Concealment of drug addiction, habitual
beginning, voidable marriages are considered valid alcoholism, homosexuality or lesbianism existing
until annulled. at the time of the marriage

The grounds for annulment of marriage are exclusive Note: There is fraud when, through insidious
(Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Family Relations, 2010, words or machinations of one of the contracting
p. 291). parties, the other is induced to enter into a
contract which, without them, he would not have
Grounds: (AUF-VPS) must exist AT THE TIME of agreed to (Art. 1338, NCC).
1. Absence of consent to contract marriage from the The enumeration in Article 46 is exclusive. Hence,
parents, guardian or person exercising substitute misrepresentation as to character, health, rank,
parental authority (in that order) over one or both of fortune or chastity is NOT a ground for annulment
the parties, where one or both of the parties is over (Anaya vs. Palaroan, GR. No. L–27930,
18 but below 21 November 26, 1970)

2. Unsound mind of either party 4. Vitiated consent of either party through force,
intimidation or undue influence
The true test is whether the party concerned could
intelligently consent; that is, that he knew what Criminal liability attaches to anyone who uses
contract he was entering into (Hoadley v. Hoadley, violence, intimidation and fraud in contracting a
244 N.Y. 424). marriage (Art. 350 RPC)

Intoxication which results in lack of mental capacity Violence

to give consent is equivalent to unsoundness of When in order to wrest consent, serious or
mind (McKnee v. McKnee, 49 Nev. 90). irresistible force is employed (Art. 1335 par. 1,
So is somnambulism at the time of wedding (15
Sanchez Roman 528). Intimidation
When one of the contracting parties is compelled by
3. Consent of either party obtained by fraudulent a reasonable and well-grounded fear of an imminent
means as enumerated in Art. 46: (NPSD) and grave evil upon his person or property, or upon
a. Non–disclosure of a previous conviction by final the person or property of his spouse, descendants
judgment of the other party of a crime involving or ascendants, to give his consent (Art. 1335 par. 2,
moral turpitude; NCC)
b. Concealment by the wife of the fact that at the
time of the marriage, she was pregnant by a man Factors to consider in violence and intimidation: the
other than her husband; age, sex and condition of the person. A threat to
enforce one’s claim through competent authority, if
Must have been done in bad faith. If the woman the claim is just or legal, does not vitiate consent
did not expressly inform the man of her (Art. 1335 par. 3 and 4, NCC)
pregnancy but such physical condition was readily
apparent to the man, he cannot claim lack of Undue influence
knowledge thereof (Buccat vs. Buccat, G.R. No. It is when a person takes improper advantage of
47101, April 25, 1941). another, depriving the latter of reasonable freedom
of choice.
c. Concealment of a sexually transmissible disease,
regardless of its nature, existing at the time of the Factors to consider: the confidential, family, spiritual



and other relations between the parties or the fact to be serious and appears to be incurable.
that the person alleged to have been unduly Elements: (ESSA)
influenced was suffering from mental weakness or a. Existing at the time of marriage
was ignorant or in financial distress (Art 1337, b. Sexually transmissible disease
NCC). c. It is serious; and
d. Appears incurable
5. Physical incapability of either party to consummate ACTION FOR ANNULMENT OF VOIDABLE
the marriage with the other, and such incapacity MARRIAGES (Art. 47)
continues and appears to be incurable (impotency) Persons Prescrip-
Grounds Ratifi-
Who May tive
(F2I2NS) cation
Impotency being an abnormal condition should not Sue Period
be presumed. The presumption is in favor of Free
potency (Jimenez vs. Cañizares G.R. No. L-12790 Within 5 cohabita-
August 31, 1960). years tion after
Force, Injured
from the disap-
Article 45(5) of the Family Code refers to lack of intimida- party
time the pearance
power to copulate. Incapacity to consummate tion, or
force, of force,
denotes the permanent inability on the part of the undue
intimida- intimida-
spouses to perform the complete act of sexual influence
tion, or tion /
intercourse. Non-consummation of a marriage may undue undue
be on the part of the husband or of the wife and may influence influence
be caused by a physical or structural defect in the ceased respect-
anatomy of one of the parties or it may be due to tively
chronic illness and inhibitions or fears arising in Free
whole or in part from psychophysical conditions. It cohabita-
may be caused by psychogenic causes, where such tion even
mental block or disturbance has the result of making Within 5
with full
the spouse physically incapable of performing the years
Injured know-
marriage act (Alcazar vs. Alcazar G.R. No.174451 Fraud from the
party ledge of
October 13, 2009). discovery
of fraud
Requisites for annulment due to impotence: ting the
(CUPIN) fraud
a. It exists at the time of the celebration of the Within 5 No
marriage; Incapabi- years ratification
b. It is unknown to the other spouse; lity to Injured after the since
c. It is permanent; consum- party celebratio defect is
d. It is incurable; and mate n of the permanen
e. The other spouse must not also be impotent. marriage t
Insanity Sane Anytime
Doctrine of triennial cohabitation spouse before the Free
Presumption that the husband is impotent should who has death of cohabita-
the wife still remain a virgin for at least 3 years from no know- either tion after
time spouses started cohabiting (Tompkins vs. ledge of party insane
Tompkins, 92 NJ 113 as cited Sta. Maria, p. 307- the regains
308; Paras, p. 450-451). insanity sanity

Refusal on the part of a Filipino girl to submit to a Relative Anytime Free

physical examination to determine impotency does guardian before the cohabita-
NOT raise the presumption of impotency because of or death of tion after
the natural modesty of our native girls. ( Jimenez v. persons either insane
Canizares, L-12790, August 31, 1960) having party regains
legal sanity
6. Sexually transmissible disease of either party found charge of



Persons Prescrip- attorney to assure lack of collusion between the

Grounds Ratifi-
Who May tive contending parties is not fatal to the validity of the
(F2I2NS) cation
Sue Period proceedings in the trial court (Tuason vs. CA, G.R. No.
the 116607, April 10, 1996).
During Pendency of action for annulment
lucid During the pendency of the action and in the absence
Insane interval or of adequate provisions in a written agreement
spouse after between the spouses, the court shall:
regaining 1. Provide for the support of the spouses and the
sanity custody and support of common children
Parent/ Anytime 2. Give paramount consideration to the moral and
legal before the material welfare of the said children and their choice
guardian “no of the parent with whom they wish to remain.
having consent” 3. Provide for appropriate visitation rights. (Art. 49, FC)
charge of party Free
the “no– reaches cohabita- Visitation rights flow from the natural right of both
Non– parents to each other’s company. There being no such
consent” 21 tion after
consent parent– child relationship between them, Gerardo has
party reaching
Within 5 age of 21 no demandable right to visit the child of Mario with
“No years Theresa (Concepcion vs. CA GR. No. 12345, August
consent” after 31, 2005).
party reaching
21 Decision on the nullification of the marriage
Within 5 No No judgment shall be based upon stipulation of facts
years ratifica- or confession of judgment (Art. 48 par. 2).
Injured after the tion since
STD Stipulation of facts
party celebratio defect is
n of the perma- An admission by both parties made in court agreeing
marriage nent. to the existence of the act constituting the ground for
annulment or for the declaration of nullity.
Note: Whichever comes first may convalidate the
marriage: cohabitation OR prescription. Confession of judgment
The admission made in court by the respondent
Additional requirements for annulment or declaration admitting fault as invoked by the plaintiff to sever the
of nullity (Art. 48 par. 1; Supreme Court En Banc marriage ties (Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Family
Resolution A.M. 02-11-10-SC) Relations, 2010, p. 319).
Prosecuting attorney or fiscal should:
1. Appear on behalf of the state If the defendant spouse fails to answer the complaint,
2. Take steps to prevent collusion between the parties the court CANNOT declare him or her in default;
3. Take care that evidence is not fabricated or instead, it should order the public prosecutor to
suppressed (Sec.9) determine if collusion exists between the parties
(Section 6, Rule 18 of the Revised Rules of Court;
There will be collusion only if the parties had arranged Sec. 13 (b); Supreme Court En Banc Resolution A.M.
to make it appear that a ground existed or had been 02-11-10-SC).
committed although it was not, or if the parties had
connived to bring about a matrimonial case even in If aside from a stipulation of facts or a confession of
the absence of grounds therefor (Ocampo vs. judgment, sufficient evidence was presented, the court
Florenciano, G.R. No. L–13553, February 23, 1960). may render a judgment annulling the marriage
(Ocampo v. Florenciano, GR. No. L–13553, February
However, petitioner’s vehement opposition to the 23, 1960).
annulment proceedings negates the conclusion that
collusion existed between the parties. Under these Note: The rule also applies to Legal Separation
circumstances, the non–intervention of a prosecuting



After court grants petition, it shall issue the decree of

absolute nullity or annulment only after compliance
with the following: A decree of legal separation or relative divorce does
1. Must proceed with the liquidation, partition, and not affect the marital status, there being no severance
distribution of the properties of the spouses of the vinculum (Laperal v. Republic G.R. No. L-18008
including custody and support of the common October 30, 1962).
children unless such matters had been adjudicated
in previous judicial proceedings. A legal separation involves nothing more than bed-
2. Delivery of the children’s presumptive legitimes in and-board separation of the spouses (Lapuz v.
cash, property or sound securities unless otherwise Eufemio G.R. No. L-30977 January 31, 1972).
mutually agreed upon and judicially approved.

Delivery shall in no way prejudice the ultimate EXCLUSIVE GROUNDS FOR LEGAL SEPARATION:
successional rights of the children accruing upon (Art. 56) (PAA-ID-LAMBS)
the death of either or both parents 1. Repeated physical violence or grossly abusive
conduct directed against the petitioner, a common
The value of the properties received shall be child, or a child of the petitioner
considered as advances. 2. Attempt of the respondent to corrupt or induce the
petitioner, a common child, or a child of the
3. Registration of the entry of judgment granting petitioner, to engage in prostitution, or connivance in
petition for declaration of absolute nullity or such corruption or inducement
annulment in the Civil Registry where the marriage
was celebrated and in the Civil Registry of the place Refers to prostitution only and irrespective of the
where the FC was located. age of the child (Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Family
4. Registration of approved partition and distribution of Relations, 2010, p. 356)
properties of the spouses in the proper Registry of
Deeds where the real properties are located. The law does not give a cause of action to the
petitioner to file a case for legal separation on the
Note: The rule applies to Legal Separation. ground that the respondent-spouse committed the
ground provided in Art. 55(3) upon his or her own
Effects of nullity child with another person. However, such act may
1. Either of the former spouses may marry again after be a cause to suspend or terminate, depending on
complying with the requirements of Art. 52 (Art. 53). the severity, the parental authority of the respondent
2. On Children (Art. 54) over his own child pursuant to Art. 231 (2) and (4) of
a. Those conceived or born before the judgment or he Family Code (Sta. Maria, M., Persons and
annulment or absolute nullity of the marriage Family Relations, 2010, p. 357).
under Art. 36 has become final and executory,
shall be considered legitimate. 3. Attempt by the respondent against the life of the
b. Those conceived or born of the subsequent petitioner
marriage under Art. 53 shall likewise be
legitimate. The attempt on the life of the spouse must proceed
from an evil design and not from any justifiable
In both instances under Articles 40 and 45, the cause like self-defense or from the fact that the
marriages are governed either by absolute community spouse caught the other in flagrante delicto having
of property or conjugal partnership of gains unless the carnal knowledge with another man or woman (Sta.
parties agree to a complete separation of property in a Maria, M., Persons and Family Relations, 2010, p.
marriage settlement entered into before the marriage. 359-360).
Since the property relations of the parties is governed
by absolute community of property or conjugal 4. Final judgment sentencing the respondent to
partnership of gains, there is a need to liquidate, imprisonment of more than 6 years even if pardoned
partition and distribute the properties (Dino v. Dino, 5. Drug addiction or habitual alcoholism of the
G.R. No. 178044, January 19, 2011). respondent
6. Lesbianism or homosexuality of the respondent
L EGAL S EPARATION 7. Abandonment of the petitioner by the respondent



without justifiable cause for more than 1 year d. Preventing the woman in engaging in any
legitimate profession, occupation, business or
There must be absolute cessation of marital activity or controlling the victim's own money or
relations, duties, and rights, with the intention of properties, or solely controlling the conjugal or
perpetual separation (Partosa-Jo vs. CA, G.R. No. common money, or properties;
82606, December 18, 1992). Abandonment implies
total renunciation of duties. 6. Inflicting or threatening to inflict physical harm on
oneself for the purpose of controlling her actions or
8. Physical violence or moral pressure to compel decisions;
petitioner to change religious or political affiliation 7. Causing or attempting to cause the woman or her
9. Contracting by respondent of a subsequent child to engage in any sexual activity which does not
bigamous marriage; and constitute rape, by force or threat of force, physical
10. Sexual infidelity or perversion. harm, or through intimidation directed against the
Sexual perversion includes engaging in such woman or her child or her/his immediate family;
behavior not only with third persons but also with 8. Engaging in purposeful, knowing, or reckless
the spouse (Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Family conduct, personally or through another that alarms
Relations, 2010, p. 359). or causes substantial emotional or psychological
distress to the woman or her child. This shall
Note: Mere preponderance of evidence will suffice to include, but not be limited to, the following acts:
prove the existence of these grounds EXCEPT the 4th a. Stalking or following the woman or her child in
ground. public or private places;
b. Peering in the window or lingering outside the
RA 9262 Anti-Violence Against Women and Children residence of the woman or her child;
(March 8, 2004) c. Entering or remaining in the dwelling or on the
property of the woman or her child against her/his
Acts of Violence: will;
1. Causing physical harm to the woman or her child; d. Destroying the property and personal belongings
2. Threatening to cause the woman or her child or inflicting harm to animals or pets of the woman
physical harm; or her child; and
3. Attempting to cause the woman or her child physical e. Engaging in any form of harassment or violence;
4. Placing the woman or her child in fear of imminent 9. Causing mental or emotional anguish, public ridicule
physical harm; or humiliation to the woman or her child, including,
5. Attempting to compel or compelling the woman or but not limited to, repeated verbal and emotional
her child to engage in conduct which the woman or abuse, and denial of financial support or custody of
her child has the right to desist from or desist from minor children of access to the woman's
conduct which the woman or her child has the right child/children (Sec. 5, RA 9262).
to engage in, or attempting to restrict or restricting
the woman's or her child's freedom of movement or In cases of legal separation, where violence as
conduct by force or threat of force, physical or other specified in RA 9262 is alleged, Article 58 of the
harm or threat of physical or other harm, or Family Code on the 6 months cooling-off period
intimidation directed against the woman or child. shall NOT apply. The court shall proceed on the
This shall include, but not limited to, the following main case and other incidents of the case as soon
acts committed with the purpose or effect of as possible. The hearing on any application for a
controlling or restricting the woman's or her child's protection order filed by the petitioner must be
movement or conduct: conducted within the mandatory period specified
a. Threatening to deprive or actually depriving the (Sec. 19, RA 9262).
woman or her child of custody to her/his family;
b. Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman or The woman victim of violence shall be entitled to the
her children of financial support legally due her or custody and support of her child/children. Children
her family, or deliberately providing the woman's below seven (7) years old older but with mental or
children insufficient financial support; physical disabilities shall automatically be given to
c. Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman or the mother, with right to support, unless the court
her child of a legal right; finds compelling reasons to order otherwise. A



victim who is suffering from battered woman Collusion

syndrome shall not be disqualified from having It is a corrupt agreement between the spouses by
custody of her children. In no case shall custody of making it appear that the marriage is defective
minor children be given to the perpetrator of a due to the existence of any of the grounds and
woman who is suffering from battered woman agreeing to represent such false or non-existent
syndrome (Sec. 28, RA 9262). cause of action before the proper court to procure
divorce or legal separation (Sta. Maria, M.,
GROUNDS FOR DENIAL OF PETITION (Art. 56): Persons and Family Relations, 2010, p. 317).
1. Condonation of the offense or act complained of. 5. Mutual guilt or where both parties have given
ground for legal separation
It is the act of forgiving the offense after its 6. Prescription
commission (Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Family
Relations, 2010, p. 362). An action for legal separation shall be filed within 5
years from time of occurrence of the cause (Art. 57)
Failure of the husband to look for his adulterous wife
is NOT condonation to wife's adultery (Ocampo v. 7. Death of either party during the pendency of the
Florenciano, G.R. No. L–13553, February 23, 1960). case (Lapuz–Sy vs. Eufemio, G.R. No. 113842,
August 3, 1994)
The act of the husband in having sexual intercourse
with his wife in spite of his knowledge of the latter’s 8. Reconciliation of the spouses during the pendency
infidelity is an act of implied condonation. A single of the case
voluntary act of sexual intercourse by the innocent
spouse after discovery of the offense is ordinarily By filing in the same proceeding a joint
sufficient to constitute condonation (Bugayong vs. manifestation under oath, duly signed by the
Ginez, G.R. No. L-10033, December 28, 1956). spouses (Art. 65)

2. Consent to commission of offense or act Cooling–off period

complained of 6-month period from the filing of the petition designed
to give the parties enough time to further contemplate
Consent is prior to the act; condonation comes after their positions with the end in view of attaining
(People v. Schneckenburger, 73 Phil 413). reconciliation between them. No action for Legal
Separation shall be tried during such period (Art. 58).
There is consent when either of the spouses agreed
to or did not object, despite full knowledge, to the It is a mandatory requirement and its non-compliance
act giving rise to a ground for legal separation, makes the decision infirm (Pacete vs. Carriaga, G.R.
before such act was in fact committed (Sta. Maria, No. 53880, March 17, 1994).
M., Persons and Family Relations, 2010, p.
363). The cooling-off period does not mean the overruling of
provisions as custody, alimony, and support pendente
3. Connivance between parties of commission of lite.
offense or act constituting ground
A writ of preliminary mandatory injunction for the
Connivance or procurement return of the wife’s paraphernal property can in the
Denotes direction, influence, personal exertion, or meantime be heard and granted during the 6-month
other action with knowledge and belief that such period (Somosa-Ramos v. Vamenta, G.R. No. L-
action would produce certain results and which 34132 July 29, 1972).
results are produced (Cohen, Divorce and Alimony
in North Carolina, 59, IV, p. 98 as cited Sta. Maria, Effects of filing petition: (Art. 61)
p. 364). 1. The spouses shall be entitled to live separately from
each other
4. Collusion between parties 2. In the absence of an agreement between the
parties, the court shall designate the husband, the



wife, or a third person to manage the absolute shall be filed with the court in the same proceeding for
community or conjugal partnership property (Art. 61) legal separation (Art. 65).
3. The husband shall have no more right to have
sexual intercourse with his wife. Effects of reconciliation of the spouses (Art. 66)
1. The legal separation proceedings, if still pending,
No legal separation may be decreed unless the Court shall thereby be terminated at whatever stage.
has taken steps toward the reconciliation of the 2. The final decree of legal separation shall be set
spouses and is fully satisfied, despite such efforts, that aside, but the separation of property and any
reconciliation is highly improbable. (Art. 59) forfeiture of share of the guilty spouse already
effected shall subsist, unless the spouses agree to
Note: The wife who has been granted legal separation revive their former property regime.
cannot petition to be allowed to revert to her maiden
name (Art. 372, NCC). Revival of property regime (Art. 67)
Agreement of revival and motion for its approval shall
Even if the parents are separated de facto, still in the be filed in court in the same proceeding for legal
absence of judicial grant of custody to one parent, separation and shall be executed under oath and shall
both parents are entitled to the custody of their child. specify:
The remedy of habeas corpus may be resorted to by 1. Properties to be contributed anew to restored
the parent who has been deprived of the rightful regime;
custody of the child (Salientes v. Abanilla, G.R. No. 2. Those to be retained as separated properties of
162734, August 29, 2006). A decree of legal each spouse;
separation, on the ground of concubinage, may issue 3. Names of all known creditors, addresses, and
upon proof of preponderance of evidence in the action amounts owing to each.
for legal separation. No criminal proceedings or
conviction is necessary. After due hearing, court shall take measures to protect
interest of creditors and such order shall be recorded
RECONCILIATION OF LEGALLY SEPARATED in the proper registries of properties but the same shall
SPOUSES not prejudice creditors not listed or notified, unless
If the spouses should reconcile, the corresponding debtor-spouse has sufficient separate properties to
joint manifestation under oath duly signed by them satisfy creditor’s claim.




Termination Declaration of Nullity Annulment Legal Separation

(Art.41) (Art. 40) (Art. 45) (Art. 55)
Rendering judgment on the petition
No motion to dismiss shall be allowed except if the ground is lack of jurisdiction.

The grounds alleged must be proved. No judgment on the pleadings, summary judgment
or confession of judgment shall be allowed.
Summary proceeding;
judgment may be Notes:
rendered based on Stipulation of facts- an admission by both parties made in court agreeing to the existence
affidavits, documentary of the act constituting the ground for annulment or for the declaration of nullity.
evidence or oral Confession of judgment- the admission made in court by the respondent admitting fault as
testimonies at the invoked by the plaintiff to sever the marriage ties (Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Family
sound discretion of the Relations, 2010, p. 319).
court (Art. 246)
In legal separation cases, no decree shall be issued unless the Court has take steps
toward reconciliation of the spouses and is fully satisfied, despite such efforts, that
reconciliation is highly improbable (Art. 59).

Procedural requirements after judgment, before issuance of decree

1. Liquidation, partition, delivery of properties, including custody and support of common
children unless such matters had been adjudicated in previous judicial proceedings
2. Delivery of children’s presumptive legitimes
3. Registration of the entry of judgment granting the petition in the Civil Registry where the
marriage was celebrated AND in the Civil Registry of the place where the family court is
4. Registration of approved partition and distribution of properties in the Registry of Deeds
where the real properties are located
Marital Status


IAN MICHEL GEONANGA overall JHOY PALLONES subject chair, MICAELA Phoebe Alhambra, Diana Bartolome,
chairperson, JOSE ANGELO DAVID KRISTINA GALVEZ assistant subject chair, PIA Jesus Paolo Borlagdan, Darniel
chairperson for academics, RUTH ISABEL CO edp, FRANCIA ROMLINA Bustamante, Jamela Jane Caringal, Ma.
ABIGAIL ACERO chairperson for hotel RODRIGUEZ persons and family relations, Criselda Correa, Reynaldo Dalisay,
operations, ALBERTO RECALDE, JR. JENNETH CAE CAINDAY property, IRENE Kristine Lara Defensor, Carel Brendth
vice-chairperson for operations, MARIA ALCOBILLA wills and succession, JOSE Dela Cruz, Regine Estillore, Anne
CARMELA HAUTEA vice-chairperson AMELITO BELARMINO II and ROWNEYLIN Clarisse Guzman, Aziel Guzman,
Martin Michael Hatol, Maria Emma
for secretariat, MARK EMMANUEL SIA obligations and contracts, SAMANTHA
Gille Mercado, Richmond
ABILO vice-chairperson for finance, GRACE MANALO sales and lease, LAUREN
Montevirgen, Astrid Ong, Ruth Ann
RYAN LIGGAYU vice-chairperson for GAIL DIVINO partnership, agency and trusts, Ong, Rodel James Pulma, Dan Bernard
electronic data processing, JOMARC MABEL BUTED credit transactions, JULIUS Sabilala, Jeth Lester Tan, Maria Anne
PHILIP DIMAPILIS vice-chairperson CEASAR BALBUENA torts and damages, Cyra Uy
for logistics KATHLEEN VALERIO land titles and deeds,
ILLAC BOHOL conflict of laws

Termination Declaration of Nullity Annulment Legal Separation

(Art.41) (Art. 40) (Art. 45) (Art. 55)
Subsequent marriage Previous marriage, void ab Valid until annulled or No dissolution of marriage, only
automatically initio terminated separation of bed-and-board;
terminated by affidavit entitled to live separately
of reappearance
Status of Children Born/Conceived Before Termination
Legitimate Illegitimate except those as Legitimate Legitimate
provided in Art. 36 and 53
Custody of Children
Custody in case of During pendency:
dispute shall be 1. Written agreement
decided by the court in 2. Absence thereof, court decides based on best interest of child and may award it in the
separate proceedings following order of preference:
for custody but same a. Both parents jointly
considerations as in b. Either parent, may consider choice of child over 7 years unless parent chosen is unfit
Declaration of Nullity c. Surviving grandparent, if several then choice of child over 7 years unless
grandparent chosen is unfit/disqualified
d. Eldest brother/sister over 21unless unfit/ disqualified
e. Any other person deemed suitable by court

After decree:
To the innocent spouse but no child under 7 shall be separated from the mother unless there
are compelling reasons
Child Support
Support in case of During pendency:
dispute shall be 1. Written agreement
decided by the court in 2. In the absence thereof, from properties of the absolute community of property (ACP) or
separate proceedings conjugal partnership (CP)
for custody but same
considerations as in After Decree:
Declaration of Nullity Either parent/ both may be ordered by court to give an amount necessary for support in
proportion to resources/means of giver and necessities of recipient
Spousal Support
During pendency:
1. Written agreement
2. In the absence thereof, from properties of the ACP or CP, considered as advance to be
deducted from share during liquidation
3. Restitution if after final judgment court finds that person providing support pendente lite is
not liable therefor (Sec. 7, Rule 61, ROC)
Property Relations
1. ACP or CP shall be dissolved and liquidated 1. ACP or CP shall be
2. If either spouse contracted marriage in bad faith, he or she has no right to any dissolved and liquidated.
share of net profits earned by ACP or CP 2. Offending spouse has no
3. Net profits shall be forfeited in favor of common children, or if none, children of right to any share of net
guilty spouse by previous marriage, or in default thereof, the innocent spouse profits earned by ACP or CP
4. In all other cases of void marriage, Art. 147 and 148 applies (Valdes vs. RTC) 3. Net profits shall be forfeited
in favor of common children,
In addition, for marriages under Art. 40 and 45: or if none, children of guilty
1. All creditors of spouses and of the ACP or CP shall be notified of the spouse by previous
proceedings for liquidation marriage, or in default
2. Conjugal dwelling and lot on which it is situated shall be adjudicated pursuant to thereof, the innocent
Art. 102 and 129 spouse.



Termination Declaration of Nullity Annulment Legal Separation

(Art.41) (Art. 40) (Art. 45) (Art. 55)
Presumptive Legitime
1. Delivery of presumptive legitime of all common
children computed as of date of final judgment without
prejudice to ultimate successional rights of children
accruing upon death of either or both parents
2. Shall be considered as advances on common
children’s legitime (Art. 51)
Donation Propter Nuptias
1. Shall remain valid, 1. Shall remain valid, unless 1. Shall remain valid, 1. Donor is given option to
unless donee donee contracted unless donee revoke; if donor decides to
contracted marriage in bad faith, in contracted marriage revoke, must do so within 5
marriage in bad which case, donation is in bad faith, in which years from finality of decree
faith, in which revoked by operation of case, donation is 2. But if ground for legal
case, donation is law. revoked by separation is sexual
revoked by 2. If both spouses of operation of law infidelity (adultery or
operation of law. subsequent marriage (Art. 43(3)). concubinage), donation
2. If both spouses of acted in bad faith, 2. No conflict between persons guilty
subsequent donations propter nuptias 3. with Art. 86(2) as thereof at time of donation is
marriage acted in made by one in favor of such does not void (Art. 739[1]NCC)
bad faith, the other are revoked by require that
donations propter operation of law (Art. 44) marriage be
nuptias made by 3. If both spouses in good annulled first before
one in favor of the faith, donor after finality of donor may revoke
other are revoked decree may revoke donation – donor
by operation of law pursuant to Art. 86(1) has 5 years from
4. If marriage not time he had
celebrated: knowledge of lack of
a. Those stipulated in consent; cannot
marriage settlement revoke if there was
are void (Art. 81) knowledge before
b. Those excluded from the marriage
marriage settlement 4. Conflict with Art.
or if no such contract, 86(3) but Art. 43(3)
may be revoked by prevails – more in
donor (Art. 86[])) harmony with
purpose/intent of act
Insurance Policy
Innocent spouse may revoke designation of spouse in bad faith as beneficiary even if Innocent spouse may revoke
stipulated as irrevocable (Art. 43(4)) donations made by him or her in
favor of offending spouse as
well as designation of latter as
beneficiary even if stipulated as
irrevocable (Art. 64). Action to
revoke donation must be
brought within 5 years from
finality of decree.



Termination Declaration of Nullity Annulment Legal Separation

(Art.41) (Art. 40) (Art. 45) (Art. 55)
1. Spouse in bad faith disqualified to inherit from innocent spouse by testate or 1. Offending spouse
intestate succession disqualified from inheriting
2. If both spouses of subsequent marriage acted in bad faith, testamentary from innocent spouse by
dispositions made by one in favor of the other are revoked by operation of law intestate succession
(Art. 44) 2. Provisions in favor of
offending spouse made in
the will of innocent spouse
are revoked by operation of
law (Art. 63(4))



aggrieved party may apply to the court for relief. (Art 72.)
BETWEEN THE H USBAND AND The relief may take on many forms: filing a case for legal
separation if there are grounds for the same; filing an
action for declaration of nullity based on Art 36 if the
neglect is such that it does not create a functional marital
1. Live together life; petitioning the court for receivership, for judicial
separation of property, or for authority to be the sole
Act of living together is a voluntary act of the spouses administrator of community property or conjugal
which cannot be compelled by any proceeding in court. partnership.(Sta Maria, Melencio Jr. S., Persons and
Family Relations Law,page 408 ex., 3-4 [2010])
Only the moral obligation of the spouses constitutes the
motivating factor for making them observe the said EXERCISE OF PROFESSION
duties and obligations which are highly personal
(Ramirez-Cuaderno v Cuaderno, 12 SCRA 505). General Rule: Both can engage in any lawful enterprise or
profession WITHOUT the consent of the other.
If the wife refuses unjustifiably to live with her husband,
the court will admonish but not order her return; and Exception: The other spouse may object only on valid,
even if an order is made, contempt proceeding against serious and moral grounds.
the wife will not prosper. The only remedy here for the
husband is to refuse to grant support (Mariano B. In case of disagreement, court shall decide whether (1)
Arroyo v. Dolores C. Vasquez de Arroyo, 42 Phil. 54). the objection is proper; and (2) the benefit accrued to the
family prior to the objection or thereafter [Art. 73 (2)].
2. Observe mutual love, respect and fidelity
If a husband compels the wife to desist from pursuing a
3. Render mutual help & support profession or any other conduct which the wife has the
right to engage in, this can be considered acts of violence
4. Fix the family domicile against women under RA 9262 (Sta. Maria, M., Persons
a. Both husband and wife shall fix the family domicile. In and Family Relations, 2010, M. p. 409 )
case of disagreement, the court shall decide.
b. The court may exempt one spouse from living with RULE IF BUSINESS BENEFITED FAMILY
the other if the latter should live abroad or there are
other valid and compelling reasons for the exemption. General rule:
However, such exemption shall not apply if the same
is not compatible with the solidarity of the family (Art 1. Debts and obligations incurred of whatever nature and
69). regardless of the time they were incurred but
redounding to the benefit of the family shall be
5. Joint responsibility for the support of the family chargeable to the ACP or the CPG.
a. Expenses shall be paid from the community property
b. In the absence thereof, from income or fruits of their 2. An obligation incurred as a result of a spouse’s exercise
separate properties of a legitimate profession is an obligation redounding to
c. In the absence or insufficiency thereof, from their the benefit of the family shall be shouldered by the ACP
separate properties (Art. 70) or CPG.

6. Joint management of the household Exceptions:

1. Benefit accrued to family before objection to an immoral
Expenses for such management shall be paid in or unlawful profession
accordance with Art. 70
The resulting obligation shall be enforced against the
Effect of neglect of duty separate property of the spouse who has not obtained
consent (Art. 73).
When one of the spouses neglects his or her duties to the
conjugal union or commits acts which tend to bring Example: Separate property of erring spouse shall be
danger, dishonor or injury to the other or to the family, the liable if profession is seriously invalid and immoral, even



if benefits actually accrued in favor of the family. For Commencement

said exception to apply, the innocent spouse must have It commences at the precise moment of the celebration of
no knowledge of the other spouse’s engagement in an the marriage. Any stipulations to the contrary shall be
immoral activity such that he could not have interposed void. (Art. 88 for ACP and 107 for CPG)
any objection (Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Family
Relations, 2010, p. 411). Marriage settlement (MS)
It is a contract entered into by the future spouses fixing
Exception to exception: When spouse has knowledge of the matrimonial property regime that should govern during
other spouse’s engagement in an immoral activity, it is the existence of the marriage.
as if there was actually no disagreement (Paras, p. 507;
Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Family Relations, 2010, p. In the absence of MS or when regime agreed upon is
411). void, ACP shall govern. (Art. 75)

2. Benefit accrued after objection – Requisites: (BW-SPF-NA)

After objection by the innocent spouse, any obligation 1. Made before celebration of marriage
incurred by the erring spouse that redounded to the 2. In writing (even modifications)
benefit of the family shall be borne by the absolute
community of property or conjugal property. Oral MS is void and cannot be ratified by any claim of
partial execution or absence of objection
Ratio: It would be unfair if the spouse, after obtaining
knowledge of the immoral profession, thereafter, Exception: If marriage is terminated by death of one of
interposed his objection but at the same time made use spouses and surviving spouse marries again without
of the “immoral money” to benefit the family (Sta. Maria, initiating settlement of properties of previous marriage
M., Persons and Family Relations, 2010, p. 412). within 1 year from death of deceased spouse, mandatory
regime of complete separation of property shall govern
3. Creditors who acted in good faith are protected – if property relations of subsequent marriage (Arts. 103 &
spouse transacted with creditor without the consent of 130)
the other but creditor had no knowledge thereof, the
absolute community of property (ACP) or conjugal 3. Signed by the parties
partnership of gains (CPG) shall be liable. 4. Will not prejudice third persons unless registered in the
civil registry and proper registries of property (Sta.
Maria, M., Persons and Family Relations, 2010, p. 418-
BETWEEN THE H USBAND AND 5. Shall fix terms and conditions of their property relations
6. Must NOT contain provisions contrary to law, good
morals, good customs, public order, and public policy,
Governed By: or against the dignity of either spouse.
1. Marriage settlements (MS) executed before the 7. Additional signatories/ parties
marriage or ante nuptial agreements. Civil interdictees & disabled: It is indispensable for the
2. Provisions of the Family Code. guardian appointed by court to be made a party to the
3. Local customs when spouses repudiate ACP. MS.

When parties stipulate in their MS that local custom Note: It is argued by some law practitioners and authors
shall apply or that ACP regime shall not govern but fail that while no person below 18 can enter into a valid
to stipulate what property regime will be applied. marriage and since the MS is required to be executed
before the marriage, one below 18 may execute a MS as
4. In the absence of local custom, rules on co–ownership long as he or she is 18 or above at the time of marriage.
will apply (Art. 74).
Efficacy of marriage settlement (Art. 81)

1. The consideration is the marriage itself. If the marriage

does not take place, the MS is generally void.

Exception: Stipulations in the MS that do not depend upon



the celebration of the marriage shall be valid 2. Donation in MS not more than one-fifth (1/5) of present
property (Art. 84)
2. Property relations shall be governed by Philippine laws,
regardless of the place of the celebration of the Any excess shall be considered void and the donation
marriage or the parties’ residence (Art. 80). will be reduced to one-fifth.

Exceptions: However, if their property regime is ACP, no reduction

1. If both spouses are aliens, even if married in the will be made.
2. As to extrinsic validity of contracts affecting property: Limitation does not apply if DPN is not included in MS
a. Not situated in the Philippines executed in the but contained in separate deed; general rules on
country where the property is located donation apply subject to limitation that no person may
b. Situated in a foreign country whose laws require give/receive by way of donation more than he may
different formalities for extrinsic validity entered into in give/receive by will
the Philippines
3. Contrary stipulation 3. Accepted by would-be spouse
4. Complies with requisites in Title II of Book II of Civil
Modification in marriage settlements Code on Donations.

General Rule: Must be made before the marriage, in If one of the requisites is not complied with, it may still be
writing, signed by parties valid as an ordinary donation.

Exceptions: Modifications made through judicial decree For donation of present property to be valid, the rules
during the marriage: governing ordinary donations under Title III of Book III of
1. In case of revival of former property regime between the Civil Code must be observed.
reconciling spouses after decree of legal separation has
been issued (Art. 66, 67) Please refer to Property on requisites for valid donations.
2. When abandoned spouse files petition for judicial
separation of property under Art. 128 DPN of future property
3. When a spouse files petition for judicial separation of DPN of future property is allowed by way of exception to
property for sufficient cause under Art. 135 Art. 751 of NCC (which provides that donations cannot
4. Petition for voluntary dissolution of property regime comprehend future property). It is governed by the law on
under Art. 136 testamentary succession both as to intrinsic and extrinsic
validity. However said DPN can only be revoked by the
DONATION BY REASON OF MARRIAGE donor only on the basis of Art. 86 of the FC (Art. 84 par.
Donations propter nuptias (DPN) are made by one spouse 2).
in favor of the other or by a stranger. It is without onerous
consideration, the marriage being merely the occasion or DPN of encumbered property
motive for the donation, not its causa. Being liberalities, The donation is valid because the donor is still the owner,
they remain subject to reduction for inofficiousness upon even if it is encumbered. If mortgage is foreclosed and
the donor’s death, should they infringe the legitime of a sold at a lesser price, donee is not liable for deficiency but
forced heir (Mateo vs. Lagua, No. L-26270, October 30, if sold for more, donee is entitled to excess (Art. 85).
Donations propter nuptias and ordinary donations
Requisites: (Art. 82) (COB) Donations Propter
1. In consideration of marriage Ordinary Donations
2. In favor of one or both of the future spouses Formalities
3. Made before celebration of marriage Governed by the rules on Governed by rules on
ordinary donations donations (Arts. 725–773,
Rules in case of donation by the would-be spouses to except that if future NCC)
each other: (MOAC) property is donated, it
1. There must be a valid MS stipulating a property regime must conform with
other than ACP (Art. 84). formalities of wills
Present Property



May be donated but only No limit except that donor 6. Donee commits acts of ingratitude as specified by Art.
up to 1/5 of donor’s shall leave property 765 of NCC (Art. 86).
present property if the enough for his support
spouses agree on a
regime other than S YSTEMS OF P ROPERTY
absolute community R EGIMES
Future property
May be included Cannot be included I. ABSOLUTE COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY (ACP)
provided donation is The property regime of the spouses in the absence of a
mortis causa marriage settlement or when the marriage is void. This is
Grounds for revocation so because it is more in keeping with Filipino culture.
Art. 86, FC Arts. 760, 764, & 765,
NCC It commences at the precise moment the marriage is
celebrated; any stipulation for the commencement thereof
RULE ON DONATION BETWEEN SPOUSES DURING at any other time is void (Art. 88). The same applies to
MARRIAGE CPG (Art. 107).
General rule: VOID, either direct or indirect donation
Provisions on CO-OWNERSHIP apply to ACP in all
Rationale: matters not provided by the Chapter on ACP (Art. 90).
1. To protect unsecured creditors from being defrauded;
2. To prevent stronger spouse from imposing upon the General Rule: Community property shall consist of all
weaker one the transfer of the latter’s property to the property owned by the spouses at the time of the marriage
former; or acquired thereafter (Art. 91).
3. To prevent indirect modification of the marriage
settlement (Paras, p. 520). Exceptions: (BEG)
1. Property, including fruits and income thereof, acquired
Exceptions: before the marriage by either spouse who has
1. Moderate gifts on occasions of family celebrations legitimate descendants by a former marriage
2. Donations mortis causa 2. Property for personal and exclusive use except jewelry
3. Property acquired during the marriage by gratuitous
Note: This rule also applies to persons living together as title, including fruits and income thereof, except when
husband and wife without a valid marriage (Art.87). the donor, testator or grantor expressly provides
otherwise (Art. 92)
The prohibition does not include a spouse being the
beneficiary of an insurance contract over the life of the Presumption: Property acquired during the marriage is
other spouse. (Gercio vs. Sunlife Assurance Co. of presumed to belong to the community, unless otherwise
Canada, G.R. No. 23703, September 28, 1925) proven (Art. 93).

Grounds for revocation (VoCALRI) Note: No waiver of rights allowed during the marriage
1. Marriage not celebrated or declared Void ab initio except in case of judicial separation of property. The
except those made in MS that do not depend on waiver must be in a public instrument and recorded in the
celebration of marriage office of the local civil registrar where the marriage
contract was recorded as well as in the proper registry of
If made by a stranger, action for revocation may be property (Art. 89 and 77). The same applies to CPG (Art.
brought under ordinary rules on prescription: if in 107).
writing, brought within 10 years and if oral, within 6
years (Albano, Ed Vincent S., Persons and Family Rule on games of chance (Art. 95)
Relations, 2006). Loss: Shall be borne by the loser-spouse and shall not be
charged to the community property
2. Marriage without parental consent Winnings: Shall form part of the community property (Art.
3. Marriage is annulled and donee is in bad faith 95)
4. Upon legal separation, the donee being the guilty
5. Complied with resolutory condition



Exception: If said ticket was gratuitously given by a friend 6. Acquired through occupation such as fishing
to a spouse, only upon express provision of the donor will 7. Net fruits of their exclusive property
it be considered part of the community property. 8. Share of either spouse in hidden treasure (Art. 117)
9. Interest falling due during the marriage on principal
Note: The same applies to CPG (Art. 123). amount of credit belonging to one spouse which is
II. CONJUGAL PARTNERSHIP OF GAINS (CPG) payable in partial payments/ installments and collected
It is that formed by a husband and wife whereby they during the marriage (Art. 119).
place in a common fund the proceeds, products, fruits and
income of their separate properties, and those acquired by Disposition of CPG
either or both spouses through their efforts or by chance, A wife’s consent to the husband’s disposition of conjugal
the same to be divided between them equally (as a property does not always have to be explicit or set forth in
general rule) upon the dissolution of the marriage or the any particular document, so long as it is shown by the acts
partnership (Art. 106). of the wife that such consent was indeed given (Pelayo v.
CA, G.R. No. 141323 June 8, 2005).
The CPG shall be governed by the rules on the
CONTRACT OF PARTNERSHIP in all that is not in The sale of conjugal property requires the consent of both
conflict with what is provided in the chapter on CPG or by spouses; otherwise the sale shall be void, including the
the spouses in their MS (Art. 108). portion of the conjugal property pertaining to the husband
who contracted the sale (Homeowners and Savings Loan
Before the presumption under Art. 116 applies (that Bank vs. CA, GR No 153802, March 11, 2005).
properties acquired during marriage are presumed
conjugal), there must be proof that the property was Exclusive property of each spouse (OGREC) (Art. 109)
acquired during the marriage. This is a condition sine qua 1. That which is brought to the marriage as his/her own,
non for the operation in favor of conjugal ownership whether with or without legitimate descendants
(Metrobank, et al. v. Tan, GR No. 163712, November 30, 2. Acquired during the marriage by gratuitous title
Property donated/left by will to spouses, jointly with
Properties under conjugal partnership (L2C2 FONTI) designation of determinate shares, shall pertain to
1. Obtained from labor, industry, work or profession of donee-spouse as exclusive property; in the absence of
either or both spouses designation, property shall be divided between them but
2. Livestock existing upon dissolution of partnership in shall belong to them exclusively (Art. 113).
excess of number of each kind brought to the marriage
by either spouse If spouse does not accept his/her part of the donation,
3. Acquired by chance such as winnings from gambling, accretion sets in favor of the other spouse who will own
but losses therefrom shall be borne exclusively by loser- all of property donated as separate property.
4. Acquired during the marriage by onerous title with Accretion will not apply if donor so provides or if there is
conjugal funds designation of determinate properties (i.e. house, car).

Damages for physical injuries inflicted by a third person If donation is onerous, charges shall be borne by
are exclusive property (Lilius vs. Manila Railroad Co. exclusive property of donee-spouse, whenever
G.R. No. 42551 September 4, 1935) advanced by the CPG.

Damages from illegal detention of exclusive property Retirement benefits, pensions, annuities, gratuities,
pertains to CPG if detention deprived the CP of the use usufructs, and similar benefits acquired by gratuitous
and earnings thereof (Bismorte vs. Aldecoa, G.R. No. L- title are exclusive properties; if by onerous title during
5586, December 10, 1910). marriage (i.e. contributions to pension funds or
deduction from salaries of common funds), they are CP
Note: The registration of the property in either party’s (Art. 115).
name alone is immaterial if the property was acquired
with conjugal funds (Marigsa v. Macabuntoc, G.R. No. Unearned increment (such as increase in the value of
4883, September 27, 1910). the paraphernal property) belongs to the spouse
5. Fruits of the conjugal property during the marriage



3. Acquired by right of redemption, barter or exchange Improvement of exclusive property

with property belonging to either spouse Reverse Accession: if the cost of the improvement
resulted in the increase in value of more than the value of
Ownership still belongs to person who has right of the principal property at the time of the improvement, the
redemption, even if conjugal funds are used to redeem, entire property shall belong to CPG subject to
subject to reimbursement reimbursement of the value of the principal property at the
time of the improvement to the owner-spouse.
If separate property in addition to conjugal funds were
used as part of purchase price of a new property, the Accession: if the cost of the improvement of the plus value
new property shall be considered conjugal is equal to or less than the value of the principal property
at the time of the improvement, the entire property
4. Purchased with exclusive money of either spouse remains the exclusive property of the spouse, subject to
reimbursement of the value of the cost of improvement
5. Principal amount of credit belonging to one spouse
payable in partial payments/ installments, which will be The obligation to reimburse rests on the spouse upon
fully paid during the marriage (Art. 119). whom ownership of the entire property is vested. There is
no obligation on the part of the purchaser of the property
Use of Exclusive Properties: (PISI) in case the property is sold by the owner-spouse (Ferrer v.
1. Payment of personal debts Ferrer, G.R. No. 166496, November 29, 2006).
2. Fines and indemnities
3. Support of illegitimate children of the owner-spouse CHARGES UPON AND OBLIGATIONS OF ACP and
4. In case of insufficiency of the CPG CPG
(Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Family Relations, 2010, p. ACP (Art. 94) CPG (Art. 121)
504) Support of the spouses, their common children, and
legitimate children of either spouse
The spouses retain the ownership, possession, For illegitimate children,
administration and enjoyment of their exclusive properties support from separate
(Art. 110). For illegitimate children,
property of person obliged
support from separate
to give support. In case of
A spouse may mortgage, encumber, alienate or otherwise property of person obliged
insufficiency or absence
dispose of his or her exclusive property, without the to give support. In case of
of separate property, CP
consent of the other spouse, and appear alone in court to insufficiency or absence
shall advance support,
litigate with regard to the same (Art. 111). of separate property, ACP
chargeable to share of
shall advance support,
parent upon liquidation,
Transfer of administration of the exclusive property of chargeable to share of
but only after obligations
either spouse does not confer ownership of the same parent upon liquidation
in Art. 121 have been
(Rodriguez v. De la Cruz, G.R. No. L-3629, September covered
28, 1907). Debts and Obligations Contracted During Marriage
a. By the administrator spouse designated in
Property bought on installment (Art. 118) MS/appointed by court/one assuming sole
Property bought on installments paid partly from exclusive administration
funds of the spouses and partly from conjugal funds: b. By one without the consent of the other
1. If full ownership was vested before the marriage – it c. By one with the consent of other
shall belong to the buyer-spouse (ex: contract to sell, d. By both spouses
full payment made during marriage using CP)
For (a) and (b), creditor has burden of proving benefit
2. If full ownership was vested during the marriage – it to family and ACP/CPG chargeable to extent of benefit
shall belong to the conjugal partnership (ex: contract of proven, otherwise, chargeable to separate property of
sale) obligor spouse
In both cases, there is reimbursement upon liquidation. In For (c) and (d), benefit to family presumed
(1), owner-spouse reimburses the CP. In (2), CP shall
All taxes, liens, charges and expenses including minor
reimburse the owner-spouse. repairs upon ACP or CP
Taxes and Expenses for Taxes and Expenses for



ACP (Art. 94) CPG (Art. 121) view would put in peril the conjugal partnership property
mere preservation during by allowing it to be given gratuitously similar to cases of
marriage upon separate donation of conjugal partnership property, which is
property of either spouse, prohibited.
mere preservation during
regardless of whether
marriage upon separate The conjugal partnership is NOT liable for an indemnity
used by family because
property of either spouse agreement entered into by the husband to accommodate
use and enjoyment of
used by family a third party (Security Bank v. Mar Tierra Corp., GR No.
separate property of the
spouses belong to the 143382, November 29, 2006).
Expenses to enable either spouse to PROVISIONS COMMON TO ACP AND CPG
commence/complete a professional, vocational or other
activity for self-improvement A. Administration of property (ACP: Art. 96-98/ CPG: Art.
Value donated/promise by both spouses in favor of
common legitimate children for exclusive purpose of
General Rule: Administration shall belong to both spouses
commencing or completing professional or vocational
course or other activity for self-improvement
Expenses of litigation between spouses unless suit 1. In case of disagreement, husband’s decision shall
found to be groundless prevail, subject to recourse to the court by the wife for
1. Ante-Nuptial Debts For Ante-Nuptial Debts, proper remedy within 5 years from date of contract
Chargeable to ACP if same as ACP but in case implementing such decision
redounded to benefit of insufficiency of 2. In case one spouse is incapacitated or unable to
of family separate property, participate in the administration of the common
2. Personal debts not obligations enumerated in properties, the other spouse may assume sole powers
redounding to benefit Art. 121 must first be of administration (Art. 96).
of family such as satisfied before such These powers do NOT include:
liabilities incurred by debts may be chargeable a. Disposition
reason of crime or to the CP b. Encumbrance
chargeable to Written consent of other spouse or authority of the
separate property of court is required, otherwise disposition or encumbrance
debtor spouse is VOID.
3. In case of
insufficiency of The husband and wife are the joint administrators of their
separate property, properties forming part of the conjugal partnership and
chargeable to ACP absolute community of properties. The right vested upon
but considered them to ½ of the conjugal assets does not vest until the
advances deductible dissolution and liquidation of the conjugal partnership. The
from share of debtor- sale by the husband of property belonging to the conjugal
spouse upon partnership or the absolute community without the
liquidation consent of the wife or authority of the court is void (Abalos
vs. Macatangay, G.R. No. 155043, September 30, 2004).
Note: The separate properties shall be solidarily and
subsidiarily liable for the obligations if the community or The transaction, however, shall be construed as a
conjugal properties are insufficient. continuing offer on the part of the consenting spouse and
the third person, until acceptance by the other spouse or
Benefits that might accrue to a husband in his signing a authorization by the court before the offer is withdrawn by
surety or guarantee agreement not in favor of the family either or both offerors (ACP: Art. 96;CPG: Art. 124).
but in favor of his employer corporation are not benefits
that can be considered as giving a direct advantage Neither spouse may donate any community property
accruing to the family. Hence, the creditors cannot go without the consent of the other but either may, without
against the conjugal partnership property in satisfying the the other’s consent, make moderate donations for charity
obligation subject of the surety agreement. A contrary



or on occasions of family rejoicing or family distress (ACP: 2. When the consent of one spouse to any transaction of
Art. 98; CPG:Art. 125). the other is required by law, judicial authorization shall
be obtained in a summary proceeding;
Exception: In ACP, either spouse may dispose by will of 3. In the absence of sufficient community property, the
his or her interest in the ACP (Art. 97) separate property of both spouses shall be solidarily
liable for the support of the family. The spouse present
B. Remedies of present spouse in case of abandonment shall, upon proper petition in a summary proceeding, be
by the other spouse or failure to comply with obligations given judicial authority to administer or encumber any
(marital, parental or property relations) specific separate property of the other spouse and use
1. Receivership the fruits or proceeds thereof to satisfy the latter's share
1. Judicial separation of property (Art. 100).
2. Authority to be the sole administrator of the
absolute community (ACP: Art. 101; CPG: Art. 128) D. Steps in liquidation of ACP and CPG (Art. 102 and 129)
1. Inventory of ACP or CPG properties and
A spouse is deemed to have abandoned the other when exclusive property of each spouse
he or she has left the conjugal dwelling without any
intention of returning. Three (3) months’ disappearance or Separate property included as it is solidarily liable to
failure to give within the same period any information as to creditors and will be used to pay them if ACP or CPG
a spouse’s whereabouts prima facie raises a presumption is insolvent
that the absent spouse has no intention of returning (ACP:
Art. 101 par. 3; CPG: Art. 108 par. 3). Should also include receivables from each spouse
C. Grounds for termination (ACP: Art. 99-101; CPG: Art. a. Amounts advanced for personal debts of each
126-128): (LADS) spouse
1. Decree of legal separation b. Support pendent elite of each spouse
c. For CPG, include value of improvements
2. Annulment or declaration of nullity of marriage constructed on separate property

3. Death of either spouses 1. Payment of ACP or CPG debts

Surviving spouse shall liquidate ACP within 1 year from Must first pay out of the ACP or CP property, if
death of deceased spouse if no judicial settlement is insufficient, spouses solidarily liable with separate
instituted, failure to do so upon lapse of 1 year period properties
makes any disposition or encumbrance of ACP void
For CPG, must first reimburse spouse for separate
Mandatory regime of complete separation of property property acquired by CP due to increased value
governs subsequent marriage of surviving spouse if thereof as a result of improvements thereon
he/she fails to comply with liquidation of ACP of
previous marriage 2. Delivery to each spouse of his/her separate
property if any
4. Judicial separation of property 3. For CPG, unless owner indemnified from
whatever source, payment of loss or deterioration of
Note: Effect of separation in fact (ACP: Art. 102; CPG: Art. movables belonging to either spouse that was used
127) for the benefit of the family
4. Division of net assets (for ACP) or net profits
General Rule: The separation in fact between husband (CPG), which are not subject to forfeiture
and wife shall not affect the regime of ACP/CPG
Use of Exclusive Properties: (PISI)
Exceptions: a. Payment of personal debts
1. The spouse who leaves the conjugal home or refuses b. Fines and indemnities
to live therein, without just cause, shall not have the c. Support of illegitimate children of the owner-spouse
right to be supported; d. In case of insufficiency of the CPG
(Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Family Relations,
2010, p. 504)



3. Upon satisfaction of court that spouse granted

5. Delivery of presumptive legitime, if any, to the administration in the MS will not abuse that power and
children authorizes resumption of said administration
6. Adjudication of conjugal dwelling and lot 4. Return and resumption of common life with spouse by
the other who left the conjugal home without decree of
MARRIAGE 5. Restoration of parental authority
6. Reconciliation and resumption of common life of
Takes place if expressly provided for in the MS or by spouses who had been separated in fact for at least 1
judicial order after the marriage (Art. 134). year
7. Spouses agree upon joint petition to revival of former
It may refer to present or future property or both, total or property regime after voluntary dissolution of ACP or
partial. If partial, ACP shall govern properties not agreed CPG has been judicially decreed
upon as separate (Art. 144).
No voluntary separation of property may thereafter be
Separation of property may be effected voluntarily or for granted.
sufficient cause, subject to judicial approval (Art. 134).
Administration of exclusive property (Art. 142)
Causes of judicial separation of property: (CLA²PS) (Art. 1. The administration of all classes of exclusive property of
135) either spouse may be transferred by the court to the
1. Petitioner’s spouse has been sentenced with a penalty other spouse:
which carries with it civil interdiction; a. When one spouse becomes the guardian of the other;
2. Loss of parental authority of petitioner’s spouse as b. When one spouse is judicially declared an absentee;
decreed by the court; c. When one spouse is sentenced to a penalty which
3. Petitioner’s spouse has been judicially declared an carries with it civil interdiction; or
absentee; d. When one spouse becomes a fugitive from justice or
4. Abandonment by the petitioner’s spouse or failure to is in hiding as an accused in a criminal case.
comply with the obligations to the family as provided in 2. If the other spouse is not qualified by reason of
Art. 101; incompetence, conflict of interest, or any other just
5. Spouse granted power of administration in marriage cause, the court shall appoint a suitable person to be
settlement abused such power; and the administrator (Art. 142).
6. At the time of the petition, spouses have been
separated in fact for at least 1 year and reconciliation is IV. REGIME OF SEPARATION OF PROPERTY
highly improbable 1. Each spouse shall own, dispose of, possess, administer
and enjoy his or her own separate estate, without need
Note: In the cases provided for in (1-3), presentation of of the consent of the other. To each spouse shall
final judgment against guilty/ absentee spouse is enough belong all earnings from his or her profession, business
basis for grant of degree of judicial separation of property. or industry and all fruits, natural, industrial or civil, due
or received during the marriage from his or her separate
Effects of judicial separation of property property (Art. 145).
1. Dissolution and liquidation of ACP/CPG (Art. 137) 2. The spouses contribute to the family expenses
2. Liability of the spouses to creditors shall be solidary with PROPORTIONATELY with their income or in case of
their separate properties insufficiency or default thereof, with the current market
3. Mutual obligation to support each other continues value of their separate properties. However, the liability
except when there is legal separation of the spouses to the creditors for family expenses is
4. Rights previously acquired by creditors are not SOLIDARY (Art. 146).
prejudiced (Art. 140)
A Compromise Agreement which was judicially approved
Revival of former property regime (Art. 141) is exactly such a separation of property allowed under the
It shall be governed by Art. 67 and may be filed in the law. However, voluntary separation of property is subject
same proceedings where separation of property was to the rights of all creditors of the conjugal partnership of
decreed in any of the following instances: gains and other persons with pecuniary interest pursuant
1. Termination of civil interdiction to Article 136 of the Family Code (Virgilio Maquilan vs.
2. Reappearance of absentee Dita Maquilan, G.R. No. 155409, June 8, 2007).



V. PROPERTY REGIME OF UNIONS WITHOUT in good faith, share of party

MARRIAGE in bad faith in the co-
Art. 147 Art. 148 ownership shall be her share in the co-
Applicability forfeited: ownership shall accrue
In cases of cohabitation not 1. In favor of their common to the ACP or CPG
The following must concur: children. existing in such valid
falling under Art. 147.
1. Parties who are 2. In case of default or marriage.
Parties do not have the
capacitated to marry waiver by any or all 2. If party who acted in bad
capacity to marry due to
each other common children or their faith is not validly
some legal impediments
2. Live exclusively with descendants each married to another,
(i.e. adulterous
each other as husband vacant share shall his/her share shall be
relationships and
and wife belong to respective forfeited in the same
marriages which are
3. Without benefit of surviving descendants manner provided for in
bigamous, incestuous, or
marriage or under void 3. In their absence, to the Art. 147
void by reason of public
marriage innocent party. 3. The above rules apply
policy under Art. 38)
Salaries and Wages even if both parties are in
Separately owned by the In all cases, forfeiture takes bad faith.
parties. If any of them is place upon termination of
Owned in equal shares married, his/her salary is cohabitation.
the property of the CPG of
the legitimate marriage Tender Loving Care Doctrine
Property acquired by either exclusively by own funds The relationship between a man and a woman whose
Belongs to such party marriage was subsequently declared null and void on the
subject to proof of ground of psychological incapacity is governed by Art. 147
Belongs to such party of the Family Code. Under this article, there exists a
acquisition by exclusive
funds presumption that the contributions are equal. Even if one
Property acquired by both through their work / industry of the parties did not contribute materially to the common
Owned by them in common fund, but the said party took care of the household, the
Governed by rules on co- other party and their common children, these acts are
in proportion to respective
ownership considered the said party’s contribution to the common
Property acquired while living together fund (Buenaventura v. Buenaventura, G.R. No. 127358 &
Presumed to be obtained 127449, March 31, 2005).
by their joint efforts, work,
or industry and shall be Note: Under Art. 148 there is no presumption of joint
owned by them in equal acquisition. It must be stressed that actual contribution is
shares. Efforts in care and required by this provision, in contrast to Art. 147 which
maintenance of family and states that efforts in the care and maintenance of the
household considered No presumption of joint family and household, are regarded as contributions to the
contribution in acquisition. acquisition. When there is acquisition of common property by one who has no salary
evidence of joint acquisition or income or work or industry. Under Art. 148, if the actual
Note: Neither party can but none as to the extent of contribution of the party is not proved, there will be no co-
encumber or dispose by actual contribution, there is ownership and no presumption of equal shares (Agapay v.
acts inter vivos of his or her a presumption of equal Palang, G.R. No. 116668, July 28, 1997). Hence, mere
share in the property sharing cohabitation without proof of contribution will not result in
acquired during a co-ownership (Tumlos vs. Fernandez, G.R. NO. 137650,
cohabitation and owned in April 12, 2000).
common without the
consent of the other until HOWEVER, in the case of Abing v. Waeyan (G.R.
after the termination of their No.146294, July 31, 2006) the Supreme Court ruled that
cohabitation. any property acquired by common law spouses during the
Forfeiture period of cohabitation is presumed to have been obtained
through their joint efforts and owned by them in equal
When only one of the 1. If one of parties is validly
shares in the absence of proof to the contrary. Rules on
parties to avoid marriage is married to another, his or
co- ownership govern their property relations.



law, if living together.

Running of prescriptive periods
The family is a basic social institution which public policy Unless otherwise provided by the Family Code and
cherishes and protects (Art. 149); hence, no suit between other laws, Art. 1109 of the Civil Code provides that
members of the family shall prosper unless a compromise prescription does not run between:
between the parties has failed (Art. 151). Family relations a. Husband and wife, even though there be a separation
are governed by law and no custom, practice or of property agreed upon in the marriage settlements
agreement destructive of the family shall be recognized or or by judicial decree;
given effect (Art. 149). b. Parents and children during the latter’s minority or
Family relations include: c. Guardian and ward during the continuance of the
1. Between husband and wife guardianship. (Sta. Maria, m., persons and family
2. Between parents and children relations 2010 ed., p. 589)
3. Among other ascendants and descendants
4. Among brothers and sisters whether full or half–blood FAMILY HOME
(Art. 150) It is constituted jointly by the husband and wife or by an
unmarried head of a family; is the dwelling house where
Mandatory Prior Recourse to Compromise they and their family reside, and the land on which it is
No suit between members of the same family shall situated (Art. 152).
prosper UNLESS it appears from the verified complaint or
petition that earnest efforts toward a compromise have General Rule: The family home is exempt from execution,
been made, and that the same have failed. If it is shown forced sale or attachment.
that no such efforts were, in fact, made, the case must be
dismissed (Art. 151). Rationale: When the creditors seize the family house, they
virtually shatter the family itself.
1. When a stranger is involved in the suit Exceptions: (PLMN)
1. Debts incurred prior to constitution (Art. 153);
Ratio: The interest of such stranger may differ from the
interest of members of the same family. (Sta. Maria, M., Note: Art. 153 cannot be given retroactive effect to
Persons and Family Relations, 2010, p. 588) shield the homes of debtors from execution of judgment
arising from debts which became due and demandable
2. In cases where compromise is invalid under the Civil prior to the effectivity of the Family Code. To be able to
Code (Art. 2035): (CV JAFF) avail of the benefits of a family home in relation to debts
a. Civil status of persons which matured prior to August 3, 1988, it must be
b. Validity of marriage or a legal separation shown that the home was constituted either judicially or
c. Jurisdiction of courts extrajudicially pursuant to the old Civil Code (Sta. Maria,
d. Any ground for legal separation M., Persons and Family Relations, 2010, p. 591).
e. Future support
f. Future legitime 2. Debts due to laborers, mechanics, architects, builders,
material men and others who have rendered service or
The term “suit” provided by law clearly implies only civil furnished materials for the construction of the building
actions. (Manalo vs. CA, G.R. No. 129242, January 26, (Art. 155);
2000) On the other hand, Art. 332 of the Revised Penal 3. Debts secured by mortgages on family home (Art. 155);
Code provides for exemption from criminal, but not civil 4. Non–payment of taxes on home (Art. 155)
liability, for the crimes of theft, swindling or malicious
mischief committed or caused by the following: If ever the family home is subject of an attachment, the
1. Spouses, ascendants and descendants, or relative by beneficiaries thereof have to move for the quashal of
affinity in the same line; the writ of attachment. If no motion for the quashal of
2. The widowed spouse with respect to the property which the writ or attachment or levy is filed, the benefit of
belonged to the deceased spouse before the same shall exemption is considered waived (Honrado v. Court of
have passed into the possession of another; and Appeals, G.R. No. 166333, November 25, 2005).
3. Brothers and sisters and brothers-in-law and sisters-in-



As a rule, the family home is exempt from execution, willed to any one of them, this fact alone cannot transform
forced sale or attachment. However, Article 155(3) of the family home into an ordinary property, much less
the Family Code explicitly allows the forced sale of a dispel the protection cast upon it by the law. The rights of
family home “for debts secured by mortgages on the the individual co-owner of the family home cannot
premises before or after such constitution.” In this case, subjugate the rights granted under Article 159 to the
there is no doubt that spouses Fortaleza voluntarily beneficiaries of the family home (Arriola v. Arriola, G.R.
executed on January 28, 1998 a deed of Real Estate No. 177703, January 28, 2008).
Mortgage over the subject property which was even
notarized by their original counsel of record. And 8. To be a beneficiary (other than the husband and the
assuming that the property is exempt from forced sale, wife or an unmarried person who is the head of the
spouses Fortaleza did not set up and prove to the family), three requisites must concur:
Sheriff such exemption from forced sale before it was a. They must be either the parent, ascendant,
sold at the public auction (Sps. Fortaleza and Ofelia descendant, brother or sister whether legitimate or
Fortaleza v. Sps. Lapitan, G.R. No. 178288, August 15, illegitimate (Art. 154).
2012). b. They must live in the family home
c. They are dependent for legal support upon the head
Outline of provisions regarding the family home: of the family.
1. It is constituted on the dwelling house of the family and Thus in Patricio vs. Dario III (G.R. No. 170829,
the land on which house is situated November 20, 2006) a grandson was not considered
2. Deemed constituted from time of actual occupation as a a beneficiary of a family home owned by his
family residence (Art. 153) grandparent because, while the said grandchild was
3. Continues to be such as long as any of its beneficiaries living in the said family home, he was not dependent
actually resides therein (Art. 153) for support on the grandparent, who was the head of
4. Must be part of the properties of the absolute the family where the grandchild lived, but on his
community or the conjugal partnership or owned by father.
person constituting it (may be either or both spouses
or the single head of a family) (Art. 156) d. In-laws, provided the home is jointly constituted by
husband and wife. But this law definitely excludes
Property that is the subject of a conditional sale on maids and overseers (Manacop v. CA, G.R. No.
installments where ownership is reserved by the vendor 102855 November 13, 1992).
only to guarantee payment of the purchase price may 8. Every person may constitute or be the beneficiary of
be constituted as a family home. (Art. 156 par. 2) one (1) family home only. (Art. 161)
5. Must be permanent (Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Family 9. May be alienated, sold, donated, assigned or
Relations, 2010, p. 590). encumbered by the owners provided the written consent
6. Rule applies to valid and voidable and even to common- of the following are obtained:
law spouses under Articles 147 and 148 a. The person who constituted
7. Continues despite death of one or both spouses or the same,
unmarried head of the family for 10 years, or as long as b. His or her spouse, and
a minor beneficiary lives therein. Heirs cannot partition c. Majority of the beneficiaries of
the same unless the court finds compelling reasons legal age give their consent. (Art. 158)
therefor. (Art. 159).

After 10 years and a minor beneficiary still lives therein, P ATERNITY AND F ILIATION
the family home shall be preserved only until that minor
beneficiary reaches the age of majority. The intention
of the law is to safeguard and protect the interests of Paternity and filiation
the minor beneficiary until he reaches the age of It refers to the relationship existing between parent and
majority (Perla G. Patricio vs. Marcelino G. Dario III, child (Noe v. Velasco, 61 O.G. 411).
G.R. No. 170829, November 20, 2006).
The family home is shielded from immediate partition It is the civil status relationship of the father to the child.
under Article 159 regardless of its ownership. This
signifies that even if the family home has passed by Filiation
succession to the co-ownership of the heirs, or has been



It is the civil status or relationship of the child to the father Legitimate Illegitimate
or mother. the father through the
The filiation of children may be by nature or by adoption. record of birth appearing
Natural filiation may be legitimate or illegitimate (Art. 163). in the civil register, or
when an admission in a
DISTINGUISHED handwritten instrument is
Legitimate Illegitimate made by the father.
Conceived and born (Sec.1, RA 9255)
outside a valid marriage Parental Authority
or inside a void ab initio Sole parental authority of
Joint authority of parents
marriage such as mother
Conceived or born during
bigamous and incestuous Support
a valid marriage (Art. 164)
marriages and marriage Entitled to receive support
declared void for being from any of his or her
contrary to law and public direct ascendants and
Entitled to receive support
policy (Art. 165) descendants in
only up t his or her
Conceived or born before accordance with the
grandparents or
the judgment of priority set by law in Art.
Born after the decree of grandchildren as provided
annulment or absolute 195 and 199 (Sta. Maria,
annulment of a voidable for in Art. 195(2) and (3)
nullity of marriage if the M., Persons and Family
marriage (Sta. Maria, M., Persons
ground is psychological Relations, 2010, p. 650).
and Family Relations,
incapacity (Art. 54)
2010, p. 650).
Born in a subsequent void Preferential right to
marriage due to failure to support over mother if
No such preference
comply with Art. 52 and father has no sufficient
53 (Art. 54) means to meet both
Product of artificial claims
insemination provided Successional Right
both spouses authorized Entitled to ½ of legitimate
Entitled to inheritance
or ratified such procedure child’s inheritance
in a written instrument, Beneficiary Right Under the SSS (RA 8282) and GSIS
executed and signed (RA 8291)
before birth of child and Primary beneficiary Not primary beneficiaries
recorded (Art. 164) Paternity Leave under RA 8187 (Paternity Leave Act of
Conceived or born of 1996)
mothers who might have Father is entitled to No such benefit
declared against its paternity leave of 7 days
legitimacy or was with full pay
sentenced as an
Legitimated: conceived ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION
and born outside of The status of the child is legitimate if all the requirements
wedlock of parents under Art. 164 are complied with namely:
without impediment at the 1. Both spouses authorize or ratify such insemination
time of conception and 2. The authorization or ratification is in a written instrument
had subsequently married signed by them before the birth of the child
Use of Surname 3. The instrument is recorded in the civil registry together
Right to bear father’s Generally required to use with the birth certificate of the child.
surname mother’s surname
Note: Even if the above requirements are not complied
Exception: with and the husband does not impugn the legitimacy of
If child’s filiation has been the child on grounds provided by Art. 166 within the
expressly recognized by prescriptive period, the child shall still be considered



legitimate because the child has been conceived or born with tuberculosis was not sufficient to overcome the
during the valid marriage of the parents pursuant to Article presumption of legitimacy. Impossibility of access by
164 par. 1. husband to wife would include absence during the
initial period of conception; impotence which is
RULES ON IMPUGNING LEGITIMACY (Art. 166 and 167) patent, continuing and incurable; and imprisonment,
Necessarily applies only to a situation where the child has unless it can be shown that cohabitation took place
been delivered by a woman who is the child’s natural through corrupt violation of prison regulations.
mother (Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Family Relations,
2010, p. 609). 2. Biological or scientific proof that the child could not have
been that of the husband;
In the event that any of the grounds enumerated in Art. Note: Racial dissimilarity may be a considered sufficient
166 is proven, the child will neither be legitimate nor scientific proof (Watkins vs. Carlton, 37 VA [10 Leigh]
illegitimate in so far as the husband is concerned. Simply, 586 as cited Sta. Maria, p. 617).
the husband and the child will not be related to each other
in any manner considering that the husband did not For sterility to constitute proof of non-paternity, the
participate in any way as to the child’s precreation. In so husband must be shown to be completely sterile at the
far as the mother is concerned, the child will be time when the child was conceived (Sta. Maria, M.,
considered illegitimate (Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Persons and Family Relations, 2010, p. 618).
Family Relations, 2010, p. 609).
3. Vitiated consent in artificial insemination
Grounds for impugning legitimacy: (PBC)
1. Physical impossibility of the husband to have sexual Note: The mistake, fraud, violence, intimidation or
intercourse with his wife within the first 120 days of the undue influence can be exerted by not only the spouses
300 days immediately preceding the child’s birth, due against each other but also by third persons on both of
to: the spouses or on any one of them. In any case, only
a. Physical incapacity of the husband; the husband can impugn the legitimacy of the child, or
the heirs in special cases provided in Art. 171.
Note: Must be proved by convincing and persuasive
evidence hence, the fact that a husband, who was Prescriptive periods to file action to impugn legitimacy:
never separated from his wife, has been absolutely 1. One year, from knowledge of birth or recording in the
stiff in th hips at the time of the conception of the child civil register, if husband or heirs live in the SAME
has been held as not conclusive enough to overturn city/municipality where the birth took place or was
the presumption of legitimacy. (State vs. Reed, 107 recorded.
W Va. 563, as cited Sta. Maria, p. 616) 2. Two years, if both reside in the Philippines.
3. Three years, if the child’s birth took place or was
b. Husband and the wife were living separately; recorded in the Philippines while the husband has his
residence abroad, or vice versa (Art. 170).
Note: Mere remoteness of the wife from the husband
is not sufficient to disavow paternity. Hence, the bare Note: The question of legitimacy cannot be collaterally
testimony by the husband that he and his wife were attacked. It can be impugned only in a direct action. (Liyao
living thirty miles away from each other at the time of Jr. vs. Liyao, G.R. No. 138961, March 7, 2002)
the conception of the child is not enough to show the
illegitimacy of the child without any showing that the Parties who can impugn legitimacy of a child:
sexual intercourse with the wife was not possible
(Skott vs. State, 46 ALR 3d 180 as cited Sta. Maria, General Rule: Only the husband may impugn.
Exception: The heirs may impugn within the same period
c. Serious illness of the husband which absolutely in the following cases:
prevented sexual intercourse 1 If the husband dies before the expiration of the period
fixed for bringing his action
Note: Must be such as to absolutely prevent him from 2 If he should die after the filing of the complaint without
engaging in sexual intercourse. Hence in Andal v. having desisted therefrom; or
Macaraig (G.R. No. L-2474, May 30, 1951), the Court 3 If the child was born after the husband’s death (Art.
ruled that the fact that the husband was seriously sick 171).



Note: The legitimacy or illegitimacy of a child born after

An assertion by the mother against the legitimacy of her three hundred days following the termination of the
child cannot affect the legitimacy of the child born or marriage shall be proved by whoever alleges such
conceived within a valid marriage. A mother has no right illegitimacy or illegitimacy (Art. 169).
to disavow a child because maternity is never uncertain
(Concepcion v. CA, GR No 123450, August 31, 2005). Note: Art. 169 negates any presumption of filiation for a
child born after 300 days from the termination of a
The death of the putative father does not ipso facto marriage, in the absence of a subsequent marriage (Sta.
negate the application of DNA testing for as long as Maria, M., Persons and Family Relations, 2010, p. 627).
appropriate biological samples of his DNA exist. In such a
case the petitioner must show the impossibility of PROOF OF FILIATION
obtaining an appropriate biological sample that can be General Rule: Filiation of legitimate (or illegitimate)
utilized for the conduct of DNA testing (Estate of Rogelio children is established by any of the following: (RA)
Ong v. Diaz, G.R. No. 171713, December 17, 2007). 1. The record of birth appearing in the civil registry or a
final judgment
STATUS OF CHILDREN BORN WITHIN 300 DAYS 2. An admission of legitimate (or illegitimate) filiation in a
FROM THE TERMINATION OF A FIRST MARRIAGE public document or a private handwritten instrument
AND THE CELEBRATION OF A SUBSEQUENT and signed by the parent concerned.
MARRIAGE (Art. 168 and 169)
Exceptions: In the absence of any of the foregoing
Requisites: (TS–WBN) evidence, such legitimate or illegitimate filiation shall be
1. First marriage terminated proved by: (OA)
2. Mother contracted subsequent marriage
3. Subsequent marriage was contracted within 300 days 1. Open and continuous possession of the status of a
after termination of previous marriage legitimate or illegitimate child;
4. Child was born within 300-day period 2. Any other means allowed by the Rules of Court and
5. No evidence as to status of child special laws (Art. 172).
a. An act or declaration concerning pedigree (Sec. 33,
Rules on presumption of filiation in case of two marriages: Rule 130, Rules of Court)
1. To first marriage, if child was born before the lapse of b. Family reputation or tradition concerning pedigree
180 days after celebration of 2nd marriage, provided it (Sec. 34, Rule 130, Rules of Court)
was born within 300 days after termination of the 1st c. Common reputation respecting pedigree (Sec. 35,
marriage. Rule 130, Rules of Court)
2. To second marriage, if child was born after 180 days d. Judicial admission (Sec. 2, Rule 129, Rules of Court)
following celebration of 2nd marriage, whether born e. Admission of a party (Sec. 22, Rule 130, Rules of
within 300 days after termination of 1st marriage or Court)
afterwards (Art. 168). f. Admission by silence (Sec. 23, Rule 130, Rules of
Termination of first marriage: October 1, 2011 Baptismal certificate, judicial admission, family bible,
Celebration of second marriage: January 1, 2012 evidence of pedigree, admission by silence,
300th day from termination of first marriage: July 26, 2012 testimonies of witnesses and other pieces of
180th day from celebration of second marriage: June 28, evidence under Rule 130, Rules of Court may be
2012 proofs of filiation (Cruz vs. Cristobal, G.R. No.
148247,August 7, 2006).
Child born on or before June 28, 2012 is presumed to be In Dela Cruz vs. Garcia (G.R. No. 177728, July 31,
filiated to the first husband. 2009), a handwritten autobiography of the father was
recognized as evidence of filiation although not
Child born at any time after June 28, 2012 (even if before signed. The Court ruled that “where the private
July 26, 2012) is presumed to be filiated with the second handwritten instrument is accompanied by other
husband. relevant and competent evidence, it suffices that the
claim of filiation therein be shown to have been made



and handwritten by the acknowledging parent as it is continuously” (Jison vs. CA, GR. No. 8454, April 13,
merely corroborative of such other evidence.” 1956).

Action to Claim Legitimacy (Art. 173) If the unsigned record of birth can be a proof of filiation
Who may claim: of the child, it would be easy for a woman to vest
1. Child – exclusive and personal right of child which may legitimate status to an illegitimate child. Hence, an
be brought anytime during his lifetime, regardless of the unsigned record of birth cannot be used as proof of
proof presented to support his claim filiation (Reyes v. Court of Appeals, GR. 39537, March
2. Transmitted to heirs of the child within a period of 5 19, 1985).
years in case
a. Child dies during minority RIGHTS OF CHILDREN
b. Child dies in a state of insanity Legitimate Illegitimate
c. Child dies after action has already been instituted
Use of father & mother’s Use of mother‘s surname
Action to Claim Illegitimacy surname
Illegitimate children may establish their illegitimate filiation Note: However, R.A.
in the same way and on the same evidence as legitimate 9255 amended Art. 176,
children (Art. 175). FC
Receive support from Receive support only up
1. If illegitimate filiation is established by a record of birth ascendants or to grandparent and
in the civil register or a final judgment, or an admission descendants of the same grandchildren
of filiation in a public document or a private handwritten line.
instrument signed by the parent concerned, the action Entitled to the legitime in Legitime is ½ of the
for recognition may be brought by the child during his succession legitime of a legitimate
lifetime (Guy, vs. CA, G.R. No. 163707, September 15, child
Right to inherit ab No right to inherit as such
2. If the action is based upon open and continuous intestato from legitimate
possession of the status of an illegitimate child, or any children and relatives of
other means allowed by the rules or special laws, it may his father and mother
be only brought during the lifetime of the alleged parent
(Guy vs. CA, ibid). R.A. No. 9255
An Act Allowing Illegitimate Children to use the surname
3. Unlike an action for legitimacy, the right to claim for of their Father, amending for the purpose Article 176 of
status is NOT transmissible to the heirs. EO No. 209, otherwise known as the "FAMILY CODE OF
THE PHILIPPINES" (approved February 24, 2004).
“Continuous” does not mean that the concession of
status shall continue forever but only that it shall not be Illegitimate children may use the surname of their father if:
of an intermittent character while it is continuous. The 1. Their filiation has been expressly recognized by the
possession of such status means that, the father has father through the record of birth appearing in the civil
treated the child as his own, directly and not through register, or
others, spontaneously, and without concealment, 2. When an admission in a public document or private
though without publicity. There must be a showing of handwritten instrument is made by the father; Provided,
permanent intention of the supposed father to consider that the father has the right to institute an action before
the child as his own by continuous and clear the regular courts to prove non-filiation during his
manifestation of paternal affection and care (Mendoza lifetime.
vs. CA, G.R. No. 86302 September 24, 1991).
The paternal affection and care must not be attributed
to pure charity. “Such acts must be of such a nature that Legitimation
they reveal not only the conviction of paternity, but also It is a remedy by means of which those who in fact were
the apparent desire to have and treat the child as such conceived and born outside of wedlock and should
in all relations in society and in life, not accidentally, but therefore be considered illegitimate are by legal fiction



considered legitimate. It shall take place only by the Generally refers to those who would suffer economic or
subsequent valid marriage between the biological parents. material injury by legitimation such as testamentary or
intestate heirs (Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Family
Requisites: (NIM) Relations, 2010, p. 663).
1. The child is illegitimate.
2. The parents at the time of the child’s conception are not Legitimation may be impugned within 5 years from the
disqualified by any impediment from marrying each time their cause of action accrues, that is, from the
other or were so disqualified only because either or both death of the putative parent.
of them were below eighteen (18) years of age (Art.
177, as amended by R.A. 9858). Legitimation may be impugned on grounds like:
3. There is a valid marriage subsequent to the child’s birth a. The subsequent marriage of the child’s parents is
(Art. 178). void;
b. The child allegedly legitimated is not natural; or
Note: Children born out of wedlock to parents who were c. The child is not really the child of the alleged
not allowed by law to marry for being minors are now parents.
qualified for legitimation. This has been made possible by
RA 9858, approved on December 20, 2009 and has A DOPTION
amended Article 177 of the Family Code of the
Philippines. Before RA 9858, Article 177 stated that only
children born out of wedlock to parents who were not The process of making a child, whether related or not to
disqualified from getting married at the time of conception the adopter, possess in general, rights accorded to a
could be legitimized.Under the present law, legitimation legitimate child (Paras, E. Civil Code of the Philippines
would automatically take place upon marriage of the Annotated, 2002 ed., p. 685).
parents. Moreover, couples who had children when they
were below the marrying age would not need to go Adoption statutes, being humane and salutary, hold the
through the process of having to adopt their own offspring interest and welfare of the child to be of paramount
just so their kids could enjoy the rights of legitimate consideration and are designed to provide homes,
children. parental care and education for unfortunate, needy or
orphaned children and give them the protection of society
Notes: Laws providing for the process of legitimation are and family in the person of the adopter as well as to allow
remedial in character intended for the benefit and childless couples to experience the joys of parenthood
protection of the innocent offspring and, therefore, may be and give them legally a child in the person of the adopted
applied retrospectively (Lund’s Estate, 162 ALR 606) and for the manifestation of their natural parental instincts.
must be liberally construed (Cardenas vs. Cardenas, 12 Every reasonable intendment should be sustained to
Ill. App 2d 497, 63 Alr2rd 1001 as cited in Sta. Maria, p. promote and fulfill these noble and compassionate
659). objectives of the law (In re: Petition for adoption of
Effects of legitimation: Michelle P. Lim, G.R. No. 168992-93 May 21, 2009).
1. Legitimated children shall enjoy the same rights as
legitimate children (Art. 179) Nature of adoption proceedings
1. Adoption is a juridical act. Only an adoption made
Note: Legitimation creates for the legitimated child the through the court, or in pursuance with the procedure
total and full extent of the blood-relationship existing laid down under Rule 99 of the Rules of Court is valid in
within the family to include all descendants, ascendants this jurisdiction. It is not of natural law at all, but is
and collateral relative, unlike in adoption where only a wholly and entirely artificial. To establish the relation,
parent-child relationship is created. (Sta. Maria, M., the statutory requirements must be strictly carried out,
Persons and Family Relations, 2010, p. 661) otherwise, the adoption is an absolute nullity (Lazatin
vs. Hon. Judge Campos, G.R. No. L-42955-56 July 30,
2. The effects of legitimation shall retroact to the time of 1979).
the child’s birth (Art. 180) 2. Adoption proceedings are IN REM and publication
3. The legitimation of children who died before the serves as constructive notice to the whole world
celebration of the marriage shall benefit their (Santos vs. Aranzanso, L-23828, February 28, 1966).
ascendants (Art. 181)
4. Legitimation may be impugned only by those who are
prejudiced in their rights.




Note: Requirements listed under (c), (d) and (e) may be
Pre–adoption services (Sec. 4-6) waived if the alien is:
The DSWD shall provide for the following services: i. A former Filipino citizen seeks to adopt a
1. Counseling services for – relative within the 4th degree of consanguinity or
a. biological parents [Sec. 4(a)], affinity
ii. One who seeks to adopt the legitimate
Note: No binding commitment for and adoption plan son/daughter of his/her Filipino spouse
shall be permitted before the birth of his or her child. iii. One who is married to a Filipino citizen and
seeks to adopt jointly with his/her spouse a relative
A period of 6 months shall be allowed for the biological within the 4th degree of consanguinity or affinity of
parent(s) so reconsider any decision to relinquish the Filipino spouse
his/her child for adoption before the decision becomes
irrevocable. If a Filipino adopts an alien, the adopted alien does not
acquire Philippine citizenship because such acquisition of
b. prospective adoptive parents [Sec. 4 (b)] and citizenship acquires the character of naturalization which
c. prospective adoptee [Sec. 4(c)] is regulated, not by the Civil Code or the Family Code, but
by special law (Ching Leng vs. Galang, G.R. No. L-11931,
2. Exhaust all efforts to locate the unknown biological October 27, 1958).
3. Guardian (TC) [Sec. 7(c)]
Note: If efforts fail, child shall be listed as a foundling a. After termination of the guardianship, with respect to
and shall be judicially declared as abandoned [Sec. 5] the ward, and
b. Clearance of his/her financial accountabilities
Who may adopt: (LPG-CONE)
1. Filipino citizen [Sec. 7 (a)]: Rule on adoption by spouses
a. Of legal age General rule: The husband and the wife shall JOINTLY
b. In a position to support and care for his/her children in adopt.
keeping with the means of the family
c. Good moral character Exceptions: (LIS)
d. In possession of full civil capacity or legal rights 1. One spouse seeks to adopt the legitimate child of the
e. At least 16 years older than the adoptee, except other spouse
when: 2. One spouse seeks to adopt his/her own illegitimate
i. Adopter is the biological parent of the adoptee child with the consent of the other spouse
ii. Adopter is the spouse of the adoptee’s parent 3. The spouses are legally separated

f. Has not been convicted of any crime involving moral Other factors to be considered in evaluating prospective
turpitude parents:
g. Emotionally and psychologically capable of caring for 1. Total personality of the applicants
children 2. Emotional maturity
3. Quality of marital relationship
2. Alien (S-DELL) 4. Feeling about children
a. Same qualifications as a Filipino 5. Feeling about childlessness and readiness to adopt
b. Country has diplomatic relations with the Philippines. 6. Motivation (Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Family
c. Certified by said office that his government allows the Relations, 2010, p. 681).
adoptee to enter his country as his adopted child
d. Has been living in the Philippines for at least three (3) Who may be adopted: (Sec. 8) (DARILL)
continuous years prior to the application for adoption 1. Child whose biological or adoptive parents have died,
and maintains such residence until the adoption provided that no proceedings shall be initiated within 6
decree is entered, months from the time of death of said parents
e. Certified to have legal capacity to adopt by his/her 2. Any person below 18 years of age who has been
diplomatic or consular office but certification may be voluntarily committed to the DSWD under P.D. 603 or
waived in the same instances for waiver of residency judicially declared available for adoption
requirement in (c) 3. Child whose adoption has been previously rescinded



4. Illegitimate child of a qualified adopter to improve the

child’s status In Tamargo vs. CA (209 SCRA 518, G.R. No. 85044 June
5. Legitimate child of the other spouse 3, 1992), where the petition for adoption was granted after
6. A person of legal age, who, prior to the adoption, has the child had shot and killed a girl, the SC did not consider
been consistently considered by the adopter as his/her the retroactive effect of the decree of adoption so as to
own child since minority impose a liability upon the adopting parents accruing at
Consent in adoption (Sec. 9) (A-BALIS) the time when they had no actual or physical custody over
The written consent of the following is required: the adopted child. It held that retroactive effect may be
1. The adoptee, if he is 10 years of age or older; given where such is essential to permit the accrual of
2. Known biological parents or legal guardians or proper some benefit or advantage in favor of the adopted child.
government instrumentality which has legal custody of To hold that parental authority had been retroactively
the child; lodged in the adopting parents so as to burden them with
3. Legitimate/adopted children, 10 years old or over, of the liability for a tortuous act that they could neither have
adopter and adoptee; foreseen nor prevented would be unfair and
4. The illegitimate children, 10 years old or over, of the unconscionable.
adopter if living with the adopter and the latter's spouse;
5. Spouse of the adopter and adoptee
Middle name of adopted child
Note: An alleged capability to support an adoptee through The illegitimate child subsequently adopted by his/her
the help of other persons is not enough to support a natural father is permitted to use as her middle name the
petition for adoption. According to the SC, adoption is surname of her natural mother for the following reasons:
personal between the adopter and adoptee; the adopter 1. It is necessary to preserve and maintain the child’s
should be in a position to support the would-be adopted filiation with her natural mother because under Art. 189
child in keeping with the means of the family (Landingin v. of the Family Code, she remains to be an intestate heir
Republic, GR No 164948, June 27, 2006). of the latter. To prevent any confusion and needless
hardship in the future, her relationship or proof of that
Sec.9 of R.A. 8552 provides that if the written consent of relationship with her natural mother should be
the biological parents cannot be obtained, the consent of maintained;
the legal guardian must be sought. To dispense with the 2. There is no law expressly prohibiting the adopted to use
requirement of written consent, the abandonment must be the surname of her natural mother as her middle name.
shown to have existed at the time of adoption and evinces What the law does not prohibit, it allows; and
a settled purpose to forego all parental duties. The written 3. It is customary for every Filipino to have a middle name,
consent of the biological parents is indispensable for the which is ordinarily the surname of the mother (In the
validity of a decree of adoption. The natural right of parent Matter of the Adoption of Stephanie Nathy Astorga
to child requires that consent be obtained before parental Garcia, G.R. No. 148311, March 31, 2005).
rights and duties may be terminated and re-established in
adoptive parents. (Landingin vs. Republic,ibid). Effects of Adoption: (SAL)
1. Severance of legal ties between the biological parents
Effectivity of decree of adoption (Sec. 13) and the adoptee, which shall be vested in the adopters.
A decree of adoption shall be effective as of the date the
original petition was filed. This applies also in case Exception: if the biological parent is the spouse of the
petitioner dies before the issuance of the adoption decree, adopter (Sec. 16).
to protect the interest of the adoptee.
2. Adoptee shall be considered as a legitimate child of the
adopter(s) for all intents and purposes (Sec. 17).

3. In legal or intestate succession, the adoptee and the

adopter(s) shall have reciprocal rights of succession
without distinction from legitimate filiation. However, if
there is a will, the rules on testamentary succession
shall be followed (Sec. 18).

Note: Once an adoption decree is issued, it cannot be

attacked collaterally as in their action for partition, but in a



direct proceeding frontally addressing the issue (Sayson Being a legitimate child by virtue of adoption, it follows
vs. CA, G.R. Nos. 89224-25 January 23, 1992). that the child is entitled to all the rights provided by law to
a legitimate child. The adopted child remains an intestate
Rescission of adoption (Sec. 19) - by ADOPTEE ONLY heir of his/her biological parents. Hence, she can well
assert her hereditary rights from her natural mother in the
Grounds: (ASAR) future (In the matter of adoption of Stephanie Nathy
1. Attempt on the life of the adoptee Astorga Garcia, GR No 148311 March 31, 2005).
2. Sexual assault or violence
3. Abandonment and failure to comply with parental Simulation of Birth
obligations Is the tampering of the civil registry making it appear in the
4. Repeated physical or verbal maltreatment by the birth records that a certain child was born to a person who
adopter despite having undergone counseling is not his/her biological mother, causing such child to lose
his/her true identity and status [R.A.8552 Art. 1 Sec. 3 (J)].
Note: Adoption shall not be subject to rescission by the
adopters. However, the adopters may disinherit the Punished by prision mayor in its medium and a fine not
adoptee for causes provided under Art 919 of the Civil exceeding P50, 000 under Sec. 21 (b) of the same law.
Code (Sec. 19).
An adoptee refused to use the surname of the adopter A crime defined and punished by Sec. 21 (b) of RA 8552
though already adopted. The adopter sought to committed by any person who shall cause the fictitious
rescind/revoke the Decree of Adoption (DOA), but the registration of the birth of a child under the names of
Domestic Adoption Act (R.A. 8552) which removes the persons who are not his/her biological parents.
right of adopter to challenge the validity of the DOA
became effective. SC held that the adopter may disinherit INTER-COUNTRY ADOPTION ACT OF 1995 (R.A. 8043)
the adoptee, and that the latter has the sole right to The socio-legal process of adopting a Filipino child by a
challenge the DOA (Lahom v. Sibulo, G.R. No 143989, foreigner or a Filipino citizen permanently residing abroad
July 14, 2003). where the petition is filed, the supervised trial custody is
undertaken, and the decree of adoption is issued outside
Disinheritance of adoptee by adopter the Philippines [Sec. 3 (a)].
Grounds: (Art. 919, NCC) (GAMM-CARD)
1. Groundless accusation against the testator of a crime Who may be adopted (Sec. 8)
punishable by six (6) years or more imprisonment Only a “legally-free child” may be the subject of inter-
2. Found guilty of an attempt against the life of the country adoption
testator, his/her spouse, descendants or ascendants
3. Causes the testator to make or changes a testator’s will Legally-free Child
through violence, intimidation, fraud or undue influence A child who has been voluntarily or involuntarily
4. Maltreatment of the testator by word or deed committed to the DSWD of the Philippines, in accordance
5. Conviction of a crime which carries the penalty of civil with the Child Youth and Welfare Code [Sec. 3 (f)]
6. Adultery or concubinage with testator’s spouse No child shall be matched to a foreign adoptive family
7. Refusal without justifiable cause to support the parent unless it is satisfactorily shown that the child cannot be
or ascendant adopted locally (Sec. 11).
8. Leads a dishonorable or disgraceful life.
There shall be no physical transfer of a voluntarily
Effects of rescission: (Sec. 20) (PRAS) committed child earlier than six (6) months from the date
1. Parental authority of adoptee’s biological parents or of execution of Deed of Voluntary Commitment except:
legal custody of DSWD shall be restored if adoptee is 1. Adoption by a relative
still a minor or incapacitated. 2. Children with special medical conditions
2. Reciprocal rights and obligations of the adopter(s) and
the adoptee to each other shall be extinguished. Who may adopt (Sec. 9)
3. Amended certificate of birth of the adoptee shall be 1. Any alien or
cancelled and its original shall be restored. 2. Filipino citizen, both permanently residing abroad
4. Succession rights shall revert to their status prior to the
adoption, but vested rights shall be respected. Conditions: (JAC-NERD--PQ)



1. If married, his/her spouse must jointly file for the (Sec. 44, Implementing Rules of RA 8043)
adoption 2. The adopting parent(s) shall submit to the governmental
2. At least 27 years of age and at least 16 years older than agency or authorized and accredited agency, which
the child to be adopted, at the time of the application shall in turn transmit a copy to the Board, a progress
unless the adopter is: report of the child’s adjustment.
a. Parent by nature of the child to be adopted or
b. Spouse of such parent Disruption and termination of placement: (Sec. 47,
3. Capacity to act and assume all rights and Implementing Rules of RA 8043)
responsibilities of parental authority under his/her In the event of serious damage in the relationship
national laws, and has undergone the appropriate between the child and applicant; or when the continued
counseling from an accredited counselor in his/her placement is no longer in the best interests of the child:
4. Has not been convicted of a crime involving moral a. The Board through the Central Authority shall take
turpitude necessary measures to protect the child, in particular
5. Eligible to adopt under his/her national law cause the child to be withdrawn from the applicant
6. Agrees to uphold the basic rights of the child as and arrange for his temporary care
embodied under Philippine laws, the U.N. Convention b. The Central Authority shall exhaust all means to
on the Rights of a Child, and to abide by the rules and remove cause of unsatisfactory relationship
regulations issued to implement the Inter–Country c. The Central Authority shall submit at complete report
Adoption Act to the Board as to the actions taken as well as
7. Comes from a country with whom the Philippines has recommendations.
diplomatic relations and whose government maintains a d. Based on the report submitted by the Central
similarly authorized and accredited agency and that Authority, the Board may terminate the pre-adoptive
adoption is allowed under his/her national laws relationship.
8. In a position to provide the proper care and support and
to give the necessary moral values and examples to all Note: If the pre-adoptive relationship is found
his children, including the child to be adopted unsatisfactory by the child or the applicant or both, or if
9. Possesses all the qualifications and none of the the foreign adoption agency finds that the continued
disqualifications under the Inter–Country Adoption Act placement of the child is not in the child’s best interest,
and other applicable Philippine laws said relationship shall be suspended by the Board and the
foreign adoption agency shall arrange for the child’s
Filing of application (Sec.10): Either with the Philippine temporary care.
RTC having jurisdiction over the child OR with the Inter-
Country Adoption Board, through an intermediate agency If a satisfactory pre-adoptive relationship is formed
between the applicant and the child, the Board shall
Inter-Country Adoption Board (Sec. 4) submit the written consent to the adoption to the foreign
It acts as the central authority in matters relating to inter- adoption agency within 30 days after receipt of the latter’s
country adoption. request.

The Board shall ensure that all possibilities for the A copy of the final decree of adoption of the child,
adoption of the child under the Family Code have been including certificate of citizenship/naturalization whenever
exhausted and that inter–country adoption is in the best applicable, shall be transmitted by the foreign adoption
interest of the child. agency to the Board within 1 month after its issuance
(Sec. 53, Implementing Rules of RA 8043)
Supervision of trial custody (Sec. 14)
Mandatory period of 6 months from the time of placement Presumption of illegal adoption: (Sec. 57, Implementing
before a decree of adoption may be issued. During this Rules of RA 8043) (CPEN)
period, the adopting parents shall submit a progress 1. Consent for adoption was acquired through or attended
report of the child’s adjustment which shall be taken into by coercion, fraud, improper material inducement
consideration in issuing the decree of adoption. 2. Procedures and safeguards provided by law for
adoption were not complied with
1. Starts upon actual physical transfer of the child to the 3. Has exposed or subjected the child to be adopted to
applicant who, as actual custodian, shall exercise danger, abuse or exploitation
substitute parental authority over the person of the child 4. No authority to effect adoption from the Board



absence of separate property, the CPG or ACP shall

advance support deductible from share of spouse obliged
S UPPORT upon liquidation (Art. 197).

Support In case of legitimate descendants which are the common

It comprises everything indispensable for sustenance, children of the spouse or the legitimate children of either
dwelling, clothing, medical attendance, education and spouse. In which case, the ACP or CPG shall be
transportation in keeping with the financial capacity of the principally charged for their support as mandated by law in
family (Art. 194). Art. 94(1) and Art. 121(1). This is different from personal
support owing to them from the father or mother as
Kinds: (LJC) provided in Art. 194 and 197.
1. Legal – one required or given by law;
2. Judicial – required by the court to be given whether Order of liability if several persons obliged to give support:
pendente lite or in a final judgment; (Art. 199) (SDAB)
3. Conventional – given by agreement. 1. Spouse
Characteristics: (MR P2INE) 2. Descendants in the nearest degree
1. Mandatory 3. Ascendants in the nearest degree
2. Reciprocal on the part of those who are by law bound to 4. Brothers and sisters
support each other
3. Personal If the obligation to give support falls upon two or more
4. Provisional character of support judgment persons, payment shall be divided between them in
5. Intransmissible proportion to their resources. In case of urgent need and
6. Not subject to waiver or compensation special circumstances, the court may order only one of
7. Exempt from attachment or execution them to furnish support provisionally subject to the right to
(A. Tolentino, Commentaries and Jurisprudence on the claim from the others the share due them (Art. 200).
Civil Code of the Philippines, Vol. I, 1990 ed. p. 575)
When two or more recipients at the same time claim for
Persons obliged to support each other: (Art. 195) support and the person legally obliged to give does not
1. Spouses have sufficient means to satisfy all claims:
2. Legitimate ascendants and descendants 1. The order of liability provided by law shall be followed.
3. Parents and their legitimate children, and the legitimate 2. If the concurrent obligees should be the spouse and a
and illegitimate children of the latter child subject to parental authority, the child shall be
4. Parents and their illegitimate children, and the legitimate preferred. (Art. 200)
and illegitimate children of the latter
5. Legitimate brothers and sisters whether full or half- In Mangonon vs. CA (G.R. No. 125041, June 30, 2006),
blood provided: the Supreme Court ordered the grandfather, who was
proven to be well-off to support his grandchildren on the
Brothers and sisters NOT legitimately related whether basis of Art. 199, considering that their parents were not
full or half-blood are likewise entitled to support to the capable of supporting the children.
full extent under Art. 194 except when the need for
support of the brother or sister, being of age, is due to a If the obligation to give support falls upon two or more
cause imputable to claimant’s fault or negligence (Art. persons, the payment shall be divided between them in
196) proportion to their resources. [Art. 200 (1st par)]

Note: Art. 197 providing for the source from where the In case of or urgent need and special circumstances, the
support should be taken out highlights the fact that the court may order only one of them to furnish support
people enumerated in Art. 195 have a personal obligation provisionally subject to the right to claim from the others
to support each other (Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Family the share due them (Art. 200 [2nd par]).
Relations, 2010, p. 763).
When two or more recipients at the same time claim for
For support of legitimate ascendants, descendants support and the person legally obliged to give does not
(legitimate/illegitimate), brothers and sisters have sufficient means to satisfy all claims:
(legitimate/illegitimate), only separate property of person 1. The order of liability provided by law shall be followed.
obliged to give support shall be answerable. In the



2. If the concurrent obliges should be the spouse and a

child subject to parental authority, the child shall be Support from Stranger
preferred (Art. 200 [3rd par]). 1. When, without the knowledge of the person obliged to
give support, it is given by a stranger, the latter shall
Obligation to give support arising from: have a right to claim the same from the former, unless it
Spousal and general appears that he gave it without any intention of being
Parental authority reimbursed (Art 206)
familial ties
(Title IX) 2. When the person obliged to support another unjustly
(Title VIII)
refuses or fails to give support when urgently needed by
Ends upon the Ideally lasts during the the latter, any third person may furnish support to the
emancipation of the child obligee’s lifetime needy individual, with a right of reimbursement from the
Pertains to parents, Passes on to the person obliged to give support (Art. 207)
passing to ascendants only ascendants not only upon
upon its termination or default of the parents but Logically, the sisters would, thru their mother, turn to their
suspension also for the latter’s inability uncle (Noel Daban) for their sustenance and education
to provide sufficient support when petitioner (their father) failed to give the same, a
(Lim vs. Lim, G.R. No. 163209, Oct. 30 2009) failing which stretched from their pre-schooling days to
their college years. Since such failure has been
The governing text are the relevant provisions in Title VIII established, it is not amiss to deduce, as did the trial court
of the Civil Code, as amended, on Support, not the and the CA, that Noel Daban who, owing to consideration
provisions in Title IX on Parental Authority. While both of kinship, had reasons to help, indeed lent his sister Lea
areas share a common ground in that parental authority money to support her children. Mention may also be made
encompasses the obligation to provide legal support, they that, contextually, the resulting juridical relationship
differ in other concerns including the duration of the between the petitioner and Noel Daban is a quasi-
obligation and its concurrence among relatives of differing contract, an equitable principle enjoining one from unjustly
degrees. Thus, although the obligation to provide support enriching himself at the expense of another (Lacson vs.
arising from parental authority ends upon the Lacson, G.R. No. 150644 August 28, 2006).
emancipation of the child, the same obligation arising from
spousal and general familial ties ideally lasts during the Support Pendente Lite (Art. 198 in relation to Rule 61 of
obligee’s lifetime.. Also, while parental authority under the Rules of Court)
Title IX (and the correlative parental rights) pertains to
parents, passing to ascendants only upon its termination During the proceedings for legal separation or for
or suspension, the obligation to provide legal support annulment of marriage, and for declaration of nullity of
passes on to ascendants not only upon default of the marriage, the spouses and their children shall be
parents but also for the latter’s inability to provide supported from the properties of the absolute community
sufficient support. (Lim vs. Lim, G.R. No. 163209, October or the conjugal partnership.
30, 2009)
Mutual support between the spouses ceases after final
Requisites in order for support from stranger to be judgment.
In case of legal separation, the court may order the guilty
Under Art. 206: spouse to support the innocent spouse.
1. Stranger gives support to another person with the
intention to be reimbursed; and In determining the amount to be awarded as support
2. Person obliged to give support to the recipient does not pendent lite, it is not necessary to go fully into the merits
have knowledge of the stranger’s act of the case, it being sufficient that the court ascertain the
kind and amount of evidence it may deem sufficient to
Under Art. 207: enable it to justly resolve the application, one way or the
1. There is an urgent need to be supported on the part of other, in view of the merely provisional character of the
the recipient; resolution to be entered. Mere affidavits may satisfy the
2. The person obliged to support unjustly refuses or fails to court to pass upon the application for support pendente
give the support; and lite. It is enough that the facts be established by affidavits
3. A third person furnishes the support to the needy or other documentary evidence appearing in the record
individual. (Reyes vs. Ines-Luciano, G.R. No. L-48219 February 28,



1979). leave the conjugal abode because of the lewd designs

and physical assault of the husband, she can therefore
Amount of support claim support from the husband for separate maintenance
It shall be in proportion to the resources or means of the even outside the conjugal home (Goitia vs. Campos-
giver and to the necessities of the recipient (Art. 201, See Rueda G.R. No. G.R. No. 11263, November 2, 1916).
Lam vs. Chua, G.R. No.131286. March 18, 2004). It shall
be increased or reduced proportionately, according to the As to how the obligation to support can be performed, Art.
increase or reduction of necessities of the recipient and 204 provides that the person obliged to give support shall
the resources or means of the person obliged (Art. 202). have the option to fulfill the obligation either by paying the
allowance fixed, or by receiving and maintaining in the
Support is rooted on the fact that the right and duty to family dwelling the person who has the right to receive
support, especially the right to education, subsists even support. The latter alternative cannot be availed of in case
beyond the age of majority (Estate of Hilario M. Ruiz vs. there is a moral or legal obstacle thereto, such as the
CA, G.R. No. 118671, January 29, 1996). strained relationship between the parties (Ma. Belen B.
Mangonon vs. CA, G.R. No. 125041, June 30, 2006).

Demand for support (Art. 203) Exemption of support from attachment or execution
The obligation to give support shall be demandable from The right to receive support as well as money or property
the time the person who has a right to receive the same obtained as such support shall not be levied upon on
needs it for maintenance, but it shall not be paid except attachment or execution (Art. 205). But in case of
from the date of judicial or extrajudicial demand. contractual support or that given by will, the excess in
amount beyond that required for legal support shall be
Support must be demanded and the right to it established subject to levy on attachment or execution (Art. 208).
before it becomes payable. For the right to support does
not arise from the mere fact of relationship, even from Only salary "due" the judgment debtor is subject to
relationship of parents and children, but from ‘imperative attachment and execution, and then only if it is not made
necessity’ without which it cannot be demanded, and the to appear by the affidavit of the debtor or otherwise that
law presumes that such necessity does not exist unless such earnings are necessary for the support of his family.
support is demanded. (Sy vs. CA, G.R. No. 124518, Dec. Under the Revised Rules, so much of the earnings of the
17, 2007) debtor for his personal services within the month
preceding the levy as are necessary for the support of his
Payment of the amount for support starts only from the family (Sec. 12, Rule 39) is exempt from execution
time support has been judicially or extra-judicially (Avendaño vs. Alikapala, G.R. No. L-21189 November
demanded for the right to support does not arise from the 28, 1964).
mere fact of relationship but from imperative necessity
without which it cannot be demanded, and the law
presumes that such necessity does not exist, unless P ARENTAL A UTHORITY (PA)
support is demanded (Jocson vs. Empire Insurance Co.,
G.R. No. L-10792, April 30, 1958). Parental authority is the sum total of the right of the
parents over the persons and property of their
Performance of obligation to support (Art. 204) unemancipated children. It is pursuant to the natural right
1. Paying the allowance fixed; or and duty of parents over the same and it includes caring
2. Receiving and maintaining in the family dwelling the for and rearing of such children for civic consciousness
person who has a right to receive support provided that and efficiency and the development of their moral and
there is no moral or legal obstacle to do so. physical character and well-being (Art. 209).

Note: The law provides that the husband, who is obliged Parental Preference Rule
to support the wife, may fulfill the obligation either by The natural parents, who are of good moral character and
paying her a fixed pension or by maintaining her in his who can reasonably provide for the child, are ordinarily
own home at his option. However, this option given by entitled to custody as against all other persons (Sta.
law is not absolute. The law will not permit the husband to Maria, M., Persons and Family Relations, 2010, p. 789).
evade or terminate his obligation to support his wife if the
wife is driven away from the conjugal home because of his Parental authority and responsibility are inalienable and
wrongful acts. In the case at bar, the wife was forced to may not be transferred or renounced except in cases



authorized by law. The right attached to parental authority, descendant or by one parent against the other (Art. 215,
being purely personal, the law allows a waiver of parental FC in relation to Sec. 25, Rule 130 of the Rules on
authority only in cases of adoption, guardianship and Evidence)
surrender to a children’s home or an orphan institution.
When a parent entrusts the custody of a minor to another, In Emma Lee vs. CA (G.R. No. 177861, July 13, 2010),
such as a friend or godfather, even in a document, what is the person (Tiu) who invoked the filial privilege, claims
given is merely temporary custody and it does not that she is the stepmother of petitioner Lee. The Supreme
constitute a renunciation of parental authority. Even if a Court declared that the privilege cannot apply because the
definite renunciation is manifest, the law still disallows the rule applies only to “direct” ascendants and descendants,
same. The father and mother, being the natural guardians a family tie connected by a common ancestry. A
of unemancipated children, are duty-bound and entitled to stepdaughter does not have a common ancestry by her
keep them in their custody and company (Sagala-Eslao stepmother. Relative thereto, Art. 965 of the NCC
vs. CA, G.R. No. 116773, January 16, 1997). provides that the direct line is either descending or
ascending. The former unites the head of the family with
The right of custody accorded to parents springs from the those who descend from him. The latter binds a person
exercise of parental authority. (Santos vs. CA, G.R. No. with those from whom he descends. Consequently, Tiu
113054 March 16, 1995) can be compelled to testify against petitioner Emma Lee.
This rule is not strictly a rule on disqualification because a
Rules on the exercise of parental authority descendant is not incompetent or disqualified to testify
Joint parental authority by the father and mother over the against an ascendant. The rule refers to a privilege not to
persons of their common children, whether legitimate or testify, which can be invoked or waived like other
illegitimate. In case of disagreement, the father’s decision privileges. As correctly observed by the lower court, Elven
shall prevail unless there is a judicial order to the contrary was not compelled to testify against his father; he chose
(Art. 211) to waive that filial privilege when he voluntarily testified
against Artemio. Elven declared that he was testifying as
Under Art. 176, parental authority of illegitimate children is a witness against his father of his own accord and only "to
generally with the mother. To harmonize Art. 176 with Art. tell the truth” (People vs. Invencion, G.R. No. 131636
211, joint parental authority may be exercised over March 5, 2003).
illegitimate children if:
1. The father is certain, and In line with the filial privilege under Art. 215 of the Family
2. The illegitimate children are living with the said father Code is the marital privilege provided for under Sec. 24
and mother who are cohabiting without the benefit of (a) of Rule 130 of the Rules of Court which states that:
marriage or under a void marriage not falling under Arts.
36 and 53.( Sta. Maria, M., Persons and Family The husband or the wife, during or after the marriage,
Relations, 2010, p. 781) cannot be examined without the consent of the other as to
any communication received in confidence by one from
Note: The recognition by the father could be a ground for the other during the marriage except in a civil case by one
ordering him to give support, but not custody of the child. against the other, or in a criminal case for a crime
Only if the mother defaults can the father assume such committed by one against the other or the latter's direct
custody or authority. Only the most compelling of reasons, descendants or ascendants.
such as the mother’s unfitness to exercise sole parental
authority shall justify deprivation of her parental authority Rules in case parental authority cannot be exercised
and the award of custody to someone else (Briones vs. jointly (Art. 212 to 214)
Miguel, G.R. No. 156343 October 18, 2004). Cause of absence of Effect on parental
parent authority
Duties of Children towards their Parents Absence or death of one PA continued by the
1. To observe respect and reverence toward their parents; parent parent present or
2. To obey their parents as long as they are under their surviving parent
parental authority. In case of remarriage of PA continued to be
the surviving parent exercised by surviving
Rule of filial privilege parent unless court
No descendant shall be compelled, in a criminal case, to appoints another person
testify against his parents and grandparents, except when a guardian
such testimony is indispensable in a crime against the



Note: The new spouse, As to the bias favoring the mother over the father in case
by virtue of his or her of separation: At any rate, the rule’s seeming harshness
marrying the surviving or undesirability is tempered by ancillary agreements the
parent, does not separated parents may wish to enter such as granting the
automatically possess father visitation and other privileges. These arrangements
parental authority over are not inconsistent with the regime of sole maternal
the children of the custody under the second paragraph of Article 213 which
surviving parent unless merely grants to the mother final authority on the care and
such new spouse custody of the minor under seven years of age, in case of
adopts the children. disagreements.
(Sta. Maria, M., Persons
and Family Relations, As to the limited period of application of preference:
2010, p. 784) Further, the imposed custodial regime under the second
Legal separation of PA shall be exercised paragraph of Article 213 is limited in duration, lasting only
parents by the parent until the child’s seventh year. From the eighth year until
designated by the court the child’s emancipation, the law gives the separated
parents freedom, subject to the usual contractual
Exception: limitations, to agree on custody regimes they see fit to
If child is under seven adopt.
years old, the mother
shall have custody over Writ of habeas corpus in child custody cases
said child. Habeas corpus may be resorted in cases where rightful
custody is withheld from a person entitled thereto
Exception to the (Salientes vs. Abanilla G.R. No. 162734 August 29, 2006).
Unless the court finds The controversy does not involve the question of personal
compelling reasons to freedom, because an infant is presumed to be in the
order otherwise. custody of someone until he attains majority age. In
Death, absence or Substitute parental passing on the writ in a child custody case, the court deals
unsuitability of both authority shall be with a matter of an equitable nature. Not bound by any
parents exercised by the mere legal right of parent or guardian, the court gives his
surviving grandparent. or her claim to the custody of the child due weight as a
In case several survive, claim founded on human nature and considered generally
the court shall consider equitable and just. Therefore, these cases are decided,
the best interests of the not on the legal right of the petitioner to be relived from
child in the designation. unlawful imprisonment or detention, as in the .case of
adults, but on the court’s view of the best interests of
Doctrines regarding the maternal preference granted by those whose welfare requires that they be in custody of
Art. 213 par. 2 as decided in Dacasin vs. Dacasin (G.R. one person or another. Hence, the court is not bound to
No. 168785 February 5, 2010) deliver a child into the custody of any claimant or of any
persons, but should, in the consideration of the facts,
Maternal preference cannot be subject to an agreement leave it in such custody as its welfare at the time appears
between the separated spouses: Indeed, the separated to require. In short, the child’s welfare is the supreme
parents cannot contract away the provision in the Family consideration (Sombong vs. CA, G.R. No.
Code on the maternal custody of children below seven 111876. January 31, 1996).
years anymore than they can privately agree that a
mother who is unemployed, immoral, habitually drunk, Maternal Preference/ Tender Years Rule
drug addict, insane or afflicted with a communicable General Rule: No child under 7 years of age shall be
disease will have sole custody of a child under seven as separated from the mother.
these are reasons deemed compelling to preclude the
application of the exclusive maternal custody regime Exception: When the court finds compelling reason to
under the second paragraph of Article 213. order otherwise. The welfare and well-being of the child is
the paramount consideration in awarding custody.




Persons who will exercise parental authority in the default One whose basic needs have been deliberately
of parents or a judicially appointed guardian, in the order unattended or inadequately attended and may be done
indicated: through physical or emotional neglect [Art. 141 (3), PD
1. Surviving grandparent 603]
2. Oldest brother or sister over 21 years of age unless
unfit or disqualified Abused child
3. Actual custodian over 21 years of age unless unfit or Can come within the emotionally-neglected child (Sta.
disqualified Maria, M., Persons and Family Relations, 2010, p. 804)

The same order of preference shall be observed when Parental authority shall be entrusted in summary judicial
appointment of guardian over property of child becomes proceeding to:
necessary. 1. Heads of children’s homes,
2. Orphanages, or
Private respondents' (grandparents) demonstrated love 3. Similar institutions duly accredited by the proper
and affection for the boy, notwithstanding, the legitimate government agency (Art. 217)
father is still preferred over the grandparents. The latter's SPECIAL PARENTAL AUTHORITY (Art. 218 and 219)
wealth is not a deciding factor, particularly because there Can only be exercised over minors while under their
is no proof that at the present time, petitioner is in no supervision, instruction or custody. The authority and
position to support the boy. The fact that he was unable to supervision also attach to all authorized activities whether
provide financial support for his minor son from birth up to inside or outside the school, entity or institution.
over three years when he took the boy from his in-laws
without permission, should not be sufficient reason to strip The following shall be held principally and solidarily liable
him of his permanent right to the child's custody. While for damages caused by the acts or omissions of the
petitioner's previous inattention is inexcusable and merits unemancipated minor:
only the severest criticism, it cannot be construed as 1. School
abandonment. His appeal of the unfavorable decision
against him and his efforts to keep his only child in his No distinction between academic or non-academic (arts
custody may be regarded as serious efforts to rectify his and trades)
past misdeeds. To award him custody would help
enhance the bond between parent and son. It would also Note: In Amadora vs. CA (G.R. No. L-47745 April 15,
give the father a chance to prove his love for his son and 1988), the Court has come to the conclusion that the
for the son to experience the warmth and support which a Art. 218 and 219 should apply to all schools, academic
father can give (Santos vs. CA, G.R. No. 113054 March as well as non-academic. Where the school is academic
16, 1995). rather than technical or vocational in nature,
responsibility for the tort committed by the student will
Note: The person exercising substitute parental authority attach to the teacher in charge of such student,
shall have the same authority over the person of the child following the first part of the provision. This is the
as the parents (Art. 233). general rule. In the case of establishments of arts and
trades, it is the head thereof, and only he, who shall be
Rule in case of foundlings, abandoned, neglected or held liable as an exception to the general rule. In other
abused children and other children similarly situated: (Art. words, teachers in general shall be liable for the acts of
217) their students except where the school is technical in
nature, in which case it is the head thereof who shall be
Foundling answerable. Following the canon of reddendo singula
Newborn child abandoned by its parents who are singulis "teachers" should apply to the words "pupils
unknown (Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 3rd Revision, p. 1293) and students" and "heads of establishments of arts and
trades" to the word "apprentices."
Abandoned child
One who has no proper parental care or guardianship, or 2. Administrators and teachers
those whose parents or guardians have deserted him for a 3. Individual, entity or institution engaged in child care
period of at least six continous months [Art. 141 (2), PD
603] As held in the case of Palisoc vs. Brillantes (G.R. No. L-
29025 October 4, 1971), the phrase "so long as (the



students) remain in their custody" means the protective their parental authority.
and supervisory custody that the school and its heads and
teachers exercise over the pupils and students for as long The principle of parental liability (under Art. 221) is a
as they are at attendance in the school, including recess species of vicarious liability, or the doctrine of imputed
time. There is nothing in the law that requires that for such negligence where a person is not only liable for torts
liability to attach, the pupil or student who commits the committed by himself, but also for torts committed by
tortious act must live and board in the school. In the view others with whom he has a certain relationship and for
of the Court, the student is in the custody of the school whom he is responsible. Parental liability is, in other
authorities as long as he is under the control and influence words, anchored upon the parental authority coupled with
of the school and within its premises, whether the the presumed parental dereliction in the discharge of the
semester has not yet begun or has already ended. duties accompanying such authority (Tamargo vs. CA,
G.R. No. G.R. No. 85044 June 3, 1992).
Note: In no case shall the persons exercising special
parental authority inflict corporal punishment upon the
child (Art. 233).


Special PA Substitute PA Vicarious Liability or Imputed Negligence: Parents and
Rests on the theory that Exercised in case of other persons exercising PA shall be civilly liable for
while the child is in the death, absence, or injuries and damages caused by acts or omissions of their
care and custody of the unsuitability of parents unemancipated children living in their company and under
person/s exercising their PA subject to appropriate defenses provided by law.
special parental (Art. 221)
authority, the parents
temporarily relinquish Persons Exercising Special PA shall be principally and
parental authority solidarily liable for damages caused by acts or omissions
Concurrent with parental NOT exercised of the unemancipated minor.
authority concurrently with the
exercise of parents The parents, judicial guardians or Persons Exercising
Liability is principal and Liability is only Substitute PA shall be subsidiarily liable.
solidary with the minor subsidiary, that is, only if
under their custody the persons with special Note: Liability will not attach if it is proved they exercised
parental authority the proper diligence required under the particular
cannot satisfy their circumstances (Art. 219)
Defense of exercise the No such defense is EFFECTS OF PARENTAL AUTHORITY
proper diligence available in case of acts
required under the or omissions committed I. Upon the Person of the Children
particular circumstances while the child is in the
may extinguish liability custody of the person Rights and duties of parents and those exercising parental
exercising special authority (Art. 220)
parental authority. 1. To keep them in their company, to support, educate
and instruct them by right precept and good example,
In acts and omissions and to provide for their upbringing in keeping with their
committed outside the means;
custody of the school, 2. To give them love and affection, advice and counsel,
entity or institution, for companionship and understanding;
the primary liability of 3. To provide them with moral and spiritual guidance,
the parents to attach inculcate in them honesty, integrity, self-discipline, self-
under Art. 221, the reliance, industry and thrift, stimulate their interest in
unemancipated child civic affairs, and inspire in them compliance with the
must be living in their duties of citizenship;
company AND under



4. To furnish them with good and wholesome educational ten per centum (10%) of the value of the property or
materials, supervise their activities, recreation and annual income, to guarantee the performance of the
association with others, protect them from bad obligations prescribed for general guardians.
company, and prevent them from acquiring habits
detrimental to their health, studies and morals; Fruits and profits of industry of child:
5. To represent them in all matters affecting their a. Owned by the child;
interests; b. Shall be devoted exclusively to the child’s support
6. To demand from them respect and obedience; and education unless the title or transfer provides
7. To impose discipline on them as may be required otherwise.
under the circumstances; and c. Parent may only use such fruits and income shall be
8. To perform such other duties as are imposed by law limited primarily to the child's support and secondarily
upon parents and guardians. to the collective daily needs of the family.

Procedure for imposing discipline on the child (Art. 223) Administration of parents’ property by unemancipated
1. Parent or person exercising parental authority, may child (Art. 227)
petition the proper court of the place where the child 1. The net proceeds of such property shall belong to the
resides, for an order providing for disciplinary measures parents-owner.
over the child. 2. The child shall be given a reasonable monthly
a. Relief prayed for may include commitment in an allowance in an amount not less than that which the
institution in child care duly accredited by the proper owner would have paid if the administrator were a
government authority for not more than 30 days. stranger, unless the owner, grants the entire proceeds
b. If petition is granted, parent shall not interfere with to the child.
the implementation of the decision but shall continue 3. The proceeds given in whole or in part shall not be
to provide for his support. charged to the child's legitime.
Kinds of Properties of a Minor
2. There will be a summary hearing and the child shall be Adventitious (Art. 226) Profectitious (Art. 227)
entitled to the assistance of counsel, either of his choice
or appointed by the court. Earned or acquired by the
Property given by the
3. If in the same proceeding the court finds the petitioner child through his work or
parents to the child for the
at fault, irrespective of the merits of the petition, or when industry by onerous or
latter to administer
the circumstances so warrant, the court may also order gratuitous title
the deprivation or suspension of parental authority or Owned by the child Owned by the parents
adopt such other measures as it may deem just and Child is also the
proper. usufructuary, but the child’s
4. The court may terminate the commitment of the child Parents are the
use of the property shall be
whenever just and proper (Art. 224) usufructuary
secondary to the collective
daily needs of the family
II. Upon the Property of the Children (Art. 225 and 226)
The father and the mother shall jointly exercise legal Property administered by Property administered by
guardianship over the property of the unemancipated the parents the child
common child without the necessity of a court
appointment. Note: The courts may appoint a guardian of the child’s
property, or a guardian ad litem when the best interests of
In case of disagreement, the father's decision shall the child so require. (Art. 222)
prevail, unless there is a judicial order to the contrary.
Note: Two cases where a parent cannot be the AUTHORITY (Art. 228 and 229)
administrator of the property of his children under the
provisions on succession, Art. 923 and Art. 1035 of the Grounds for suspension: (CHOBAN)
Civil Code. 1. Conviction of a crime with the penalty of civil interdiction
2. Harsh or cruel treatment against the child
Exception: Parents are required to file a bond where the 3. Orders, counsel and example which are corrupting,
market value of the property or the annual income of the given by the person exercising authority
child exceeds P50,000. The bond shall not be less than 4. Child is compelled to beg



5. Subjecting child or allowing child to be subjected to acts induce, deliver or offer a minor under his custody to
of lasciviousness, persons described and enumerated in Sec. 10 (b).
6. Negligence, which is culpable, committed by the person
exercising authority (Art. 231)
Note: The suspension or deprivation may be revoked and
parental authority revived if the court finds that the cause Emancipation takes place by the attainment of the age of
has ceased and will not be repeated. (Art. 231 par. 4) majority. Unless otherwise provided, majority commences
at the age of eighteen years. (Art 234 as amended by RA
In case of civil interdiction, the authority is automatically 6809)
reinstated upon service of penalty or pardon or amnesty of
the offender. There is no need of a court order. (Art. 230) Effect of Emancipation
Emancipation for any cause shall terminate parental
authority over the person and property of the child who
shall then be qualified and responsible for all acts of civil
life, save the exceptions established by existing laws in
Grounds for termination of parental authority special cases (Art 236 as amended by RA 6809).
Permanent (Art. 228 and
Temporary (Art. 229)
232) Upon the effectivity of this Act (December 13, 1989),
Death of the parents Adoption of the child existing wills, bequests, donations, grants, insurance
policies and similar instruments containing references and
Appointment of a general provisions favorable to minors will not retroact to their
Death of the child
guardian prejudice (Sec, 4, RA 6809).
Emancipation of the child Judicial declaration of
If the person exercising
parental authority has P ROCEEDINGS IN THE F AMILY
Final judgment divesting the L AW
subjected the child or
parents of parental authority
allowed him to be subjected
to sexual abuse Actions requiring summary judicial proceedings under the
Family Code:
Judicial declaration of
1. To obtain a judicial declaration of presumptive death for
absence or incapacity of the
the purpose of contracting a subsequent marriage (Art.
parents exercising parental
authority over the child.
2. In case of legally separated spouses, when the consent
of one spouse to any transaction of the other is required
Notes: Sec. 10 (b) of the RA 7610 punishes any person by law, judicial authorization shall be obtained in a
who shall keep or have in his company a minor: summary proceeding (Art. 100 [2])
a. Who is 12 years old or younger in any public or 3. In case of legally separated spouses, when the
private place, hotel, motel, beer joint, discotheque, community property is not sufficient for the support of
cabaret, pension house, sauna or massage parlor, the family each spouse is liable with his/her separate
beach and/or other tourist resort or similar places; or property. The spouse present shall petition the court for
b. Who is 10 or more years his junior, in the places the administration of the specific separate property of
enumerated in (a). the other spouse and the use the fruits or proceeds to
satisfy the latter’s share (Art. 100 [3]).
The same provision expressly provides that it does not 4. To confer parental authority over foundlings,
apply to any person who is related to the minor within the abandoned, neglected, and abused children to heads of
fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity or any bond children’s homes and orphanages (Art. 217)
recognized by law, local custom and tradition or acts in 5. To provide for disciplinary measures over the child at
the performance of a social, moral or legal duty. the motion of the parents or any person exercising over
parental authority (Art. 223)
However, Sec. 10 (c) of RA 7610 provides as penalty, 6. For the filing of a bond to enable the parents of a minor
among others, the loss of parental authority to any to exercise of legal guardianship latter’s properties,
ascendant, stepparent or guardian of a minor, who shall



when the value of said properties exceed Php 50,000 2. The funeral shall be in keeping with the social position
(Art. 225) of the deceased (Art. 306 NCC)
7. Determination of the value of the presumptive legitimes 3. The funeral shall be in accordance with the expressed
in cases of partition of the conjugal dwelling (Art. 51) wishes of the deceased
8. In case of disagreement in fixing the family domicile a. In the absence of the expressed wishes, his
(Art. 69) religious beliefs or affiliation shall determine funeral
9. In case of objection to a spouse’s exercise of legitimate rites
profession (Art. 73) a. In case of doubt, the persons in Art. 199, FC
10. In case of disagreement in the administration and shall decide, after consulting other members of the
enjoyment of the community property/conjugal family (Art. 307 NCC)
partnership (Art. 96, 124) 4. No human remains shall be retained, interred, disposed
of or exhumed without the consent of the persons in Art.
Procedure: (Art. 239-248) F-NOPED-J 199, FC (Art. 308 NCC)
1. Upon filing of verified petition in the family court where 5. Any person who disrespects the dead or allows the
the spouses reside (or in the RTC, if there is no family same or wrongfully interferes with a funeral shall be
court), jurisdiction of said court over the petition shall liable for damages (Art. 309 NCC)
attach upon proof of notice to the other spouse. 6. If the deceased is married, the tombstone or
2. Notice to the non-petitioning spouse shall include a mausoleum is deemed a part of the funeral expense
show cause order why the petition should not be and chargeable against ACP or CPG (Art. 310 NCC)
3. The non-petitioning spouse is given the opportunity to U SE OF S URNAMES
answer on or before the date set for the initial
conference as indicated in the notice.
Child Surname
4. The preliminary conference shall be conducted by the
Legitimate Surname of father
judge personally, and the spouses shall not be
accompanied by counsel. After the initial conference, Legitimated Surname of father
the spouses may be assisted by counsel at the court’s Conceived before the
discretion. decree annulling a voidable Surname of father
5. The court may proceed ex parte and render judgment if marriage
despite all efforts, the non-petitioning spouse does not Generally, surname of
appear. mother. May use surname
6. If both spouses are present during the initial conference of father if filiation has been
and the petition is not resolved then, the petition shall expressly recognized by
be decided in a summary hearing on the basis of the father through the
affidavits submitted. Illegitimate record of birth appearing in
7. The judgment of the court shall be immediately final and the civil register, or when
executory. an admission in a public
document or private
handwritten instrument is
F INAL P ROVISIONS made by the father.
Adopted Surname of adopter
Retroactive Effect
The Family Code shall have retroactive effect insofar as it Rules on the surname of a married woman (Art. 307)
does not prejudice or impair vested or acquired rights in 1. A married woman may use:
accordance with the Civil Code or other laws (Art 256). a. Her maiden first name and surname and add her
husband's surname (ex: Maria Aquino-dela Cruz) or
F UNERALS b. Her maiden first name and her husband's surname
(ex: Maria dela Cruz) or
General Guidelines: c. Her husband's full name, but prefixing a word
1. Duty and right to make arrangement for funerals is in indicating that she is his wife, such as "Mrs.” (ex: Mrs.
accordance with right and duty to support under Article Juan dela Cruz)
199, FC. In case of descendants of the same degree, or
brothers and sisters, the eldest shall be preferred (Art. 2. In case of annulment of marriage (Art. 371):
305 NCC).



a. If the wife is the guilty party, she shall resume her a. There is an actual use of another’s name by the
maiden name and surname. defendant
b. If she is the innocent spouse, she may resume her b. The use is unauthorized;
maiden name and surname. However, she may c. The use of another’s name is to designate personality
choose to continue employing her former husband's or identify a person (Tolentino vs. Ca, G.R. no. L-41427
surname, unless: june 10, 1988).
i. The court decrees otherwise, or
ii. She or the former husband is married again to The unauthorized or unlawful use of another person's
another person. surname gives a right of action to the latter. (Art. 378)

3. When legal separation has been granted, the wife shall Change of name is a judicial proceeding in rem.
continue using her name and surname employed before Jurisdiction to hear and determine a petition therefor, by
the legal separation. (Art. 372) law, is acquired after publication of the "order reciting the
purpose of the petition" and the "date and place for the
Note: The language of the statute is mandatory that the hearing thereof"---for three (3) successive weeks in a
wife, even after the legal separation has been decreed, newspaper of general circulation. But, for that publication
shall continue using her name and surname employed to be effective, it must give a correct information. We
before the legal separation. This is so because her therefore rule that for purposes of an application for
married status is unaffected by the separation, there change of name under Article 376 of the Civil Code, the
being no severance of the vinculum. It seems to be the only name that may be changed is the true or official
policy of the law that the wife should continue to use the name recorded in the civil register. In addition, we
name indicative of her unchanged status for the benefit accordingly hold that for a publication of a petition for a
of all concerned ( Laperal vs. Republic, G.R. No. L- change of name to be valid, the title thereof should
18008 October 30, 1962). include, first, his real name, and second, his aliases, if any
(Ng Yao vs. Republic, G.R. No. L-20306 March 31, 1966).
4. A widow may use the deceased husband's surname as
though he were still living, in accordance with Article
370. (Art. 373) A BSENCE

Identity of names and surnames The legal status of a person who has absented himself
1. The younger person shall be obliged to use such from his domicile and whose whereabouts and fate are
additional name or surname as will avoid confusion unknown, it not being known with certainty whether he is
(Art. 374) still living or not (Jurado, Civil Law Reviewer, 19th Ed.
2. Between ascendants and descendants, the word (1999), p. 260).
"Junior" can be used only by a son. Grandsons and
other direct male descendants shall either: Different stages of absence [Paras, 15th ed. (2002), p.
a. Add a middle name or the mother's surname, or 857]: (PDP)
b. Add the Roman Numerals II, III, and so on (Art 375) 1. Provisional absence (Art. 381)- When a person
disappears from his domicile, his whereabouts being
Article 375 restricts the use of “Junior” but social usage unknown, without leaving an agent to administer his
allows the use of “Junior” also for daughters. property.
a. There is no declaration of absence yet but legal
General Rule: No person shall use different names and representative may be appointed only when urgent
surnames (Art. 380). representation is necessary and applies only if no
agent has been appointed to represent the absentee
Exception: Use of pen names or stage names is or agent’s authority has expired.
permitted, PROVIDED it is done in good faith and there is b. The spouse is preferred as the legal representative
no injury to third persons (Art 379) except when they are legally separated.
c. If absentee left no spouse, any competent person any
Usurpation of a name and surname may be the subject of be appointed.
an action for damages and other relief. (Art. 377)
2. Declared absence (Art. 384)
Elements: a. Without administrator - When a person disappears
from his domicile, and 2 years have elapsed without



any news about him, or since the receipt of the last

news. Absence under extraordinary circumstances/ Qualified
b. With administrator – 5 years have elapsed absence (Art. 391)
Presumed dead for all
The following may ask for the declaration of absence:
4 years purposes including
i. Spouse present
opening of succession
ii. Testate or Intestate heirs
iii.Other persons subordinated to rights by death. Presumed dead for
2 years
purposes of remarriage
The judicial declaration of absence shall not take effect
until six months after its publication in a newspaper of
general circulation (Art. 386)

An administrator of the absentee’s property shall be


When the wife is appointed as an administratrix, she Extraordinary circumstances under Art. 391: (LAO)
cannot alienate or encumber the husband’s property or 1. Person on board a vessel or airplane lost during sea
that of the conjugal property without judicial authority. voyage or missing, counted from the loss of the vessel
or airplane
The administration shall cease when: 2. Person in armed forces who took part in war
i. Absentee reappears personally or through an agent 3. Person in danger of death under other circumstances
ii. Death is proven and his existence has not been known
iii. Third person appears and shows proof that he
acquired absentee’s property when absentee was Note: A well-founded belief that the absentee is already
still alive. dead is required before an absent spouse may be
declared presumably dead. The requisites are: (4-RBF)
3. Presumptive death- When the absentee is presumed a. Absent spouse has been missing for 4 years or 2
dead. (Art. 390, 391) consecutive years if the disappearance is under Art.
391 of the Civil Code;
PRESUMPTION OF DEATH (Arts. 390 to 392, NCC) b. Present spouse wishes to remarry;
Absence under ordinary circumstances c. Present spouse has a well- founded belief that the
(Art. 390) absent spouse is dead;
d. Present spouse files a summary proceeding for the
Presumed dead for all
declaration of presumptive death of the absent
spouse (Republic v. Nolasco, G.R. NO. 14053, March
7 years 13, 1993).
For purposes of opening
The legal requirement on the need for judicial declaration
of presumptive death does not apply to a marriage
Presumed dead for celebrated under the (Old) Civil Code as the law itself
purposes of opening presumed as dead the spouse who disappeared for a
succession period of seven (7) years where the present spouse has
no news of the absentee being alive, or for less than
Exception: seven (7) years where the absentee was generally
10 years If at the time of presumed dead (Valdez vs. Republic, G.R. No. 180863,
disappearance person September 8, 2009). Hence, proof of “well- founded” belief
was already 75 years old, is not required.
5 years of absence is
sufficient for this
presumption to apply.
Presumed dead for Acts, events and judicial decrees concerning the civil
4 years purposes of remarriage of status of persons shall be recorded in the civil register
the spouse present (Art. 407). This includes:



1. Births;
2. Marriages; Clerical or typographical error
3. Deaths; It refers to a mistake committed in the performance of
4. Legal separations; clerical work in writing, copying, transcribing or typing an
5. Annulments of marriage; entry in the civil register that is harmless and innocuous,
6. Judgments declaring marriages void from the such as misspelled name or misspelled place of birth or
beginning; the like, which is visible to the eyes or obvious to the
7. Legitimations; understanding, and can be corrected or changed only by
8. Adoptions; reference to other existing record or records [Sec. 2(3)].
9. Acknowledgments of natural children;
10. Naturalization; Exceptions to the exception: (SANS)
11. Loss; or 1. Sex
12. Recovery of citizenship; 2. Age
13. Civil interdiction; 3. Nationality
14. Judicial determination of filiation; 4. Status
15. Voluntary emancipation of a minor; and
16. Changes of name. (Art. 408) Note: Correction or change can be made by the
concerned city or municipal civil registrar or consul
Duty of the Clerk of Court general in accordance with the provisions of this Act and
To ascertain whether the decree has been registered, and its implementing rules and regulations.
if this has not been done, to send a copy of said decree to
the civil registry of the city or municipality where the court The State has an interest in the names borne by
is functioning (Art. 409). individuals and entities for purposes of identification. A
change of name is a privilege, not a right. Petitioner must
Books of the Civil Register and related documents show proper or reasonable cause or any compelling
1. Considered public documents reason which may justify such change (Silverio v.
2. Prima facie evidence of the facts therein contained. (Art. Republic, G.R. NO. 174689, October 22, 2007).
Grounds for change of first name or nickname (Haw Liong
Unlawful alteration (Art. 411) vs. Republic G.R. No. L-21194 April 29, 1966): (HAR)
General Rule: Every civil registrar shall be civilly 1. New first name or nickname has been habitually and
responsible for any unauthorized alteration made in any continuously used by the petitioner and he has been
civil register, to any person suffering damage thereby. publicly known by that first name or nickname in the
Exception: If the civil register proves that he has taken 2. The change will avoid confusion
every reasonable precaution to prevent the unlawful 3. First name or nickname is ridiculous, tainted with
alteration. dishonor or extremely difficult to write or pronounce;

Change of first name or nickname Under R.A. 9048 (An Note: R.A. 9048 does NOT sanction a change of first
Act Authorizing City or Municipal Civil Registrar or the name on the ground of sex reassignment. To rule
Consul General to Correct a Clerical or Typographical otherwise may create grave complications in the civil
Error in an Entry and/or Change of First Name or registry and public interest (Republic v. CA, GR NO.
Nickname in the Civil Registrar without Need of a Judicial 97906, May 21, 1992).
Order, Amending For This Purpose Arts. 376 And 412 Of
The Civil Code) Middle names serve to identify the maternal lineage or
filiation of a person as well as further distinguish him from
Authority to correct clerical or typographical error and others who may have the same given name and surname
change of first name or nickname: (Sec. 1) as he has. The dropping of the middle name of a minor so
that he will not be different from his classmates in
General Rule: No entry in a civil register shall be changed Singapore and on the additional ground that it would
or corrected without a judicial order. cause confusion and difficulty in its pronunciation in
Singapore does not constitute proper and reasonable
Exceptions: Administrative proceeding for change of first cause to drop it from his registered complete name. As he
name or nickname and clerical or typographical errors. is of tender age, he may not yet understand and



appreciate the value of the change of his name and

granting of the same at this point may just prejudice him in Entries subject to cancellation or correction upon good
his rights under our laws (In Re: Petition for Change of and valid grounds (Sec.2)
Name and/or Correction/Cancellation of Entry in Civil 1. Births
Registry of Julian Lin Carulasan Wang vs. Cebu City Civil 2. Marriages
Registrar, G.R. No. 159966, March 30, 2005). 3. Deaths
4. Legal separations
Please refer to Remedial Law Memory Aid for a 5. Judgments of annulments of marriage
comprehensive discussion of the procedural aspects of 6. Judgments declaring marriages void from the beginning
change of name. 7. Legitimations
8. Adoptions
9. Acknowledgments of natural children
11.Election, loss or recovery of citizenship
Cancellation or correction of entries in the Civil Registry 12.Civil interdiction
(Rule 108, Rules of Court) 13.Judicial determination of filiation
14.Voluntary emancipation of a minor
Any person interested in any act, event, order or decree 15.Changes of name
concerning the civil status of persons which has been
recorded in the civil register, may file a verified petition for
the cancellation or correction of any entry relating thereto,
with the Court of First Instance of the province where the
corresponding civil registry is located. (Sec 1)

All persons who have or claim any interest which would be

affected thereby shall be made parties to the proceeding.
(Sec. 3)

Upon the filing of the petition, the court shall:

1. Fix the time and place for the hearing of the same
2. Cause reasonable notice thereof to be given to the
persons named in the petition.
3. Cause the order to be published once a week for 3
consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general
circulation in the province. (Sec. 4)

Opposition may be filed by the civil registrar and any

person having or claiming any interest under the entry
whose cancellation or correction is sought within 15
days from notice of the petition, or from the last date of
publication of such notice. (Sec. 5)

Orders expediting the proceedings and preliminary

injunction for the preservation of the rights of the parties
pending such proceedings may be granted by the court.
(Sec. 6)

After hearing, the court may either dismiss the petition

or issue an order granting the cancellation or correction
prayed for. In either case, a certified copy of the
judgment shall be served upon the civil registrar
concerned who shall annotate the same in his record.
(Sec. 7)



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