Unit # 2: Digital Skills: Q.1: Fill in The Blanks
Unit # 2: Digital Skills: Q.1: Fill in The Blanks
Unit # 2: Digital Skills: Q.1: Fill in The Blanks
vi. ______Shortcut_______________________ is an icon that points a program or data file for easy access.
viii. A technique in computer graphics used to visualize real word objects is called _____3D Model________.
ix. The software that provides any form of entertainment is called ____Entertainment Software____.
xi. The software which is used to support and enhance learning activities is called __Education and
Reference software_____.
Q.2: Match column-A with column-B and write the correct option i.e. (A, B, C, D, E) in column-C.
Q.6: Define Application Software and list three types of Application Software.
Ans: A software which is developed to help the user to perform specific task is called Application Software. Types of
Application Software:
i. Entertainment Software: These software provide different types of entertainment such as video games,
videos, music, cartoon etc.
ii. Productivity Software: These are used for producing information such as text documents, presentations,
worksheets, database, digital paintings, digital videos etc.
iii. Educational and Reference Software: These are used to support and enhance learning activities such as
online encyclopedia, dictionaries, educational games, Google maps etc.