Chapter 3

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1st Year after Hijrah – Main Events

Condition of Madinah

The two main idolator tribes of Yathrib were Aws and Khazraj. There was no security of life
and property due to their inter-tribal wars and disputes which affected their economy too. In
order to put an end to their troubles, Aws & Khazraj were almost ready to choose Abdullah Bin
Ubbay of the Khazraj tribe as leader but the arrival of the Prophet (SAW) undermined his
position. Abdullah Bin Ubbay turned as a lifelong enemy of Islam and a new group emerged in
Madinah under his enmity known as Hypocrites. He was the leader of hypocrites. There were
three main Tribes of Jews namely; Banu Qainuqa, Banu Nadir & Banu Quraizah who were
considered prosperous tribes. They used to exploit the idolaters’ tribes, lend money at high-
interest rates, and threaten the Arabs due to their scriptures' prediction.

Arrival & Welcome to the Prophet (SAW)

A warm reception was given by the people of Yathrib upon the arrival of the Prophet (SAW).
Children were singing with happiness. Many people requested Prophet (SAW) to stay with
them. They grabbed the halter of she-camel (Al Qaswah) but the Prophet (SAW) said,
“Let it go its own way. It is under orders.” She-camel stopped at Banu Malik ibn An
Najjar, a plot belonging to two orphan boys, Sahil &and Sohail. Prophet (SAW) stayed in the
house of Abu Ayyub Ansari, the nearest house to the plot, for almost seven months.

Main Events of the first year in Madinah

Construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi

The first thing Prophet (SAW) did, was to build a

masjid. The price of the plot where his she-camel
stopped, was paid by Abu Bakr (RA), Ten Gold
Coins. The Prophet (SAW) himself participated in
the construction of the masjid. It was a simple
square building. Walls were built with unbaked
bricks, the roof was made of mud, date palm
leaves, and stones, and pillars were of the trunk of
date palm and as floor, sand, and pebbles were spread. A platform was made for poor
Muslims known As – Suffah which served as a base of Islamic education. Two rooms were
built adjoining the masjid for the Prophet (SAW) and his family residence for his two wives
Saudah (RA) and Aisha (RA). While the mosque and his house were being built Prophet
(SAW) stayed at Al Ayub Al Ansari. The mosque was known as Masjid-e- Nabvi. It served as,
a place of worship, a meeting place, a parliament house, a military headquarters and a place
of learning.

Method of Adhan

Method to call for prayer, Adhan was introduced to summon the Muslims to the Masjid for
congregational prayer. Some suggestions were to ring the bell, the way of Christians or to
blow horns, the way of Jews. The prophet rejected both ways. Umar (RA) suggested
appointing someone to call out loudly. “Prayer is about to begin.” Prophet liked it. During
this Abdullah ibn Zayd & Umar (RA) both dreamt the same wordings and the Prophet (SAW)
approved it. He appointed Bilal ibn Rabah Al Habashi as the First “Muazzin” of Islam.


Muhajreen had left their families and belongings in Makkah and now they needed financial
and moral support. Prophet (SAW) established a new bond of Brotherhood between the Ansar
and Muhajirun. Each emigrant was paired with an Ansar –the people of Medina. They were
declared as brothers in faith- It is also known as “Mawakhaat”. The Ansars shared all their
wealth and property with the emigrants and they were even allowed to inherit from them.

The Ansar offered endless support to the emigrants and tried their best to facilitate them. The
emigrants, on the other hand, did not become a burden on the Ansar and soon started living
independently. like Sa’d bin Rabi’a (Ansari) & Abdul Rahman bin Auf (Muhajir). Prophet
(SAW) was being paired with Ali (RA). The Yathrib city was renamed as Madina–tun–Nabi.

The Treaty (charter) of Madinah

After establishing brotherhood, the Prophet (SAW) defined religious, social, and political
relations with Jews to establish peace and friendship. A charter was drawn for the Jews and
various tribes of Madinah known as the “Treaty of Madinah”.
The terms of the charter were as follows:

1. Both parties would enjoy complete religious

freedom and tolerance.
2. Both parties would be allies and make peace
together with outsiders.
3. The Jews and the Muslim civil society will enjoy
equal rights.
4. Madinah would be a city of peace for both
parties. Murder and killing in Madinah will be
5. The allies of both parties would enjoy the same security and freedom.
6. In case of an attack on Madinah, both parties would assist each other and defend it.
7. The Prophet (SAW) would decide all the disputes and his decision would be final.


It completely changed the political, social, and religious life of Madinah. It established political
unity and transformed the city of fighting tribes into a peaceful state.
1st Year after Hijrah – Brotherhood

Establishment of brotherhood in Madinah in 1st Year after Hijrah

The formation of a brotherhood between the Muhajreen (Immigrants from Makkah) and Ansar
(Helpers from Madinah), was one of the first blessed steps of Prophet (SAW) in the First year after
migration to Madinah. It was the strongest form of support in the building and establishment of the
new Muslim society in Madinah.

Reason for Establishing Brotherhood

The migrants were not familiar with Medina’s climate, customs and working conditions. They did not
bring anything with them while leaving Mecca. For this reason, they needed to be familiarized with
Medina’s working conditions and with the Muslims of Medina, who came to be called the Ansar (the
helpers) because they offered all kinds of help to them. Therefore, the Messenger of God gathered
the Ansar and the migrants together five months after migrating to Medina. He appointed ninety
Muslims, forty-five of whom were from the Ansar and the other forty-five from the migrants, as
brothers. This brotherhood was based on the principle of helping each other out, both materially and

Method of Establishing Brotherhood

According to this foundation of brotherhood, leaders of each family in Medina would provide a
Muslim family from Mecca with accommodation and share their belongings with them, and they
would work together. The Prophet did not choose two Muslims to become brothers randomly.
Contrarily, he investigated them carefully and appointed the best matches as brothers. For
instance, there was an exact harmony between Salman al Farisi and Abu’d-Dardaa; Ammar and
Khuzaifa; Talha ibn Ubaydullah and Abu Ayyub, in terms of character, nature, and feelings.

Reaction and response of Ansar and Muhajroon

The Ansar, embraced the migrants with love and sincerity even gave asylum to their Muhajirin
brothers in their own homes and comforted them with their wealth. The Ansar offered endless
support to the emigrants and tried their best to facilitate them. The emigrants, on the other hand,
demonstrated the nobility of conduct and did not become a burden on the Ansar and soon started
living independently. It is reported that Saad ibn Rabi (RA) said to ‘Abdur Rahman bin Awf (RA),
“I am the richest of all the Ansars, so I want to divide my properties (between us), and I have
two wives, so see which of the two you like and tell me, so that I may divorce her and when
she finishes her prescribed period ( ‘Idda) of divorce, then marry her.”
Abdur Rahman said, “May Allah bless your family and properties for you; where is your
market so that I may make my fortune with my own hands” (Bukhari)

Examples of pairs who were brothers in faith

Muhajir Ansaar

Abdul Rahman bin Awf(RA) Saad ibn Rabi (RA)

Salman al Farisi (RA) Abu’d-Dardaa (RA)

Talha ibn Ubaydullah (RA) Abu Ayyub Ansari (RA)

The virtue of Ansaar and Muhajroon in the Qur’an

The ones who have believed, emigrated and striven in the cause of Allah with their wealth
and their lives are greater in rank in the sight of Allah. And it is those who are the attainers
[of success]. (Surah Tawbah 9:20)

Allah has already forgiven the Prophet and the Muhajireen and the Ansar who followed him
in the hour of difficulty after the hearts of a party of them had almost inclined [to doubt], and
then He forgave them. Indeed, He was to them Kind and Merciful. (Surah Tawbah 9:117)

Prophet (SAW) said, “Love for the Ansar is a sign of faith and hatred for the Ansar is a sign
of hypocrisy.” [Bukhari & Muslim]

Outcomes and Conclusion

The brotherhood established yielded positive outcomes in a short time. Various strata of society
got closer to each other with the help of this brotherhood. This brotherhood also abolished
tribalistic pride and enmity. As a result, a society with divine aims, supreme goals, and virtuous
souls emerged.
2nd Year after Hijrah
Battle of Badr

Quraish was displeased with the people of Madinah for giving

shelter to Muslims and demanded Ansars to drive Muslims out as
their demand was turned down, they decided to crush the Strength
of Muslims.

Causes of Battle

Incident of Nakhla and Caravan of Abu Suffyan

Muslims’ patrolling team led by Abdullah bin Jahsh attacked a small caravan of Quraysh in a place called
Nakhla. They captured some people, killed the chief and brought booty to Madinah which displeased Prophet
Muhammad SAW. This incident instigated Quraish’s anger. As Quraysh was looking for the opportunity to take
revenge, permission was granted to Muslims to fight and defend themselves against any invasion. It was
decided to intercept the Caravan of Abu Sufyan which was returning to Makkah. As Abu Sufyan was informed,
he sent a fast rider to ask Makkans to send well-equipped soldiers to save the caravan and teach lesson to
Muslims. Meanwhile Abu Sufyan changed the route and safely returned to Makkah and called the Quraish back
but Abu Jahl insisted on going ahead.

Preparation of both armies

Prophet (SAW) got the news, He consulted his Companions. Ansar willingly joined the Muslim army.

Muslim army consisted of just 313 men (82 Mahajiroon and 231 Ansar) 2 horses, 70 camels, and 6 coats of
armour. Whereas the Quraish army consisted of 1,000 soldiers led by Abu Jahl with 200 horsemen, 700
camels, 600 armoured soldiers.

Muslims chose the area which was hard and it was sloping ground of hill. Muslims occupied a strategic position,
suggested by a companion Al – Hubab Ibn Al – Mundhir. They were closer to the springs of Badr and were
able to build a reservoir and filled with water. Whereas Quraysh encamped on flat and sandy ground in the plain
of Badr, located 60 miles away from Madinah.
Night before the Battle- Dua of Prophet and divine help from Allah

The Prophet (SAW) Spent the night praying to Allah for victory.
“O Allah if this small band of men perishes, there will be no one alive to worship you. And your faith
will be destroyed forever.” (Sahih Bukhari)
Tranquillity was sent to Muslims due to which they slept well at night before the battle. Rain caused water to
collect in plain areas of enemies.

17th Ramadan (Single Combats of Battle)

Battle started with Single combat as the tradition of Arab. Quraysh’s side were Utbah ibn Rabiah, his brother
Sh’aybah ibn Rabiah, and his son Waleed bin Utbah. Muslim side three Ansar men came in front but
Quraysh refused to fight with Ansar, then from the Muslim side, three Muhajiroon came who were Hamza
(RA), Ali (RA) and Ubaydah bin Harith (RA). Hamza (RA) and Ali (RA) both killed their opponent with ease.
Ubaydah (RA) and Utbah had wounded one another. Ali (RA) & and Hamza (RA) ran to Ubaydah’s aid and
killed his opponent. Ubaydah got serious wounds and lost his leg, died on the way back to Madinah.

Prominent Incidents

The Quraish got furious after losing three of their men before the battle had even begun. They charged at the
Muslims and a fierce battle started. The Prophet (SAW) prayed continuously for the success of the believers.
Muslim army seems like a huge army to Quraysh as Allah (SWT) sent 1000 angels to support Muslims.
Then prophet SAW picked up a handful of gravel and threw it in the direction of the pagans and said,
“Confusion seize their faces!”. Just as he threw the gravel, a violent sandstorm blew into the faces of the
enemies as mentioned in the following verse.
“It was not you who threw but Allah” (8:17)

Prophet (SAW) arranged the ranks & and files of the Muslim Army and instructed them to not cast arrows from
a distance. Supported by the invisible army of angels, the Muslims swarmed over the Quraish. Quraish fell one
after another.
The great courage of Muslims made the Quraish flee from the battleground. Two young boys [Mu’adh ibn
Afra and Mu’adh ibn Amr] attacked Abu Jahl. Abdullah bin Masood (RA) cut Abu Jahl’s head and placed it
before the Prophet SAW, who said, “He was the pharaoh of his nation”.
Bilal killed his master, Umayyah Ibn Khalaf. Umar (RA) killed his maternal uncle Asi bin Hashim. Abu Bakr
(RA) faced his son, Abdul Rehman. Prophet (SAW)’s uncle Abbas was captured.

Result of the War

From Quraish, 70 people were dead, including the leader Abu Jahl. 70 were captured. 115 camels, 14 horses
and other goods were collected as spoils of war. Only 14 Muslims were martyred. 6 Muhajiroon and 8
Rich captives were made free on payment of ransom and those who could read and write were to
teach 10 Muslim children in fixed free time to set free.

Muslims were victorious. It strengthened Islam and shattered the power of Quraysh. More people converted to
Islam. Banu Qainuqa was expelled for breaking the treaty.

Virtues of the Participants of the Battle

Quran called this battle “Yum Al Furqan” The Day of Distinguishing.

Allah says, “If you believe in Allah and what we sent down on you servant on the day of distinguishing,
the day two hosts met.” (Al Anfal 8:41)
Rasulullah (SAW) said,” He (Sayyiduna Hatib ibn Abi Balta’ah) was a participant in Badr, and what will inform
you? Perhaps Allah looked down on the people of Badr and said, ‘Do what you like. I have forgiven you” (Sahih
Bukhari, Hadith: 3007 and Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 2494)
3rd Year after Hijrah


Basic causes were same as for the battle of Badr. Defeat at Badr intensified enmity of Quraish. They
wanted to take revenge for their dead and regain their lost prestige. Abu Sufiyan vowed not to take
bath till he had avenged the defeat at Badr, and he prohibited tribes to express grief over the dead.

Preparation of Quraish

Quraish decided to invest their trade profit to fund the battle. Quraish sent Poets to incite the tribes to
seek the revenge and write abusive poems. Their poets motivated the people by writing instigating
poetry to donate generously. Their women joined their cause. Jews and hypocrites also supported
In the leadership of Abu Sufiyan. They marched towards Uhad with 3000 well equipped Army, 200
Horses. Their right wing Commander was Khalid Bin Walid and left wing commander was
Ikramah Bin Abu Jahl. 5 Women join the army too as Hind- Abu Sufyan’s wife & Utbah’s
Daughter, Ume Hakeem-Abu Jahl’s grand Daughter and Fatimah - Khalid bin Waleed’s sister.

Prophet (SAW)’s council of war and Preparation

Prophet (SAW) was informed about the preparations of Quraish so he held a council of war. Senior
citizens wanted to remain in Madinah whereas younger men were eager to fight in open. Prophet
(SAW) yielded the opinion of the majority to fight in open.
Prophet (SAW) advanced with One thousand People to Uhad. Abdullah bin Ubbay with his 300
people of deserted the Muslims with excuse that Prophet (SAW) turned down his suggestion
to fight in city.
Prophet (SAW) marched towards Uhad with Left 700 people. First time Muslim women participated.
Fatima (RA), Nusaybah bint Ka'ab (RA), Umm Salamah. Their main duty was to supply water
and dressing the wounded soldiers.

On the Battle field

Defensive strategy of Prophet (SAW)

Muslims encamped on the rising ground, Mount Uhad was behind. On top of Uhad hill, there was
a pass at the rear which could be crossed by Quraish cavalry. Prophet (SAW) posted 50 archers to
protect Muslims from a possible attack and instructed them not to leave their position under any

Initial victory & Collection of booty

As the battle started, Ali (RA), Talha (RA), Zubair (RA), Abu Dujana (RA) and Hamza (RA) killed
number of prominent Quraish warriors, including their flag-bearer. Muslims fought bravely, killed and
wounded many Quraish warriors.
Quraish were intercepted by Muslim archers when they tried to attack from behind. Due to Muslims’
bravery, Makkans began to retreat, leaving behind a great deal of booty in their camps. Some of the
Muslim’s troops considering this as their victory fell upon the spoils of war in Quraishite Camp.
A Tactical Mistake and attack of Khalid Bin Waleed

Except of 12, the remaining 38 Archers, disobeying the instruction, left the position and got busy
in collecting the booty. Thus, the pass left unguarded.
Khalid bin Waleed took the opportunity and attacked the Muslim Army from the back. A chaos
and panic was created and Muslim army retreated up the Uhad hill. Seeing this fleeing Quraish
resumed fighting and Muslims were trapped between the Makkan soldiers and cavalry.

Reference from Quran

Holy Quran mentioned this battle in the following words,

“Indeed, Allah fulfilled His promise to you when you initially swept them away by His Will, then
your courage weakened and you disputed about the command and disobeyed after Allah had
brought victory within your reach. Some of you were after worldly gain while others desired a
heavenly reward. He denied you victory over them as a test, yet He has pardoned you. And Allah is
Gracious to the believers”. (Al-Imran 3:152)

Prominent incidents

Attack on Prophet (SAW)

Quraish took full advantage of the situation and tried to attack the Prophet (SAW) who was
surrounded and protected by many of his faithful companions.
Prophet (SAW) himself was injured and suffered with wounds on the face, lost a tooth and
became unconscious.
Martyrdom of Musab Bin Umair (RA) and a rumor
In the meantime, Musab Bin Umair was martyred by ibne Qaimi’ah, (one of the leaders of Quraish).
Due to his resemblance to the Prophet (SAW), a rumor spread that the Prophet (SAW) had been
martyred. This news demoralized the Muslim Army. Some of them threw their arms in despair. Soon
Kab Bin Malik (RA) saw and announced that the Prophet (SAW) was alive. Prophet (SAW) was
injured but shielded by his brave companions and eventually carried to a higher place on the Hill by
them. Muslims began to rally around him.
Martyrdom of Hamza (RA)
Prophet (SAW)’s uncle Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib (RA) was martyred by Wahshi a Slave of Hind
chewed the liver of Hamza.

Result of the battle

The battle remained indecisive. Quraish decided to retreat back to Makkah. The dead bodies of
Muslim soldiers were mutilated, and the necklace of their organs was made by the women of
Before leaving the battlefield, Abu Sufyan challenged Muslims for another combat next year.
And declared that this day was in return for Badr.
Bara bin Azib reported” …. Abu Suffyan said, “This is a day of revenge for the day of Badr
and the issue of war is undecided.” (Sahih Bukhari)
70 Muslims Martyred. Quraysh lost only 20 men. Prophet (SAW) forbade the mutilation of
corpses and buried them in a single grave. Muslim Martyrs were also buried in the field of Uhud as
per Prophet's (SAW) instruction.

It lowered the prestige of Muslims. Neighboring tribes broke their alliance. Banu Nadir broke the
alliance and were banished after the incident of Bir Mauna where they tried to assassinate
Prophet (SAW).

A Great Moral Lesson for Muslims

To show loyalty, Unity and discipline.
They acknowledged the causes of defeat i.e., Lack of obedience to Prophet (SAW) and greed.
They became more determined and sincere for Islam and Prophet SAW

Many verses of Surah Al Imran (3rd Surah) comment on this battle, highlighting the mistakes of
Muslims and giving them pieces of advice.
5th Year after Hijrah
Battle of Trench


Prophet (SAW)’s response to Abu Sufyan’s Challenge in the battle of Uhad

Prophet (SAW) led 1500 men at the place of Badr. They waited for 8 days but Makkans did not
show up.

Exiled Jewish tribes’ plotting

Banu Qainuqa and Banu Nadir settled at khayber and exhorted the Quraish in Makkah to fight
against Muslims. They sent a delegation to Ghatafan & other desert tribes to join hands and
agreed to take one year’s harvest of Khayber in return of their support.

Preparation of Quraish

Quraish were annoyed by the boldness of Muslims and instigated by Jews, began to prepare and
inflict a decisive defeat on Madinah after the battle of Uhad. A well-equipped army of ten
thousand soldiers, under the command of Abu Sufyan, marched towards Madinah. Due to the
alliance of many tribes with Quraish, the battle is also known as Al- Ahzab - the battle of Allies
or tribes.

Prophet (SAW)’s Council of War

Muslims got the news from the friendly tribe Banu Khuza. Prophet (SAW) consulted his advisors
on this critical situation. Salman Farsi (RA) suggestion (A Persian strategy of war to dig a trench)
was welcomed.
Madinah was safe from three sides on the account of mountainous terrain so they decided to dig
a trench on the Syrian route which was unsafe.

Digging of Trench

Three thousand companions along with Prophet (SAW) dug the Trench. Which was deep enough
that no man or horse could cross it. It was completed in almost twenty days despite winter time and
shortage of food. Many miracles and blessings of the Prophet (SAW) were observed during this
period. *Such as a handful of dates were sufficient for all the companions. *Prophet SAW
smashed a hard rock easily with three strikes and predicted future victories of Islam.
Main Events of the Battle

Allies’ army was surprised to see the trench without any entrance. They had no choice but to lay
siege to Madinah. Both armies watched silently each other for few days. Muslims defeated the
Allied army attempts to cross the trench by hurling stones and arrows.
A group of polytheists including Amr bin Abd & Ikramah bin Abu Jahl, managed to cross the
trench through a narrow pass near Mount Sila. Ali (RA) killed Amr and made others to evacuate
in state of panic.

Prominent incidents

Conspiracy of Banu Qurayzah (Jewish tribe)

Meanwhile, Banu Qurayzah planned to stab the Muslims from the rear. Prophet (SAW) posted a
small army to keep watch on the Jewish movements and to prevent their attack on Muslim
Prophet (SAW)’s strategy to break their unity

Naim bin Masud (RA) of Banu Ghatafan, worked as a secret agent of the Prophet (SAW) and
successfully created discontent between Banu Qurayzah and the allied army. This did not let the
Jews fulfill their plan against Muslims. Quran mentions this dual threat of the Allies and the Jews.
“When they came upon you from above you and from below you, when your eyes were
stupefied with horror and your hearts leaped to your throats, and you began to entertain
diverse thoughts about Allah. (Surah Al Ahzab- 33:10)

Result of the battle

The siege was prolonged and lasted for a month and Arabs were not used to fighting for a long
time. Because of the shortage of food and bad weather, a large number of Quraish’s camels and
horses died.
Allah (SWT) sent a severe windstorm to the area where the pagans were camped. The wind blew
down their tents and cooking gear. Their hearts were filled with fear and terror. Quraysh hurriedly
left, leaving their possessions.

Allah says in the Quran. “Believers, call to mind Allah's favor to you when enemy hosts
invaded you. Then We sent against them a wind and hosts that you did not see
although Allah was observing all that you were then doing”. (Surah Al Ahzab- 33:9)


Disbelievers faced a humiliated defeat which was a serious blow to the prestige and trade of
Quraysh. It was the last military action of Quraish. Muslim power was recognized throughout Arabia.
Muslims lost only nine men. Banu Qurayzah was punished according to their own law of Tawrah.
There was a great effect on nearer tribes & Islam spread rapidly. Believers’ faith in Allah increased.
Muslims learned new strategies for war. The aid of Allah (SWT) came once again as Muslims
remained obedient and united. The versatile qualities of the Prophet (SAW) as a military leader
were observed.

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Cambridge O level Islamiyat by Dr. Saqib Muhammad Khan Dr. Habib-ur- Rehman

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