Qualitative Procedures
Qualitative Procedures
Qualitative Procedures
Babbie, E. (1990). Survey research methods (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Earl Babbie provides a thorough, detailed text about all aspects of survey design. He
reviews the types of designs, the logic of sampling, and examples of designs. He also dis-
cusses the conceptualization of a survey instrument and its scales. He then provides use-
ful ideas about administering a questionnaire and processing the results. Also included
is a discussion about data analysis with attention to constructing and understanding
tables and writing a survey report. This book is detailed, informative, and technically ori-
ented toward students at the intermediate or advanced level of survey research.
This chapter in the Gage Handbook is the classical statement about experimental
designs. Campbell and Stanley designed a notation system for experiments that is still
used today; they also advanced the types of experimental designs, beginning with fac-
tors that jeopardize internal and external validity, the pre-experimental design types,
true experiments, quasi-experimental designs, and correlational and ex post facto
designs. The chapter presents an excellent summary of types of designs, their threats to
validity, and statistical procedures to test the designs. This is an essential chapter for stu-
dents beginning their study of experimental studies.
Fink, A. (2002). The survey kit (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
"The Survey Kit," is composed of multiple books and edited by Arlene Fink. An
overview of the books in this series is provided in the first volume. As an introduction
to the volumes, Fink discusses all aspects of survey research, including how to ask
questions, how to conduct surveys, how to engage in telephone interviews, how to
sample, and how to measure validity and reliability. Much of the discussion is oriented
toward the beginning survey researcher, and the numerous examples and excellent
illustrations make it a useful tool to learn the basics of survey research.
Fowler, F.). (2002). Survey research methods. (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Floyd Fowler provides a useful text about the decisions that go into the design of a
survey research project. He addresses use of alternative sampling procedures, ways of
reducing nonresponse rates, data collection, design of good questions, employing
sound interviewing techniques, preparation of surveys for analysis, and ethical issues
in survey designs.
Keppel, G. (1991). Design and analysis: A researcher's handbook (3rd ed.). Englewood
Cliffs, Nj: Prentice-Hall.
Geoffrey Keppel provides a detailed, thorough treatment of the design of experi-
ments from the principles of design to the statistical analysis of experimental data.
Overall, this book is for the mid-level to advanced statistics student who seeks to under-
stand the design and statistical analysis of experiments. The introductory chapter pre-
sents an informative overview of the components of experimental designs.
Quantitative Methods 171
Qualitative Procedures
For many years. proposal writers had to discuss the characteristics of qual-
itative research and convince faculty and audiences as to their legitimacy.
Now these discussions are less frequently found in the literature and there
is some consensus as to what constitutes qualitative inquiry. Thus, my sug-
gestions about this section of a proposal are as follows:
174 Designing Research
Is there evidence that the researcher has organized the data for
o Discuss steps taken to gain entry to the setting and to secure permis-
sion to study the participants or situation (Marshall & Rossman, 2006). It is
important to gain access to research or archival sites by seeking the approval
of gatekeepers, individuals at the research site that provide access to the
site and allow or permit the research to be done. A brief proposal might need
to be developed and submitted for review by gatekeepers. Bogdan and Biklen
(1992) advance topics that could be addressed in such a proposal:
• Why was the site chosen for study?
• What activities will occur at the site during the research study?
• Will the study be disruptive?
• How will the results be reported?
• What will the gatekeeper gain from the study?
0 Comment about sensitive ethical issues that may arise (see Chapter 3,
and Berg, 2001). For each issue raised, discuss how the research study will
address it. For example, when studying a sensitive topic, it is necessary to
mask names of people, places, and activities. In this situation, the process
for masking information requires discussion in the proposal.
Comments about the role of the researcher set the stage for discussion of
issues involved in collecting data. The data collection steps include setting
the boundaries for the study, collecting information through unstructured
or semistructured observations and interviews, documents, and visual
materials, as well as establishing the protocol for recording information.
0 Identify the purposefully selected sites or individuals for the proposed
study. The idea behind qualitative research is to purposefully select par-
ticipants or sites (or documents or visual material) that will best help the
researcher understand the problem and the research question. This does
not necessarily suggest random sampling or selection of a large number of
participants and sites, as typically found in quantitative research. A discus-
sion about participants and site might include four aspects identified by
Miles and Huberman (1994): the setting (where the research will take
place), the actors (who will be observed or interviewed), the events (what
the actors will be observed or interviewed doing), and the process (the
evolving nature of events undertaken by the actors within the setting).
0 Indicate the type or types of data to be collected. In many qualitative
studies, inquirers collect multiple forms of data and spend a considerable
time in the natural setting gathering information. The collection proce-
dures in qualitative research involve four basic types, as shown in Table 9.2.
Qualitative Procedures 179
Table 9.2 Qualitative Data Collection Types. Opt1ons. Advantages. and L1m1tat10ns
180 Designing Research
NOTE: This table Includes material taken from Merriam (1998), Bogdan & Biklen (1992). and Creswell
Qualitative Procedures 181
Audio-visual Materials
Discussion of the plan for analyzing the data might have several compo-
nents. The process of data analysis involves making sense out of text and
image data. It involves preparing the data for analysis, conducting differ-
ent analyses, moving deeper and deeper into understanding the data
(some qualitative researchers like to think of this as peeling back the lay-
ers of an onion), representing the data, and making an interpretation of
the larger meaning of the data. Several generic processes might be stated
184 Designing Research
i i
Themes Desc~iption
Validating the
i i
Coding the Data
Accuracy of the -
(hand or computer)
R~ading Through All Data
Organizing and Preparing
Data for Analysis
Raw Data (transcripts,
fieldnotes, images, etc.)
Step l. Organize and prepare the data for analysis. This involves tran-
scribing interviews. optically scanning material. typing up field notes, or
sorting and arranging the data into different types depending on the
sources of information.
Step 2. Read through all the data. A first step is to obtain a general sense
of the information and to reflect on its overall meaning. What general
ideas are participants saying? What is the tone of the ideas? What is the
impression of the overall depth, credibility. and use of the information?
Sometimes qualitative researchers write notes in margins or start record-
ing general thoughts about the data at this stage.
186 Designing Research
e Codes on topics that readers would expect to find, based on the past
literature and common sense
Qualitative Procedures 187
• Codes that are surprising and that were not anticipated at the begin-
ning of the study
• Codes that are unusual, and that are, in and of themselves, of con-
ceptual interest to readers (e.g .. in Asmussen and Creswell, 199 5, we iden-
tified retriggering as one of the codes/themes in the analysis that suggested
a new dimension for us to a gunman incident on campus and that seemed
to connect with experiences of others on campus)
• Codes that address a larger theoretical perspective in the research