Computeractive 469
Computeractive 469
Computeractive 469
Your Passwords WITHOUT ERRORS p355
Are Hacked p38
R 20
ISSUE 469 ❘ 17 FEB – 1 MA
Now Microsoft downloads
it to your PC without
Your friendly guide to tec
o gyy
hnolo your permission!
Museum p10 But you CAN stop it p8
Free entry to the Malware
W7, 8 &
£1.99 YOU
Windows tracks EVERYTHING you do – HOW TO STOP IT
Computeractive is available for international
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While every care was taken preparing this
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responsible for the accuracy of the information
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judgments are based on equipment available
p60 p40
to Computeractive at the time of review.
Computeractive takes no responsibility for the
content of external websites whose addresses
are published in the magazine.
In this issue… CO
P50 RE
50 Stop Microsoft spying
on you
Ever get the feeling you’re being
watched? Well, it’s probably those
people behind Windows. Here’s
how to stop them tracking your
every move
58 Windows 10 settings:
your questions answered
Want to change Microsoft’s defaults? NT!
Perhaps you already have? We explain URGE GE
what happens next and why CHANUR
60 NirSoft’s 10 best programs
One of our favourite software
developers has so many useful free
W7, 8
& 10
tools to offer. We highlight the best 10 Windows tracks EVERYTHING you do – HOW TO STOP IT
NirSoft: ten
t off
the best p60
In ev
y issu
iss e…
… A life
f off Pi?
No thanks
h k
8 News 33 Competition p74
Win Xara Photo & Graphic
11 Question of Designer 11 software
the Fortnight
Is BT treating the British 49 What’s All the Fuss
public like fools? About? Microsoft Research
20 Asus Zen AiO Z240ICGT
A do-it-a
all Windows desktop PC
23 Phil
hilips 272S4LPJCB
This big
gmmonitor for your PC is
p ve and expensive
24 Huawei
Huaw Mate 8
It screen is larger and smarter than
your average large smartphone
sus Zen
e AiO
2 0 CG p20 26 Sony Xperia Z5
Feature-heavy phone with slick
design, but fragile case
Mesh Elite Voyager Sony
S y Xperia
p a
Mini CS p22 Z5 p26 27 Microsoft Band 2
BUY IT! Is Microsoft’s fitness band fit for
★★★★★ purpose?
Microsoft to download
Windows 10 without approval
M icrosoft has begun to
automatically download
Windows 10 on to PCs
unexpectedly high bills for
people with a limited internet
download allowance or
When does persuasion
running Windows 7 and 8, metered connections.
become coercion? Microsoft’s
prompting fury among users. However, you do have an
latest upgrade trap is
In early February the opportunity to refuse the
dangerously close to the latter.
company changed the update automatic upgrade. After the
We’ve never had a problem
status of Windows 10 from files are downloaded you will
with the company promoting
‘optional’ to ‘recommended’. see a screen asking you to
the new OS. Microsoft should
This means that the new confirm that you want the
be proud that Windows 10
operating system (OS) will be upgrade. At this point you can
revives the best of 7 and
downloaded in the background Ward, slammed the “forced choose to stick with your
removes the worst of 8. But
of any PC that has Windows upgrade” as “an unhelpful and current OS, whether it’s 7 or
the more it strong-arms its
Update switched on, without pushy business practice”. 8. You can also choose to
users into upgrading, the more
the user needing to approve it. It’s the latest ploy in reschedule the Windows 10
it resembles the behaviour
The company outlined its Microsoft’s highly upgrade for a more
of gangster heavies. Could
plans to do this in October last controversial marketing convenient time.
Microsoft’s next tactic be
year (read the blog post at campaign to persuade Critics of Microsoft say that
an email beginning: “Nice, Windows 7 and 8 users to many people will be “tricked”
computer you have here -
saying: “Our aspiration is for upgrade. It’s likely to be very into installing Windows 10
would be an awful shame if
customers to choose effective because most people because they have become
something happened to it”?
Windows, and to love leave Windows Update enabled accustomed to clicking ‘OK’ to
Windows”. in order to receive security begin Windows updates. With
Computeractive readers on fixes and new features. this particular upgrade, they users who do accidentally
our Facebook page (www. Microsoft itself “strongly may not realise that they are upgrade. Microsoft gives you discourages” users from agreeing to a whole new 31 days to revert to your
responded with a mixture of disabling Windows Update. operating system. previous OS.
dismay and anger. Peter Microsoft says this won’t
Willetts wrote: “Whatever Huge download happen because users will be Windows 10 overtakes
happened to freedom of The download will take up “clearly prompted” to make a XP and 8.1
choice ? Why do Microsoft between 3.5GB and 6GB of decision, thereby minimising Recent figures suggest that
think they know better than storage space on hard drives. any confusion. Microsoft’s aggressive
us?”Another reader, David Such large files could result in There is a safety net for marketing of Windows 10 is
working. Since December 2015
HOW TO AVOID THE UPGRADE the proportion of PCs running
it has risen to almost 12 per
You can stop Windows 10 Windows Update. Click ‘Change cent, overtaking XP and 8.1.
being automatically downloaded settings’ on the left, then below But Windows 7 remains
in Windows 7 and 8 by ‘Recommended updates’ untick far ahead on 52 per cent.
knowing which box to untick the box ‘Give me recommended Microsoft’s target is to install
in Windows Update. Click the updates…’ (see screenshot). Windows 10 on a billion
Start menu, Control Panel, Click OK. You’ll still receive devices. To hit that, it needs
‘System and Security’, then security updates. to persuade millions of
Windows 7 users to upgrade.
ible –
Windows 10 is incredibl Wind
i dows 10: on the Money
why wouldn’t you wan ?
nt it? I was surprised to read that Geoff
I’m amazed by some letterrs Gr
Griffiths is unable to use Microsoft
from readers, and wonder
er whyhy Money y Plus in Windows 10 (Letters, Issue
they use something so modern a as a 468).
) I ha
have now installed Windows 10 on
computer when their minds are four
f PCs
Cs and I have MS Money working
completely closed to progress. Why perfectl
f ly on all of them. On two
would any sane person not want nt a machin
h nes I have the original MS Money
free advance in computing – and d 2005, an
and the other two are running
what an incredible advance Mone ney Plus. One of the machines was
Windows 10 proves to be. alre
l eady running Money 2005 when
I’ve upgraded my desktop PC a andd ffour I uppgraded from Windows 7 to
laptops to Windows 10. The upgrradesd Window
d ws 10, but on the other three I
were accomplished faultlessly and have
h insstalled Money after upgrading.
without any great need for computer XP diehard
diehards are Alan J Brown
know-how. Two of the machines ran ‘worse than dinosaurs’
Windows 8 – they belong to my young Personally, I think it’s generous to Shame that people left
grandchildren and they don’t seem to call Windows XP users ‘dinosaurs’. Friends Reunited for
be having any trouble with the new I would perhaps go back further in time, Facebook
operating system. and say that XP is like the primordial The death
I have never found any update simpler, swamp, and its users like single-celled of Friends
and the improvement in reliability and organisms. I’m sorry if this leads to a Reunited (News, Issue 468) made me sad.
performance has been noticeable on all torrent of abuse from XP devotees, but I used the site quite a bit years ago to
the computers. I’m convinced Windows there have been four operating systems track down old school friends from the
10 will be one of the most loved operating since XP launched, plus countless 1950s, and we’re still in touch. To me, the
systems once people have had time to use updates. website represented a more civilised, less
it for longer. I would understand it if XP was like self-obsessed type of internet, an era BF
Derek Peters a vintage car, and users had spent years (Before Facebook). In these BF years the
renovating it. But XP users don’t continue internet was a pleasant place, an escape
Use Windows 10? Vista is to use it because it’s a design classic from from the real world, somewhere you’d go
still good enough for me a bygone age. They do so because they for fun, curiosity, random discoveries and
Can I be the only one who is fed simply can’t be bothered to learn a new friendly conversation. Now it’s populated
up with people pointing fingers of operating system. by preening morons taking selfies with
derision at people who use a previous Robert Mason preening moronic celebrities.
version of Windows? It gets more
annoying every week, particularly when
there is a new kid on the block like Hospital Wi-Fi is ‘a lifeline’ for patients
Windows 10.
Whenever you buy a new PC you I was rather surprised to read
always get a nasty feeling that a couple of Ruth Stack’s views on free
years down the line a new operating Wi-Fi in hospitals (‘Doctors will
system will come along, at which point take selfies in surgery’, Issue 467).
the manufacturer and other companies My husband was recently seriously
will say that what you’re using is out of ill in a hospital where there was no
date. They say they won’t support it phone signal. Wi-Fi enabled him to
anymore, pointing the finger at you as keep in touch with us at home and
though it was your fault for buying it in also download the daily paper to
the first place. read.
As well as a laptop that runs Windows Having been rushed to hospital
10, I’m still using a Vista desktop myself a year ago, my phone was understand it more fully. Taking a selfie
computer that is perfectly adequate for my lifeline. It helped me keep in touch could not have been further from my
my needs. So everybody can go ahead with friends and family via Wi-Fi or mind. And whoever said, like Ruth did,
and have a good laugh if they want, 3G. It also enabled me to know what that hospitals had to be “solemn
but it’s only a matter of time before was going on in the world and also to places”? Being cheerful and happy gets
Windows 10 is derided as being wholly look up online some of the treatment you well quicker!
inadequate. that I was receiving, allowing me to Linda Hawkins
Dave Quinton
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recent versions of Windows (8 and 10) include built-in ways to the program to the location of your choice. CloneApp needs
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CloneApp is a clever tool that can help you with precisely stick and run it from there. You can also back up the settings
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1 CloneApp lists all the 2 Click Custom to create your 3 Click Options to change 4 For each program, you’ll
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top to see the supported for more want to back up your Click the Start CloneApp
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programs turn to page 60.
Acer Chromebook
mebook 15
5 C910
C 0
Computeractive is owned by Dennis
Publishing, which owns a hi-tech facility
for testing the latest technology. You’ll
The biggest Chromeb
k yet
y t often read references to our benchmark
testing, which is a method of assessing
products using the same criteria. For
Chromebooks use Google’s leess example, we test the speed of every
demanding Chrome OS softw ware, PC and the battery life of every tablet
rather than Microsoft’s Wind ndows,, in exactly the same way. This makes
as a way of getting acceptable le our reviews authoritative, rigorous
performance out of very chea eap hardware.
h d and accurate.
And when you’re trying to makem k a Dennis Publishing also owns
laptop for as little money as the magazines PC Pro, Computer
possible, you don’t start withth Shopper, Web User and Micro Mart
a massive screen. So most and the website Expert Reviews
models come in an 11 or 13in ( This
format. Acer’s Chromebook 15 means we can test thousands of
C910 is the exception to the rule,
r l with ha products before choosing the most
full 15.6in display. relevant for Computeractive.
The catch is that it doesn’t show
sh any
y It’s poweredd by an Intell Celeron
l 3205U
own up
more pixels; they’re just blow p bigger
b gg dual co e processor.
dual-core p y Windows
(there is a version that comes with a standards, this might as well be a Our writers follow strict guidelines to
1920x1080-pixel Full HD screen, but it six-year-old child doing sums with a ensure the reviews are fair and
isn’t sold in the UK). So although icons, crayon. But for Chrome OS, it’s adequate, impartial. The manufacturer has no
labels and word- processor text look and Acer has paired it with a relatively involvement in our tests.
relatively large, they don’t look very crisp. generous 4GB of memory. We found that
Still, we found colour accuracy and apps ran smoothly, web pages loaded OUR AWARDS
contrast weren’t terrible, so you could without the stuttering you’d normally We award every product
have a go at tasks like photo-editing, expect on a cheap Windows or Android that gets five stars our
using apps such as Pixlr Touch Up, if device, and switching between several BUY IT! Buy It! stamp of approval.
you had a mind to. tabs didn’t test our patience. ★★★★★ It means we were
There is the option to buy the C910 extremely impressed by the product,
with an Intel Core i3 processor and 32GB and we think you will be too.
Average screen, of storage, but the cheapest we found for
these specs was £345, which seems a lot. Every product that gets a
modest storage, but it’s If you’re committed to trying the Chrome four-star review is given
way – everything in the cloud, nothing on the Great Pick award. We
a smooth performer your hard drive – 16GB should be highly recommend these
enough. But if you don’t need a big products, although they just fail to meet
screen, consider Dell’s Chromebook 11 the high standard of our Buy It! winners.
Chrome OS is designed for working on instead. For a similar price (£221 from
the web, though some apps also work, it’s far less PRICES
offline for when you can’t get an internet bulky and even tougher. Our reviews contain a link to the best
connection (see the list of apps at www. At 2.2kg, the C910 falls into the price we found online at the time of press. However, that’ll ‘luggable if necessary’ category rather
only work if you have room on your than than the truly portable, but this is
Chromebook for apps and documents, partly because it’s built to withstand VERDICT: It’s a shame the display isn’t
b t the
but th C910 comes rough treatment. And yet the flimsy lid better, but if you find small screens
h only
with ly 16GB didn’t quite convince us in this respect, hard to read, the C910 could be the
off storage.
g though the C910 does feel reasonably well Chromebook for you
made, with a very usable full-size
keyboard and smooth trackpad.
ALTERNATIVE: Toshibaiba Satellite C40
SPECIFICATIONS £199 This 14in laptop with
1.5GHz Intel Celeron 3205U processor • 4GB memory Windows 8.1 (upgradada
• 16GB flash storage • 15.6in 1366x768-pixel screen •
free to Windows 10) is great
Webcam • SD card slot • 1x USB 2.0 port • 1x USB 3.0
port • 802.11ac Wi-Fi • Chrome OS • 24x383x256mm value if Chrome
(HxWxD) • 2.2kg • One-year warranty doesn’t appeal
black, which makes it all but invisible. The two handy USB ports on the
It may be pricey but If you’re using it as part of a home- front of the case support USB 3.0, and
entertainment system, it could be tucked there are four more like them on the
it’s fast, future-proof away wherever you’d put a subwoofer back, along with two meeting the even
(assuming your cables stretch that far). Its faster USB 3.1 standard and two basic
and handles all your big, quiet fans won’t be audible there. It USB 2.0 sockets for your mouse and
peripherals does lack a standard DVD drive (they
really will be extinct soon) so there’s no
keyboard. All your older USB peripheral
devices can plug into any of those.
need to keep it within easy reach. Both wired and wireless networks are
Economists, meanwhile, note that once What’s inside? For starters you have handled at top speed by a Gigabit
a price point is established, it tends to an Intel Core i7-6700K processor, from Ethernet port and 802.11ac Wi-Fi, the
stick. The £999 PC was around for quite a Intel’s new Skylake range, which would latter with an external aerial for the
while. Eventually the cost of components cost you £300 on its own. It’s very fast. As best reception.
drifted down, and you could get a pretty a comparison, we’ve seen £500 PCs using Not everyone needs to spend this much
decent desktop for £899, then £699. AMD’s Athlon X4 860K processor, which on a PC. But if you want no limitations
Today you can find something without runs at 4GHz – like the i7-6700K. and no need to upgrade for years to come,
too many compromises even for £499, or However, the Intel processor scored the Voyager Mini CS is a fine choice.
five hundred quid, as your brain just nearly three times higher in our tests.
rightly estimated. That means it’ll cruise through any SPECIFICATIONS
That being the case, why would you task, no matter how ambitious, aided and 4GHz Intel quad-core i7 6700K • 16GB memory
spend a grand on a PC? The compact abetted by a generous 16GB of memory. If • 250GB SSD • 1TB hard drive • Nvidia GeForce
GTX 970 • 2x USB 3.1 ports • 6x USB 3.0 ports •
Mesh Elite Voyager Mini CS answers the you think you’ll need even more, for £168
2x USB 2.0 ports • Gigabit Ethernet port • DVI port
question rather elegantly, and, of course, you can upgrade to 32GB when ordering, • HDMI port • 2x Mini DisplayPort • Windows 10 •
with a pound to spare. On the outside, or swap the modules later yourself. 210x250x374mm (HxWxD) • Two-year warranty
it’s not so much like a PC as a first-aid Heavy-duty creative jobs, like video
box. The plain white case also comes in editing, will benefit from the Nvidia
GeForce GTX 970 graphics card, as long as VERDICT: The Intel Skylake i7 processor
your software can take advantage of it. gives you exceptional processing
To store all your programs and files, the power, and the rest of this system
1TB Seagate Barracuda hard drive is amply keeps up
included. It is exceptionally fast, but you
also get a 250GB SSD on a high-speed M.2
connector. With Windows 10 running ALTERNATIVE: Scan 3XS
from this, you can start up the PC and Z170 £1,070 This impressed d
load programs almost instantly. There us in the autumn, but it has
are three SATA3 connectors left over for a weaker i5 processor and
more internal drives if you need them only 8GB of memory, so the he
later (you will if you shoot a lot of photos Mesh is better value
or videos).
Huawei Mate
ate 8
A super-sized smartph
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Sony Xperia Z5
A more interesting phone than you think
Sometimes the best upgrades are the you should appreciate the Z5’s
subtlest. Sony’s Z2, Z3 and Z3+ made design, which rivals Apple’s for
slow progress, and the Z5 still looks much luxurious minimalism. A
the same. But this is actually a great new fingerprint reader has been
phone. As before, the metal and glass added to the power button on
case (available in white, black, blue-green the right-hand edge, the most
or gold) is resistant to water and dust. sensible location we’ve seen –
Its characteristic square corners are easy to reach when you
protected by bumpers, and the frame pick the phone up or when it’s
now has a slight lip at the rear, which we lying flat. We also like the way
reckoned would protect the elegantly Sony provides a camera-shutter
frosted glass back. button at the bottom right.
However, to accommodate this,
it has moved the volume controls directly Z5 will last up to two days). It certainly
Slick design, clever above the shutter, making them more lasted a day even with some game-
fiddly to use and easier to activate playing. Our only grumble is that there’s
features and great battery by accident. no charger in the box – you’re expected to
A brand new rear camera brings a provide your own USB mains adapter or
life, but don’t drop it larger sensor chip and a wider aperture charge more slowly from a PC’s USB port.
as well as higher resolution. SteadyShot
How wrong we were! We managed to optical image stabilisation avoids wobbly VERDICT: It’s not outstanding at any
drop the test model – and its rear panel photos and brings a lovely smoothness to one thing, but the Z5 gives you all the
shattered. All things considered, you videos. Our pictures didn’t quite match right features and no major flaws in a
might want to use a protective case. those from Apple’s latest camera, beautifully understated phone
Assuming you’re less clumsy than us, especially in low light, but we were more
than happy with them.
SPECIFICATIONS In our tests, the Snapdragon 810 ALTERNATIVE: Google Nexus
5.2in 1920x1080-pixel screen • 23-megapixel processor kept Android 5 running very 6P £440 This slightly larger
rear camera • 5.1-megapixel front camera • 32GB
smoothly, and the medium-sized Full HD phone lacks a microSD slot for
flash storage • MicroSD card slot • 802.11ac Wi-Fi •
Bluetooth 4.1 • 3G/4G • Android 5.1 • 154x76x7.8mm screen showed high levels of brightness, extra storage, but comes with
(HxWxD) • 180g • One-year warranty contrast and colour accuracy. Android 6 and is a worthy rival Battery life is excellent (Sony claims the
Microsoft Band 2
A fitness band that we could live with
Wacom Intuos
os Art
The pen is mightier than the
h mouse
commercial studios, with a drawing area Manga Studio 5), normally £35, which
It’s nicely designed, that’s slightly less than half A4, but we
found there was still just about room to
you can pay to upgrade or use as a
cut-down version when the trial expires.
comfortable to use and draw comfortably. It recognises finger
taps and gestures as well as the stylus,
Intuos Photo (also £75) comes with the
full version of Corel PaintShop Pro X8
pretty good value and you can control regular Windows (worth £45). Mac users also get a version
features as well as art software. of Macphun Creative Kit thrown in,
Like most graphics tablets, it’s just a which would normally cost over £70. This
Wacom is the big name in this area, sensing surface, not a screen: you plug it will make PC users feel short-changed,
and although its Intuos Pro and Cintiq into your PC via USB. As you draw ‘blind’ but it’s still a good deal. You can knock a
tablets are beyond most budgets, it also with the pen, your work appears on the few pounds off all of these prices if you
offers much more affordable versions. monitor. It senses pressure, so you can shop around.
The Creative Pen & Touch Tablet is vary lines by pressing harder, making You can also buy Intuos Draw at just
sold as Intuos Art, Intuos Photo or Intuos drawing feel quite natural. £55, with ArtRage Lite, a £25 painting
Comic; the difference is in the software It’s never going to be as natural as program. This can be upgraded to
that’s included. With the Art, you get drawing on an iPad, especially with an ArtRage 4.5, for £21 (a 50 per cent
Corel Painter Essentials 5, a basic version ‘active’ stylus, such as the Adonit Jot discount). The catch is that you get the
of the leading ‘natural media’ program, Touch PixelPoint (for iPads, £57 from plain Creative Pen tablet, which only
used by artists and illustrators to produce, or Apple’s recognises the stylus, not your fingers.
artwork reminiscent of paints, pastels Pencil (for iPad Pro, £79 from www.
and pencils. That’s the way to go SPECIFICATIONS
Corded tablet with cordless stylus • USB • Active area
The Creative Pen & Touch Tablet feels if you can afford it. For Mac users, the 152x95mm • 290g • Two-year warranty • Requires
plasticky, but is nicely designed. Extra Astropad app (£8) even lets you use the Windows 7 or OS X 10.8.5 or later www.snipca.
buttons on the surface and on the pen let iPad as a graphics tablet for your desktop com/19496
you operate functions without having to software. Unless you already have an
reach for your keyboard. It’s much iPad, though (there are no VERDICT: Mastering a graphics tablet
smaller than the tablets you’ll see in comparable styluses for Android), takes some time, but this one is usable
the Intuos is much cheaper. and good value if you want to improve
Which bundle should you your art
buy? Intuos Art has an official
price of £75 including Painter
Essentials 5, which is £30 on its ALTERNATIVE: Huion H610 Pro £64
own. Intuos Comic swaps this for If you want a bigger
Anime Studio Debut 10, a good tablet, this is a popular
choice for beginners who want to learn and decent option for
how professional animators work. For the price, though it can
still comics, you get a two-year trial of be fiddly to set up
Clip Studio Paint Pro (also known as
13.3in is a practical size for a laptop, and The 2015 update to Apple’s 7.9in
this light but sturdy ‘ultrabook’ has a tablet greatly improves the screen
smart and slim design that does justice Proving
Pr in that you d
don’t need an Intel and camera, boosts performance, and
to its capable performance. Upgradeable processor, Palicomp has built an makes it worth the £100 extra over the
to Windows 10, it’s limited mainly by its excellent PC around AMD’s Athlon X4 iPad mini 2 (still a good budget buy).
128GB SSD, which makes it work fast but 860K and Radeon R7 370 graphics Go for the £399 64GB version if you
might leave you needing more space. card. Runs Windows 7, 8.1 or 10. can, though.
ALTERNATIVE Toshiba Satellite C40-C ALTERNATIVE: Chillblast Fusion Orion ALTERNATIVE: Apple iPad Air 2 The
This 14in Windows 10 laptop looks like it i3 As long as games aren‘t a priority, this 9.7in option is still slim and light, also
cost a lot more. It’s not the most amazing almost invisibly plain black box has all has Touch ID and Apple Pay, and the
PC, but it’s fantastic for the price. £200 you need in an all-round budget system. range of apps beats Android. £399
from £380 from from
It may look like the 2014 model, but A wide-angle lens to capture scenes, a With a new
ew high-reso
tion sc
screen, the
this update is stronger and faster, longer fast lens for flattering portraits affordable Kindle lacks only automatic
with a higher-resolution camera, and a telephoto for distant subjects brightness adjustment and page-turn
time-saving 3D Touch features and an – the 12-megapixel FZ330 gives you buttons (you have to swipe the screen).
excellent screen. The bigger 6s Plus them all in one unit, with a fixed high- It’s great value as long as you’re happy
has better battery life. quality zoom lens. to buy your books from Amazon.
ALTERNATIVE: Moto X Play Motorola’s ALTERNATIVE: Sony A5000 This neat ALTERNATIVE: Kobo Glo HD As good
fun phone may be plasticky, but it runs compact system camera (CSC) lets you as the Paperwhite, but with more
Android 5 smoothly. The screen, camera choose different lenses from Sony’s storage, and slightly more compact,
and battery life are all big pluses. £260 range for more creative possibilities. this is the independent e-reader to pick.
from £249 from £90 from
Kaspersky Internet Security 2016 has won Lightroom is the professional’s choice
our past seven antivirus tests. Compatible for managing and tweaking photos,
with Windows 10, the 2016 edition is including raw files from DSLR cameras. A 40in smart TV with great picture
available at an exclusive reader discount If you need Photoshop for more quality and apps for all the terrestrial TV
on our Software Store. Go to the link advanced editing, get both on the Adobe catch-up services. It has plenty of extras
above for a one-device licence, or buy a CC Photography Plan for £8.57 a month too, such as recording to USB storage,
three-device licence for just £39.99 at ( playing media files stored on a NAS or USB stick and plenty of HDMI ports.
ALTERNATIVE: Xara Photo & Graphic
ALTERNATIVE: Avast Free Antivirus Designer 11 For all-round design ALTERNATIVE: Sony KDL-43W755C
Almost as good as Kaspersky, but and drawing plus photo filters, this Excellent image quality, stylish looks
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Free from from
Devolo dLAN 1200 Triple+ Xara Web Designer Win 1 of 5 Xara Photo &
Starter Kit Premium 11 Graphic Designer 11
£119 from £70 from The 11th version of
Tested: Issue 444 Tested: Issue 453 Xara Photo & Graphic
Designer, which won a
five-star ‘Buy It’ award
in Issue 467, has plenty
of outstanding new
features. These include
a set of paintbrushes that create
realistic strokes in styles such as acrylic
paints and watercolours. With a large
collection of templates and the scope
Devolo’s latest HomePlug adapters are This visual web-design program makes to perform countless tasks, it’s simply
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passthrough socket is frustrating. efficient HTML code and responsive follow @XaraGroup on Twitter, and
£43 from pages £38 from ‘like’
STEP Before installing Registry Finder, you need to find out
2 your PC’s version. Right-click Computer, click
Properties and look next to ‘System type’ 1 . Next,
1 create a new folder on your Desktop. To install the program, go
to and click the link (64bit or 32bit) 2
that corresponds to your PC. Open the downloaded zipped
folder and extract its files to the folder you created. Finally, open
this folder on your Desktop, click the RegistryFinder setup file,
then click Run to launch the program.
STEP The handiest feature of Registry Finder is the ability to STEP By default, the registry keys are listed vertically in the
3 go directly to any registry key simply by typing (or
copying and pasting) its location path in the address 4 section on the right. If the section contains numerous
keys, click the Grid Lines button 1 to add a grid that
bar at the top (in Registry Editor you must navigate multiple will help you distinguish them. You can jump back or forward
menus). For example, type HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control between the registry keys by clicking the Back or Forward
Panel\Accessibility\ToggleKeys 1 into the bar at the top, then buttons 2 . You can also click the dropdown menus beside
press Enter to reach the ToggleKeys key 2 . You can use this each button 3 to see a list of all the keys you visited previously.
method whenever you come across the path of a registry key (in From here, click the key 4 you want to jump to.
Computeractive or online, for example) that you want to edit.
STEP To search for a specific item and locate its key without
5 navigating through multiple menus, first click the
search icon 1 . Next, type a keyword for the item you
want in the ‘Find what’ field 2 , then click Find 3 . By default,
1 Registry Finder searches your entire registry, so the process can
take anything up to a minute.
STEP Like the Windows Registry Editor, Registry Finder has a STEP Registry Editor lets you access only one registry key at
8 Favourites section, which is useful for quickly reaching
keys you often access. You can import any favourites 9 a time. However, Registry Finder lets you navigate to
multiple keys by opening them in different tabs
from Registry Editor to Registry Finder. To do this, click (similar to opening separate tabs in Chrome). You’ll already
Favorites 1 , Import RegEdit Favorites 2 , then click OK. Now have the first tab (Local Registry) 1 open. To add a second one,
click Favorites again and you’ll see all your RegEdit favorites in a click File 2 then click Open Local Registry. Repeat this to open
list at the bottom. To add a key you access often, simply navigate as many registry tabs as you want. You can now access multiple
to that key 3 within Registry Finder, click Favorites, then click registry keys within each tab.
‘Add to Favorites’ 4 . Name the key whatever you want, then
click OK. 2
1 3
2 1 3
STEP Keep clicking Next until you reach the ‘Now add Dashlane to your STEP You’ll now see tabs for sites, including
2 browser’ screen, then click ‘Add Dashlane now’. Your default
browser will open and you’ll be prompted to add the Dashlane 3 Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo. If you’ve
previously logged into any of those websites
browser extension. If you use Chrome, click ‘Add it now. Finish set up!’ 1 , on your browser, you’ll be taken to that site by
then ‘Add extension’ 2 . Next click ‘See what Dashlane can do’. You’ll need clicking its tab. Finally, click ‘Go to the app’ to open
to fill in your personal details, then click ‘Great! Let’s try it out’. In the the Dashlane program on your PC. Click Passwords 1 ,
blank form on the next page, click inside any field then click the pop-up then ‘Click to start’. You’ll see a list of the websites
menu to fill in the form automatically. you’ve logged into 2 . Move your cursor to any of the
sites’ icons, then click ‘Go to website’ 3 . Dashlane
will automatically log you into that website in your
default browser.
1 2
STEP Here, you’ll see all your websites with Dashlane’s safety
[2] – and
7 level ratings (as a percentage) 1 . Click any of the
Detailed Password Analysis sections at the top to see
those sites. To change your password for any of these, simply
4 click ‘Replace now’ 2 beside the relevant one. As in Step 6 this
securely logs you into that website and directs you to its ‘Change
password’ section, where you’ll see the option to enter your old
2 password and type and confirm a new one. ●
STEP To install Who Stalks My Cam (WSMC), go to www. STEP The program doesn’t track your webcam activity by
1, scroll to the bottom of the page
and click Proceed Download. Open the downloaded 2 default, so click the Active Now button at the bottom
right to let it start tracking. If you want to test whether
compressed folder and run the setup file 1 (run the Portable your webcam is working, click the Phrozen dropdown menu 1 ,
folder’s 2 setup file if you want to install a portable version of and select Webcam Testing, then click Start to switch it on.
the program). Now click Next, accept the licence agreement, Whenever your PC’s webcam is activated (either by you or
then keep clicking Next until you reach Install, then click that. someone else), you’ll see a pop-up notification 2 . From here,
On the final screen, untick the first box 3 , tick the second you can either close your webcam 3 or terminate the program
box 4 , then click Finish to launch the program. that’s using it 4 .
4 3 2
3 3
4 4
STEP The Options tab lets you configure the program’s STEP Hackers are likely to spy on you when your PC is idle.
4 settings. Tick both boxes in the General Options
section – the first 1 lets you monitor your webcam’s 5 WSMC has excellent tools to counter this. Tick the first
box in the Security Policies section 1 to automatically
activity and the second 2 starts the program with your PC. close your webcam when it’s being used as a background
Ensure Active Toast Notification System is ticked 3 . This process. Tick the second box 2 to automatically close your
displays the pop-up notification every time your webcam is webcam when your PC is idle. Use the time field 3 and
activated (see Step 2). By default, you’ll see this notification for dropdown menu 4 to set how long your webcam stays on after
four seconds, but you can extend or shorten this duration by your PC goes into idle mode.
ticking the ‘Hide automatically…’ box 4 and changing the value
in the Seconds field.
STEP To install TrayStatus, go to STEP 1 and A tell you respectively whether your Number
1 and click the blue Download Now button. Click the
downloaded setup file, Yes, Next, accept the licence 2 Lock and Caps Lock keys are on. The cog icon shows
you your PC’s activity (R and W represent its Read
agreement, then keep clicking Next until you reach Install. and Write speeds). Click and drag the 1 and A icons from the
Click this, then click Finish to launch the program. You’ll see ‘hidden menu’ to your System Tray to see them. If your Caps
three new icons (1, A and a cog 1 ) in your System Tray. If you Lock or Number Lock key is on, the relevant icon will appear in
don’t see these icons, click the ‘Show hidden icons’ 2 button a green box 1 . You can add five other icons to your TrayStatus
to reveal them. System Tray. To do this, right-click an icon, then click
TrayStatus Settings 2 .
1 NEXT ISSUE 2 March
• Add Windows 7 tools to 10
• Discover what’s slowing your PC
• Always avoid fake download buttons
• Send texts from your PC
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The winner of every Tip of the Fortnight wins this exclusive Computeractive mug!
PHOTO EDITING far left of your panorama should be at the (say, Terry Wogan) within na
Create a panoramic image top of the list and so on). To rearrange specific website (for example,
using IrfanView your images, click its file name, then click The Guardian) type
Living in the beautiful Lake District, the ‘Move images up’ or ‘Move images terry wogan into the search engine’s URL
I’m lucky to be surrounded by some down’ button on the right (see screenshot bar at the top.
of the most breathtaking views in the below left). When you’ve finished, click Similarly, you can search for a term
country. I know it’s considered a bit ‘Create image’ at the bottom to merge that only appears in the headline of the
old-fashioned, but I prefer using my your images into a panorama. article by searching for intitle: terry
digital camera to capture these views (it’s Brad Hawkins wogan. What’s even better is that you
better than any phone). However, one can combine both search terms for a
feature it lacks is a panoramic mode. So I SEARCH ENGINE more nuanced result by typing
use IrfanView ( as Search for content on a intitle: terry wogan
my photo editor to merge adjacent views specific website (see screenshot below left).
from the same spot into stunning On the day his death was James Turner
panoramic images. announced, I came across a very
interesting article on the great Terry PHONE CONTACTS
Wogan on my mobile phone. But, Restore Android contacts
distracted by a phone call, I didn’t get you’ve accidentally deleted
round to finishing it. I tried to find the I was spring-cleaning my Android
same article on my PC later that day, but phone’s contact book the other
couldn’t locate it among the deluge of day when I accidentally deleted a few
tributes and coverage. I’d almost given contact details. On a whim, I decided
up, when my nephew came to the rescue. to check whether the Google Contacts
I remembered the feature was on The website has an option to retrieve them.
Guardian’s website, so he simply typed Thankfully, it does.
something into Google and voila! – the Go to and log
article appeared on the first page of the in using your Google account details.
search results. He told me there were a Now click More at the bottom left, then
few handy tricks that work on any search click ‘Restore contacts’. Finally, select a
To do this, open IrfanView, click engine. To search for a particular term point in time from which to restore your
Image at the top left, then click ‘Create contacts (see screenshot
Panorama image’. Now click ‘Add images’ below), then click Restore.
and navigate to the folder containing your When that’s done, you’ll see
images. Next, press the Shift key, select a message at the bottom
the photos you want to merge, then click saying that your contacts
Open. Ensure your images are in the have been restored.
correct order (the image you want at the Calum Taylor
AGES 6 10
Twofold Inc.
£2.99 (Android)
£2.99 (iOS)
In this puzzle, your kids will be given a
specific challenge - for example, joining
seven blue tiles by swiping through them.
iOS The challenges become harder with
Stop Safari crashing each round, forcing players to adopt new
on y
your iPhone strategies.
Recently, many iPhone users have
had problems with the Safari AGES 11 16
browser crashing, mostly when *Horizon Chase – World Tour
they search for something using the Free (Android)
app’s URL field. Here are a couple of Free (iOS)
quick fixes you can try if you’ve Horizon Chase is a car-racing game from
experienced the same problem. a bygone era - arcade-style. You get five
First, open Settings, Safari and tap the free tracks, but it’s worth paying £2.29 to
Safari Suggestions switch (to turn it off). unlock the full game. This removes the
Alternatively, try clearing your browsing adverts and gives you access to 73 tracks,
cache. To do this, open Safari in your 32 cities and eight trophies.
Settings, scroll down, tap ‘Clear History *Contains in-app purchases
and Website Data’, then tap Clear.
WINDOWS 7, 8, 10
Add website shortcuts WINDOWS 10
to your Taskbar
You’re probably familiar Switch back to the old clock
with bookmarking
websites in your
in Windows 10
browser, but you can also ‘pin’ them Microsoft has added a new menus on the left: HKEY_LOCAL_
to your Taskbar. By doing this you pop-up clock to Windows 10. MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\
can access favourite sites from your To see it, click the time on your Windows\CurrentVersion\Immersive
Desktop with one click. Taskbar (bottom right on your screen). Shell. Right-click any blank area on the
At the moment you can only do this While earlier versions of Windows had right, move your cursor to New, then
in Internet Explorer (IE) and Google a small calendar with a round clock on click ‘DWORD (32-bit) Value’. Name
Chrome. First, open a website (in IE or the right, Windows 10 has a larger this UseWin32TrayClockExperience,
Chrome). In IE, drag that website’s tab to calendar that shows the time at the then press Enter. Next, double-click
your Taskbar until you see a ‘Pin to top. If you prefer using the old clock, this value, change the ‘Value data’ field
taskbar’ message (see screenshot below). then there’s an easy way to switch to it. from 0 to 1 (see screenshot), then
Release your mouse and you’ll see a new Press the Windows key+R to open the click OK. Now close the Registry Editor
Taskbar button featuring the website’s Run dialogue box, type regedit into it, and click the time in your Taskbar to
icon. In Chrome, navigate to the website press Enter and click Yes to open your see your old Windows clock. If you
you want, click the three lines at the top PC’s Registry Editor. want to revert back to the Windows 10
right, move your cursor to ‘More tools’, Now navigate to the following clock, simply change the ‘Value data’
click ‘Add to taskbar’, then click Add. Registry key by clicking the dropdown field back to 0.
You can do this in Edge, Windows 10’s
default browser, but it requires a
workaround. Open Edge, click the three
dots at the top right, then click ‘Open
with Internet Explorer’. Now follow the
same steps for IE.
WINDOWS 7, 8.1
Display subtitles in
Windows Media Player
Windows Media Player
(WMP) doesn’t display icon (three
video subtitles by dots and an
default. If your downloaded video arrow) at the
doesn’t come with subtitles, you can top right.
search for and download the relevant Next, right-
subtitle file (in the default .SRT format) click any area
from the internet for free. Just type the at the bottom
name of the film or TV shows alongside of WMP (near
‘subtitles’. To ensure WMP plays your the playback WINDOWS 8.1, 10
subtitle, make sure your video and its controls) to bring up a menu. Move your Trim your video quickly
associated subtitle file are saved in the cursor to Play, ‘Lyric, captions and Did you know you can use the
same folder. subtitles’, then click ‘On if available’ (see Photos app in Windows 8.1 and
After doing that, play your video in screenshot below). Restart WMP and 10 to play and trim your videos?
WMP. Now click the ‘Switch to Library’ your video will now play with subtitles. To do this, right-click the relevant video,
select ‘Open with’, then click Photos.
When the video plays, click it to see a
menu bar at the top right. Now click the
Trim option (to the left of the bin icon).
You’ll see two white circular dots at the
start and end of your video timeline (see
screenshot above). Move the dots to select
your start and end points, then click the
floppy-disc icon at the top right to save
your edited video.
Action Centre
Stop notifications in presentations, view old alerts and customise Quick Actions
Customise the icons for quick actions Disable the Action Centre icon
Are you short of space on your Windows
When you open Windows 10’s Taskbar? In Windows 10 you can disable
Action Centre by clicking its icon in Action Centre entirely, removing its icon
the Notification Area, you may have from the Taskbar – and stopping all alerts
noticed the Collapse option. Click it into the bargain. Click Start, followed
and the Quick Actions panel shrinks by Settings, then System followed by
to a strip of four icons – making ‘Notifications & actions’. Next, in the
space for more notifications above. right-hand pane, click ‘Turn system icons
That’s useful, but did you know on or off’ then move the Action Centre
you can customise the remaining switch to Off.
icons to whatever you want? First,
open the Action Centre and click ‘All Launch Action Centre with a
settings’. Next, click System, keyboard shortcut
followed by ‘Notifications & actions’. Not every secret tip requires a detailed
Now click an icon under ‘Quick explanation. So here’s a quick one for
actions’ and then choose its Windows 10 to finish: next time you want
replacement from the list. to open Action Centre, don’t use your
mouse – just press Windows key+A instead.
48 17 February - 1 March 2016 Next issue Secret Tips For… Windows 10 Gestures
What’s All the Fuss About...
Microsoft Research
The company wants to turn great ideas into great products more quickly
What is it? years later, Gates saw Google
Have a guess. In a rare Maps and ordered his
outbreak of jargon-free engineers to create their
clarity from the company, own version within 100
Microsoft’s research division days.
is called Microsoft Research
( Is Microsoft copying
com). Hallelujah! Google then?
Yes. Google’s recipe for
Wait - Microsoft successful innovation is to
actually researches make sure its researchers
its products? work closely with the teams
Now, now. Windows may not building products. Google’s
always work perfectly, but management says that this
it’s not through a lack of makes it easier for them to
testing. Since Bill Gates spot an idea’s potential, and
set it up in 1991 Microsoft then suggest ways it can be
Research has grown to turned into a product people
employ more than 1,000 will want to use.
researchers and engineers
around the world, in cities What are the dangers
including Cambridge, New of this new approach?
York, Beijing and Munich. Critics argue that research
Projects involve all aspects of has to be given the freedom
computing, from artificial intelligence to to develop at its own pace, allowing for
speech recognition. But things are about What will actually happen? happy accidents along the way. They fear
to change. Researchers will work more directly that a more disciplined approach may
with the teams that build products. stifle creativity, leading to a short-term
In what way? Until now researchers worked in vision that will actually result in less
Microsoft wants the research to lead to isolation, protected from the commercial innovation. However, Microsoft Research
more products. The company’s boss, pressures of having to build products that had earned a reputation for developing
Satya Nadella, thinks that in the past too would prove popular in the ‘real’ world. technology that was fascinating, often
much emphasis was placed on ‘pure’ That started changing in February 2014 groundbreaking, but ultimately pointless.
research that wouldn’t necessarily lead to when Nadella was shown a translation It looked great in a laboratory, but was
anything concrete. Engineers were guided tool Microsoft Research had built. never likely to appear in a person’s home.
by a ‘research for the sake of research’ Impressed, he gave the team a It’s widely accepted that a change was
ethos, not always focusing on the end three-month deadline to make it work needed.
result – such as products that would with Skype. It’s now known as Skype
make the company even more money. Translator, and comes with the Desktop How will I benefit?
version of the program ( Hopefully by getting your hands on better
com/translator). products sooner. In fact, that’s already
happening. As well as Skype Translator,
So we’ll see inventions turned better collaboration has led to products
into products more quickly? such as Cortana and the holographic
That’s what Microsoft hopes. In the past headset HoloLens (
too many good ideas were overlooked, hololens). But we’ll know that a new era
giving rival companies the opportunity has dawned only when the teams work
to launch products first. For example, together to release a tool that helps users
back in 1998 the research team showed block Microsoft’s incessant Windows 10
Skype Translator is the result of a more Bill Gates a program for making digital upgrade messages. At least Google can’t
efficient Microsoft Research division maps. Nothing came of it until, seven beat Microsoft to that one.
Why is Microsoft watching everything you do in Windows 7, 8.1 and 10?
And what can you do to prevent it? Windows expert Jonathan Parkyn investigates
f you’re upgrading from Windows 7 Windows 7 and 8 users aren’t safe
or 8, Windows 10 doesn’t cost you from from Microsoft’s snooping.
any money. But there is a big hidden The company recently added similar
cost to Microsoft’s free operating tracking abilities to those systems.
system (OS): your privacy. Concealed So even if you’ve decided against
within Windows 10 are numerous upgrading to Windows 10, you won’t
options that give the operating system be able to avoid Microsoft’s prying eyes.
WHAT YOU CAN DO permission to record a variety of Until recently, Microsoft has
• Discover what personal info Microsoft information about you and the way seemed to be relatively respectful of
is collecting you use your PC – including what you its users’ privacy, so what has changed?
• Find out what Microsoft does with search for online and anything you type What types of information is the
your personal data on your keyboard. All this is then sent company now gathering? And what
• Protect your privacy by turning off back to Microsoft for analysis. What’s does it do with your data once it has
Windows 10’s hidden settings worse is that most of these options are got it? We’ll answer these questions
• Disable Microsoft’s tracking tools in enabled by default. So, unless you take and more, and show you how to protect
Windows 7 and 8 action, you could be unwittingly handing your privacy, whatever version of
your private data to Microsoft on a plate. Windows you’re using.
Why is this so controversial? In its privacy statement Microsoft admits that it collects your data in order to show “more
While some of us now grudgingly relevant” adverts
accept that online services (Google,
for example), and our mobile devices, The OS gathers other info to make need to access or share your data in
collect our data, never before have we certain tools work. For example, order to “comply with law enforcement
been in a situation where our own Cortana records your keystrokes and or other government agencies” or
computers routinely spy on us and spoken commands. It can also access “maintain the security of our services”.
gather personal information on such your calendar and contacts as well as It’s somewhat perturbing to consider
a massive scale. It has made lots of find out what you buy online. All this that “good faith” is the only thing
people feel very uncomfortable. is stored online - or “in the cloud”, as standing between you and a situation
To give Microsoft credit, it has been Microsoft puts it. where the contents of your personal files
transparent about its data collection. Windows 10 and Windows 8 are being viewed, copied and handed
But the company has made it automatically synchronise your settings over to unknown third parties.
unreasonably difficult for users to do and data with the cloud. This may not There’s also the growing risk of hacking
anything about it. Not only that, but sound terrifying, but it does mean that to consider. Even if Microsoft itself isn’t
Microsoft also recently admitted that you need to opt out if you don’t want going to abuse your data, what’s to stop it
Windows continues to track PC activity, information about you stored online. being stolen from the company’s servers
even when users have disabled the buried via a cyber-attack?
tracking options - more on this later. Should I be worried about it?
Some of Microsoft’s data-collection Why is Microsoft doing this?
What information is actions obviously pose more of a risk to In its Privacy Statement, Microsoft
Microsoft collecting? your privacy than others, which is why says that it collects data “to operate
Prepared to be shocked. Microsoft can we’ve given each of our tips (from page effectively and provide you the best
gather your name, demographic info (age, 53) their own urgency rating. In general, experiences with our services”, as well
gender, language), interests, relationships however, your level of concern is likely to as “to send communications, including
and PC usage. But what’s most unsettling fall roughly in line with the level of trust promotional communications” and,
is that Microsoft gathers something it you have in Microsoft as a company. finally, “to display advertising”. It admits
ambiguously calls “content”. This can In a lengthy Privacy Statement that it uses some data to make adverts
refer to almost anything, including (, see “more relevant” to you. One way this
private files and emails. screenshot above), Microsoft states that could work is by tracking which apps
By default, Windows 10 gathers data as it will “access, disclose and preserve you use, then ‘recommending’ others
you browse the web and use Desktop personal data, including your content” that are similar.
apps. It uses this to build a profile of you – such as your emails or private files It’s true that some aspects of the OS
that is then used by Microsoft and other and folders – “when we have a good simply won’t work unless you’re
third-party companies to target you with faith belief that doing so is necessary”. prepared to put up with a certain amount
advertising. It also tracks your location, This effectively gives Microsoft the right of tracking. For example, you won’t be
keeping a record of where you’ve been to access and share your private files able to check your current whereabouts
and gathering information about the and data with anyone it likes, should it in the Maps app if you’ve turned off
networks you connect to. And, unless you wish to. location tracking. And you won’t be able
tell it not to, it even shares your private To help reassure users, Microsoft gives to get suggestions from Cortana if you
home Wi-Fi password. some examples, such as when it may block it from monitoring your activity.
at at at
Stop Microsoft spying on you
5 keylogger
Disable Windows 10’s
Urgency level: Very high
Select ‘Basic’
to limit
We’ve been warning readers about the tracking
dangers of keyloggers – tools that record
what you type on your keyboard – for
years. So it’s astonishing that Windows
10 should come with one built-in.
Microsoft claims it’s there to help
improve services and provide you with
a more personalised experience, but we
think it’s just plain creepy. First, click
Start, Settings, Privacy, General, then
switch off ‘Send Microsoft info about how
I write to help us improve typing and
writing in the future’.
Once you’ve done that, click ‘Speech,
inking and typing’ on the left, then click
‘Stop getting to know me’ on the right.
This will stop Windows (and Cortana) typing’. Under ‘Manage cloud info’, to turn off access completely.
collecting data from spoken commands click ‘Go to Bing and manage personal However, as with Camera and
and handwriting (on devices that support info for all your devices’. This will open Microphone, you may find that doing
this), as well as from what you type. It’ll a web page – sign in with your Microsoft this prevents certain apps and tools
also disable Cortana, and stop the voice- account, then scroll down to ‘Other from working properly. The Mail app,
dictation tool from working. Click ‘Turn Cortana Data and Personalised Speech, for example, needs to have access to
off’ in the warning message if you’re Inking and Typing’ and click Clear (see your calendar, contacts and, of course,
happy with this. screenshot below). email. So, instead of disabling app access
altogether, it’s better to leave the top
9 your
Stop Windows 10 sharing
Wi-Fi password
Urgency level: High
Windows 10 comes with a new feature
called WiFi Sense, designed to let friends
and colleagues quickly connect to each
other’s wireless networks without
having to physically enter a password. In
practice, what happens is that Windows
shares an encrypted version of your
private Wi-Fi security key with anyone
in your contacts list. Others can’t see
your key, but the system does mean that
Click ‘Clear’ to delete the data that Cortana stores on you contacts you don’t really know or trust
10 privacy
Configure Edge’s
Urgency level: Medium
online. However, evidence recently
uncovered by researchers at website
Forensic Focus (www.forensicfocus.
Microsoft’s new web browser has its com) suggests that anyone with the
own set of privacy settings that need right know-how and access to your
addressing. Click the menu (three dots) computer could easily reconstruct
button in the top right and choose your InPrivate browsing history via
Settings, then ‘View advanced settings’. data stored in your user account’s
Scroll to ‘Privacy and services’. Leave WebCache folder. Microsoft has since
‘Offer to save passwords’ and ‘Save admitted it is aware of the flaw and is
form entries’ enabled only if you are “committed to resolving this as quickly
comfortable with the browser storing this Enable ‘Send Do Not Track requests’ to limit how as possible”.
information. We recommend enabling much information Edge sends to Microsoft
‘Send Do Not Track requests’ to limit the
amount your online activity is tracked It’s convenient to leave enabled sent to Microsoft. Under the Cookies
(see screenshot), and disabling ‘Get ‘Show search and site suggestions as I section, we’d suggest selecting ‘Block
Cortana to assist me in Microsoft Edge’ type’ and ‘Use page prediction to speed only third-party cookies’, but bear
(though this may already be disabled if up browsing’. But it will mean data in mind that this will stop some sites
you’ve switched Cortana off). about your searches and browsing being working properly.
Uninstall and
block Microsoft’s
tracking updates
NEXT ISSUE On sale Wednesday 2 March 2 March
ur Cover you still can’t access it at the address Yes, hopefully. Your PDF problem is a
Feature in Issue provided, try this alternative address: strange Windows 10 quirk that other
466 (see image It will redirect readers have also experienced. First, try
right) shed light you to Microsoft’s website, though you right-clicking a PDF file, then selecting
on the multitude of may then need to log in using your ‘Open with’, then ‘Choose another app’.
settings and hidden Microsoft account details before you can Select the program you want from the
options in Windows 10, access the settings themselves. list, then tick the box next to the ‘Always
and offered advice about use this app to open .pdf files’ option at
whether to accept or Why can’t I change my the bottom of the box, before clicking OK.
change Microsoft’s defaults. We received default PDF viewer? If that still doesn’t work, launch Acrobat
hundreds of emails from readers telling
us how useful they found it, but there
were also lots of questions about our
Q In your settings feature you
suggest clicking ‘Choose default
applications by file type’ to change
Reader, then click Edit, Preferences,
General. At the bottom of the window,
click Select As Default PDF Handler. Click
recommendations, which we’re happy to default apps in Windows 10. However, Yes, then OK.
answer here. If you have further Windows this does not seem to work with
10 problems, email us at noproblem@ PDF files. I tried Acrobat Reader and Why does my Start button and our Problems others but, no matter what I do, it no longer work?
Solved team will consider them for future
changes back to using Microsoft
Edge as the default PDF viewer.
Can you help?
Q I changed most of the settings you
recommended in Issue 466. On
restarting my computer, however, I
Why can’t I access Microsoft’s Dave Ingram discovered that left-clicking the Start
personalised ad settings? button did nothing. I could
Fix the common ‘vanishing Start menu’ problem by creating a new user account
settings’, then ‘Add someone else to this images, but they’re cached in your PC’s I still didn’t like the operating system, so I
PC’ and follow the remaining steps (see memory and stored on your hard drive, decided to go back to Windows 7. The
screenshot above). Once the account has so disabling them is one way to free up problem is that now Windows 7 won’t
been set up, click ‘Change account type’, system resources and boost performance. start. It lists a ‘StartupRepairOffline’
select Administrator then click OK. Log If you prefer to leave thumbnails on, problem with the number ‘6.1.7600.16385’
in using this account and your Start however, choose the Custom option in and ‘NoRootCause’ listed as problem
menu should be back. You’ll need to copy the Visual Effects screen, then untick all signature codes. What has happened?
your personal files from your old account the options below, except ‘Show Steve Dinsdale
and re-apply any other settings, but your thumbnails instead of icons’ (see
apps and programs should be unaffected.
O 8 LastActivityView
ver the past few years one all, they’re free, contain no junk and
website has made repeated require no email registration. Here’s our
appearances in our Best Free countdown… Knowing what caused your PC to crash
Software section: NirSoft (www. should help you avoid the problem in It’s home to an impressive
range of Windows programs that carry
out the sort of ‘boring but useful’ tasks
10 OutlookAddressBookView
Many of NirSoft’s tools add the kind of
future. That’s where LastActivityView can
help. It lets you retrace your footsteps by
displaying a list of actions performed on
that make using your PC so much easier. features to Office and Windows that we your PC, and events that took place
And incredibly, it’s the work of just one wish Microsoft had thought of. immediately prior to a crash. You’ll see
man (see box on page 61). OutlookAddressBookView is a good when you logged on/off, when you ran
We’ve spent some time testing the example. It shows you at a glance the software, when a system restore point
100-plus programs on the site and important details of contacts stored in was created and when you saved a
whittled it down to our top 10. Most of your Microsoft Outlook address book, document. Obviously, it’s also a useful
these are small (typically less than giving you quick access to phone way to keep an eye on how other people
100KB) and portable, so they don’t need numbers, postcodes and email addresses. are using your PC.
to be installed. They all work with XP, By default, it shows details from any
Vista, 7, 8 and 10 except ProduKey. Best of contacts in your default Outlook profile.
You can select other profiles by clicking
Options, then Advanced Options, or by
7 BlueScreenView
Here’s another tool to help you investigate
pressing F9 on your keyboard. the cause of a crash. It scans the
‘minidump’ files that Windows creates
9 RecentFilesView
Every time you open a file, Windows
during those dreaded ‘blue screen of
death’ disasters, then presents them in a
neat table. The upper pane lists each
saves its name in the ‘Recent’ folder or in crash; the lower pane shows the
the Registry. This information is displayed corresponding driver that was loaded –
by RecentFilesView, showing you and possibly caused the crash. Visit
instantly where to find it. Click ‘Modified Microsoft’s Support website for more
Time’ at the top to see them listed information on how to understand
chronologically based on when you last Windows dump files: www.snipca.
amended each file, or ‘Created Time’ to com/19530.
see them in the order you created them.
A recent update added the same
right-click options you get in Windows
Explorer’s ‘context’ menu, such as ‘Create
6 VideoCacheView
Using VideoCacheView you can save
shortcut’ and ‘Send to’ (see screenshot video files in your hard drive. It works by
left). Just select a file then, while holding scanning your entire browser cache for
Press Shift and right-click to bring up
Windows Explorer’s ‘context’ menu in down Shift on your keyboard, right-click videos you’ve recently watched online.
RecentFilesView your mouse. These can then be saved to your PC for
5 WirelessNetworkWatcher
If you ever suspect someone else is
passwords for Outlook (including the
2016 version), Gmail, Windows Mail,
Thunderbird, Yahoo Mail and other
piggybacking on your Wi-Fi, run services. You’ll also see what server type
WirelessNetworkWatcher. It scans your the email account is on - POP3, IMAP or
network and lists all the computers and SMTP - which is always handy when you
devices using it, showing the IP address need to set up email forwarding, or sync
and MAC address for each. It also runs a across devices.
background scan to check for new Don’t worry if your security software
devices connecting to the network. To flags up Mail PassView as malicious.
hear a beep when one connects, click NirSoft says that antivirus products often
Options then tick ‘Beep On New Device’ misclassify its password-recovery tools as
(see screenshot below). dangerous. Visit NirSoft’s blog to read If you’re a confident Windows user, select
more about these false-positive results: ‘Advanced Mode’ in MyUninstaller
touch. NirSoft’s MyUninstaller isn’t as
2 ProduKey
We all know that we should make a note
powerful as some of the heavyweight
uninstallers, such as IObit’s program
(, but it’s worth
of our Windows/Office Product ID and trying if the built-in Windows tool
Product Key, but it’s easy to forget, doesn’t work well for you.
because it may seem like you’ll never It claims the top spot because of how
need them again after the first time you much information it provides. As well as
use them. These crucial details are the obvious (product name, version etc),
revealed by ProduKey. Scroll to the it tells you in which installation folder the
bottom of its download page (URL above) program is stored, which website you
in WirelessNetworkWatcher, tick ‘Beep On
New Device’ to receive alerts whenever a to see command-line options you can use downloaded it from, and its uninstall
device joins your network to operate it. It doesn’t yet work for string that appears in the Registry.
Windows 10, so visit Microsoft’s website It’s easy to use – just right-click what
4 WebBrowserPassView
To recover passwords old and new, use
for instructions instead: www.snipca.
you want to remove, then select
‘Uninstall Selected Software’. If you’re a
confident Windows user and know
WebBrowserPassView. It shows passwords
for your accounts in Chrome, Firefox,
Internet Explorer and Opera. It rates their
1 MyUninstaller
Uninstalling programs is never as simple
exactly what you want to remove,
consider switching on Advanced Mode.
This lets you uninstall multiple programs
strength (from ‘very weak’ to ‘very as it should be, which is why we all need at once. Click View, then tick ‘Advanced
strong’) and shows the date you created it. tools that well and truly kick them into Mode’ (see screenshot above).
Why won’t my
PC find Windows
first time?
When I switch on my PC, I now of its ‘boot order’ list. We
Q get a message saying that the
operating system has not been
can safely assume that
when the PC was made
found, along with a prompt to insert a its manufacturer ensured
disc containing an operating system. If I that the hard drive was at the
press Enter, this message is cleared and Enter the BIOS and change the boot order if your PC top of this list. This is also
then Windows launches just fine. I’ll fails to load first time why your PC’s date and time
admit that it’s a very old machine reset themselves.
(running XP!), but it does everything I now looking first at some other drive – It’s pretty easy to put right, but first
need. It never used to do this, so I did probably the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive replace the CMOS battery to stop it
wonder if this was a trick from Microsoft – for an operating system, rather than the happening again. Open your PC, carefully
to get me to upgrade. But then why hard drive. It doesn’t find one, and so tells prise out the disc-like battery and fit a
would Windows load afterwards? Is there you this, requesting that you press Enter replacement – you need a CR2032 type.
a way to get it to load first time, without to acknowledge the ‘problem’. Your PC Put your PC back together then start it
having to press Enter? It seemed to then moves on to the next drive, which is and press the necessary key to enter the
coincide with the date and time resetting the hard drive containing XP – so it then BIOS – usually F2 or Delete (Del). Now
themselves, but both are now fine. launches as normal. use the cursor (arrow) keys and Enter to
Ashley Harrison Why is it doing this all of a sudden? navigate the menus. Find ‘Boot Order’
Because your aged PC’s CMOS battery or ‘Boot Sequence’ or similar, then
This has nothing to do with died, or is all but dead and dropping out, ensure your hard drive is at the top.
A Microsoft. In fact, all that’s
happening is that your PC is
resetting the BIOS to its defaults – and
putting the optical drive back at the top
Press Escape (Esc) to exit, and choose
the option to save.
Windows shutdown
Solve never-ending shutdown, make the power button switch off and
stop unwanted shutdowns
Windows shutdown never ends or 8/8.1, press Windows key+R, type
When the Windows shutdown message wuapp.exe and press Enter. Now click
remains on screen for a while, it’s usually ‘Change settings’ on the left then, from
down to something you recently installed the dropdown menu on the right,
or out-of-date drivers. You’ll need to choose an option other than ‘Install
uninstall the offending program, and look updates automatically (recommended)’.
for the latest drivers for all attached In Windows 10, click Start, followed by
devices. Microsoft’s System Configuration Settings, then ‘Update & security’,
can help to finger the culprit. Press followed by Windows Update. Now click
Windows key+R, type msconfig and press Drive errors can slow shutdown, so make ‘Advanced options’ and choose ‘Schedule
Enter. Now select the Services tab, tick the Windows fix them automatically a restart’. A hardware fault is another
‘Hide all Microsoft services’ box then click possibility. If your PC’s processor is
‘Disable all’, and also ‘Disable all’ on the No ‘Shut down’ option getting too hot, for instance, then the
Startup tab. Restart your PC and use System If you use Windows Vista or 7 and notice computer will shut itself down.
Configuration to enable disabled items that the ‘Shut down’ button has a label Carefully open your machine, then make
one at a time, restarting each time. When other than ‘Shut down’, then it’s likely sure all the fans are free from dust and
Windows fails to shut down, the last item that in the past you’ve changed it. able to turn freely. Also install the free
re-enabled is the cause. Leave it disabled, However, it’s possible that a program has SpeedFan tool (from www.snipca.
or turn to Google to research the problem. made the change itself without your com/19395) to monitor the temperature
permission. In fact, the ‘Shut down’ inside your system.
option is still there – but hidden in a
pop-up menu, accessed by clicking the Windows shuts down when
right-pointing arrow to the right of the laptop is closed
button. But if you want the button to be This isn’t actually a fault but a decision
‘Shut down’, then first right-click a blank by your laptop’s manufacturer. If it’s not
part of the Taskbar and choose Properties. the behaviour you want, it’s easily fixed.
Now select the Start Menu tab, open the Press Windows key+R, type powercfg.cpl
dropdown menu alongside ‘Power button and hit Enter. Now click ‘Choose what
action’ and choose ‘Shut down’. Click OK. closing the lid does’, on the left-hand
Troubleshoot never-ending shutdown
by disabling services using the System If you can’t find ‘Shut down’ in Windows side. In turn open both dropdown menus
Configuration tool 10, that’s because it has moved: click alongside ‘When I close the lid’ and
Start, followed by Power – and there it is. choose either ‘Do nothing’, Sleep or
Shutdown is really slow Hibernate. Click ‘Save changes’.
Sometimes slow shutdown is normal – Windows shuts down
Windows often finalises programs, automatically Power button doesn’t shut down
installations or updates during shutdown. If your PC sometimes seems to shut Like the above tip, this isn’t a fault but a
But if this happens a lot a misbehaving down and restart when you’re away, feature set by the PC manufacturer.
program or driver could be the cause: then it’s probably down to your However, different manufacturers
follow the first tip to troubleshoot this. Windows Update settings. In Windows 7 choose different actions, and it might feel
Slow shutdown can also be caused by file odd if one PC’s power switch shuts down,
errors or even a failing hard drive. while another enters Hibernation or
Right-click the drive in Explorer and Sleep mode, or even ignores your press
choose Properties. Select the Tools tab, entirely. Again, press Windows key+R,
click the ‘Check now’ button then tick type powercfg.cpl and hit Enter, but this
‘Automatically fix file system errors’ and time click ‘Choose what the power
‘Scan for and attempt recovery of bad buttons do’. Now, alongside ‘When I
sectors’. Now click Start (see screenshot press the power button’ set both the
above right) and wait while Windows ‘On battery’ and ‘Plugged in’ dropdown
checks the drives for errors and fixes any If your PC shuts down while you’re away, menus to ‘Shut down’, then click
problems it finds. check Windows Update ‘Save changes’.
70 17 February – 1 March 2016 Next issue Fast Fixes for… Your PC’s BIOS
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Next issue
ue on sale Wedss 24 F
b y
at one time. popular type of memory card.
BIOS Basic Input-Output System. SMTP Simple Mail Transfer
Essential software built into
every PC that connects the vital
components. It’s visible for a few ON SA Protocol. A standard for sending
email messages. It is now largely
reserved for sending messages
seconds when the PC starts. rather than receiving them.
Raspberry i
his column isn’t supposed to be a
popularity contest, is it? I do hope
not, because I’m about to reveal
how I feel about one of the bestselling
computers that the UK technology
industry has ever produced – the
Raspberry Pi.
Actually, my real ire is reserved for the
recently announced Raspberry Pi Zero,
but I’ll come back to that. So just for a
moment let’s think about the general
concept of the Pi.
74 17 February – 1 March 2016 Next issue Ken refuses to believe broadband-speed hype
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