TOR and Rundown
TOR and Rundown
TOR and Rundown
The development of Lesson Study in Indonesia Although Lesson Study is now wide-spreading,
has capitalized on the notion of a learning there are possible deviating practices from its
community:it serves not only as an approach to underlying principles. Having observed various
professional development but also as an approach trainings, seminars, or workshops claiming to
to theestablishment of networked learning in the ‘practice’ Lesson Study, it is likely that current
education sector. It has also shown the discourse on such practices touches Lesson Study
importance of inter-stakeholders’ collaboration for only on the surface. Indeed, it is possible to
strategic partnerships to improve teaching and contextualize Lesson Study into various settings.
learning. Therefore, the subsequent national However, many Lesson Study activists began to
projects have infused Lesson Study into their realize how to anticipate the diversity of Lesson
program such as BERMUTU (Better Education Study practices. They urged to establish a network
Through Reformed Management and Universal that can be a medium for exchanging and sharing
Teacher Upgrading); PIGP (Induction Program for experiences and to guide the dissemination of
Novice Teacher or Program Induksi Guru Pemula); Lesson Study in Indonesia.
and LEDIPSTI (Lesson Study Dissemination
Program for Strengthening Teacher Education in
Sub-Topics Speakers
The conference will be held in two languages, namely English and Indonesian. As a
Language rule,papers must be written in English or Indonesian, while presentations can be in
Indonesian, with PowerPoint media in English.
Bagi peserta dari unsur dosen akan mendapatkan ALSI member secara otomatis tanpa dikenakan biaya
tambahan. Peserta yang menginginkan tambahan kegiatan school visit dan city tour akan dikenakan
tambahan biaya. Untuk school visit dikenakan tambahan biaya konsumsi sebesar Rp 50.000,-,
sedangkan city tour dikenakan tambahan biaya transport sebesar Rp. 75.000,-.
ALSI Meeting Teacher Festival
Keynote Speech Plenary Sessions
Parallel Session City Tour
Workshop School Visit
Doctoral Roundtable
A supportive, student-led, informal, roundtable discussion
forum that connects doctoral students with others, with a
common shared interest.
ALSI Meeting
Friday, 8 September 2023 18.30-21.00 WIB
ALSI (Asosiasi Lesson Study Indonesia) is an Indonesian Lesson Study academic association organization which
has three divisions, namely the Publications, School Empowerment and Partnership divisions. ALSI is the one
who initiated the ICLS and ICLIm which are held annually. ALSI also collaborates with JICA (Japan International
Cooperation Agency) in many ways, including the STOLS (Short-term Training on Lesson Study) program. The
STOLS program sends Indonesian lecturers, both PTS and PTN, to study LS directly in Japan.
ALSI also cooperates with the Indonesian government in several programs related to sustainably increasing
teacher competency. Among these programs is a program for sending Japanese experts working for the
IMSTEP Program (Indonesian Mathematics and Science Teaching Education Project) to Indonesia in
After being developed, implemented and disseminated through the JICA technical cooperation program
(SISTTEMS and PELITA). Now lesson study has spread widely in various regions in Indonesia. Apart from that,
lesson study is also disseminated through BERMUTU (Better Education through Reformed Management and
Universal Teacher Upgrading) and the Beginner Teacher Induction Program (PIGP). Lesson study is also used
as a strategy to improve the quality of lectures for prospective teachers at universities (LPTK) through LEDIPSTI
(Lesson Study Dissemination Program for Strengthening Teacher Education in Indonesia). In 2021 LS will be
implemented in schools through the Lecturer Partnership Program (KDS) until 2023.
At this conference, the ALSI meeting was an offline meeting attended by ALSI management to reflect on the
activities of each division and develop a work program for the next year, including discussing the appointment
of the 15th ICLS host in 2024. The discussion was led directly by the President of ALSI, namely Sumar
Hendayana, Ph.D.
Keynote Speech
Saturday, September 9 2023 at 09.00-14.30 WIB
This session is the main session in this international seminar because it brings together experts in the field of
LS from 4 (four) main speakers from 4 (four) countries, namely Japan, England, Australia and Singapore.
Among the LS experts is Prof. Manabu Sato from Tokyo University, Japan. He is a researcher in addition to the
field of LS as well as related to the curriculum, the use of the latest technology in learning. He is also the
originator of LS as a form of improving the quality of learning and continuing teacher professional development
by developing a learning community known as LSLC (Lesson Study for Learning Community). The second
speaker is Prof. Peter Dudley of the University of Cambridge, UK. He is a researcher in the area of leadership
in the field of education and school development programs. He is also an LS activist through Leading
Improvement. The 3rd keynote speaker is Dr. Choy Ban Heng from Nanyang Technological University,
Singapore. He is an expert in developing the skills of mathematics teachers in paying attention to critical
mathematical and instructional details during the planning, implementation and evaluation of lessons. While
the 4th keynote speaker is Dr Eisuke Saito from Monash University, Australia. He focuses on promoting LSLC
in several countries and among them are Indonesia and Vietnam.
Parallel Session
Saturday, September 9 2023 at 14.30-16.30 WIB
After the Keynote Speeches event, it is continued with a parallel session where participants who became
presenters could present their articles. This session is carried out in a hybrid manner, for participants who take
part online will present their articles via a Zoom meeting, the link of which will be provided by the committee.
Presenters present their articles in PPT format with a maximum of 10 slides which cover the entire contents of
the article. Meanwhile, participants who can attend in person can present their articles in the room that has
been grouped by the committee. The committee will divide the groups according to the groups from the
elements of lecturers, teachers and students. Presenters who wish to publish their articles are welcome to
choose SINTA-accredited national proceedings or journals that have collaborated with the committee for this
conference. Presenters who choose to publish a SINTA-accredited journal are subject to an additional
publication fee with the amount of fee under the publication fee of the selected journal. Meanwhile, presenters
who choose to publish their articles in the proceedings of this conference are not subject to additional funding.
Saturday, September 9 2023 at 14.30-16.30 WIB
Lesson Study (LS) is a model of continuous teaching professional development. LS begins with a plan, namely
designing lessons that will encourage students to learn in a fun environment so that they can achieve their
goals actively and creatively. Next, do, implement the lesson plans that have been designed as well as make
learning observations. Then reflection on learning (see), is a discussion between the teacher and the observer
to discuss the learning process. Recommendations from the reflection discussion are used to improve the
quality of subsequent learning (redesign). At this time there are still many teachers who do not understand
the principles of LS as a form of continuing teacher professionalism development, forming teachers into
reflective educators and continuing to strive to improve skills in planning and implementing learning well. So
that LS workshops are still needed for teachers so that they can be implemented in their respective schools
within the MGMP and MGMPS communities. The material provided includes LS principles, skills in preparing
lesson plans, observation and reflection skills. The resource persons in this workshop are LS experts who have
experience in assisting LS in schools. In addition, this LS resource person has attended an LS short course in
Japan in STOLS (Short-term Training on Lesson Study) activities and is an administrator for ALSI (Indonesian
Lesson Study Association). The resource person is Dr Nur Fauziyah, M.Pd., Dr Slamet Asari, M.Pd. and Ulfatul
Ma'rifah, M.Pd. from Muhammadiyah Gresik University.
Teacher Festival
By the Regulation of the Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel of the Ministry of Education,
Culture, Research and Technology Number 2626/B/Hk.04.01/2023 concerning the Teacher Competency Model,
teachers are expected to have 4 competencies namely pedagogic competence, personal competence, social
competence and professional competence. Each competency is described for each level accompanied by clear
indicators. To increase the level of competency possessed, teachers carry out various professional development
activities. One way is to do lesson study (LS). Along with the changes in the curriculum from the 2013
Curriculum to the Independent Curriculum, teachers continue to strive to improve their competence so that
they can provide the best for their students.
The teacher festival aims to provide an appreciation space for teachers who have tried to teach students well
in the form of best practices so that they can inspire other teachers. Participants in this teacher festival included
Early Childhood Education (PAUD) teachers Elementary School (SD/MI) teachers, Junior High School
(SMP/MTs) teachers, and High School (SMA/MA/SMK) teachers from all over Indonesia.
Teacher festival participants can submit their best practices through the ICLS website (
which has been provided by the committee. Delivery time can be made from 17 July – 1 September 2023. Best
practice typed on A4 paper size, left page spacing of 2.5 cm, top 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, and right 2.5 cm with
1.5 spacing. The maximum number of pages is 15 pages.
Plenary Sessions
Sunday, 10 September 2023 at 08.00-09.30 WIB
Plenary sessions are plenary sessions attended by students, lecturers, researchers, practitioners, teachers and
the public. This session invited six speakers and researchers from 4 countries, namely Sumar Hendayana, PhD,
President of ALSI (Indonesian Lesson Study Association) who focuses on research in the field of science and
is the founder of ALSI. The 2nd speaker is Arif Hidayat, PhD Ed. (Center of Excellence for Lesson and Learning
Studies, Indonesian University of Education). He is also the Indonesian president of the Association of STEM
Education, Indonesia Council Member Representative of the World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS-
Singapore and Coordinator of the Indonesia Consortium for Learning Improvement. The 3rd speaker is Prof.
Dr Khoirul Anwar, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Muhammadiyah Gresik University, Indonesia) focuses on language teaching.
The 4th speaker is Dr Li Jia (Central
(Chongqing Normal
China University,
Normal China) research interests are focused on: a) capillary
electrophoresis and capillary electrokinetic chromatography; b) functional materials in separability; c)
nanoparticle-based sensors. The 5th speaker is Dr Zanaton Hj. Iksan (National University of Malaysia) focuses
on chemistry education. The 6th speaker is Erlina Ronda, PhD (University of the Philippines) focuses on
teaching and learning, professional development, curriculum development, and mathematics education.
City Tour
Sunday, September 10, 2023, at 09.40-17.00 WIB
The city tour is included in the stages of the International Conference on Lesson Study (ICLS). This agenda
was carried out to explore the old city of Gresik. The number of participants is limited with a quota of 60 with
an additional fee for each participant's transportation of Rp. 75,000. The locations for the City Tour are Gajah
Mungkur House and Kampung Kemasan. Kampung Kemasan is a village where there are several ancient houses
with European and Chinese architectural styles. The village is located in a packing area (200m along Jl. Ny.
Ag. Arem-arem) about 700m away from the town square of Gresik. Some of the existing buildings in this village
are classified as old buildings that have the potential to become Cultural Heritage Buildings because of the age
of the buildings which are more than 50 years old (the average is between 50-100 years since they were built
in 1909 AD), the unique architecture, and the history behind them. European architectural style can be seen
in the pillars supporting the roof, relatively large windows and doors, as well as ornaments on the
walls/pilasters. Meanwhile, the Chinese architectural style can be seen on the roof and the use of all-red
Articles that have been presented at this conference will be published in proceedings and journals, according
to the choice of the presenter. For presenters who choose publications in journals, they can choose several
SINTA-accredited journals that have collaborated in the conference, including:
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia (Sinta 2)
Research and Development in Education (EBSCO)
Inovasi Matematika (Sinta 3)
Prisma Sains : Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA IKIP Mataram (Sinta 3)
Journal of Community Service and Empowerment (Sinta 3)
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengkajian Ilmu Pendidikan: e-Saintika (Sinta 3)
Journal of English Teaching, Literature, and Applied Linguistics (Sinta 4)
International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application (Sinta 4)
Jurnal Math-UMB.EDU (Sinta 4)
Sigma: Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan Matematika (Sinta 4)
Pendekar (Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Berkarakter (Sinta 5)
JTIEE : Journal of Teaching in Elementary Education (Sinta 5)
Didaktika: Jurnal Pemikiran Pendidikan (Sinta 5)
Postulat : Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Matematika (Sinta 5)
Qalam : Jurnal Ilmu Kependidikan (Sinta 5)
Jinop : Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan (Sinta 5)
Jurnal Karya Pendidikan Matematika (Sinta 5)
CIVICUS : Pendidikan-Penelitian-Pengabdian PKN (Sinta 5)
Lumbung Inovasi: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Sinta 5)
Jurnal Ilmiah Telaah
Day/Date (GMT+7/JKT Activities Description For On-site Participants For Virtual Participants
Day 1 15.30 – 17.30 ALSI Meeting - Report ICLI-ALSI HALL Sang Pencerah Lt 8 UMG For ALSI members
Friday, - Focal Sharing
members only)
Day/Date Time Activities Description For On-site Participants For Virtual Participants
(GMT+7/JKT Activities Description For On-site Participants For Virtual Participants
Day/Date time)
1. Sumar Hendayana, Ph.D (UPI)
2. Dr. Zanaton binti Iksan (UKM)
3. Erlina Ronda, Ph.D. (University of Hall Sang Pencerah, 8th Floor,
08.00 – 09.30 Plenary A Zoom Meeting
Philippines) Campus 1
4. Dr. Yaoping Liu (RMUTK)
5. Discussion
1. Dr. Li Jia (Central China Normal University,
Sunday, 10 08.00 – 09.30 Plenary B 2. Prof. Dr. Khoirul Anwar, M.Pd (UMG) Auditorium, F Building
September 3. Arif Hidayat, Ph.D (UPI)
2023 4. Discussion
09.30 – 09.40 Coffee Break
09.40 - 11.30 City Tour Exploring Gresik Old Town 1. Gajah Mungkur House -
2. Kampung Kemasan
11.30 - 13.00 Islamic City Visiting the Tomb of Sunan Giri Tomb of Sunan Giri -
13.00 - 17.00 Nature City Visiting Bandar Grisse Bandar Grisse -