Class VII - Homework - Week 1

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Scholastica Mirpur Campus

Class VII
Classwork & Homework, 2019-20
If you have any question please email Noorussaba Karim at .

Subject Class Work Home Work

Day -1 Read the passage Disaster Strikes the Poseidon and answer the Language 13- Figurative Language
Do the work given on figurative language from page 206-208 in your
questions given from Secondary English Book Three page 203-204
Secondary English Book Three.
in your copy.
Day -2 List 10 content points of the passage Disaster Strikes the Poseidon Read page 119 Assumptions and do the exercise from Secondary English
from Secondary English Book Three page 201-203 and write the Book Three -page 120-121.
summary within 100 words.
Day -3 Discussion and activity on how to write survey report writing. Read the survey report from Secondary English Book Three -page217 and
answer the questions 1 – 14 from pg 218 in your copy.

Day-4 Argumentative Essay: Write an argumentative essay on any of the following topic in your copy
English  Group work done to identify thesis statement (word limit 250 -300)
Language  Brainstorming supporting and counter argument • Participation in sports keeps teens out of trouble.
• Social media is quicker at spreading news than official channels.
• Books should not be judged by their movies.
• We know the environmental damage that cars cause in developed
countries. Should there be limits on car ownership in developing countries?
Day -1 Topic: A Raisin in the sun Topic: A Raisin in the sun
Act II reviewed and discussed. Answer the following questions in your journal.
ACT 2 Scene 1: a) How do the Youngers respond to Karl Linder? How do you think you
1. Why do you think Beneatha is interested in Asagai? would respond were you in their situation?
2. How is Beneatha dressed and behaving at the opening of Act II? b) How do you think the family feels in learning the money is gone? How do
Why do you think she is interested in Nigeria? you imagine Walter feels?
3. How do you think it impacts Mama when Walter says, “So you c) Who do you prefer the most- George and Asagai different? Would you
butchered up a dream of mine – you - who always talking about wear George’s white shoes compared to Asagai’s Nigerian robes? In what
your children’s dreams…?” ways are these items symbolic of the men themselves, and perhaps their
4. Why do you think Beneatha is so interested in Africa? own dreams?
5. Why is Walter so resentful of George?
Act 2 Scene 2:
1. How did Ruth find out Walter hadn't been going to work?
English (Walter's boss called.)
Literature 2. Describe Mrs. Johnson. What do you think her purpose is in
visiting the Youngers? How do her attitudes differ from those of
3. What does Mama mean when she says to Walter, “I say I been
wrong, son. That I been doing to you what the rest of the world
been doing to you…there ain’t nothing worth holding on to,
money, dreams, nothing else – it if means- if it means it’s going to
destroy my boy...?”
4. Although Travis does not have many lines, in what ways is his
character significant?
Act 2 Scene 3:
1. Who was Karl Lindner, and why did he visit the Youngers' house?
2. What news did Bobo bring to Walter? What do we find out
regarding what Walter did with the money? What is your opinion
of Walter in this moment?
3. In particular, how does Mama react to the news and why?
Day -2 Topic: A Raisin in the sun Topic: A Raisin in the sun
QUOTATION DISCUSSIONS Answer in your journal:
1. RUTH (Passionately and suddenly)----Oh, Walter – ain’t you with Write the character traits of the female characters in the play. Who is the
nobody!---WALTER (Violently)---No! ‘Causeain’t nobody with me! strongest character in the play according to you, why?
Not even my own mother! (2.1.86-7)
Q. Who is the ‘nobody’ that Walter refers to? Why does he
distance himself from his own mother?
2. Walter: Sometimes it is hard to let the future begin. (2.3.153)
Q. Walter talks about his dream and he is confused how to start it-
Which line holds this reference? What is the result/culmination
when Bobo is at the door instead of Willy?
3. Walter: "Girl, I do believe you are the first person in the history
of the entire human race to successfully brainwash yourself." (2. 3.
Q. Which girl is Walter talking about who is swayed away by Asagai
and Africa? He talks about brainwashing.
4. George:You read books-to learn facts-to get grades-to pass the
course-to get a degree- That’s all-it has nothing to do with
thoughts. (2.2.97)
Q. He is the person who is downright assimilationist and he is
studying for the sake of studying.
Day -3 Topic: A Raisin in the sun Topic: A Raisin in the sun
Act III reviewed and discussed. Answer the following questions in your journal.
1. Act III begins with stage directions that note that “there is a 1. What message is she conveying when she says, “I come from five
sullen light of gloom in the living room, gray light not unlike that generations of people who was slaves and sharecroppers – but ain’t nobody
which began the first scene of Act One.” What do you think this in my family never let nobody pay ‘em no money that was a way of telling
symbolizes? us we wasn’t fit to walk the earth. We ain’tnever been that poor. We ain’t
2. Why is Beneatha disheartened? never been that – dead inside...”? What is Mama’s opinion of Walter’s plan
3. How does Asagai react to her disillusionment? What message of taking the money from Lindner?
does he try to convey when speaking to her about his village? 2. Even though Walter Sr. never appears in the play, in what ways is his
4. What does Asagai mean when he says, “…isn’t there something character significant?
wrong in a house – in a world – where all dreams, good or bad, 3. In the end, what does Walter tell Karl Linder? Why do you think he
must depend on the death of a man?” changes his mind? What is your opinion of this decision?
5. What can you assess about Asagai’s character? 4. The play ends with Mama coming back for her plant. What do you think
the plant symbolizes? Why do you think Hansberry chose to end the play
this way?
Day-4 Topic: A Raisin in the sun Topic: To Kill A Mockingbird
Review through themes.
Answer the following questions in your copy.
Answer the following questions in your journal. Provide evidence from the
1. Do you feel that Walter has taken responsibility for his actions at novel for all your answers.
the beginning of Act III? What does he mean when he says, Racism and stereotypes:
“What’s the matter with you all! I didn’t make this world! It was a) What is racism and what does it mean to stereotype?
given to me this way!” b) Who are the victims of racism in the novel? How are they victimized in
this way? Who are stereotyped in the novel? How?
2. Mama also changes her mind. At the beginning of Act 3, she c) What role does Atticus Finch play in terms of our understanding of
wants to remain in the house and seems defeated. By the end, she racism in the novel?
is happy to leave the house. Why does Mama change her mind? d) How is racism inherent in the legal justice system as portrayed in the
3. Does the paly end on a positive note? Why do you think so? e) Does the novel seem to suggest that racism will eventually be
f) In what ways are racism and stereotyping apparent in Bangladesh?
What impact does this have on people’s lives?
Mathematics Day -1 Topic: Probability Topic: Probability
Discussion done on Independent Events, Dependent Events, Download the worksheet - Probability and Independent Event problem
Mutually Exclusive Events and Relationship between “And”” and sums from the given link.
Independent Event: P(A and B) = P(A) x P(B)
If the link does not work, please copy the URL and paste it to the address
Mutually Exclusive P(A+B) = P(A)+P(B)
Practise the following sums:
a) A spinner has 4 equal sectors colored yellow, blue, green and
red. What is the probability of landing on red or blue after spinning
this spinner?
b) You have a cowboy hat, a top hat and an Indonesian hat. You
also have four shirts, white, black, green and pink. If you choose
one hat and one shirt at random. What is the probability that you
choose the Indonesian and black shirt?
c) Suppose you take out two cards from a standard pack of cards
one after another, without replacing the first card. What is the
probability that the first card is the ace of spades, and the second
card is a heart?
Day -2 Topic: Probability Topic: Probability
Practice work done on probability sums. Download the worksheet - Do the following sums in your copy.
Resourse sheet #01 and Probability on Numbers. a) In a football match, if the probability of:
Download Resourse sheet #01 and the worksheet Probability on - Scoring no goal (Event “A”) is 20%
Numbers from the given link.
- Scoring exactly 1 goal (Event “B”) is 15%
yAOV9CAlhvLn_daPoJ1wEsjBcBml?usp=sharing Then, what is the probability of scoring no goals or 1 goal?
b) Two blue and three red marbles are in a bag.
If the link does not work, please copy the URL and paste it to the
address bar. i) What are the chances of getting a blue marble?
ii) If the first marble was blue and was not replaced, then what is the
probability of getting another blue marble?
Day -3 Topic : Probability Topic: Probability
Worksheet done on probability. Download Practice worksheet #02 from the given link and solve it.
Download the worksheet - Probability word sums and Probability
Worksheet 3 from the given link and solve it.
yAOV9CAlhvLn_daPoJ1wEsjBcBml?usp=sharing If the link does not work, please copy the URL and paste it to the address
If the link does not work, please copy the URL and paste it to the
address bar.
Day-4 Download the worksheet on Basic Probability from the given link Topic: Probability
and solve it and solve it. Download Worksheet 4 from the given link and solve it and solve it.
yAOV9CAlhvLn_daPoJ1wEsjBcBml?usp=sharing yAOV9CAlhvLn_daPoJ1wEsjBcBml?usp=sharing

If the link does not work, please copy the URL and paste it to the If the link does not work, please copy the URL and paste it to the address
address bar. bar.
Day -5 Topic : Linear Graph Topic : Linear Graph
Discussion done on nth term Practise sums in the given link.
Example: 3, 7, 11, 15 Worksheet - Finding the nth term rule
Step 1: firstly work out the difference in the terms. Rules: Add up 4
Step2: To work out the term to term rule, give the starting number
of the sequence and then describe the pattern of the numbers.
Step3: once the first term and term to term rule are known, all the
terms in the sequence can be found.
nth term = 4n -1
Bangla Day -1
Language রচনার িনয়ম আেলাচনা । রচনার ণ । রচনা িনয়ম বাসায় পড়েব ।
িনয়মঃ ‘আমরা মু েঠােফােনর উপর িক খু ব ?’
১। ভূিমকাঃ িবষেয়র সােথ ভূিমকা িলখেব। - িলেখ আনেব ।
ভূিমকার িলখেব তু িম এই বা িলখছ তা।
†Zvgvi gZvg‡Zi †Zvgvi wec‡ÿ †h wjL‡e †m কী wec‡ÿi hyw³¸‡jv
( কারেণই আিম এই / মতামত c‡ÿ wZbwU hyw³ কী hyw³ †`Lv‡Z cv‡i †Zgb wKfv‡e LÛb
করিছ।) wjL‡e| wZbwU hyw³ wjL‡e| Ki‡e Zv wjL‡e|
২। মূ ল অংশঃ এখােন আলাদা িনেজর
দাড় করােব।
৩। যারা তােদর
দাড় করােব।
৪। উপসংহারঃ এই অংেশ িনেজর মতেক করেব (এখােন নতু ন

আনা যােব না )
Day -2
রচনার কাঠােমা সহ, সূ চনা, / , অনু শীলন

‘আমরা মু েঠােফােনর উপর িক খু ব ?’ বাসায় িলেখ
করা হেয়েছ
িবষয়- আমরা মু েঠােফােনর উপর িক খু ব ? করেব।
( - ১৮০-২২০)

Day -3
রচনা িনয়ম বাসায় পড়েব, ও িলেখ অনু শীলন করেব।
রচনার িনয়ম আেলাচনা ও অনু শীলন।
রচনা- ৩ িবেশষণ- কের ‘সড়ক কারণ
িবষয়ঃ ২ - ও ২ বাগধারা কের ‘ফুটপােতর ফুটওভার না করা’ িশেরানােম রচনা িলেখ জমা িদেব।
করা উিচত’ িশরনােম রচনা । ( - ১৮০-২২০)
( - ১৮০-২২০)
Bangla Day -1

Day -2 ‘ নাম কাঁকনডু িব’ ইউিনট

১) ‘ েমর নাম কাঁকন ডু িব’

২) ‘ ’

৩) মাসু দ ভাই মাথা নাড়ল, বলল, ‘

কাঁকনডু িব’ মাসু দ ভাই । ( ২৩৪)
৪) ‘ ,

, “চল ।” -
‘ ’ –

( ২৪৩)
৫) ,
‘ ’
ত হেয়েছ –

Day -3

‘ মু িজবেরর ’ কিবতা পাঠ, কিব পিরিচিত আেলাচনা। ‘ মু িজবেরর ’ মূ ল িনেজর ভাষায় িলেখ আনেব।
জীবন ও আেলাচনা। আেলাচনা ও

Physics Day -1 Topic: Thermometer and Gas Laws Topic: Thermometer and Gas Laws
Properties of gas discussed. (Students will learn the basic The link below will help you to understand the concept.
properties of ideal gas.)
Three laws of gas: Boyle's law, Charles’ law and Pressure law
(Students must remember the condition applicable for each of the
law with graph.)
Write answers to the following questions in your copy.

1. An ideal gas possesses an initial pressure of 200 Newtons per square

meter at a temperature of 1000 Kelvin. While holding the volume constant,
the temperature is decreased to 400 Kelvin. What is the resultant
2. Ten liters of an ideal gas possess an initial pressure of 100 Newtons per
square meter at a temperature of 400 Kelvin. If the volume is decreased to
five liters while raising the temperature to 600 Kelvin, what is the resultant
3. A sealed jar whose volume is exactly 1L which contains 1 mole of air at
temperature 20-degree Celcius, assuming that the air behaves as an ideal
gas. So what is the pressure inside the jar in Pa?
Day -2 Topic: Thermometer and Gas Laws Review Work
Topic: Wave
Compare the gas laws in a table.
1. What is the top of a wave called?
Solve the problems- questions 3 to 6 from page no 34.
2. What is the bottom of a wave called?
3. What is frequency?
4. If a wave is traveling at 60 cm/second and has a wavelength of 15 cm,
what is the frequency?
5. What does amplitude measure?
8. What is the difference between a transverse wave and a longitudinal
9. Are sound waves transverse waves or longitudinal waves? Why?
10. Fill in the blanks.
a) Waves are _______________________________________ through
matter or empty space.
b) Waves move through __________________, _____________________
and _____________________.
c) The ______________________ is the material that a wave moves
d) Waves are needed for the way in which they disturb the medium.
e) ___________________________________ waves are waves that move
the medium at right angles to the direction of the movement of the energy.
Chemistry Day -1 Topic: Acid and Alkali Topic: Acid and Alkali
Chemical reaction of acid and alkali explained and discussed, for Answer the following questions in your copy.
example- Acid+Alkali=Salt + water
1. What is an acid? Write 3 properties of it.
2. What is an Alkali? Write 3 properties of it.
3. Write the differences between acid and alkali.
Day -2 Topic: Acid and Alkali Topic: Acid and Alkali
Contact process of producing sulfuric acid discussed. Read page 134, 135 from Chemistry book. Write answers to the questions
1-3 from page 137 in your copy.

Biology Day -1 Topic: Support and Movement Topic: Support and Movement
Discussion on different types of joint present in the body, parts Answer the following questions in your copy.
and importance of synovial joint
1. What is a joint?
2. Draw and label a synovial joint?
3. What is the importance of synovial joint?
Day -2 Topic: Support and Movement Topic: Support and Movement
Discussion and explanation on how action of muscle helps in Answer the following questions in your copy.
movement of limbs 1. Name different bones present in your:
a) Head
b) Upper limb
c) Lower limb
Topic: Blood and Circulation
Review the following questions and write their answer in your copy.
a) What is the function of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets?
b) What is the composition of blood?
History Day -1 Topic: Political System Through History Topic: Political System Through History
Mind mapping done on different forms of government. IE sheet-1 Watch the video: Who Rules? (Types of Government)
given and discussed. Group work done and worksheet-1
completed referring to IE Sheet 1. Download IE Sheet 1 and Worksheet 1 from the given link.
If the link does not work, please copy the URL and paste it to the address
Day – 2 Topic: Political System Through History Topic: Political System Through History
Different forms of government discussed through PPT, video clip Watch the video.
and activity (statements read out two options given A or B. Watch the video: Democracy - A short introduction
Students chose the right answer and showed A or B)

FLVS Civics: Going Global - Forms of Government(3.53 seconds)
After watching the video ad discussion through PPT students drew
the table in their copy and filled it up. (Referring to IE Sheet and
after watching the video students will be able to complete this.)
Government Description Strength Weakness Example
Day -3 Topic: Political System Through History Topic: Political System Through History
Resources-1 given. Students did pair work and completed Read Resource 3 and complete the worksheet on Types of Government.
Worksheet 2 using Resource 1. Download Resource 1, Resource 2, Resource 3 and Worksheet 2 from the
Resource 2 given. Students did pair work and completed the given link.
worksheet on Cradle of Democracy.

If the link does not work, please copy the URL and paste it to the address

Geography Day -1 Topic- Settlement Topic- Settlement

Assessing Urban problems
Read pages 50-53 from Your Geography book The New Wider Read pages-58 to 59 from The New Wider World.
World. Solve question 10a and 10b of page 57.

Day – 2 Topic- Settlement Topic- Settlement

Assessing urban problems and its solutions. Study case-4 Osaka-
Kobe from The New Wider World page no 70-73 and case-5 Rio De Read pages 70-73, 80-81 and 86-88 from The New Wider World.
Janerio from page no 86-88- group work and discussion done-
identifying urban problems and suggesting solutions.

Day -3 Topic- Settlement Topic- Settlement

Housing shortages in cities- causes, effects and solutions discussed.
Write brief answers to the following questions. Read pages-84 and 85 from The New Wider World (case study-Kolkata).
1. What is a housing shortage? Watch the video:
2. Which cities in the world experience housing shortages?
3. Why do housing shortages occur?
4. What are the consequences of housing shortages in cities?
5. What are some strategies used by cities to manage housing

Bangladesh Topic: Modern Fine Art Topic: Modern Fine Art

Discussion and activity on development of art, painting and Read page no. 90-96 from Amazing Bangladesh Book III and visit the link
sculpture in modern Bangladesh (Chapter-9) and read about ‘Sculptures themed on the Liberation War’:
Reading sections 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6 and 9.7
Watch the video on works and contribution of Shilpacharya Zainul war
Abedin. Bring the text book in next class.

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