Xi 2ND Terminal Examination Syllabus 2079
Xi 2ND Terminal Examination Syllabus 2079
Xi 2ND Terminal Examination Syllabus 2079
सफलता शु भकामना
Unseen Passage (15 marks)
Literature Part : (20 marks)
1.Short Questions. (5x2=10)
2.Long Questions (2x5=10)
Lessons :
1. God Sees the truth but Waits (S.S)
2. The Wish (S.S)
3. Civil Peace (S.S)
4. The Oval Portrait (S.S)
5. A Red, Red Rose (P)
6. All the World’s a Stage (P)
7. Sharing Tradition (E)
8. How to Live Before You Die (E)
9. What I Require from Life (E)
10. Trifles (O.A.P)
Section One (Language Development
Lessons :
1. Education and Humanity
2. Communication
3. Media and Society
4. History and Culture
5. Life and Love
6. Health and exercise
7. Ecology and Development
8. Humour and Satire
9. Democracy and human rights
Composition Part : (25 marks)
Task One : ( 7 marks)
Paragraph Writing / Skeleton Stories
Task Two : ( 8 marks )
Personal letter / Job Application / Biography
Task Three : ( 10 marks )
(Essay Writing - based on exercise of the text book) / Book Review or Film Review
Grammatical Items : ( 10 Marks )
1. Word Classes / Parts of Speech
2. Position of Adverbs
3. Prepositions
4. Tense (simple past)
5. Tense (will and be going to )
6. Subject Verb Agreement / Concord
7. Transitive Intransitive and linking Verb
8. Tense ( simple present and present continuous)
9. Modal Verbs ( should , had better)
Vocabulary ( 5 Marks )
A.Alphabetical order
B. Similar Meanings / Opposite Meanings ( text Based)
C. Singular and plural forms / Make SentencesD.Prefixes /Suffixes / Nouns and Adjectives
The End
Group A (Theory) (11*1=11)
Group B (8*5=40)
Theory = 3
Adjustments entrie = 2
Accounting equation = 5
Subsidiary book with ledger = 3+2=5
Depreciation change method = 5
Triple column cash book = 5
Bank reconiliaiton statement = 5
Rectification of error = 3
Reserve and provision = 2
Adjusted trial balance = 5
Group C (3*8=24)
Final account = 8
Depreciation = 8 (SLM or DBM)
Journal, ledge and trial balance (3+4+1=8)
;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff
;fdflhs cWoog / hLjgf]kof]uL l;k kl/ro, kl/efiff
;fdflhs cWoog / ;fdflhs lj1fg tyf lzIff ljrsf] km/s
;fdflhs cWoog / hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffsf] dxTTj tyf kmfObfx?
lg0f{o / lg0f{osf k|sf/x?
g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg cg';f/ ljleGg k|sf/sf lgjf{rg k|0ffnLx?
ljZjsf] ljleGg xfjfkfgL, g]kfnsf] ef}uf]lnsf ljefhg / ljz]iftf
d'n'sL P]g, g]kfn ;+ljwfg @)$& / g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfgsf ljz]iftf / km/sx?
ljleGg k|sf/sf ;dfh, s[lif ;dfh, cf}Bf]lus ;dfh, ;fDofjfbL ;dfh, 9'ª\u] ;dfhsf ljz]iftfx?
Oltxf;sf] kl/efiff, lktf, d"n k|j[lQ
;fOa/ g}ltstf eg]sf] s] xf] <
sDKo'6/ xf8{jo/, ;km\6jo]/
cgnfOg e'StfgL / o;sf kmfObf / a]kmfObfx?
Od]n eg]sf] / o;sf kmfObf / a]kmfObfx?
;fdflhs ;~hfnsf kmfObf, a]kmfObf tyf r'gf}ltx?
uf}/jdo qmflGt, cf}Bf]lus qmflGt
;dfj]lztf, hghflt, afnL3/ k|yf, ax';f+:s[ltstf / ;fdflhs Pstf
g]kfnsf hftk|yfn] pAhfPsf ;d:ofx? ;dfwfgsf pkfox?
blnt ;jfn g]kfndf blnt ;d'bfosf d'2fx? blntdflysf] e]befj cGTo ug]{ pkfox?
cGt/ j}olQms cGt/j}olQms ;DaGw ;'wf/sf pkfox?
tgfj / tgfjsf ljleGg ;+j]ufTds hl6ntf tyf c;/x?
cf}Bf]lus qmflGt, ;sf/fTds / gsf/fTds kIfx?
pklgj]zjfb tyf o;sf sf/0f / k|efjx?
;~rf/, o;sf k|sf/, k|efjsf/L ;~rf/sf cj/f]wx?
dWosfnLg Pl;ofsf] cfly{s ;+s'rgsf sf/0fx?
Very Total
Short Long
Short marks
Introduction to business 2 2 1 20
Business idea 1 1
Resource Mobilization 2 1 7
Short Long
Chapter MCQ Marks Question Marks Question Marks Total
Computer System 2 2 1 5 7
Number System and Boolean Logice 2 2 2 10 12
Web-Technology 1 1 1
Operating System 2 2 1 8 10
Programming concept 1 5 1 8 13
Multimedia 2 2 1 5 7
Full Marks 50
(1) Introduction to hotel
(2) Hotel Management and organization
(3) Introduction to hospitality and tourism
(4) Front office department
(5) Housekeeping (Definition, organization chart, layout)
2. Dimension of Tourism 5 SQ 1
4. Tourism Organization 13 SQ 1, L 1
6. Tourism in Nepal 13 SQ 1, L 1
7. Impact of Tourism 5 SQ 1
Practical Mark 50
Total 100