Orientation For Pharmacists Procedure - Updated 2011
Orientation For Pharmacists Procedure - Updated 2011
Orientation For Pharmacists Procedure - Updated 2011
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Effective Date: April 2, 2007
Subject: Orientation of New Pharmacists
Date Reviewed:
Date Revised:
Cross Index: Issued by: Pharmacy Manager Approved by: Pharmacy Manager
It is the policy of the Pharmacy Department at Southlake Regional Health Centre that all new staff
members complete a departmental orientation program in addition to the general SRHC orientation for
new employees.
Southlake Regional Health Centre Pharmacy operates a decentralized order entry, unit dose distribution
system with supplemental wardstock. Medication carts are filled daily. The emergency department has
wardstock in an automated dispensing cabinet (Acudose) and a night cart is available for after hour
medication procurement. There is no formalized unit dose IV admixture program, however there are many
sterile IV items prepared by the pharmacy including TPN (pediatric and adult), chemotherapy, immune
globulin, cardioplegia and large volume potassium infusions. The pharmacy is involved in dispensing
Special Access and Clinical Trial medications and provides medications to select outpatients (clozapine,
mental health day patients, dofetilide special access).
All clinical pharmacists enter their own orders and may also have an order entry shift. Some may also
have additional administrative duties (eg. Committees). Clinical pharmacists are involved in patient
discharge counseling, patient classes (hip/knee school, lung school, psychiatric outpatient class), cardiac
preop clinic, the Arthritis Program, and Chemotherapy teaching. In addition, pharmacists provides clinical
coverage to all inpatient nursing units with more coverage dedicated to high risk patients and higher
funded programs.
The following will make up the components of the training program. Training times are general guidelines
and may vary according to the previous experience of the new pharmacist and clinical assignment.
All new pharmacists are required to complete the Orientation Checklist for Pharmacists.
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Subject: Orientation of New Pharmacists - Checklist
Date Reviewed:
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Cross Index: Issued by: Approved by:
Each item is to be checked off when completed. The last page will be signed and dated when completed
and given to the Pharmacy Manager.
Order Entry
Coat Room/Lockers
Tube System
Picking Stations
Fridges, temperature monitors, alarmed to switchboard
IV Room/Anteroom
Rolling Shelves
Locker assignment
Location of Disaster Cart
Garbages/recycling/classified (shredding) waste
3. Communication Trainer______________
All pharmacists are expected to maintain an education learning portfolio as required by the Ontario
College of Pharmacists and are encouraged to participate in continuing education.
During your training period there will likely be topics that you
There is at least one pharmacy in computer order entry at all times. All pharmacists will be required to
complete the Pharmacy Order Entry Training Exercises. Training begins in the test system followed by
supervised order entry in the live system. All live orders will be checked by another pharmacist until such
a time that the training pharmacist is entering error free.
Signing on computers
Order Entry Area
Phone lists
Physician Pager list
Schedule binder and weekly schedule
Pharmacist floor slots (“problem boxes”)
Week-end problems folder
Microbiology Faxed Reports from Sunnybrook
Therapeutic Interchange List
Therapeutic Interchange Order Sheets
Physician Order Progress Sheets
Protocols and Guidelines binder
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative badges – get keys, collect business card and put date on it
Contents of filing cabinets
Reference books/Pharmacist’s Quick Reference Binder/Policies/Formulary
Closing time – locking front door and window
Shredding Confidential materials
Operating Room lists
Clinical Trials
Patient Transfers
Acute to Chronic/Rehab or MHU and vice versa
Read Dofetilide Formulary Addition Request
Clinical Responsibility of Cardiac Pharmacists for dofetilide
Dofetilide Control Log
Patient information binders
Storage of new patient supplies
Inpatient orders – use patient specific supplies only
Outpatient dispensing
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Subject: Orientation of New Pharmacists - Checklist
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Cross Index: Issued by: Approved by:
The interim dose picking station or the “upfront” is staffed by one technician for all hours of operation.
The pharmacist will be oriented to the duties performed by the “upfront” technician.
Each day, medication cassettes are filled to provide a 24-72 hour supply of medications to the nursing
units. Computerized fill list are used to record the number of doses sent for every patient. The pharmacist
will be oriented to the duties performed by the bin filling technicians with attention to the appearance of
the fill list and implications for order entry.
Check carts after delivery for inhalers, creams, etc. Send back to floors with patient(s) and room
Cart Delivery time and schedule
d) Narcotics Trainer______________
There is one full time Narcotic Technician responsible for Narcotic and Controlled Drug Distribution. The
pharmacist will be oriented to the duties performed by the Narcotic technicians in order to be able to check
the work of the narcotic technician and dispense narcotics when required.
There is one full time prepacking technician responsible for the prepacking and manufacturing area. The
pharmacist will be oriented to the duties performed by the Prepacking technicians in order to be able to
check the work of the prepacking technician and locate supplies in the area when required.
Liquid Machine
Inhaler tamper seals
Manufacturing Control Log
Workload Statistics sheet
Auxiliary Labels
Bubble Packaging Machine (view training video on “I” drive)
Topical Creams/Mixtures
All compounded items must have final check by pharmacist
Yellow order to be checked against prescription label ( on new orders)
All math checked
All ingredients and expiry dates checked
All items to have a control number and this must appear on the label
Sign the compounding log sheet
Affix appropriate auxiliary labels as required (eg shake well etc)
Self Medication Kits
CV Surgery Pre-op Kits
Volunteer Activities
Fume evacuation device (“Smell Sucker”)
Eyewash station – proper use of
Waste Management Procedures (ie which gargabe goes in which bin)
f) Emergency Department
- Automated Dispensing Cabinet (Accudose) Trainer______________
The Emergency Department has 3 Automated Dispensing Cabinets which contains all wardstock
medication both narcotic and non-narcotic medications. The Accudose cabinets are maintained by
pharmacy technicians; however, the Pharmacist must be familiar with the process and be aware of the
implications for order entry and On-Call
Accudose Training
Tour of Emergency Department – Acute, Sub-acute, Clinical Decision Unit, Fast Track, Tracking
Observe technician filling Accudose
Stock out lists
Exception Reports
Specialty Charges
Audit trail in patient profile of meds taken from Accudose
RT boxes
Fast Track boxes
Narcotics – cosigning, tracking, discrepancies
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Subject: Orientation of New Pharmacists - Checklist
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Partial Hospital patients are psychiatric patients that come into the hospital on a daily basis for social
support and medication monitoring. They are admitted under the nursing station code PAS.
Patient profiles are printed every Tuesday morning and required medications are filled as Outpatient
Charges with a 7 day supply of medication.
h) Clozapine Trainer______________
The SRHC Schizophrenia Clinic has many clozapine outpatients that receive their drugs free of
charge. These medications are dispensed as outpatient charges and patient profiles are kept for these
patients. Clozapine requires careful blood monitoring and as a result, quantities are restricted to 1 or 2
week supplies depending on the patient. Clozapine is prepared weekly on Wed or Thurs and dispensed
to the clinic for distribution to the patients on Fridays.
7. IV Room/Sterile Procedures
8. TPN
TPN is prepared daily with the exception of week-ends. If patient numbers are less than 7 then TPN is
prepared on Friday for the entire week-end with the exception of MVI and Trace elements which will be
added on Sunday morning. The cut off for new TPN orders is 2 pm. New orders received after that time
will take effect the following day. Plain bags are dispensed until the patient specific additives are done the
following day.
1. Verify dietician is aware of the new TPN order and await changes as needed.
2. Enter TPN and lipids into STAR so they will appear on the MAR
3. Demand an appropriate quantity of TPN and lipids for first day. (enough until 1600 the next
4. Prepare the patient specific TPN worksheet.
5. Using the “Label Maker” create patient specific TPN labels program (procedures posted beside
computer in IV anteroom) .
6. Print a supply of patient specific labels sufficient for several days of TPN treatment.
7. Leave the patient’s TPN order, patient specific labels, demand labels and worksheet together
for the Technician to make a folder.
8. When any TPN changes are made a new worksheet must be prepared.
9. When a TPN is discontinued d/c those TPN labels from the “Label Maker” program.
1. Bring patient TPN folders to floor in am and assess status of TPN on floor, i.e. volumes of
AA/Dex + lipids remaining.
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Subject: Orientation of New Pharmacists - Checklist
Date Reviewed:
Date Revised:
Cross Index: Issued by: Approved by:
2. Review MD orders and dieticians comments regarding relevant blood work, changes to and
progression of TPN; for example, are enteral/ oral feeds commencing soon.
3. Generate appropriate number of demand labels for TPN and lipids (enough until 1600 the
following week-day).
4. Complete TPN worksheet fields for date, bag #, MVI, trace and volume remaining on ward.
5. Return patient TPN folder to pharmacy IV room.
1. When IV technician has drawn up additives for TPN, check the following against the TPN
Patient’s name
TPN solution
Additive volumes (eg. correct volume of correct electrolyte solution)
(remember to check that a filter needle has been used for Vit. K)
TPN chambers have been mixed.
Expiration dates
2. Sign TPN Worksheet.
DI files
Reference Books in Drug Information Room
Patient Information Sheets
Nursing Orientation
Book appointment with hospital librarian for overview of library services and searching
Formulary Addition Requests
There is one full time Pharmacy Technician responsible for Purchasing and Receiving. The pharmacist
will be oriented to the duties performed by the Purchasing technicians.
The Guidelines for Management of Information System in Canadian Health Service Organizations (MIS
Guidelines), developed by the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), provide national
standards for collecting, processing and reporting financial and statistical data on the operation of health
service organizations. The MIS Guidelines address information at the functional centre (department) and
service-recipient (patient) specific level.
At SRHC, the pharmacy reports patient specific (clinical and distribution) workload as well as functional
centre workload. Distribution workload is captured through manual data collection sheets as well as from
computer reports. Clinical and Functional Centre data is collected through documentation into the STAR
system as an “Intervention”. The data collected together with the department’s hours, gives an indication
of productivity that can be compared with other institutions as well as justify staffing requirements.
a) General
c) In addition to the pharmacist’s assigned clinical liaison, all pharmacists need to be familiar with the
programs and general responsibilities of all the pharmacist clinical assignments.
14. Administrative
Approved Abbreviations policy (in Nursing Manual On-line)
Therapeutic Interchange Policy and Procedure
Document Management Policy (in Admin Manual)
Guidelines for Developing Preprinted Physician Orders (in Admin Manual)
Protocols/Guidelines/Medical Directives binder in Order Entry Area
Administration Manual Table of Contents
Pharmacy Department Policies and Procedure Manual
IV Manual – familiarization with
Infection Control Manual – on intranet
Hazardous Drugs in the Pharmacy Department – Policy and Procedure
Latex Allergic/Sensitive Patients – Provision of Medications with natural Rubber Latex Avoidance
(Latex-Smart Environment) Policy
Latex Allergy Binder
Pharmacist’s Quick Reference Binder (located in order entry area)
Physician Handwriting Samples Binder (familiarization with)
Nursing Manual Online – tablet of contents