Wm. Jennings Bryan Dorn VAMC Patient Safety Training
Wm. Jennings Bryan Dorn VAMC Patient Safety Training
Wm. Jennings Bryan Dorn VAMC Patient Safety Training
Focus: Systems
Open Communication
Process changes
What Are Adverse Events?
Patient incidents such as:
Patient falls
Medication errors
Delays in treatment
Medical errors
Information needed:
1. Patient Name & Last 4 7. Outcome
SSN # 8. Treatment required
2. Summary of what 9. Was the incident
happened preventable? If yes, How?
3. Diagnoses 10. Was a medical
4. Location of incident practitioner notified?
5. Time & date 11. Was the patient or family
6. *For Med. Errors notified?
- Drug name
- Type of Error
Incidents Occur While Using
1. Record any settings before disconnecting/turning off
2. Save and label all suspect medical equipment, attachments,
and packing materials (tubing, cables, pads, disposables
3. Remove immediately from service and place in a secure
location (i.e. locked head nurse’s office). Do not send
through normal channels for repair.
4. Report incident and equipment involved to the Patient
Safety Officer (ext 6022) and Biomedical Engineer (ext
7582) as soon as possible.
5. Enter electronic work order describing the incident and
Biomedical staff will pick up and secure devices until
appropriate testing can be completed.
6. Notify VA Police (6804) to pick up and secure equipment &
attachments during non-administrative hours as needed.
7. Initiate a VA Form 10-2633, Report of Special Incident
Involving A Beneficiary displayed on next slide.
How Do We Investigate Patient
Incidents & Close Calls?
A Root Cause Analysis (RCA) team is initiated to
What happened?
How to prevent it from happening in the future?
• non-punitive
• multidisciplinary team approach
• process for identifying basic or contributing causes
• process for identifying what we can do to prevent
What Is An Intentional
Unsafe Act?
An adverse event that results from:
– criminal act
– purposefully unsafe act
– alcohol or substance abuse
– impaired provider/staff
– alleged patient abuse
• TALL MAN lettering
• Blue strip at top of orders in CPRS
• High alert stickers on medications
• Colored bins
• Segregated
• When the person preparing the medication is not the person who will be
administering it, VERIFY both verbally and visually with a second qualified
Reduce the likelihood of patient harm
Associated with Anticoagulation
• Weight based heparin protocol
• Low-molecular weight heparin protocol
• Heparin order sets in CPRS
• Heparin therapy nursing note
• Anticoagulants (IV & oral) are designated as
“High Alert”
• Pharmacist on inpt units to monitor
• Standardized doses for heparin & low-molecular
• Patient education (Coumadin booklets available)
• Mandatory training in LMS for all clinical staff
Universal Protocol for Ensuring
Correct Site Surgery
1. Conduct a pre-procedure verification process to ensure
all documents and related information are available
before the start of the procedure using the Correct Site
Step Three
If applicable, verification by 2 Signatures of 2 physicians
physician OR team members (1 must
be an attending) prior to start of
procedure that imaging data is _________________________________Time: ___________
available on correct patient, properly
labeled and properly presented __________________
“Time Out” in OR; prior to OR Team Verbal Confirmation signed by circulating nurse
incision OR team (minimum of indicating name of other team members
surgeon, circulating nurse,
anesthesia provider) verifies Surgeon: __________________________Time: _________
name of patient/procedure to be
performed/site, including side/ Anesthesia: ______________________________________
implant specifications and availability,
and antibiotic administered if ordered. Circulating Nurse: _________________________________
Patient Identification: Time out procedures must be observed by all members of the operating team.
Failure on any team members part to follow will result in documentation of non-compliance.
Full Name
Full SSN
Reduce Healthcare
Acquired Infections
The Provider:
• Develops complete/accurate list of patient’s medication with the patient &/or
• Compares (reconciles) the list of medications with new orders for medications.
• Updates list as orders change using the medication reconciliation note
• Communicates list to next provider(s) during Hand-Off
• Provides written discharge instructions with medication list to patient
The Pharmacist:
• Reviews and compares the current list with orders to help
avoid duplications, interactions, omissions and incorrect doses.
• Notifies the ordering provider of any discrepancies immediately
Reduce Risk of Harm From Falls
*Hospital falls have a 30% risk of physical injury
At risk populations: 1-4 and 85+ age groups
Increase of injury-related deaths in the elderly
Joint Commission
Complaint Hotline 1-800-994-6610
Prevent Pressure Ulcers
Resident’s Signature