Hydropower Note
Hydropower Note
Hydropower Note
Power is the rate of consumption or rate of generation of energy. Energy may be obtained from any sources. Some of the possible
sources of energy are mentioned below.
1. Hydropower
2. Thermal Power
3. Nuclear Power
4. Tidal Power
5. Solar Power
6. Geo-Thermal Power
7. Wind Power
1. Hydropower
Hydropower is the mechanism of generation of electrical power from the energy of water. Water from high elevation hits the
turbine located at lower elevation and turbine extracts the power of water which is also called hydraulic energy and converts it into
mechanical power. The generator converts the mechanical power of shaft into electrical energy. The difference in elevation of
headwater (intake water level or reservoir level) and tail water is called head. For generation of power, head and discharge of water
are vital parameters.
Environment friendly and non polluting
Renewable source of energy
Can generate power in large scale
Very efficient for peak load
Economic source of energy if discharge and head is available
Long period for planning and construction
Large initial cost
Firm energy may not be high if the hydrology is not uniform
There may be submergence of large area and ecological imbalance may takeplace.
Hydropower projects are located in relatively difficult topography and longtransmission lines are required to evacuate the
power generated.
2. Thermal Power
In a thermal power plant, fuel such as coal, diesel, gases or combination of fuels burnt in order to produce steam, which
drives the turbine. Because of long time required for producing and accumulating steam, thermal power plants require several hours
for startup, and they are not very responsive to the demand. Hence they are basically used for base load as they have less peaking
capability. The operation and maintenance cost is very high in case of Thermal Power.
3. Nuclear Power
Nuclear power plants are very similar to fossil fuel steam plants except that nuclear fission produces the heat required to generate
the steam. The nuclear systems are operated at a lower pressure and temperature.
4. Tidal Power
The tidal power plant utilizes water elevated in high tides. The tidal power plant can be constructed where the sea is encroached to
the coast with narrow stripe with shallow depth. A barrier dam is constructed to create head and a reservoir separating sea into two
parts. A power house is often accommodated the barrier itself. Tidal amplitudes attain considerable magnitudes along certain
costal stretches.
5. Solar Power
Solar power plants utilize the radiation of sun to generate electric power. The solar panels convert the solar radiation into electric
power. The solar energy has been used in domestic consumption as well as for certain commercial purposes. In Nepal, NEA has
generated more than 1.3 MW solar power and many other Independent Power Producers (IPPs) also have acquired for solar power
6. Wind Power
Wind power plant consists of a propeller, generator and other accessories. The propeller converts the wind power into rotation of
shaft and the mechanical power of the shaft is converted into electrical power by the turbines. Nepal is a mountainous country
with a high potential for wind energy. Nepal is said to have wind power of 3000 MW capacity. Several wind power plants have
been installed in the country especially in mountainous regions.
7. Geo-thermal Power
The temperature below the surface of earth is high. In geo-thermal power plants, the holes are drilled to get hot water/stream rock
fractures. Steam that comes up is purified and used to drive turbines, which drive electric generators. There may be natural
groundwater in the hot rocks anyway, or may need to drillmore holes and pump water down to them.
History of Hydropower Development in Nepal
• Pharping hydropower plant (500kw) was commissioned in the country in 1911. It took almost three decades before the 640kw
Sundarijal plant came into operation followed by 2400 KW khopasi plant that was commissioned in 1965. Only in 1989 the
total installed capacity reached about 250 MW after successive plants (kulekhani, marsyandi, Trisuli, Sunkoshi etc.) were
built with the assistance from India, China and the Russia along with the loan assistance made available from the World bank,
Asian Development bank the German and Japanese governments.
• The Hydropower Development Policy, 2001 of Nepal provides the guidelines for hydropower development in Nepal in line
with this policy objective. The major policy objective of Government of Nepal is to develop the nation’s vast hydropower
resource potential to serve the electricity needs of the people and to generate export revenue.
• The Government of Nepal has adopted liberal policy to attract private investment for the development of small hydropower
project. Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has announced its policy to purchase the power produced by the private
developers of small hydropower projects up to 100 megawatt capacities at flat or the declared rates. The per units price for
the electricity generated from the small projects of capacity 1MW to 100 MW is fixed at NRS.4.80 for the wet months and
NRS . 8.40 for the dry months . December to May (Six months) are considered as dry months . There will be an annual
increment of 3 percent in the price for first eight years and the price escalation after this period will be considered to decide
the new purchasing rate. The power purchasing rate for above 100 MW will be fixed based on the negotiation, and thus
varies from project to project.
• In order to assist the capital investment for the construction of hydropower projects ,domestic, commercial banks are showing
great interest to invest in hydropower projects as priority sector investment. This trend has encouraged the private investors
to put up small hydropower projects and meet the growing demand of power in the country.
• Electricity Act, 2049 has facilitated wide business opportunities to local and foreign investors alike to developing hydropower
projects. In this regard, the governments has already granted permission to quite a few independent power producers (IPPs)
to develop hydropower projects in different parts of the country. Khimti (60MW),Bhotekhoshi (36MW), Indrawati (7.5MW),
Chilime (20MW), Piluwa Khola (3MW), Chaku khola (1.5MW), Sunkhoshi small (2.6MW) and khudi (4MW) have already
started generating electricity. The independent power procedures contributing about more than 50% of the total installed
capacity of Nepal’s power system some projects are in final stage of construction and some are in process .
• In 1996 first tunneling 500KW hydropower project in Tinau river of Butwal was commission through Butwal power
company (BPC) ltd; a private sector hydropower developing company from the grant of NORAD (Norwegian Agency for
Development Coperation). Then NORAD successively gave assistance to develop 5.1 MW Andhikhola multipurpose
hydropower with irrigation projects and Jhimruk Hydropower project in 1995 and 2000 AD respectively through BPC the
GoN. After some years , BPC was privatized.
• Lower Marshyangdi or Marshyangdi Hydropwer Project, 69 MW was completed by NEA on 5 November, 1989 with finance
from GoN, IDA, KFW, SFD and ADB.
• Kaligandaki A hydropower project, 144 MW was completed on 2002 by NEA under financial aid of Asian Development Bank.
• Middle Marshyangdi Hydropower Project, 70 MW was completed in 2008 by NEA under technical and financial support of
• Kulekhani I Hydropower Project, 60 MW was commissioned in 1982 AD. It is the only hydropower project of storage type in
the country. The project was funded by GoN, World bank, Kuwait Fund, UNDP, Overseas economic cooperation fund.
Kulekhani II Hydropower Project was constructed as cascade of Kulekhani I Storage Project in 1986 and the capacity of
Kulekhani II hydropower project was 30 MW. The 14 MW Kulekhani III Hydropower Project, which is the cascade of
Kulekhani I and II Hydropower plant was commissioned in 2019.
• Upper Trishuli 3A Hydropower project, 60 MW was commissioned in 2019.
• Upper Tamakoshi Hydropower Project (456 MW) was commissioned in 2021 AD, the largest operating hydropower project in
the country.
• Vidyut Utpadan Company Limited (VUCL) was established under the Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation on
November 20, 2016. The main objective of the company is to develop the hydropower projects in around the country.
• Rastriya Prasaran Grid Company Limited (RPGCL) was established under the Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and
Irrigation in 12 July 2015 for development of transmission lines through the country.
• Hydroelectricity Investment and Development Company Limited (HIDCL) was established at July 11 2011 as per the decision
of Government of Nepal dated July 6, 2011. The main purpose of this company is to manage funds for generation of
Project 3
Project 1
Project 2
Project 4
2. Technical Potential: The power which is naturally possible may not be technically feasible. Out of the gross potential, the
power potential which is technically feasible considering geology, topography, climate, accessibility is called Technical
3. Economical Potential: Even if the project is technically feasible, if it does not give good return, it might not be financially
feasible. The total capacity that is technically feasible as well as which is financially feasible (i. e; benefit is more than or
equal to cost) is called economic potential. Economic potential of Nepal is 42,000 MW.
World’s Hydropower Potential
World’s Hydropower Potential in terms of energy is provided in the following table. The largest hydropower potential is in Latin
Americafollowed by Asia. The minimum potential is seen in Oceinia.
To achieve the above mentioned objectives, following provisions have been made in Hydropower Development Policy.
1. Environmental Provisions
• At least 10 % of driest monthly flow should be released downstream.
• The issues identified by environmental impact study shall be implemented during construction.
• The licensee has to rehabilitate and resettle the families to be displaced while generating, transmitting and
distributing electricity in accordance with the standards specified by Government of Nepal.
2. Provisions of Water Rights
• Legal provisions shall be made to prevent adverse effects on the availability of water or water right of the projects
for which license is not required or being operated after obtaining the license.
3. Provision of Investment in Production, Transmission and Distribution
• Hydropower shall be developed attracting the investment of domestic and foreign investors through sole or Joint
Venture Company and shall also be developed through Joint Venture Company of the private sector and the public sector.
• Capital market shall be mobilized to encourage domestic investment in hydropower generation.
• The Infrastructure Financial Institution to be established under the Build, Operate and Transfer of Public
Infrastructure Policy, 2000 shall also be utilized for the hydropower generation and distribution projects.
• In cases where irrigation benefits may also be availed from any storage project, Government of Nepal may be a
joint venture partner with the private sector in such a project
• Peaking Run of River is similar to RoR project. The difference is that a PRoR project has a daily peaking pond which
can store the discharge of off-peaking hours of a day in dry months. In the dry months, when the discharge available in
the river is less than the design discharge of the project, the generation will be less than the installed capacity. In our
system, the power demand is not constant within a day. The demand is more during certain hours which are called peak
hours. The hours of day other than peak hours are called off-peak hours. Generally maximum demand occurs during
evening (generally 6-10 PM). Previously, demand was in more during morning hours (7-9 AM) too however, in recent
years this pattern has changed.
• A PRoR project stores water of the river during off peak hours and generates at full capacity during peak hours. For the
storage of water, a daily peaking pond is provided. However, the storage capacity of daily peaking pond is small and it
can store the discharge of certain hours of a day. Also, the peaking capacity of all projects may not be uniform. As per
PPA guidelines of NEA, the peaking capacity from 1 hour to 6 hours is acceptable.
• But when the discharge available in the river is equal to or greater than the design discharge of the plant, the PRoR
project works same as RoR project and there is no need to store water in the peaking pond.
• The construction cost of PRoR projects is higher than RoR projects because the dam has to be constructed in PRoR
projects to generate peaking reservoir. That’s why NEA provides higher rates of energy during peaking hours for PRoR
projects. For PRoR projects, the rate of energy during peaking hours is from 8.5 to 10.55 Rs per unit during peaking
hours whereas for RoR projects, NEA provides rate of energy as 8.4 Nrs per unit in dry season.
• The components of PRoR project are dam/barrage, peaking reservoir, undersluice, divide wall, undersluice, spillway,
energy dissipator, settling basin, headrace tunnel/pipe, surge tank, penstock, anchor blocks, powerhouse with necessary
hydromechanical and electromechanical equipment, tailrace, etc.
For better understanding of PRoR project, refer the following example.
A hydropower project is constructed in a river with net head of 200 m and
design discharge of 40 cumecs. The overall efficiency of the project is 85 %.
The installed capacity is :
P = ηүQH = 0.85*9.81*40*200 = 66,708 KW = 66.7 MW
Consider the month of June when the discharge available in the river is 60 cumecs. The power produced in the month of
June will be
P = ηүQH = 0.85*9.81*40*200 = 66,708 KW = 66.7 MW. Here discharge 80 cumecs is not used as the plant can not utilize
more discharge than it’s design discharge. So, in the month of June, the water in the river is sufficient and there is no use of
the peaking reservoir/pond.
Consider the month of April when the discharge available in river is 10cumecs. The power produced in the month of April
will be,
P = ηүQH = 0.85*9.81*10*200 = 16,677 KW = 16.7 MW
So, if we run the plant continuously for 24 hours, we will get 16.7 MW power. However, if we store the water in the
reservoir during off peak hours and operate the project for 6 hour peaking, then discharge available for peak hours would be
Q= = 40 cumecs.
Then the power generated would be
P = ηүQH = 0.85*9.81*40*200 = 66,708 KW = 66.7 MW, which is the installed capacity of the plant. So, we can shut down
the plant for 18 hours andoperate the plant for 6 hours at full capacity. However, it is not necessary thatthe plant may be shut
down completely during off-peak hours. The design may differ from project to project.
P = 16.7 MW throughout the day
P = 66.7 MW P = 66.7 MW
7 AM 9 AM 6 PM 10 AM Time
Fig: Power Generation with PRoR
Fig: Middle Marshyangdi Hydropower Project, Lamjung a PRoR Project
c. Storage Hydropower Project
• Storage hydropower projects are those projects in which there is a high dam and large reservoir of sufficient capacity to store
the required amount of water. The storage project stores water during the wet season/monsoon period so that it can be used
in wet season when the discharge available in the river is low.
• In our country, there is large variation in discharge flowing in the river among different months. The discharge flowing in
the river changes from month to month. The maximum discharge of the rivers may be even more than 20 times than the
minimum discharge. Considering our river hydrology, the production in the dry months even falls to 20 % of their designed
capacity for RoR projects whereas the demand remains same.
• So, to manage this gap between production and demand, storage projects are required which can generate at high capacity
during dry season. Also, these projects can be operated at any time when the load in the system is high. If the project is shut
down (closed), the water will not be wasted as the water can be stored in the reservoir.
• The storage project required huge cost investment as it consists of large dam and reservoir. The cost of land acquisition for
the reservoir submergence area is also high. That’s why energy generated from this project has high cost. The PPA schemes
of NEA provide 12.4 Nrs per unit for dry season (6 months) and 7.1 Nrs. per unit for wet season.
• In the countries like Nepal, where the water available in the rivers in dry months falls significantly and the power production
also falls in the dry months, storage projects are absolutely necessary. Presently, the demand management on the country has
been made possible by import from India. However, for a long term basis, the country has to develop more storage projects
to address seasonal gap between production and demand.
• Also, there are many benefits with storage projects. A storage project gives solutions to flood problems on the
downstream reaches, opens opportunities of tourism development an recreation activities, can be used as multipurpose
• The components of storage project are, dam, spillway, energy dissipator, intake, tunnel, surge tank, penstock pipe, anchor
blocks, powerhouse and tailrace.
Kulekhani I Reservoir
Kulekhani I Dam and Reservoir
d. Pumped Storage Projects
o Pumped storage project consists of two reservoirs, one on upstream and one on downstream. The upper reservoir supplies
water to the plant during generation phase. The lower reservoir supplies water to upperreservoir during pumping phase.
o The pumped storage projects are especially targeted for peak hours. During peak hours, the plant will start generation. The
rate of energy during peak hours is high. During off-peak hours, the plant starts pumping water from lower reservoir to upper
reservoir using cheap energy available in the grid. These plants are suitable for addressing daily peak demand.
o The turbine of the pumped storage plant acts as pump during pumping so that there is no need of installing separate pump for
pumping hours.
• If the discharge data of the river is plotted with the time such that the discharge is plotted in Y-axis and the probability of
exceedance of that discharge is plotted in X-axis, then the resulting curve is called flow duration curve. Probability of
exceedance is the percentage time at which the flow equal to or more than the given flow is expected to occur.
Flow Duration Curve
40 50 Probability of exceedance %
Flow Duration Curve of a Nepalese River
As the probability of exceedance increases, the discharge decreases.
Uses of the Flow Duration Curve:
1. To know the variation of the discharge pattern in the river.
2. To Assess the primary and the secondary power that can be generatedfrom the river.
3. To fix the designed discharge for any Run of River or Storage Plants.
4. To fix the installed capacity for any hydropower plant.
5. To calculate the storage volume required for the storage projects.
6. Flow duration curve is used to select the number and the types of turbines.
7. After generating the flow duration curve, we can assess the different capacities that can be generated from the given river
source. It helps us to select the suitable option among them as which is suitable for the power market or the energy
8. Flow duration curve is the primary parameter which helps a decision maker to formulate plans regarding the development
of hydropower projects,.
9. Flow duration curve can be combined with the sediment data which is very much useful to access the sediment load that
is expected to enter the reservoir of any storage project.
Design Discharge:
• The discharge at which the given hydropower is designed is the design discharge. It is different than the discharge available
in the river. It is the maximum discharge which the turbines of the hydropower plants can withdraw (except the case of
overloading). It is fixed either by the economic considerations (mostly) or by the other requirements (like the requirements
of the power demand, plant type, etc).
• The installed capacity of a plant is fixed based on the design discharge. Installed capacity, P = η*γ *Q*H,
η = efficiency,
γ = specific weight of water
Q = design discharge
H = Head
Installed Capacity:
• The maximum power that can be generated from a particular power plant is called installed capacity. It is the most economical
capacity of the plant, i. e; the benefit from the plant is optimum if the plant capacity is fixed at installed capacity. A pant can
not generate more power than the installed capacity. The installed capacity of a plant can be calculated by:
• Installed capacity, P = η*γ *Q*H,
where, η = efficiency,
γ = specific weight of water
Q = design discharge
H = Head
Power Duration Curve:
• The curve obtained by plotting the power generated on Y-Axis and the probability of exceedance of that power on X-Axis is
called the power duration curve. The power duration curve is similar to the flow duration curve. The power duration curve for
a RoR project is a declining curve because the discharge in the river does not remain constant all the time and the discharge
decreases with increase in probability of exceedance. The power duration curve of a storage projects is straight line as the
constant power can be generated by varying discharge even if there is fluctuation in head.
• The figure shows that the power produced from a RoR project changes drastically after certain time whereas the power
generated from storage project also decreases but ay very slow rate. A comparison of power duration curve for a storage project
and RoR project constructed on the same river is shown on above figure. A power duration curve is also generated on the same
way as flow duration curve.
Firm Power/Primary Power:
• The power, which can be produced from the plant in any time of the year is calledfirm power. It is the minimum power
which can be produced from the plant.
Secondary Power:
• The power which can be produced from the plant in excess of the firm power is called secondary power. The plant can deliver
secondary power for only a certain part of a year.
• Secondary power = Actual power – primary power.
Firm Energy:
• The energy, which can be produced from the plant in one year if the plant operatesat the firm power for whole year is called
firm energy. It is equal to the firm power multipiled with one year.
• Firm Energy = Firm power * 1 year
Secondary Energy:
• The energy, which is in excess to the firm energy is called secondary energy.
• Secondary Energy is equal to the total energy minus the firm energy. Secondaryenergy = Total Energy- Firm Energy
Spill Energy:
• The energy, which is in excess to the demand is called the spill energy. When the total energy in the grid is more than the
demand, then it is called spill energy. The energy will spill during the wet season when all the plants run at full capacity.
Average annual energy
• The energy generated by a power plant in an average year is called average annual energy. The average year is the synthetic
year in which the flow is the average of flows of several year. It is the sum of energy generated in every months of that year
Seasonal Energy
• The energy generated in a particular season is called seasonal energy. For energy generation perspective, a year is divided into
wet season and dry season. The energy generated in wet season is called wet energy and energy generated in dry season is
called dry season energy. In out context, the wet season is from Jestha 16 to Mansir 15 and the dry season is from Mansir 16 to
jestha 15.
• The minim dry energy of a RoR, PRoR and storage project should be at least 30 %, 30 % and 35 % of average annual energy
to be eligible for power purchase agreement (PPA). However, 4 month dry energy (Poush to Chaitra) equal to 15 % is
Load Curve:
• There is basic difference between the load and demand. Load is the power that the generator has to produce in order to
meet the power requirements. In electrical terms, a load can be a fan, heater, bulb,etc.
• Demand will be equal to load if the power supply is sufficient to meet the demand.
• Load curve is the curve showing load and time. The daily load curve in Nepalease power system shows peak
during morning and evening as compared to the day and night. This is mainly because, the major load in Nepal is the
domestic load. If there are sufficient industries that run during the day time, the load curve would show the peak during
the day time.
• The typical load curve of Nepal is shown in the figure above. The load curve shows the hourly variation of load
within a day. The load curve of Nepal as recorded by Integrated National Power System(INPS) is shown in
following slides.
Types of Load Variation:
1. Daily Load Variation: The variation of load within a day is called daily load variation. The load in Nepalease power
system is more in morning and evening thanthe days and night. The evening peak is more than the morning peak.
2. Weekly Variation: The variation of load within a day of week is called weekly
variation. Normally, the load is more in Saturday than other days of the week.
3. Monthly Variation: The variation of load in different months is called monthly variation. The load is more in the
winter months as compared to other months.
Plant Outage: Plant outage is the situation when the power plant remains shut.Outage may be of two types.
a) Planned Outage: The outage which is already known is called planned outage. Itis scheduled outage for settlilng
basin flushing, maintenance of the electromechanical works, etc.
b) Forced Outage: The forced outages are emergency outages. This type of outageoccurs suddenly due to the huge
problem in the system like failure of transmissionline, damage of headworks, etc. The forced outage is emergency
situation and it causes huge loss to the system.
Important Terms and Factors:
(i) Connected load: It is the sum of continuous ratings of all the equipment connected to supply system. A power station supplies
load to thousands of consumers. Each consumer has certain equipment installed in his premises. The sum of the continuous ratings
of all the equipment in the consumer’s premises is the “connected load” of the consumer. For instance, if a consumer has
connections of five 100-watt lamps and a power point of 500 watts, then connected load of the consumer is 5 × 100 + 500 =
1000 watts. The sum ofthe connected loads of all the consumers is the connected load to the power station.
(ii) Maximum demand: It is the greatest demand of load on the power station during a given period. The load on the power
station varies from time to time. The maximum of all the demands that have occurred during a given period (say a day) is the
maximum demand. Maximum demand is generally less than the connected load because all the consumers do not switch on their
connected load to the system at a time. The knowledge of maximum demand is very important as it helps in determining the
installed capacity of the station. The station must be capable of meeting the maximum demand.
(iii) Demand factor: It is the ratio of maximum demand on the power station to its connected load i.e;
Demand factor = Maximum demand/Connected load . The value of demand factor is usually less than 1.It is expected because
maximum demand on the power station is generally less than the connected load. If the maximum demand on the power station is
80 MW and the connected load is 100 MW, then demand factor = 80/100 = 0·8.The knowledge of demand factor is vital in
determining the capacity of the plant equipment
(iv) Average load: The average of loads occurring on the power station in a givenperiod (day or month or year) is known as
average load or average demand. Average load = Total energy consumed within a time period/time
V) Load factor: The ratio of average load to the maximum demand during a givenperiod is known as load factor i.e.,
Load factor = average load/peak load
The load factor may be daily load factor, monthly load factor or annual load factor if the time period considered is a day or month or
year. Load factor is always less than 1 because the average load is smaller than the maximum demand. The load factor plays a key
role in determining the overall cost per unit generated. Higher the load factor of the power station, lesser will be the cost per unit
vi) Diversity factor: The ratio of the sum of individual maximum demands to
the maximum demand on power station is known as diversity factor i.e., diversity factor = sum of individual maximum
demands/maximumdemand on the power station
vii) Plant factor or capacity factor: It is the ratio of actual energy produced tothe maximum possible energy that could have
been produced during a given period. In other words, it is the ratio of average load to the installed capacity.
i.e. plant/capacity factor = average load/installed capacity
viii) Reserve capacity: It is the difference between installed capacity and peakload. Reserve capacity = Installed capacity – peak
Reserve capacity factor = installed capacity/peak load.Utilization factor = peak
load/installed capacity
Relation between load factor, utilization factor factor and plant factorPlant factor = Load factor*Utilization Factor
Q. 1
Given: Design discharge (Q) = 19.8 m3 /sec
H = 150 m
η = 85 % (Modified)
Installed capacity, P = η*ү*Q*H
= 0.81*9.81*19.8*150/1000 = 24.76 MW
Peak Load = 24 MW
For average load,
Total energy consumed within the day =
10*4+15*3+20*2+16*2+13*5+16*2+16*2+24*2+12*2 = 358
Average load = total energy consumed/time
= 358/24 = 14.91 MW
Load factor = Average Load/Peak Load
= 14.91/24 = 0.62
Alternately, Load factor = total energy/(peak load*time) =
358/(24*24) = 0.62
Plant factor = Average Load/Installed Capacity
= 14.91/24.76 = 0.602
Alternatively, Plant factor = Total energy consumed/(Installed
= 358/(24.76*24) = 0.602
Reserve capacity = Installed capacity – Peak Load = 24.76 – 24 = 0.76
Reserve factor =installed capacity / Peak load = 24.76/24 = 1.03
Utilization factor = peak load/installed capacity = 24/24.76 = 0.96
A power station has to supply the following loads on an average day. Draw the load duration curve and calculate daily load
factor. Find the plant factor and utilization factor of a standby thermal power plant of capacity 1000 KW which operates at the time
when load exceeds more than 1500 KW
10PM 4Am- 5AM- 6- 8AM- 11Am 12PM 4PM- 6PM- 8PM-
- 12PM
-4AM 5AM 6AM 8(AM 11Am -4PM 6PM 8PM 10PM
Load, 500 750 1000 2000 2500 1500 2500 2000 2500 1000
Load on - - - 500 1000 0 1000 500 1000 -
therm al
Load factor of the system
Energy consumed =
0*2+1000*2 = 38750
Average Load = total energy consumed/time = 38750/24 = 1614.58 KW
Peak load = 2500 KW
Therefore, Load factor of the system = Average Load/peak Load =
1614.58/2500 = 0.645
For the Standby Thermal Plant:
Installed capacity = 1000 KW
Peak load = 1000 KW
Energy consumed = 500*2+1000*3+1000*4+500*2+1000*2 =
Average Load = Energy consumed/time = 11000/24 = 458.33 KW
Utilization factor = Peak Load/Installed capacity = 1000/1000 =1
Load factor = Average Load/Peak load = 458.33/1000 = 0.458
Capacity factor = Load factor*Utilization factor = 0.458*1 = 0.458
Q. 2013/2b.
The average monthly flows (m3/sec) of a river from January to
December are 180, 158, 142, 130, 190, 443, 1065, 1270, 1105,
745, 390 and 213 respectively. The effective head is 105 m and
overall efficiency is 88 %. The design discharge of the plant is set
at Q65 . Based on these data, answer the following.
i) What is installed capacity of the plant
ii) What are annual firm power, annual firm energy and
secondary energy produced by the plant.
iii) If the deficit in firm power in present power system is 125
MW, what is the required storage capacity of a storage
Method 1:
Month No. of Flow Desc. Rank Exc. Dischar Power, Energy,
Days (m3/se Order Prob. ge for MW GW-hr
c) Power
Jan 31 180 1270 1 8.33 180 163.15 121.38
Feb 28 158 1105 2 16.67 158 143.21 96.23
Mar 31 142 1065 3 25 142 128.7 95.76
April 30 130 745 4 33.33 130 117.83 84.83
May 31 190 443 5 41.67 190 172.22 128.13
June 30 443 390 6 50 194.6 176.39 127
July 31 1065 213 7 58.33 194.6 176.39 131.23
August 31 1270 190 8 66.67 194.6 176.39 131.23
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Au Sept Oct Nov Dec
2011 3.9 3.0 1.9 1.2 5.3 19.2 107.8 55 87.5 27.5 13.5 8.7
2012 6.4 5.3 3.8 3.2 7.3 52.3 83.7 53 125. 24.1 10.2 7.4
.2 6
2013 4.3 3.1 2.6 1.7 2.8 13.5 106 94 39.4 20.3 10.4 6.5
2014 4.8 4.0 3.4 3.3 5.1 23.0 109.4 97 70.8 12.1 5.2 3.3
.4 1
2015 3.9 1.6 1.3 0.5 6.4 20.8 112.2 10 56.6 19.6 10 6.7
2016 4.8 4.7 5.3 3.3 3.9 42.0 153.7 85 41.6 18.9 8.4 5.3
Avg. 4.6 3.61 3.05 2.2 5.11 28.46 112.13 81. 70.25 20.41 9.61 6.31
8 95
Solution Method 2
Month Flow Desc. Rank Exc. Discha Power, Energy, GW-
(m /se Order Prob. rge for MW hr
c) Power
Jan 4.68 112.1 1 8.33 22.02 48.71 35.54
Feb 3.61 81.95 2 16.67 22.02 48.71 35.54
Mar 3.05 70.25 3 25 22.02 48.71 35.54
April 2.2 28.46 4 33.33 22.02 48.71 35.54
22.02 40 22.02 48.71 28.46
May 5.11 20.41 5 41.67 20.41 45.15 6.87
June 28.46 9.61 6 50 9.61 21.26 24.23
July 112.1 6.31 7 58.33 6.31 13.96 12.85
August 81.95 5.11 8 66.67 5.11 11.3 9.22
8.33 48.71
16.67 48.71
25.00 48.71
8.33 E4
33.33 48.71
40 E5 48.71
E6 45.15
8.33 8.33
E8 13.96
66.67 11.30
75 10.35
83.33 7.98
8.33 8.33
91.67 6.74
100 4.86
% Time
Solution from Method 1
Month No. of Flow Desc. Rank Exc. d/s Discha Power, Energy
Days (m3/se Order Prob. releas rge for MW , GW-
c) e Power hr
Jan 31 4.21 38.8 1 8.33 0.16 4.05 10.13 7.54
Feb 28 2.92 32.3 2 16.67 0.16 2.76 6.90 4.64
Mar 31 2.14 21.02 3 25 0.16 1.98 4.95 3.69
April 30 1.55 16.17 4 33.33 0.16 1.39 3.48 2.50
May 31 2.92 7.76 5 41.67 0.16 2.76 6.90 5.14
June 30 4.86 5.82 6 50 0.16 4.70 11.76 8.47
July 31 21.02 4.86 7 58.33 0.16 9.44 23.61 17.57
August 31 38.8 8 66.67 0.16 9.44
23.61 17.57
Sept 30 32.33 2.92 9 75 0.16 9.44 23.61 17.00
Oct 31 16.17 2.92 10 83.33 0.16 9.44 23.61 17.57
Nov 30 7.76 2.14 11 91.67 0.16 7.6 19.01 13.69
Dec 31 5.82 1.55 12 100 0.16 5.66 14.16 10.53
Total annual energy, GW-hr 125.91
i. Exceedance probability = Rank/Max. Rank
Q33.33 = 16.2 m3 /sec, Q41.67 = 7.76 m3 /sec
Q40 = design discharge = 9.44 m3 /sec
Downstream release or riparian flow = 10 % of driest monthly flow = 0.1*1.55
=0.155=0.16 m3 /sec
Note: to find discharge available for power,
a. Calculate monthly flow – d/s release
b. If the flow calculated in a is > design discharge, then adopt design
discharge as discharge available for power
c. If the flow calculated in a is < design discharge, then adopt the flow
calculated in a is the discharge available for power
Net Head, H = 300 m, efficiency, η = 85 %,
ii. Installed capacity = ?
P = η *ү*Qdesign*H = 0.85*9.81*9.44*300 = 23614 KW = 23.61 MW
Now, firm flow for hydropower = minimum flow available for power
generation = 1.39 m3 /sec
Firm capacity = minimum capacity = 3.48 MW
For January
Power, P = η *ү*Q*H = 0.85*9.81*4.05*300 = 10131 KW = 10.13 MW
Note use flow available for January.
Energy = Power*Time = 10.13 MW*31 days
= 10.13/1000*31*24 GW-hr = 7.53 GW-hr
For August:
Power, P = η *ү*Q*H = 0.85*9.81*9.44 = 23.61
Energy = Power*Time = 23.61/1000*31*24 = 17.57 GW-hr
iii. Firm Power = Minimum power = 3.48 MW
Firm Energy = Energy generated if the plant runs at firm power
throughout the year
= firm power*1year = 3.48/1000*365*24 = 30.48 GW-hr
Total annual energy = 125.91 GW-hr
Secondary Energy = Total annual energy – firm energy = 125.91-30.48
= 95.43 GW-hr
iv. Storage Requirement
Present firm flow = 1.39 m3/sec
Additional firm flow = 2 m3/sec
New firm flow = 2+ 1.39 = 3.39 m3/sec
The new firm flow will not be available for the month of February, March,
April, May
Deficient discharge for February = 3.39 – 2.76 = 0.63 m3/sec
Storage volume required for February = deficient discharge *time =
0.63*28*24*60*60 = 1.52*106 m3 = 1.52 MCM (MCM = Million Cubic Meters)
Deficient discharge for March = 3.39 – 1.98 = 1.41 m3/sec
Storage volume required for march = deficient discharge*time =
1.41*31*24*60*60 = 3.7 *106 m3 = 3.7 MCM (MCM = Million Cubic Meters)
Storage volume required for April = (3.39-1.39)*30*24*60*60
= 5.18*106 m3 = 5.18 MCM (MCM = Million Cubic Meters)
Storage Volume required for May = (3.39-2.76)*31*24*60*60 = 1.68*106 m3 =
1.68 MCM (MCM = Million Cubic Meters)
In other months, the flow available for power is more than the required firm
flow. So, storage is not required for those months.
Total storage required = 1.52+3.7+5.18+1.68 = 12.08 MCM.
3.0 Planning and Layout of Hydropower Projects (4hrs)
Project Identification
Feasible ?
Feasible ?
No Yes
Feasible ?
Feasibility Study
Yes Yes
Pre-Feasibility Study Feasible ?
1. Project Identification Stage
The potential project site may be identified based on the topographic maps,
google maps, basin plans, master plans, government basket, list of projects from
government data, literature studies and available hydrological data. A desk
study report is prepared which includes the project site, available data, project
capacity, energy generated and other information about the project is prepared.
The desk study report can be prepared without visiting the site. However, there
nay be limitations since this does not include site data. If the project is not
found attractive, another project is identified.
2. Reconnaissance Stage
Reconnaissance includes confirmation of the information collected in the
identification phase by the field visit. The walkover (reconnaissance) of the
project area is carried out to explore the possible alternatives of layout. The
relevant data on the topography, hydrology, geology, access, environmental
conditions is collected by the field visit. In this stage, different alternative
layouts for the project are prepared and the alternative locations for different
project structures are identified. A preliminary report is prepared which
summarizes project information, layout, capacity, energy, alternative layouts
and other relevant information. Although it may be very early to decide the
feasibility of the project, but based on the study and findings, we can
recommend whether we should conduct further study of the project or not.
3. Pre-Feasibility Study
Prefeasibility study is technical study of the project. It includes the complete
technical study and regarding environmental study, some environmental
baseline data may be collected. However, the level of detailing of technical
study is less as compared to feasibility study and detailed engineering design.
It is not compulsory to conduct prefeasibility study. However, prefeasibility
study is conducted in following two situations.
a. Some more time is needed by the government or the hydropower
developers for planning for the further studies.
b. To conclude whether the project is feasible or not? Whether we should
invest for the further studies or not.
The works carried out in the pre-feasibility study are
i. Topographical survey and mapping of the project area including the
headworks site, conveyance (canal, tunnel or pipe) alignment,
powerhouse site, access road and the river section.
ii. Geological investigations
Under geological investigations, following works are done.
a. Identification of the types of the rock, orientation of the discontinuities.
b. Geological mapping and engineering geological mapping of the project
c. Geophysical Survey (2D-ERT (Electrical Resistivity Tomography) survey or
seismic refraction survey)
d. Core Drilling and geotechnical tests at some important locations.
e. Construction Material Survey: Location of construction material site and
approximate quantity of construction material.
iii. Hydrological Investigations and Studies
Under hydrological studies, following investigations and studies are carried
a. Installation of the Hydrological gauge.
b. Hydrological data measurement like discharge, rainfall.
c. Estimation of the long term mean monthly flows.
d. Estimation of the design flood
iv. Preparation of the alternative project layouts (at least three) and
selection of best layout from optimization studies.
v. Hydraulic design and preliminary structural design of the project
vi. Preparation of drawings.
vii. Calculation of the power and energy generated from the project
viii. Preparation of cost estimate for the project.
ix. Assessment of benefits from the project.
x. Conducting financial and economical studies and evaluation of the
xi. Recommendation whether the project should be taken for feasibility
study or should be dropped.
4. Feasibility Study
Feasibility study is mainly conducted to know the technical, environmental,
financial and economical feasibility of the project. The topographical survey,
geological and geotechnical investigations, hydrological measurement and
study are carried out for the project. The design is done and drawings are
prepared. Environmental Study is conducted along with the feasibility study.
After finalization of layout, design and preparation of the drawings, the cost
benefit analysis is performed to know financial feasibility of the project. The
works carried out under this study are summarized below.
The works carried out in the feasibility study are
i. Topographical survey and mapping of the project area including the
headworks site, conveyance (canal, pipe or tunnel) alignment, powerhouse
site, access road, camp site and the river section is carried out.
ii. Geological and Geotechnical investigations:
Under geological and geotechnical investigations, following studies are
carried out.
a. Identification of the types of the rock, orientation of the discontinuities.
b. Geological and engineering geological mapping of the project area
c. Geophysical Survey (2D-ERT (Electrical Resistivity Tomography) survey or
seismic refraction survey)
ii. Geological and Geotechnical investigations:
d. Core Drilling Works at headworks site, settling basin, inlet portal of the
tunnel, outlet portal of the tunnel, surge tank, powerhouse site, etc. and
tests of core material.
e. Construction material survey and testing which includes identification of
quarry sites for construction material, calculation of quantity of
construction material available and tests for construction material.
iii. Hydrological Investigations and Studies
Under hydrological investigation and studies, following works are carried out.
a. Installation of the both manual and automatic gauge.
b. Hydrological data measurement like discharge, rainfall, sediment
c. Detailed Hydrological study.
d. Estimation of the long term mean monthly flows.
e. Estimation of peak flood and selection of design flood
iv. Preparation of the alternative project layouts (at least three).
v. Hydraulic and structural design of the project components.
vi. Optimization of the layout, capacity and the individual project
vii. Calculation of the power and energy generated from the project
viii. Preparation of drawings
ix. Conducting Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Initial
Environmental Examination (IEE) study.
x. Preparation of cost estimate for the project.
xi. Calculation of revenue generated from the project.
xii. Conducting financial and economical studies. (benefit cost ratio, internal
rate of return, payback period, net present worth) xi. Environmental
xiii. Recommendation whether the project should be considered for
construction/implementation or not.
5. Detailed Engineering Design
Detailed feasibility study is carried out if the project becomes feasible as
recommended by the other studies like pre-feasibility and feasibility and this
study prepares the reports and the documents that are required for the
implementation of the project like tender documents, detailed drawings,
construction schedules. In detailed engineering design the studies and
investigations are carried out at more details.
The works carried out in the Detailed Engineering Design are
i. Topographical survey and mapping of the project area including the
headworks site, conveyance (canal, pipe or tunnel) alignment, powerhouse
site, access road, camp site and the river section is carried out.
ii. Geological and Geotechnical investigations:
Under geological and geotechnical investigations, following studies are
carried out.
a. Identification of the types of the rock, orientation of the discontinuities.
b. Geological and engineering geological mapping of the project area
c. Geophysical Survey (2D-ERT (Electrical Resistivity Tomography) survey or
seismic refraction survey)
ii. Geological and Geotechnical investigations:
d. Core Drilling Works at headworks site, settling basin, inlet portal of the
tunnel, outlet portal of the tunnel, surge tank, powerhouse site, etc. and
tests of core material.
e. Construction material survey and testing which includes identification of
quarry sites for construction material, calculation of quantity of
construction material available and tests for construction material.
iii. Hydrological Investigations and Studies
Under hydrological investigation and studies, following works are carried out.
a. Installation of the both manual and automatic gauge.
b. Hydrological data measurement like discharge, rainfall, sediment
c. Detailed Hydrological study.
d. Estimation of the long term mean monthly flows.
e. Estimation of peak flood and selection of design flood
Energy Flow Diagram/Power Grid
• System of transmission of high voltage is called power grid. Modern power
system is served several power plants, which are interconnected to form a
power grid.
• Such power system designed to supply sufficient capacity to supply peak
load and small additional capacity to tale care of breakdown and
necessary maintenance.
• Thus, a power grid is a system in which a series of hydropower station are
functioning at a time with satisfying the demand in electricity to the
people with no disturbance in their works, if any station needed to be
• The hydropower station connected with the national power grid system
may be in one river or its basin or different part of country.
• In this this system, shut down of any power station for maintenance will
not affect the consumers because all the stations are connected to grid
and if one power plant fails to deliver power, there are other power plants
connected to it.
Thus power system interconnection is known as power grid system. For isolated
system no linkage with national grid but for inter connected system, there is
linkage with national grid.
Except micro hydropower and few mini hydropower projects all the small and
large hydropower system is interconnected to grid.
The advantages of integrated grid over isolated grid is
a. It increases reliability in the event of a forced or planned outage of power
b. Reduction in the total capacity, by effective utilization of plants and by
desired degree of service reliability
c. Economic operation, by combination of different sources of energy such as
coal thermal etc.
Components of Power House are
a. Generation stations: Powerhouse including transformers, switchgear
Transmission lines
b. Load dispatch center
c. Substations
d. Distribution Lines
e. Distribution Transformer
f. Household/Consumers
Powerhouse A Powerhouse A
Load Center
Load Center
11 KV/220 V
66/11 KV
11 KV/220 V
DL-11 KV
11 KV/220 V
Distribution Transformer
o As water level in the reservoir shall not be allowed to go below the minimum pool level, the firm
commitments for power will continue to generate up to this level of water.
o Maximum water level (MWL):
o Maximum level to which the surface will rise when the design flood
o Minimum water level (MIWL):
o The lowest level up to which the water is withdrawn from the reservoir passes over the spillway under
ordinary condition. The storage below the minimum pool level is not useful and is called dead storage, The
volume of water between normal water level and minimum water level is useful volume and known as
useful storage or live storage.
o Water is utilized by two groups (i) consumer groups, such as water supply, irrigation and (ii) Non
consumer groups, such as hydropower, navigation.
o Normal floods will be absorbed in the capacity laying below the normal pool level. Severe flood shall be
absorbed by the capacity lying between normal pool level and maximum pool level. Spillway starts
discharging water, as soon as the water level starts rising above the normal pool level. Because of heavy
outflow for irrigation purpose and hydropower generation during dry season, the reservoirs are almost in
completely depleted state. Thus just before the monsoon season, almost full capacity is available in empty
form, not only for conservation of water but also to control the flood that may occur duringrains.
o During monsoon, the irrigation demand is minimum and water will be released only for hydropower
generation. The reservoir level will thus continue to rise steadily. The rise in water level is allowed to reach
the normalpool level by the end of monsoon season.
Initial Steady Level
Surge Tank hg
Tail Water
Overflow Section
• Silt pressure
• Wave pressure
Secondary Forces • Wind Pressure
• Ice pressure
Drainage Gallery H’
• If the moments of the destabilizing forces (such as water pressure on the upstream face and uplift)
about the toe ofthe dam exceed those of the stabilizing forces (mainly the weight of the dam), the
dam can overturn.
• For safety against overturning.
• F.O.S = 𝜮 𝑴r / 𝜮 𝑴o ≥ 1.5
• Mr = Resisting Moment
Mo = Overturning Moment
• A gravity dam may fail in sliding at any horizontalplane.
• The dam as a whole may slide over the foundationor one part of the dam may slide over the part of
dam itself laying below it.
• The failure occurs when the sum of the horizontal forces causing sliding above that plane is more than
the resistive forces.
• The resistance to sliding may be due to friction alone or combination of friction and shear strength
of the joint.
• e = B/2 - X̅
• X̅ =
• Here, Mnet = Net moment acting on the dam
• = ΣM0 – ΣMR
Ʃ𝑉 𝑒
Or, 𝐵 *(1-6*𝐵) < 0
Or, e > B/6
Or the eccentricity is more than B/6.
For dam to be safe against tension, the eccentricity should be less thanor equal to B/6. That means, e≤ B/6
5. Failure By Compression:
The normal stress is not the maximum
stress that will be developed in the dam
body. For this we have to calculate the
principal stress.
Principal Stress:
The maximum/minimum stress H
developed is calledprincipal stress.
αus αds
Pmax,toe H’
Pn,heel Pn,toe
• The principal stress at toe is calculated by following formula.
• Pmax,toe = Pn,toe *Sec2αds – γH’* *tan2αds
• Here, Pmax,toe = principle stress at toe
2 2
• Pmax,heel = Pn,heel *Sec αus – γH*tan αus
• The permissible compressive stress must be more than the principle stress
acting on the dam.
• Here, eccentricity is calculated by
• e = B/2 - X̅
• X̅ = 𝑛𝑒𝑡
• Here, Mnet = Net moment acting on the dam
• = ΣM0 – ΣMR
• ΣV = Net vertical forces
The dam will fail by compression if the principal stress acting on the dam is
more than the permissible compressive stress of the dam material.
The foundation material will fail by compression if the normal stress acting is
more than the permissible compressive stress of foundation material.
1. Should be selected in narrow valley to reduce the length of dam.
2. Major portion of the dam should be on high ground to reduce cost
and drainage facility.
3. Good foundation at moderate depth should be available at the
dam site, for safe and cheap construction.
4. Bed and sides of the river should be fairly water tight and basin
should be cup shaped as far as possible.
5. Construction materials should be locally available.
6. Good transport facility to dam site is essential.
7. A healthy climate, spacious accommodations for staff quarters
are necessary.
8. For large capacity of storage, dam site is best located at the
confluence of two rivers.
9. The best site of diversion dam is the location where
waterway length is minimum.
10. The submergence area of the reservoir should be
11. Catchment should be non-erodible upstream of the dam
which is essential to reduce silting of the reservoir.
12. Location of suitable spillway should be available.
13. Dam site should avoid or excludes water from those
tributaries which carry a high percentage of silts.
14. The site should have less percolation loss.
15. The site should be selected where catchment is maximum.
16. The dam site should provide deep reservoir with small
water surface to reduce evaporation loss and submergence
area and to control weed growth.
Foundation Treatment of Gravity Dam
The material underlying the base of a dam, i. e. the foundations of the
dam must be strong enough and capable to withstand the foundation
pressure exerted on it under various conditions of loading in dry as well
wet condition. Besides the special remedial measures in particular cases,
the foundation treatment commonly adopted for all foundations can be
divided into two steps:
(1) Preparing the surface and
(2) Grouting the foundations.
These treatments are briefly discussed below:
(1) Preparing the Surface.
The surface preparation consists in removing the entire loose soil till a
sound bed rock is exposed. The excavation should be carried out in such a
way that the underlying rock is not damaged. The final surface obtained
above is stepped, so as to increase the frictional resistance of the dam
against sliding. The stepping of the foundation and provision of a shear
key is shown in the figure. The shear key may sometimes be provided in
the center but is generally provided at the heel.
Preparation of Foundations and Provision of Shear Key
If faults, seams, or shattered rock zones are detected in the exploratory geological
investigations, special steps and remedies must be taken to ensure their removal. They
may have to be entirely excavated and back-filled with concrete grouting. The
treatment will depend upon the specific needs. The top foundation surface is
thoroughly cleaned with wet sand blasting and washing before the concreting for dam
section is started to be laid.
(2) Grouting the Foundation. The foundation grouting can be divided into:
(a) Consolidation grouting; and
(b) Curtain grouting.
a. Seepage Failures
More than 33 % of earthen dam failure are due to seepage. Seepage always
occur in earth dams. It does not harm its stability if it is within the design
limits. But excessive seepage will lead to failure of the dam.
More serious is the seepage through the body of dam. It is due to transport of
soil particles with seepage flow. It results in gradual formation of drain from
u/s to d/s through which water flows and thus the dam fails.
Fig: a Fig: b
Fig: c
b. Structural Failures
About 25 to 30 % of the dam failure are due to this reason. The types of
structural failure are.
a. u/s and d/s slope failures due to construction pore pressures
b. u/s slope failure due to sudden drawdown
c. D/s slope failure due to steady seepage
d. Foundation slide due to spontaneous liquefaction Failure due to
e. Failure by spreading
f. Slope protection failures
g. Failure due to damage caused by borrowing animals
h. Failure due to holes caused by leaching of water soluble salts
c. Hydraulic Failures
1. Overtopping
2. Erosion of u/s slope by waves
3. Erosion of d/s slope by wind and rain
4. Erosion of d/s toe
5. Frost action.
The brief description is shown below.
1. Overtopping
Overtopping means flow of water over the dam crest. Overtopping occurs if
i. The design flood is under estimated.
ii. Spillway capacity is not adequate
iii. Spillway gates are not properly operated
iv. Free board is not sufficient
v. Excessive settlement of the foundation and dam
2. Erosion of u/s slope by waves
The waves developed near the top water surface due to the winds, try to
notch out the soil from the upstream face and may even, sometimes,
cause the slip of the upstream slope.
Upstream stone pitching or riprap should, therefore, be provided to avoid
such failures.
3. Erosion of d/s slope by wind and rain
In the absence of proper slope protection the downstream slope of an
earth dam may get eroded due to rain or high winds.
The rainwater flowing down the slope; may result in the formation of
'gullies' on the downstream slope thus damaging the dam which may
generally lead to partial failure of the dam or in some cases it may cause
complete failure of the dam.
This can be avoided by proper maintenance, filling the cuts from time to
time during rainy season, by grassing the d/s slope and by providing proper
berms at suitable heights so that water has not to flow for considerable
4. Erosion of d/s toe:
General Requirements of Functional RoR Headworks
The requirements of headworks of RoR plants are as follows.
1. Withdrawal of required amount of water: The intake arrangements and operationshould be such that the
plant can withdraw required amount of water.
2. Minimum sediment entry: The location of intake and provision of undersluice controls the sediment entry
in the intake. The intake should be located 1-1.5 m abovethe river bed level to avoid the entry of bed loads.
3. Flood bypass: The spillways and weir portion shall be of sufficient capacity to pass
the flood discharge.
4. Minimum head loss: The entry loss, transition loss and the friction loss should beminimum.
5. Prevent the formation of vortices: If the submergence is not maintained at the intake, the vortices will
be formed. Proper submergence is maintained to avoid theformation of vortices.
6. Prevent the floating debris, trash, ice from entering the conveyance system : Trashracks are used to avoid
the entry of floating debris, trash, etc. in the conveyance system.
7. Simple in construction
Intake is a hydraulic structure constructed at the river to withdraw the required quantity of water towards the
conveyance system. Intakes of RoR plants are designed for 10 to 20 % extra discharge than the design discharge
tofacilitate flushing of gravel trap and the settling basin.
General Requirements of Intake:
a. Withdrawl of required amount of water
b. Prevent the passage of bed load.
c. Prevent the passage of floating debris.
d. Prevent the formation of vortices.
e. Passage of flood water when spillway capacity is inadequate.
Location of Intakes: The intakes of RoR plants are located at the river. Depending upon the layout of the
plants, the intakes are located in the river, at the bank of river and at the pond. The following are general
arrangements of intake.
o The intakes of RoR plants are located on the river or bank of the river.
o The intake of storage plant is located on the hill side or in the dam itself.
Types of Intakes
The following are different types of intakes mostly used in hydropowerprojects.
a. side intake
b. frontal intake,
c. bottom intake
d. Dam Intake
1. Side Intake:
The direction of flow in the intake is perpendicular to the river flow direction. The intake is constructed at the
side or bank of the river. This is the most common type of intake constructed in Himalayan countries like Nepal
where sediment in the river is high. This is suitable in rivers carrying high sediment.
a. Withdraws minimum sediment.
b. Easy in construction
c. Less maintenance cost
d. Longer life
a. Withdraws less water.
b. The weir or dam height required is more to withdraw requiredwater.
2. Frontal Intake:
• The direction of flow in the intake is parallel to the river. This intake is situated in the river. This
is not common in Nepalese rivers as it withdraws more sediment. It is suitable in gentle slope
rivers with less sediments and low discharge.
a. Withdraws large quantity of water as compared to side intake.
b. Does not need large height weir or dam.
a. Withdraws more sediment.
b. Difficult in construction.
c. Frequent operation and maintenance
3. Bottom or Trench Intake
• The bottom or trench intake is generally constructed in the rivers where the sediment type is boulders.
If the slope of the river is steep, the rivers carry boulders. The sediments in the river is less. The
bottom intake consists of a grille like opening from which water is extracted to the headrace. Before
the intake trench, there is another trench which traps the gravels. This intake is a part of dam body.
This is mostly used in micro hydropower andhill irrigation schemes.
• The features of this intake are:
a. There is very less sediment in the river. The major sediment is boulders. There are two trenches,
one fortrapping the gravels and one for trapping the water.
b. The river slope in which this intake is beingconstructed is steep.
c. Excess flow is available for flushing even during the fry
season. The flushing is continuous.
• Weir is a raised concrete structure, which is constructed to raise water level in the river so that the design
discharge is diverted to the intake and flood discharge is passed safely in the downstream. If H is the
overtopping height of water, C is the weir coefficient and L is the length of the weir, the flood discharge
that can be passed from the weir is:
• Q = Cw * L * H3/2
Handling of Sediment load in RoR Headworks
a. Handeling of Bed Load
• The bed load is the sediment load which moves along the river bed. This includes the gravel, sand, boulder
and floating debris transported by the flowing water. The handeling of bed load is done by following ways.
1. Under sluice gates are provided at the level of river bed or below the river bed so that the bed load
sediment deposited near the intake can be flushed by operating the under sluice gates.
2. The invert level of the intake is placed 1 to 1.5 m above the river bed level so that the bed load is not
extracted by the intake.
3. The bed load can be minimized by using the gated structure (barrage) for
creating the pond rather than providing the raised weir.
4. Locating intake in the straight reach of the river and on the outer bend if it is to be placed on the bend.
b. Floating Debris:
• The materials like the wooden pieces, plastics, leaves, ice trashes, dead animals that float in water are called
floating debris. Thefloating debris are controlled by
1. Providing trash in front of intake to avoid the entry of floatingdebris in the intake.
2. Providing flap gates at the weir to allow the passage of floatingdebris
c. Suspended Load
• The amount of sediment load that is kept in suspension in thewater due to the turbulence of water is called
suspended load. It is controlled by
1. Providing the gravel trap immediately after the intake in which the
gravels (larger than 5 mm diameter) are settled and flushed
2. Providing the settling basin or desander in which the finer particles are settled and flushed.
Settling Basin
o It is a hydraulic Structure to remove suspended sediments from the conveyance water for power plant
o Sediments can damage the penstock and turbines runnersdue to abrasion
o The main principle of the design of settling basin is to reduce the mean velocity of the flow, by increasing
the cross- sectional area.
o It removes suspended inorganic particles ranging from sand (2 mm in diameter) to silt (0.002 mm in
diameter), depending onbasic design.
o Proper design of settling basin can reduce maintenance cost of the project
Sediment particle size to be removed
The selection of particle size to be removed (dlim) is based on the design head. If the design head is higher, even
a small particle may be harmful to turbines. So, for higher head, sediment size to be removed will be
small. Please be noted that if a settling basin can remove sediment of size 0.1 mm, it can remove all particles
larger than 0.1 mm but can not remove sediment particle less than 0.1 mm size.
ω Settling Zone
Storage Zone
Settling Zone H
Fig: Plan and L-Section and Cross Section
Storage Zone of settling basin
Velikanov’s Curve
Q2. Design a settling basin with the considerations of turbulence approach,
probability approach (M. A. Velikanov) and trap efficiency (Vetter’s method).
Discharge = 7.5 cumecs, particle size to settle = 0.2 mm, Kinematic viscosity =
1.32*10-6 m2/sec, removal ratio = 95 %.
Tunnel is an underground passage made without
removing the overburden. Tunnels are the structures
constructed for the conveyance of flow or for the
purpose of transportation, storing the food or
radioactive materials
Fig: Tunnel
Hydro Tunnels
• These tunnels are used for carrying the discharge for power production,
irrigation, water supply or sanitation.
• The hydro tunnels are further classified into
i. Non Pressure Tunnels
• In these tunnels, the flow is open channel flow. These tunnels run in partial
flow conditions.
ii. Pressure Tunnels
• In these tunnels, the flow is pressurized flow.
• These tunnels run in full flow condition.
Advantages of Tunnels:
1. Less Environmental effect
2. Natural landscape of hilly area is not disturbed.
3. Possible shortest and direct way so minimum losses and considerable
economy in the project cost.
4. Less cost in the urban area.
5. Optimum space utilization.
6. Low maintenance cost.
7. Less head loss.
8. Less seismic effect.
9. Easy for inter basin transfer.
10. Reduced risk.
Disadvantage of Tunnels:
1. Normally high construction cost.
2. The construction period is normally long.
3. High construction risk.
4. Expensive investigations.
5. Additional cost for lightening and ventilation.
6. Not feasible for small discharge.
Size of Tunnel
• The minimum size of the tunnel is fixed considering the transportation,
excavation and hauling during tunneling.
• The minimum size of the tunnel should be 2m in case of circular tunnel and
2.1 m in height and 1.9 m in width in case of other shapes.
Some Terminologies with Tunnel
Valve closed
Load rejection condition means when the valve is to be closed fully or partially
due to decrease in demand.
Initial Steady Level
Valve Open
Load acceptance condition means when the valve is to be opened fully or partially
due to increase in demand.
Functions of Surge Tank
1. To save the power tunnel from the water
hammer effect.
2. To supply water to the turbines when the
plant is suddenly operated from the closed
3. To act as the storage of water that is required
during the sudden start of the turbine.
4. To save penstock pipe specially when there is
no bypass valve.
Design of Surge Tank
For the design of a surge tank, mass oscillation equation has to be solved.
However, Jaeger has given an approximate solution which can be used for the
design of surge tanks
Theoretical maximum surge = Zmax = 𝐴 𝐴𝑇∗𝑔
Also, Zmax = 𝐴𝑆𝑇∗𝑔
= V0* 𝐴𝑆𝑇∗𝑔
Where, Q = discharge in the tunnel
AST = Area of the surge tank
AT = Area of the tunnel
V0 = velocity of flow in tunnel
L = length of headrace tunnel
The time period of oscillation of the wave,
T = 2¶* 𝐴𝑇∗𝑔
The above formulas of Zmax and T are derived from basic physics.
Types of Surge Tanks
a. Based on the material of construction
• Concrete surge tanks or steel surge tanks
b. Based on the location with respect to the ground
• Underground surge tank or overground surge tank or excavated surge tank/ from surge
c. Based on the location in the hydraulic system
• Upstream side of the surge tank or downstream side of the surge tank:
• Generally surge tank is provided on upstream of power house. However, if the tailrace is long,
surge tank may also be provided on downstream of the power house.
d. Based on the Hydraulic functioning and cross section
i. Simple cylindrical surge tank
Fig: Surge Tank with Expansion Chamber Fig: Surge Tank with Spilling Chamber
v. Surge Tank with Expansion Chambers
• This type of chamber consists of narrow riser (main surge shaft) attached to it at either and are expansion
chambers. The narrow riser reacts quickly, creating accelerating and decelerating heads, and at the same
time the expansion chambers minimize the maximum up and down surge level thus limiting the range of
surge level.
• The upper reservoir absorbs the rising surges and lower reservoir provides reserve storage when the
turbine is suddenly started or load on the turbine is increased.
vi. Surge tank with spilling chamber
• Limitation of upsurge may be affected by providing the chamber with aspillway.
• The choice of such design is governed largely by economy and involves balancing the saving in chamber
height against the cost of the spillway and the loss of water.
Penstock is a closed conduit (pipe) that carries water from forebay or surge
tank to the turbine. Penstocks are pressurized water conduits that carry
water to turbines with minimum possible head loss. The size of penstock
should be optimum.
Materials of Penstock Pipe:
The different penstock materials are
a. Mild Steel penstock pipes
b. High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE Pipe)
c. Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (UPVC Pipe)
The Following factors have to be considered before deciding the material that is selected for the penstock.
• Design Pressure, method of jointing and Friction Loss
• Weight and Ease of Installation .
• Accessibility of the Site, Terrain and Soil Type
• Design Life and Maintenance
• Weather condition
• Availability, relative cost and transportation.
Type of installation of penstocks
1. Exposed penstock
2. Embedded or steel tunnel liner
3. Buried penstock
1. Exposed Penstocks
• Penstock supported at pier or saddle support or supported in ring girderare the example of exposed
• Ease in inspection of faults and maintenance
• Economy in rocky terrain and large diameter
• Stability ensured with anchorage
• Direct exposure of weather effect
• Development of longitudinal stress on account of supports andanchorages, thereby needing
expansion joints.
2. Embedded
• Also called steel tunnel liner
• These are located in a tunnel and fully encased in concrete or encased in aportion of dam.
3. Buried penstock
• Usually fabricated from steel, concrete, plastic or fiberglass.
• May be partially or fully buried
• Continuity of supports given by soil so that system becomes strong
• Protection of pipe against temperature fluctuation
• Conservation of natural landscape
• Protection from landslide, storm and man made violence
• Difficulty in inspection of faults
• Possibility of slides in steep slopes
• Difficult in maintenance
• Greater expenses for large diameter pipe in rocky or large boulder mixedsoil
Exposed Penstocks
Anchor Blocks and Support Piers
• An anchor block is an essential element of penstock designed to restrain the pipe
movement in all directions. Anchor blocks shall be provided at sharp horizontal and
vertical bends, since there are forces on such bends which will tend to move the pipes
out of the alignment. Anchor blocks are also required to resist axial forces in long
straight sections of penstock.
• Support piers are short columns that are placed between anchor blocks along straight
sections of exposed penstock pipe. These structures prevent the pipe from sagging and
becoming overstressed. However, the support piers need to allow pipe movement
parallel to the penstock alignment which occurs due to thermal expansion and
Anchor blocks are required at following locations.
• At vertical or horizontal bends of penstock. A filled penstock exerts forces at such
bends and the pipe needs to be properly anchored.
• Immediately upstream of the power house. This minimizes the forces on turbine
• At sections of penstock where the straight pipe length exceeds 30 m.
The support piers are required along the straight sections of exposed penstock between
anchor blocks. The maximum spacing of support piers to avoid overstressing of pipe is
generally 5 m.
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Chapter 6: Spillway Shankar Bahadur Shaud
Chapter 6: Spillway Shankar Bahadur Shaud
Chapter 6: Spillway Shankar Bahadur Shaud
Chapter 6: Spillway Shankar Bahadur Shaud
Chapter 6: Spillway Shankar Bahadur Shaud
Fig: Vertical Fall Spillway without Fig: Vertical Fall Spillway with
plunge pool plunge pool
Chapter 6: Spillway Shankar Bahadur Shaud
Chapter 6: Spillway Shankar Bahadur Shaud
Chapter 6: Spillway Shankar Bahadur Shaud
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Spillway Gates
1. Dropping shutters or Permanent Flash Boards
• They consist of wooden panels usually 1.0 to 1.25 m high. They are hinged at
the bottom and are supported against water pressure by struts. The shutters fall
flat on the crest when the downstream supporting struts are tripped. Hence,
they are not suitable for curved crests.
• They are only used on small spillways of minor importance.
2. Stoplogs
• Stoplogs are like vertical gates. They are used as supplementary gates when the
main gate is under maintenance or not working. Stoplogs consist of number of
iron beams placed one over another.
3. Vertical Lift Gates
• These are rectangular gates spanning horizontally between the grooves made in
the supporting spillway piers. These grooves are generally lined with rolled
steel channel sections of appropriate size, as to provide smooth bearing surface
having sufficient bearing strength known as guides. These rectangular gates
move between the groove guides, and can be raised or lowered by a hoisting
mechanism at the top.
• The gates are often made of steel, although they may be made of concrete or
• A large force is required to lift such gates. The friction in lifting the gates is
overcome by placing cylindrical rollers between the cylindrical surfaces of the
gate and guide grooves.
4. Radial Gates
• A radial gate has a curved water supporting face made of steel. The curved
water face which is in the shape of sector of a circle is properly braced by steel
frame work which is pivoted on horizontal shafts called trunnions or pins.
• The pins are anchored in the downstream portion of the spillway piers. The
gates thus can rotate about the fixed horizontal axis. The hoisting cables are
attached to the gate and lead to winches on the hoisting platform. The winches
are usually motor driven.
• The gates can be lifted with smaller lifting forces for all heads. Due to this,
small radial gates may even be hand operated whereas the vertical lift gates
may require power mechanism.
5. Drum Gates
• Drum gates are useful for longer spans of the order of 40 m or so and medium
heights say 10 m or so.
• The drum gates consists of a segment of a cylinder which may be raised above
the spillway crest or may be lowered into the recess made into the top of the
• The drum gate is completely enclosed and is hinged at the upstream end. The
P a g e 15
buoyant forces due to head of water pressure underneath the drum, aid in it’s
lifting. When the drum is lowered, it fits into the recess in such a way that the
surface becomes coincident with the shape of the crest
6. Flap Gates
This type of gate is leaf hinged at bearings along it’s lower edge. The leaf may be flat
or curved to give better discharge characteristics when rotated to it’s open position.
This type of gate can be built to great lengths and is suited for passing floating
materials and for close regulations.
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Fig: Drum gates
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Fig: Vertical gates Fig: Radial or tainter gates
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Different Hydromechanical and Electromechanical Equipment in thepowerhouse
Different hydromechanical and electromechanicalequipment in the powerhouse are
1. Gates
2. Valves
3. Turbines
4. Pumps
5. Generator
6. Governer
7. Transformer
Turbine is the hydro mechanical equipment which converts the kinetic and pressure energy (water energy) of
water into the mechanical energy of shaft.
Water entering the turbine has kinetic energy only Water leaving the turbines has kinetic energy and
pressure energy.
Water enters the turbine at atmospheric pressureand Water enters the turbine at high pressure and leaves
leaves the turbine at atmospheric pressure. the turbine at negative pressure.
Blades are in action only when they are in front of the All blades are in action all the time.
The turbine should be installed above the tailrace. The turbine can be installed above or below the
Suitable for high head and low discharge Suitable for medium to low head and high discharge
Ns = Specific Speed
N = Runner speed
P = power in hp
H = Net Head
2. According to Specific Speed of the Turbine:
a. Low Specific Speed Turbine: Pelton turbine
b. Medium Specific Speed Turbine: Francis Turbine
c. High Specific Speed Turbine: Kaplan, propeller turbine
Different Turbine Speeds and Related Terms
1. Specific Speed:
Specific speed is defined as the runner speed such that if the runner ofthe turbine rotates at this speed, the turbine
will produce power equalto 1 hp.
Mathematically, Ns = N*
𝐻 5/4
Ns = Specific speed
N = Runner speed
P = power in hp
H = Net Head
Emperical formula for Specific Speed of Some Turbines
Ns = for Francis Turbine
Ns = for fixed blade propeller turbine
𝐻 1/4
Ns = for adjustable blade propeller turbine (Kaplan Turbine)
𝐻 1/3
Ns = for single jet pelton turbine (Ns = √𝑛 * specific speed of single jet)
Range of Specific Speed for Different Turbines
Specific Speed Type of Turbine
Less than 30 Single jet pelton
30-50 Multi jet pelton turbine
50-260 Francis Turbine
260-860 Kaplan Turbine
2. Runner Speed: The speed of the runner of the turbine is called the runner sped. It is expressed in
number of revolutions per minute, RPM.
3. Synchronous Speed: The speed of the turbine is called synchronous speed if it is equal to the generator
Nsynch = 120f/Np , where, Nsynch = synchronous speed,
f = frequency = 50 Hz for Nepal, Np = number of poles
Note that the number of poles can never be odd.
4. Runway Speed:
If the external load on the turbine suddenly drops to zero and the governing mechanism fails at the same
time, the turbine will tend to race upto the maximum possible speed known as runway speed. This limiting
speed under no load conditions with maximum flow rate must consider for the safe design of the various
rotating components of the turbo-generator unit.
5. Speed Factor:
The speed factor, ϕ is defined as the ratio of peripheral speed, u of the bucket or vanes at the nominal
diameter, D to the theoretical velocity of water under effective head, H acting on the turbine
Φ= ,
Also, u =
Pelton Turbine:
It is the tangential flow impulse turbine which is suitable for high head and low discharge. It consists of a
number of buckets around a circular disc. The water strikes the buckets and the runner converts kinetic
energy of water into themechanical energy. The main parts of the pelton turbine are:
1. Nozzle
2. Runner
3. Casing
4. Braking Jet
1. Nozzle:
The nozzle directs the flow into the buckets. It controls the quantity of water to the turbines with the help of
spear valve. The spear is a conical needle operated with hand or automatically. The maximum number of
nozzles in a turbines isupto six.
2. Runner with Buckets:
The runner consists of a circular disc on the periphery of which a number of buckets evenly spaced are fixed.
The bucketsconsist of two hemispherical cups. Each bucket is divided into two symmetrical halves by means
of splitter. The bucket is made of cast iron, cast steel bronze or stainless steel.
3. Casing: The casing prevents the splashing of water and discharges water to the tailrace. The
casing in the turbine has no hydraulic function. The jet of water impact to the buckets under atmospheric
pressure so there is atmospheric pressure inside the casing.
4. Breaking Jet: A small jet o water directed on the back of vanesto stop the runner after the spare
valve being closed.
Design Steps of Pelton Turbine:
1. The jet velocity V = Cv * √2𝑔ℎ , where,
Cv = coefficient of velocity = 0.96 to 0.99 (0.98 generally), h = net head
2. If there are n number of jets, then if d be the jet diameter,
Q = n * V *П/4*d2 , where Q = design discharge
3. The tangential velocity of the wheel, u = Ф*√2𝑔ℎ ,
where, Ф = speed factor
Ф = 0.43 to 0.48 (generally 0.46 is adopted).
4. The mean diameter of the runner is calculated by using the jet ratio. Jet ratio = ,
Where, D =diameter of the runner, d = diameter of jet, jet ratio = 10 to 15 (generally 12 is adopted).
5. The runner speed can be calculated by,
u= , where, u = tangential speed of the runner, N = runner speed.
Calculate the number of poles from the equation,
N = 120f/Np, if Np is not an even number, then round Np to nearest even number. Again calculate the N using
revised Np .
6. Calculate the number of buckets by, Nb = 15 +D/(2d).
7. Calculate the specific speed by
Ns = N* 5/4,
Ns = Specific Speed
N = Runner speed (Note that N should be the revised N).
P = power in hp
H = Net Head
8. Working Proportion
Axial width of bucket, B = 3d to 4d
Radial length, L = 2d to 3d
Depth, T = 0.8d to 1.2d
b. Francis Turbine:
A francis turbine is mixed flow reaction turbine. It is suitable for medium to high discharge and medium to high
head. The water enters the spiral casing from penstock where it enters the runner radially through the guide vanes
and after running through the runner, water moves to tailrace via the draft tube. It is the mostly used turbine. The
components of the francis turbine are:
1. Casing
2. Guide mechanism
3. Runner
4. Draft tube
1. Spiral Casing: The spiral casing conveys water from the penstock to turbine. The spiral casing is decreasing
in diameter. Water leaves the spiral casing via the stay vanes.
2. Guide Mechanism: The guide vanes guide the water from spiral casing to the runner.
3. Runner: The runner consists of a number of curved vanes. Water enters radially to the runner and
leaves axially. The drafttube is connected at the outlet of runner.
4. Draft Tube: The draft tube is a conduit of increasing diameter which conveys water from outlet of the
runner to the tailrace. The pressure at the outlet of the runner is negative. The draft tube helps to recover the
rejected kinetic energy at the outlet of runner to useful pressure energy.
Design of Francis Turbine
1. Assume the trial specific speed
Ns = , where H = net head
Ns = Specific Speed
N = Runner speed
P = power in hp
H = Net Head, Note: revise the runner sped and specific speed so that the runner speed is synchronous.
3. The tangential speed is calculated by:
u = Ф*√2𝑔ℎ , where, Ф = 0.0197 Ns 2/3 + 0.0275, where Ns = specific speed.
Note that Ф ranges from 0.6 to 0.9.
The discharge through the turbine,
Q = π * Binlet * Dinlet * Vinlet = π * Boutlet * Doutlet * Voutlet
Since, Vinlet = Voutlet , Binlet * Dinlet = Boutlet * Doutlet
𝐵𝑖 𝐵𝑖
And = constant. The ratio depends on the speed ratio Ф, which is given in many books.
𝐷𝑖 𝐷𝑖
When the load on the generator decreases, the speed of the turbine increases. Then the governor maintains the
constant speed of the turbine. Similarly, when the load on the generator increases, the speed of the turbine
decreases. Gain, the governor maintains the speed.
In case of the Pelton turbine, the governor increases or decreases the outlet area of the nozzle by moving the spare
valve. But in case of Francis turbine, thegovernor changes the opening of the wicket gate.
Governing of the Pelton Wheel:
• The governing of Pelton wheel is elaborated in the following diagram. When the load on the generator
decreases, the speed of the turbine shaft increases. This causes the fly balls and the sleeve to rise up. The
piston rod of the control valves V1 and V2 moves down and the valve V2 opens. The oil from the oil
supply chamber moves in the cylinder and pushes the face A of the piston of relay cylinder. This moves
the spear valve inwards and causes the flow area to decrease and hence decreases the flow in the turbine.
• When the load on the generator increases, the speed of the turbine shaft decreases. This causes the fly balls
and the sleeve to move down. The piston rod of the control valves V1 and V2 rises up and the valve V1
opens. The oil from the oil supply chamber moves in the cylinder and pushes the face B of the piston of
relay cylinder. This moves the spear valve outwards and causes the flow area to increase and hence
increases the flow in the turbine.
Fig: Governing mechanism of Pelton wheel
Governing of pelton
wheel continued…………
Also, the cam connected
with the spear valve
increases forward which
causes the fulcrum go
upward and brings the
sleeve and piston of the
oil supply cylinder in
original position.
Governing of the Francis
Governor changes the
opening of the wicket
gates in case of the francis
turbines. The working
mechanism of the
governor is same a in case
of the pelton turbine. The
following figure explains
the mechanism of the
francis turbine governor.
The structural complex where all the equipment for generating electricity are suitably
arranged is a powerhouse. Two basic requirements of powerhouse are functional
efficiency and aestheticbeauty. Depending upon the location, the powerhouse
a) Surface powerhouse
b) Underground powerhouse
a. Surface powerhouse
A powerhouse Structure, which is constructed over the ground surface is called surface
powerhouse. A surface powerhouse is provided where sufficient space is available for
power house construction. However, good foundation should be available for
construction of surface powerhouse. If good rock is not available, special foundation
treatment such as pile foundation, mat foundation etc. is required.
b. Underground powerhouse
Under special circumstances such as when gorge or valley is narrow providing not
enough space for powerhouse, underground powerhouse are advantageous. The
underground powerhouse is adopted in following conditions.
1. If there is physical surface hazards like rock slides, snow avalanches etc. are
frequent at the powerhouse location.
2. Flexibility in layout of powerhouse is achieved in underground powerhouse.
3. The water conveyance length and penstock length can be shortened by providing
the underground powerhouse.
4. Bends, anchor blocks, support piers etc can be avoided by providing underground
5. If good quality rock is available, the underground powerhouse shall be more
feasible than the surface powerhouse option.
6. In some places where there is cost of land is too expensive at the powerhouse area,
underground powerhouse shall be more feasible option.
Powerhouse Structures
The vertical section of powerhouse structure is divided into different parts based on axis
of turbine. For horizontal axis (shaft) turbines, two floors are provided called sub
structure and superstructure. In this arrangement, the turbine and generator are placed at
the same floor.
For vertical axis (shaft) turbines, three floors are provided called sub structure,
intermediate structure and super structure. In this arrangement, generator floor is above
the turbine floor.
The brief description of the three floors is shown below.
• Sub structure
The sub structure of the power house is that part of the structure which is situated below
the turbine level. This portion is located below the ground level and it includes draft
tube, tail water channel. In case of Pelton turbine, the other natural drainage pipes of
waste water from the powerhouse, drainage galleries and grout galleries needed from
structural consideration are provided in this floor. The sub structure transmits the load
of the structure above it to the foundation strata and is usually a massive construction
which may have also a basement floor accommodated in it.
• Intermediate Structure
This floor is also called turbine floor. The turbine and it's shaft lie at this floor. The
spiral casing, turbine inlet valve also lie in this floor. The governor servo motor, spiral
casing is also provided in this floor. The intermediate structure extends from the top of
the draft tube to thetop of the generator foundation.
• Super Structure
The super structure of the power house is the portion extending from the generator floor,
called the main floor, up to the roof top. It consists of the generators and governors,
control room, the exciters and the auxiliary equipment needed for ventilation and
cooling. The super structure consists of walls and roof with a main travelling gantry
crane at the roof level. The super structure also consists of one wing having the offices
and stores.
Powerhouse dimensioning
Three essential constituents (bay) of superstructure of powerhouseare
(a) Machine hall or the unit bay
(b) Erection or the loading bay
(C) Control bay