Lab 3 - Tutorial
Lab 3 - Tutorial
Lab 3 - Tutorial
Goal of the work: this work aims to investigate the Combinational digital
devices: Multiplexers, Adders, Subtractors, and Demultiplexers in LTspice.
1. Building combinational circuits of “4:1” MUX [2] in LTspice.
2. Building combinational circuits of 4 types of Half Adders and 2 types of
Full Adders [1, Chapter 4, pages 116-121 ] in LTspice.
3. Building combinational circuits of Half and Full Subtractors [1, pages 121-
123] in LTspice.
4. Building combinational circuits of “1:4” DEMUX [3] in LTspice.
1) Please, open the program LTspice and new draft by clicking “New Schematic”as below and
save it as “Logic Gate AND”.
2) Please, open components and type on searcher “Voltage” to obtain two sources. At the second
step click right side of voltage source to give their “Parameters” through the button called
3) Please, give the Parameters for Voltage Source “V1” as in Figure 3 and rename it as your
Logic Gate’s input name, for example “S”.
4) Please, open “Components” again and choose the LOGIC GATEW AND, Figure 4.
Figure 5c
Please, build the combinational circuits for the following Problems below.
Please, construct the block diagrams in LTspice for the given Problems and obtain
their results in the form of graphs
2. 4 types of Half Adders and 2 types of Full Adders [1, Chapter 4, pages 116-
121 ] in LTspice.
This is the end of the Lab work 3 Please, do not forget to write a conclusion after completing
the report. Your Report’s quality decides your Grade points.
Lab tutorials by Dana Utebayeva
OLP3206 - Fundamentals of Logic Design