ATSC Mobile DTV v3
ATSC Mobile DTV v3
ATSC Mobile DTV v3
INTRODUCTION delivered to viewers not free and over the air but
for a fee via cable, fiber, or satellite. Taking this
Mobile TV around the world uses various view, the event could mostly be an additional
standards including MediaFLOTM, DVB-H, financial burden to broadcasters incurred
CMMB, ISDB-T, ISDB-Tb, DVB-SH and T-DMB. to serve a dwindling, audience. In addition,
These various technologies have been deployed only fixed receivers will be able to receive the
with differing levels of success and for different standard ATSC content, since the standard does
reasons. Some European markets have DVB-H accommodate the conditions present when the
deployments, ISDB-T is used in Japan, T-DMB receiver is in motion, leaving millions of potential
in Korea and China is developing CMMB viewers in the dark.
technology. The US market currently only
has a commercial deployment of MediaFLOTM However, thanks to the rapid development of
technology for mobile TV. Terrestrial TV complementary digital television technology
broadcasters are unable to offer services to targeted at people “on the move”, this is
mobile receivers using the current ATSC DTV likely to prove a highly pessimistic view. ATSC
standard (A/53), which was not designed for use Mobile DTV, the standard for which is nearly
with moving receivers. complete and ready to emerge from Candidate
Standard status, provides broadcasters with
For television broadcasters, the path from the chance to increase viewers and potentially
analog to digital over the air (OTA) transmission create a brand new revenue source from its
has been fraught with enormous challenges, digital OTA investment. The goal of this white
arguably making it as momentous an event as paper is to provide an overview of Mobile DTV
any in the history of broadcasting. Viewed at at a high level, including the development of
the highest levels, it is simply the final stage the Mobile DTV standard, the requirements for
in the “digitization” of television, which began implementing Mobile DTV in the U. S. market,
years ago with image capture and has continued a discussion of the Mobile DTV standard, the
through editing and production to delivering the single frequency networks (SFNs) that could be
results in one of several high-definition digital needed in many areas to provide high quality of
formats. Cynics might add however that most mobile service, and some of the first encoding,
of this new, high-definition content is actually multiplexing, transmission, and test equipment.
How We Got Here provide local TV content, complemented by
programming not available anywhere else.
Mobile DTV in the U.S. is emerging rapidly,
following behind standard ATSC digital television JJ The basic infrastructure for delivering
broadcasting and driven by the sheer magnitude Mobile DTV is already in place throughout
of potential mobile viewers and the perceived North America and can be deployed rapidly.
benefit of creating advertising and fee-based
premium content via OTA. In fact, at the latest JJ Advertising can be localized and tightly
Consumer Electronics Show, a group of 63 targeted at specific audiences, and different
broadcasters announced their commitment to from that offered to fixed subscribers.
have Mobile DTV service on the air in over 20
US markets by the end of 2009. If these “early JJ The type of devices that can be designed
adopters” are successful, it is almost certain that to receive Mobile DTV includes smartphones,
many others will quickly join them. netbook computers, media players,
factory-installed additions to automotive
Of course, delivery of video programming to “infotainment” systems, and perhaps other
mobile users is not new, since video delivery types yet to be created.
services have been available to mobile phone
subscribers in the U.S. for several years. JJ Once Mobile DTV has become established,
However, it is important to differentiate broadcasters can offer premium content
between these services and Mobile DTV. available for a fee, creating a new subscriber
Current fee-based video services do not include revenue stream.
programming from local television stations for
various reasons, the most formidable of which is Taken together, these and other advantages
the complexity and cost of licensing agreements, make Mobile DTV well worth the investment
although there are other factors including by broadcasters in most areas. The question
available bandwidth and the difficulty for a then becomes: How difficult and expensive
nationwide network to serve many local markets. is it to incorporate Mobile DTV within
Rather, the content is currently limited and the framework of typical ATSC broadcast
tightly controlled. In contrast, Mobile DTV will be infrastructure? Fortunately, the answer is that
offered free, at least in its initial basic form, and Mobile DTV is comparatively inexpensive to
has many potentially lucrative differentiators: deploy, and this can be amortized over a very
short time if its inclusion yields greater overall
JJ The amount and type of programming can market penetration for the broadcaster and
be extensive and highly diverse, since the almost immediately if subscription-based
broadcasters are generally also the content additional services are offered (and received
providers. enthusiastically by consumers). The elements
required to deploy Mobile DTV are being
JJ Since Mobile DTV will be free, anyone developed simultaneously, from chipsets to user
whose mobile device supports it can view it, equipment on the consumer side, to encoders,
much like incorporating a WiFi transceiver in multiplexers, exciters, and transmitters on the
a mobile phone or notebook computer, rather broadcaster side.
than as a paid addition to another service (like
cellular data plans). Freedom of Choice
JJ Mobile DTV offers the unique ability to Most new OTA-based services have at least
one major hurdle to overcome: the cost and standard yet in place, no system deployments,
availability of spectrum. Mobile DTV does not and no available user equipment, it is far too
face this challenge because it is an “in-band” early to see how the Mobile DTV scenario will
system that rather than requiring additional “play out” in the coming months and years.
spectrum uses a portion of a 6-MHz channel Suffice it to say that once the service goes “live”,
and 19.39 Mb/s of capacity possessed by the the experience will deliver almost immediate
standard ATSC service. The ATSC Mobile DTV feedback about the content that is best received.
service can be launched without any additional
action required from the FCC. This provides Mobile DTV in Perspective
broadcasters with enormous flexibility when
provisioning their systems, allocating resources First and foremost, Mobile DTV allows
to the standard ATSC service as well as to broadcasters to provide programming with
Mobile DTV commensurate with their business resolution that is more than adequate for mobile
models, which are expected to vary greatly from applications, with resolution up to 416 x 240
broadcaster to broadcaster. pixels using H.264 (MPEG 4) compression up to
30 frames per second and a data rate up to 820
For example, if a broadcaster decides to support kb/s. It can provide high-quality reception even
one SDTV and one HDTV channel, it would likely in vehicles moving at speeds up to 100 mph,
have additional capacity for one or more Mobile thanks to additional forward error correction
DTV channels. However, some broadcasters are and data redundancy built into the standard.
not offering HDTV service, which considering Mobile DTV is also backward compatible with
the far greater bandwidth required to transmit a ATSC consumer equipment/receivers. It is also
high-definition signal, offers the opportunity to significantly less complex to implement from a
provide numerous Mobile DTV channels along hardware perspective than most new services,
with perhaps two SDTV channels. In addition, since unlike the coming generation of wireless
broadcasters that own multiple networks have data services (like LTE and WiMAX) that require
even greater ability to divide additional resources complex Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO)
to provide more Mobile DTV channels along with technology to deliver their rated performance,
their SDTV and HDTV services. The choice is Mobile DTV requires only one receiving antenna.
entirely the decision of the broadcaster. In addition, the programming guide, time-
shifting, and storage, for example, are included
The Mobile DTV concept also offers broadcasters in the fundamental system architecture, and
the opportunity to consider themselves less “bursty” transmission technology reduces the
as proprietary “islands” and more as part of amount of power required by the Mobile DTV
a network of services provided by multiple receiver in mobile devices, increasing viewing
broadcasters within a given service area. This time on a battery charge.
of course, would require an entirely different
approach than has been the norm for broadcast As for the user equipment itself, there are
television, in which broadcasters are simply current examples in existing products devoted
competitors sharing nothing but a portion of the to other mobile video services that provide a
electromagnetic spectrum. However, if there reasonable profile of what the first Mobile DTV-
is money to be made in creating alliances of enabled devices will be like. Smartphones, which
some kind, innovators in the industry surely will while hardly ideal for viewing video, today have
embrace them. larger displays than their predecessors, thanks
to advances in display and power management
At this early stage of development, with no final technologies including the use of LEDs rather
than cold cathode fluorescent lamps (CFLs) be sold within a year’s time that have onboard
for LCD backlighting. In fact, most current Mobile DTV capability. Manufacturers of mobile
smartphones, lead by Apple’s groundbreaking audio and video systems have already begun
iPhone and now many others, have displays development of Mobile DTV products for both
that are nearly the size of the device itself. As OEM and aftermarket applications.
millions of iPhone owners can attest, watching
even full-length movies on these small devices The Mobile DTV Standard
can be surprisingly pleasant.
Development of the Mobile DTV standard, in
Notebook and netbook computers are obvious contrast to how standards-setting typically
candidates for Mobile DTV, since implementing unfolds, has been proceeding at a rapid pace.
this capability within them is far less difficult The standards-development process itself only
than in smartphones. Falling somewhere in really began in April, 2007. However, this could
between, portable media players are likely to only take place after the pioneers in Mobile DTV,
contain Mobile DTV receivers, and have larger including Rohde & Schwarz, had devoted several
screens than smartphones and smaller overall years of intensive development to produce a
footprints than notebooks computers. Even comprehensive blueprint for implementing
stand-alone GPS navigation devices can be mobile DTV. In the case of Rohde & Schwarz,
equipped for Mobile DTV service. Navigation this also included development of measurement
coupled with local weather, traffic, and news solutions that are essential for manufacturers
content provides significant added value beyond and broadcasters to develop and evaluate their
their core GPS location capability. components, devices, and systems.
Last, but surely not least, is the market potential The components of the standard made their
for incorporating Mobile DTV in vehicles. There way through various committees to create
are currently millions of vehicles in the U.S. in the standards for Mobile DTV’s three core
which entertainment systems not only include ingredients:
the ability to watch programs on DVDs but OTA
television broadcasts as well. However, they JJ The physical layer that includes backward-
will all very soon “go dark” since none are ATSC compatible enhancements to the DTV
compatible. Even if they were cobbled together transport stream to enable mobile and
with a standard ATSC converter, the result would handheld reception
be much the same, since they would only be
able to reliably receive standard ATSC service JJ The management layer that encompasses
when the vehicle is stationary. signaling, announcement, file delivery, and
functions such as conditional access and
However Mobile DTV, while not breathing content protection
life into existing analog NTSC television
entertainment systems in vehicles, provides auto JJ The presentation layer that deals with video
manufacturers with the ability to offer Mobile and audio formats and required compression
DTV as an option on a wide array of vehicles – schemes.
not just luxury brands, since implementation
cost should not be prohibitive. This market The first major benchmark for actual Mobile
alone is potentially enormous, since even in DTV in action occurred during a Demonstration
today’s constricted sales environment, hundred of Viability (IDOV) field test that was conducted
of thousands of new vehicles (or more) could in San Francisco and Las Vegas early in 2008
under the supervision of the Open Mobile Video ATSC, after which the industry began testing
Coalition (OMVC), an alliance of U.S. commercial it through product development, and the draft
and public broadcasters formed to accelerate the was elevated to its current Candidate Standard
development and rollout of mobile DTV products status.
and services.
After the Candidate Standard period, the ATSC
This demonstration compared the two leading will vote to elevate it to Proposed Standard
candidates for Mobile DTV: the MPH (Mobile- status and send it for approval to the full ATSC
Pedestrian-Handheld) system jointly developed membership. If the ballot returns a two-thirds
by LG Electronics and Harris Corporation and the majority approval, it will become a full standard.
Advanced -VSB (A-VSB) system jointly developed This process is expected to be completed early
by Samsung Electronics, Co. and Rohde & in the third quarter of 2009. While the specific
Schwarz. Participating broadcasters volunteered implementation approaches taken by the
the use of their transmitting facilities for the champions of the competing organizations (such
trials, and measurements were conducted by an as Rohde & Schwarz and Samsung) will offer
independent consulting firm. The demonstration product differentiation, the result will be that
consumed more than 90 hr. and 700 Mb of the consumer will enjoy the desired result: high-
mobile data collected throughout the San quality Mobile DTV reception.
Francisco Bay area, along with 50 hr. and 300
Mb in the Las Vegas area. ATSC Mobile DTV in a Nutshell
For the San Francisco Bay area trials, three DTV As an “in-band” service, Mobile DTV shares
stations were used and mobile and pedestrian channels with the standard ATSC service using
tests were performed over a 15-day period. a portion of its 19.39 Mb/s bandwidth, with
Simultaneous measurements were made of delivery via IP transport. It uses modified MPEG-
all three channels using vehicle-attached and 4 Part 10 AVC and SVC video coding and MPEG-
handheld antennas. In the Las Vegas trials, 4 Part 3 HE AAC v2 mono- and stereophonic
three DTV stations were also used. Mobile and audio coding via MPEG-4 AAC, Spectral Band
pedestrian measurements were collected over Replication (SBR) and Parametric Stereo (PS)
a 10-day period. The results of the field trials coding tools. The complete system is shown in
demonstrated the viability of both systems. A Figure 1.
draft standard that incorporated elements of
both was then written by a group within the Extra training sequences and forward error
TV analyzer
MPEG-4 encoder
MPEG-4 encoder
ATSC transmitter Single frequency
MPEG-4 encoder
ATSC-M/H enabled network
MPEG-4 encoder exciter
In the physical layer system, the M/H data is The services available from a broadcaster are
transferred by a time-slicing mechanism to “announced” via the Announcement subsystem
improve the receiver’s power management using a Service Guide, which is a special M/H
ability. Each M/H Frame time interval is divided service. An M/H receiver determines available
into five subintervals of equal length, called M/H Service Guides by reading the Guide Access
Subframes. Each M/H subframe is divided into Table for M/H (GAT-MH), which lists the Service
four subdivisions of 48.4 ms in length (the time Guides present in the M/H broadcast, gives
required to transmit one VSB frame). These time information about, and provides access to the
intervals are in turn divided into four M/H Slots, service provider for each guide. It is a modified
producing a total of 16 M/H Slots in each M/H OMA BCAST Service Guide and is delivered
Subframe. The M/H data to be transmitted is using one or more IP streams. The main stream
packaged into a set of consecutive RS Frames delivers the Announcement Channel, and other
that form the M/H Ensemble. streams are used to deliver the guide data.
The data from each RS Frame to be transmitted The Application Framework enables the
is split into blocks called M/H Groups that are broadcaster of the audio-visual service to author
organized into M/H Parades that carry the M/H and insert supplemental content to define
Groups from up to two RS Frames. The number and control various additional elements to be
of M/H Groups belonging to an M/H Parade is used in conjunction with the M/H service. It
always a multiple of five and the M/H Groups defines auxiliary graphical components, layout
in the M/H Parade go into M/H Slots that are for the service, transitions between layouts,
equally divided among the M/H Subframes of and composition of audio-visual components
the M/H Frame. with auxiliary data components. It also lets
the broadcaster send remote events to modify
The RS Frame is the basic data delivery unit in the presentation and control the presentation
Mobile DTV transmission and incorporates the timeline, and enables coherent rendering of
IP datagrams. The number and size of each RS the service and its layout on a variety of device
classes and platforms. (for example Digital Rights Management)
and allow one encryption method to replace
Service Protection refers to the protection of another. It must also be able to simultaneously
content during its delivery to a receiver, is accommodate multiple generations of service.
designed to provide subscription management,
and establishes no controls on content after The signaling approach is hierarchical, with the
delivery to the receiver. It is based on the OMA physical RF layer considered the bottom of the
BCAST DRM Profile in which there are two stack and much of the RF signaling is integral
modes of protection, interactive and broadcast- to the data structure in the other parts of the
only. In interactive mode, the receiver supports standard. At the bottom-most layer is a 1-bit
an interaction channel to communicate with a signaling method, and a major change to the
service provider to receive service and content entire physical layer can be signaled by use of
protection rights. In broadcast-only mode, no another such bit. Other signaling for the RF layer
such interaction channel is used by the receiver. is implemented with a simple version field in key
Requests are made by the user to the service data structures, each of which enables signaling
provider by “outside” means such as calling the of changes in higher data structures. In general,
company or accessing its Web site. at higher layers more signaling capability is
established reflecting the increasing likelihood of
The diverse elements of the system are change in those layers as time progresses.
grouped into functional units called elementary
subsystems. These correspond to the M/H To implement Mobile DTV within an existing
protocol stack shown in Figure 2. Recognizing ATSC system, broadcasters require Mobile DTV-
that the mobile market is subject to rapid capable encoders, multiplexers, and exciters
technology change, the standard accommodates for each channel. The Mobile DTV transport
the need for continued viability of the system as stream is multiplexed into the primary ATSC at
changes occur. As there are many technological a specified amount of bandwidth, depending
elements of the system, they were grouped into on the mix of ATSC and Mobile DTV channels
functional units called elementary subsystems. the broadcaster wishes to provide. For example,
A Mobile DTV system must be able to provide each 6 MHz channel can accommodate a
a wide array of signaling capabilities to maximum of 19.39 Mb/s of programming. If
ensure it functions effectively alongside its the broadcaster decides to provide one SDTV
ATSC counterpart, and can accommodate and one HDTV channel (the latter with 1080i
changes such as a new elementary subsystem resolution), they would collectively require about
A/V streaming
NRT Announcement
signaling service guide RME 708 AFD
channel FLUTE HE
(file transfer protocol) AACv2
Time of day Conditional
SSC ALC/LCT signaling access
signaling UDP
signaling TPC ATSC-M/H physical layer Main ATSC
distribution channel to feed each transmitter SFN signals arrive at different times because of
in an SFN. The channel can be a conventional distance-dependent propagation delays, so SFNs
studio-to-transmitter link (STL) for distributed take the range of individual transmitters into
transmitters or a different broadcast channel consideration and allow a delay to be selected
from that on which the transmitters operate (in for each transmitter to provide synchronous
the case of distributed translators). It should operation. For example, adding 91.45 ft. to the
be noted that the FCC does not require use reception path produces a delay equal to the
of the A/110 standard for synchronization symbol time, so intersymbol interference is
in its official rulemaking on this subject, but inevitable (although tolerated to some degree
instead allows for innovation and development by the receiver). Both ATSC and Mobile DTV
by manufacturers to create alternative transmitters periodically insert known training
synchronization methods. For example, there are data, which is used by the symbol-restoring
opportunities to synchronize Mobile DTV systems equalizer in the receiver.
using less complex and more flexible methods
than those described in A/110. From a high-level view, creating an SFN is a
relatively straightforward procedure, assuming
To reinforce the point about the speed at the broadcaster can gain access where
which Mobile DTV standards development towers can be placed, which in many cases
has occurred, there is no mention in the 2004 is not trivial. However, deploying the network
standard about Mobile DTV at all. However, requires significant expertise in frequency and
some of the basic concepts and requirements it coverage planning, and is typically undertaken
contains can apply to both standard and Mobile either by veteran broadcast engineers with
DTV. The FCC has chosen not to specifically field installation experience, by broadcast
define the mechanisms for synchronization consultants, or both. In addition, optimizing and
of transmitters emitting 8-VSB signals in maintaining the performance of the SFN, and
accordance with the ATSC DTV Standard, but ensuring that it provides the desired coverage
to allow room for innovation and improvements and is always synchronous requires considerable
to this technology in the future. Sound SFN expertise and dedicated test equipment as well.
design must incorporate a means of adjustment
for transmitter timing and other transmission From Testing to Transmission
characteristics through additional information
carried within the specified packet structure. From any vantage point, Mobile DTV is
at an early stage, proceeding rapidly and
In an SFN, multiple towers (rather than a single simultaneously in every respect, from
tower) send the same program content at exactly development of broadcast Mobile DTV
the same frequency and time. This makes infrastructure and user equipment, to
efficient use of frequency resources, allows broadcaster business models, and even the
frequency and coverage planning to be flexible standard itself. As with all emerging technology,
and accurate, and can mitigate the problems the availability of test equipment to evaluate
associated with mobile reception. The concept equipment at the earliest stages of product
is similar to the “cellular” approach upon which development is critical in ensuring its success.
all wireless communications are based, in that The test procedures themselves remain a
a given geographical area is not covered with work in progress, although the fundamental
a single base station but with multiple base challenges are obvious, since Mobile DTV is
stations whose coverage areas coincide. essentially an enhancement to standard ATSC,
and similar requirements apply. However, the
Mobile DTV standard is different in ways that
allow equipment to function in a dynamic rather
than static environment, which present new
challenges for test equipment manufacturers
and their users. These are complemented by
measurements that must be made to SFNs, if
they are employed by the broadcaster.
The position of Rohde & Schwarz as a pioneer Figure 5. The R&S®ETL TV Test Receiver.
in creation of Mobile DTV has allowed the
Rohde & Schwarz has also created a complete
company to address these test and measurement
product family, including the software-definable
issues as well as those relating to the exciters,
R&S®SX800 exciter (Figure 6), the R&S®AEM100
multiplexers, and transmitters that will be
emission multiplexer (Figure 7) and the
employed to implement Mobile DTV. For
R&S®AVE264 MPEG-4 encoder, devoted to ATSC
example, Rohde & Schwarz is demonstrating
Mobile DTV and SFN operation that allows U. S.
Mobile DTV-capable test equipment at the
broadcasters to immediately begin transmission
National Association of Broadcasters Show,
of ATSC Mobile DTV services. The R&S®SX800
including its R&S®SFU TV Signal Generator
is a frequency-agile exciter that has already
(Figure 4). This versatile instrument enables
been proven for both ATSC and NTSC as part
manufacturers of consumer electronics
of medium-power air-cooled, and high-power
equipment to develop and qualify receiver
liquid-cooled Rohde & Schwarz transmitter
chips and other devices, and is an “all-in-one”
systems, as well as in transmitters from other
generator for all TV standards, including Mobile
manufacturers. It supports digital and analog
DTV. It produces unrivaled RF and baseband
TV broadcasting standards including ATSC,
signals in combination with a comprehensive
MediaFLOTM, DVB-T/H, and ISDB-Tb, and now
menu of interfering signals such as noise,
ATSC Mobile DTV SFN operation is supported for
multipath, spurious, and adjacent channels.
all mentioned standards (wheredefined). Existing
DTV transmitters that use the R&S®SX800 exciter
can easily be updated for ATSC Mobile DTV.
Rohde & Schwarz also offers an upgrade kit for
implementing the R&S®SX800 into transmitter
series prior to the R&S®NX8000 platform (for
example R&S®NV7000).
The R&S®Sx800 is a software configurable television exciter that features adaptive pre-
correction for linear and non-linear distortions. The exciter can be adapted to different
operating standards and modes, including ATSC Mobile DTV and Single Frequency
Networks (SFN). Exciter retrofit packages are available to allow use of the R&S®Sx800
in transmitters produced by other manufacturers.
The R&S®Nx8000 family of transmitters is comprised of both liquid (R&S®NV8600)
and air-cooled (R&S®NV8300/R&S®NW8200) transmitters for high and medium power
applications. All R&S®Nx8000s feature the R&S®Sx800 television exciter for excellent
signal performance and flexibility across both VHF and UHF. The R&S®Nx8000
transmitters are very energy efficient with redundant architecture for maximum
The R&S®SCx8000 is the ultimate in efficient design. It consists of the new exciter
R&S®SX801 and up to two amplifiers with integrated cooling, combiner and splitter.
All major TV standards, including ATSC Mobile DTV are supported with the same
hardware. Innovative redundancy concepts and a minimum number of devices make
the system highly reliable. Its modular design enables the system to be a stand-alone
device, in existing racks and outdoor cabinets.