Castel Et. Al. 2015

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Materials and Structures

DOI 10.1617/s11527-015-0599-1


Creep and drying shrinkage of a blended slag and low

calcium fly ash geopolymer Concrete
A. Castel • S. J. Foster • T. Ng • J. G. Sanjayan •

R. I. Gilbert

Received: 30 April 2014 / Accepted: 18 March 2015

 RILEM 2015

Abstract The main purpose of this research is to Keywords Sustainability  Geopolymer concrete 
study the time dependent behaviour of a geopolymer Fly ash  Creep  Shrinkage
concrete. The geopolymer binder is composed of
85.2 % of low calcium fly ash and only 14.8 % of
ground granulated blast furnace slag. Both drying
shrinkage and creep are studied. In addition, different 1 Introduction
curing conditions at elevated temperature were used.
All experimental results were compared to predictions Reinforced concrete is the most common construction
made using the Eurocode 2. The curing regime plays material. Manufacturing of ordinary Portland cement
an important role in the magnitude and development of (OPC) involves mining, crushing and grinding lime-
both creep and drying shrinkage of class F fly ash stone and shale, which are then burned in a rotary kiln
based geopolymer concrete. A minimum of 3 days at to convert the limestone into lime via a process known
40 C or 1 day at 80 C is required to obtain final as calcination, and finally grinding the resulting
drying shrinkage strains similar to or less than those cement clinker with gypsum. The production of
adopted by Eurocode 2 for ordinary Portland cement Portland cement is very energy intensive and releases
(OPC) concrete. Creep strains were similar or less than large amounts of greenhouse gases (GHG), mainly
those predicted by Eurocode 2 for OPC concrete when carbon dioxide (CO2), and contributes to about 7 % of
the geopolymer concrete was cured for 3 days at global anthropogenic CO2 emissions and accounts for
40 C. After 7 days at 80 C, creep strains became 4 % of man-made global warming [1, 2]. Every tonne
negligible. of Portland cement replaced with supplementary
cementitious materials such as fly ash or slag is
estimated to avoid the emission of about one tonne of
CO2 to the atmosphere [3, 4]. The contribution of OPC
manufacture to carbon emissions is second only to
A. Castel (&)  S. J. Foster  T. Ng  R. I. Gilbert
fossil fuels [5].
Centre for Infrastructure Engineering and Safety, School
of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University Over the last two decades, geopolymer concretes
of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia have emerged as novel engineering materials with the
e-mail: potential to become a substantial element in an
environmentally sustainable construction and building
J. G. Sanjayan
Centre for Sustainable Infrastructure, Swinburne products industry [6–8]. Geopolymer concrete is the
University of Technology, Hawthorn, VIC, Australia result of the reaction of materials containing
Materials and Structures

aluminosilicate with alkalis to produce an inorganic 100 micro-strains after 3 months. More recently,
polymer binder. In many regions of the world similar to Sagoe-Crentsil [20] carried out similar tests using a
Australia, industrial waste materials such as fly ash and similar low calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete.
blast furnace slag are commonly used as the source of Tests specimens were cured at 60 C for 6 h only and
aluminosilicate for the manufacture of geopolymer then stored in a fog room at 23 C. Creep and
concrete due to the low cost and wide availability of shrinkage tests were started after 28 and 7 days
these materials. There is no Portland cement clinker in respectively. Creep results were similar to those
geopolymer concrete. Geopolymer concrete (GC) was obtained by [17]. The strain due to drying shrinkage
first investigated in the 1940s attracting significant of ambient-cured specimens was in the order of 250
academic research. It was even used in some construc- micro-strains after three months, which is higher than
tion projects in the USSR in the 1960s [9] demonstrating the ones obtained by Wallah and Rangan [18]. This is
the feasibility of more widespread use. In the 1970s, Prof likely because of the shorter heat curing duration but,
Davidovits pioneered the development of geopolymer according to [19], it is still about half the value
in Western Europe [10]. The considerable sustainability predicted for an equivalent OPC based concrete.
benefits of using a binder system composed almost In this paper, further investigations are carried out
entirely of recycled materials has led to considerable in order to assess the influence of the age of the
research on GCs in recent years [11–14]. Geopolymer geopolymer concrete when the shrinkage test starts.
binder can provide reduction of embodied CO2 of up to Shrinkage tests were started 24 h, 3 or 8 days after
80 % compared to OPC with efficient use of other casting. It is important to assess the drying shrinkage
industrial by-products [6]. as early as possible because it is responsible for early
Geopolymer concretes exhibit many of the charac- age cracking that occurs when the concrete does not
teristics of traditional concretes, despite their vastly have much strength. According to ASTM C157 [21]
different chemical constituents and reactions [15, 16] shrinkage tests must start 24 h after casting. Moreover,
The mixing process, the workability of freshly mixed alternative curing temperatures (40 and 80 C) and
geopolymers, the mechanical characteristics of the duration are explored. Creep tests were started after
hardened material appear to be similar to those for 8 days considering two alternative heat curing
traditional OPC concretes. However, only a few regimes: 40 and 80 C. This work will contribute to
attempts to assess the drying shrinkage and creep increasing the amount of experimental data available
characteristics of fly ash based geopolymer concrete in the literature regarding the time-dependent be-
are available in the literature. A study by Wallah and haviour of low calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete.
Rangan [17, 18] at Curtain University of Technology
in Australia, showed that heat-cured fly ash-based
geopolymer concrete undergoes low creep, about
50 % of the creep usually observed for OPC based 2 Experimental program
concrete as predicted by the Australian Standard
AS3600-2009. Tests specimens were cured at 60 C 2.1 Geopolymer binder
for 24 h. The creep tests were started on the seventh
day after casting and the sustained load applied was A testing programme [8] was undertaken using fly ash
40 % of the compressive strength as determined on the (FA) from Eraring Power Station in New South Wales,
day when the creep testing started. Drying shrinkage Australia, Kaolite high-performance ash (HPA) from
was also studied using two curing procedures: (i) am- Callide Power Station in Queensland, Australia, and
bient temperature for 3 days; and (ii) heat cured at ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS). The
60 C for 24 h and then 2 days in water at 23 C. All chemical compositions of the FA, HPA and GGBFS
shrinkage tests were started after 3 days. The drying are presented in Table 1. Both fly ashes are low
shrinkage strain of ambient-cured specimens was in calcium class F fly ash. The grading curves for the FA,
the order of 1500 micro-strains after 3 months, which HPA and GGBFS are shown in Fig. 1. The aim of the
is about two to three times higher than that expected experimental programme was to investigate the effect
for an equivalent OPC based concrete [19]. Heat cured of blending different types of aluminosilicate materi-
specimens however performed very well, with only als. Indeed, in Australia, suppliers often receive fly ash
Materials and Structures

Table 1 Fly ash and GGBFS chemical compositions NaOH pellets per kg of NaOH solution. The Sydney tap
water was used in this study as the solvent to produce
the NaOH solution. The above mentioned concentra-
SiO2 66.56 45.14 34.09 tion (12 M) of sodium hydroxide solution has been
Al2O3 22.47 33.32 13.81 selected according to the preliminary works conducted
Fe2O3 3.54 11.99 0.53 by Palomo et al. [22]. In their investigation on different
CaO 1.64 4.13 41.75 concentrations (8–14 M) of NaOH solution, it has been
K2O 1.75 0.13 0.28 observed that the mechanical performance of GPC
Na2O 0.58 0.07 0.37 increases by increase in the NaOH concentration up to
MgO 0.65 1.37 5.55 12 M and further increase in NaOH concentration has a
Mn3O4 0.06 0.23 0.41 negative effect on the strength.
P2O5 0.11 0.56 0.01 The sodium silicate solution used, which was
TiO2 0.88 2.19 1.38 manufactured by PQ Australia under the commercial
SO3 0.1 0.48 2.61 name of Vistrol D–A53 or grade D, has a chemical
LOI (%) 1.66 0.41 0.9 composition of Na2O = 14.7 %, SiO2 = 29.4 %, and
H2O = 55.9 % (by mass) with a modulus ratio (Ms) of
2 (Ms = SiO2/Na2O = 2). The Na2SiO3 solution
used, also known as waterglass, is a thick adhesive
liquid with a viscosity of 400 cps at 20 C, has a
specific gravity of 1.53 and a pH of 12.9 (values
provided by supplier, PQ Australia). The activator
solution was prepared and mixed together 24 h prior to
usage. The pH of the activator solution (mixture of
sodium silicate and 12 M sodium hydroxide with the
ratio of 2.5:1) has been measured using an appropri-
ately calibrated pH-meter and was equal to 14.
One day after casting, the specimens were de-
moulded and cured in a 90 C water bath for a further
7 days. Using this hot curing process, the optimum
blend leading to the highest compressive strength was
Fig. 1 Grading curves for the FA, HPA and GGBFS 67.2 % FA, 18 % of HPA and 14.8 % of GGBFS.
Thus, about 85.2 % of the blend is composed of low
from two sources and they blend both to achieve calcium class F fly ash. The same aluminosilicate
consistent quality of their supply. Fifteen series of blend and activator are used in this study.
geopolymer mortar with different mix proportion were
tested after 28 days [8]. 2.2 Aggregate
The alkaline activator used is a mixture of sodium
hydroxide (NaOH) solution and sodium silicate (Na2- Sydney sand was used as fine aggregate. The coarse
SiO3) solution. The ratio of sodium silicate to sodium aggregate was 10 mm nominal size crushed basalt.
hydroxide solution used was 2.5:1 (by mass). The The grading curves of both types of aggregate are
sodium hydroxide solution used was prepared by presented in Fig. 2.
dissolving the technical grade NaOH pellets in water.
The sodium hydroxide white pellets with a purity of at 2.3 Geopolymer concrete mix design and batching
least 98 % were supplied by Ajax Finechem under the procedure
commercial brand of UNIVAR A-302. These pellets
have a molecular weight of 40 and a specific gravity of The Geopolymer concrete mix is presented in Table 2.
2.1. The concentration of sodium hydroxide solution The triple aluminosilicate blend was mixed dry for
used is 12 molar (M) consisted of 480 grams (g) of about 3 min together with all aggregates prior to
NaOH pellets per litre of NaOH solution or 361 g of gradually adding the alkaline solution and then the free
Materials and Structures

Fig. 2 Grading curves of 100

fine and coarse aggregates Fine aggregate
Coarse Aggregate

Percentage passing - by mass [%]





0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Particle size [mm] - in log scale

Table 2 Geopolymer Materials Percentage by mass (%) kg/m3

concrete mix
Coarse aggregate 48.5 1144.6
Fine aggregate 30.1 710.4
Standard fly ash (FA) 8.2 193.5
High performance fly ash (HPA) 2.2 51.9
Ground granulated blast furnace slag 1.8 42.5
Activator solution (Na2SiO3:NaOH = 2.5:1) 6.7 158.1
12 M NaOH (1.9 % = 45.2 kg/m3) – –
Na2SiO3 (4.8 % = 112.9 kg/m3) – –
Free water 2.5 59.0
Fresh concrete density – 2360 kg/m3
Fresh concrete air content – 3.1 %
Slump – 130 mm

water. The geopolymer concrete specimens used to • 1D40-curing After casting, specimens were sealed
measure the compressive and tensile strengths were to prevent excessive loss of moisture, stored at
compacted by using a poker vibrator just after the 40 C in an oven for 1 day. Shrinkage tests were
concrete was poured into the moulds in two phases. started after 24 h.
Pull-out specimens were compacted using a vibrating • 1D80-curing After casting, specimens were sealed
table just after being poured in the moulds also in two to prevent excessive loss of moisture, stored at
phases. The workability of the fresh concrete was 80 C in an oven for 1 day. Shrinkage tests were
assessed using the standard slump test. The slump started after 24 h.
obtained was 130 mm. Air content of the fresh • 3D40-curing After casting, specimens were sealed
concrete was about 3 %. to prevent excessive loss of moisture, stored at
40 C in an oven for 3 days. Shrinkage tests were
2.4 Curing procedures started after 3 days.
• 7D80-curing After casting, specimens were sealed
Four curing procedures were adopted for specimens to prevent excessive loss of moisture, stored at
used for the drying shrinkage tests: 40 C in an oven for 1 day and then cured in a
Materials and Structures

80 C water bath for a further 7 days. Shrinkage with Australian Standard AS1012.16 [26]. All creep
tests were started after 8 days. tests were started 8 days after casting and the
sustained load applied was 40 % of the compressive
The two curing procedures used for creep test strength as determined on the day of starting the creep
specimens are: testing. Three specimens were tested for each curing
condition for about 90 days. Both shrinkage and creep
• 3D40-curing After casting, specimens were sealed
results were compared to the values calculated for an
to prevent excessive loss of moisture, stored at
equivalent OPC based concrete using the Australian
40 C in an oven for 3 days and then stored in a
Standard [19].
controlled room at 23 C and 60 % relative
humidity. Creep tests were started after 8 days.
• 7D80-curing After casting, specimens were sealed
3 Experimental results
to prevent excessive loss of moisture, stored at
40 C in an oven for 1 day and then cured in a
3.1 Mechanical characteristics
80 C water bath for a further 7 days. Creep tests
were started after 8 days.
Figures 3 and 4 show the increase of the average
compressive strength and elastic modulus, respective-
2.5 Testing program ly, versus the duration of the heat curing period at
80 C. All measurements were performed at 28 days
The compressive strength and the instantaneous after casting. For compressive strength, three tests
elastic modulus were measured after 28 days on were performed for each curing condition. The elastic
standard concrete cylinders (diameter = 100 mm, modulus was measured using one specimen only.
height = 200 mm) in accordance with AS 1012.9 Figure 3 shows that the compressive strength of the
[23]. geopolymer concrete increases greatly with the in-
The drying shrinkage tests were performed on creasing duration of the 80 C curing period. The
75 mm 9 75 mm 9 300 mm prisms in accordance maximum average compressive strength measured
with AS1012.13 [24]. During the tests the specimens was about 58 MPa and was obtained after 7 days of
were kept in a controlled temperature environment. heat curing. Whereas the 80 C curing for 1 day only
The temperature and the relative humidity were led to an average compressive strength of about
maintained at about 23 C and 60 % respectively. 36 MPa. However, the benefit on the compressive
Drying shrinkage tests were started after 24 h for strength of increasing the duration of the 40 C curing
curing conditions 1D40-curing and 1D80-curing, after period is only moderate. The scatter of both the
3 days for curing condition 3D40-curing and after compressive and tension strength measurements is
8 days for curing condition 7D80-curing. Three speci- reasonably low for all tests (Table 3). Figure 4 shows
mens were tested for each curing condition for about
90 days. All specimens heat cured in the 80 C water
28 day Compressive Strength (MPa)

bath were saturated when starting the shrinkage tests. 70

Regarding the specimens cured at 40 C, it is assumed 60
that no significant water evaporation occurred as all 50
specimens were sealed. Pan et al. [25] recently 40
reported that the free moisture content of geopolymer 30
is similar to that of OPC concrete which is in the order 3D40-Curing Average strength
of 5–8 % as can be seen from TGA when heated to 1D40-Curing
about 110 C. The results presented are total shrinkage
which combines the chemical and drying shrinkage. In 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
this study we are interested in the total rather than the
80oC Heat curing duraon (days)
individual components.
The creep tests were performed on 100 mm Fig. 3 Increase in 28 day compressive strength versus the
diameter cylinders with 200 mm height in accordance duration of the heat curing period
Materials and Structures

30000 2000
28 day Elastic Modulus (MPa)
1800 1D40-Curing
20000 3D40-Curing 1400

7D80-Curing 1200
1D40-Curing 1000
10000 EN 1992-1-1:2004 - 1D40-Curing
600 EN 1992-1-1:2004 - 1D80-Curing
0 200
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
80oC Heat curing duration (days) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Fig. 4 Increase in 28 day elastic modulus versus the duration
of the heat curing period Fig. 5 Drying shrinkage measured on the specimens cured
1 day at 400 and 800 C

that the elastic modulus is close to the maximum value

after 1 day in the 80 C water. There appears to be (Fig. 7) provides only a small benefit in terms of
little benefit in increasing the duration of the 40 C shrinkage reduction, even though the 28 days com-
curing period on the elastic modulus. pressive strength of the geopolymer concrete is
significantly increased (Fig. 3). It is important to note
3.2 Drying shrinkage tests that the consistency of results over three tests is good
for all curing procedures.
Figure 5 compares the drying shrinkage measured on Figure 8 shows the average shrinkage strain ob-
the specimens cured for 1 day at 40 C and 1 day at tained after 90 days for all curing conditions versus
80 C. In Fig. 5, experimental results are compared to the 28 days compressive strength of the geopolymer
the values calculated for an equivalent OPC based concrete. Provided that the duration of the curing is
concrete using Eurocode 2 (EN 1992-1-1, [27]). Only sufficiently long and in the experimental conditions of
the drying shrinkage was taken into account to the tests, geopolymer concrete performs well with
calculate the time-dependent shrinkage strain for all regard to shrinkage, irrespective of the curing tem-
curing regimes. The shrinkage strains measured on the perature. The effect of reduced shrinkage is related to
specimens cured for 1 day at 40 C were about three pore size distribution as discussed in previous work by
times the value calculated for OPC concrete in [28] where it was demonstrated that the reason for high
accordance with Eurocode 2 (EN 1992-1-1, [27]). shrinkages in alkali activated slag is related to the
However, in the case of 80 C cure for 1 day, the coarse pore size distribution. The use of fly ash in the
drying shrinkage strain was similar or less than that
specified in Eurocode 2. For the specimens cured for
3 days at 40 C, the shrinkage strain was also similar 2000
to that specified in Eurocode 2, as shown in Fig. 6.
Extending the duration of heat curing up to 7 days

Table 3 Average compressive strength fc28 and elastic mod- 1000
ulus Ec28 after 28 days versus heat curing duration 800 EN 1992-1-1:2004 - 3D40-Curing
1D40 3D40 1D80 7D40 400 3D40-Curing
fc28 (MPa) 18.7 23.7 36.2 58.5
SD 0.5 2.08 1.31 5.27 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Ec28 (GPa) 18 19.2 23.9 25.3 Days
SD n/a n/a n/a n/a
Fig. 6 Drying shrinkage measured on the specimens cured
SD standard deviation 3 days at 400 C
Materials and Structures

2000 Dry heat curing is not recommended for low calcium

1800 fly ash systems. On the contrary, when specimens were
wet cured, the resulting material developed a very

dense structure which is consistent with the results

reported in this paper.
800 At this stage of the research, it appears that heat
AS3600 7D80-Curing
600 treatment reduces the average pore size of the low
400 calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete resulting in
200 reduced shrinkage in spite of the resulting increase in
0 the capillary tension. The effect is similar to that in
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Days OPC concrete where shrinkage (and creep) is gener-
ally smaller in denser, higher strength concrete.
Fig. 7 Drying shrinkage measured on the specimens cured
7 days at 800 C
3.3 Creep tests
Shrinkage strain after 90 days (µm/m)

2000 Table 4 shows the concrete compressive strength

1800 when the creep tests were started at 8 days (fc8), for
1600 the two curing conditions. Three extra concrete
1400 cylinders were cast in order to measure the compres-
1200 sive strength after 8 days for each curing condition.
1000 The value of the sustained load applied to each
800 specimen and the resulting measured instantaneous
600 strains are also shown in Table 4.
3D40-Curing Figure 9 shows the total strains measured for all
1D80-Curing specimens including the control cylinders (not loaded)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 which are used to assess the drying shrinkage compo-
28 days Compressive Strength (MPa)
nent of the strain. Strains measured on the control
cylinders are similar for both curing conditions (3D40-
Fig. 8 Average shrinkage strain obtained after 90 days versus curing and 7D80-curing) and is in accordance with
the 28 days compressive strength of the geopolymer concrete drying shrinkage test results already discussed. The
total strains measured on the creep specimens cured
system must have the opposite effect as compared to three days at 40 C are much higher than those
slag alone where the shrinkages are higher than measured on the creep specimens cured for seven days
comparable OPC concretes [28]. Indeed, Kovalchuk at 80 C. The total strains measured on the specimens
et al. investigated the microstructure development of cured seven days at 80 C appear to be due mostly to
heat cured geopolymer binder using low calcium fly shrinkage.
ash and alkaline solution both very similar to the ones The creep coefficient can be calculated using [30,
used in this study including the effect of thermal 31]:
curing conditions on pore structure (total porosity and
ecc ðt; t0 Þ
average pore diameter), down to a minimum pore uðt; t0 Þ ¼ ð1Þ
diameter of 0.0067 lm, using a Micrometrics Auto-
pore II 9220 porosimeter [29]. It was found that curing where u(t, t0) is the creep coefficient, t is time (in
conditions, particularly in term of relative humidity, days), t0 is the age at first loading, ecc(t, t0) is the time
play an essential role in the development of a dependant concrete strain due to creep and ee is the
material’s microstructural characteristics (such as instantaneous elastic strain when the sustained loading
porosity and phase composition), kinetics and degree is first applied. The time dependent experimental
of reaction and their respective macroscopic proper- creep strain is calculated as the total strain minus the
ties. Large pores (10–50 lm) were observed on dried instantaneous strain and the time dependent shrinkage
cured specimens lowering the compressive strength. strain measured using the control specimens.
Materials and Structures

Table 4 Compressive Sustained load (MPa) Instantaneous strain (lm/m) fc8 (MPa)
strength of the concretes
after height days, sustained 3D40-curing specimen 1 10 858 21.5
load applied during creep
3D40-curing specimen 2 918
tests and concrete
instantaneous strains 3D40-curing specimen 3 966
7D80-curing specimen 1 20 891 54.3
7D80-curing specimen 2 929
7D80-curing specimen 3 912

3500 4
Total strain 3D40-Curing
3000 3.5

Creep Coefficient
Strain (µm/m)

2 EN 1992-1-1:2004 - 7D80-Curing
1000 Total strain 7D80-Curing
Control specimen 7D80-Curing
500 0.5
0 Control specimen 3D40-Curing 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Days Days

Fig. 9 Total strains measured for all specimens including the Fig. 10 Creep coefficient obtained for curing condition 8D80-
control cylinders (not loaded) used to assess the drying curing
shrinkage strain only

The creep coefficient as determined from Eq. 1 for 3.5 EN 1992-1-1:2004 - 3D40-Curing
the 3D40-curing and 7D80-curing tests are presented 3
Creep Coefficient

in Figs. 10 and 11, respectively and compared to 2.5

Eurocode 2 (EN 1992-1-1, [27]). At early age, the
creep coefficient is similar to that calculated using 3D40-Curing
Eurocode 2 for specimens cured for 3 days at 40 C.
Beyond, 50 days, the creep coefficient appears to be
less than that calculated using Eurocode 2. This is
consistent with results in the literature [17, 20] 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
showing that the addition of a minor quantity of Days
GGBFS does not significantly affect creep (or shrink-
Fig. 11 Creep coefficient obtained for curing condition 3D40-
age) of low calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete. After
7 days at 80 C, the subsequent creep is very small as
the creep coefficient is only about 0.2. As in the case of
the shrinkage tests, the consistency of results over mechanisms, including sliding of the colloidal sheets
three tests is good for all curing procedures. in the gel between the layers of absorbed water,
It is generally accepted that creep in OPC originates expulsion and decomposition of the interlayer water
in the hardened cement paste that consists of a within the hydrated cement gel, deformation of the
hydrated cement gel containing numerous capillary aggregate and the hydrated cement gel as viscous flow
pores. The hydrated cement gel is made up of colloidal and local fracture involving the breakdown (and
sheets of calcium silicate hydrates separated by spaces formation) of physical bonds. The proportion of creep
containing absorbed water. Creep in OPC concrete is associated with each of these mechanisms is not yet
thought to be caused by several different and complex understood despite extensive research over the last
Materials and Structures

eighty years. Recent research relates the creep success of concrete as a structural material is due, in no
response of OPC to the packaging density distributions small way, to its ability to creep.
of calcium-silicate-hydrates [32]. The mechanisms of
creep in fly ash geopolymer concrete are still to be Acknowledgments This research is funded by the CRC for
Low Carbon Living Ltd supported by the Cooperative Research
determined and are likely to be different from those in
Centres program, an Australian Government initiative. The
OPC concrete. experimental work was carried in the Structures Laboratory of
Further research is required in order to investigate the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the
in detail the mechanisms such as change in surface University of New South Wales. The assistance of the laboratory
staff is also acknowledged.
energy or loss of disjoining pressure [33, 34] that could
affect both creep and shrinkage and that could be
responsible for the observed geopolymer concrete

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