Aladdin and The Enchanted Lamp

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Aladdin is a lazy boy. He does not like work and he plays all day with his
friends in the market. He and his mother are very poor, and are often
hungry, but Aladdin never works, and never helps his mother.

One day Aladdin’s uncle, Abanazar, arrives in the city. ‘I am a rich man,’ he
tells Aladdin and his mother. He gives them gold, buys Aladdin a beautiful
new coat, and wants to help them. Aladdin is very happy.

But Abanazar is not Aladdin’s uncle. He is a magician from Morocco, and

he wants to find an enchanted lamp. He knows the lamp is in a magical
garden under the ground, near a city in Arabia. Only a poor boy from the
city can get into the garden and find the lamp. And that boy’s name is
Aladdin …


Fantasy & Horror
Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp
Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp
Stage 1 (400 headwords)

Illustrated by
Thomas Sperling

Series Editor: Jennifer Bassett PNG

Founder Editor: Tricia Hedge
Activities Editors: Jennifer Bassett and Alison Baxter OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
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Help from a rich man

any years ago, in a city in Arabia, there was a boy called Aladdin.
1 Help from a rich man He lived with his mother in a little house near the market, and they were
2 A walk to nowhere very poor. Aladdin’s mother worked all day, and sometimes half the night,
but Aladdin never helped her.
3 The ring and the lamp
He was a lazy boy and he did not like to work. He only wanted to play all
4 Aladdin’s love the time. Every morning he ran through the streets to the market. There, he
5 New lamps for old talked and laughed and played with his friends all day. Then in the evening
6 There and back again he went home for his dinner.

ACTIVITIES: Before Reading And every night his mother said to him: ‘Oh, Aladdin, Aladdin! You are
ACTIVITIES: While Reading a lazy boy - a good-for-nothing! When are you going to do some work, my
ACTIVITIES: After Reading
But Aladdin never listened to his mother.
One day in the market there was an old man in a long black coat. Aladdin
did not see him, but the old man watched Aladdin very carefully. After
some minutes he went up to an orange-seller and asked:
‘That boy in the green coat - who is he?’
‘Aladdin, son of Mustafa,’ was the answer.
The old man moved away. ‘Yes,’ he said quietly. ‘Yes, that is the boy.
The right name, and the right father.’
Then he called out to Aladdin: ‘Boy! Come here for a minute. Is your
name Aladdin? Aladdin, son of Mustafa?’
Aladdin left his friends and came to the old man. ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘I am
Aladdin, son of Mustafa. But my father is dead. He died five years ago.’
‘Dead!’ said the old man. ‘Oh, no!’ He put his face in his hands and ‘My sister!’ he said and smiled. ‘My dead brother’s wife! I am happy to
began to cry. find you and Aladdin.’
‘Why are you crying?’ asked Aladdin. ‘Did you know my father?’ ‘Sit down, Abanazar. We’re happy to see you in our poor home,’
The old man looked up. ‘Mustafa was my brother!’ he said. ‘I wanted to Aladdin’s mother said. She put meat, rice and fruit on the table. ‘But I don’t
see him again, and now you tell me he is dead. Oh, this is not a happy day understand. Why did my husband never speak about you?’
for me!’ Then he put his hand on Aladdin’s arm. ‘But here is my brother’s ‘I’m sorry, my sister. When we were young, my brother and I were not
son, and I can see Mustafa in your face, my boy. Aladdin, I am your uncle, friends for many years. Then I went away to a far country. I am an old man
Abanazar.’ now and wanted to see my brother again and take his hand. But he is dead,
and I cannot speak to him or say goodbye to him now!’
‘My uncle?’ said Aladdin. He was very surprised. ‘Did my father have a
brother? I didn’t know that.’ Abanazar had tears in his eyes and Aladdin’s mother began to cry too.
‘I went away before you were born, my boy,’ said the old man. ‘Look.’
He took ten pieces of gold out of his bag, and put them into Aladdin’s PNG
hands. ‘Go home to your mother and give this money to her. Tell her about ‘But I am home again now,’ the old man said, ‘and I can help my
me, and say this: “Her husband’s brother wants to meet her, and he is going brother’s wife and his son, because I am a rich man.’ He looked at Aladdin.
to visit her tomorrow.”’
‘Aladdin, my boy, what work do you do?’
PNG Aladdin did not answer and his face was red.
‘Oh, don’t ask Aladdin questions about work!’ his mother said. ‘He never
Ten pieces of gold is a lot of money and Aladdin was very happy. He ran works. He plays with his friends all day, and only comes home when he is
home quickly and gave the gold to his mother. At first she was afraid. hungry.’
‘Where did you get this, Aladdin? Did you find it? It isn’t our money. ‘Well, my boy, tomorrow we must get a new coat for you. Then we can
You must give it back.’ talk about work. Would you like to have a shop in the market perhaps?’
‘But it is our money, Mother,’ said Aladdin. ‘My uncle, my father’s Aladdin smiled. ‘A shop,’ he thought, ‘and me, a rich market-seller. Why
brother, gave the money to us. Uncle Abanazar is coming to visit us not?’
‘Who? You don’t have an uncle Abanazar.’
‘But he knows my name, and my father’s name,’ Aladdin said. ‘And he
gave ten pieces of gold to me. He’s very nice. You must make a good dinner
for him.’
The next day Abanazar arrived at Aladdin’s house.
‘First we must make a fire,’ said Abanazar.
Aladdin did not understand, but he made a fire for his uncle on the
2 ground. Then Abanazar took some powder out of a small box, and put it on
the fire. He closed his eyes and said, ‘Abracadabra!’
A walk to nowhere At once, the sky went dark. Black smoke came from the fire, and the
ground under the fire began to open. Then the smoke went away, and in the

E arly the next morning, Abanazar arrived at Aladdin’s house and then
he and Aladdin walked to the market.
ground there was now a big white stone with a ring in it.

‘First of all we must look at coats,’ Abanazar said.
Soon Aladdin had an expensive new coat and he felt very happy. Then
Abanazar and Aladdin walked through the market and looked at the shops. Aladdin was very afraid. He began to run away, but Abanazar took his
They drank coffee, talked to people, and had a very good dinner. It was a arm and hit him on the head.
wonderful day for Aladdin. For a minute or two Aladdin could not speak or move. Then he cried,
On Friday, when the market was closed, Abanazar took Aladdin to the ‘Why did you do that, Uncle?’
beautiful gardens in the city. They walked under the trees and talked about a ‘You must be a man now, not a child,’ said Abanazar. ‘I am your father’s
shop for Aladdin. brother, and you must obey me. Don’t be afraid. In a short time you’re
going to be a rich man. Now, listen carefully.’ He took Aladdin’s hand.
‘Only you can move this stone. Put your hand on the ring and say your
PNG name and your father’s name.’
Very afraid, Aladdin put his hand on the ring. It was not hot, but very
‘You are very good to me, Uncle,’ Aladdin said. cold. ‘I am Aladdin, son of Mustafa,’ he said. The stone moved easily, and
Abanazar smiled. ‘But of course,’ he said. ‘You are my brother’s son. now Aladdin could see stairs under the ground.
Now, let us leave the city and go up into the hills. There is something ‘Go down those stairs,’ Abanazar said, ‘and then through four big rooms.
wonderful there, and you must see it.’ In the last room there is a door into a garden, and under one of the trees
They left the gardens, walked past the Sultan’s palace, and out of the city there is a lamp. You can take some fruit from the trees, but first you must
up into the hills. They walked for a long time and Aladdin began to feel find the lamp. Bring the lamp to me.’
tired. ‘Please come with me, Uncle!’ Aladdin said.
‘It’s not far now,’ said Abanazar. ‘We’re going to see a beautiful garden - ‘No. Only you can do this, my boy.’ Abanazar took a gold ring off his
more beautiful than the garden of the Sultan’s palace.’ finger and gave it to Aladdin. ‘This ring is magic and can protect you,’ he
At last Abanazar stopped. ‘Here we are,’ he said. said. ‘Be careful, and bring me the lamp quickly!’
Aladdin looked, but he could see no gardens on the hills. ‘Where is this Aladdin put the ring on the little finger of his left hand and began to go
garden, Uncle?’ he said. down the stairs. It was dark and he was afraid, but he was more afraid of

And Aladdin was right to be afraid, because Abanazar was not his uncle. The ring and the lamp
He was a magician from Morocco, and he wanted this lamp very much. It
was a magic lamp, and only a poor boy from the city could get it for him - a
boy called Aladdin.
Aladdin went down a hundred stairs and into the first room. Down here,
it was not dark and he went quickly through the rooms to the door into the
‘U ncle Abanazar! Uncle!’ Aladdin hit the stone but nothing moved.
‘Don’t leave me here! Please!’
garden. There were trees in the garden, with beautiful fruit of different Aladdin put his ear to the stone, but he could hear nothing. ‘I am
colours - white, red, green, and yellow. Aladdin, son of Mustafa,’ he said, and listened again. But the stone did not
He soon found the lamp, under one of the trees. ‘Why does my uncle
want this dirty old lamp?’ he thought. He put it in his pocket. Then he Then Aladdin began to cry. ‘What am I going to do?’ he thought, and put
began to take fruit from the trees, and to put it in every pocket of his coat. his head in his hands.
After that he went back to the stairs and began to go up. Soon he could see After a time he began to feel hungry, and took some of the fruit out of his
Abanazar and the blue sky. pocket. He put some in his mouth, but he could not eat them. ‘These are
‘Give the lamp to me,’ Abanazar said, and put out his hand. ‘Quickly, stones, not fruit,’ he thought. ‘I’m going to die down here.’
boy, the lamp!’ For three days and three nights Aladdin sat on the stairs and waited, but
Aladdin could not get the lamp out of his pocket because it was under the no help came. On the third day he remembered Abanazar’s ring on his
fruit. He looked at Abanazar’s angry face and was afraid. finger - the ring to protect him. He could not see the ring in the dark so he
put his right hand on it.
‘First help me out, then you can have the lamp,’ he said. ‘Please, Uncle!’
‘First the lamp,’ cried Abanazar. ‘Give me the lamp!’
There was a sudden noise, and blue smoke came out of the ring. And
PNG then, out of the smoke came a big jinnee.
‘I am here, master, I am here,’ the jinnee cried. ‘I am the slave of the
‘No!’ Aladdin said. ring. What is your wish?’
‘You good-for-nothing! You dog! You and the lamp can stay down there!’ Aladdin was very surprised, and very afraid. At first he could not speak,
Angrily, Abanazar ran to the fire and put more powder on it. ‘Abracadabra then he said, ‘Take me out of here.’
!’ he called.
The big white stone moved again, and now Aladdin could not see the sky. PNG
He was in the dark, under the ground, and could not get out.
‘To hear is to obey,’ the jinnee said, and a second later Aladdin was back
on the hills under the blue sky.
There was nobody there, and the fire was cold and black. Happily, Every day after that, Aladdin rubbed the lamp. And when the jinnee
Aladdin began to walk home. came, Aladdin said: ‘Bring us rice and meat.’ And every day he sold the
When he got there, his mother was very happy to see him. ‘Oh, Aladdin!’ gold plates.
she cried. ‘What happened to you? And where is your uncle?’ Soon, Aladdin and his mother were rich.
‘Abanazar is not my uncle, Mother. He is a magician and a bad man. He
nearly killed me.’ Then Aladdin told his mother all about the fire, the magic
stone, and the garden under the ground. ‘Oh, I am very tired, Mother,’ he
said. ‘I must sleep.’
Aladdin closed his eyes and slept for many hours. The next morning he
opened his eyes and said: ‘Mother, I’m hungry!’
‘My son, I’m sorry,’ she said. ‘We have no rice or meat in the house. We
have nothing. I must sell your new coat and get some rice with the money.’
Then Aladdin remembered the lamp from the garden.
‘Wait a minute, Mother,’ he said. ‘Take this lamp and sell that first.’
‘That dirty old thing?’ Aladdin’s mother said. ‘I must clean it first.’ She
began to rub it and …
WHOOSH! Noise, fire, and red smoke came from the lamp, and out of
the smoke came a very big jinnee.


‘I am the slave of the lamp,’ cried the jinnee. ‘What is your wish,
Aladdin’s mother was afraid and could not speak, but Aladdin said:
‘Bring rice and meat to us. We are hungry.’
The jinnee went away, and came back in a second with rice, meat, bread,
and fruit on twelve gold plates. He put the plates in front of them and went


Aladdin and his mother ate and ate. Then Aladdin took one of the plates
to the market and sold it for two pieces of gold.
‘Me? Go to the Sultan’s palace? No, no, no,’ Aladdin’s mother said.
‘Listen, my son. The daughters of a Sultan do not marry poor boys from the
‘But we are not poor now, Mother. And we can give the Sultan something
Aladdin’s love for his daughter. Wait.’
Aladdin went away and got the fruit from the magic garden under the

F ive years later, Aladdin had a shop in the market and three market-
sellers worked for him. The sellers liked Aladdin because he was good to
ground. Now, of course, he knew it was not fruit, but white, red, green, and
yellow jewels.

them. The market children liked Aladdin too, because he gave them money PNG
when he walked past. Everybody liked Aladdin.
‘Take these jewels, Mother, on a gold plate,’ he said, ‘and give them to
Aladdin’s mother never called her son a good-for-nothing now. They had
the Sultan.’
a nice house near the gardens and she had many beautiful things. But only
Aladdin and his mother knew about the magic lamp and the jinnee. So the next day Aladdin’s mother carried a gold plate with many
beautiful jewels on it to the Sultan’s palace. She went into a long room, but
PNG when she saw the Sultan, his Vizier, and all his slaves, she was very afraid.
So she waited quietly in the room and spoke to nobody. In the evening she
PNG went back home again with the jewels. Aladdin was very angry with her.
‘Mother, you must speak to the Sultan,’ he said. ‘I have no father to do
One day Aladdin heard a noise in the street and stopped to listen. ‘The
this for me. You must help me - I must marry the Princess. I love her!’
Sultan’s daughter is coming,’ he heard. ‘Princess Badr-al-Budur is coming!’
So the next day, and for many days after that, Aladdin’s mother went to
Six slaves carried the Princess through the streets in a litter, and the
the palace, but she was always afraid to speak.
people stopped to watch. ‘Princess! Princess Badr-al-Budur!’ they called.
In the end, the Sultan saw her and asked his Vizier: ‘Who is that woman?
Aladdin watched when the litter came past him, and he saw the Princess’s
Why does she come to the palace every day?’
face. She was beautiful, with big dark eyes - the most beautiful woman in
Arabia. The litter went past Aladdin, but for some minutes he did not move. The Vizier spoke to Aladdin’s mother: ‘Do you want to speak to the
Then he ran home. Sultan? Yes? Come with me.’
‘Mother! Mother! I saw the Sultan’s daughter, Princess Badr-al-Budur, in The Vizier took Aladdin’s mother to the Sultan, and she put her head on
the street.’ Aladdin’s face was white. ‘I must have the Princess for my the ground at his feet.
wife!’ ‘Get up, woman. Why do you come here every day?’ the Sultan asked.
‘But, Aladdin …’ his mother began. ‘Speak, woman.’
‘No “buts”, Mother. I love the Princess and I want to marry her. Go to the ‘Your Majesty,’ Aladdin’s mother said quietly, ‘I have a son, a good
Sultan and ask for me.’ young man. He is called Aladdin. He loves your daughter, Princess Badr-al-
Budur. He cannot sleep or eat because of her. He wants to marry her.’
The Sultan laughed. ‘What? Marry my daughter? Your son?’ ‘To hear is to obey.’
‘Your Majesty, these jewels are for you, from my son Aladdin.’ And In a second the jinnee was back with the Princess asleep in his arms. He
Aladdin’s mother put the gold plate with the jewels in front of the Sultan’s put her carefully on a bed, and then the Princess opened her eyes and saw
feet. Aladdin.
‘Who are you?’ she asked, afraid.
Aladdin took her hand and looked into her eyes. ‘My name is Aladdin,
Everybody looked at the jewels, and the long room was suddenly very and I love you,’ he answered. ‘I cannot live without you, and I want to
quiet. Then the Sultan spoke. marry you.’
‘These are very beautiful jewels,’ he said. ‘No man in Arabia has jewels Badr-al-Budur saw the love in his eyes, and smiled.
more wonderful than these. Your son is a rich man - a good husband for my She closed her eyes again, then the jinnee carried her back to the Sultan’s
daughter.’ palace. The next morning she remembered Aladdin’s eyes. ‘There is no love
The Vizier did not like to hear this, because he wanted the Princess to in the eyes of the Vizier’s son,’ she thought. ‘He thinks only of gold and of
marry his son. jewels.’ So the Princess went to her father.
‘Your Majesty,’ he said quietly in the Sultan’s ear, ‘my son is a rich man, ‘I do not want to marry the Vizier’s son,’ she said. ‘I want Aladdin for
too. Give him three months, and he can find better jewels than these.’ my husband.’
‘Very well,’ said the Sultan. And to Aladdin’s mother he said: ‘Your son The Sultan was very surprised. ‘What can we do?’ he said to his Vizier.
must wait for three months, and then perhaps he can marry my daughter.’ ‘My daughter wants to marry this man Aladdin. He is a rich man, it is true -
Aladdin’s mother went home to tell Aladdin, and the Vizier went away to but who is he?’
speak to his son. And every day, for two months, the Vizier’s son came to ‘Ask him,’ said the Vizier quickly, ‘for more of those beautiful jewels, on
the Sultan and gave him gold, and jewels, and many beautiful things. forty gold plates. And forty slave-girls, with forty slaves. Nobody is that
For two months Aladdin waited happily, but one day his mother came rich.’
home from the market and said: ‘Very good,’ smiled the Sultan, and said to his slaves:
‘Oh, Aladdin! Aladdin! The Princess is going to marry the Vizier’s son! I ‘Bring Aladdin’s mother to me.’
heard it in the market. Everybody’s talking about it.’ When Aladdin’s mother arrived, the Sultan said: ‘So! Your son wants to
When Aladdin heard this, he was very unhappy. ‘What can I do?’ he marry my daughter. But first he must give me forty gold plates with jewels.
thought. He put his head in his hands and thought for a long time. And Forty slave-girls, with forty slaves, must carry the plates to me. Then my
when night came, he took out the magic lamp and rubbed it … daughter can be his wife.’
Aladdin’s mother went home and told her son, and Aladdin smiled. This
PNG was easy for the jinnee of the lamp, of course, and the next day, when
Aladdin went to the palace, everybody in the city came out to watch.
WHOOSH! ‘What is your wish, master?’ said the jinnee of the lamp.
First came forty slave-girls in dresses of gold, and every girl carried a
‘Bring Princess Badr-al-Budur to me,’ said Aladdin.
gold plate with wonderful jewels on it. After them walked forty slaves in
coats of gold. And last came Aladdin, on a beautiful white horse.

‘What do you say now?’ the Sultan said quietly to the Vizier, when he New lamps for old
saw all these wonderful things. ‘Aladdin must marry my daughter. How can
I say no?’ And the Sultan went to Aladdin and took his hands. ‘My son,’ he
said. ‘You can marry my daughter tonight.’
‘Tomorrow, Your Majesty,’ said Aladdin. ‘Because, before I marry your
daughter, she must have a palace – the most beautiful palace in Arabia.’
W here was Abanazar all this time? When he could not get the lamp
from Aladdin, he went home to Morocco. He was very angry with Aladdin.
‘But the boy is dead now,’ he thought. ‘And perhaps next year I can go back
The jinnee of the lamp worked all night, and the next morning the Sultan and get the lamp.’
saw from his window a beautiful new palace, with gardens of fruit trees and
One day, he got out his seven black stones. These stones were magic, and
when he put them in water, the water could tell him many things. Soon, he
‘Wonderful!’ he said. could see the magic lamp in the water, but it was not under the white stone
‘Black magic!’ said the Vizier quietly. in the Arabian hills. It was in a palace.
That night Aladdin married Badr-al-Budur and they lived happily in the ‘How did this happen?’ said Abanazar. ‘I must go back to Arabia and
new palace. find this palace.’



After some months he arrived again in the city in Arabia. Soon, he saw
the new palace and asked a man in the street: ‘Who lives there?’
‘That’s Aladdin’s palace,’ was the answer. ‘Princess Badr-al-Budur’s
husband, a good man - and very rich!’
Abanazar said nothing and walked away. ‘That lazy, good-for-nothing
boy!’ he thought angrily. ‘So he has the magic lamp, and he knows about
the jinnee! How can I get the lamp back?’
For the next week Abanazar watched Aladdin’s palace. One day Aladdin
and his friends left the palace to go hunting in the hills.
‘Good,’ Abanazar thought, ‘now I can get the lamp.’
After Aladdin left, Princess Badr-al-Budur went into the palace gardens.
She sat under a tree and looked at the flowers. Then she heard a noise in the
street, and called her slave-girl, Fawzia. In a second Abanazar, the palace, the gardens, and the Princess were in
‘What’s the matter? Who’s making that noise?’ she asked. ‘Fawzia, go Morocco. And in front of the Sultan’s palace there was now only a little red
and look in the street.’ smoke.
When Fawzia came back, she had a smile on her face.
‘Mistress,’ she said, ‘the children in the street are laughing at an old man.
He’s selling lamps, but not for money. “New lamps for old,” he cries. “Give
me an old lamp, and you can have a new lamp.” So everybody’s getting
new lamps.’
Badr-al-Budur laughed. ‘Do we have an old lamp for him? Yes - my
husband’s old lamp! Go and get it.’ The Princess knew nothing about the
lamp or its magic.
Fawzia went into the palace and came back with Aladdin’s lamp. ‘Here it
is, mistress,’ she said.
‘Go and give it to the old man.’ The Princess laughed. ‘Aladdin can have
a nice new lamp!’
Fawzia went out into the street with the lamp. ‘New lamps for old,’ the
old man called, and the children behind him laughed and called, ‘New
lamps for old.’
The old man (it was Abanazar, of course) saw the lamp in Fawzia’s
hands, and knew it at once, because of the picture in the water of his magic
stones. He took the old lamp, gave a new lamp to Fawzia, and then quickly
walked away. He walked out of the city into the hills. Then he took out the
lamp and rubbed it …



WHOOSH! At once the jinnee of the lamp came to him. ‘I am here,

master,’ he said. ‘What is your wish?’
‘Carry Aladdin’s palace, the Princess, and me back to Morocco at once,’
Abanazar said. ‘The Sultan can kill Aladdin for me.’
‘To hear is to obey.’
his hands into the water of the river, and then he saw the magician’s ring on
his little finger. He began to rub it …
6 WHOOSH! Out of the blue smoke came the jinnee of the ring. ‘What is
your wish, master?’ he asked.
There and back again ‘Find my wife and bring her back to me,’ answered Aladdin. ‘Please …’
‘Master, I cannot do that. The jinnee of the lamp took the Princess away,

I n the evening Aladdin and his friends finished hunting and began to go
home. Suddenly a friend said: ‘Aladdin, look! The Sultan’s men are
and only the jinnee of the lamp can bring her back. But I can take you to
‘Take me then - quickly!’
coming, with swords in their hands. What do they want?’
‘I don’t know,’ Aladdin answered. ‘To hear is to obey.’
When the Sultan’s men arrived, they said: ‘Aladdin, we must take you to It is many, many miles from Arabia to Morocco, but Aladdin was there in
the Sultan. He’s very angry.’ a second. And there was his palace, in front of him. He went into the
gardens and looked up at the windows.
‘Why?’ asked Aladdin, but the men could not tell him.
‘Badr-al-Budur,’ he cried, ‘are you there?’
In his palace the Sultan took Aladdin to a window. ‘Where is your
palace?’ he cried angrily. ‘And where is my daughter? Answer me!’ In the palace Badr-al-Budur heard him. ‘Is that Aladdin?’ she thought.
‘But he is far away in Arabia.’ She went to the window, opened it, and
Aladdin looked out of the window. There was only the ground and the looked out.
sky - no palace, no gardens, nothing. He closed his eyes, opened them and
looked again, and he had no answer for the Sultan. ‘Aladdin!’ she cried. ‘Oh, my love!’
‘It’s black magic. I always said that,’ the Vizier said quietly in the For the first time in many days, Aladdin smiled.
Sultan’s ear. ‘Come up, quickly!’ the Princess called. ‘The magician is not here now.’
‘Your Majesty.’ Aladdin put his head at the Sultan’s feet. ‘Kill me now - I Her slave-girl ran down and opened a little door into the gardens.
do not want to live without Badr-al-Budur.’ There were tears in his eyes. Aladdin ran up to the Princess’s rooms, and in a second she was in his arms.
‘Find her in forty days - or you die,’ the Sultan said. ‘Oh, my love,’ the Princess said. ‘A bad man carried me here. A
‘I hear and obey, Your Majesty,’ Aladdin answered. magician. His name is—’
But without his magic lamp, what could Aladdin do? He went out from ‘His name is Abanazar and I am going to kill him,’ said Aladdin. ‘Tell
the city, and looked and looked for his wife and his palace, but of course he me - does he have my old lamp?’
did not find them. After thirty-seven days he sat by a river and cried: ‘Oh, ‘Yes,’ Badr-al-Budur said. ‘He always carries it with him. I know about
Badr-al-Budur, my love! Where are you? Where can I look now?’ He put its magic now, because he told me. Oh, why did I give it away?’
‘Listen, my love,’ said Aladdin. ‘I’m going to give you some sleeping- The Princess ran to the door of the next room.
powder. When he comes here again, you must give him a drink and put the ‘Quick, Aladdin,’ she called.
powder in it. When he is asleep, I can kill him. Don’t be afraid. I’m going to
Aladdin ran in with his sword and saw the sleeping magician. ‘Well done,
take you home very soon. Now for some good magic.’
my love!’ he said. ‘Now, go into the next room and do not watch.’
He began to rub his ring …
Badr-al-Budur ran to the next room and closed the door. Aladdin put his
WHOOSH! ‘What is your wish, master?’ said the jinnee of the ring. hand in Abanazar’s pocket and took out the lamp. He put it carefully into
‘Bring me some sleeping-powder,’ said Aladdin. the pocket of his coat, and then stood up.
‘To hear is to obey.’
In a second the jinnee was back with some sleeping-powder. Then
Aladdin and the Princess waited for Abanazar. The sword did its work quickly, and Abanazar never opened his eyes
In the evening they heard him on the stairs. again.
‘Don’t be afraid,’ Aladdin said quietly to his wife. ‘I am in the next room The Princess came back into the room, and ran to Aladdin. He took her in
and can be with you in a second.’ He went quickly into the next room and his arms.
stood behind the door. ‘The magician is dead,’ he said. ‘And now we can go home.’ He began to
Abanazar opened the door of Badr-al-Budur’s room and came in. He rub the lamp …
smiled: ‘You are more beautiful every day, Badr-al-Budur,’ he said. ‘Your WHOOSH! Fire and red smoke came from the lamp. The Princess
husband, that good-for-nothing Aladdin, is dead now. You must marry me. watched, afraid.
You can have gold, jewels, palaces, anything! But you must be my wife.’
‘I am here, master,’ said the jinnee of the lamp. ‘What is your wish?’
For the first time the Princess smiled at Abanazar.
‘Carry this palace, Badr-al-Budur, and me back to our city in Arabia. But
‘Why not?’ she said. ‘You are a rich man and I am happy here. Yes, let’s leave that dog, Abanazar, here.’
drink to that.’
‘To hear is to obey,’ said the jinnee.
And she gave him a tall gold cup with the drink and the powder in it.
‘Let us drink from one cup, Abanazar,’ she said, and smiled at him. ‘You PNG
first, then me. In my country new husbands and wives always do this.’
When the Sultan looked out of his window and saw Aladdin’s palace again,
‘To Badr-al-Budur, the most beautiful woman in Morocco,’ Abanazar he was a happy man. And when he took his daughter in his arms, he was the
said happily, ‘and my wife.’ happiest man in Arabia.
PNG From that day, Aladdin and Badr-al-Budur lived happily in their palace.
They lived for many years, and had many children. But Aladdin always
He looked into Badr-al-Budur’s eyes and began to drink. Very afraid, the carried the magic lamp with him, day and night.
Princess watched him. But it was a good sleeping-powder, and after five
seconds Abanazar’s eyes closed and he was asleep. PNG
Your Majesty when you speak to a Sultan, a King, or a Queen, you say
‘Your Majesty’


abracadabra a magic word

jinnee a supernatural, magic spirit in Arabic stories
lazy a lazy person does not want to work
magic when strange, exciting, unusual things happen
magician a man in stories who can do magic
marry to take somebody as your husband or wife
master a man who gives orders to servants and slaves
mistress a woman who gives orders to servants and slaves
obey to do what somebody tells you
poor with very little money; not rich
protect to keep somebody (or something) safe
slave a worker who belongs to another person and who must work for
that person for no money
sleeping-powder something which makes you sleep
Sultan a king; the most important man in an eastern country
surprised when something new, strange, or sudden happens, you are
uncle the brother of your mother or father
unhappy not happy
Vizier an important man in an eastern country
wish something you want
Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp ACTIVITIES
Before Reading

1 Read the back cover and the story introduction on the first page of
the book. How much do you know now about the story? Tick one
box for each sentence.


2 What happens in this story? Can you guess? Choose words to

complete these sentences.
1 Aladdin finds / doesn’t find the lamp in the garden.
2 Aladdin gives / doesn’t give the lamp to Abanazar.
3 Aladdin marries / doesn’t marry the Princess.
4 Abanazar takes the Princess / Aladdin to Morocco.
5 Abanazar wants to kill / marry the Princess.
6 In the end the jinnee / Aladdin kills Abanazar.
7 The story has an unhappy / a happy ending.
Before you read Chapter 3, can you guess what happens? Choose
endings for these sentences.
ACTIVITIES 1 Aladdin stays under the ground for …
While Reading a) three hours
b) three days
c) three weeks
Read Chapter 1, and then answer these questions.
2 Aladdin sees his first jinnee. It comes out of …
1 Why did Aladdin’s mother call Aladdin a ‘good-for-nothing’? a) the old lamp
2 Where did Abanazar find Aladdin? b) the white stone
3 Why did Abanazar cry? c) Abanazar’s ring
4 Why was Aladdin surprised?
Read Chapter 3. Complete these sentences with words from the chapter
5 What did Abanazar give to Aladdin? (one word for each gap).
6 Why was Aladdin very happy about this?
1 The jinnee of the_____said, ‘To hear is to_____.’
7 Who did Abanazar want to help?
2 The second jinnee said, ‘I am the_____of the_____.’
Read Chapter 2. Choose the best question-word for these questions, 3 Every day Aladdin_____the lamp, and the jinnee came.
and then answer them.
4 Aladdin_____the gold_____in the market.
What / Where
5 Soon, Aladdin and his mother were_____.
1 … did Abanazar buy for Aladdin in the market?
Read Chapter 4. Who said this, and to whom?
2 … did Aladdin and Abanazar go after the city gardens?
3 … did Abanazar put on the fire? 1 ‘I must have the Princess for my wife!’
4 … could Aladdin see in the ground under the fire? 2 ‘He cannot eat or sleep because of her.’
5 … did Abanazar want Aladdin to go? 3 ‘These are very beautiful jewels.’
6 … did Aladdin put Abanazar’s ring? 4 ‘My son is a rich man, too.’
7 … was the lamp? 5 ‘The Princess is going to marry the Vizier’s son!’
8 … did Aladdin put in every pocket of his coat? 6 ‘Bring Princess Badr-al-Budur to me.’
9 … did Abanazar leave Aladdin and the lamp? 7 ‘I do not want to marry the Vizier’s son.’
8 ‘But first he must give me forty gold plates with jewels.’
9 ‘Black magic!’
Before you read Chapter 5, can you guess what happens next? Tick one
box for each sentence.

After Reading
Read Chapters 5 and 6. Then join these halves of sentences.

1 When Abanazar saw the lamp in the magic water, …

2 One day he walked in the streets by the palace … 1 There are 21 words from the story hidden in this word search. Can
you find them? The words go from left to right, and from top to
3 Badr-al-Budur did not know about the jinnee … bottom.
4 Abanazar rubbed the lamp …
5 The Sultan was very angry with Aladdin … PNG
6 The jinnee of the ring carried Aladdin to Morocco … 2 What did Aladdin tell his mother when he got home from the hills?
7 When Abanazar came to see the Princess, … Complete the passage with 15 of the words from the word search
8 Then Aladdin came in and killed Abanazar … above. (One word for each gap.)
9 but he gave him forty days to find the Princess. ‘In the _____ there is a beautiful _____ under the ground.
10 and he and the Princess went home to Arabia. Abanazar knew about it because he is a_____, and he wanted me to
find a _____ under one of the trees. I found it and put it in my
11 he went back to the city in Arabia.
_____, with some _____ from the trees.
12 and the jinnee took him and the Princess to Morocco.
But when I came back up the _____, Abanazar was_____ with me,
13 she put some sleeping-powder in his drink. so I didn’t give him the lamp. Then he put more _____ on the
14 and called out, ‘New lamps for old. New lamps for old.’ _____, and the magic white _____ moved again and I could not
15 so she gave Aladdin’s old lamp to Abanazar. get out. In the end I remembered Abanazar’s _____ ring. When I
_____ it, a big _____ came out and put me back on the hill. Then
16 and he found his wife and his palace there.
I walked home. Oh, Mother, I’m so _____ - I must sleep now.’
3 What did the Vizier say to his son when he went home? Put their
conversation in the right order, and write in the speakers’ names.
The Vizier speaks first (number 3).
1 _____ ‘Yes, he does, but he’s looking for a rich husband for his
daughter. And Aladdin is very, very rich.’
2 _____ ‘And what must I do in these three months?’
3 _____ ‘My son, do you know a man called Aladdin?’
4 _____ ‘But he can’t! I’m going to marry Badr-al-Budur! And the the jinnee of the lamp
Sultan knows that.’ the seven magic black stones
5 _____ ‘Go to the Sultan every day, my son. And give him gold, the jinnee of the ring
and jewels, and many beautiful things.’
the magic word ‘Abracadabra’
6 _____ ‘Then we must find some better jewels, Father.’
the magic trees
7 _____ ‘I don’t know, but he loves the Princess and he wants to
1 _____brought food every day on gold plates.
marry her.’
2 Abanazar said _____, and the ground opened.
8 _____ ‘Is he? How do you know that, Father?’
3 _____built Aladdin a beautiful palace.
9 _____ ‘Yes, we must. The Sultan is giving us three months before
he says yes to Aladdin.’ 4 _____took Aladdin to Morocco.
10 _____ ‘No, I don’t. Who is he?’ 5 When Abanazar put _____in water, the water told him many
things from far away.
11 _____ ‘Because today his mother gave the Sultan some beautiful
jewels. The Sultan liked them very much.’ 6 _____took the Princess to Morocco.
4 Here is a new illustration for the story. Find the best place in the 7 There were jewels, not fruit, on _____ in the garden under the
story to put the picture, and answer these questions. ground.
The picture goes in Chapter_____. 8 _____ brought Aladdin some sleeping-powder.
1 Who are the three men in the picture? 9 _____ carried the Princess to Aladdin one night.
2 What can they see out of the window? Which of these magic things would you like? Why?
3 Where is Princess Badr-al-Budur at this moment?
Now write a caption for the illustration.


5 Here is Aladdin’s mother, talking about her son, but she says some
untrue things. Can you correct them?
‘No, I never called Aladdin a good-for-nothing when he was young!
He was always a hard-working boy, and he liked to work. He
never wanted to play. Now he has five shops, and twenty market-
sellers work for him. We live in a palace, and soon Aladdin is
going to marry the Vizier’s daughter!’
6 There are a lot of magic things in this story. What did they do? Use
this list to complete the sentences below.

Judith Dean was a teacher in Norway, Germany, and France for nineteen Classics • Crime & Mystery • Factfiles • Fantasy & Horror
years, and now lives in Essex, in the east of England. When her daughter,
Leah, was young, Judith Dean often told her stories about magic, like the Human Interest • Playscripts • Thriller & Adventure
story of Aladdin.
True Stories • World Stories
Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp comes from a famous book called
Tales from the Arabian Nights, or The Thousand and One Nights. The The OXFORD BOOKWORMS LIBRARY provides enjoyable reading in English,
stories in this book are more than a thousand years old. They come from the with a wide range of classic and modern fiction, non-fiction, and plays. It
Middle East and India, and first came to Europe three hundred years ago. includes original and adapted texts in seven carefully graded language
Other famous stories in the book are Ali Baba and Sindbad the Sailor. stages, which take learners from beginner to advanced level. An overview is
The stories in The Arabian Nights are all told by Shahrazad (or given on the next pages.
Scheherazade). She married a king, but he did not like wives and he always
killed them after one night. Shahrazad did not want to die, so she told the
King wonderful stories every night. When the sun came up, she stopped the All Stage 1 titles are available as audio recordings, as well as over eighty
story at an exciting place. The King always wanted Shahrazad to finish the other titles from Starter to Stage 6. All Starters and many titles at Stages 1
story, so he did not kill her. And after a thousand and one nights, he liked to 4 are specially recommended for younger learners. Every Bookworm is
his stories - and his wife - very much, and so he and Shahrazad lived illustrated, and Starters and Factfiles have full-colour illustrations.
happily for many years.
You can find the story of Aladdin in many places - in books, in the The OXFORD BOOKWORMS LIBRARY also offers extensive support. Each book
theatre, and in films. There is a famous Disney film of Aladdin, but that is a contains an introduction to the story, notes about the author, a glossary, and
very different story from the one in this book. activities. Additional resources include tests and worksheets, and answers
for these and for the activities in the books. There is advice on running a
class library, using audio recordings, and the many ways of using Oxford
Bookworms in reading programmes. Resource materials are available on
the website < >.

The Oxford Bookworms Collection is a series for advanced learners. It

consists of volumes of short stories by well-known authors, both classic and
modern. Texts are not abridged or adapted in any way, but carefully selected … present perfect — will (future) — (don’t) have to, must not, could —
to be accessible to the advanced student. comparison of adjectives — simple if clauses — past continuous — tag
questions — ask/tell + infinitive …
While I was writing these words in my diary, I decided what to do. I must
try to escape. I shall try to get down the wall outside. The window is high
You can find details and a full list of titles in the Oxford Bookworms above the ground, but I have to try. I shall take some of the gold with me —
Library Catalogue and Oxford English Language Teaching Catalogues , if I escape, perhaps it will be helpful later. Dracula
and on the website < >.


SAMPLE EXTRACTS … should, may — present perfect continuous — used to — past perfect —
causative — relative clauses — indirect statements …
Of course, it was most important that no one should see Colin, Mary, or
Dickon entering the secret garden. So Colin gave orders to the gardeners
present simple — present continuous — imperative — can/cannot, must —
that they must all keep away from that part of the garden in future. The
going to (future) — simple gerunds …
Secret Garden
Her phone is ringing — but where is it?
Sally gets out of bed and looks in her bag. No phone. She looks under the STAGE 4 • 1400 HEADWORDS
bed. No phone. Then she looks behind the door. There is her phone. Sally
picks up her phone and answers it. Sally’s Phone … past perfect continuous — passive (simple forms) — would conditional
clauses — indirect questions — relatives with where/when — gerunds after
prepositions/phrases …
I was glad. Now Hyde could not show his face to the world again. If he did,
… past simple — coordination with and, but, or — subordination with every honest man in London would be proud to report him to the police. Dr
before, after, when, because, so … Jekyll and Mr Hyde
I knew him in Persia. He was a famous builder and I worked with him
there. For a time I was his friend, but not for long. When he came to Paris, I STAGE 5 • 1800 HEADWORDS
came after him — I wanted to watch him. He was a very clever, very
dangerous man. The Phantom of the Opera … future continuous — future perfect — passive (modals, continuous
forms) — would have conditional clauses — modals + perfect infinitive …


If he had spoken Estella’s name, I would have hit him. I was so angry with A beautiful young Indian girl, and a brave Englishman. Black eyes, and
him, and so depressed about my future, that I could not eat the breakfast. blue eyes. A friendly smile, a laugh, a look of love … But this is North
Instead I went straight to the old house. Great Expectations America in 1607, and love is not easy. The girl is the daughter of King
Powhatan, and the Englishman is a white man. And the Indians of Virginia
do not want the white men in their beautiful country.
This is the famous story of Pocahontas, and her love for the Englishman
… passive (infinitives, gerunds) — advanced modal meanings — clauses of John Smith.
concession, condition

When I stepped up to the piano, I was confident. It was as if I knew that the
prodigy side of me really did exist. And when I started to play, I was so
caught up in how lovely I looked that I didn’t worry how I would sound.
The Joy Luck Club


The Phantom of the Opera


It is 1880, in the Opera House in Paris. Everybody is talking about the

Phantom of the Opera, the ghost that lives somewhere under the Opera
House. The Phantom is a man in black clothes. He is a body without a head,
he is a head without a body. He has a yellow face, he has no nose, he has
black holes for eyes. Everybody is afraid of the Phantom - the singers, the
dancers, the directors, the Stage workers …
But who has actually seen him?



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