Booklet Taller 1st Year
Booklet Taller 1st Year
Booklet Taller 1st Year
1 YEAR st
NAME: ……………………………….……………………………
COURSE: 1 Year “………”
TEACHER: …………………………………………………………….
Example: Susan lives in Argentina. She lives in Argentina
Rewrite the sentences using a suitable Personal Pronoun.
The meanings of the verb "to be"
1- Exists
2- Happens
3- Located
She is in bed
4- Shows identity
He is a singer.
5- Shows a quality
She is beautiful.
It is stinky.
Sally has a phone, and a busy life. She gets many phone
calls - mostly from her boyfriend, Andrew. Andrew likes
telling Sally what to do - and what to wear.
But when Sally goes shopping she gets more than just
a new skirt - she gets something that will change her life.
Human Interest
Sally's Phone
Starter (250 headwords)
Sally's Phone
Illustrated by
Gavin Reece
Generailtit da catalunya
Oepartament d'Educació
Escola Oficia' d'diomeS
Barcelona IV -la Pau
Sally's Phone
2 3
Sallv's Phone
Then the train goes into a tunnel. The people on the train
can not talk on their phones. They must talk to the other
people on the train.
'Hello, Max! How are you?'
'Oh, hello Graham! I'm very well.'
'Where are you working now, Lucy?'
'I'm in a new office in Bank Street.'
'Those are nice shoes, J ane.'
. 'Thank you, Mary.'
After three minutes, the train comes out of the tunnel.
Everyone talks on their phones again.
'Hello? John? Are you out of bed now?'
4 5
[2 Lunrhtime J
6 7
Sally's Phone
8 9
[ 3 Afternoon 1
10 11
Sally's Phone
Sally is at work.
Ring ring!
'What's that noise?' Sally thinks. She answers the
'Hello, is Paul there?'
'No, I'm sorry, this-'
'Can you give a message to him? This is his sister
Katharine. There's a party at my house tonight. It's my
'But I-'
'8 o'clock - OK? Bye.'
12 13
Sally's Phone
14 15
Sally's Phone
16 17
Sally's Phone
[ 4 Evening
lhcre are lots of people in Queen's Square, and many of
11ll'1l1 are talking on phones.
It is half past five. Sally puts on her new skirt. Which is Paul? Sally can not remember. She phones
'Do you like it, Louise?' she asks. l'uul.
'Oh yeso It's very nice.' 'Paul+ have you got black hair?'
It is twenty to six. Paul arrives in Queen's Square. He 'No, I haven't.'
looks for Sally. Is that Sally? He can not remember. He , ;ood!' Sally thinks.
phones Sally. 'Have you got a book in your hand?' asks Sally.
'Hello, Sally. It's Paul. I'm in Queen's Square.' 'No, I haven't.'
'Hello, Paul. I'm coming.' , ~ood!' Sally thinks.
18 19
Sally's Phone
20 21
Sally's Phone
Paul and Sally are at the Blue Moon. Sally sits down at a
table. Paul brings their drinks.
'Here's your drink, Sally. And I am sorry about your
'Forget it, Paul - it doesn't matter. Oh, I've got a
message for you. It's from your sister Katharine.'
'From Katharine? What is it?'
'She says that it's her birthday today, and there's a
party at her house.'
22 23
Sally's Phone
'Oh, I must tell you,' Paul says. 'I've got a message for you
from Andrew. He says-'
1 11 ,1 pl.ln' wh .r pcople can buy and have drinks
'It doesn't matter, Paul,' says Sally. '1 don't want the
1 IIlh 1.1 111· clny whcn your age changes
message. I would like to go to the party with you. But I
hu dI!' p '1'1-0(111
t hat you work for
must do something before we go.'
1••• tti ,tlll ,\ 111:\11
or b y that a girllikes and goes out with
Sally takes her phone out of her bag and turns it off.
huuun ,1 phon . has buttons with numbers on
In the Bar Bogart, Andrew phones Sally. Sally does not
hll~' I,II'\' ~()I1Il'()11
' 1110neyfor sornething
answer. 'Sally?' says Andrew. 'Sally? Answer me!'
1111 ' .1 111)\ lriuk
Sally and Paulleave the Blue Moon.
"j 111 1111
'That's a nice skirt,' says Paul. '1 like red.'
11111 hlillll' Ihl' t imc (usually between 12 o'clock and 2
Sally smiles at him.
.1\ 1.11 1 ) wlu-r: p .opl . stop work to have something to eat
1111 '~l' ,'IlIIll'llIillg you want to tell somebody
1'"111 ,1 IlIV'[il1g of friends to eat, drink, talk, dance etc
1'1' , I ush with your finger
I lit (1') mnkc a ound like a bell (a telephone rings)
11 ".IV·sorncone something, and get money for it
Iltt 11 off SI' p omething working
IIll' OLl peak and sing with your voice
24 25
',dI l' 1101
H '{ore Reading
1 It 1" 11 11'1" 11
111 1111 11 \
I I 11 1 I
ACTIV/TIES: While Readin
1 In the morning, Sally's phone is behind the door. \ lt, 11' di! '., Snlly work?
1111 (~llOdoll.·' '\,11111
, 11 1 I
1 Put these sentences in the correct order. Number them 1-10.
1, I "1'
a O Panl finishes his coffee.
b O Paul says 'l'm sorry,' and he gives the bag to Sally.
01 111 1111 y. l' . 111 .,. words:
c O She buys a coffee and sits down.
d O She finishes her coffee and picks up her bag and 1/",111' "1/\' ",111\' 11111,/11/1111' "/'1'/,111111/1 piel: MI'
phone. "/111,,1,/1' /'"\'1/11'1111 ,I/I'/I'I'/' m//I'I'
e O Then she goes to the café.
f O When he stand s up, Sally's bag falls on the floor. 111\' ."" ••................. Andrcw phones her early in the
g O Sally goes to the shops with Claire and buys a skirt, 111111111111' •• 1 Iv w.uus LO n cet her that evening. At
h O Then he picks np a phone and goes out of the café. " •••••....... S:1I'Y a nd her friend Claire buy a new skirt
O She goes back to work. 1'11 .dl\'. 1'11'11 S:dly ha a in a café. When
O She phones her mother and tells her about the new dl\' ',.11'. I.dls to th floor, Sally meets Paul. He
skirt. ." h '1' bag, but he takes her phone - and
d" t." \'~ his phone. That ,Andrew
2 What do you know about Sally? Write a description using
1,1111111 .rl 1 bu t be talks to Paul. Paul's sister wants to
these words. I 11 111111 .ihotu her party - but she speaks
livelmother/brother 111 dl\, 111 111, .nd, Paul phones Sally, and they meet after
work/friends/Claire and Louise 111 t IllIw('l's for bis sister, and he and Sally go to her
32 33
1, ,. • Crin!« & Mystery • Factfiles • Fantasy & Horror
//1111I,111i nt erest • Playscripts • Thriller & Adventure
'/I'I/e tories » World Stories
Christine Lindop was born in ew Zealand and taught English in 11 '1"1'1' 1\11111Wi1I1MSI.IllRARY provides enjoyable reading in English,
France and Spain before moving to Britain. She has written many 11111 Id. 1,1111\1'IIf clussic and modern fiction, non-fiction, and plays,
It IIIt 1II,It IIlq,IIIoII ,11111.ulnptcd texts in seven carefully graded language
books, including several for tbe Oxford Bookworms Library.
11 111.11I,d 1 II'oIll1\'r~ rl'0111 beginner to advanced level. An overview
These include Ned Kelly (Stage 1) and Australia and New Zealand
1 1111/',\",
(Stage 3), She has also written for other Oxford readers series,
including Dominoes and Classic Tales, 11 111' 1 1111, 11' IIl'oIl1lll1l':lS audio recordings, as well as over eighry
dI 11111, 1111111 '''''111'1 111SI:IJ.!,' 6, AII Starters and many titles at Stages
1 111 t 111 1".1 dh 1I.1I11I1I1\'lId .d for younger learners. Every Bookworm
1 1111111 111.1, 11,,1'11.1111'1"11111.1lncrfiles have full-colour illustrarions.
11 111Il1ld .1, 1.111 "lid ,1 11111li~1 (l( tules in the xford Bookworms
I , 1/ \ 1 ,/1,11,1\'11" .\IId (>, '/01'11 1~lIl!.lish language Teaching Catalogues,
, , 11111dI, \ lo 111', 1VIVIV,O\lp,I:()111/elt/b okworrns>.
34 35
GRADING AND SAMPLE EXTRACTS .111 1" 11•• 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ usrti t c) pasr perfect-
lO 1111 1 ,11111 Ilidlll'll 111.11i'IIH:IIIS ...
presenr simple - present continuous - imperarive-
canlcannot, must - going to (future) - simple gerunds ...
1 knew him in Persia. He was a famous builder and 1 \1,1 IHIIII 111'i\I)\'(/()RI)~
worked with him rhere. For a time 1 was his friend, but 11111111 IlIlIllIlIlPlIN 1111111" pcrfect >
but 1 have to try. 1 shall take some of the gold with me - I 111 1111 pl:ty, 1 was so caughr up in how lovely 1 looked that
if 1 escape, perhaps it will be helpful later, Dracula 1 11111'( , OI'ry how 1 would sound. TheJoy Luck Club
36 37
'There's a new girl in town,' says Joe, and soon Steve is out I 11 /1111\11 .tucl h '1' friends decide to sai/ around the world they
looking for her. Marietta is easy to find in a small town, but every 111 111 1'1' I',dl ill!!, things and visit exciting places.
time he sees her sornething goes wrong ... and his day goes from 11111 11111 .Id , t h 'y mcct an orca - a kil!er whale - one of the most
bad to worse. 1111 111111' dllilll:lis in the sea. And life gers a little too exciting.
You are in a smal! plane, going across the Rocky Mountains. 11 111 11111'1' ,~ting job,' says Sally about her work at Happy Hills.
Suddenly, the engine starts to make strange noises ... 111/11111,1\ I~ :1 very exciting day beca use Zapp the famous singer
Soon you are alone, in the snow, at the top of a mountain, and 111111111\, lwcrybody is having a wonderful time. But suddenly
it is very, very cold. Can you find your way out of the mountain? 111t11l1l1l1 J'O .s wrong - very wrong.
38 39