FS 1 Episode 9
FS 1 Episode 9
FS 1 Episode 9
This episode should guide you in picking up those good practices that assist learners
in taking tests properly. If tests are not administered well, the information expected to be
derived from the testing process for improving teaching and learning may not materialize. Be
sensitive to what the teachers do.
Learning Activities:
Activity 1: Class Observation (Utilize the video on constructivism for this activity)
You will be provided with video recordings of a teacher doing an instruction, all you
need to do is record the practices prior to, during, and after giving a test. Use the format
below in writing your observations.
A. Prior to Testing
1. Actual instructions given by the teacher to the class: (Be specific as possible in
writing chronologically what the teacher says).
Engagement: the teacher show or present a visual presentation of the two movies
(Harry Potter and Finding Nemo) and ask the student to think first what are the things
in common of the two movies. And after that teacher told the students to share their
ideas of thinking to a partner.
2. Other activities done by the teacher:
Group Collaboration Activity
Think-Pair-Share Activity
3. What is the overall purpose of the teacher in this part of the lesson?
The overall purpose of the teacher is to connect the topic with a prior understanding of the
lesson. By engaging the students is a group collaboration, exploring the prior learning of
the students, through explaining and sharing to the teacher and to the co-students. And
elaborating the prior learning they gain through evaluation process giving a set of
evaluation activity.
B. Testing Proper
1. How was the test administered? Check all those that apply.
Entire test written on the board.
Entire test orally given by the teacher.
Some parts of test are written; some parts dictated
Learners received copies of the printed test where they wrote their
Learners used answer sheets.
Test directions were not given by the teacher. Instructions read by the
learners silently.
Some pupils called to read the instructions.
Instructions were given by part.
Examples were given on how to do each part.
Others: ___________________
2. What did the teacher do while students were taking the test? Check all those that
Teacher went around the room to supervise learners.
Teachers stayed only in one place while testing was going on.
Teacher left the room while learners work on test.
Teacher answered clarificatory questions of learners.
Teacher did not entertain any questions of learners.
Others: ________________________
3. How did the learners behave during the testing question?
Learners started all at the same time.
Many learners were doing other things than attending to the test.
Many learners asked seatmates what they would be doing.
Some learners showed signs of cheating/ copying.
Most of the learners appeared to have understood the test discussions.
Many learners appeared confused and did not know what to do.
Other: _________________
You have observed in the video how the teacher administered the test from beginning
to end. In the table below, write some testing practices you have observed which you
consider effective.
Graphic Organizer activity presenting of Idealistic
short story
Video explanation presentation Cooperate
Actively Participate
Activity 3: Essay
Based on what you have observed and learned in this episode, write down some
standards for future teachers to follow when administering a test.
Score Description
91-100 Lesson drawn from the test administration practices are all very relevant to
purpose of assessment.
81-90 Lesson drawn from observed test administration practices are for the most
part relevant.
71-80 Only few lessons drawn were relevant to good testing practices observed.
61-70 Lesson drawn were not related to the good test administration practices
51-69 No lessons were drawn at all from the observation made.