Definition of Mantiq: An important (canonical) tool by which the mind is protected from
making mistakes
Purpose of Mantiq: To protect the mind from making mistakes while thinking (contemplating)
Subject of Mantiq: Mu’arrif, Qawl Sharih(speech of the commentator) and Dalil (evidence), and
Who earned the titles of the first, second and third teacher?
1. Mu’allim al-awwal= Hakim Aristu, also known as Aristotle
2. Mu’allim al-thāni= Abu Nasir Farabi, also known as Alpharabius
3. Mu’allim al-thālith= Ibn Sina, also known as Avicenna
How many categories does Ilm split into & what are they?
Ilm splits into 2 categories and they are:
1. Tasawwur (apprehension)- that knowledge which is empty of a hukm. It is the ability to
imagine or visualise something in our minds. So, when you say َز ْﯾ ٌﺪ, this doesn’t have a hukm
(context) but if you know a Zayd, he comes into your mind.
2. Tasdiq (affirmation)- that knowledge which contains a hukm. For example, َز ْﯾ ٌﺪ ﻗَﺎﺋِ ٌﻢ, Zayd is
standing. This is confirming that Zayd is in fact standing.
Lesson 2- Types of Tasawwur and Tasdiq
For this, you don’t need to think or contemplate about the meaning or take time forming an
image of it.
For this, everyone not only has to think about it, but everyone’s opinions and the image they
produce in their minds will also be different.
Tasawwur badihi refers to sensory imagination which basically involves forming a mental image
or being an,e to imagine something based on the 5 senses or experiences.
Whereas, Tasawwur nazari refers to mental or conceptual imagination which requires forming a
mental image on something without relying on direct sensory input.
Tasawwur badihi is more focused on sensory based imagination while Tasawwur nazari is more
about conceptual or mental imagination.
This doesn’t require you to think whether or not fire is actually hot. This is a sentence which has
a hukm and you can easily determine whether or not it is true or false.
They are both terms used to describe different aspect of affirmation or confirmation.
Tasdiq badihi refers to sensory affirmation, which involves confirming or verifying something
based on direct perception.
Whereas, Tasdiq nazari refers to mental or conceptual affirmation which involves confirming
something based on reasoning or conceptual understanding.
So, Tasdiq badihi is more focused on affirmation in terms of sensory perception whereas Tasdiq
nazari is more about affirmation based on logical reasoning or the understanding of concepts.
This means to arrange known matters together which leads to knowledge of the unseen, an
answer basically. It involves pondering and analysing to gain a deeper understanding. It can be a
deeper understanding of various subjects and ideas, such as logical arguments, philosophical
concepts, or theological principles.
For example, ﻖ ِ َ َﺣﯿَﺎ َوانٌ ﻧwhich means Rational (talking) being
ٌ ﺎط
Here, you have put together Tasdiq sentences and come up with an answer that the universe is in
fact contingent
Lesson 3- Dālālah
Define Dālālah.
A thing to be in such a way that if knowledge of it is obtained then the knowledge of a second
thing is also obtained.
For example, smoke and fire. If you see smoke, you know that there is a fire. So, you have
knowledge that there is smoke, because you can see the smoke so then you know there is a fire
which shows the knowledge of the second thing (the fire) being obtained as well.
Define Wad’.
When knowledge of the first thing is obtained then knowledge of the second thing is obtained
The name Amr will be known as MAWDU (formulated or placed for a reason) and the person,
Amr himself is known as MAWDU LAHŪ (formulated for the meaning of or placed for him).
How many categories does Dālālah split into & what are they?
There are 2 types :
1. Dālālah Lafziyyah— verbal signification
That Dālālah in which the dāl is a word.
For example, the dalalah of the word Zayd on the entity of Zayd
For example, the dalalah of smoke upon fire. When you see smoke, it’s what you see as a grey
cloud thing, not the letters S-M-O-K-E in the sky.
For example, dalalah of the word Zayd on the entity of Zayd. The word Zayd signifies his entity
because the wad’, so his father, named him that.
For example, the dalalah of the word Dayz which is heard from behind a wall upon the presence
of a speaker.
If you’re in a room and you can hear someone saying “Dayz, Dayz”, even though you can’t see no
one, your aql, your intellect is telling you that there’s someone there.
For example, the dalalah of the word “uh, uh” upon chest pain. So, when in pain and you make
sounds, the sound that comes out your mouth is caused by a natural reaction to the severity of
the pain.
For example, dalalah of the lines on the road upon their meaning. So, the different lines n the
road show whether or not you can park there, different road signs show whether or not you can
enter or not etc.
For example, the dalalah of smoke upon a fire. When you see smoke, you know there’s a fire
because of your brain.
For example, the dalalah of the word insan upon hayawan and natiq.
A talking living thing= human
A barking living thing= dog
A meowing living thing= cat
For example, the dalalah of the words Shams (sun) on light. Shams means star around which the
planets orbit but when you talk about the shams, the sun, the meaning of light is understood as
the sun gives us light
Lesson 6- Lafz
Is there any difference between the definition of Lafz in Nahw and Mantiq?
There is no difference in the definition however, there is difference in the definition of the types
of Lafz
How and many types of Mufrad are there & Explain the types of Mufrad.
1. The word has no parts
E.g. Hamza Istifhaam
3. The word has a part, the intended meaning has a part but a part of the word doesn’t signify a
part of the intended meaning. So, they both have parts but they don’t link or signify to one
4. The word and intended meaning both have a part, a part of the word signifies a part of the
meaning but the meaning isn’t the intended meaning.
5. Word and intended meaning both have a part, a part of the word signifies a part of the
intended meaning but the signification isn’t intended.
1. Ism— that Mufrad word which has an independent meaning and doesn’t contain a tense
2. Kalimah— that Mufrad word which has an independent meaning and does contain a tense
3. Adāt— that Mufrad word which does not have an independent meaning
Part of the word does not signify part of the intended meaning
How many types of Mufrad are there that only have one meaning?
There are 3 types and they are:
1. ‘Alam— proper noun. That Mufrad which has one meaning and is specific. For example, Zayd
(so names of people, city etc.)
2. Mutawati— uniform singular. That Mufrad which has one meaning which is non specific and
it’s members are equal in terms of its meaning. For example, insan. This refers to all humans,
not specific.
3. Mushakkik— non uniform singular. That Mufrad which has one meaning which is non
specific and it’s members are unequal in terms of its meaning. For example, black and white.
This has only one meaning which are the colours. It doesn’t refer to anybody or any place as
such but when it is used in referral, it is generalised. The members of black and white aren’t
all equal.
What is meant by Haqiqi and Majaaz and when are these applied?
These are applied when the original meaning hasn’t been abandoned but rather, it is used
occasionally in either meaning.
Haqiqi (concrete) refers to that Mufrad which is used in the meaning it was original,y
formulated for. For example, the word asad in the meaning of hayawan muftaris (lion)
Majaaz (abstract or metaphorical) refers to that Mufrad which is used in a meaning of other
than that which it was formulated for. For example, the word asad used to describe another
How many types of Murakkab are there and what are they?
There are 2 types and they are:
1. Murakkab Taam (complete compound)
That Murakkab from which the listener understands fully the complete info or, it is a demand
2. Insha— creative
That Murakkab Taam where the speaker cannot be considered true or false
E.g. إﺿﺮب
1. Word has no parts e.g hamzah
Ism ‘Alam
• that mufrad • proper noun
2. Word has a part but intended
which has an That mufrad which has
meaning doesnt e.g dalalah of
independant one meaning and is
the word Allah ﷻupon its
meaning and specific e.g
entity, word Allah ﷻhas 4 parts
doesnt contain a
those parts are not linked to tense
being of Allah ﷻ.
3. word has a part intended Kalimah
meaning has a part but they do • that mufrad word
not signify one another e.g which has an
dalalah of the word Zayd upon independant
his entity e.g zayd has 3 parts meaning and has
and the intended meaning has a tense
3 parts but they do not have link
to one another Adāt
4. Word and intended meaning • that mufrad word
both have a part, part of the which does not
word signifies part of the have a
intended meaning but meaning dependant
isn’t the intended meaning. E.g meaning nor
dalalah of the word abdullah tense
upon its entitiy
5. word and
Murakkab - that lafz which a part of the word signifies a part of the intended meaning