Cia 201 To Cia 207: Can Application Layer (Cal) For Industrial Applications

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Public Available Specification

CiA 201 to CiA 207

Version 1.1.0

CAN Application Layer (CAL) for industrial


February 1996

© CAN in Automation (CiA) e. V.


* CAN in the OSI Reference Model CiA/DS201

* CMS Service Specification CiA/DS202-1

* CMS protocol Specification CiA/DS202-2

* CMS Encoding Rules CiA/DS202-3

* NMT Service Specification CiA/DS203-1

* NMT Protocol Specification CiA/DS203-2

* DBT Service Specification CiA/DS204-1

* DBT Protocol Specification CiA/DS204-2

* LMT Service Specification CiA/DS205-1

* LMT Protocol Specification CiA/DS205-2

* Recommended Standard CAL Module Data Sheet CiA/DS206

* Application Layer Naming Conventions CiA/DS207


Date Document Changes

Feb 96 DS202-1 - chapter 4 'Data Types' deleted; numbering of

chapter 5 to 7 changed to 4 to 6;
- definition of segmented remote services of
domains changed; in remote result parameter
'success' becomes mandatory; parameter
'failure' deleted; service description for case of
a failure;
- paragraph 3.4 'CMS Data Types' changed
Feb 96 DS202-3 - document completely revised;
- simplyfication of encoding rules definitions;
new extended data types added
Feb 96 DS203-2 - node connect protocol: definition of parameter
'Node-ID' changed; parameter 'a' (abortion flag)
added; definition of error codes changed;
description of cs 1 and 4 changed;
- added paragraph 3.4 'Usage of Command
Feb 96 DS204-1 - service ´create user definition´: changed the
definition of a ´free COB definition´
Feb 96 DS205-1 - service 'activate bit timing parameters':
DS205-2 description of parameter 'switch-delay'
- service ´configure bit timing parameters´:
value ´0´ for parameter table_selector now
references the CiA standard bit timing
parameters as defined in DS102;
- added services and protocols to identifiy nodes
with their LMT Address
Feb 96 DS205-2 - paragraph 5.6 renumbered to 5.5
(5.5 didn´t exist)
Feb 96 DS206 - new document
Feb 96 DS207 - NMT object name syntax: definition of 'NMT-
Address' changed
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CAN in Automation e. V.
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CAN in Automation (CiA)
International Users and Manufacturers Group e.V.

CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications

February 1996

CAN in the OSI Reference Model

February 1996
CAN in the OSI Reference Model


This document contains a description of the CAN Reference Model. This document is
part of a set of documents that standardize the CAN Application Layer for Industrial

/1/: ISO 7498: 1984, Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection
- Basic Reference Model

/2/: ISO 11898: Road Vehicles, Interchange of digital information

- Controller Area Network (CAN) for high-speed communication, November 1993

/3/: CiA/DS 102-1, CAN Physical Layer for Industrial Applications - Part 1: Two
- Wire Differential Transmission

/4/: Robert Bosch GmbH, CAN Specification 2.0 Part B, September 1991


CAN Application Layer. The application layer for CAN as specified by CiA.

Controller Area Network. A network originally defined for use as a communication
network for control applications in automobiles.

CAN based Message Specification. One of the service elements of the application layer
in the CAN Reference Model. CMS is a language that can describe how the functionality of a
module can be accessed at its CAN interface.

Communication Object. A unit of transportation in a CAN Network. Data must be sent
across a CAN Network inside a COB. There are 2032 different COB's in a CAN Network. A
COB can contain at most 8 bytes of data. In /4/, the possibility of having more than 2032
COB's is described. The CAN Application Layer as specified by CiA can be extended in the
future in a compatible way to include this possibility.

Each COB is uniquely identified in a CAN Network by a number called the COB
Identifier (COB-ID). The COB-ID determines the priority of that COB for the MAC sub-layer.

- DS201 p. 2-
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CAN in the OSI Reference Model

Remote COB:
A COB whose transmission can be requested by another module.

COB-ID Distributor. One of the service elements of the application layer in the CAN
Reference Model. It´s the responsability of the DBT to distribute COB-ID's to COB's that are
used by the CMS service element.

Layer Management Entity. This entity serves to configure parameters for each of the
layers of the CAN Reference Model.

Layer Management. One of the service elements of the application layer in the CAN
Reference Model. It serves to configure parameters of each of the layers in the CAN Reference
Model via the CAN network.

Logical Link Control. One of the sub-layers of the Datalink Layer in the CAN
Reference Model that gives the user an interface that is independent from the underlying MAC

Medium Acces Control. One of the sub-layers of the Datalink Layer in the CAN
Reference Model that controls who gets access to the medium to send a message.

Medium Dependent Interface. One of the sub-layers of the Physical Layer in the CAN
Reference Model that specifies the mechanical and electrical interface between the medium and
a module.

Network Management. One of the service elements of the application layer in the CAN
Reference Model. The NMT serves to configure, initialize, and handle errors in a CAN

Physical Layer Signalling. One of the sub-layers of the Physical Layer in the CAN
Reference Model that specifies the bit representation, timing and synchronization.

Physical Medium Attachment. One of the sub-layers of the Physical Layer in the CAN
Reference Model that specifies the functional circuitry for bus line transmission/reception and
may provide means for failure detection.

- DS201 p. 3 -
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CAN in the OSI Reference Model


The Controller Area Network (CAN) is a data communication network designed to fit
distributed real-time control applications. It was originally developed and applied by the
automotive industry to solve the cabling problem inside vehicles. However CAN also provides
good properties as a control network for industrial applications.

The purpose of the CAN Reference Model and its related service- and protocol
specifications is to make CAN an open network where modules from different suppliers can
cooperate in distributed applications.

4.1 Layered Architecture of CAN

The CAN Reference Model is a layered architecture to describe the functionality that
CAN offers to an application and is based on the OSI Reference Model. A basic knowledge of
the OSI Reference Model and its terminology is required to understand the CAN Reference
Model (see /1/).

There exists an ISO Standard /2/ for CAN. This draft specifies the Physical and Data
Link layer. The CAN Reference Model extends the MDI sublayer of the Physical Layer of /2/
to guarantuee interoperability on the medium. In addition to /2/, the CAN Reference Model
contains an Application Layer and a Layer Management Entity (LME) to guarantuee
interoperability between applications. The CAN Reference Model and its relation to the OSI
Reference Model are shown in Fig. 1.

- DS201 p. 4-
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CAN in the OSI Reference Model


AL-LME Application

PLS (2)
MDI (1)

(1)=CiA Specification service interface

(2)=ISO/IS 11898 peer-to-peer protocol

Fig. 1: The CAN Reference Model

The absence of the OSI layers 3-5 has the following reasons:

• NETWORK LAYER. There is no inter-networking or routing function in CAN:

every COB reaches all modules on the bus.

• TRANSPORT LAYER. The purpose of the Transport Layer in the OSI

Reference Model is to enable the upper layers to reliably transfer messages of
arbitrary length over unreliable networks by offering functions as
segmentation, sequencing, automatic retries and duplicate frame detection. For
distributed real-time control applications however, each message transfer
attempt stands on its own. This type of applications require high speed
transfer of short messages and need to know immediately whether a message
transfer attempt succeeded or failed to be able to respond in time. Since there is
no Network Layer and the Datalink Layer of CAN is considered to be reliable
enough, CAN applications do not need a Transport Layer to guarantuee a
reliable message transfer service. The Application Layer provides services to
enable those applications that need this, to send arbitrary length messages. This
leaves no functionality for a Transport Layer.

• SESSION LAYER. In distributed real-time control applications the concept of

sessions, synchronization points and roll-back mechanisms are usually not

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CAN in the OSI Reference Model

supported. However, CIA may specify an optional CAN session layer in future
to support power reduction by a Standby Capability
• PRESENTATION LAYER. The presentation layer deals with the transfer of
application data and its meaning via the network. In the CAN Reference Model
all applications must use a structure consisting of basic data types to describe
their data. This data is encoded to a transfer syntax and it is assumed that all
applications know the meaning of the data a priori. This leaves no functionality
for the Presentation Layer.

4.2 The Physical Layer

The Physical Layer and its sub-layers are defined in /2/ and /3/.

4.3 The Datalink Layer

The Datalink Layer and its sub-layers are defined in /2/.

4.4 The Application Layer

The application layer is the interface between the data communication environment and
the application that uses that environment to cooperate with other applications. Together the
cooperating applications form a distributed application.

Message Oriented vs. Node Oriented

The Datalink Layer of CAN only offers a broadcast service of identified messages
(COB's). COB's are identified through a COB Identifier (COB-ID). Data is not sent to
applications on specific nodes in the network (node-oriented network). Each application itself
decides whether or not it will receive the data contained in a COB (message oriented).

In a CAN Network therefore, by definition the receiving applications are not known by
the transmitter. This message oriented nature of CAN is preserved in the services of the
Application Layer.

Application Layer Structure

The functionality that the application layer offers to an application is logically divided
over different service elements in the application layer. A service element offers a specific
functionality and all the related services (e.g File Transfer). These services are described in the
Service Specification of that service element.

Distributed applications interact by invoking services of a service element in the

application layer. To realize these services, this service element exchanges data via the CAN

- DS201 p. 6-
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CAN in the OSI Reference Model

Network with (a) peer service element(s) via a protocol. This protocol is described in the
Protocol Specification of that service element.

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February 1996
CAN in the OSI Reference Model

Application Layer Service Primitives

Service primitives are the means by which the application and the application layer
interact. There are four different primitives:

• a request is issued by the application to the application layer to request a service

• an indication is issued by the application layer to the application to report an

internal event detected by the application layer or indicate that a service is

• a response is issued by the application to the application layer to respond to a

previous received indication

• a confirm is issued by the application layer to the application to report on the

result of a previously issued request.
Application Layer Service Types

Fig. 2: Application Layer Service Types

A service type defines the primitives that are exchanged between the application
layer and the cooperating applications for a particular service of an application layer
service element. The service elements of the application layer of the CAN Reference
Model offer the following service types (see Fig. 2):
• A local service involves only the local service element. The application issues a
request to its local service element that executes the requested service without
communicating with peer service elements.

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CAN in the OSI Reference Model

• An unconfirmed service involves one or more peer service elements. The

application issues a request to its local service element. This request is
transferred to the peer service element(s) that each pass it to their application as
an indication. The result is not confirmed back. Note that in CAN it is unknown
by the transmitter which service elements will receive the request!

• A confirmed service can involve only one peer service element. The application
issues a request to its local service element. This request is transferred to the
peer service element that passes it to the other application as an indication. The
other application issues a response that is transferred to the originating service
element that passes it as a confirmation to the requesting application. Note that
in CAN it is unknown by the transmitter which service element will receive the

• A provider initiated service involves only the local service element. The service
element (being the service provider) detects an event not solicited by a
requested service. This event is then indicated to the application.

Unconfirmed and confirmed services are collectively called remote services.

Application Layer Service Elements

The most important function of the application layer is to determinewhat an application

can do with the communication environment. The CAN application layer provides four
application layer service elements (see Fig. 3):

• CAN based Message Specification (CMS)

• Network Management (NMT)

• Distributor (DBT)

• Layer Management (LMT)

CMS offers an open, object oriented environment to design user applications. CMS
offers Variable-, Event-, and Domain objects to design and specify how the functionality of a
module can be accessed at its CAN interface. The Encoding Rules define how to encode and
decode application data into the transfer syntax and vv.

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CAN in the OSI Reference Model

CAN based Master
Domains Network
Specification Management Slave
Encoding Rules Events

Master Master
Identifier Layer
Distributor Slave M anagement Slave

Fig. 3: The CAN Application Layer

NMT offers an open object oriented environment to let one module (the NMT Master)
deal with the initialization and possible failures of the other modules (NMT Slaves).

The essential problem in defining an open CAN environment, is the distribution of the
COB Identifiers. A COB Identifier determines the priority for the MAC protocol of that COB.
Therefore, the value of the identifiers may not be fixed by the suppliers of the different CAN
modules since the systems integrator wants to have system-wide control over the priorities of
the COB's. The DBT offers a dynamic distribution of the identifiers by one module (the DBT
Master) to the other modules (DBT Slaves).

LMT offers the possibility to let one module (the LMT Master) control the settings of
certain layer parameters at another module (LMT Slave) via the CAN Network.

Application Layer Service Notation

This section defines the notation that is used in the service specifications of each service
element of the application layer.

• NOTE: These notations do not suggest or restrict possible implementations of

interfaces in either hardware or software. Hardware and software interface
descriptions are product specific and do not fall within the scope of the CiA
Standard on the CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications.

In the description of an application layer service all parameters and their attributes of
the involved service primitives are specified. A parameter has the following attributes:

- DS201 p. 10-
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CAN in the OSI Reference Model

• name. This attribute symbolically indicates the purpose of the parameter.

• usage. This attribute specifies whether the parameter is mandatory (i.e the
parameter must be present), optional (i.e the parameter may or may not be
present), or selection (i.e one parameter must be selected from a list of

Indentation is used to indicate that a parameter is a sub-parameter of another

parameter. The usage of a sub-parameter is always dependent on the usage of the parameter it
appears under.

All this information is given in a tabular form. In the vertical direction the names of the
parameters are listed. In the horizontal direction, the service primitives are listed. If a
parameter is used in a certain service primitive, the value of the usage attribute is specified at
the cross point in the table. The indentation of the parameters is preserved in the location of
these values. All parameters that have the same level of indentation in the same column and
whose usage is 'selection' form a list from which one must be selected.

Parameter Request/Indication Response/Confirm

Par 1 Optional
subpar 1 selection
subpar 2 selection

Par 2 Mandatory
subpar 3 mandatory
subpar 4 optional

Table 1: Application Layer Service Notation

In the example of Table 1, Par1 is optional for the request and indication primitives. It
has a list of sub-parameters: either subpar1 or subpar2 must be present if and only if Par1 is
present. The parameters Par2 and subpar3 are mandatory for the response and confirm
primitives. Subpar4 may be left out.

Naming Conventions

The service elements of the Application Layer use objects to model their functionality.
Through the application layer services, an application can create instances of these objects.
Each instance has a name. To syntax of these names must be according to the Application
Layer Naming Conventions.

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CAN in the OSI Reference Model

4.5 The Layer Management Entity

The Layer Management Entity (LME) is an entity that allows an application to control
the settings of layer parameters. The values can originate from the application itself or from the
application on another module through the LMT service element. Within the LME, each layer
has its own specific layer management entity, see Fig. 1. Note that there is no LME protocol
since all LME services are local.

- DS201 p. 12-
CAN in Automation (CiA)
International Users and Manufacturers Group e.V.

CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications

February 1996

CMS Service Specification

February 1996
CMS Service Specification


This document contains the service specification of the CAN based Message
Specification (CMS). CMS is part of the CAN Application Layer. This document is part of a
set of documents that standardize the CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications.


/1/: CiA/DS201, CAN Reference Model

/2/: CiA/DS202-2, CMS Protocol Specification

/3/: CiA/DS202-3, CMS Data Types and Encoding Rules

/4/: CiA/DS207, Application Layer Naming Conventions


3.1 CMS Perspective

CMS is one of the application layer service entities of the CAN Reference Model, see /1/.

3.2 CMS Objects and Services

CMS is a language to specify what COB's a module uses and how they are formatted.
CMS can describe all CAN layer 2 features. This means also that existing applications can be
described in CMS. Furthermore CMS offers the application a possibility to model its behaviour
in the form of objects and remote services on these objects. This allows other applications to
cooperate with it by executing these services that CMS supports on these objects. The different
service types and primitives are defined in /1/. The notation that is used to describe the CMS
Services is also explained in /1/.

3.3 CMS Clients and Servers

An example is given in fig. 1 where CMS is used to model the control of a light switch.
The server of the switch "physically" interacts with the switch to put on the light. The server
"translates" this behaviour into the CMS language e.g a CMS variable with access

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CMS Service Specification

type 'Write_Only' and data type BOOLEAN. The client "logically" interacts with the switch by
using the remote CMS 'Write Variable' service.

CMS allows for an object to have one or more servers and zero or more clients,
depending on what the object models.


Fig. 1: A CMS Model for a light switch

3.4 CMS Data Types

In order to give a server sufficient information on what he has to do, the client may
have to exchange data with the server, e.g the required and current position of the valve. CMS
models this by the concept of data types. CMS defines a number of basic types such as
INTEGER(5). It is also possible to construct a compound type by collecting basic types in an
ARRAY or a STRUCTURE. CMS defines also a number of extended data types.

CMS defines a transfer syntax that describes how values of a particular data type have
to be transmitted over the CAN network. The data types and transfer syntax is described in the
CMS Data Types and Encoding Rules, see /3/.

3.5 CMS Object Priorities

The priority of a CMS object indicates its importance relative to other CMS objects and
is used as an arbitration value by the Medium Access Control of CAN. CMS defines eight
priorities in the range [0, 7]. 0 is the highest, 7 the lowest priority.

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CMS Service Specification

Priorities can be assigned by the application or the Distributor Service Element (see
/1/). In case the Distributor Service Element assigns a priority, the Network Management
Service Element (see /1/) controls when the assignment takes places.

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CMS Service Specification

3.6 CMS Object Inhibit Times

To guarantee that no starvation on the network occurs for CMS objects with low
priorities, CMS objects can be assigned an inhibit time. The inhibit-time of a CMS object
defines the minimum time that has to elapse between two consecutive invocations of a CMS
remote service for that CMS object.

Inhibit-times can be assigned by the application or the Distributor Service Element (see
/1/). In case the Distributor Service Element assigns an inhibit-time, the Network Management
Service Element (see /1/) controls when the assignment takes places.

3.7 CMS Service Descriptions

The CMS services are described in a tabular form that contains the parameters of each
service primitive that is defined for that service. The primitives that are defined for a particular
service determine the service type (e.g unconfirmed, confirmed, etc.). How to interprete the
tabular form and what service types exist is defined in /1/. In the service descriptions, [a, b]
denotes the range of integers from a to b with a and b included. If a > b, the range is empty.

All services assume that no failures occur in the Data Link and Physical Layer of the
CAN network. These failures are resolved by the Network Management Service Element, see

CMS executes a protocol to implement the services on a CMS object. All protocols are
defined in /2/. Each protocol needs one or two COB's to be able to transmit and receive data
over the CAN network. This document specifies for each CMS service the used COB's and
their attributes:

• the COB-Class. There are 8 COB-Classes. A COB-Class relates the number of

(remote) receivers and (remote) transmitters for that COB. The Distributor

COB Class #receivers #transmitters

0 0 .. 1 0 .. 1
1 1 0 .. 1
2 >1 0 .. 1
3 >0 0 .. 1
4 0 .. 1 1
5 1 1
6 >1 1
7 >0 1

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CMS Service Specification

Service Element checks for each COB whether the total number of (remote)
transmitters and (remote) receivers matches the COB-Class.

• the COB-type for both the server- and client:

rx = receives a COB
tx = transmits a COB
RTR-rx = receives the data of a remote COB
RTR-tx = transmits the data of a remote COB

• the COB-length. If '*' is specified it means that the data length is determined by
the CMS Encoding Rules (see /3/), the data- and error type attribute of the CMS
object, and the CMS protocol that this COB is used for (see /2/). If a number is
specified it means that the COB has a fixed length.

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CMS Service Specification


4.1 Attributes

The following attributes are defined for variables:

- name: see /4/

- user_type: one of the values {Client, Server}
- priority: a value in the range [0, 7]
- inhibit-time: n*100 usec, n >> 0
- data_type: see /3/
- error_type: see /3/
- class: one of the values {Basic, Multiplexed}
- access_type: one of the values {Read_Only, Write_Only, Read_Write}

A variable whose class is 'Basic' is called a basic variable. A variable whose class is
'Multiplexed' is called a multiplexed variable. A multiplexed variable is multiplexed with other
multiplexed variables into a variable set.

The following attributes are only defined for multiplexed variables:

- var_set_name: see /4/

- mutiplexor: a value in the range [0, 127]

The multiplexor is a natural number that uniquely identifies the variable within the
variable set. Multiplexed variables inherit the values of the user_type, access_type, priority, and
inhibit-time attributes from the corresponding attributes of the variable set. Hence, all
multiplexed variables within one variable set have the same value for these attributes. The
following attributes are defined for variable sets:

- name: see /4/

- user_type: one of the values {Client, Server}
- priority: a value in the range [0, 7]
- inhibit-time: n*100 usec, n >> 0
- access_type: one of the values {Read_Only, Write_Only, Read_Write}

4.2 Usage

The access type of a variable is seen from the point of view of the client. Variables with
access_type 'Read_Only' can be used by a client only to collect data. For basic variables the
collected data will be the data that was set by the server in the last 'update variable'

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CMS Service Specification

service it executed. Data from previous updates is lost. For multiplexed variables the server has
to supply the data when requested by the client.

Variables with access_type 'Write_Only' can be used by a client to request one or more
servers to execute a command. The client will not know the result of the command execution.

Variables with access_type 'Read_Write' can be used by a client to collect the 'current
data' from the server (read service) or to request a server to execute a command and be
informed about the result of the command execution (write service).

Variable sets can be used to "multiplex" several variables. All these multiplexed
variables will then be mapped onto the COB's that are used by that variable set. This reduces
the number of COB's. Within a variable set the variables are identified by a unique

4.3 Local Services

Define Variable

This service creates a variable with the requested attributes. Var_set_name must have
been defined as a variable set. The attributes must not cause the data length of the used COB's
to overflow the maximum.

Parameter Request

Argument Mandatory
var_name mandatory
data_type mandatory
error_type optional
class mandatory
basic_var selection
user_type mandatory
acess_type mandatory
priority optional
inhibit-time optional
mux_var selection
var_set_name mandatory
multiplexor mandatory

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CMS Service Specification

• NOTE: The cooperating applications are responsible for using consistent

attributes for the client and the server of the variable.

Define Variable Set

This service creates a variable set with the requested attributes.

Parameter Request

Argument Mandatory
var_set_name mandatory
user_type mandatory
access_type mandatory
priority optional
inhibit-time optional

• NOTE: The cooperating applications are responsible for using consistent

attributes for the client and the server of the variable set.

Update Variable

Through this service the server of var_name updates the value of var_name. Previously
updated values for var_name are lost. Var_name must be a basic variable with access_type
'Read_Only' and user_type 'Server' and value must match the data_type attribute of var_name.

Parameter Request

Argument Mandatory
var_name mandatory
value mandatory

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CMS Service Specification

4.4 Remote Services

Write Variable

Through this service the client of var_name supplies a value to the server(s) of
var_name. Var_name must be a variable with access_type 'Write_Only' or 'Read_Write'. The
supplied value must match the data_type attribute of var_name.

Parameter Request / Indication Response / Confirm

Argument Mandatory
var_name mandatory
value mandatory

Remote Result Mandatory

success selection
failure selection
reason optional

• Write_Only variables: The service is unconfirmed. The supplied value is

indicated to the server. There are no Response/Confirm primitives. There can be
at most one client. There must be at least one server.

• Read_Write variables: The service is confirmed. The supplied value is indicated

to the server. The Remote Result parameter will indicate the success or failure of
the request. In case of a failure, optionally a value of the error_type attribute of
var_name confirms the reason. There can be at most one client. There must be
exactly one server.

Read Variable

Through this service the client of var_name requests the server of var_name to supply
its value. Var_name must be a variable with access_type 'Read_Only' or 'Read_Write'. The
supplied value must match the data_type attribute of var_name.

• Read_Only basic variables: The service is confirmed. The Remote Result

parameter will confirm the requested value as set by the last Update Variable
service. There can be zero or more clients. There must be exactly one server.

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CMS Service Specification

Parameter Request / Indication Response / Confirm

Argument Mandatory
var_name mandatory

Remote Result Mandatory

value mandatory

• Read_Write variables, Read_Only multiplexed variables: The service is

confirmed. The Remote Result parameter will indicate the success or failure of
the request. In case of success, the requested value is confirmed. In case of a
failure, optionally a value of the error_type attribute of var_name confirms the
reason. There can be at most one client. There must be exactly one server.

Parameter Request / Indication Response / Confirm

Argument Mandatory
var_name mandatory

Remote Result Mandatory

success selection
value mandatory
failure selection
reason optional

4.5 Used COB's

• Read_Only Basic Variable

Client Server COB-Class COB-Length

COB-Type COB-Type

RTR-rx RTR-tx 7 *

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CMS Service Specification

• Read_Only Multiplexed Variable

Client Server COB-Class COB-Length

COB-Type COB-Type

tx rx 1 1
rx tx 4 *

• Write_Only Variables

Client Server COB-Class COB-Length

COB-Type COB-Type

tx rx 2 *

• Access_Type = Read_Write:

Client Server COB-Class COB-Length

COB-Type COB-Type

tx rx 1 *
rx tx 4 *

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CMS Service Specification


5.1 Attributes

- name: see /4/

- user_type: one of the values {Client, Server}
- class: one of the values {Basic, Multiplexed}
- priority: a value in the range [0, 7]
- inhibit-time: n*100 usec, n >> 0

For a domain there can be at most one client and there must be exactly one server. A
domain whose class is 'Basic' is called a basic domain. A domain whose class is 'Multiplexed' is
called a multiplexed domain. The following attribute is only defined for multiplexed domains:

- mux_data_type: see section 4.2

5.2 Usage

Basic domains can be used to transfer an arbitrary large block of data from a client to a
server and vv. The contents of a data block is application specific and does not fall within the
scope of the CiA Standard on the CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications.

Multiplexed domains can be used to transfer multiple data sets (each containing an
arbitrary large block of data) from a client to a server and vv. The client can control via a
multiplexor which data set is to be transferred. This multiplexor is a value of a CMS Data
Type. The CMS Data Type of the multiplexor and the contents of the data sets are application
specific and do not fall within the scope of the CiA Standard on the CAN Application Layer
for Industrial Applications.

A domain is transferred as a sequence of segments. Prior to transferring the segments

there is an initialization phase where client and server can prepare themselves for transferring
the segments. For multiplexed domains, it is also possible to transfer a data set during the
initialization phase. This mechanism is called an expedited transfer.

It is always the client that takes the initiative for a transfer. Both the client and the
server can take the initiative to abort the transfer of a domain. By using the segmented
services, the application will be responsible for the segmentation of the domain. By using the
non-segmented services, CMS will be responsible for the segmentation.

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CMS Service Specification

5.3 Local Services

Define Domain

Parameter Request

Argument Mandatory
dom_name mandatory
user_name mandatory
priority optional
inhibit-time optional
class mandatory
basic_dom selection
mux_dom selection
mux_data_type mandatory

This service creates a domain with the requested attributes.

• NOTE: The cooperating applications are responsible for using consistent

attributes for the client and the server of the domain.

5.4 Remote Services (non-segmented)

When using these services, CMS will be responsible for transferring the domain as a
sequence of segments.

Domain Download

Through this service the client of dom_name downloads data to the server of
dom_name. The data and optionally its size are indicated to the server. For multiplexed
domains the multiplexor of the data set that has been downloaded is indicated to the server.
The value of multiplexor must match the mux_data_type attribute of dom_name.

The service is confirmed. The Remote Result parameter will indicate the success or
failure of the request. In case of a failure, optionally the reason is confirmed.

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CMS Service Specification

Parameter Request / Indication Response / Confirm

Argument Mandatory
dom_name mandatory
data mandatory
size optional
basic_dom selection
mux_dom selection
multiplexor mandatory

Remote Result Mandatory

success selection
failure selection
reason optional

Domain Upload

Through this service the client of dom_name uploads data from the server of
dom_name. For multiplexed domains the multiplexor of the data set that has to be uploaded is
indicated to the server. The value of multiplexor must match the mux_data_type attribute of

Parameter Request / Indication Response / Confirm

Argument Mandatory
dom_name mandatory
basic_dom selection
mux_dom selection
multiplexor mandatory

Remote Result Mandatory

success selection
data mandatory
size optional
failure selection
reason optional

The service is confirmed. The Remote Result parameter will indicate the success or
failure of the request. In case of a failure, optionally the reason is confirmed. In case of
success, the data and optionally its size are confirmed.

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CMS Service Specification

5.5 Remote Services (segmented)

When using these services, the application will be responsible for transferring the
domain as a sequence of segments.

Initiate Domain Download

Through this service the client of dom_name requests the server of dom_name to
prepare for downloading data to the server. Optionally the size of the data to be downloaded is
indicated to the server.

For multiplexed domains the multiplexor of the data set whose download is initiated
and the transfer_type are indicated to the server. The value of multiplexor must match the
mux_data_type attribute of dom_name. In case of an expedited download, the data of the data
set identified by multiplexor is indicated to the server.

Parameter Request / Indication Response / Confirm

Argument Mandatory
dom_name mandatory
size optional
basic_dom selection
mux_dom selection
multiplexor mandatory
transfer_type mandatory
normal selection
expedited selection
data mandatory

Remote Result Mandatory

success mandatory

The service is confirmed. The Remote Result parameter will indicate the success of the
request. In case of a failure, an abort domain transfer request must be executed. In case of a
successful expedited download of a multiplexed domain, this service concludes the download
of the data set identified by multiplexor.

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CMS Service Specification

Download Domain Segment

Through this service the client of dom_name supplies the data of the next segment to
the server of dom_name. The segment data and optionally its size are indicated to the server.
The continue parameter indicates the server whether there are still more segements to be
downloaded or that this was the last segment to be downloaded.

Parameter Request / Indication Response / Confirm

Argument Mandatory
dom_name mandatory
data mandatory
size optional
continue mandatory
more selection
last selection

Remote Result Mandatory

success mandatory

The service is confirmed. The Remote Result parameter will indicate the success of the
request. In case of a failure, an abort domain transfer request must be executed. In case of
success, the server has accepted the segment data and is ready to accept the next segment.
There can be atmost one Download Domain Segment service outstanding for a Domain.

For basic domains a successful 'Initiate Domain Download' service must have been
executed prior to this service. For multiplexed domains a successful 'Initiate Domain
Download' service with transfer_type 'normal' must have been executed prior to this service.

Initiate Domain Upload

Through this service the client of dom_name requests the server of dom_name to
prepare for uploading data to the client. For multiplexed domains the multiplexor of the data
set whose upload is initiated is indicated to the server. The value of multiplexor must match the
mux_data_type attribute of dom_name.

The service is confirmed. The Remote Result parameter will indicate the success of the
request. In case of a failure, an abort domain transfer request must be executed. In case of
success, optionally the size of the data to be uploaded is confirmed. In case of successful
expedited upload of a multiplexed domain, this service concludes the upload of the data set
identified by multiplexor and the corresponding data is confirmed.

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CMS Service Specification

Parameter Request / Indication Response / Confirm

Argument Mandatory
dom_name mandatory
basic_dom selection
mux_dom selection
multiplexor mandatory

Remote Result Mandatory

success mandatory
size optional
basic_dom selection
mux_dom selection
multiplexor mandatory
transfer_type mandatory
normal selection
expedited selection
data mandatory

Upload Domain Segment

Parameter Request / Indication Response / Confirm

Argument mandatory

Remote Result Mandatory

success mandatory
data mandatory
size optional
continue mandatory
more selection
last selection

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CMS Service Specification

Through this service the client of dom_name requests the server of dom_name to
supply the data of the next segment. The continue parameter indicates the client whether there
are still more segements to be uploaded or that this was the last segment to be uploaded. There
can be atmost one Upload Domain Segment service outstanding for a Domain.

The service is confirmed. The Remote Result parameter will indicate the success of the
request. In case of a failure, an abort domain transfer request must be executed. In case of
success, the segment data and optionally its size are confirmed.

For basic domains a successful 'Initiate Domain Upload' service must have been
executed prior to this service. For multiplexed domains a successful 'Initiate Domain Upload'
service with transfer_type 'normal' must have been executed prior to this service.

Abort Domain Transfer

Parameter Request / Indication

Argument Mandatory
dom_name mandatory
reason optional

This service aborts the up- or download of dom_name. Optionally the reason is
indicated. The service is unconfirmed. The service may be executed at any time by both the
client and the server of dom_name. If the client of dom_name has a confirmed service
outstanding, the Abort Indication is taken to be the Confirm of that service.

5.6 Used COB's

Client Server COB-Class COB-Length

COB-Type COB-Type

tx rx 1 8
rx tx 4 8

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CMS Service Specification


6.1 Attributes

- name: see /4/

- user_type: one of the values {Client, Server}
- class: one of the values {Controlled, Uncontrolled, Stored}
- data_type: see /3/
- priority: a value in the range [0, 7]
- inhibit-time: n*100 usec, n >> 0

An event whose class is 'Controlled' is called a controlled event. An event whose class
is 'Uncontrolled' is called an uncontrolled event. An event whose class is 'Stored' is called a
stored event. The following attributes are only defined for controlled events:

- error_type: see /3/

- control_state: one of the values {Enabled, Disabled}

6.2 Usage

An event can be used to model asynchronous behaviour such as a temperature

exceeding a certain limit. The occurrence of an event is detected by the server and can be
notified to the client(s). An event has a data_type attribute to supply additional information
about what caused the event to occur such as the actual temperature that exceeded the limit.

Uncontrolled events can be used to implement events that are notified to any client that
is "interested". Uncontrolled events are always notified when they occur.

Controlled events can be used to implement an event that can be notified to at most one
client. The client can control whether the server notifies the event when it occurs.

Stored events can be used by a server to store locally a value of the data_type attribute
of an event and optionally notify the client(s). A client, on his own initiative, can read the last
value of an event that was stored by the server. Previously stored values are lost.

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CMS Service Specification

6.3 Local Services

Define Event

Parameter Request

Argument Mandatory
event_name mandatory
data_type mandatory
class mandatory
controlled selection
error_type optional
uncontrolled selection
stored selection
user_type mandatory
proiority optional
inhibit-time optional

This service creates an event with the requested attributes. The control state of a
controlled event will be 'Disabled'. The attributes must not cause the data length of the used
COB's to overflow the maximum.

• NOTE: The cooperating applications are responsible for using consistent

attributes for the client and server of the event.

6.4 Remote Services

• Event Class = Controlled: There can be at most one client. There must be
exactly one server.

• Event Class = Uncontrolled: There can be zero or more clients. There can be at
most one server.

• Event Class = Stored: There can be zero or more clients. There must be exactly
one server.

Notify Event

Through this service the server of event_name notifies the client(s) of event_name that
the event has occurred and supplies its value. Event_name must be an uncontrolled event or a
controlled event with control_state 'Enabled'. Value must match the data_type attribute of
event_name. The service is unconfirmed.

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CMS Service Specification

Parameter Request / Indication

Argument Mandatory
event_name mandatory
value mandatory

Store Event

Through this service the server of event_name stores the value of event_name.
Previously stored values for event_name are lost. Optionally the server immediately notifies
this value to the client(s) of event_name.

Parameter Request / Indication

Argument Mandatory
event_name mandatory
value mandatory
immediate_notify optional

Event_name must be a stored event. Value must match the data_type attribute of
event_name. The service is local unless immediate notification is requested. In that case the
service is unconfirmed.

Read Event

Through this service the client of event_name requests the server of event_name to
supply the value as stored by the last Store Event service. The service is confirmed. The
Remote Result parameter will confirm the value.

Parameter Request / Indication Response / Confirm

Argument Mandatory
event_name mandatory

Remote Result Mandatory

value mandatory

Event_name must be a stored event. Value must match the data_type attribute of

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CMS Service Specification

Set Event Control State

Through this service the client of event_name requests the server of event_name to set
its control_state to the selected value. Event_name must be a controlled event. The service is
confirmed. The Remote Result parameter will indicate the success or failure of the request. In
case of a failure, optionally a value of the error_type attribute of event_name confirms the

Parameter Request / Indication Response / Confirm

Argument Mandatory
event_name mandatory
control_state mandatory
enabled selection
disabled selection

Remote Result Mandatory

success selection
failure selection
reason optional

6.5 Used COB's

• Uncontrolled Events:

Client Server COB-Class COB-Length

COB-Type COB-Type

rx tx 3 *

• Controlled Events:

Client Server COB-Class COB-Length

COB-Type COB-Type

tx rx 1 1
rx tx 3 *

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CMS Service Specification

• Stored Events:

Client Server COB-Class COB-Length

COB-Type COB-Type

RTR-rx RTR-tx 7 *

- DS202-1 p. 24 -
CAN in Automation (CiA)
International Users and Manufacturers Group e.V.

CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications

February 1996

CMS Protocol Specification

February 1996
CMS Protocol Specification


This document contains the protocol specification of the CAN-based Message

Specification (CMS). CMS is part of the CAN Application Layer. This document is part of a
set of documents that standardize the CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications.


/1/: CiA/DS201, CAN Reference Model

/2/: CiA/DS202-1, CMS Service Specification

/3/: CiA/DS202-3, CMS Encoding Rules and Data Types


3.1 CMS Protocol Perspective

CMS defines a number of objects and remote services on these objects. In order to
implement the remote services two (or more) CMS entities have to exchange information using
a protocol.

3.2 CMS Protocol Descriptions

A protocol description describes the sequence of COB's and their format that are
exchanged between the CMS Client(s) and Server(s) for a particular service on a CMS object,
see /2/. All other COB attributes are described in /2/.

All CMS objects except a Multiplexed Variable use different COB's to implement the
protocols for the services that are defined for that CMS object. Multiplexed Variables use the
COB's of the Variable Set onto which they are multiplexed. There are two CMS service types,
see /1/. Confirmed services use two COB's or one remote COB, whereas for unconfirmed
services one COB will be sufficient.

The data length of the used COB's (indicated by the letter 'L' in the protocol
descriptions) depends on the format of the application data (if any) that has to be transported
in them. This format is specified by the data type or error type attribute of the corresponding
CMS object (see /2/) and the CMS Encoding Rules (see /3/). These rules determine the number
of bytes that are required to hold the application data.

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CMS Protocol Specification

The data length of the used COB's is the maximum as required by the format of the
data type and error type attribute of the corresponding CMS object. For a Variable Set, the
length of the used COB's is the maximum of the lengths required by each of the Multiplexed
Variables that are multiplexed onto it. The length of the COB's for Domains (basic and
multiplexed) is always 8.

In the description of the COB data format, bytes are numbered from 0 to and including
7. Bits within a byte are numbered from 0 to and including 7. Byte 0 is transmitted first, byte 7
is transmitted last. Within a byte, bit 0 is the least significant bit, bit 7 is the most significant bit.
In the protocol descriptions, [a, b] denotes the range of integers from a to b with a and b
included. If a > b, the range is empty.

The terms 'lsb' and 'msb' stand for 'least significant byte' and 'most significant byte'
respectively and are used to define how an integer number is stored in more than one byte. The
order of significance is from lsb to msb.

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CMS Protocol Specification


4.1 Read-Only Access, Basic Variables

One confirmed service (Read Variable) is defined.

Read Variable Protocol

• appl-data: up to L bytes of application data representing a value of the data type

attribute of the basic variable

4.2 Read-Only Access, Multiplexed Variables

One confirmed service (Read Variable) is defined.

Read Variable Protocol

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CMS Protocol Specification

• mux: multiplexor, a value between 0 and 127 (inclusive)

• X: not used, always 0

• r: result

0: Success
1: Failure

• appl-data: up to L-1 bytes of application data. In case r = 0, it represents a value

of the data type attribute of the multiplexed variable identified by mux. In case r =
1, it represents a value of the error type attribute of the multiplexed variable
identified by mux.

4.3 Write-Only Access, Basic Variables

One unconfirmed service (Write Variable) is defined.

Write Variable Protocol

• appl-data: up to L bytes of application data representing a value of the data type

attribute of the basic variable.

4.4 Write-Only Acces, Multiplexed Variables

One unconfirmed service (Write Variable) is defined.

Write Variable Protocol

• mux: multiplexor, a value between 0 and 127 (inclusive)

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CMS Protocol Specification

• X: not used, always 0

• appl-data: up to L-1 bytes of application data representing a value of the data

type attribute of the multiplexed variable identified by mux.

4.5 Read/Write Access, Basic and Multiplexed Variables

Two confirmed services (Read Variable and Write Variable) are defined.

Read/Write Variable Protocol

• mux: multiplexor, only valid for multiplexed variables. If valid, a value between 0
and 127 (inclusive), otherwise 0

• c: command specifier

0: write
1: read

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CMS Protocol Specification

• req-appl-data: only valid when c = 0, otherwise reserved for further use by CiA.
If valid it contains up to L-1 bytes of application data representing a value of the
data type attribute of the basic variable, respectively the multiplexed variable
identified by mux.

• r: result

0: Success
1: Failure

• resp-appl-data: up to L-1 bytes of application data. In case of a write response

and r = 0, it represents the same value as passed with the write request. In case of
a read response and r = 0, it represents a value of the data type attribute of the
variable respectively the multiplexed variable identified by mux. In case r = 1, it
represents a value of the error type attribute of the basic variable respectively the
multiplexed variable identified by mux.

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CMS Protocol Specification


Six confirmed services (Domain Download, Domain Upload, Initiate Domain Upload,
Initiate Domain Download, Download Segment, and Upload Segment) and one unconfirmed
service (Abort Domain Transfer) are defined for basic domains.

5.1 Download Domain Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Domain Download' service for basic domains,
see /2/. Basic domains are downloaded as a sequence of 'Download Domain Segment' services
preceded by an 'Initiate Domain Download' service. The sequence is terminated by:

• a 'Download Domain Segment' response/confirm with the c-bit set to 1, indicating

the succesful completion of the download sequence.

• an 'Abort Domain Transfer' request/indication, indicating the unsuccessful

completion of the download sequence.

• a new 'Initiate Domain Download' request/indication, indicating the unsuccessful

completion of the download sequence and the start of a new download sequence.

If in the download of two consecutive segments the toggle bit does not alter, this must
be treated as if an invalid COB was received (see Annex I). If such an error is reported to the
application, the application may decide to abort the download.

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CMS Protocol Specification

Initiate Domain Download Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Initiate Domain Download' service for basic
domains, see /2/.
• ccs: client command specifier
1: initiate download request

• scs: server command specifier

3: initiate download response

• s: size indicator
0: data size is not indicated
1: data size is indicated

• n: Only valid if s = 1, otherwise reserved for further use by CiA. If valid it

contains the number of bytes to be downloaded

• X: not used, always 0

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA

Download Domain Segment Protocol

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CMS Protocol Specification

This protocol is used to implement the 'Download Domain Segment' service for basic
domains, see /2/.

• ccs: client command specifier

0: download segment request

• scs: server command specifier

1: download segment response

• seg-data: at most seven bytes of segment data to be downloaded. Their meaning

has to be specified by the application.

• n: indicates the number of bytes in seg-data that do not contain segment data.
Bytes [8-n, 7] do not contain segment data. n = 0 if no segment size is indicated.

• c: indicates whether there are still more segments to be downloaded.

0 more segments to be downloaded
1: no more segments to be downloaded

• t: toggle bit. This bit must alternate for each subsequent segment that is
downloaded. The first segment will have the toggle-bit set to 0. The toggle bit
will be equal for the request and the response message.

• X: not used, always 0

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA

5.2 Upload Domain Protocol

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CMS Protocol Specification

This protocol is used to implement the 'Domain Upload' service for basic domains, see
/2/. Basic domains are uploaded as a sequence of 'Upload Domain Segment' services preceded
by an 'Initiate Domain Upload' service. The sequence is terminated by:

• an 'Upload Domain Segment' response/confirm with the c-bit set to 1, indicating

the succesful completion of the upload sequence.

• an 'Abort Domain Transfer' request/indication, indicating the unsuccessful

completion of the upload sequence.

• a new 'Initiate Domain Upload' request/indication, indicating the unsuccessful

completion of the upload sequence and the start of a new sequence.

If in the upload of two consecutive segments a toggle bit error occurs, this must be
treated as if an invalid COB was received (see Annex I). If such an error is reported to the
application, the application may decide to abort the upload.

Initiate Domain Upload Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Initiate Domain Upload' service for basic
domains, see /2/.

• ccs: client command specifier

2: initiate upload request

• scs: server command specifier

2: initiate upload response

• s: size indicator
0: data size is not indicated
1: data size is indicated

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CMS Protocol Specification

• n: Only valid if s = 1, otherwise reserved for further use by CiA. If valid it

contains the number of bytes to be uploaded.

• X: not used, always 0

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA

Upload Domain Segment Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Upload Domain Segment' service for basic
domains, see /2/.

• ccs: client command specifier

3: upload segment request

• scs: server command specifier

0: upload segment response

• t: toggle bit. This bit must alternate for each subsequent segment that is
uploaded. The first segment will have the toggle-bit set to 0. The toggle bit will
be equal for the request and the response message.

• c: indicates whether there are still more segments to be uploaded.

0: more segments to be uploaded
1: no more segments to be uploaded

• seg-data: at most seven bytes of segment data to be uploaded. Their meaning has
to be specified by the application.

• n: indicates the number of bytes in seg-data that do not contain segment data.
Bytes [8-n, 7] do not contain segment data. n = 0 if no segment size is indicated.

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CMS Protocol Specification

• X: not used, always 0

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA

5.3 Abort Domain Transfer

Abort Domain Transfer Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Abort Domain Transfer' Service for basic
domains, see /2/.

• cs: command specifier

4: abort domain transfer

• f: indicates the reason for the failure.

0: unspecified error
1: application request
2: no resources
3..127: reserved for further use by CiA
128..255: implementation specific error codes

• X: not used, always 0

• d: only valid if f = 1 or f > 128, otherwise reserved for further use by CiA. If
valid it contains application specific information about the reason for the abort.

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CMS Protocol Specification


Six confirmed services (Domain Download, Domain Upload, Initiate Domain Upload,
Initiate Domain Download, Download Segment, and Upload Segment) and one unconfirmed
service (Abort Domain Transfer) are defined for multiplexed domains.

The format of the multiplexor field in the COB's of Multiplexed Domains is determined
by the multiplexor data type attribute of the corresponding Multiplexed Domain (see /2/) and
the CMS Encoding Rules (see /3/). The multiplexor field has a fixed length of 3 bytes. If the
encoded value of the multiplexor uses n bytes (0 < n < 3), it is located in bytes [1, n]. Bytes
[1+n, 3] are not to be interpreted.

6.1 Download Domain Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Domain Download' service for multiplexed
domains, see /2/. Multiplexed domains are downloaded as a sequence of zero or more
'Download Domain Segment' services preceded by an 'Initiate Domain Download' service. The
sequence is terminated by:

• an 'Initiate Domain Download' request/indication with the e-bit set to 1 followed

by an 'Initiate Domain Download' response/confirm, indicating the successful
completion of an expedited download sequence.

• a 'Download Domain Segment' response/confirm with the c-bit set to 1, indicating

the succesful completion of a normal download sequence.

• an 'Abort Domain Transfer' request/indication, indicating the unsuccessful

completion of the download sequence.

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CMS Protocol Specification

• a new 'Initiate Domain Download' request/indication, indicating the unsuccessful

completion of the download sequence and the start of a new download sequence.

If in the download of two consecutive segments the toggle bit does not alter, this must
be treated as if an invalid COB was received (see Annex I). If such an error is reported to the
application, the application may decide to abort the download.

Initiate Domain Download Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Initiate Domain Download' service for
multiplexed domains, see /2/.

• ccs: client command specifier

1: initiate download request

• scs: server command specifier

3: initiate download response

• n: Only valid if e = 1 and s = 1, otherwise 0. If valid it indicates the number of

bytes in d that do not contain data. Bytes [8-n, 7] do not contain data.

• e: transfer type
0: normal transfer
1: expedited transfer

• s: size indicator
0: data set size is not indicated
1: data set size is indicated

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CMS Protocol Specification

• m: multiplexor. It represents a value of the multiplexor data type attribute of the

multiplexed domain.

• d: data
e = 0, s = 0: d is reserved for further use by CiA.
e = 0, s = 1: d contains the number of bytes to be downloaded.
Byte 4 contains the lsb and byte 7 contains the msb.
e = 1: d contains the data to be downloaded

• X: not used, always 0

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA

Download Domain Segment Protocol
This protocol is used to implement the 'Download Domain Segment' service for
multiplexed domains, see /2/.

• ccs: client command specifier

0: download segment request

• scs: server command specifier

1: download segment response

• seg-data: at most seven bytes of segment data to be downloaded. Their meaning

has to be specified by the application.

• n: indicates the number of bytes in seg-data that do not contain segment data.
Bytes [8-n, 7] do not contain segment data. n = 0 if no segment size is indicated.

• c: indicates whether there are still more segments to be downloaded.

0 more segments to be downloaded
1: no more segments to be downloaded

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CMS Protocol Specification

• t: toggle bit. This bit must alternate for each subsequent segment that is
downloaded. The first segment will have the toggle-bit set to 0. The toggle bit
will be equal for the request and the response message.

• X: not used, always 0

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA

6.2 Upload Domain Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Domain Upload' service for multiplexed
domains, see /2/. Multiplexed domains are uploaded as a sequence of zero or more 'Upload
Domain Segment' services preceded by an 'Initiate Domain Upload' service. The sequence is
terminated by:

• an 'Initiate Domain Upload' response/confirm with the e-bit set to 1, indicating

the successful completion of an expedited upload sequence.

• an 'Upload Domain Segment' response/confirm with the c-bit set to 1, indicating

the succesful completion of a normal upload sequence.

• an 'Abort Domain Transfer' request/indication, indicating the unsuccessful

completion of the upload sequence.

• a new 'Initiate Domain Upload' request/indication, indicating the unsuccessful

completion of the upload sequence and the start of a new sequence.

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February 1996
CMS Protocol Specification

If in the upload of two consecutive segments the toggle bit does not alter, this must be
treated as if an invalid COB was received (see Annex I). If such an error is reported to the
application, the application may decide to abort the upload.

Initiate Domain Upload Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Initiate Domain Upload' service for multiplexed
domains, see /2/.

• ccs: client command specifier

2: initiate upload request

• scs: server command specifier

2: initiate upload response

• n: Only valid if e = 1 and s = 1, otherwise 0. If valid it indicates the number of

bytes in d that do not contain data. Bytes [8-n, 7] do not contain segment data.

• e: transfer type
0: normal transfer
1: expedited transfer
• s: size indicator
0: data set size is not indicated
1: data set size is indicated

• m: multiplexor. It represents a value of the multiplexor data type attribute of the

multiplexed domain.

- DS202-2 p. 18 -
February 1996
CMS Protocol Specification

• d: data
e = 0, s = 0: d is reserved for further use by CiA.
e = 0, s = 1: d contains the number of bytes to be uploaded.
Byte 4 contains the lsb and byte 7 contains the msb.
e = 1: d contains the data to be uploaded

• X: not used, always 0

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA

Upload Domain Segment Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Upload Domain Segment' service for
multiplexed domains, see /2/.

• ccs: client command specifier

3: upload segment request

• scs: server command specifier

0: upload segment response

• t: toggle bit. This bit must alternate for each subsequent segment that is
uploaded. The first segment will have the toggle-bit set to 0. The toggle bit will
be equal for the request and the response message.

• c: indicates whether there are still more segments to be uploaded.

0: more segments to be uploaded
1: no more segments to be uploaded

- DS202-2 p. 19 -
February 1996
CMS Protocol Specification

• seg-data: at most seven bytes of segment data to be uploaded. Their meaning has
to be specified by the application.

• n: indicates the number of bytes in seg-data that do not contain segment data.
Bytes [8-n, 7] do not contain segment data. n = 0 if no segment size is indicated.

• X: not used, always 0

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA

6.3 Abort Domain Transfer

Abort Domain Transfer Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Abort Domain Transfer' Service for multiplexed
domains, see /2/.

• cs: command specifier

4: abort domain transfer

• X: not used, always 0

• m: multiplexor. It represents a value of the multiplexor data type attribute of the

multiplexed domain.

• d: contains application specific data about the reason for the abort.

- DS202-2 p. 20 -
February 1996
CMS Protocol Specification


7.1 Uncontrolled Event

One unconfirmed service (Notify Event) is defined.

Notify Event Protocol

• appl-data: up to L bytes of application data representing a value of the data type

attribute of the event.

7.2 Controlled Event

One confirmed (Set Event Control State) and one unconfirmed service (Notify Event)
is defined.

Set Event Control State Protocol

- DS202-2 p. 21 -
February 1996
CMS Protocol Specification

• ccs: client command specifier

1: Set_event_control_state

• scs: server command specifier

1: Set_event_control_state

• rs: requested control status, only valid if ccs = 1, otherwise 0

0: Disabled
1: Enabled

• X: not used, always 0

• as: actual control status, only valid if scs = 1 and r = 0, otherwise 0

0: Disabled
1: Enabled

• r: result, only valid if scs = 1, otherwise 0

0: Success
1: Failure

• appl-data: only valid if r = 1. If valid it contains up to L-1 bytes of application

data representing a value of the error type attribute of the event.

• X: not used, always 0

Notify Event Protocol

• scs: server command specifier

0: Notify-Event

• appl-data: up to L-1 bytes of application data representing a value of the data

type attribute of the event.

• X: not used, always 0

- DS202-2 p. 22 -
February 1996
CMS Protocol Specification

7.3 Stored Events

One unconfirmed service (Store and Immediate Notify) and one confirmed service
(Read Event) is defined.

Store and Immediate Notify Protocol

• appl-data: up to L bytes of application data representing a value of the data type

attribute of the stored event

Read Event Protocol

• appl-data: up to L bytes of application data representing a value of the data type

attribute of the stored event

- DS202-2 p. 23 -
February 1996
CMS Protocol Specification


When implementing the CMS protocols, the following rules have to be obeyed to
guarantee interoperability. These rules deal with the following implementation aspects:

Invalid COB's

A COB is invalid if it has a COB-ID that is used by the CMS Protocol, but it contains
invalid parameter values according to the CMS Protocol. This can only be caused by errors in
the lower layers (see /1/) or implementation errors. Invalid COB's must be handled locally in
an implementation specific way that does not fall within the scope of the CiA Standard on the
CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications. As far as the CMS Protocol is concerned,
an invalid COB must be ignored.


Since COB's may be ignored, the response of a confirmed CMS service may never
arrive. To resolve this situation, an implementation may, after a certain amount of time,
indicate this to the service user (time-out). A time-out is not a confirm of that CMS service.
A time-out indicates that the service has not completed yet. The application must deal with this
situation. Time-out values are considered to be implementation specific and do not fall within
the scope of the CiA Standard on the CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications.
However, it is recommended that an implementation provides facilities to adjust these time-out
values to the requirements of the application.

- DS202-2 p. 24 -
CAN in Automation (CiA)
International Users and Manufacturers Group e.V.

CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications

February 1996

CMS Data Types and Encoding Rules

February 1996
CMS Data Types and Encoding Rules

1. Scope

This document contains the encoding rules that are used to transfer CMS data values
across the CAN Network and definitions application specifc extended data types. This
document is part of a set of documents that standardize the CAN Application Layer for
Industrial Applications.

2. References

/1/ CiA/DS202-1, CMS Service Specification

/2/ CiA/DS207, Application Layer Naming Conventions

/3/ ANSI/IEEE Standard 754-1985 for Binary Floating-PointArithmetic.

Reprinted in: ACM SIGPLAN Notices 22(2), 9-25 (1987).

3. General Description

To be able to exchange meaningful data across the CAN network, the format of this
data and its meaning have to be known by the sender and receiver(s). CMS models this by the
concept of data types.

The CMS encoding rules define the representation of values of data types and the CAN
network transfer syntax for the repesentations. Values are represented as bit sequences. Bit
sequences are transferred in sequences of octetts (bytes). For numerical data types the CMS
encoding is little endian style.

Applications require data types beyond the basic data types. Using the compound data
type mechanism the list of available data types can be extended. Some general extended data
types are defined.

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CMS Data Types and Encoding Rules

4. Data Type Definitions

A data type determines a relation between values and encodings for data of that type.
Data types are assigned names in their type definitions. The syntax of data and data type
definitions is as follows.

<data definition> ::=<type name> <data name>

<type definition> ::=<constructor> <type name>
<constructor> ::=<compound constructor> |
<basic constructor>
<compound constructor> ::=<array constructor>|
<structure contructor>
<array constructor> ::=ARRAY [<array length>] OF <type name>
<structure constructor> ::=STRUCT OF <component list>
<component list> ::=<component> |
<component>, <component list>
<component> ::=<type name> <component name>
<basic constructor> ::=BOOLEAN |
VOID<bit size> |
INTEGER<bit size> |
UNSIGNED<bit size> |
REAL32 |
<array length> ::=positive integer
<bit size> ::=1|2|...|64
<type name> ::=symbolic name (see /2/)
<component name> ::=symbolic name (see /2/)
<data name> ::=symbolic name (see /2/)

Recursive definitions are not allowed.

The data type defined by <type definition> is called basic (resp.~compound) when the
constructor is <basic constructor>(resp. <compound constructor>).

- DS202-3 p. 3 -
February 1996
CMS Data Types and Encoding Rules

5. Bit Sequences

5.1 Definitions

A bit can take the values 0 or 1. Let b0,..., bn-1 be bits, n a non-negative integer. Then
b = b0 b1 ... bn-1

is called a bit sequence of length |b| = n. The empty bit sequence of length 0 is denoted!.
Examples: 10110100, 1, 101, etc. are bit sequences.
The inversion operator (¬) on bit sequences assigns to a bit sequence

b = b0 b1 ... bn-1

the bit sequence

¬b = ¬b0 ¬b1... ¬bn-1

Here ¬0 =1 and ¬1 = 0 on bits.

The basic operation on bit sequences is concatenation.
Let a = and b = b0 ... bn-1 be bit sequences. Then the concatenation of a and b,
denoted ab, is

ab = a0 ... am-1 b0 ... bn-1

Example: (10)(111) = 10111 is the concatenation of 10 and 111.

The following holds for arbitrary bit sequences a and b:

|ab| = |a| + |b|

!a = a! = a

5.2 Transfer Syntax

For transmission across a CAN network a bit sequence is reordered into a sequence of
octetts. Here and in the following hexadecimal notation is used for octetts. be
a bit sequence with n<64. Denote l a non-negative integer such that 8(l-1)<n<8l. Then b is
transferred in l octetts assembled as shown in Figure 1. The bits bi, i >n of the highest
numbered octett are don't care bits.
Octett 1 is transmitted first and octett l is transmitted last. Hence the bit sequence is transferred
as follows across the CAN network:

b7, b6,...,b0,b15,...,b8,...

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February 1996
CMS Data Types and Encoding Rules

7 6 ... 0

1 b7 b6 ... b0
2 b15 b14 ... b8
l b8l-1 b8l-2 ... b8l-8

Figure 1: Transfer Syntax for Bit Sequences

Example: The bit sequence 0011 1000 01 is transferred in two octetts:

First 1ch and then 02h.

- DS202-3 p. 5 -
February 1996
CMS Data Types and Encoding Rules

6. Basic Data Types

For basic data types <type name> equals the literal string of the associated constructor,


is the type definition for the Boolean data type.

6.1 NIL

Data of basic data type NIL is represented by !.

6.2 Boolean

Data of basic data type BOOLEAN attains the values TRUE or FALSE. The values are
represented as bit sequences of length 1. The value TRUE (resp. FALSE) is represented by the
bit sequence 1 (resp.0).

6.3 Void

Data of basic data type VOIDn is represented as bit sequences of length n. The value of
data of type VOIDn is undefined. The bits in the a sequence of data of type VOIDn must either
be specified explicitly or else marked "don't care".

Data of type VOIDn is useful for reserved fields and for aligning components of
compound values on octett boundaries.

6.4 Unsigned Integer

Data of basic data type UNSIGNEDn has values in the non-negative integers. The
value range is 0, ..., 2n-1. The data is represented as bit sequences of length n. The bit
b = b0

is assigned the value

UNSIGNEDn(b) = bn-1(2n-1)+ ...+ b1 21 + b0 20

Note that the bit sequence starts on the left with the least significant bit.
Example: The value 266 with data type UNSIGNED16 is transferred in two octetts
across the bus, first 0a h and then 01h.

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February 1996
CMS Data Types and Encoding Rules

6.5 Signed Integer

Data of basic data type INTEGERn has values in the integers. The value range is
-2n-1, ..., 2n-1-1. The data is represented as bit sequences of length n. The bit sequence
b = b0 .. bn-1 is assigned the value

INTEGERn(b) = bn-2 2n-2 + ...+ b1 21 + b0 20 if bn-1 = 0

and, performing two's complement arithmetic,

INTEGERn(b) = INTEGERn(^b) - 1 if bn-1 = 1

Note that the bit sequence starts on the left with the least significant bit.
Example: The value -266 with data type INTEGER16 is transferred in two octetts
across the bus, first f6h and then feh.

6.6 Floating Point Number

Data of basic data type REAL32 has values in the real numbers.
The data is represented as bit sequences of length 32. The encoding of values follows the IEEE
754-1985 Standard for floating point numbers, see the reprint /3/.

A bit sequence of length 32 either has a value (finite non-zero real number,+0, + _) or
is NaN (not-a-number). The bit sequence b = b0 … b31 is assigned the value (finite non-zero

REAL32(b) = (-1)S 2E - 127 (1 + F)

Here S=b31 is the sign. E = b30 27 + …+ b23 20, 0 < E < 255, is the un-biased exponent.
F = 2-23 (b22 222 + …+ b1 21 + b0 20) is the fractional part of the number. E =0 is used to
represent + 0. E =255 is used to represent infinities and NaN's. Note that the bit sequence
starts on the left with the least significant bit.

Example: 6.25 = 2E -127 (1 + F) with E =129 =27 +20 and F = 2-1 +2-4 =
2 -23(222+219). Hence the number is represented as:

6.25: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0011 0000 0010

Figure 2 shows example encodings for REAL32 as sequences of four octetts for
transfer across the CAN network.

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February 1996
CMS Data Types and Encoding Rules

7. Compound Data Types

Type definitions of compound data types expand to a unique list of type definitions
involving only basic data types. Correspondingly, data of compound type t́ype_name´ are
ordered lists of component data named component_i of basic type ´basic_type_i´.
Compound data types constructors are ARRAY and STRUCT OF.

<basic_type_1> <component_1>,
<basic_type_2> <component_2>,
… …
<basic_type_N> <component_N>

ARRAY [<length>] OF <basic_type> <type_name>

The bit sequence representing data of compound type is obtained by concatenating the
bit sequences representing the component data. Assume that the components ćomponent_i´
are represented by bit sequences bi, for i =1,…,N Then the compound data is represented by
the concatenated sequence b1 … bN.

Example: Consider the data type


Assume i = - 423 and u =30. Let b(i ) and b(u ) denote the bit sequences representing
the values of i and u , respectively. Then:

b(i) = 1001101001
b(u) = 01111
b(iu) = b(i) b(u) = 1001101001 01111

The value of the structure is transferred with two octetts, first 59h and then 79h.

- DS202-3 p. 8 -
February 1996
CMS Data Types and Encoding Rules

8. Extended Data Types

The extended data types consist of the basic data types and the compound data types
defined in the following subsections.

8.1 Octett String

The data type OctettString<length> is defined below. length is the length of the octett string.

ARRAY [<length>] OF UNSIGNED8 OctettString<length>

8.2 Visible String

The data type VisibleString<length> is defined below. The admissable values of data
of type VisibleChar are 0h and the range from 20h to 7Eh. The data are interpreted as ASCII
characters. length is the length of the visible string.

UNSIGNED8 VisibleChar
ARRAY[<length>] OF VisibleChar VisibleString<length>

8.3 Date

The data type Date is defined below. It follows from the definition and the encoding rules that
data of type Date is represented as bit sequences of length 56.

VOID2 reserved_1,
VOID2 reserved_2,
UNSIGNED5 day_of_month,
UNSIGNED3 day_of_week,
UNSIGNED6 month,
VOID2 reserved_3,
VOID1 reserved_4

- DS202-3 p. 9 -
February 1996
CMS Data Types and Encoding Rules

Figure 1 contains descriptions and value ranges for the components of data of type
Date. The components reserved_i, i =1,...,4, are reserved with all bits equal 0.

Component Description Value Range

ms milliseconds 0,...,59999
min minutes 0,...,59
hour hour 0,...,23
su standard or summer time 0 = standard, 1 = summer
day_of_month day of month 1,...,31
day_of_week day of week 1 = monday, 7 = sunday
month month 1,...,12
year year modulo centuries 0,...,99

Figure 1:Descriptions for Date

8.4 Time of Day

The data type TimeOfDay represents absolute time. It follows from the definition and
the encoding rules that TimeOfDay is represented as bit sequences of length 48.

Component ms is the time in milliseconds after midnight. Component days is the

number of days since January 1, 1984.

VOID4 reserved_1,

8.5 Time Difference

The data type TimeDifference represents a time difference. It follows from the
definition and the encoding rules that TimeDifference is represented as bit sequences of length

Time differences are sums of numbers of days and milliseconds. Component ms is the
number milliseconds. Component days is the number of days.

VOID4 reserved_1,

- DS202-3 p. 10 -
CAN in Automation (CiA)
International Users and Manufacturers Group e.V.

CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications

February 1996

NMT Service Specification

February 1996
NMT Service Specification


This document contains the Network Management Service Specification. This

document is part of a set of documents that standardize the CAN Application Layer for
Industrial Applications.


/1/: CiA/DS201, CAN Reference Model

/2/: CiA/DS203-2, NMT Protocol Specification

/3/: CiA/DS207, Application Layer Naming Conventions



NMT is one of the application layer entities in the CAN Reference Model, see /1/.

The NMT aids in the development of distributed applications. Due to the fact that an
application is distributed, certain events have to be handled (e.g failures of parts of the
applicaton) that would not occur if the same application had not been distributed.

The application has to deal with these network management aspects, although they
have nothing to do with the goal of the application (e.g controlling a process). These aspects
are the consequence of building a distributed application and must be compared to the
advantages of building a distributed application.

3.2 NMT Objects and Services

A CAN network consists of modules that are connected by one physical CAN bus. The
NMT uses three objects to model a CAN network:

• the network object. The network object represents the set of all modules in a
CAN network. A network can contain at most 255 modules. The network object
may exist on one module only, called the NMT Master.

- DS203-1 p. 2 -
February 1996
NMT Service Specification

• the remote node object. Each module in the network that is managed by the
NMT services is represented by a remote node object on the NMT Master.

• the node object. Each module that is managed by the NMT services is
represented by a node object on that module (including the NMT Master). A
module where a node object exists is called an NMT Slave.

Each NMT Slave and its node object is uniquely identified in the network by its NMT
Address. The syntax of an NMT Addres is defined in /3/. The NMT Address of an NMT Slave
cannot be changed by the NMT services but can be configured via the LMT Service Element
(see /1/) or in an application specific way that does not fall within the scope of the CiA
Standard on the CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications.

For each NMT Slave there must exist one remote node object with the same NMT
Address on the NMT Master. A node object and the remote node object that have the same
NMT Address are called peers. Each remote node object communicates with its peer via the
NMT Protocol as defined in /2/. The NMT Protocol uses a Node-ID to address an NMT
Slave. The syntax of a Node-ID is defined in /3/. A unique Node-ID is assigned to the node
object of each NMT Slave and its peer by the NMT Master. Peers have the same Node-ID.
The NMT model of a CAN network is depicted in fig. 1. Note that it is possible that a module
is an NMT Master and an NMT Slave at the same time.

Fig. 1: The NMT Model

- DS203-1 p. 3 -
February 1996
NMT Service Specification

The NMT offers the following services:

• Module Control Services: through these services, the NMT Master initializes
NMT Slaves that want to take part in the distributed application and allows them
to communicate with each other through the CMS Service Element (see /1/). To
this purpose, an NMT Slave has to define all the CMS objects it needs. The
COB's required by the CMS protocol for these CMS objects have to obtain COB
identifiers and inhibit-times. These can be assigned statically by the application or
dynamically by the Distributor Service Element (see /1/). Once the COB
identifiers have been obtained, the NMT Master can indicate the NMT Slave that
it may or may not access the network through the CMS Service Element.
Through the Module Control Services the NMT Master controls the sequence of
these actions for each NMT Slave. Through the Module Control services, the
NMT Master and NMT Slave also negotiate about parameters for the NMT

• Error Control Services: through these services, the NMT detects failures in a
CAN network. Local failures are caused by errors detected in the Data Link or
Physical Layer (see /1/) of a module or by other application specific conditions on
that module that prevent it from taking part in the distributed application. These
conditions do not fall within the scope of the CiA Standard on the CAN
Application Layer for Industrial Applications. Remote failures are failures
detected by the Node Guarding Protocol (see section 6 of this docu ment).

• Configuration Control Services: through these services, the NMT can up and
download configuration data from respectively to a module in the CAN network.
The meaning of the configuration data that is up- or downloaded is application
specific and does not fall within the scope of the CiA Standard on the CAN
Application Layer for Industrial Applications. It may be executable code,
parameters, data or anything else.

3.3 NMT Capabilities

NMT capabilities indicate categories of network management functionality that may or

may not be present in the network. Capabilities that affect all modules in a network are called
network capabilities and can only be configured on the NMT Master. Capabilities that affect
only one module in the network are called node capabilities and can only be configured on an
NMT Slave. The following capabilities are defined:

• Network Management capability. This network capability implements the

mandatory module control services on the NMT Master. These services can only
be executed with NMT Slaves that have the:

- DS203-1 p. 4 -
February 1996
NMT Service Specification

• Node Management capability. This node capability implements the mandatory

module control services on an NMT Slave. These services can only be executed if
the NMT Master has the Network Management capability.

• Network Error capability. This network capability implements the mandatory

error control services on the NMT Master. These services can only be executed
with NMT Slaves that have the:

• Node Error capability. This node capability implements the mandatory error
control services on an NMT slave. These services can only be executed if the
NMT Master has the Network Error capability

• Network Configuration capability. This network capability implements the

mandatory configuration control services on the NMT Master. These services can
only be executed with NMT Slaves that have the:

• Node Configuration capability. This node capability implements the mandatory

configuration control services on an NMT Slave. These services can only be
executed if the NMT Master has the Network Configuration capability

How to configure NMT capabilities on an NMT Master and NMT Slave does not fall
within the scope of the CiA Standard on the CAN Application Layer for Industrial

3.4 Network Classes

The network class indicates the network capabilities that have been configured on the
NMT Master:

• Class 0: no Network Management capability. As a consequence, module control,

error control, configuration control, and dynamic identifier/inhibit time
distribution is not possible for any of the modules in the network.

• Class 1: Network Management capability, no Network Error capability, no

Network Configuration capability. This is a network where error control and
configuration control is not possible for any of the modules in the network.
Module control and dynamic identifier/inhibit-time distribution is possible.

• Class 2: Network Management capability, Network Error capability, no Network

Configuration capability. This is a network where module control, error control,
and dynamic identifier/inhibit-time distribution is possible. Configuration control
is not possible for any of the modules in the network.

- DS203-1 p. 5 -
February 1996
NMT Service Specification

• Class 3: Network Management capability, no Network Error capability, Network

Configuration capability. This is a network where module control, configuration
control, and dynamic identifier/inhibit-time distribution is possible. Error control
is not possible for any of the modules in the network.

• Class 4: Network Management capability, Network Error capability, Network

Configuration capability. This is a network where module control, error control,
configuration control and dynamic identifier/inhibit-time distribution is possible.

3.5 Node Classes

The node class indicates the node capabilities that have been configured on an NMT

• Class 0: no Node Management capability. This is a module that cannot be

managed through the module control services of the NMT Master. As a
consequence, error control, configuration control, and dynamic identifier/in hibit-
time distribution is not possible for this module.

• Class 1: Node Management capability, no Node Error capability, no Node

Configuration capability. This is a module that can be managed through the
module control services of the NMT Master and for which dynamic
identifier/inhibit-time distribution is possible. Error control and configuration
control is not possible for this module.

• Class 2: Node Management capability, Node Error capability, no Node

Configuration capability. This is a module that can be managed through the
module and error control services of the NMT Master and for which dynamic
identifier/inhibit-time distribution is possible. Configuration control is not possible
for this module.

• Class 3: Node Management capability, no Node Error capability, Node

Configuration capability. This is a module that can be managed through the
module and configuration control services of the NMT Master and for which
dynamic identifier/inhibit-time distribution is possible. Error control is not
possible for this module.

• Class 4: Node Management capability, Node Error capability, Node

Configuration capability. This is a module that can be managed through the
module-, error-, and configuration control services of the NMT Master and for
which dynamic identifier/inhibit-time distribution is possible.

- DS203-1 p. 6 -
February 1996
NMT Service Specification

3.6 NMT Service Descriptions

The NMT services are described in a tabular form that contains the parameters of each
service primitive that is defined for that service. The primitives that are defined for a particular
service determine the service type (e.g unconfirmed, confirmed, etc.). How to interprete the
tabular form and what service types exist is defined in /1/. In the service descriptions, [a, b]
denotes the range of integers from a to b with a and b included. If a > b, the range is empty.


4.1 Network Object

Network Attributes:

• remote node set: the set of remote node objects that form the network

• class: the network class. A value in the range [0, 4].

4.2 Remote Node Object

Remote Node Attributes

• NMT Address: see /3/. This attribute uniquely identifies the remote node object
in the remote node set.

• state: one of the values {DISCONNECTED, CONNECTED, PREPARED,

OPERATIONAL}. This attribute indicates the state of the remote node object.
The state is controlled by the NMT services according to the state diagrams in
section 6 of this document.

• Node-ID: a value in the range [1, 255]. This attribute uniquely identifies the
remote node object in the remote node set of the network object if and only if the
state of the remote node object is not DISCONNECTED. It is identical to the
Node-ID attribute of its peer.

4.3 Node Object

Node Attributes

• NMT Address: see /3/. This attribute uniquely identifies the NMT Slave and its
node object in the network.
• state: one of the values {DISCONNECTED, CONNECTING, PREPARING,
PREPARED, OPERATIONAL}. This attribute indicates the state of the NMT

- DS203-1 p. 7 -
February 1996
NMT Service Specification

Slave and its node object. The state is controlled by the NMT services according
to the state diagrams in the section 6 of this document.

• Node-ID: a value in the range [1, 255]. This attribute uniquely identifies the
NMT Slave and its node object in the network if and only if the state of the node
object is neither DISCONNECTED nor CONNECTING. It is identical to the
Node-ID attribute of its peer.

• class: the node class. A value in the range [0, 4].

In the remainder of this document, the attributes of a node object of an NMT Slave are also
considered to be attributes of the NMT Slave. E.g the state of an NMT Slave denotes the state
of its node object.

- DS203-1 p. 8 -
February 1996
NMT Service Specification


There can be atmost one confirmed NMT service outstanding in the complete network.

5.1 Module Control Services

The mandatory module control services need to be implemented on the NMT Master if
and only if the Network Management capability has been configured on the NMT Master. The
mandatory module control services need to be implemented on an NMT Slave if and only if the
Node Management capability has been configured on that NMT Slave.

Create Network

Parameter Request

Argument Mandatory
class mandatory

Through this service the NMT Master creates a network object with the requested
attributes. The service will only be executed if no network object exists. After completion of
the service, the remote node set will be empty. The service is local and mandatory.

Add Remote Node

Parameter Request

Argument Mandatory
NMT_Address mandatory

Through this service the NMT Master creates a remote node object with the requested
attributes and inserts it in the remote node set of the network object. The service will only be
executed if a network object exists and if there are less than 255 remote node objects. After
completion of the service, the state of the remote node object will be DISCONNECTED. The
service is local and mandatory.

Remove Remote Node

Through this service the NMT Master removes the remote node object identified by
NMT_Address from the remote node set of the network object. The service will only be

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NMT Service Specification

Parameter Request

Argument Mandatory
NMT_Address mandatory

executed if NMT_Address identifies a remote node object whose state is DISCONNECTED.

The service is local and mandatory.

Create Node

Parameter Request

Argument Mandatory
NMT_Address mandatory
class mandatory

Through this service an NMT Slave creates a node object with the requested attributes.
The service will only be executed if no node object already exists. After completion of the
service, the state of the NMT Slave will be DISCONNECTED. The service is local and

Delete Node

Parameter Request

Argument Mandatory

Through this service an NMT Slave deletes its node object. The service will only be
executed if the state of the NMT Slave is DISCONNECTED. The service is local and

Identify Remote Nodes

Through this service the NMT Master requests all NMT Slaves whose NMT Address
meets the NMT_Address_selection and whose state is CONNECTING, to identify them selves
through the 'Identify Node' service. The service is unconfirmed and optional.

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NMT Service Specification

Parameter Request/Indication

Argument Mandatory
NMT_Address_selection mandatory

Identify Node

Parameter Request/Indication

Argument Mandatory

Through this service an NMT Slave indicates the NMT Master that there is an NMT
Slave whose state is CONNECTING. The service will only be executed if the state of the
NMT Slave is CONNECTING. The service is unconfirmed and optional.

Connect Node

Parameter Request

Argument Mandatory
download optional

Through this service the NMT Slave sets its state from DISCONNECTED to
CONNECTING. The NMT Master may optionally be requested to download a configuration
to the NMT Slave. The service will only be executed if the state of the NMT Slave is
DISCONNECTED. The service is local and mandatory.

Connect Remote Node

Through this service the NMT Master sets the state of the NMT Slave identified by
NMT_Address from CONNECTING to PREPARING. The service will only be executed if
NMT_Address identifies a remote node object whose state is DISCONNECTED.

The service is confirmed and mandatory. The Remote Result parameter will confirm the
success or failure. If the state of the NMT Slave is not CONNECTING the service will fail. In
case of success the following holds:

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NMT Service Specification

Parameter Request/Indication Response/Confirm

Argument Mandatory
NMT_Address mandatory

Remote Result Mandatory

success selection
download optional
failure selection
reason optional

• the state of the remote node object identified by NMT_Address will be


• the state of the NMT Slave identified by NMT_Address will be PREPARING.

• the Node-ID attribute of the remote node object identified by NMT_Address and
its peer have been assigned a value.

In case of successs it will be confirmed whether the NMT Slave needs a configuration
to be downloaded. In case of a failure, the state of the remote node object identified by
NMT_Address and its peer will be DISCONNECTED and optionally the reason may be

Prepare Remote Node

Through this service the NMT Master sets the state of the NMT Slave identified by
Node_ID from PREPARING to PREPARED. The service will only be executed if Node_ID
identifies a remote node object whose state is CONNECTED.

Prior to the state transition, the NMT Slave is allowed to obtain identifiers and inhibit
times from the DBT Service Element (see /1/) for the COB's required by the CMS protocol for
the CMS objects as defined on that NMT Slave. The NMT Master may optionally request that
previously obtained identifiers and inhibit times are discarded. If this is not requested, the NMT
Slave itself may decide whether or not to discard them. If the NMT Slave does not obtain
identifiers and inhibit times from the DBT Service Element, this parameter must be ignored by
the NMT Slave.

The service is confirmed and mandatory. The Remote Result parameter will confirm the
success or failure of the request. If the state of the NMT Slave is not PREPARING the

- DS203-1 p. 12 -
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NMT Service Specification

Parameter Request/Indication Response/Confirm

Argument Mandatory
Node_ID mandatory
discard optional

Remote Result Mandatory

success selection
failure selection
reason optional

service will fail. If the NMT Slave does not obtain identifiers and inhibit times from the DBT
Service Element, the service will succeed. In case of success, the state of the remote node
object identified by Node-ID and its peer will be PREPARED. In case of a failure, the state of
the remote node object identified by Node_ID and its peer will be DISCONNECTED and
optionally the reason may be confirmed.

Start Remote Node

Parameter Indicatio/Requestn

Argument Mandatory
Node_ID selection
all selection

The service will only be executed for the selected remote node objects whose state is
PREPARED. Through this service the NMT Master sets the state of the selected NMT Slaves
from PREPARED to OPERATIONAL. Only NMT Slaves whose state is OPER ATIONAL
may execute services of the CMS Service Element (see /1/).

The service is unconfirmed and mandatory. If the state of an NMT Slave is not
PREPARED no state transition will occur on the NMT Slave. After completion of the service,
the state of the selected remote node objects will be OPERATIONAL.

Stop Remote Node

The service will only be executed for the selected remote node objects whose state is
OPERATIONAL. Through this service the NMT Master sets the state of the selected NMT

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NMT Service Specification

Slaves from OPERATIONAL to PREPARED. NMT Slaves whose state is not

OPERATIONAL may not execute services of the CMS Service Element (see /1/).

Parameter Request/Indication

Argument Mandatory
Node _ID selection
all selection

The service is unconfirmed and mandatory. If the state of an NMT Slave is not
OPERATIONAL no state transition will occur on the NMT Slave. After completion of the
service, the state of the selected remote node objects will be PREPARED.

Disconnect Remote Node

Parameter Request/Indication

Argument Mandatory
Node_ID selection
all selection

The service will only be executed for the selected remote node objects. Through this
service the NMT Master sets the state of the selected NMT Slaves to DISCONNECTED
independent of their present state and undefines their Node-ID attribute.

The service is unconfirmed and mandatory. After completion of the service, the state of
the selected remote node objects will be DISCONNECTED and their Node-ID attributes are

Disconnect Node

Parameter Request

Argument Mandatory

Through this service, the NMT Slave sets the state of the node object to DISCON
NECTED independent of its present state and undefines its Node-ID attribute. The service will
only be executed if a node object exist. The service is local and mandatory.

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NMT Service Specification

5.2 Error Control Services

The mandatory error control services need to be implemented on the NMT Master if
and only if the Network Error capability has been configured on the NMT Master. The
mandatory error control services need to be implemented on an NMT Slave if and only if the
Node Error capability has been configured on that NMT Slave.

Network Event

Parameter Indication

Argument Mandatory
remote_error selection
Node_ID mandatory
local error selection
state mandatory
occurred selection
resolved selection

The service is provider initiated and mandatory and does not affect the state of
the network object. A network object must exist. Through this service, the NMT
service provider on the NMT Master indicates that one of the following has occurred:

• a remote error occurred or has been resolved for the remote node object
identified by Node_ID and its peer.

• a local error occurred or has been resolved on the NMT Master.

Node Event

The service is provider initiated and mandatory and does not affect the state of the
network object. A node object must exist. Through this service, the NMT service provider on
an NMT Slave indicates that one of the following has occurred:

• a remote error occurred or has been resolved for the NMT Master.

• a local error occured or has been resolved on the NMT Slave.

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NMT Service Specification

Parameter Indication

Argument Mandatory
remote_error selection
local error selection
state mandatory
occurred selection
resolved selection

5.3 Configuration Control Services (non-segmented)

When using these services the NMT is responsible for the segmentation of the
configuration. All non-segmented configuration control services are optional.

Configuration Download

Parameter Request/Indication Response/Confirm

Argument Mandatory
Node_ID mandatory
data mandatory
size optional

Remote Result Mandatory

success selection
failure selection
reason optional

Through this service the NMT Master downloads configuration data from the NMT
Master to the NMT Slave identified by Node_ID. The data and optionally its size are indicated.

The service will only be executed if Node_ID identifies a remote node object. The
service is confirmed and optional. The Remote Result parameter will indicate the success or
failure of the request. In case of a failure, optionally the reason may be indicated.

Configuration Upload

Through this service the NMT Master uploads configuration data from the the NMT
Slave identified by Node_ID to the NMT Master.

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NMT Service Specification

Parameter Request/Indication Response/Confirm

Argument Mandatory
Node_ID mandatory

Remote Result Mandatory

success selection
data mandatory
size optional
failure selection
reason optional

The service will only be executed if Node_ID identifies a remote node object. The
service is confirmed and optional. The Remote Result parameter will indicate the success or
failure of the request. In case of success, the data and optionally its size are confirmed. In case
of a failure, optionally the reason may be confirmed.

5.4 Configuration Control Services (segmented)

When using these services the application is responsible for the segmentation of the
configuration. The mandatory segmented configuration control services need to be im-
plemented on the NMT Master if and only if the Network Configuration capability has been
configured on the NMT Master. They need to be implemented on an NMT Slave if and only if
the Node Configuration capability has been configured on that NMT Slave.

Initiate Configuration Download

Parameter Request/Indication Response/Confirm

Argument Mandatory
Node_ID mandatory
size optional

Remote Result Mandatory

success selection
failure selection
reason optional

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NMT Service Specification

Through this service the NMT Master prepares the NMT Slave identified by Node_ID
for downloading a configuration from the NMT Master. Optionally the size of the
configuration to be downloaded may be indicated.

The service will only be executed if Node_ID identifies a remote node object. The
service is confirmed and mandatory. The Remote Result parameter will indicate the success or
failure of the request. In case of a failure, optionally the reason may be confirmed.

Initiate Configuration Upload

Parameter Request/Indication Response/Confirm

Argument Mandatory
Node_ID mandatory

Remote Result Mandatory

success selection
size optional
failure selection
reason optional

Through this service the NMT Master prepares the NMT Slave identified by Node_ID
for uploading a configuration to the NMT Master. The service will only be executed if
Node_ID identifies a remote node object. The service is confirmed and mandatory. The
Remote Result parameter will indicate the success or failure of the request. In case of success,
optionally the size of the configuration to be uploaded is confirmed. In case of a failure,
optionally the reason may be confirmed.

Download Configuration Segment

Through this service the NMT Master transfers the data of the next segment to the
NMT Slave identified by Node_ID. The data and optionally its size are indicated. The continue
parameter indicates whether there are still more segments to be downloaded or that this was
the last segment to be downloaded. A successful 'Initiate Configuration Download' service
must have been executed prior to this service.

The service will only be executed if Node_ID identifies a remote node object. The
service is confirmed and mandatory. The Remote Result parameter will indicate the success or
failure of the request. In case of a failure, optionally the reason is confirmed. In case of
success, the NMT Slave identified by Node_ID has accepted the segment data and is ready to
accept the next segment.

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NMT Service Specification

Parameter Request/Indication Response/Confirm

Argument Mandatory
Node_ID mandatory
data mandatory
size optional
continue mandatory
more selection
last selection
Remote Result selection
success selection
failure optional

Upload Configuration Segment

Parameter Request/Indication Response/Confirm

Argument Mandatory
Node_ID mandatory

Remote Result Mandatory

success selection
data mandatory
size optional
continue mandatory
more selection
last selection
failure selection
reason optional

Through this service the NMT Master requests the NMT Slave identified by Node_ID
to supply the data of the next segment to the NMT Master. A successful 'Initiate Configuration
Upload' service must have been executed prior to this service.

The service will only be executed if Node_ID identifies a remote node object. The
service is confirmed and mandatory. The Remote Result parameter will indicate the success or
failure of the request. In case of a failure, optionally the reason may be confirmed. In case

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NMT Service Specification

of success, the data and optionally its size are confirmed. The continue parameter confirms
whether there are still more segments to be uploaded or that this was the last segment to be

Abort Configuration Transfer

This service aborts the up- or download of a configuration to or from the NMT Slave
identified by Node_ID. The service may be executed at any time by the NMT Master. An
NMT Slave will only execute this service as a response to any of the other configuration
control services. Optionally the reason may be indicated. On the NMT Master the service will
only be executed if Node_ID identifies a remote node object. On the NMT Slave the service
will only be executed if a node object exists and the Node_ID parameter must be ignored.

Parameter Request/Indication

Argument Mandatory
Node_ID mandatory
reason optional

The service is unconfirmed and mandatory. If the NMT Master has a confirmed
configuration service outstanding for the NMT Slave identified by Node_ID, the Abort
Indication is taken to be the Confirm of that service.

Verify Configuration

Parameter Request/Indication Response/Confirm

Argument Mandatory
Node-ID mandatory
check_sum mandatory

Remote Result Mandatory

success selection
failure selection
reason optional

Through this service the NMT Master requests the NMT Slave identified by Node_ID
to verify if check_sum matches with the last configuration that was successfully downloaded.
The value of the check_sum is application specific and does not fall within the scope of the
CiA Standard on the CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications.

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NMT Service Specification

The service will only be executed if Node_ID identifies a remote node object. The
service is confirmed and optional. The Remote Result parameter will confirm the succes or
failure of the verification. In case of a failure optionally the reason may be confirmed.


Each remote node object on the NMT Master and its peer on an NMT Slave maintain a
state transition diagram, see fig.2 and fig.3. The state transitions in these diagrams are caused
by the NMT services as indicated in these diagrams. Some services can only cause a state
transition in one diagram, while others may cause a state transition in both diagrams. Services
that do not cause a state transition are not drawn in the state transition diagrams. An error
response/confirm indicates that for the service involved, the 'failure' selection in the service
specification will be selected.

Depending on the NMT services that were executed, the NMT Master assumes that the
node object of an NMT Slave is in a certain state. To detect if this assumption is true, the
NMT Master regularly retrieves the state of an NMT Slave and compares it to the state of its
peer. This meachanism is called Node Guarding and the protocol the Node Guarding Protocol.
If the comparison fails or if the state of an NMT Slave could not be retrieved at all, this is
indicated to the NMT Master through the 'Network Event' service as a remote error. If the
node state of an NMT Slave has not been retrieved during a certain period of time by the NMT
Master, this is indicated to the NMT Slave through the 'Node Event' service as a remote error.
Note that the 'Network Event' and 'Node Event' services do not cause a state transition.

The Node Guarding Protocol is active if and only if the NMT Master has the Network
Error capability, the NMT Slave has the Node Error capability, and if the (remote) node state
is not DISCONNECTED or CONNECTING, see fig.2 and fig.3. Note that the 'Disconnect
Remote Node' service causes the Node Guarding Protocol to stop for that NMT Slave, since
the state of the remote node object becomes DISCONNECTED.

If the Node Guarding Protocol functions again normally after a remote error has been
reported and no state transition has occurred, this is indicated to the NMT Master and NMT
Slave through the 'Network Event' and the 'Node Event' service respectively.

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NMT Service Specification

(1) (2)
(1) (2)
disconnected (3)
(0) connecting
connected (4)
(0) *
prepared (5)

(6) (5) (0)

(7) (6)

* = Node Guarding active if configured * = Node Guarding active if configured

(0) = Disconnect_Remote_Node request (0) = Disconnect_Remote_Node indication
(0) = Error Confirm (0) = Disconnect_Node request
(0) = Error response

(1) = Add_Remote_Node request (1) = Create_Node request

(2) = Remove_Remote_Node request (2) = Delete_Node request
(3) = Connect_Remote_Node confirm (3) = Connect_Node request
(4) = Prepare_Remote_Node confirm (4) = Connect_Remote_Node response
(5) = Start_Remote_Node request (5) = Prepare_Remote_Node response
(6) = Stop_Remote_Node request (6) = Start_Remote_Node indication
(7) = Stop_Remote_Node indication

Fig. 2: Remote Node State Diagram Fig. 3: Node State Diagram

- DS203-1 p. 22 -
CAN in Automation (CiA)
International Users and Manufacturers Group e.V.

CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications

February 1996

NMT Protocol Specification

February 1996
NMT Protocol Specification

This document contains the protocol specification of the Network Management
(NMT). NMT is part of the CAN Application Layer. This document is part of a set of
documents that standardize the CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications.

/1/: CiA/DS201, CAN Reference Model

/2/: CiA/DS203-1, NMT Service Specification

/3/: CiA/DS207, Application Layer Naming Conventions


3.1 NMT Protocol Perspective

The Network Management (NMT) service element in the CAN Reference Model (see
/1/), provides the NMT services. The NMT Protocol is executed between between the NMT
Master and each of the NMT Slaves (see /2/) to implement these services.

3.2 NMT Slave Synchronization

Since in the NMT Protocol all NMT Slaves use the same COB to send information to
the NMT Master, there must be only one NMT Slave at a time that communicates with the
NMT Master. For all protocols except the Identify Node protocol, the NMT Master takes the
initiative. The Identify Node protocol does not transfer information and will therefore cause no
synchronization conflicts. For all other services an NMT Slave is only allowed to respond if it
has first been addressed by the NMT Master through its unique NMT Address or Node-ID.
Since there can be atmost one confirmed NMT service outstanding at a time (see /2/), the
synchronization is established.

3.3 NMT Protocol Descriptions

A protocol description specifies the sequence of COB's and their format that are
exchanged between the NMT Master and NMT Slave(s) for a particular NMT service. In the
description of the COB data format, bytes are numbered from 0 to and including 7. Bits

- DS203-2 p. 2 -
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NMT Protocol Specification

within a byte are numbered from 0 to and including 7. Byte 0 is transmitted first, byte 7 is
transmitted last. Within a byte, bit 0 is the least significant bit, bit 7 is the most significant bit.
In the protocol descriptions [a, b] denotes the range of integers from a to b with a and b
included. If a > b, the range is empty.

The terms 'lsb' and 'msb' stand for 'least significant byte' and 'most significant byte' respectively
and are used to define how an integer number is stored in more than one byte for the NMT
Protocol. The order of significance is from lsb to msb.

The NMT protocols transfer the NMT Address (both module-name and module-ID) of an
NMT Slave. The transfer syntax of these attributes is defined in /3/.

3.4 Usage of Command Specifiers

The command specifier is transmitted within the first data byte of the NMT protocol in
COB-ID=2026/2025. For each service a unique value is specified for the command specifier.
Unused values are reserved up to 191 for further use by CiA. Values from 192 to 255 are user

- DS203-2 p. 3 -
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NMT Protocol Specification


4.1 Node Connect Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Connect Remote Node' service, see /2/. This
protocol also serves to exchange and negotiate parameters for the other NMT protocols.

• cs: NMT command specifier.

1: select an NMT Slave by the module-name of its
NMT-Address. Bytes [1, 7] contain the module name,
see /3/. The selected NMT Slave responds with the same cs in case
of a positive response.
2: assign NMT protocol parameters
4: select an NMT Slave by the module-ID of its NMT-Address.
Byte 1 contains the module-ID, see /3/. Bytes [2, 7] are
reserved for further use by CiA. The selected NMT Slave responds
with the same cs in case of a positive response.

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NMT Protocol Specification

• mod-ID: the module-ID of the NMT Address of the NMT Slave, see /3/.

• req. guard time: the guard time in milli-seconds for the Node Guarding
Protocol as requested by the NMT Slave. It is valid if and only if the node class
indicates that the Node Error capability has been configured on the NMT Slave,
see /2/, otherwise it is reserved for further use by CiA.

• req. life time factor: when multiplied with the requested guard time gives the
life time for the Node Guarding Protocol. It is valid if and only if the node class
indicates that the Node Error capability has been configured on the NMT Slave,
see /2/, otherwise it is reserved for further use by CiA.

• node class: indicates the node capabilities that have been configured on the
NMT Slave according to the definition in /2/.

• d: indicates whether or not the NMT Slave needs a configuration to be

0: no download requested
1: download requested

• Node-ID: the value of the Node-ID attribute that the NMT Master assigns to
the NMT Slave, see /2/. The Node-ID is equal to the module-ID which is
passed to the NMT-Master with the NMT-Address attribute when the
corresponding remote node object is created.

• guard COB-ID: the value of the COB-ID for the Node Guarding Protocol. It
must be a value between 1761 and 2015 inclusive. It is valid if and only if the
network class indicates that the Network Error capability has been configured
on the NMT Master, see /2/, otherwise it is reserved for further use by CiA.

• ass. guard time: the guard time in milli-seconds for the Node Guarding
Protocol as assigned by the NMT Master. It is valid if and only if the network
class indicates that the Network Error capability has been confirgured on the
NMT Master, see /2/, otherwise it is reserved for further use by CiA.

• ass. life time factor: when multiplied with the assigned guard time gives the life
time for the Node Guarding Protocol as assigned by the NMT Master. It is valid
if and only if the network class indicates that the Network Error capability has
been confirgured on the NMT Master, see /2/, otherwise it is reserved for
further use by CiA.

• network class: indicates the network capabilities that have been configured on
the NMT Master according to the definition in /2/.

- DS203-2 p. 5 -
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NMT Protocol Specification

• a: abortion flag used by the NMT master for signalling an abort of the Connect
Remote Node Protocol if the NMT master detects a protocol inconsistency
during the first request-response cycle; the NMT slave has to respond with error
code 253.
0: second request valid
1: abort Connect Remote Node request

• error code:
0: protocol successfully completed
1..252: reserved for further use by CiA
253: protocol error indication by NMT master
254: request not allowed by the node state of NMT Slave
255: other error occurred

• specific error code: a value between 0 and 255 inclusive. If the error code
equals 255, it gives an implementation specific error code, otherwise it is
reserved for further use by CiA.

• X: not used, always 0

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

4.2 Node Prepare Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Prepare Remote Node' service, see /2/.

• cs: NMT command specifier

3: prepare

- DS203-2 p. 6 -
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NMT Protocol Specification

• Node-ID: the Node-ID of the NMT Slave as assigned by the NMT Master in
the Node Connect Protocol.

• k: indicates whether the COB-ID's previously obtained from the DBT must be
discarded or not
0: discard previous obtained identifiers
1: the NMT Slave may decide to keep the old identifiers

• error code:
0: Prepare Protocol completed successfully
1: DBT protocol error occurred
2: DBT Master is not available
3..253: reserved for further use by CiA
254: request not allowed by the node state of the NMT Slave
255: other error occurred

• specific error code: a value between 0 and 255 inclusive. If the error code
equals 1 it gives the error code of the DBT protocol. If error code equals 255, it
gives an implementation specific error code. Otherwise it is reserved for further
use by CiA.

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

4.3 Node Start Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Start Remote Node' service, see /2/.

• cs: NMT command specifier

1: start

• Node-ID: the Node-ID of the NMT Slave as assigned by the NMT Master in
the Node Connect Protocol, or 0. If 0, the protocol addresses all NMT Slaves.

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NMT Protocol Specification

4.4 Node Stop Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Stop Remote Node' service, see /2/.

• cs: NMT command specifier

2: stop

• Node-ID: the Node-ID of the NMT Slave as assigned by the NMT Master in
the Node Connect Protocol, or 0. If 0, the protocol addresses all NMT Slaves.

4.5 Node Disconnect Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Disconnect Remote Node' service, see /2/.

- DS203-2 p. 8 -
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NMT Protocol Specification

• cs: NMT command specifier

3: disconnect

• Node-ID: the Node-ID of the NMT Slave as assigned by the NMT Master in
the Node Connect Protocol, or 0. If 0, the protocol addresses all NMT Slaves.

4.6 Identify Remote Nodes Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Identify Remote Nodes' service, see /2/.

• cs: NMT command specifier

6: identify

• NMT_Address_sel: selects a range of module-ID's. Byte 1 contains the lower

boundary. Byte 2 contains the upper boundary. The boundaries are included in
the range. All NMT Slaves whose NMT Address has a module-ID that lies
within this range, are requested to identify themselves, see /2/.

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

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NMT Protocol Specification

4.7 Identify Node Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Identify Node' service, see /2/.

• NOTE: there is no protocol data to allow several NMT Slaves to execute this
protocol at the same time. For this service, the NMT Slave takes the initiative.

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NMT Protocol Specification


5.1 Node Guarding Protocol

This protocol is used to detect remote errors in the network, see /2/. Each NMT Slave
uses one remote COB for the Node Guarding Protocol. This protocol implements the provider
initiated Error Control services. The state diagrams in /2/ determine when this protocol is
active or inactive.

The NMT Master polls each NMT Slave at regular time intervals. This time-interval is
called the guard time and may be different for each NMT Slave. The response of the NMT
Slave contains the state of the node object of that NMT Slave, see /2/. If this state does not
match the state of the corresponding remote node object or if no response is received by the
NMT Master, it will be indicated that a remote error has occurred through the 'Network

- DS203-2 p. 11 -
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NMT Protocol Specification

Event' service, see /2/. If the NMT Slave hasn't been polled during its life-time, it will be
indicated that a remote error has occurred through the 'Node Event' service, see /2/. The life-
time can be different for each NMT Slave. If it has been indicated that a remote error has
occurred and the errors in the guarding protocol have disappeared, it will be indicated that the
remote error has been resolved through the 'Network Event' and 'Node Event' services, see /2/.

The guard time, the life time, and the COB-ID for the Node Guarding Protocol are
negotiated between the NMT Master and each NMT Slave in the Node Connect Protocol.

• s: the state of the node object on the NMT Slave


• t: toggle bit. The value of this bit must alternate between two consecutive
responses from the NMT Slave. If it does not alter, it will be indicated that a
remote error has occurred through the 'Network Event' service, see /2/. The
value of the toggle-bit of the first reponse after the Guarding Protocol becomes
active, is 0.

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NMT Protocol Specification


6.1 Download Configuration Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Configuration Download' service, see /2/.
Configurations are downloaded as a sequence of 'Download Configuration Segment' services
preceded by an 'Initiate Configuration Download' service. The sequence can be terminated by:

• a 'Download Configuration Segment' response/confirm with the c-bit set to 1,

confirming the succesful completion of the download sequence.

• an 'Abort Configuration Transfer' request/indication indicating the unsuccesful

completion of the download sequence.

• a new 'Initiate Configuration Download' request/indication indicating the

unsuccesful completion of the download sequence and starting a new sequence.

If in the download of two consecutive segments the toggle bit does not alter, this must
be treated as if an invalid COB was received (see Annex I). If such an error is reported to the
application, the application may decide to abort the download.

- DS203-2 p. 13 -
February 1996
NMT Protocol Specification

Initiate Configuration Download Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Initiate Configuration Download' service, see

• cs: NMT command specifier

5: Transfer Configuration

• Node-ID: the Node-ID of the NMT Slave as assigned by the NMT Master in
the Node Connect Protocol.

• mc: NMT Master command

1: initiate download request

• sc: NMT Slave command

3: initiate download response

• s: size indicator
0: configuration size is not indicated
1: configuration size is indicated

• n: only valid if s = 1, otherwise reserved for further use by CiA. If valid it

contains the number of bytes to be downloaded

• X: not used, always 0

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

- DS203-2 p. 14 -
February 1996
NMT Protocol Specification

Download Configuration Segment Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Download Configuration Segment' service, see

• cs: NMT command specifier

5: Transfer Configuration

• Node-ID: the Node-ID of the NMT Slave as assigned by the NMT Master in
the Node Connect Protocol.

• mc: NMT Master command

0: download segment request

• sc: NMT Slave command

1: download segment response

• c: indicates whether there are still more segments to be downloaded.

0: more segments to be downloaded
1: no more segments to be downloaded

• seg-data: contains at most five bytes of segment data to be downloaded. Its

meaning has to be specified by the application.

• n: contains the number of bytes in seg-data that do not contain segment data.
Bytes [8-n, 7] do not contain segment data.

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NMT Protocol Specification

• t: toggle bit. This bit must alternate for each subsequent segment that is
downloaded. The first segment will have the toggle-bit set to 0. The toggle bit
will be equal for the request and the response message.

• X: not used, always 0

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

6.2 Upload Configuration Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Configuration Upload' service, see /2/.
Configurations are uploaded as a sequence of 'Upload Configuration Segment' services
preceded by an 'Initiate Configuration Upload' service. The sequence can be terminated by:

• an 'Upload Configuration Segment' response/confirm with the c-bit set to 1,

indicating the succesful completion of the upload sequence.

• an 'Abort Configuration Transfer' request/indication indicating the unsuccess ful

completion of the upload sequence.

• a new 'Initiate Configuration Upload' request/indication indicating the unsuc

cesful completion of the upload sequence and starting a new sequence.

If in the upload of two consecutive segments the toggle bit does not alter, this must be
treated as if an invalid COB was received (see Annex I). If such an error is reported to the
application, the application may decide to abort the upload.

- DS203-2 p. 16 -
February 1996
NMT Protocol Specification

Initiate Configuration Upload Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Initiate Configuration Upload' service, see /2/.

• cs: NMT command specifier

5: Transfer Configuration

• Node-ID: the Node-ID of the NMT Slave as assigned by the NMT Master in
the Node Connect Protocol.

• mc: NMT Master command

2: initiate upload request

• sc: NMT Slave command

2: initiate upload response

• s: size indicator
0: configuration size is not indicated
1: configuration size is indicated

• n: Only valid if s = 1, otherwise reserved for further use by CiA. If valid it

contains the number of bytes to be uploaded

• X: not used, always 0

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

- DS203-2 p. 17 -
February 1996
NMT Protocol Specification

Upload Configuration Segment Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Upload Configuration Segment' service, see /2/.
• cs: NMT command specifier
5: Transfer Configuration

• Node-ID: the Node-ID of the NMT Slave as assigned by the NMT Master in
the Node Connect Protocol.

• mc: NMT Master command

3: upload segment request

• sc: NMT Slave command

0: upload segment response

• c: indicates whether there are still more segments to be uploaded.

0 : more segments to be uploaded
1 : no more segments to be uploaded

• seg-data: contains at most five bytes of segment data to be uploaded. Its

meaning has to be specified by the application.

• n: contains the number of bytes in seg-data that do not contain segment data.
Bytes [8-n, 7] do not contain segment data.

• t: toggle bit. This bit must alternate for each subsequent segment that is
uploaded. The first segment will have the toggle-bit set to 0. The toggle bit will
be equal for the request and the response message.

• X: not used, always 0

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

- DS203-2 p. 18 -
February 1996
NMT Protocol Specification

6.3 Abort Configuration Transfer Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Abort Configuration Transfer' service, see /2/.
The NMT Master sends COB-ID 2026. The NMT Slave sends COB-ID 2025.

• cs: NMT command specifier

5: Transfer Configuration

• Node-ID: the Node-ID of the NMT Slave as assigned by the NMT Master in
the Node Connect Protocol.

• c: command
4: abort configuration transfer request

• f: indicates the reason for the failure.

0: unspecified error
1: application request
2: no resources
3..127: reserved for further use by CiA
128..255: implementation specific error codes

• d: only valid if f = 1 or f > 128, otherwise reserved for further use by CiA. If
valid it contains application specific information about the reason for the abort.

• X: not used, always 0

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

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February 1996
NMT Protocol Specification

6.4 Verify Configuration Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Verify Configuration' service, see /2/.

• cs: NMT command specifier

5: Transfer Configuration

• Node-ID: the Node-ID of the NMT Slave as assigned by the NMT Master in
the Node Connect Protocol.

• mc: NMT Master command

5: verify configuration

• sc: NMT Slave command

5: verify configuration

• checksum: the check-sum to be verified

• r: result
0: verification successful
1: verification failed

• f: Only valid if r = 1. If valid it indicates the reason for the failure.

0: unspecified error
1: checksum mismatch
2: no configuration present
3..127: reserved for further use by CiA
128..255: implementation specific error codes

• X: not used, always 0

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

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February 1996
NMT Protocol Specification


When implementing the NMT protocols, the following rules have to be followed to
guarantee interoperability. These rules deal with the following implementation aspects:

Invalid COB's

A COB is invalid if it has a COB-ID that is used by the NMT Protocol, but it contains
invalid parameter values according to the NMT Protocol. This can only be caused by errors in
the lower layers (see /1/) or implementation errors. Invalid COB's must be handled locally in an
implementation specific way that does not fall within the scope of the CiA Standard on the
CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications. As far as the NMT Protocol is concerned,
an invalid COB must be ignored.


Since COB's may be ignored, the response of a confirmed NMT service may never
arrive. To resolve this situation, an implementation may, after a certain amount of time,
indicate this to the service user (time-out). A time-out is not a confirm of that NMT service. A
time-out indicates that the service has not completed yet. The application must deal with this
situation. Time-out values are considered to be implementation specific and do not fall within
the scope of the CiA Standard on the CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications.
However, it is recommended that an implementation provides facilities to adjust these time-out
values to the requirements of the application.

- DS203-2 p. 21 -
CAN in Automation (CiA)
International Users and Manufacturers Group e.V.

CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications

February 1996

DBT Service Specification

February 1996
DBT Service Specification


This document contains the Distributor Service Specification. This document is part of
a set of documents that standardize the CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications.


/1/: CiA/DS201, CAN Reference Model

/2/: CiA/DS204-2, DBT Protocol Specification

/3/: CiA/DS207, Application Layer Naming Conventions

/4/: CiA/DS203-1, NMT Service Specification

/5/: CiA/DS202-1, CMS Service Specification



The essential issue in creating an open system where modules from independent
suppliers can cooperate via CAN, is how the identifiers and inhibit-times are assigned to the
COB's that a module uses. Identifiers are used by the CAN Datalink Layer and inhibit-times are
defined by the CMS service element of the CAN Application Layer, see /5/. The identifiers and
inhibit-times must be distributed in a way that:

• prevents a conflict (i.e different functions that use the same identifiers).

• prevents a mismatch (i.e different identifiers for the same COB).

• offers the system integrator control of the dynamic behaviour of the system
since the identifier and inhibit-time of a COB determines its priority respectively
its maximum access time to the CAN bus.

Three methods can be distinguished to distribute identifiers and inhibit-times to a

module (Note: it is not required that the same method is used for all modules although this
increases the probability of clashes and conflicts):

- DS204-1 p. 2 -
February 1994
DBT Service Specification
• If a standard distribution is used, the identifiers and inhibit-times are
standardized by the module suppliers and system integrators and cannot be
changed. A standard distribution requires standardizing all functions and their
corresponding identifiers and can only succeed if sufficient identifiers are
available and if the application has a limited scope (e.g one system or a specific
application type).

• If a static distribution is used, the identifiers and inhibit-times are fixed by the
module suppliers and may be changed by the system integrator through module
specific measures such as setting dip-switches, adapting firmware, etc. A static
distribution requires that the system integrator can assign all possible identifiers.

• If a dynamic distribution is used, the identifiers and inhibit-times are

distributed via the CAN network through standard services and a protocol.

The DBT is a service element of the CAN Application Layer (see /1/) that offers
dynamic distribution of identifiers and inhibit-times to the COB's that a module uses. The
dynamic distribution does not necessarily take place every time the module is 'powered on'.
Depending on the facilities of the module, distribution may only be required once e.g when the
module is installed in the network.

3.2 DBT Objects and Services

The CMS service element defines for each CMS object the COB's that must be used for
the protocols of that object. Each module in the network that acts as a Client or Server of a
CMS object must either transmit or receive these COB's and is called a user of these COB's. A
user is uniquely identified in the network via its Node-ID, see /4/.

The DBT uses four objects to model its functionality:

• the COB Database. The COB Database contains zero or more COB
Definitions. The COB Database may exist on one module only, called the DBT

• a COB Definition. A COB Definition defines all attributes of a COB. A COB

Definition is uniquely identified in the COB Database by its identifier (COB-ID).
A COB Definition is created by the DBT Master. For each user a COB
Definition contains a User Definition created by that user. A COB definition can
optionally contain Predefinitions created by the DBT Master.

• a User Definition. A User Definition defines how one module uses that COB.
A User Definition is uniquely identified in the COB Database by the name of the
COB and the Node-ID of that user (Note: different users may use different
COB names for the same COB). The syntax of COB-names and Node-ID's are
defined in /3/.

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DBT Service Specification

• a Predefinition. A Predefinition defines that all User Definitions with a certain

COB-name must use the COB-ID of the COB Definition to which it belongs. A
Predefinition is uniquely identified in the COB Database by the name of the

The contents of the COB Database can be manipulated locally by the DBT Master or
remotely (possibly via the network) by a DBT Slave. A DBT Slave communicates with the
DBT Master via the DBT Protocol as depicted in Fig. 1. Note that it is possible that a module
is a DBT Master and a DBT Slave at the same time. The DBT Protocol is specified in /2/.

Fig. 1: The DBT Model

The DBT offers the following categories of services:

• Distribution Control Services: it is the task of the DBT Master to distribute a

COB-ID and inhibit-time for a COB to all its users. The COB-ID and
inhibit-time that the DBT Master distributes is determined by the requested
values from the DBT Slave and predefined values from the DBT Master. The
DBT Master can also prevent that a value will be distributed as a COB-ID and
enforce a minimum inhibit-time for a certain COB-ID.

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DBT Service Specification
• Consistency Control Services: through these services, a DBT Slave can detect
inconsistencies in the COB Database and inconsistencies between User
Definitions created by different users.

3.3 DBT Slave Capabilities

DBT slave capabilities indicate categories of DBT functionality that may or may not be
present in the DBT Slave.The following capabilities are defined:

• Distribution capability. This capability implements the mandatory distribution

control services on a DBT Slave.

• Consistency capability. This capability implements the mandatory consistency

control services on a DBT Slave.

How to configure DBT slave capabilities on a DBT Slave does not fall within the scope
of the CiA Standard on the CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications.

3.4 DBT Slave Classes

The DBT slave class indicates the capabilities that have been configured on a DBT

• Class 0: no Distribution capability. As a consequence, consistency control, and

dynamic distribution of identifiers and inhibit-times is not possible for this

• Class 1: Distribution capability, no Consistency capability. This is a module for

which dynamic distribution of identifiers and inhibit-times is possible, but
consistency control is not possible.

• Class 2: Distribution capability, Consistency capability. This is a module for

which dynamic distribution of identifiers and inhibit-times and consistency
control is possible.

3.5 DBT Service Descriptions

The DBT services are described in a tabular form that contains the parameters of each
service primitive that is defined for that service. The primitives that are defined for a particular
service determine the service type (e.g unconfirmed, confirmed, etc.). How to interprete the
tabular form and what service types exist is defined in /1/. In the service descriptions, [a, b]
denotes the range of integers from a to b with a and b included. If a > b, the range is empty.

All services assume that no errors occur in the Data Link and Physical Layer. These
errors are resolved by the Network Management Service Element, see /1/.

- DS204-1 p. 5 -
February 1996
DBT Service Specification


All the DBT Objects, their attributes, and their relation are drawn in Fig. 2.

- COB-name
- COB-name
- COB-name

Fig. 2: The COB Database

4.1 COB Database


• state: one of the values {ENABLED, DISABLED}. This attribute indicates

whether or not the DBT Master is capable of distributing COB-ID's and
inhibit-times consistently for the COB's used by the CMS protocol.

• COB definition set: The set of all COB Definitions.

4.2 COB Definition


• COB-ID: a value in the range [1, 1760], indicating the COB-ID of the COB.

• minimum inhibit-time: a value in the range [0, 65535] indicating the minimum
value in units of 100 µsec for the inhibit-time that must be used by a user of the

- DS204-1 p. 6 -
February 1994
DBT Service Specification
• user definition set: the set of User Definitons of this COB.

• predefinition set: the set of Predefinitons of this COB.

4.3 User Definition


• Node-ID: see /4/. It identifies the user that created the User Definition.

• COB-name: see /3/. The name of the COB as used by the user that created the
User Definition.

• COB-length: a value in the range [0, 8]. The COB-length indicates the number
of data bytes of the COB as used by the user that created the User Definition.

• COB-type: one of the values {RECEIVE, TRANSMIT}. The COB-type

indicates whether the COB is received (RECEIVE) or transmitted
(TRANSMIT) by the user that created the User definition (Note: for a
Remote-COB, RECEIVE indicates transmitting the request for the COB and
receiving the data. TRANSMIT indicates that the request is received and the
data transmitted).

• COB-class: see /5/. The COB-class relates the number of users that transmit
and receive the COB as expected by the user that created the User Definition.

• actual inhibit-time: a value in the range [0, 65535]. It indicates the value of
the inhibit-time in units of 100 µsec as actually used by the user that created the
User Definition.

4.4 Predefinition


• COB-name: see /3/. All User Definitions for a COB with this COB-name must
be created in the user set of the COB Definition to which the Predefinition

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DBT Service Specification


There can be atmost one confirmed DBT service outstanding in the complete network.

5.1 Distribution Control Services

The mandatory distribution control services need to be implemented on the DBT

Master. The mandatory distribution control services need to be implemented on a DBT Slave if
and only if the Distribution capability has been configured on that DBT Slave.

Create COB Database

Parameter Request

Argument Mandatory

Through this service, the DBT Master creates a COB Database. No COB Database
may exist. After completion of the service the state of the COB Database will be ENABLED
and it will contain no COB Definitions. The service is local and mandatory.

Enable Distribution

Parameter Request

Argument Mandatory

Through this service, the DBT Master sets the state of the COB Database to
ENABLED. What conditions can cause this service to be invoked is determined by the DBT
Master. The service is local and mandatory.

Disable Distribution

Parameter Request

Argument Mandatory

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February 1994
DBT Service Specification
Through this service, the DBT Master sets the state of the COB Database to
DISABLED. What conditions can cause this service to be invoked is determined by the DBT
Master. The service is local and mandatory.

Create COB Definition

Parameter Request

Argument Mandatory
range mandatory
low COB-ID mandatory
high COB-ID mandatory
min. inhibit-time mandatory

Through this service, the DBT Master creates all COB Definitions in the COB
Database with a COB-ID in the requested range, all with the same minimum inhibit-time. The
state of the COB Database must be ENABLED. After completion of the service, the user- and
predefinition set of the created COB Definitions will be empty. The service is local and

Delete COB Definition

Parmater Request

range mandatory
low COB-ID mandatory
high COB-ID mandatory

Through this service, the DBT Master deletes all COB Definitions with a COB-ID in
the requested range. The state of the COB Database must be ENABLED. The service is local
and mandatory.

Create Predefinition

Through this service, the DBT Master creates a Predefinition with the requested
attributes in the predefinition set of the COB Definition identified by COB-ID. No
Predefinition and User Definition with the same COB-name may exist in the COB Database.
The state of the COB Database must be ENABLED. The service is local and mandatory.

- DS204-1 p. 9 -
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DBT Service Specification

Parameter Request

Argument Mandatory
COB-ID mandatory
COB-name mandatory

Delete Predefinition

Parameter Request

Argument Mandatory
COB-name mandatory

Through this service, the DBT Master deletes the Predefinition identified by COB-name
from the COB Database. A Predefinition with the requested COB-name must exist in the
predefinition set of a COB Definition in the COB Database. The state of the COB Database
must be ENABLED. The service is local and mandatory.

Create User Definition

Parameter Request/Indication Response/Confirm

Argument Mandatory
COB-name mandatory
COB-length mandatory
COB-class mandatory
COB-type mandatory
Node_ID mandatory
priority mandatory
inhibit-time mandatory

Remote Result Mandatory

success selection
COB-ID mandatory
min. inhibit-time mandatory
failure selection
reason optional

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DBT Service Specification
Through this service, a DBT Slave creates a new User Definition with the requested
attributes in the user set of one of the COB Definitions in the COB Database. If there exists an
offending COB Definition the service will fail. A COB Definition is offending if and only if the
following conditions are met:

• its user set contains a User Definition or its predefinition set contains a
Predefinition with the same COB-name

• its user set contains User Definitions with a different value for the COB-length
and/or COB-class attributes

If there exists no offending COB Definition but there exists a matching COB definition,
this definition will be selected. A COB Definition is matching if and only if at least one of the
following conditions are met:

• its predefinition set contains a Predefinition with the same COB-name

• its user set contains a User Definition with the same COB-name

If there exists no offending and no matching COB Definition, a free COB definition will
be selected according to the following rules given in order of precedence:

• a COB definition with an empty user set and an empty predefinition set whose
COB-ID corresponds to the requested priority, see the table in annex I of this

• a COB definition with an empty user set and an empty predefinition set whose
COB-ID exceeds the COB-ID's that correspond to the requested priority, see
the table in annex I of this document.

If there exists no offending, no matching, and no free COB Definition, the service will

The service is confirmed and mandatory. The state of the COB Database must be
ENABLED. The Remote Result parameter will indicate the success or failure of the selection
of a COB Definition. In case of success, the COB-ID of the selected COB Definition and its
minimum inhibit-time attribute will be confirmed. The DBT Slave must use the maximum of
the requested inhibit-time and the minimum inhibit-time attribute of the selected COB
Definition. In case of a failure optionally the reason may be confirmed.

Delete User Definition

Through this service a DBT Slave deletes all User Definitions that were created by the
user identified by Node_ID or all existing User Definitions from the COB Database. The state
of the COB Database must be ENABLED unless all existing User Definitions are to be deleted.

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DBT Service Specification

Parameter Request/Indication Response/Confirm

Argument Mandatory
scope mandatory
Node_ID selection
all selection

Remote Result Mandatory

success selection
failure selection
reason optional

The service is confirmed and mandatory. The Remote Result parameter will indicate the
success or failure of the request. In case of success, the requested User Definitions were
deleted. If all User Definitions have been deleted the state of the COB Database will be
ENABLED. In case of a failure, optionally the reason may be confirmed.

5.2 Consistency Control Services

The mandatory consistency control services need to be implemented on the DBT

Master. The mandatory consistency control services need to be implemented on a DBT Slave if
and only if the Consistency capability has been configured on that DBT Slave.

Verify COB Class

Parameter Request/Indication Response/Confirm

Argument Mandatory

Remote Result Mandatory

success selection
failure selection
COB-ID optional
reason optional

Through this service a DBT Slave requests the DBT Master to verify for each COB
Definition in the COB Database, if the number of User Definitions in its user set whose type
attribute is RECEIVE respectively TRANSMIT, matches the class attribute of that COB
Definition. The state of the COB Database must be ENABLED.

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DBT Service Specification
The service is confirmed and mandatory. The Remote Result parameter will confirm the
success or failure of the verification. In case of a failure, optionally the COB-ID of a COB
Definition for which the verification failed and optionally a reason is confirmed.

Get Checksum

Parameter Request/Indication Response/Confirm

Argument Mandatory
scope mandatory
Node_ID selection
all selection

Remote Result Mandatory

success selection
checksum mandatory
failure selection
reason optional

Through this service, a DBT slave requests the DBT Master to calculate a checksum.
The value of the checksum depends on the requested scope and equals either:

• the remainder of the whole division by 8191 of the sum of the COB-ID's of all
COB Definitions in the COB Database that have at least one User Definition

• the remainder of the whole division by 8191 of the sum of the COB-ID's of the
COB Definitions whose user set contains a User Definition created by the user
identified by Node_ID.

The service is confirmed and mandatory. The Remote Result parameter will confirm the
success or failure of the verification. In case of failure, optionally the reason is confirmed.

- DS204-1 p. 13 -
February 1996
DBT Service Specification


COB Identifier Table

The COB-ID table in Fig. 3 describes the usage of the COB identifiers by the protocols of the
CAN Application Layer for Industrial Automation.

NMT start/stop services 0

CMS objects priority 0 1-220


CMS objects priority 7 1541-1760

NMT Node Guarding Protocol 1761-2015

reserved for further use by CiA 2016-2019

LMT Services 2020

LMT Services 2021

NMT Identify Node Protocol 2022

DBT services 2023

DBT services 2024

NMT services 2025

NMT services 2026

reserved for module self-test 2027

reserved for further use by CiA 2028-2031

Fig. 3: The COB-ID Table

- DS204-1 p. 14 -
CAN in Automation (CiA)
International Users and Manufacturers Group e.V.

CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications

February 1996

DBT Protocol Specification

February 1996
DBT Protocol Specification


This document contains the protocol specification of the Distributor (DBT). DBT is
part of the CAN Application Layer. This document is part of a set of documents that
standardize the CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications.


/1/: CiA/DS201, CAN Reference Model

/2/: CiA/DS204-1, DBT Service Specification

/3/: CiA/DS207, Application Layer Naming Conventions

/4/: Robert Bosch GmbH, CAN Specification 2.0 Part B, September 1991


3.1 DBT Protocol Perspective

The Distributor (DBT) service element in the CAN Reference Model (see /1/), provides
the DBT services. The DBT Protocol is executed between the DBT Master and each of the
DBT Slaves (see /2/) to implement these services.

3.2 DBT Slave Synchronization

Since in the DBT Protocol all DBT Slaves use the same COB to send information to
the DBT Master, there must be only one DBT Slave at a time that communicates with the
DBT Master. This synchronization between the DBT Slaves is established by the NMT service
element of the CAN Application Layer, see /1/.

3.3 DBT Protocol Descriptions

A protocol description specifies the sequence of COB's and their format that are
exchanged between the DBT Master and DBT Slave for a particular DBT service.

In the description of the COB data format, bytes are numbered from 0 to and including
7. Bits within a byte are numbered from 0 to and including 7. Byte 0 is transmitted first, byte 7
is transmitted last. Within a byte, bit 0 is the least significant bit, bit 7 is the most

- DS204-2 p. 2 -
February 1996
DBT Protocol Specification

significant bit. In the protocol descriptions, [a, b] denotes the range of integers from a to b
with a and b included. If a > b, the range is empty.

The terms 'lsb' and 'msb' stand for 'least significant byte' (lsb) and 'most significant byte'
(msb) respectively and are used to define how an integer number is stored in more than one
byte for the DBT Protocol. The order of significance is from lsb to msb.

- DS204-2 p. 3 -
February 1996
DBT Protocol Specification


4.1 Create User Definition Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Create User Definition' service, see /2/.

• cs: DBT command specifier

2: COB name first part command
3: COB name last part command
4: COB attribute command

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DBT Protocol Specification

• COB-name first part: the first seven characters of the COB-name, see /3/.

• COB-name last part: the last seven characters of the COB-name, see /3/.

• min. inhibit-time: only valid if status = 0, otherwise reserved for further use by
CiA. If valid it contains the value of the minimum inhibit-time attribute of the
selected COB Definition, see /2/. If there is no COB definition in the COB
Database whose user set or predefinition set contains a User Definition
respectively a Predefinition for COB-name, its value must be 0

• act. inhibit-time: the value of the inhibit-time attribute of the User Definition, in
units of 100 usec, see /2/.

• Node-ID: the value of the Node-ID attribute of the User Definition, see /2/.

• COB-length: the value of the COB-length attribute of the User Definition, see

• COB-class: the value of the COB-class attribute of the User Definition, see /2/.

• COB-type: the value of the COB-type attribute of the User Definition, see /2/.

• req. priority: a value in the range [0, 7]. It indicates the priority of the CMS
object that uses this COB for the CMS Protocol, see /2/.

• status: indicates the succes or failure of the service.

0: service successful
1: service not successful

• error code: only valid if status = 1, otherwise reserved for further use by CiA. If
valid it indicates the reason for the failure.
0: reserved for further use by CiA
1: there are no matching, no offending and no free COB
definitions in the COB Database
2: COB Database is in the DISABLED state, see /2/
3: there exists an offending COB Definition whose predefinition-
or user set contains a definition with the same COB-name
but whose user set contains definitions with a different
COB-class, see /2/
4: there exists an offending COB Definition whose predefinition-
or user set contains a definition with the same COB-name
but whose user set contains definitions with a different
COB-length, see /2/
5: reserved for other DBT services

- DS204-2 p. 5 -
February 1996
DBT Protocol Specification

6..253: reserved for further use by CiA

254: cs not expected by DBT Protocol
255: other error occurred

• COB-ID: only valid if status = 0, otherwise reserved for further use by CiA. If
valid it contains the identifier as distributed by the DBT Master

• reserved for ext. COB-ID: reserved to contain the value of the COB-ID if
extended identifiers are used, see /4/. Its value must be 0.

• ass. priority: only valid if status = 0, otherwise reserved for further use by CiA.
If valid it contains the priority of the CMS object according to the COB-ID as
distributed by the DBT Master, see /2/.

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

4.2 Delete User Definition Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Delete User Definition' service, see /2/.

• cs: DBT command specifier

0: delete COB command

• Node-ID: the value of the Node-ID attribute of the User Definitions that must be
deleted (see /2/), or 0. If 0, all User Definitions must be deleted.

• status: indicates the success or failure of the service.

0: service successful
1: service not successful

- DS204-2 p. 6 -
February 1996
DBT Protocol Specification

• error code: only valid if status = 1, otherwise reserved for further use by CiA. If
valid it indicates the reason for the failure.
0: reserved for further use by CiA
1: reserved for other DBT services
2: COB Database is in the DISABLED state, see /2/
3..5: reserved for other DBT services
6..253: reserved for further use by CiA
254: reserved for other DBT services
255: other error occurred

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

- DS204-2 p. 7 -
February 1996
DBT Protocol Specification


5.1 Verify COB Class Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Verify COB Class' service, see /2/.

• cs: DBT command specifier

5: verfify COB class command

• status: indicates the success or failure of the service.

0: service successful
1: service not successful

• error code: Only valid if status = 1, otherwise reserved for further use by CiA. If
valid it indicates the reason for the failure.
0: reserved for further use by CiA
1: reserved for other DBT services
2: COB database is in the DISABLED state, see /2/
3..4: reserved for other DBT services
5: verification failed
6..253: reserved for further use by CiA
254: reserved for other DBT services
255: other error occurred

• COB-ID: only valid if status = 1, otherwise reserved for further use by CiA. If
valid it contains an identifier for which the verification failed.

- DS204-2 p. 8 -
February 1996
DBT Protocol Specification

• reserved for ext. COB-ID: reserved to contain the value of a COB-ID for which
the verification failed, if extended identifiers are used, see /4/. Its value must be 0.

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

5.2 Get Checksum Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Get Checksum' service, see /2/.

• cs: DBT command specifier

6: get checksum command

• Node-ID: the value of the Node-ID attribute of the User Definitions for which
the checksum must be calculated (see /2/), or 0. If 0, the checksum must be
calculated for all User Definitions.

• status: indicates the success or failure of the service.

0: service successful
1: service not successful

• error code: only valid if status = 1, otherwise reserved for further use by CiA. If
valid it indicates the reason for the failure.
0: reserved for further use by CiA
1: reserved for other DBT services
2: COB Database is in the DISABLED state, see /2/
3..5: reserved for other DBT services
6..253: reserved for further use by CiA
254: reserved for other DBT services
255: other error occurred

- DS204-2 p. 9 -
February 1996
DBT Protocol Specification

• checksum: only valid if status = 0, otherwise reserved for further use by CiA. If
valid it contains the requested checksum.

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

- DS204-2 p. 10 -
February 1996
DBT Protocol Specification


When implementing the DBT protocols, the following rules have to be followed to
guarantuee inter-operability. These rules deal with the following implementation aspects:

Invalid COB's

A COB is invalid if it has a COB-ID that is used by the DBT Protocol, but it contains
invalid parameter values according to the DBT Protocol. This can only be caused by errors in
the lower layers (see /1/) or implementation errors. Invalid COB's must be handled locally in
an implementation specific way that does not fall within the scope of the CiA Standard on the
CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications. As far as the DBT Protocol is concerned,
an invalid COB must be ignored.


Since COB's may be ignored, the response of a confirmed DBT service may never
arrive. To resolve this situation, an implementation may, after a certain amount of time,
indicate this to the service user (time-out). A time-out is not a confirm of that DBT service.
A time-out indicates that the service has not completed yet. The application must deal with this
situation. Time-out values are considered to be implementation specific and do not fall within
the scope of the CiA Standard on the CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications.
However, it is recommended that an implementation provides facilities to adjust these time-out
values to the requirements of the application.

- DS204-2 p. 11 -
CAN in Automation (CiA)
International Users and Manufacturers Group e.V.

CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications

February 1996

LMT Service Specification

February 1996
LMT Service Specification


This document contains the Layer Management Service Specification. This document is
part of a set of documents that standardize the CAN Application Layer for Industrial


/1/: CiA/DS201, CAN in the OSI Reference Model

/2/: CiA/DS205-2, LMT Protocol Specification

/3/: CiA/DS207, Application Layer Naming Conventions

/4/: CiA/DS102, Version 2.0, CAN Physical Layer for Industrial Applications


3.1 LMT Perspective

LMT is one of the application layer entities in the CAN Reference Model (see /1/).
LMT offers the possibility to inquire and change the settings of certain parameters of the local
layers on a CAN module with LMT Slave capabilities by a CAN module with LMT Master
capabilities via the CAN Network.
The following parameters can be inquired and/or changed by the use of LMT:

• NMT-address of the NMT Service Element

• bit timing parameters of the physical layer
• LMT address

By using LMT a LMT Slave can be configured for a CAN network without using any devices
like DIP-switches for setting the parameters. There are several solutions available for LMT
Slaves with and without a unique LMT-address or non-volatile storage.

- DS205-1 p. 2 -
February 1996
LMT Service Specification

3.2 LMT Objects and Attributes

LMT functionality is modelled using two objects (see figure 1). The LMT Master
object exists exactly once in a CAN network supporting LMT. The LMT Master configures
layer parameters of connected CAN modules by the use of LMT Slave objects residing on the
individual modules.
Communication between LMT Master and LMT Slaves is accomplished by the LMT protocol.

Fig. 1: The LMT Model

3.2.1 LMT Master Object

The module that configures other modules via a CAN network is called the LMT
Master. There may be only one LMT Master in a network.
The LMT Master has no attributes.

- DS205-1 p. 3 -
February 1996
LMT Service Specification

3.2.2 LMT Slave Object

The module that is configured by the LMT Master via a CAN Network is called the LMT
Slave. The number of LMT Slaves in a network is not limited.
The LMT Slave has the following attributes:

• LMT Address
The LMT address uniquely identifies a LMT Slave. The format of the LMT address is
specified in the 'Application Layer Naming Conventions' (see /3/). The LMT address of a
LMT Slave can be inquired. It is valid only for LMT Slaves of class 2.

• LMT Class
Each LMT class indicates the LMT capabilities that are available on a LMT-Slave.

Class 0: No LMT Services are implemented.

Class 1: All LMT Services with exception of Switch Mode Selective and Inquire
LMT Address, Identify Remote Slaves, Identify Slaves are implemented.
Class 2: All mandatory LMT Services are implemented.

• LMT Mode
The LMT mode distinguishes between the LMT configuration phase and the operation
phase of the module. In configuration mode all LMT services, in operation mode only
the switch mode services are available. Any module not explicitly put into configuration
mode is in operation mode.

- DS205-1 p. 4 -
February 1996
LMT Service Specification

3.3 LMT Modes and Services

LMT services can be functionally grouped in three areas:

• The switch mode services provide a way to logically connect the LMT Master and LMT
Slave(s) for configuration purposes. They change the LMT mode attribute of the LMT
Slave (see figure 2).

• The configuration services perform the actual task of configuring the layer parameters of an
LMT Slave. The configuration services are only available in configuration mode.

• The inquiry services provide a way for the LMT Master to determine layer parameters. The
inquiry services are available only in configuration mode.


Switch Mode Global Switch Mode Global Switch Mode Selective

with parameter with parameter with matching LMT-
operation_mode configuration_mode address parameter


Fig. 2: LMT modes and switching procedure

3.4 LMT Service Descriptions

The LMT services are described in a tabular form that contains the parameters of each
service primitive (see /1/).

- DS205-1 p. 5 -
February 1996
LMT Service Specification


The Switch Mode Services control the mode attribute of a LMT Slave. LMT provides
two ways to put a LMT Slave into configuration mode, Switch Mode Global and Switch Mode
Selective. Switch Mode Selective switches exactly one LMT-Slave into configuration mode.
Switch Mode Global switches all LMT Slaves into configuration mode.
Some LMT configuration and inquiry services require that only one LMT Slave is in
configuration mode. To execute these services for a class 1 LMT Slave requires that only one
LMT Slave is in the network.

Besides the LMT Switch Mode Services there may be other (local and module specific)
means to change the mode of an LMT Slave, that are not within the scope of the CiA Standard
on the CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications.

4.1 Switch Mode Global

This service is used to switch all LMT Slaves in the network between operation mode
and configuration mode.

Parameter Request/Indication

Argument Mandatory
mode mandatory
configuration_mode selection
operation_mode selection

This service is unconfirmed and mandatory for LMT class 1 and class 2 slaves.

4.2 Switch Mode Selective

This service is used to switch the class 2 LMT Slave, whose LMT address attribute
equals LMT_address, into configuration mode.

Parameter Request/Indication

Argument Mandatory
LMT_address mandatory

This service is unconfirmed and mandatory for LMT class 2 slaves.

- DS205-1 p. 6 -
February 1996
LMT Service Specification

The configuration services are available only in configuration mode. Some of the
services require that exactly one LMT Slave is in configuration mode.

5.1 Configure NMT Address

Through this service the LMT Master configures the NMT-address parameter of a
LMT Slave.

Parameter Request/Indication Response/Confirmation

Argument Mandatory
NMT-addressNMT mandatory
module_name selection
module_ID selection

Remote Result Mandatory

success selection
failure selection
reason optional

This service allows only one LMT Slave in configuration mode. This service is
confirmed and mandatory for LMT class 1 and class 2 slaves. The remote result parameter
confirms the success or failure of the service. In case of a failure optionally the reason is

5.2 Configure Bit Timing Parameters

Through the Configure Bit Timing Parameters service the LMT Master sets the new bit
timing on a LMT Slave.

Parameter Request/Indication Response/Confirmation

Argument Mandatory
table_selector mandatory
table_index mandatory

Remote Result
success Mandatory
failure selection
reason selection

- DS205-1 p. 7 -
February 1996
LMT Service Specification

By means of the table_selector the bit timing parameter table to be used is specified. In
the bit timing parameter table the bit timing parameters for different baud rates are specified.
With table_selector value ´0´ the standard CiA bit timing parameter table is referenced (see
/4/). The table_index selects the entry (baud rate) in the selected table.

This service allows only one LMT Slave in configuration mode. The service has to be
followed by an Activate Bit Timing Parameters service to activate the configured parameters.
After execution of the Configure Bit Timing Parameters service the node may not execute any
remote CAL services except the services Configure Bit Timing Parameters, Activate Bit
Timing Parameters and Switch Mode.

This service is confirmed and mandatory for LMT class 1 and class 2 slaves. The
remote result parameter confirms the success or failure of the service. In case of a failure
optionally the reason is confirmed.

5.3 Activate Bit Timing Parameters

Through the Activate Bit Timing Parameters service the LMT Master activates the bit
timing as defined by the Configure Bit Timing Parameters service.

Parameter Request/Indication

Argument Mandatory
switch_delay mandatory

The switch_delay parameter specifies the length of two delay periods of equal length,
which are necessary to avoid operating the bus with differing bit timing parameters. Each node
performs the actual switch of the bit timing parameters ´switch_delay´ milliseconds after the
reception of the command. After performing the switch, a node does not transmit any
messages before the second time ´switch_delay´ has passed.

This service is unconfirmed and mandatory for LMT class 1 and class 2 slaves.


Nodes may have different processing times for performing the Activate Bit Timing
Parameters command and messages that are transmitted before this command may still be in
the receive queue of a node. This means that a node may still transmit CAN messages with the
old bit timing during the duration of the processing delay. Therefore switch_delay has to be
longer than the longest processing time of any node in the network to avoid that a node already
switches while another node still transmits using the old bit timing parameters. After the time
specified by switch_delay has passed the first time, every node must perform the switch during

- DS205-1 p. 8 -
February 1996
LMT Service Specification

the second duration of switch_delay. Therefore after switch_delay has passed the second time,
all nodes are guaranteed to be listening with the new bit timing parameters. The diagram in
figure 3 shows the location of the two switch_delay periods.


....................... .....

Fig. 3: Definition of the two switch_delay periods

5.4 Store Configured Parameters

The Store Configured Parameters service is used to actuially store the configured
parameters into non-volatile storage.

Parameter Request/Indication Response/Confirmation

Argument Mandatory

Remote Result Mandatory

success selection
failure selection
reason optional

This service is confirmed and mandatory for LMT class 1 and class 2 slaves. The
remote result parameter confirms the success or failure of the service. In case of a failure
optionally the reason is confirmed.

- DS205-1 p. 9 -
February 1996
LMT Service Specification


The inquiry services are available only in configuration mode.

6.1 Inquire LMT Address

This service allows to determine the LMT-address parameters of a LMT Slave in

configuration mode.

Parameter Request/Indication Response/Confirmation

Argument Mandatory

Remote Result Mandatory

LMT_address selection
manufacturer name mandatory
product name mandatory
serial number mandatory
failure selection
reason optional

Exactly one LMT slave may be in configuration mode when this service is executed.
This service is confirmed and mandatory for LMT class 2 slaves. The remote result parameter
confirms the LMT address of the LMT Slave in configuration mode or the failure of the
service. In case of a failure optionally the reason is confirmed.

7. Identification Services

7.1 LMT Identify Remote Slaves

Through this service, the LMT Master requests all LMT slaves, whose LMT address
meets the LMT_Address_selection to identify themselves through the 'LMT Identify Slave'
service. LMT_Address_sel consists of a fixed manufacturer and product name and a span of
serial numbers. This service is unconfirmed and mandatory for LMT Nodes with Class 2.

Parameter Request/Indication

Argument Mandatory
LMT_Address_sel mandatory

- DS205-1 p. 10 -
February 1996
LMT Service Specification

7.2 LMT Identify Slave

Through this service, an LMT Slave indicates, that it is a Slave with an LMT address
within the LMT_Address_sel of an 'LMT Identify Remote Slave' service executed prior to this
service. The service is unconfirmed and mandatory for LMT Nodes with Class 2.

Parameter Request/Indication

Argument Mandatory

- DS205-1 p. 11 -
CAN in Automation (CiA)
International Users and Manufacturers Group e.V.

CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications

February 1996

LMT Protocol Specification

February 1996
LMT Protocol Specification


This document contains the protocol specification of the Layer Management (LMT).
LMT is part of the CAN Application Layer. This document is part of a set of documents that
standardize the CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications.


/1/: CiA/DS201, CAN in the OSI Reference Model

/2/: CiA/DS205-1, LMT Service Specification

/3/: CiA/DS207, Application Layer Naming Conventions

/4/: CiA/DS102, Version 2.0, CAN Physical Layer for Industrial Applications


3.1 LMT Protocol Perspective

The Layer Management (LMT) service element in the CAN Reference Model (see /1/)
provides the LMT services. The LMT Protocol is executed between the LMT Master and each
of the LMT Slaves (see /2/) to implement these services.

3.2 LMT Slave Synchronisation

Since in the LMT Protocol all LMT Slaves use the same COB to send information to
the LMT Master, there must be only one LMT Slave at a time that communicates with the
LMT Master. For all protocols the LMT Master takes the initiative, a LMT Slave is only
allowed to transmit within a confirmed service after it has been uniquely switched into
configuration mode. Since there can be atmost one confirmed LMT service outstanding at a
time (see /2/), the synchronisation is established.

3.3 LMT Protocol Descriptions

A protocol description specifies the sequence of COB's and their format that are
exchanged between the LMT Master and LMT Slave(s) for a particular LMT service.

LMT uses command specifiers to identify the commands. Command specifiers from 0 -
07fh are reserved for use by standard LMT services. Command specifiers from 080h - 0ffh are
free for application specific purposes and may only be used with at most one LMT Slave in
configuration mode.

- DS205-2 p. 2 -
February 1996
LMT Protocol Specification
In the description of the COB data format, bytes are numbered from zero to and
including seven. Bits within a byte are numbered from zero to and including seven. Byte zero is
transmitted first, byte seven is transmitted last. Within a byte, bit zero is the least significant bit,
bit seven is the most significant bit.

The terms 'lsb' and 'msb' stand for 'least significant byte' and 'most significant byte'
respectively and are used to define how an integer number is represented in more than one byte
for the LMT Protocol. The order of significance is increasing from lsb to msb.

- DS205-2 p. 3 -
February 1996
LMT Protocol Specification


4.1 Switch Mode Global

This protocol is used to implement the Switch Mode Global service.

• cs: LMT command specifier

04 for Switch Mode Global

• mode: The LMT mode to switch to:

0: switches to operation mode
1: switches to configuration mode

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

4.2 Switch Mode Selective

This protocol is used to implement the Switch Mode Selective service.

• cs: LMT command specifiers

01 to 03 for Switch Mode Selective
• manufacturer_name: The manufacturer name part of the LMT address, see /3/
• product_name: The product name part of the LMT address, see /3/

- DS205-2 p. 4 -
February 1996
LMT Protocol Specification

• serial_number: The serial number part of the LMT address, see /3/


5.1 Configure NMT Address Protocols

Configure Module ID Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the Configure NMT Address service for the
module-ID part of the NMT address.

• cs: LMT command specifier

17 for Configure Module ID

• MId: The new module_id to configure, see /3/

• error_code:
0: protocol successfully completed
1 ... 254: reserved for further use by CiA
255: implementation specific error occured.

• specific_error_code: If error_code equals 255, specific_error_code gives an

implementation specific error code, otherwise it is reserved for further use by

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA

Configure Module Name Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the Configure NMT Address service for the
module-name part of the NMT address.

- DS205-2 p. 5 -
February 1996
LMT Protocol Specification

• cs: LMT command specifier

18 for Configure Module Name

• module_name: the new module_name to configure, see /3/

• table_index: index for the bit timing to use.

• error_code:
0: protocol successfully completed
1 . . 254: reserved for further use by CiA
255: implementation specific error occured

• specific_error_code: If error_code equals 255, specific_error_code gives an

implementation specific error code, otherwise it is reserved for further use by

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

5.3 Configure Bit Timing Parameters Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'Configure Bit Timing Parameters' service

• cs: LMT command specifier

- DS205-2 p. 6 -
February 1996
LMT Protocol Specification
19 for Configure Bit Timing Parameters

• table_selector: selects which bit timing parameters table has to be used

0: standard CiA bit timing table (see /4/)
1..127: reserved for further use by CiA
128..255: may be used for manufacturer specific bit timings

• table_index: selects the entry (bit timeing parameters) in the selected table;
see /4/ for valid indices when using the standard CiA bit timings
(table_selector = '0')

• error_code:
0: protocol successfully completed
1: bit timing not supported
2..254: resrerved for further use by CiA
255: implementation specific error occured

• specific_error_code: if error_code equals 255, specific_error_code gives an

implementation specific error code, otherwise it is reserved for further use by

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

5.4 Activate Bit Timing Parameters Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the Activate Bit Timing Parameters service.

• cs: LMT command specifier

21 for Activate Bit Timing Parameters

• switch_delay: The duration of the two periods of time to wait until the bit
timing parameters switch is done (first period) and before transmitting any CAN
message with the new bit timing parameters after performing the switch
(second period) The time unit of switch delay is 1 ms.

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

- DS205-2 p. 7 -
February 1996
LMT Protocol Specification
5.5 Store Configuration Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the Store Configured Parameters service.

• cs: LMT command specifier

23 for Store Configuration

• error_code:
0: protocol successfully completed,
1: store configuration is not supported,
2 . . 254: reserved for further use by CiA,
255: implementation specific error occured.

• specific_error_code: If error_code equals 255, specific_error_code gives an

implementation specific error code, otherwise it is reserved for further
use by CiA.

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

- DS205-2 p. 8 -
February 1996
LMT Protocol Specification


6.1 Inquire LMT Address Protocols

These protocols are used to implement the Inquire LMT Address service. To
implement the service, each of the following three protocols has to be executed.

Inquire Manufacturer Name Protocol

• cs: LMT command specifier

36 for Inquire Manufacturer Name

• M1 - M7: The manufacturer_name (see /3/) of the selected module or error

code. If M1 is a valid <alpha-num>, the response contains the name. If M1 is
0ffh, M2 contains the error code, M3 contains the reason if valid for the error

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

Inquire Product Name Protocol

• cs: LMT command specifier

37 for Inquire Product Name

- DS205-2 p. 9 -
February 1996
LMT Protocol Specification
• P1 - P7: The product_name (see /3/) of the selected module or error code. If P1
is a valid <alpha-num>, the response contains the name. If P1 is 0ffh, P2
contains the error code, P3 contains the reason if valid for the error code.

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

Inquire Serial-Number Protocol

• cs: LMT command specifier

38 for Inquire Serial Number

• S1 - S7: The serial_number (see /3/) of the selected module or error code. If S1
contains a valid BCD-pair (see /3/), the response contains the serial number. If
S1 is 0ffh, S2 contains the error code, S3 contains the reason if valid for the
error code.

• reserved: reserved for further use by CiA.

- DS205-2 p. 10 -
February 1996
LMT Protocol Specification


7.1 LMT Identify Remote Slaves

This protocol is used to implement the 'LMT Identify Remote Slaves' service.

• cs: LMT command specifier

05 to 08 for LMT Identify Remote Slaves

• manufacturer_name: The manufacturer name part of the LMT Address

• product_name: The product name part of the LMT Address

• serial_number_low: The lower boundary of the requested serial numbers range

• serial_number_high: The higher boundary of the requested serial numbers


The boundaries are included in the interval. All LMT Slaves with matching
manufacturer name and product name whose serial numbers lie within this range, are requested
to identify themselves with the LMT Identify Slave service.

- DS205-2 p. 11 -
February 1996
LMT Protocol Specification
7.2 LMT Identify Slave Protocol

This protocol is used to implement the 'LMT Identify Slave' service.

LMT Slave LMT Master

LMT Identify Slave
COB-ID = 2020

0 1 8

cs=09 reserv e d

• cs: LMT command specifiers

09 for Identify Slave

• reserved: all bytes set to '0'

- DS205-2 p. 12 -
February 1996
LMT Protocol Specification


When implementing the LMT protocols, the following rules have to be followed to guarantee
inter-operability. The rules deal with the following implementation aspects:

Invalid COBs

A COB is invalid if it has a COB-ID that is used by the LMT Protocol, but contains invalid
parameter values according to the LMT Protocol. This can be caused by errors in the lower
layer ( see /1/ ) or implementaton errors. Invalid COBs must be handled locally in an
implementation specific way that does not fall within the scope of the CiA Standard on the
CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications. As far as the LMT Protocol is concerned,
an invalid COB must be ignored.


Since COBs may be ignored, the response of a confirmed LMT service may never arrive. To
resolve this situation, an implementation may, after a certain amount of time, indicate this to
the service user (time-out). A time-out is not a confirm of the LMT service. A time-out
indicates that the service has not completed yet. The application must deal with this situation.
Time-out values are considered to be implementation specific and do not fall within the scope
of the CiA Standard on the CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications. However, it is
recommended that an implementation provides facilities to adjust these time-out values to the
requirements of the application.

- DS205-2 p. 13 -
CAN in Automation (CiA)
International Users and Manufacturers Group e.V.

CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications

February 1996

Recommended Standard CAL Module Data Sheet

February 1996
Recommended Standard CAL Module Data Sheet


This document contains a description of a recommended standard for a CAL module

data sheet. This document is part of a set of documents that standardize the CAN Application
Layer for Industrial Applications.


/1/: CiA/DS201, CAN Reference Model

/2/: CiA/DS202-1, CMS Service Specification

/3/: CiA/DS203-1, NMT Service Specification

/4/: CiA/DS204-1, DBT Service Specification

/5/: CiA/DS205-1, LMT Service Specification

/6 /: CiA/DS207, Application Layer Naming Conventions

- DS206 p. 2 -
February 1996
Recommended Standard CAL Module Data Sheet


3.1 Perspective

The purpose of the recommended standard module data sheet is the provision of a
standard description format for the complete specification of CAL-based modules in non-
standardized-profile (proprietary) applications.

The recommended Module Data Sheet consists of three parts and shall specify the
functionality of a module as accessible from the bus. This means that not only the
communication interface has to be specified but also the application specific functionality.

3.2 General Description of a Module (Part A)

This part specifies the module type, function, identification and capability by means of
the following information:

• Module Type
Free format specification of the module type

• Module Function
Textual description of the module function

• Specification of Module Capabilities

in terms of LMT-, NMT- and DBT node class according to CAL service
specification (see /3/, /4/, /5/). Specifies the supported LMT-, NMT- and DBT

• LMT- Identification
manufacturer name, product name, serial number according to LMT naming
conventions (see /6/). Only valid if LMT class > 1

• NMT-Identification
module name, module-ID according to NMT naming conventions (see /6/).

- DS206 p. 3 -
February 1996
Recommended Standard CAL Module Data Sheet

3.3 Specification CMS Objects (Part B)

This part of the data sheet describes the supported CMS objects in terms of CMS
object attributes.

• Module relative CMS Object Number

beginning with 0

• CMS Object Name

according to CMS naming conventions;
for multiplexed Variables: Variable-Set-Name;
if the object names are given in fixed format notation then the last three digits of
the name representing the module ID must be written as ´xxx´ except when they
are set to ´000´.

• CMS Object Type

Variable or Domain or Event

• Class
Variable, Domain: basic, multiplexed;
Event: controlled, uncontrolled, stored

• Access Type
only valid for Variables (Write-only, Read-only, Read-Write)

• User Type
Client or Server

• Default Priority Group

according to CMS specification;
if the module does not provide a DBT slave but works with preset identifiers then
this column can be split into two colums to specify the assigned COBs: one
column for the transmit COB of the Client (C-Tx) and the other column for the
transmit COB of the Server (S-Tx) of the object;

• Default Inhibit Time

according to CMS specification (in units of 0.1 ms)

• MUX Value
according to CMS specification; only valid for Variables and Domains of class

• Message Component Number

specifies the component for constructed messages beginning with '0' for the first
component of the message

- DS206 p. 4 -
February 1996
Recommended Standard CAL Module Data Sheet

• Message Component Name

specifies the component name in free format

• Message Component Data Type

data type according to CMS specification of corresponding message component

• Error Data Type

data type of corresponding error message; only relevant for Variables with
confirmed data transfer (optional)

3.4 Specification of Module Functionality (Part C)

This part of the module data sheet specifies the module functionality.

• Object Number, MUX-Value, Message Component Number

for reference to sheet 2

• Meaning/Function
free format description of message components meaning or function

• Engineering Units
if relevant according to function of component

• Value Range
if relevant; e.g. valuable codes

• Default Value
initialization value

• Message Triggering Condition

specification of the component triggering condition if relevant, e.g. on-change,
on-threshold-exceeding, on error, cyclically (cycle time), etc.

• Error Coding
Specificaton of error codes, only valid for confirmed Variables

• Remarks
free format

- DS206 p. 5 -
February 1996
Recommended Standard CAL Module Data Sheet

Module Data Sheet - Part A

Module Type:

Module Function

Module Capabilities

LMT class [ ] NMT network class [ ] DBT class [ ]

NMT node class [ ]

Module Identification

Manufacturer Name
Product Name
Serial Number
Module Name
Module ID

- DS206 p. 6 -
February 1996
Recommended Standard CAL Module Data Sheet

Module Data Sheet - Part B

Module Type
Obj. Object Name Object Class Access User Default Default Mux Mess. Message Comp. Name Message Error Data
Nr. Type Type Type Priority Inhibit Value Comp. Comp. data Type
Group Time Nr. Type

- DS206 p. 7 -
February 1996
Recommended Standard CAL Module Data Sheet

Module Data Sheet - Part C

Module Type
Obj. Mux Mess. Meaning, Function Eng. Unit Value, Range Default Message Triggering Error Remarks
Nr. Value Comp. Value Condition Coding

- DS206 p.8 -
CAN in Automation (CiA)
International Users and Manufacturers Group e.V.

CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications

February 1996

Application Layer Naming Conventions

February 1996
Application Layer Naming Conventions

This document contains the naming conventions that apply to instances of the objects
that are defined by the service elements of the CAN Application Layer. This document is part
of a set of documents that standardize the CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications.


/1/: CiA/DS201, CAN Reference Model


3.1 Naming Conventions Perspective

The CAN Application Layer (see /1/) offers an open CAN network where modules
from different suppliers cooperate in a distributed application. To this purpose, the service
elements of the CAN Application Layer (see /1/) model their functionality through the use of
objects. Applications can create instances of those objects identified by a name. These names
have a network-wide scope. Applications that want to execute remote services via the network
on such an object must know its name and this name must identify the object.

3.2 Symbolic Name

A symbolic name is built according to the following syntax rules:

<symb-name> ::= { <alpha-num> | <special> }

<alpha-num> ::= 'A' | ... | 'Z' | 'a' | ... | 'z' | '_' | <num>
<num> ::= '0' | ... | '9'
<special> ::= '#'

If a symbolic name is transferred via the CAN network, each character is transferred in
one data byte of the COB as an 8-bit unsigned integer, whose value is the ASCII code of that
character. The bits in this byte are transferred most significant bit first. The character sequence
is transmitted from left to right. Symbolic names are case sensitive.

- DS207 p. 2 -
February 1996
Application Layer Naming Conventions

3.3 Byte Selector

A byte selector is a non-negative integer that can assume the following values:

<byte-selector> ::= 1 | ... | 255

If a selector is transferred via the CAN network, it is transferred in one data byte of the
COB as an 8-bit unsigned integer, whose value equals the value of the selector. The bits in this
byte are transferred most significant bit first.

3.4 BCD Number

A BCD number is built according to the following syntax rules:

<bcd-num> ::= { <bcd-pair> }

<bcd-pair> ::= <bcd-digit-1><bcd-digit-0>
<bcd-digit-1> ::= <bcd-digit>
<bcd-digit-0> ::= <bcd-digit>
<bcd-digit> ::= 0 | ... | 9

If a BCD number is transferred via the CAN network, each BCD pair is transferred in
one data byte of the COB as an 8-bit unsigned integer, whose value is defined as
16*<bcd-digit-1> + <bcd-digit-0>. The bits in this byte are transferred most significant bit first.
The sequence is transmitted from left to right. A <bcd-pair> represents the value
10*<bcd-digit-1> + <bcd-digit-0>.

- DS207 p. 3 -
February 1996
Application Layer Naming Conventions


4.1 Purpose

CMS is one of the service elements of the CAN Application Layer, see /1/. CMS
defines a number of objects and remote services on these objects. In order to implement the
remote services two (or more) peer CMS entities have to exchange information using a
protocol. Such a protocol uses COB's each with a unique COB-ID, to transfer the protocol
data. Such A COB-ID uniquely identifies the CMS object. All clients and servers of a CMS
object must use the same COB-ID for the COB's used by the protocol of that CMS object.

In the CAN Application Layer the COB-ID's of CMS objects may be distributed by the
Distributor service element (DBT, see /1/). The DBT distributes COB-ID's based on the names
of the COB's used by the protocol of that CMS object. The CMS naming conventions serve to
control the distribution of COB-ID's by the DBT.

4.2 CMS Object Name Syntax

A CMS object name is a symbolic name. The Client(s) and Server(s) of a CMS object
do not necessarily use the same name for an object. The DBT service element has the
possibility to 'link' these names to the same CMS object.

The name of a CMS object must adhere to the following syntax:

<CMS_obj_name> ::= <fix-format-name> | <free-format-name>

<fix-format-name> ::= <CMS-prof-ID> <appl-spec-name> <CMS-node-ID>
<CMS-prof-ID> ::= { <alpha-num> }3
<appl-spec-name> ::= { <alpha-num> }7
<CMS-node-ID> ::= { <num> }3
<free-format-name> ::= '#' { <alpha-num> }12

All CMS object names consist of thirteen characters. All names that start with a '#' are
free format names. Names that do not start with a '#' are names whose format is fixed by CiA.

The <CMS-prof-ID> is a sequence of three alpha-numeric characters. It indicates the

profile-ID or application type of the CMS object. Profile-ID's are assigned and registered by
the CiA. The profile-ID "000" is to be used by CMS objects that do not belong to a registered

- DS207 p. 4 -
February 1996
Application Layer Naming Conventions

The <appl-spec-name> is a sequence of seven alpha-numeric characters and can be

chosen freely by the application unless further conventions are defined for a certain profile-ID.

The <CMS-node-ID> is a sequence of three alpha-numeric characters that represents

synbolically, from left to right, the value of the Node-ID of the NMT Slave where the CMS
object is used. The Node-ID of a module is defined by the NMT Service Element, see /1/. A
<CMS-node-ID> equal to "000" may be used to generate CMS object names that are
independent from the Node-ID of the NMT Slave where they are used.

4.3 COB Name Syntax

A COB name is a symbolic name consisting of fourteen characters. The names of the
COB's that are used by a protocol of a CMS object are defined by the following rules:

• If the protocol of a CMS object requires one COB, the name of that COB is
equal to the name of that CMS object concatenated with the character 'X'.

• If the protocol of a CMS object requires two COB's, the COB transmitted from
Client to Server is equal to the name of that CMS object concatenated with the
character 'C'.

• If the protocol of a CMS object requires two COB's, the COB transmitted from
Server to Client is equal to the name of that CMS object concatenated with the
character 'S'.

<COB-name> ::= <X-COB-name> | <C-COB-name> | <S-COB-name>

<X-COB-name> ::= <CMS-name> 'X'
<C-COB-name> ::= <CMS-name> 'C'
<S-COB-name> ::= <CMS-name> 'S'

4.4 CMS Data Type Names

CMS Data Type Names are symbolic names for CMS Data Types. CMS Data Type
Names are not transferred via the CAN Network.

- DS207 p. 5 -
February 1996
Application Layer Naming Conventions


5.1 Purpose

The NMT naming conventions serve to identify the NMT objects that can be managed
via remote services on these objects.

5.2 NMT Object Name Syntax

Since there can be only one network object in a CAN network, it does not require a

An NMT Slave is identified by an NMT-Address. An NMT-Address consists either of a

module-ID or of a module-name and a module-ID. A module name is a symbolic name. A
module-ID is a selector. They adhere to the following syntax:

<NMT-Address> ::= <module-name> <module-ID>|<module-ID>

<module-name> ::= { <alpha-num> }7
<module-ID> ::= <byte-selector>

An NMT-Address can be configured on an NMT Slave by the LMT Service Element

(see /1/) or by module specific means that do not fall within the scope of the CiA Standard on
the CAN Application Layer. For an NMT-Address at least one of the following conditions
must be met:

• there is no other NMT Slave in the network with the same <module-name>

• there is no other NMT Slave in the network with the same <module-ID>

- DS207 p. 6 -
February 1996
Application Layer Naming Conventions


6.1 Purpose

The LMT naming conventions serve to identify the LMT objects that can be managed
via remote services on these objects.

6.2 LMT Object Name Syntax

A class 2 LMT Slave is identified by an LMT-Address. An LMT Address consists of a

manufacturer-name, a product-name and a serial-number. The manufacturer-name and
product name are symbolic names. The serial-number is a BCD number. They adhere to the
following syntax:

<LMT-Address> ::= <manufacturer-name> <product-name> <serial-number>

<manufacturer-name> ::= { <alpha-num> }7
<product-name> ::= { <alpha-num> }7
<serial-number> ::= { <bcd-pair> }7

A <manufacturer-name> is assigned to module suppliers by CiA. A <product-name>

and a <serial-number> are assigned by the module supplier. For LMT-Addresses the following
condition must be met:

• there exists no other class 2 LMT Slave in the world with the same

- DS207 p. 7 -

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