Art Appreciation Reviewers
Art Appreciation Reviewers
Art Appreciation Reviewers
Express freely oneself; - He believed that “ though arts can be
Socially express his need for display, celebration used to train citizens to have an ideal
and communication; and society, using arts to accomplish this
Physically express the need for utility of should be strictly controlled” .
functional objects - He also explained that the physical
world is a copy of a perfect, rational,
FUNCTIONAL VS NON-FUNCTIONAL ART eternal and changeless original which
FUNCTIONAL ART - art created for use, not necessarily he called FORMS.
everyday use, but designed to serve a purpose and with - Plato’s Ideas ofthe Arts: Artis imitation;
an aesthetic in mind. It's art that serves a function, but Artis dangerous
is designed artistically for the purpose of beauty. - THE FORMS:
- EXAMPLE: Beauty, Justice, and The
NON-FUNCTIONAL ART - art that serves no utilitarian Circle Other philosophers have called
purpose. It is in direct contrast with functional art, them Universals. Forms are perfect
which has both an aesthetic value and a utilitarian Ideals, but they are also more real than
purpose. It also encompasses paintings, sculptures and physical objects. He called them "the
all manner of fine art. Really Real"
- He was a student of Plato who
PHILOSOPHY first distinguished between
“whatis good and whatis
It is a field of discipline which has attempted to
beautiful'' .
explain almost all aspects of human existence.
- The universal elements of
It is the study of general and fundamental
beauty are manifested by order,
questions about existence, knowledge, values,
symmetry, and definiteness. As
reason, mind, and language.
exemplified in his Poetics, he
The term was probably coined by Pythagoras
stated that the physical
ART OR AESTHETICS manifestation of beauty is
affected by SIZE.
It is the study of beauty and taste, concerned
- He considered art as imitation
with the nature of art and used as a basis for
or a representation of nature
interpreting and evaluating individual works of
and his emphasis ofthe artis on
POETRY which for him is more
It is a branch of philosophy that deals with the
philosophicalthan Philosophy
nature of beauty and taste, as well as the
philosophy of art.
- Poets imitated the following
It examines subjective and sensori-emotional according to Aristotle:
values, or sometimes called judgments of - Things and events which have
sentiment and taste. been or still are;
THE ARTISTIC PHILOSOPHERS - Things which are said to be
seen and are probable
1. PLATO - Things which essentially are.
- He is a philosopher of Ancient Greece
who is known for his Dialogues together 3. IMMANUEL KANT
with Socrates. - He was a German,
- With the Republic being his work, Plato Enlightenment philosopher who
was seen as a good literary stylist and wrote a treatise on Aesthetics:
great story teller and considered the Observations on the Feelings of
arts as threatening. the Beautiful and the Sublime.
- His main interest was not on art - It refers to the theory, human application
but on BEAUTY thatit is a matter and physical expression of creativity found
of TASTE. Kant explained that in human cultures and societies through
TASTE can be both SUBJECTIVE skills and imagination in order to produce
and UNIVERSAL. objects, environments and experiences.
- For KANT, beauty is a question - Some art forms combine a visual element
of form and color is NOT with performance or artwork with the
IMPORTANT written word.
- The Kinds of Aesthetic - Major constituents of the arts include visual
Responses according to Kant arts, literature, and performing arts,
are: culinary arts
o Beauty results in - From prehistoric cave paintings to modern-
pleasure if there is day films, art serves as a vessel for
order, harmony and storytelling and conveying humankind's
symmetry; and relationship with the environment
o Beauty leads to a - Whatever form of art one may use in
response of awe that expressing oneself, what is important is that
overwhelms the his self expression and creativity are explicit.
viewers of the art - One’s self expression especially when
inclined with arts may take various forms
ARTISTS VS. ARTISANS depending on the expertise and artistic
THE ARTIST inclinations of an artist
1. Architecture
- A person engaged in an activity related to It is an art form that reflects how we present
creating art, practicing the arts, or ourselves across the earth’s landscape, and, like
demonstrating an art. other expressive mediums, it changes with
- The term is often used in the entertainment styles, technologies and cultural adaptations.
business, especially in a business context, for Architecture is considered as the most
musicians and other performers (less often for functional of all the art forms.
actors) Examples:
THE ARTISAN - The Malacanang Palace
- The Philippines’ seat of government
- A skilled craft worker who makes or creates - The Cultural Center of the Philippines
things by hand that may be functional or strictly - The center of cultural activities of the
decorative. country and Burj Khalifa
- The adjective "artisanal" is sometimes used in - The highest skyscraper in the United
describing handprocessing in what is usually Arab Emirates
viewed as an industrial process, such as in the 2. Sculpture
phrase artisanal minin It is an artistic form in which hard or plastic
materials are worked into threedimensional art
objects. The designs may be embodied in
freestanding objects, in reliefs on surfaces, or in
environments ranging from tableaux to contexts
that envelop the spectator.
An enormous variety of media may be used,
including clay, wax, stone, metal, fabric, glass,
wood, plaster, rubber, and random “found”
- The Jose Rizal Monument in Rizal Park It is a collaborative form of performing art that
- The University of the Philippines uses live performers, typically actors or
Oblation in all UP campuses around the actresses, to present the experience of a real or
Philippines imagined event before a live audience in a
- The Black Nazarene in the Minor specific place, often a stage.
Basilica of the Black Nazarene in Quiapo The specific place of the performance is also
district, Manila, Philippines named by the word "theatre" as derived from
3. Painting the Ancient Greek théatron, "a place for
It is the application of pigments to a support viewing" , itself from theáomai, "to see" , "to
surface that establishes an image, design or watch" , "to observe".
decoration. In art the term “painting” describes Examples:
both the act and the result. Most painting is - Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s
created with pigment in liquid form and applied Dream and Romeo and Juliet
with a brush. - Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables The local
As a medium, it has survived for thousands of theatrical presentations of Noli Me
years and is, along with drawing and sculpture, Tangere
one of the oldest creative media. - Chosen zarzuelas and moro-moro
Examples: performances.
- Juan Luna’s Spolarium 7. Literature
- Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci It is any body or collection of written work.
- The Fishermen by Ang Kiukok More restrictively, literature refers to writing
4. Dance considered to be an art form or any single
It is the movement of the body in a rhythmic writing deemed to have artistic or intellectual
way, usually to music and within a given space, value, and sometimes deploys language in ways
for the purpose of expressing an idea or that differ from ordinary usage.
emotion, releasing energy, or simply taking Literature may be oral or written and are also
delight in the movement itself. sometimes meant to be performed before an
The two concepts of the art of dance— dance as audience.
a powerful impulse and dance as a skillfully Examples:
choreographed art practiced largely by a - The Woman Who Had Two Navels by
professional few —are the two most important Nick Joaquin
connecting ideas running through any - Po-on by F. Sionil Jose Myths,
consideration of the subject. - Legends and Folktales by Maximo D.
Examples: Ramos
- Folk Dances - Stupid is Forever by the late Senator
- Modern Dances Miriam Defensor Santiago
5. Music
It is an art form, and cultural activity, whose THE ART FORMS
medium is sound. General definitions of music
include common elements such as pitch, It may be classified as visual arts and performing
rhythm, dynamics, and the sonic qualities of arts.
timbre and texture. Music, Dance and Theater are under the
Music is performed with a vast range of performance arts category.
instruments and vocal techniques Visual arts are those which are felt by the
Examples: senses which includes Sculpture, Painting and
- Philippine Folk Songs Architecture.
- Popular Music
6. Theater
Literature may be visual or performance --Unit II--
depending upon the manner as to how it shall
The Subject of an Artwork
be presented
The term subject in arts refers to the main
idea that is represented in the artwork. The
APPRECIATING THE ARTS subject in art is basically the essence of the
How can it be applied?
The subject matter or topic is entirely up to
1. Give a good physical description of the artwork based the artist. Art is really liberating in that
on their knowledge of art elements and materials sense.
Some artists don 't like to assign a strict
2. Analyze the artwork in terms of what the artist wants
explanation of their art so that they are not
his work to represent and the learner’s subjective
imposing on the viewers own narrative and
reaction to the works which includes their thoughts and
concept of the work
There are some symbols that are archetypal
3. Perceive the art work in the context of its history. This and commonly understood/interpreted by
would enlighten the learners of the artist’s intention in humanity in the same way. Therefore
doing the work and add to the understanding of the symbols can be very powerful when trying
meaning the work is supposed to convey to convey a specific idea.
Some artworks have subjects and some do
4. Give meaning to the artwork based on its description, not. The art pieces which use a specific
analysis and context subject is called representational art or
5. Judge the artwork as to whether it is good or bad objective art; while those that have no
based on the learner’s perception of it and its aesthetic subjects are called nonrepresentational or
and cultural value non-objective art.
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