Mathematics in The Modern World (Lesson 1.1 - 1.3)
Mathematics in The Modern World (Lesson 1.1 - 1.3)
Mathematics in The Modern World (Lesson 1.1 - 1.3)
Midterm Reviewers
o means that one shape becomes exactly like
another when you move it in some way:
turn, flip or slide.
o indicates that you can draw imaginary line Translation
across an object and the resulting parts are
mirror images of each other. o exists in patterns that we see in nature and
KINDS OF SYMMETRY in man-made objects.
1. Reflection o Translations acquire symmetries when units
2. Rotation are repeated and turn out having identical
3. Translation figures, like the bees’ honeycomb with
hexagonal tiles.
o Reflection symmetry, sometimes called line
symmetry or mirror symmetry, captures
symmetries when the left half of a pattern is
the same as the right half
Human Body
o The human body is one of the pieces of o This kind of symmetry is created when a
evidence that there is symmetry in nature. pattern is repeated until it covers a plane.
o Our body exhibits bilateral symmetry. o Beehives are made of walls with each side
o It can be divided into two identical halves. having the same size enclosed with small
hexagonal cells. Inside these cells, honey
and pollen are stored and bees are raised.
Leonardo da vinci’s vitruvian
man showing the proportions Starfish
and symmetry of the human
o have a radial fivefold symmetry. Each arm
portion of the starfish is identical to each of
the other regions
Animal Movement Flowers display figures adorned with numbers of
o The symmetry of motion is present in petals that are in the Fibonacci sequence.
animal movements. EXAMPLES
o When animals move, we can see that their Classic five-petal flowers
movements also exhibit symmetry. 1. buttercup
Sunflower 2. columbine
3. hibiscus
o One of the most interesting things about a Eight-Petal flowers
sunflower is that it contains both radial and 1. Clematis
bilateral symmetry.
2. Delphinium
o What appears to be "petals" in the outer ring
Thirteen-Petal flowers
are actually small flowers also known as ray
1. Ragwort
o These small flowers are bilaterally 2. Marigold
o On the other hand, the dark inner ring of the -Nautilus Shells with a Logarithmic Spiral Growth
sunflower is a cluster of radially symmetrical
disk florets. LESSON 1. 3 : The Fibonacci Sequence
Sequence- an ordered list of numbers called
o symmetry around a central axis, as in a terms, that may have repeated values
starfish (radial five-fold symmetry) or a tulip TYPES OF SEQUENCE
flower 1. Arithmetic sequence
o the condition of having similar parts o To determine if the series of numbers follow
regularly arranged around a central axis an arithmetic sequence,check the
common difference between two
consecutive terms.
o Snowflakes have six-fold radial symmetry. o Subtraction
o The ice crystals that make-up the
2. Geometric sequence
snowflakes are symmetrical or patterned. o To determine if the series of numbers follow
o The intricate shape of a single arm of a a geometric sequence, check the common
snowflake is very much similar to the other ratio between two consecutive terms.
arms. o also known as a geometric progression, is
a sequence of non-zero numbers where
each term after the first is found by
o Honeycombs or beehives are examples of multiplying the previous one by a fixed, non-
wallpaper symmetry. zero number called the common ratio.
o Division/Multiplication
3. Harmonic sequence LESSON 2.1 Characteristics and Conventions in
o a progression formed by taking the the Mathematical Language
reciprocals of an arithmetic progression/
Language is one of the most important thing among
the people because it has an important role in
4. Fibonacci sequence communication.
o a series of numbers governed by some According to Cambridge English Dictionary, a
unusual arithmetic rule language is a system of communication consisting
o organized in a way a number can be of sounds, words and grammar, or the system of
obtained by adding the two previous communication used by people in a particular
numbers country or type of work.
o formed by adding the preceding two
numbers, beginning with 0 and 1 A. Characteristics of Mathematical Language
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, … The language of mathematics makes it easy to
express the kinds of thoughts that mathematicians
like to express.
Xn stands for the Fibonacci number we’re looking Importance of Mathematical Language
for o Major contributor to overall comprehension
n stands for the position of the number in the o Vital for the development of Mathematics
Fibonacci sequence proficiency
o Enables both the teacher and the students
Φ stands for the value of the golden to communicate mathematical knowledge
ratio with precision
D. Expressions vs Sentences
Mathematical Sentence - is the analogue of an
English sentence; it is a correct arrangement of
mathematical symbols that states a complete
thought. It makes sense to as about the TRUTH of b) Basic Operations and Relational Symbols
a sentence: Is it true? Is it false? Is it sometimes
true/sometimes false?
Truth of Sentences
Sentences can be true or false. The notion of “truth”
(i.e., the property of being true or false) is a
fundamental importance in the mathematical
language; this will become apparent as you read
the book
Venn Diagram
2. Intersection of Sets A Venn diagram is an illustration of the
relationships between and among sets, groups
of objects that share something in common.
Usually, Venn diagrams are used to depict set
intersections (denoted by an upside-down letter A.Reflexive
U). This type of diagram is used in scientific and
engineering presentations, in theoretical A relation R on A is said to be reflexive if every
mathematics, in computer applications, and in element of A is related to itself. In notation, a R a
for all a ∈ A.
B. Symmetric
A relation R on A is symmetric if given a R b then
b R a.
C. Transitive
1. A relation from set X to Y is the set of
ordered pairs of real numbers (x, y) such that to A relation R on A is transitive if given a R b and b R
each element x of the set X there corresponds c then a R c.
at least one element of the set Y.
2. Let A and B sets. A relation R from A to B is
A relation that is reflexive, symmetric, and
a subset of A x B. Given an ordered pair (x, y)
in A x B, x is related to y by R, written x R y, if transitive is called an equivalence relation
and only if, (x, y) is in R. The set A is called the
domain of R and the set B is called its on A.
Examples of equivalence relations include:
_ The equality ("=") relation between real
numbers or sets.
The notation for a relation R may be written
_ The relation "is similar to" on the set of all
symbolically as follows:
x R y meaning (x, y) R.
_ The relation "has the same birthday as" on
The notation x R y means that x is not related to
y by R; x R y meaning (x, y) R. the set of all human beings.
Example: 1.
Given a set of an ordered pairs: FUNCTIONS - a relation in which every input
{(0, -5), (1, -4), (2, -3), (3, -2), (4, -1), (5, 0)} is paired with exactly one output.
The domain are x = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} A function from set X to Y is the set of
The co-domain are y = {-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0 ordered pairs of real numbers (x, y)
in which no two distinct ordered pairs
Charles Sanders Peirce have the same first component.
o BORN:September 10, 1839
CambridgeCambridge, Massachusetts
Function - a special type of relation where
o DIED: April 19, 1914 (aged 74)
o Milford, Pennsylvania every input has a unique output.
o American mathematician, scientist,
logician, and philosopher
o noted for his work on the logic of Function - a correspondence between two
relations and on pragmatism as a
method of research sets (called the domain and the range)
2. G ∈ Z define a * b = ab (usual
multiplication on Z)
ab ∈ Z 10(5) = 50
50 ∈ Z Binary Operation
3. G ∈ R+ defined by a * b = a + 17b
a + 17b ∈ R+
III. Binary Operation 10 + 17 (5)= 10 + 85 = 95
A binary operation on a set G, then, is simply a Binary Operation
method (or formula) by which the members of an
ordered pair from G combine to yield a new
member of G. This condition is called closure.
4. G ∈ Z+, defined * by a * b = a – b for all set
The most familiar binary operations are ordinary
addition, subtraction, and multiplication of integers. a, b ∈ Z+.
Division of integers is not a binary operation on the Solution:
integers because an integer divided by an integer
need not be an integer. If a > b = a – b > 0 ∈ Z+