Final Exam in Teaching Profession
Final Exam in Teaching Profession
Final Exam in Teaching Profession
Final Exam in Teaching Profession
50 Questions DATE :
1. In all the ASEAN member countries, which level of schooling is free and compulsory?
2. According to the Global Teacher Status Index 2018 which of the ASEAN member
countries, gives the highest teacher salary?
A Malaysia B Switzerland
C Philippines D Brunei
A Indonesia B Philippines
C Thailand D Singapore
4. According to the Global Teacher Status Index 2018, from what country have the teacher
the greatest respect from students?
C Greece D Finland
5. According to Global Teacher Status Index 2018, majority of countries people judged the
social status of teachers to be most similar to _____.
A Librarians B Engineers 1/10
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6. As a future teacher, one should bemindful that the learners in the 21st century are
characterized by _____.
7. Which of the Pillars of Learning is being describes by the phrase "unity in diversity"?
A Learning to do B Learning to be
8. The teacher who spends more than what is earned, thus becoming vulnerable to loan
sharks lacks _____.
C ecoliteracy D cyberliteracy
9. To be ready to teach in the 21st century, a teacher should develop life and career skills
which should also be nurtured among the learners. Which of these careers skills enables
a person to quickly respond to the changes in the moredern times?
10. A teacher who has earned and practices the 21st century skills can be described best as
_______. 2/10
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12. The PPST are teacher standards, which have to be mastered only by Beginning Teacher.
This statement is _____.
C doubtful D false
13. What do the CFT SEA, PQF and PPST assure the stakeholders of?
14. Which is the ultimate competency that a baccalaureate degree holder including a teacher
education graduate demonstrates?
A Application B Cooperation
C Knowledge D Independence
15. The new global landscape of the 21st century shows the following EXCEPT one. Which is
not? 3/10
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18. Which is a proof that a professional teacher demonstrate a genuine desire for CPD?
19. Which teaching methodology statement should I formulate if I cling to the progressivist
philosophy of education?
Teaching-learning is best with the full use I will make students learn by listening,
of the chalkboard. less student talk, more teacher talk.
Teaching-learning takes place only in the I will make students learn by doing, less
classroom. teacher talk, more student talk.
20. I am progressivist. For teaching in the affective domain, which will form part of my
philosophy in education?
I will not do any sort of value education I will impose objective vaues to my
considering plurastic values. students.
21. Henry Adams said" "A teacher affects eternity, no one knows where his influence stops."
What does this quotation imply? 4/10
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22. William Garr said: "People who introduce themselves with the shame remark that they
are "just teachers" give me despair in my heart." Based on this quote, how does William
Garr want teachers to behave?
23. The concept of globalization came about in recent years because the world has become
borderless primarily due to:
25. Which set of core values should a Filipino teacer possess to become a glocal teacher?
26. To ensure high standards of teacher's personal and professional development, one must
refer to the qualification standards to the PQF. What does PQF stands for?
27. Why should continuing professional development be in accordance with the PQF?
Because the PQF _______________ for each level of the Philippine educational system. 5/10
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28. It refers to legal acts, decrees, ordinances, orders, memoranda, circulars and the like that
were approved by proper authorities and have become legal bases in the conduct of
educational process, in general, and of teaching in particular, in the Philippine setting.
A Competencies B Standards
C Relevant laws
29. Which domain of PPST is addressed when learning institutions practice the concept of
peer coaching to improve and enhance teaching practice?
30. Teacher Divine works collaboratively with colleagues and readily helps fellow teachers
who are new in the teaching profession. She is very adept in problem solving and utilizes
her experiences to optimize opportunities for personal and professional growth. How do
we classify Teacher Divine?
C Proficient Teacher
31. This teacher displays skills in planning, implementing and managing learning programs.
C Beginning Teacher
32. They consistently seek professional advancement and relevance in pursuit of teaching
quality and excellence.
33. They manage learning programs and have strategies that promote learning based on the
learning needs of their students
C Beginning Teacher 6/10
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35. The National adoption of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers was issued
36. To ensure high standards of teachers’ personal and professional development, which
measure must be implemented?
I. A school head plans the professional development of his/her teachers.
II. Every teacher formulates his/her own professional development plan.
III. The implementation of what is learned in training must be monitored.
C II and III
37. For the continuing professional development seminar of the graduate in the doctorate
level to meet standards, the outcomes should be in accordance with which level in the
Philippine Qualifications Framework?
A Level 9 B Level 8
C Level 10
38. For the continuing professional development seminar of the graduate in the Masters level
to meet standards, the outcome/s should be in accordance with which level in the
Philippine Qualifications Framework?
A Level 7 B Level 6
C Level 4 7/10
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39. For the continuing professional development seminar of the Bachelor of Education
graduate to meet standards, the outcome/s should be in accordance with which level in
the Philippine Qualifications Framework?
A Level 7 B Level 8
C Level 6
40. According to the PRC Revised Guidelines For Continuing Professional Development
(Resolution No. 2013-774), every professional teacher is required proof of ___ continuing
professional development units for renewal of professional identification card every three
A 48 B 44
C 45
41. A teacher centered philosophy that adheres the belief that the basic skills of literacy
(reading and writing ) as well as subject matter knowledge should be develop in school.
A Perennialism B Progressivism
C Essentialism D Idealism
42. A philosophy that believes people are responsible for their social condition. They have
power to take control of their lives, improve human conditions.
C Progressivism D Realism
43. _____ maintain that classrooms should be oriented toward the teacher, who should serve
as an intellectual and moral role model for the students.
A Perennialist B Progressivist
C Essentialist D Existentialist
44. Asserts that knowledge can not be handed from the teacher to the student but must be
constructed by each learner through a constant flow of information.
A Scaffolding B Constructivism
C Psychology D Behaviorism 8/10
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45. Student centered classrooms; computer simulations, field trips and interactive websites
on the Internet offer realistic learning challenges.
A Essentialism B Existentialism
46. Each teacher's statement of his or her beliefs about teaching and learning.
47. Philosophy that believes that their role is to sharpen the students intellectual power and
enhance their moral qualities.
A Perennialism B Essentialism
C Progressivism D Pragmatism
48. Derived from the belief that free will is an illusion and that human beings are shaped
entirely by their environment.
A Behaviorism B Existentialism
C Psychology D Idealism
49. Which is the most widely accepted method of education, according to the pragmatists?
50. In this philosophy, the role of a teacher is to initiates the act of education and influences
the lives of his learners throughout his own life.
A Pragmatism B Behaviorism
C Existentialism
Answer Key 9/10
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1. d 2. b 3. b 4. a
5. d 6. a 7. d 8. a
49. a 50. c 10/10