Educ 102 Reviewer
Educ 102 Reviewer
Educ 102 Reviewer
THE ASEAN: ONE VISION, ONE IDENTITY, ONE Components of Teacher Preparation
1. General knowledge and understanding – this
1. Primary level is composed usually of Pre- cluster of knowledge and understanding are
primary (Play School, Pre- K, kindergarten) and embedded in the general education. (What to
the primary. Level which is composed to grade 1 know about oneself and world.)
aged 6 yrs. Old; grade 2 aged 7 yrs. Old; grade 3, 2. Pedagogy – this component provides variety
aged 8 yrs. Old; grade 4 9 yrs., grade 5 aged 10 of teaching delivery approaches beyond the
yrs. Old, and grade 6 aged 11 yrs. Old. traditional methods of teaching. (How to teach)
In the Philippines, the label primary level refers 3. Teaching practicum/experimental learning –
to elementary level. The elementary level has In this cluster, knowledge, theories, principles
two sub- levels, the primary grades which and pedagogies learned are validated in real life
include Kindergarten to Grade 4 and the situation as teachers. ( Immersion to the real
intermediate grades which include grade 5 and world of teaching/ Practicum/ teaching
grade 6. internship)
2. Secondary level follows the primary level. 4. Specialized knowledge/ Major Courses- For
Generally across the ASEAN it is composed of those who will teach the content or discipline in
Junior High School. The graduate from the the upper elementary or the secondary levels,
senior high school can proceed to college or find major content courses are learned. (What to
a job appropriate to the qualification. However, teach in specific discipline or subject area}. But
there are slight variations in some countries the most common are standards that revolve
such as lower Secondary level is three years around or anchor on the following domains:
with grade 7,8 and 9 while the upper Secondary
Level is composed of Grades 10,11 and 12. 1. Skills on the 21st century
The new educational system includes: Second class certificate has a basic qualification
of 2 years of study (62 credits units) in a
• Six years of primary education university or other post- secondary institution.
• Three years of junior school, three years While to teach in the secondary level, without a
of senior middle school. Master’s degree, the Second Class certificate
• Six years of university will be issued.
• Varieties of technical and vocational
3. United States of America - The American confines of the four walls of the classroom to
Educational System has greatly influenced the places and spaces that support learning. It is a
Philippine Educational system specifically the place where interactions of the learners among
making of the Filipino teacher. State Education one another, with the teacher and the
Agency (SEA). A teaching certificate earned in surroundings happen. It is characterized by the
one state may or may not be recognized in following:
another. This examination is the National
• Learner-centered,
Teacher Examination (NTE) or on Praxis I or
• New spaces and borderless,
Praxis II written test.
• Enhanced opportunity for creativity and
innovations, and
• Use of ICT.
• Integrated/interdisciplinary
• Demand-driven
Two thirds of the countries judged the status of • Emphasis of learning tools on how to
teachers to be most similar to social workers retrieve knowledge and;
(Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and the • Balance of scientific, technological,
Netherlands.) the second closet status was to cultural, global local concepts.
librarians ( USA, Brazil, France, Turkey) and in
New Zealand, people think that the job of The New Processes of Learning and How These
teaching is most similar to nursing. Only one will be Facilitated. With advancement in the
country (china) think of teachers as being most study of the mind and cognition, various
closely compared to doctors. processes of learning evolved with human
intervention of teachers and peers as well as
non-human intervention of artificial intelligence
(AI) of robots.
Teacher Induction Program (TIP), Teacher Ways By Which Professional Teachers Can Earn
Education Council (TEC), Private Education Units.
Assistance Council (PEAC). Philippines 1. Professional track - This includes trainings
Professional Standards for Teachers. (PPST< provided by CPD providers accredited by PRC.
2017, DepEd Order 42, s. 2017). The PPST, 2017 You can earn credit units as a participant to a
defined teacher quality in a broader perspective training approved by the CPD Council. You earn
attuned to the current demands and changes in more credit units as a participant to a training
the educational local and global landscape to approved by the CPD Council. You earn more
include the reforms if K to 12, the Outcomes- credit units if you serve as a resource speaker,
Based education of Higher Education.
trainer or demonstration teacher. You also earn for lesson study. How does Japan do lesson
credit units as panellist/reactor, study as a strategy for professional
facilitator/moderator. You earned much more if development.
you are assigned by the CPD program.
CPD in New Zealand In New Zealand, the
2. Academic track – this refers to the Ministry of Education gives funds for 20 percent
completion of a Master’s degree, completion of release time for new teachers and 10 percent
candidacy to the doctorate program, completion release time for second-year teachers Ministry
of the doctorate program, completion of a post- of Education to observe other teachers, attend
doctoral diploma, and being a recipient of a professional development activities, courses
professional chair grant, and/or fellowship and work on curriculum. Mentor teachers
grant. Take note that ONLY COMPLETION of the deliberately spend time to observe and confer
master’s degree is given full credit units of 45. with beginning teachers
Earning MA units is not given any credit unit but
completion at candidacy for the Doctorate
degree already entitles one to 45 credit units.
The master’s and doctorate degrees must have
been earned five (5) years before renewal of
professional license. 58