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GLOCAL TEACHER 4.4 Relevant skills for decent work.

Substantially increase the number of youth and

Our world has been called a “global village.”
adults who have relevant skills including
Global education embraces today’s challenges
technical and vocational skills, for employment
as national borders are opened. It paves the
decent jobs and entrepreneurs.
way for borderless education to respond to the
needs of educating children of the world they 4.5 Gender quality and inclusion. Eliminate
are entering. It offers new curricular dimensions gender disparities in education and ensure
and possibilities, current scientific and equal access to all levels of education and
technological breakthroughs for completely new vocational trainings for vulnerable, including
frontiers in education. persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples
and children in vulnerable situations.
Rolando Robertson (1992) a sociologist, in his
article “Glocalization: Time –Space and 4.6 Universal youth literacy. Ensure that all
Homogeneityheterogeneity, suggests replacing youth and substantial proportion of adults, both
the concept of globalization to glocalization with men and women achieve literacy and numeracy.
the view in mind to blur the boundaries
4.7 Education for sustainable development and
between global and local.
global citizenship. Ensure all learners acquire
UNESCO defines global education as a goal to knowledge and skills needed to promote
develop countries worldwide and is aimed at sustainable development, including among
educating all people in accordance with world others through education for sustainable
standards. Another definition is that global development and sustainable lifestyles, human
education is a curriculum that is international in rights, gender equality, promote culture of
scope which prepares today’s youth around the peace and non- violence, global citizenship and
world to function in one world environment appreciation of cultural diversity and cultures
under teachers who are intellectually, contribution to sustainable development.
professionally and humanistically prepared.
James Becker (1988) defined global education
4.1 Universal primary and secondary as an effort to help individual learners to see the
education. Ensure all girls and boys complete, world as a single and global system and to see
free, equitable and quality primary and themselves as a participant in that system.
secondary education leading to relevant and
On the other hand, glocal education is about
effective learning outcomes.
diversity, understanding the differences and
4.2 Early childhood development and universal teaching the different cultural groups in their
pre-primary education. Ensure that all boys and own context to achieve the goals of global
girls have access to quality early childhood education as presented by the United Nations.
development care and pre-primary education so
A glocal teacher is someone who thinks and act
that they are ready for primary education.
both locally and globally with worldwide
4.3 Equal access to technical/vocational and perspective, but is teaching in the communities,
higher education. Ensure equal access for all localities, towns, provinces and regions where
women and men to affordable and quality he or she is situated.
technical vocational and tertiary education
including university.
More specifically, a glocal Filipino is centeredness, respect and sensitivity for
characterized by several qualities and attributes diversity and inclusiveness;
in addition to indepth knowledge, functioning • Accountability and integrity by being a
skills and embedded values. Glocal Teachers: positive role model with strong moral
character, committed and conscientious,
• Understand how this world is
credible, honest and loyal;
• Ecological sensitivity by being resilient
• Recognize that the world has rich
and a steward of the environment for
variety of ways of life;
• Have a vision of the future and sees
• Nationalism/ Filipinism by being a
what the future would be for
responsible citizen and upholding the
himself/herself and the students;
Filipino identity amidst globalization
• Are creative and innovative;
(glocalization); and
• Understand, respect and tolerant of the
• Faith in the Divine Providence by being
diversity of cultures;
humane, just, peace- loving and
• Believe and take action for education respectful of human rights.
that will sustain the future;
• Facilitate digitally-mediated learning; 7 PHILOSOPHIES EDUCATION
possess good communication skills (for
Existentialism - Existentialism in education
Filipino teachers to be multilingual)
focuses on the individual, seeking out a
aware of international teacher
personal understanding of the world.
standards and framework; and master
the competencies of the Beginning Essentialism - Essentialism values the “essence”
Teacher in the Philippine Professional of each object. Essence refers to the attribute,
Standards for Teachers or set of attributes that make an object what it
fundamentally is, and must have.
Further, glocal teachers in addition to the above
qualities must possess the following distinct Progressivism - Progressivism holds that
characteristics and core values of Filipino education should focus on the whole child,
Teachers: (Master plan for Teacher Education, rather than on the content or the teacher. This
2017): educational philosophy stresses that students
should test ideas by active experimentation.
• cultural and historical rootedness by
building on the culture and the history Behaviorism - Behaviorism holds that behavior
of the learners and the place; is shaped deliberately by forces in the
• ability to contextualize teaching- environment and that the type of person and
learning by using local and indigenous actions desired can be the product of design.
materials, content and pedagogy
Constructivism - Constructivism claims that the
whenever appropriate;
learner actively constructs his or her own
• excellence in personal and professional
understandings of reality through interaction
competence, leadership, research,
with objects, events, and people in the
technology, innovation and creativity;
environment, and reflecting on these
• Responsiveness through social interactions. For learning to occur, an event,
involvement and service, learner- object, or experience must conflict with what
the learner already knows. Therefore, the
learner's previous experiences determine what system where the student earns a bachelor’s
can be learned. degree in teacher education, which is a
requirement to take a licensure examination to
Linguistic Philosophy - Linguistic philosophy is
become a professional teacher.
the view that philosophical problems could be
solved (or dissolved) either by reforming
language or by understanding more about the
language that we presently use.

Perennialism - Perennialism is a normative

educational philosophy according to which one
should teach the things that are of everlasting
relevance to all people everywhere and that the
emphasis should be on principles, not facts.

THE ASEAN: ONE VISION, ONE IDENTITY, ONE Components of Teacher Preparation
1. General knowledge and understanding – this
1. Primary level is composed usually of Pre- cluster of knowledge and understanding are
primary (Play School, Pre- K, kindergarten) and embedded in the general education. (What to
the primary. Level which is composed to grade 1 know about oneself and world.)
aged 6 yrs. Old; grade 2 aged 7 yrs. Old; grade 3, 2. Pedagogy – this component provides variety
aged 8 yrs. Old; grade 4 9 yrs., grade 5 aged 10 of teaching delivery approaches beyond the
yrs. Old, and grade 6 aged 11 yrs. Old. traditional methods of teaching. (How to teach)
In the Philippines, the label primary level refers 3. Teaching practicum/experimental learning –
to elementary level. The elementary level has In this cluster, knowledge, theories, principles
two sub- levels, the primary grades which and pedagogies learned are validated in real life
include Kindergarten to Grade 4 and the situation as teachers. ( Immersion to the real
intermediate grades which include grade 5 and world of teaching/ Practicum/ teaching
grade 6. internship)
2. Secondary level follows the primary level. 4. Specialized knowledge/ Major Courses- For
Generally across the ASEAN it is composed of those who will teach the content or discipline in
Junior High School. The graduate from the the upper elementary or the secondary levels,
senior high school can proceed to college or find major content courses are learned. (What to
a job appropriate to the qualification. However, teach in specific discipline or subject area}. But
there are slight variations in some countries the most common are standards that revolve
such as lower Secondary level is three years around or anchor on the following domains:
with grade 7,8 and 9 while the upper Secondary
Level is composed of Grades 10,11 and 12. 1. Skills on the 21st century

In the Philippines, the JHS is composed of Grade 2. Professionalism and accountability

7,8,9 and 10 with 11 and 12 belong to the SHS. 3. Pedagogical competence
3. Tertiary level is the college level which is 4. Teacher’s characteristics/ qualities
beyond the basic education in all the countries
in the ASEAN. It is the ladder of educational 5. Knowledge competence
The Teaching Profession Practices in the ASEAN The first category is the gongban (state-paid)
teachers who earn salary comparable with
1. Teacher’s Major Responsibilities
other state employees in state- owned
• Actual leaning –refers to the time enterprise. The second category is the minban
of engagement of the teacher with (Community-paid) teachers who are paid By
the learners. This happens within local community depending on the community
the official teaching hours. income.
• Management of learning- refers to 2. Japan - The Japanese education system is
activities that support the actual highly centralized and is administered by the
teaching. This can be beyond actual Mombusho or Ministry of education. The
teaching time like remediation or school system from kindergarten through
enhancement, homework, or co- university serves about 24 million students,
curricular activities. with about ten percent (10%) going to the
• Administrative work – refers to the university. The system gives us a mental picture
teacher’s job that includes writing of obedient, quiet school children sitting on
test items, checking and recording their desks, listening to the teacher and working
of test paper results, attending to hard to pass the various entrance examinations.
parents, making reports and other Japanese students are indisputably among the
related activities. best in the world in solving mathematical
2. Teacher Licensing and Recruitment equations. In Japan, education is free and
Philippines - Professional Regulation compulsory for children from 6 to 15 years.
Commission (PRC). Singapore - National Classes are large and teaching methods are
institute for Education (NIE). Thailand - usually lectures. Japanese students spend 243
(Khurusapha). Indonesia - Akta IV days a year in school. The Japanese educational
system is divided into five basic levels:
1. China - most populous country has over 200 Kindergarten, elementary schools (six years)
million students attending public schools taught lower secondary school (three years) upper
by over 9 million teachers. The education secondary school (three years) and university
system is highly centralized such that course (usually around four years).
syllabi are written by scientists and professors
hired by the National Educational Commission. First class certificate is issued to teach in the
The examinations are standardized for the pre-school, elementary or secondary teachers
secondary teachers by the central government, with basic qualification of having earned a
while examination for the elementary teachers Bachelor’s Degree. To teach in the upper
is responsibility of each province. In delivering secondary level, the basic qualification is a
the lessons by the teachers master’s Degree.

The new educational system includes: Second class certificate has a basic qualification
of 2 years of study (62 credits units) in a
• Six years of primary education university or other post- secondary institution.
• Three years of junior school, three years While to teach in the secondary level, without a
of senior middle school. Master’s degree, the Second Class certificate
• Six years of university will be issued.
• Varieties of technical and vocational
3. United States of America - The American confines of the four walls of the classroom to
Educational System has greatly influenced the places and spaces that support learning. It is a
Philippine Educational system specifically the place where interactions of the learners among
making of the Filipino teacher. State Education one another, with the teacher and the
Agency (SEA). A teaching certificate earned in surroundings happen. It is characterized by the
one state may or may not be recognized in following:
another. This examination is the National
• Learner-centered,
Teacher Examination (NTE) or on Praxis I or
• New spaces and borderless,
Praxis II written test.
• Enhanced opportunity for creativity and
innovations, and
• Use of ICT.

The new Learning Contents. With the new

learning environment and the explosion of
knowledge, content or subject matter of
learning has been modified. From a specific
discipline or subject area, subject matter of
learning has the following characteristics.

• Integrated/interdisciplinary
• Demand-driven
Two thirds of the countries judged the status of • Emphasis of learning tools on how to
teachers to be most similar to social workers retrieve knowledge and;
(Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and the • Balance of scientific, technological,
Netherlands.) the second closet status was to cultural, global local concepts.
librarians ( USA, Brazil, France, Turkey) and in
New Zealand, people think that the job of The New Processes of Learning and How These
teaching is most similar to nursing. Only one will be Facilitated. With advancement in the
country (china) think of teachers as being most study of the mind and cognition, various
closely compared to doctors. processes of learning evolved with human
intervention of teachers and peers as well as
non-human intervention of artificial intelligence
(AI) of robots.

The New Types of Learners – the new breed of

learner does not have age boundaries. Learners
maybe are in an informal, formal or informal

Flexibility and Adaptability Learners adapt to

various roles, responsibilities and schedules.
A.The Changing Global Landscape and the 21st Despite the complex condition, they are able to
Century skills for Teachers do the different task at one time.
The new learning environment. The idea of Initiative and self-direction A self-directed
learning environment has broadened from the learner demonstrates life and career skills. Goals
are set and managed by themselves. There is a
commitment of learning as a lifelong process.
Many of the young learners is capable of doing
things without being told. They take initiatives.
They do not need to be given detail instructions.
They plan and work out their plans.

Social and Cross-cultural skills This life and

career skills require learners to respect cultural
differences and work effectively with others, to
be open-minded to different ideas in order to
innovate and improve quality of work. If one
understands others culture, it will be easy to Learning to do. How can be knowledge and the
respect. methods be incorporated and enhanced
towards the developments of skills? To apply
Productivity and Accountability Individuals who knowledge, one must have the 21st century
process these skills are able to produce results.
skills. Qualifications now is equated to skills and
They respect teamwork and cooperation. They
not to knowledge alone. Can the knowledge
manage time very well and can do multitask.
gained be translated to application? Learning by
The most tangible proof that one has done
doing is a pragmatist’s view of life. Knowledge
something is the product or result. It can be an
acquired is nothing unless applied in daily life.
idea, or a material product. When one is tasked
to do something, that person has an 45 Learning to Be. One of the most difficult things
accountability to produce results as evidence of to do among the pillars is Learning to Be. It
a job done. implies developing the potentials of each
individual. Continuing education must improve
Leadership and Responsibilities Good leaders
self-knowledge and self-esteem. What would
use interpersonal and problem-solving skills you like to BE? Answer to this question will
with integrity and ethical behaviour to influence required self-analysis, reflection, social skills,
and guide others. Leadership and responsibility creativity and personal discovery. At this point in
are life skill that should be developed by all time, have you decided that you should really
learners and teachers. BECOME a TEACHER? Do you have now the skills
UNESCO’s Four Pillars of Learning from Delor’s that enable you become one?
Report Learning to Live together. These refers to the
Learning to Know. This implies thirst for relationship among people. It is bringing in
knowledge and acquisition of such knowledge. together a community to work harmoniously, to
More, so it is learning how to learn throughout live in peace and prosperity and to show respect
one’s life. After completing formal education, and concern to others. It also refers to
there should be a great desire to gain more interpersonal skills that will enable people to
understanding of the world and other people. live side by side with others at home, in school,
An individual who is knowledgeable is literate. in the community and the whole world.
Being literate is always related being Four essential Competencies
knowledgeable. Thus the definition of the world
literacy evolved through time. 1. Knowing and understanding what to teach.
2. Helping students to learn.
3. Engaging the community. Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

4. Becoming a better teacher everyday. 1. 1 .CONTENT KNOWLEDGE AND


Even before the enactment of this CPD Act of

2016, CPD was already alluded to in the 1987
Philippine Constitution. No less that
fundamental law of the land, Section 5
Paragraph 4, state: “The State shall enhance the
right of teachers to professional advancement”

The code of Professional Conduct for Public

School Teachers cited in Section 7 of RA 4670
The Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) states: “Responsibility is something expected of
As a part of ASEAN convergence and in the light a professional teacher. The work of the teacher
of globalization each country in the ASEAN, the in the development and guidance of the young
Philippine adopts national standards and levels is a tremendous responsibility for which he is
for outcomes in education. This is called the accountable to God, to his country, and to
Philippines Qualifications Framework (PQF) posterity. It is a trust of which every teacher
which is provided by law. (RA 10968, s. 2018). should strive to be worthy”
Base on the level of education as PQF Level 6,
the PQF describes the career path for
baccalaureate degree programs including
teacher education degrees. The PQF is legal
document that adopts national standards and
levels for outcomes education in the country.

Teacher Induction Program (TIP), Teacher Ways By Which Professional Teachers Can Earn
Education Council (TEC), Private Education Units.
Assistance Council (PEAC). Philippines 1. Professional track - This includes trainings
Professional Standards for Teachers. (PPST< provided by CPD providers accredited by PRC.
2017, DepEd Order 42, s. 2017). The PPST, 2017 You can earn credit units as a participant to a
defined teacher quality in a broader perspective training approved by the CPD Council. You earn
attuned to the current demands and changes in more credit units as a participant to a training
the educational local and global landscape to approved by the CPD Council. You earn more
include the reforms if K to 12, the Outcomes- credit units if you serve as a resource speaker,
Based education of Higher Education.
trainer or demonstration teacher. You also earn for lesson study. How does Japan do lesson
credit units as panellist/reactor, study as a strategy for professional
facilitator/moderator. You earned much more if development.
you are assigned by the CPD program.
CPD in New Zealand In New Zealand, the
2. Academic track – this refers to the Ministry of Education gives funds for 20 percent
completion of a Master’s degree, completion of release time for new teachers and 10 percent
candidacy to the doctorate program, completion release time for second-year teachers Ministry
of the doctorate program, completion of a post- of Education to observe other teachers, attend
doctoral diploma, and being a recipient of a professional development activities, courses
professional chair grant, and/or fellowship and work on curriculum. Mentor teachers
grant. Take note that ONLY COMPLETION of the deliberately spend time to observe and confer
master’s degree is given full credit units of 45. with beginning teachers
Earning MA units is not given any credit unit but
completion at candidacy for the Doctorate
degree already entitles one to 45 credit units.
The master’s and doctorate degrees must have
been earned five (5) years before renewal of
professional license. 58

3. Self-directed track – this includes trainings

offered by non-accredited CPD providers. It
refers to “learning activities such as online
training, local/international
seminars/nondegree courses,
institution/company-sponsored training
programs and the like which did not undergo
CPD accreditation but may be applied for and
awarded CPD units by the respective CPD units
by respective CPD Councils.

4. Productive Scholarship – this means that the

professional teacher has developed
program/training module, curriculum guide or
any other resource material.

CPD in Singapore - Singapore is the first country

in the world to adopt the PLC framework

CPD in Finland Teachers in Finland meet one

afternoon each week to jointly plan and develop
curriculum. They are encouraged to work
together to share materials.

CPD in Japan Lesson Study Approach to

Professional Development Japan is well known

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