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Highly flexible couplings

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Highly flexible couplings

Examples of application

Pumps Shredders

Tractors Cooling towers

Stage technology Snow groomers

Yachts Piston compressors

For continuously updated data please refer to our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 3
Highly flexible couplings

Properties of flexible jaw and pin & bush couplings


Torsionally flexible Highly flexible Torsionally flexible Torsionally flexible Torsionally flexible
jaw coupling jaw coupling jaw coupling jaw coupling pin & bush coupling
Torsionally flexible     
Highly flexible 
Damping vibrations     
Maintenance-free     
Axial plug-in     
Shear type 
Fail-safe    
Compensating for misalignment     
Variant diversity very high very high average average high

reducing torsional
extensive basic programme vibrations and compen- extensive programme, ideal
available from stock while sating for misalignment basic programme available basic programme available for customised solutions,
Special features
customised solutions can above average with com- from stock from stock for applications with high
be realized pact dimensions, extremely performance ranges
flexible for individual drives

flexible all-rounder coupling industrial gearboxes,

manifold applications, for wide applications in pump industry, chemical pumps, conveyor systems,
Applications / core industries
applicable in all industries mechanical and plant industrial gearboxes high-pressure pumps, ... industrial fans, cableways,
engineering agitators, generators, ...

allover machining, very good optionally available with allover machining, good
surface shell surface machined shell surface machined
dynamic properties corrosion protection, soft dynamic properties

Torque range TKN [Nm]

Min. 7.5 100 40 42 4,300
Max. 35,000 5,600 67,000 6,100 1,350,000
Max. circumferential speed v [m/s]
35 35 35 35
(dynamic balancing)
Steel + cast EN-GJS
60 60 60
(dynamic balancing)
Hub materials available

Steel (semi-finished product)

  
» customised solutions available

Cast iron (GJL)

   
» subject to mould
Nodular iron (GJS)
  
» subject to mould
Aluminium wrought products
(Al-H) 
» customised solutions available
Aluminium diecast (Al-D) 
Stainless steel  On request
Corrosion-protected types     
Spiders / elastomers
T-PUR®, PA, PEEK, NBR (up to size 180) NR, NBR
Material NR + EPDM NBR
Hytrel, ... T-PUR® (from size 200) NBR electrically insulating
highly flexible compounds
Degree of hardness flexible to torsionally rigid flexible flexible flexible
W, S, M
Temperature range in °C, min. / max.
-50 / +120 -40 / +90 -30 / +80 -30 / +80 -30 / +80
Temperature range in °C, min. / max.
-50 / +250 -30 / +110 -30 / +80 -30 / +80 -50 / +80

 ≈ Standard
 ≈ On request

4 For continuously updated data please refer to our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Highly flexible couplings

Properties of flexible jaw and pin & bush couplings


Torsionally flexible Highly flexible Torsionally flexible Torsionally flexible Torsionally flexible
jaw coupling jaw coupling jaw coupling jaw coupling pin & bush coupling
Design compact short short short short
Mass moment of inertia low low average high average
Shaft distance dimension low / average low low low low
Types (extract)
Elastomers can be radially disas-
sembled AFN, AH, SH, ZR, DF,
» with no need of displacing DFN, CF-H
driving/driven side
Intermediate shaft types
» bridging larger ZR, ZWN D2H, DFH – – customised
shaft distances
Standard spacers
ZS-DKM-H – AZR PKA customised
100 mm to 250 mm
Shaft-to-shaft connection Standard EH, E2H, EHP, E2HP Standard Standard Standard
Flange-to-shaft connection CF, CFN EFH, EFHP – – customised
Flange-to-flange connection
DF, DNF customised – – customised
» particularly short mounting length
» compensating for big displace- ZS-DKM-H, ZR, ZWN D2H, DFH – – –
ments, lower restoring forces
Certifications /
type examinations

ATEX     

UL-listed  

    

DNV/GL   

ABS   

Bureau Veritas   

LR   

RS CLASS   

CCS   

ClassNK  

 ≈ Standard
 ≈ On request

For continuously updated data please refer to our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 5
Highly flexible couplings

Description of product and application

The EVOLASTIC® is a highly flexible, non-slip and backlash-free shaft

and flange coupling for flexible use in a large number of main and auxiliary
drives in mechanical and plant engineering.
Subject to the elastomer element pre-stressed to pressure, the coupling
is able to reduce torsional vibrations in the drive train and absorb overload
shocks smoothly. Structure-borne noise is damped efficiently. At the same
time it offsets misalignment above average in three dimensions (axially,
radially and angularly).
The key component of this series is a vulcanised, circularly closed
elastomer element made of natural rubber (WN, SN, MN, up to 90
°C) or for higher temperatures made of synthetical EPDM material
(WE, SE, ME, up to 110 °C). The various kinds of rubber hardness cover
one application and torque range per size.
The basic variants distinguish between directly screwed types and
pluggable types. They cover all practical mounting conditions ranging from
a finished individual component through hub/hub and flange/hub appli-
cations to the driving shaft. Apart from that the product portfolio allows for
highly individual and flexible mounting options, tailor-made for the special

Technical data
Torque [Nm] 1) Dynamic torsion spring
Relative damping Perm. damping power Operating speed
Size Elastomer type 2) ψ [-] PKW [W] [rpm]
TKN TKmax TKmax1 TKW Cdyn. [Nm/rad]
30 °C 60 °C 30 °C 60 °C 30 °C 60 °C n nmax.
SN 100 200 300 40 900 720 0.80 0.64 4,500 5,000
12 MN 120 240 360 48 1,500 1,200 1.10 0.88 25 15 5,400 6,000
SN 200 400 600 80 2,000 1,600 0.80 0.64 3,780 4,200
24 MN 240 480 720 96 3,600 2,880 1.10 0.88 40 24 4,500 5,000
SN 420 840 1,260 168 6,800 5,440 0.80 0.64 3,780 4,200
48 MN 480 960 1,440 192 13,500 10,800 1.10 0.88 75 45 4,500 5,000
SN 500 1,000 1,500 200 4,600 3,680 0.80 0.64 3,240 3,600
60 MN 600 1,200 1,800 240 7,750 6,200 1.10 0.88 80 48 3,600 4,000
SN 760 1,520 2,280 304 12,500 10,000 0.90 0.72 3,600 4,000
86 MN 860 1,720 2,580 344 21,000 16,800 1.10 0.88 90 54 4,050 4,500
SN 1,100 2,200 3,300 440 8,800 7,040 0.80 0.64 2,880 3,200
125 MN 1,250 2,500 3,750 500 16,000 13,600 1.10 0.88 120 72 3,240 3,600
SN 1,700 3,400 5,100 680 29,000 23,200 0.90 0.72 3,060 3,400
200 MN 2,000 4,000 5,250 800 44,000 35,200 1.10 0.88 150 90 3,240 3,600
WN 2,400 4,800 6,100 960 38,000 30,400 0.70 0.56 2,700 3,000
280 MN 2,800 5,600 6,100 1,120 78,000 62,400 1.10 0.88 170 102 3,060 3,400
WN 3,200 6,400 9,600 1,280 48,500 38,800 0.70 0.56 2,700 3,000
360 SN 3,400 6,800 10,200 1,360 67,000 53,600 0.90 0.72 200 120 3,060 3,400
MN 3,600 7,200 10,800 1,440 115,000 92,000 1.10 0.88 3,060 3,400
WN 5,000 10,000 14,000 2,000 73,500 58,800 0.80 0.64 2,250 2,500
560 SN 5,200 10,400 14,000 2,080 105,000 84,000 1.00 0.80 240 144 2,520 2,800
MN 5,600 11,200 14,000 2,240 138,000 110,400 1.10 0.88 2,700 3,000
TKN Torque that can be constantly transmitted over the entire speed range.
TKmax Transient torque peaks (e. g. resonance passage), max. 100,000 load alternation pulsating / 50,000 load alternation vibratory
TKmax1 Torque loads rarely, max. 1,000 load alternation
For selection consider DIN 740 part II (operating factor, temperature factor), parameters for an ambient temperature of 20 °C.
Higher strength on request.


Types screwed axially

E Elastomer + set of screws
EH Elastomer + hub (drive)
E2H Elastomer + two hubs (driving and driven side)
EFH Elastomer + flange (drive) + hub (driven side)
D2H Two elastomers + intermediate shaft + two hubs
DFH Two elastomers + intermediate shaft + flange and hub

Types plugged in axially

EP Elastomer + locking pin
EHP Elastomer + hub (drive), pluggable
E2HP Elastomer + two hubs (driving and driven side), pluggable
EFHP Elastomer + flange (drive) + hub (driven side) pluggable


6 For continuously updated data please refer to our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Highly flexible couplings

Types of hubs

Other hub connections on request.

- Slotted clamping hub
- Clamping ring hub
- taper or cylindrical press fit
Type 1.0 Type 1.3 Type 3.1 - split hub
with feather keyway Profile gearing Clamping hub N with
and setscrew spline bore

Displacements / Displacement stiffness

EVOLASTIC® size 12 24 48 60 86 125 200 280 360 560

Perm. axial displacement ΔKa [mm] ±2.5 ±3.0 ±2.5 ±3.0 ±3.0 ±3.5 ±3.0 ±3.5 ±4.0 ±4.0
1,500 rpm 2 2 2 2.5 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 3 3
Perm. radial displacement ΔKr [mm]
Max. 1) 3.6 3.6 3.6 4.5 3.6 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.4 5.4
1,500 rpm 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Perm. angular displacement ΔKw [°]
Max. 1) 6.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0

With assembly for a short time resp. rarely with downtime or start-up operation as well as exceptional load conditions.

The radial and angular displacement of a coupling element refers to an operating speed of 1,500 RPM. Following the graph the per­
missible operating displacement increases with lower speed or reduces with rising speed by the factor frpm. The combination of radial
and angular displacement in an application is divided up as a percentage. The permissible displacement refers to the total of alignment
and operating displacement.

Combination of radial and angular displacement:

Axial stiffness Radial stiffness Angular stiffness
Elastomer The following is always applicable:
Size Ca [N/mm] Cr [N/mm] Cw [N/°]
hardness ΔKtotal = ΔKr + ΔKw ≤ 100 %
30 °C 60 °C 30 °C 60 °C 30 °C 60 °C
S 50 40 280 224 2.0 1.6 Example 1:
Angular displacement ΔKw %

M 70 56 400 320 3.0 2.4 ΔKr = 30%
S 70 56 400 320 4.0 3.2 ΔKw = 70%
M 100 80 550 440 5.0 4.0
S 270 216 1,000 800 10 8.0 Example 2:
48 ΔKr = 60%
M 420 336 1,500 1,200 15 12 ΔKw = 40%
S 100 80 440 352 10 8.0
M 120 96 650 520 14 11
S 390 312 1,300 1,040 24 19
M 490 392 1,625 1,300 30 24
S 150 120 650 520 15 12
M 200 160 920 736 22 18
S 420 336 1,700 1,360 45 36
M 525 420 2,125 1,700 56 45
W 460 368 1,150 920 58 46
M 800 640 2,800 2,240 95 76 Radial displacement ΔKr %
W 450 360 1,800 1,440 66 53
360 S 550 440 2,200 1,760 80 64
M 710 568 2,500 2,000 100 80
W 380 304 1,950 1,560 95 76
560 S 480 384 2,500 2,000 120 96
M 620 496 3,000 2,400 150 120
Factor frpm

Operating speed [rpm]

For continuously updated data please refer to our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 7
Highly flexible couplings

Individual element - available in various kinds of Shore hardness

For legend of pictogram please refer to flapper on the cover


Z = number

Z = number

Mass moment
Dimensions [mm] of inertia Weight
Size [kgm2] 1) [kg] 1)
DH DI B1 B2 E D4 Z x Pitch A LM LB1 DB A1 A2 LB2 JA JL
12 122 60 32 28 4 100 3 x 120° 12 10 4 4 10 14 - 0.0005 0.0005 0.50
24 150 70 42 36 6 125 3 x 120° 18 12 4 5 13.5 18 5 0.0010 0.0010 0.93
48 170 85 46 40 6 140 4 x 90° 18 14 5 5 14 20 5 0.0040 0.0030 1.55
60 200 100 58 50 8 165 3 x 120° 20 16 5 5 18 25 5 0.0070 0.0070 2.28
86 200 100 58 50 8 165 4 x 90° 20 16 5 5 18 25 5 0.0090 0.0080 2.76
125 260 125 70 63 7 215 3 x 120° 25 20 5 8 22.5 31.5 5 0.0240 0.0220 4.74
200 260 125 70 63 7 215 4 x 90° 25 20 5 8 22.5 31.5 5 0.0300 0.0280 5.79
280 300 145 80 72 8 250 4 x 90° 25 20 5 8 22.5 36 5 0.0550 0.0500 7.89
360 340 160 85 78 7 280 4 x 90° 30 20 6 10 - 2 x 23 - 0.0960 0.0950 11.50
560 363 170 105 95 10 300 4 x 90° 40 24 6 10 - 2 x 28.5 - 0.1510 0.1450 15.38

With max. bore

Delivery condition: Tightening

Cap screw DIN EN ISO 4762
EVOLASTIC® couplings type E are supplied with a mounting kit - 12.9
Size TA
consisting of cap screws, screw locking washers and positioning
M1 / axial M2 / radial [Nm]
sleeves. With the connection design make sure sufficient screw-in
12 M10 x 30 M10 x 30 71
depth. 24 M12 x 35 M12 x 35 123
48 M14 x 40 M14 x 40 195
60 M16 x 50 M16 x 50 302
86 M16 x 50 M16 x 50 302
125 M20 x 65 M20 x 65 592
200 M20 x 65 M20 x 65 592
280 M20 x 65 M20 x 65 592
360 M20 x 80 M20 x 80 592
560 M20 x 90 M24 x 90 592 / 1,017

example: Coupling size Type Elastomer hardness

Highly flexible couplings

Individual element + shaft connection

For legend of pictogram please refer to flapper on the cover


Z = number
Z = number

Mass moment
Dimensions [mm] of inertia Weight
Size [kgm2] 1) [kg] 1)
DH D 1) DN B1 B2 E L L1 D4 Z x Pitch M1 A LM LB1 DB JA JL
12 122 38 60 32 28 4 46 42 100 3 x 120° M10 12 10 4 4 0.0006 0.0009 1.04
24 150 48 70 42 36 6 56 50 125 3 x 120° M12 18 12 4 5 0.0020 0.0020 1.70
48 170 55 85 46 40 6 61 55 140 4 x 90° M14 18 14 5 5 0.0040 0.0050 2.90
60 200 65 100 58 50 8 74 66 165 3 x 120° M16 20 16 5 5 0.0070 0.0110 4.55
86 200 65 100 58 50 8 74 66 165 4 x 90° M16 20 16 5 5 0.0090 0.0120 5.03
125 257 85 125 70 63 8 88 80 215 3 x 120° M20 25 20 5 8 0.0240 0.0340 8.77
200 257 85 125 70 63 8 88 80 215 4 x 90° M20 25 20 5 8 0.0300 0.0400 9.80
280 299 105 145 80 72 8 102 94 250 4 x 90° M20 25 20 5 8 0.0560 0.0730 13.54
360 340 115 160 85 78 8 108 100 280 4 x 90° M20 30 20 6 10 0.0960 0.1320 18.85
560 363 120 170 105 95 10 135 125 300 4 x 90° M24 40 24 6 10 0.1530 0.2080 26.34

With max. bore

EVOLASTIC® 48 EH S 1.0 Ø52

example: Coupling size Type Elastomer hardness Hub type Finish bore

Highly flexible couplings

Shaft-to-shaft connection

For legend of pictogram please refer to flapper on the cover




Mass moment
Dimensions [mm] of inertia Weight
Size [kgm2] 1) [kg] 1)
DH D 1) DN D1 1) DN1 B1 B2 E N L L1 L2 M1 JA JL
12 122 38 60 55 80 32 28 4 32 88 42 42 M10 0.0030 0.0010 2.38
24 150 48 70 70 100 42 36 6 38 106 50 50 M12 0.0080 0.0020 4.16
48 170 55 85 85 115 46 40 6 41 116 55 55 M14 0.0160 0.0050 6.21
60 200 65 100 100 140 58 50 8 50 140 66 66 M16 0.0360 0.0110 10.39
86 200 65 100 100 140 58 50 8 50 140 66 66 M16 0.0370 0.0120 10.83
125 260 85 125 110 160 70 63 8 60 168 80 80 M20 0.1110 0.0340 20.17
200 260 85 125 110 160 70 63 8 60 168 80 80 M20 0.1160 0.0400 21.15
280 300 105 145 110 160 80 72 8 70 192 94 90 M20 0.1960 0.0730 28.30
360 340 115 160 130 195 85 78 8 80 208 100 100 M20 0.3540 0.1320 40.66
560 370 120 170 140 200 105 95 10 100 260 125 125 M24 0.5890 0.2080 56.56
With max. bore

EVOLASTIC® 48 E2H S 1.0 Ø52 1.0 Ø52

example: Coupling Elastomer
Type Hub type Finish bore Hub type Finish bore
size hardness

Highly flexible couplings

Flange-to-shaft connection

For legend of pictogram please refer to flapper on the cover


Z = number

Z = number

Flange dimensions
according to SAE J620 [mm]
Size DA D4 Z DL
6 1/₂" 215.90 200.02 6 9
7 1/₂" 241.30 222.25 8 9
8" 263.52 244.47 6 11
10" 314.32 295.27 8 11
11 1/₂" 352.42 333.37 8 11
14" 466.72 438.15 8 13


Flange connection Mass moment of inertia
Dimensions [mm] Weight
Size acc. to SAE - J620 [kgm2] 1)
[kg] 1)
6.5" 7.5" 8" 10" 11.5" 14" DH D 1) DN B1 B2 E L L1 L4 L5 L7 M1 D5 JA JL
 180 0.013 0.001 3.26
12 122 38 60 32 28 4 56 42 52 4 6 M10
 190 0.020 0.001 3.78
 180 0.016 0.002 4.20
24 150 48 70 42 36 6 68 50 62 6 6 M12
 190 0.023 0.002 4.77
 190 0.026 0.005 6.03
67 8 6
48  170 55 85 46 40 6 75 55 M14 200 0.034 0.005 6.62
 71 4 10 260 0.091 0.005 9.91
 270 0.103 0.011 12.07
60 200 65 100 58 50 8 90 66 84 6 10 M16
 310 0.165 0.011 14.49
 270 0.105 0.012 12.52
86 200 65 100 58 50 8 90 66 84 6 10 M16
 360 0.166 0.012 14.94
 270 0.129 0.034 16.72
125 260 85 125 70 63 8 107 80 98 9 10 M16
 310 0.199 0.034 19.57
 270 0.135 0.039 17.64
200  260 85 125 70 63 8 107 80 98 9 10 M20 310 0.205 0.039 20.50
 405 0.572 0.039 30.01
 310 0.226 0.072 23.54
280 300 105 145 80 72 8 121 94 112 9 10 M20
 405 0.593 0.072 33.05
360  340 115 160 85 78 8 127 100 118 9 10 M20 405 0.628 0.130 37.55
560  363 120 170 105 95 10 160 125 145 15 25 M24 405 0.794 0.203 49.06

With max. bore

EVOLASTIC® 48 EFH S 8 1.0 Ø52

example: Elastomer Flange ØDA acc.
Coupling size Type Hub type Finish bore
hardness to SAE or special

Highly flexible couplings

Pluggable elastomer - available in various kinds of Shore hardness

For legend of pictogram please refer to flapper on the cover


Z = number

Mass moment of inertia
Dimensions [mm] Weight
Size [kgm2] 1)
[kg] 1)
DH DI B1 B2 E D4 Z x Pitch LM DB A1 A2 LB2 JA JL
12 122 60 32 28 4 100 3 x 120° 10 4 10 14 - 0.001 0.001 0.55
24 150 70 42 36 6 125 3 x 120° 12 5 13.5 18 5 0.002 0.001 1.03
48 170 85 46 40 6 140 4 x 90° 14 5 14 20 5 0.005 0.003 1.74
60 200 100 58 50 8 165 3 x 120° 16 5 18 25 5 0.009 0.007 1.52
86 200 100 58 50 8 165 4 x 90° 16 5 18 25 5 0.010 0.008 3.08
125 260 125 70 63 7 215 3 x 120° 20 8 22.5 31.5 5 0.028 0.022 5.16
200 260 125 70 63 7 215 4 x 90° 20 8 22.5 31.5 5 0.036 0.028 6.35
360 On request

With max. bore

Delivery condition: Cap screw radial

EVOLASTIC® couplings type EP are supplied with a mounting kit Size
DIN EN ISO 4762 - 12.9

consisting of cap screws, screw locking washers, locking pins and M1 / axial
Tightening torque
M2 / radial SW
Tightening torque
[Nm] [Nm]
positioning sleeves. With the connection design make sure sufficient 12 M10 71 M10 x 30 8 71
screw-in depth. For the locking pin provide for an adhesive 24 M12 123 M12 x 35 10 123
(e. g. Loctite® 243). 48 M14 195 M14 x 40 12 195
60 M16 302 M16 x 50 14 302
86 M16 302 M16 x 50 14 302
125 M20 592 M20 x 65 17 592
200 M20 592 M20 x 65 17 592

example: Coupling size Type Elastomer hardness

Highly flexible couplings

Pluggable elastomer + shaft connection

For legend of pictogram please refer to flapper on the cover


Z = number


Mass moment
Dimensions [mm] of inertia Weight
Size [kgm2] 1) [kg] 1)
DH DN D B1 B2 E L L1 LM LB DB D4 Z x Pitch M1 SW JA JL
12 122 60 38 32 28 4 46 42 10 4 4 100 3 x 120° M10 8 0.001 0.001 1.09
24 150 70 48 42 36 6 56 50 12 4 5 125 3 x 120° M12 10 0.002 0.002 1.80
48 170 85 55 46 40 6 61 55 14 5 5 140 4 x 90° M14 12 0.004 0.005 3.07
60 200 100 65 58 50 8 74 66 16 5 5 165 3 x 120° M16 14 0.009 0.010 4.79
86 200 100 65 58 50 8 74 66 16 5 5 165 4 x 90° M16 14 0.010 0.012 5.32
125 260 125 85 70 63 8 88 80 20 5 8 215 3 x 120° M20 17 0.028 0.024 9.15
200 260 125 85 70 63 8 88 80 20 5 8 215 4 x 90° M20 17 0.036 0.039 10.30
360 On request
With max. bore


example: Coupling size Type Elastomer hardness Hub type Finish bore

Highly flexible couplings

Shaft-to-shaft connection, plug-in

For legend of pictogram please refer to flapper on the cover




Mass moment of inertia
Dimensions [mm] Weight
Size [kgm2] 1)
[kg] 1)
DH DN D DN1 D1 B1 B2 E N L L1 L2 M1 SW JA JL
12 122 60 38 80 55 32 28 4 32 88 42 42 M10 8 0.003 0.001 2.44
24 150 70 48 100 70 42 36 6 38 106 50 50 M12 10 0.009 0.002 4.26
48 170 85 55 115 85 46 40 6 41 116 55 55 M14 12 0.016 0.005 6.41
60 200 100 65 140 100 58 50 8 50 140 66 66 M16 14 0.038 0.010 10.62
86 200 100 65 140 100 58 50 8 50 140 66 66 M16 14 0.039 0.012 11.13
125 260 125 85 160 110 70 63 8 60 168 80 80 M20 17 0.115 0.034 20.55
200 260 125 85 160 110 70 63 8 60 168 80 80 M20 17 0.123 0.039 21.65
360 On request

With max. bore

EVOLASTIC® 48 E2HP S 1.0 Ø52 1.0 Ø52

example: Coupling Elastomer
Type Hub type Finish bore Hub type Finish bore
size hardness

Highly flexible couplings

Flange-to-shaft connection, pluggable

For legend of pictogram please refer to flapper on the cover


Z = number

Flange dimensions
according to SAE J620 [mm]
Size DA D4 Z DL
6 1/₂" 215.90 200.02 6 9
7 1/₂" 241.30 222.25 8 9
8" 263.52 244.47 6 11
10" 314.32 295.27 8 11
11 1/₂" 352.42 333.37 8 11
14" 466.72 438.15 8 13


Flange connection Mass moment of inertia
Dimensions [mm] Weight
Size acc. to SAE - J620 [kgm2] 1)
[kg] 1)
6.5" 7.5" 8" 10" 11.5" 14" D5 DH DN D B1 B2 L5 L7 E L4 L L1 M1 SW JA JL
 180 0.014 0.001 3.33
12 122 60 38 32 28 4 6 4 52 56 42 M10 8
 190 0.020 0.001 3.84
 180 0.016 0.002 4.30
24 150 70 48 42 36 6 6 6 62 68 50 M12 10
 190 0.229 0.002 4.86
 190 0.027 0.005 6.20
8 6 67 75
48  200 170 85 55 46 40 6 55 M14 12 0.035 0.005 6.80
 260 4 10 71 75 0.091 0.005 10.09
 270 0.105 0.011 12.30
60 200 100 65 58 50 6 10 8 84 90 66 M16 14
 310 0.166 0.011 14.73
 270 0.107 0.012 12.82
86 200 100 65 58 50 6 10 8 84 90 66 M16 14
 310 0.168 0.012 15.24
 270 0.134 0.034 17.10
125 260 125 85 70 63 9 10 8 98 107 80 M20 17
 310 0.204 0.034 19.95
 270 0.141 0.039 18.20
200  310 260 125 85 70 63 9 10 8 98 107 80 M20 17 0.212 0.039 21.06
 405 0.578 0.039 30.57
360 On request

With max. bore

EVOLASTIC® 48 EFHP S 8 67 1.0 Ø55

example: Coupling Elastomer Flange ØDA acc. Mounting length
Type Hub type Finish bore
size hardness to SAE or special LC1

Highly flexible couplings

Double-cardanic shaft-to-shaft connection

For legend of pictogram please refer to flapper on the cover




Mass moment of inertia
Dimensions [mm]
Size [kgm2] 1)
DH DN1 D1 DR B1 B2 E L2 N M1 JA JL
12 122 80 55 60 32 28 4 42 32 M10 0.0030 0.0030
24 150 100 70 70 42 36 6 50 38 M12 0.0080 0.0080
48 170 115 85 85 46 40 6 55 41 M14 0.0160 0.0160
60 200 140 100 100 58 50 8 66 50 M16 0.0360 0.0360
86 200 140 100 100 58 50 8 66 50 M16 0.0370 0.0370
125 260 160 110 125 70 63 8 80 60 M20 0.1110 0.1110
200 260 160 110 125 70 63 8 80 60 M20 0.1160 0.1160
280 300 160 110 145 80 72 8 94 70 M20 0.1960 0.1960
360 340 195 130 160 85 78 8 100 80 M20 0.3540 0.3540
560 370 200 140 170 105 95 10 125 100 M24 0.5890 0.5890

Dimension L and E1 as well as mass moment of inertia of intermediate shaft and total weight depend on the mounting length
With max. bore

EVOLASTIC® 48 D2H 140 S 1.0 Ø52 1.0 Ø52

example: Coupling Shaft distance Elastomer hard-
Type Hub type Finish bore Hub type Finish bore
size DBSE ness

Highly flexible couplings

Double-cardanic flange-to-shaft connection

For legend of pictogram please refer to flapper on the cover


Z = number

Z = number

Flange dimensions
according to SAE J620 [mm]
Size DA D4 Z DL
6 1/₂" 215.90 200.02 6 9
7 1/₂" 241.30 222.25 8 9
8" 263.52 244.47 6 11
10" 314.32 295.27 8 11
11 1/₂" 352.42 333.37 8 11
14" 466.72 438.15 8 13


Flange connection Mass moment of inertia
Dimensions [mm]
Size acc. to SAE - J620 [kgm2] 1)
6.5" 7.5" 8" 10" 11.5" 14" D5 DH DN1 D1 DR B1 B2 E L5 L7 L2 N M JA JL
 180 0.013
12 122 80 55 60 32 28 4 4 6 42 32 M10 0.003
 190 0.020
 180 0.016
24 150 100 70 70 42 36 6 6 6 50 38 M12 0.008
 190 0.023
 190 0.026
8 6
48  200 170 115 85 85 46 40 6 55 41 M14 0.034 0.016
 260 4 10 0.091
 270 0.103
60 200 140 100 100 58 50 8 6 10 66 50 M16 0.036
 310 0.165
 270 0.105
86 200 140 100 100 58 50 8 6 10 66 50 M16 0.037
 310 0.166
 270 0.129
125 260 160 110 125 70 63 8 9 10 80 60 M20 0.111
 310 0.199
 270 0.135
200  310 260 160 110 125 70 63 8 9 10 80 60 M20 0.205 0.116
 405 0.572
 310 0.226
280 300 160 110 145 80 72 8 9 10 94 70 M20 0.196
 405 0.593
360  405 340 195 130 160 85 78 8 9 10 100 80 M20 0.628 0.354
560  405 370 200 140 170 105 95 10 15 25 125 100 M24 0.794 0.589

Dimension L and E1 as well as mass moment of inertia of intermediate shaft and total weight depend on the mounting length
With max. bore

EVOLASTIC® 48 DFH 140 S 8 1.0 Ø52

example: Coupling Shaft distance Elastomer Flange ØDA acc.
Type Hub type Finish bore
size DBSE hardness to SAE or special

KTR Germany:

Headquarters: Schleswig-Holstein, Nord-Niedersachsen, Berlin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

KTR Systems GmbH Hamburg, Bremen Südost, Sachsen-Anhalt, Brandenburg
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 25 Martin Lau, Maschinenbautechniker Thüringen Nord, Sachsen
D-48432 Rheine KTR Ingenieurbüro Hamburg Norman Schlag, Tech. BW (IHK)
Phone: +49 5971 798-0 Geschwister-Scholl-Allee 44 KTR Ingenieurbüro Leipzig
Fax: +49 5971 798-698 oder 798-450 25524 Itzehoe Hauptstraße 101
E-Mail: mail@ktr.com Phone: +49 4821 4050812 04416 Markkleeberg
Internet: www.ktr.com Mobile: +49 172 5310014 Phone: +49 341 35416467
E-Mail: m.lau@ktr.com Mobile: +49 173 4716266
E-Mail: n.schlag@ktr.com
NRW: Großraum Düsseldorf, Köln, Aachen
KTR Brake Systems GmbH John Rischmüller, Baden-Württemberg Nord
Competence Center for Brake Systems B. Sc. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Eberhard Maier, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Zur Brinke 14
D-33758 Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock KTR Ingenieurbüro Hilden Hortensienweg 1
Phone: +49 5207 99161-0 Walder Str. 53 70374 Stuttgart, Sommerrain
40724 Hilden Phone: +49 71 16 5842957
Mobile: +49 175 2650033
Mobile: +49 151 62489605 Mobile: +49 172 5355056
Fax: +49 5207 99161-11
E-Mail: j.rischmueller@ktr.com E-Mail: e.maier@ktr.com
Leiter Vertrieb Bremsen Wind
Jürn Edzards, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Emsland, Mitte- und Süd-Niedersachsen, Baden-Württemberg Süd
Zur Brinke 14 Ostwestfalen Jochen Glöckler, Maschinenbautechniker
D-33758 Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock Rainer Lüttmann KTR Ingenieurbüro Balingen
Phone: +49 5207 99161-0 KTR Systems GmbH Hölzlestraße 44
Mobile: +49 175 2650033 Carl-Zeiss-Straße 25 72336 Balingen
E-Mail: j.edzards@ktr.com 48432 Rheine Phone: +49 7433 91381
Phone: +49 5971 798-340 Mobile: +49 172 5310049
Leiter Vertrieb Bremsen Industrie Mobile: +49 172 5322164 E-Mail: j.gloeckler@ktr.com
Thomas Wienkotte, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) E-Mail: r.luettmann@ktr.com
Peter-Schumacher-Straße 102 Bayern-Nord, Thüringen Süd
D-50171 Kerpen Siegerland Alexander Ennulat, Dipl.-Ing.
Phone: +49 2237 971796 René Szabó, Maschinenbautechniker KTR Ingenieurbüro Römerstein
Mobile: +49 172 5859448 Waldstr. 67 Grabenstetter Str. 28
E-Mail: t.wienkotte@ktr.com 57080 Siegen-Niederschelden 72587 Römerstein
KTR Thinktank Phone: +49 5971 798 7777 Phone: +49 7382 9369226
Walder Strasse 53 Mobile: +49 175 81 64 844 Mobile: +49 162 4160354
40724 Hilden E-Mail: r.szabo@ktr.com E-Mail: a.ennulat@ktr.com
Phone: +49 5971 798-885 / 886 Ruhrgebiet, Hessen-Nord Bayern-Süd, Baden-Württemberg Ost
E-Mail: thinktank@ktr.com René Pottmann, Maschinenbautechniker Peter Benkard, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
KTR Ingenieurbüro Dortmund KTR Ingenieurbüro Adelsried
Außendienst Norddeutschland für Hydraulik- Lindemannstraße 9 Am Mittelfeld 13
Komponenten 44137 Dortmund 86477 Adelsried
Gunnar Ehlers Phone: +49 231 91259060 Phone: +49 8293 9605-04
Finkenstieg 4b Mobile: +49 162 2186045 Mobile: +49 172 5313059
21629 Neu Wulmstorf E-Mail: r.pottmann@ktr.com
Mobile: +49 174 3301536 E-Mail: p.benkard@ktr.com
E-Mail: g.ehlers@ktr.com Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland
Martin Dietrich, Ingenieur Maschinenbau
Außendienst Bayern, Baden-Württemberg KTR Ingenieurbüro Frankfurt
und Österreich für Hydraulik-Komponenten Schorbachstr. 9
Klaus-Peter Sprödhuber 35510 Butzbach
Phone: +49 6033 9248494
95445 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 921 16388991 Mobile: +49 172 5329968
Mobile: +49 172 1096496 E-Mail: m.dietrich@ktr.com
E-Mail: k.sproedhuber@ktr.com

Alle aktuellen Vertretungen und Handelspartner finden Sie auf www.ktr.com.

KTR worldwide:

Algeria France Norway Switzerland

KTR Algérie KTR France SAS KTR Systems Norge AS KTR Systems Schweiz AG
Algeria Business Center - 5 Chemin de la Brocardière Lahaugmoveien 81 Bahnstr. 60
Pins Maritimes CS 71359 N-2013 Skjetten CH-8105 Regensdorf
DZ-16130 Alger Mohammadia F-69573 DARDILLY CEDEX Phone: +47 64 83 54 90 Phone: +41 4 33 11 15 48
Phone: +213 661 92 24 00 Phone: +33 4 78 64 55 26 Fax: +47 64 83 54 95 Fax: +41 4 33 11 15 56
E-mail: ktr-dz@ktr.com Fax: +33 4 78 64 54 31 E-mail: ktr-no@ktr.com E-mail: ktr-ch@ktr.com
E-mail: ktr-fr@ktr.com
Brazil Poland Taiwan
KTR do Brasil Ltda. India KTR Polska Sp. z.o.o. KTR Taiwan Ltd.
Rua Jandaia do Sul 471 - KTR Couplings (India) Pvt. Ltd., ul. Czerwone Maki 65 No.: 30-1, 36 Rd
Bairro Emiliano Perneta T-36 / 37 / 38, MIDC Bhosari PL–30-392 Kraków Taichung Industry Zone
Pinhais - PR - Cep: 83324-040 Pune 411026 Phone: +48 12 267 28 83 Taichung City
Phone: +55 41 36 69 57 13 Phone: +91 20 27 12 73 24 Fax: +48 12 267 07 66 407 Taiwan (R. O. C.)
E-mail: ktr-br@ktr.com Fax: +91 20 27 12 73 23 E-mail: ktr-pl@ktr.com Phone: +886 4 23 59 32 78
E-mail: ktr-in@ktr.com Fax: +886 4 23 59 75 78
Chile Russia E-mail: ktr-tw@ktr.com
KTR Systems Chile SpA Italy KTR RUS LLC
Calle Bucarest 17 KTR Systems GmbH 6 Verhnii Pereulok 12 Turkey
Oficina 33 Providencia Sede Secondaria Italia Litera A, Office 229 KTR Turkey
Santiago de Chile Via Giovanni Brodolini, 8 194292 St. Petersburg Güç Aktarma Sistemleri San. ve Tic. Ltd.
Phone: +56 23 22 46 674 I - 40133 Bologna (BO) Phone: +7 812 383 51 20 Sti.
Mobile: +56 9 44 75 57 02 Phone: +39 051 613 32 32 Fax: +7 812 383 51 25 Kayışdagı Cad. No: 117/2
E-mail: ktr-cl@ktr.com Fax: +39 051 298 55 77 E-mail: ktr-ru@ktr.com 34758 Atasehir -İstanbul
E-mail: ktr-it@ktr.com Internet: www.ktr.ru Phone: +90 216 574 37 80
China Fax: +90 216 574 34 45
KTR Power Transmission Technology Japan South Africa E-mail: ktr-tr@ktr.com
(Shanghai) Co. Ltd. KTR Japan Co., Ltd. KTR Couplings SA (Pty) Ltd.
Building 1005, ZOBON Business Park Toei Bldg.2F, 6-1-8 Motomachi-dori 28 Spartan Road, Kempton Park, United Kingdom
999 Wangqiao Road Chuo-ku, Kobe Spartan Ext. 21 KTR U.K. Ltd.
Pudong 650-0022 Japan Phone: +27 11 281 3801 Robert House
Shanghai 201201 Phone: +81 7 89 54 65 70 Fax: +27 11 281 3812 Unit 7, Acorn Business Park
Phone: +86 21 58 38 18 00 Fax: +81 7 89 54 65 75 E-mail: ktr-za@ktr.com Woodseats Close
Fax: +86 21 58 38 19 00 E-mail: ktr-jp@ktr.com Sheffield
E-mail: ktr-cn@ktr.com Spain United Kingdom, S8 0TB
Korea KTR Systems GmbH Phone: +44 11 42 58 77 57
Czech Republic KTR Korea Ltd. Estartetxe, n° 5–Oficina 322 Fax: +44 11 42 58 77 40
KTR CR, spol. s r.o. #604, Songwon bldg., 89-10, Gal- E-48940 Leioa (Vizcaya) E-mail: ktr-uk@ktr.com
Brněnská 559 maejungang-ro, Guri-si, Gyeonggi-do, Phone: +34 9 44 80 39 09
569 43 Jevíčko 11901 Korea Fax: +34 9 44 31 68 07 USA
Czech Republic Phone: +82 3 15 69 45 10 E-mail: ktr-es@ktr.com KTR Corporation
Phone: +420 461 325 014 Fax: +82 3 15 69 45 25 122 Anchor Road
E-mail: ktr-kr@ktr.com Sweden Michigan City, Indiana 46360
E-mail: ktr-cz@ktr.com
KTR Sverige AB Phone: +1 2 19 8 72 91 00
Denmark Netherlands Box 7010 Fax: +1 2 19 8 72 91 50
KTR Systems Danmark ApS KTR Benelux B. V. S-187 11 Täby E-mail: ktr-us@ktr.com
Vejlsøvej 51, Bygning N Postbus 87 Phone: +46 86 25 02 90
8600 Silkeborg Oosterveldsingel 3 E-mail: info.se@ktr.com
Phone: +45 39 39 10 50 NL-7558 PJ Hengelo (O)
E-mail: ktr-dk@ktr.com Phone: +31 74 2553680
Fax: +31 74 2553689
Finland E-mail: ktr-nl@ktr.com
KTR Finland OY
Tiistinniityntie 4
SF-02230 Espoo
Phone: +358 2 07 41 46 10
Fax: +358 2 07 41 46 19
E-mail: ktr-fi@ktr.com

04/21 - Subject to technical modifications, errors excepted.

KTR Systems GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 25
D-48432 Rheine
Phone: +49 5971 798-0
Fax: +49 5971 798-698 or 798-450
E-mail: mail@ktr.com
Internet: www.ktr.com
Certificates and Approvals

Being one of the first companies in the field of drive technology, KTR was certified in accordance with
DIN EN ISO 9001 already in 1993, including the plants in Poland, China, India and USA.

Currently KTR products have been approved by numerous internationally renowned societies for standardi-
zation and classification. Individual approvals by other societies can be implemented on request without fail.
Legend of pictograms

Torsionally rigid Light-weight Maintenance-free

Torsionally flexible Axial Protected

compensation against corrosion

Angular Electrically
Highly flexible
compensation insulating

Damping Radial nmax

X.000 Maximum speed
vibrations compensation

Axial Shiftable No eddy

plug-in at standstill current losses

Torque limiter
Consider Double-cardanic slipping
shaft distance

Radial disassembly Torque limiter

Relatively short
Ease of service with synchronous
shaft distance 360° ratching

Torque limiter
Maximum Standard drop-out
with idle rotation
operating center length

Available in Hardened
High speeds
accordance surface
with API

Complying with
ATEX Accuracy
For details refer to X%
our ATEX leaflet X%

Shear type, Certified in accord- Consider

separating, ance with ABS axial displacement

Additional features
compared to stand-
ard version

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