Business Communication & Information Technology: Kyra Bartolomei
Business Communication & Information Technology: Kyra Bartolomei
Business Communication & Information Technology: Kyra Bartolomei
Communication tools, like PDAs, perform many functions, thanks to information technology.
Communication is a vital asset to any business. According to a June 2006 article on All Business, an online resource for business managers, intelligent information technology provides companies with a faster and smarter way of communicating.
1. Communication devices let employees connect with coworkers, clients and supervisors in an expedient manner. Messages can be sent and received in an instant, and electronic files can be attached and transmitted virtually. Businesses rely on information technology so that employees can do their jobs efficiently.
2. There are several types of communication tools available, each serving a unique purpose. Smartphones, email, live chat systems and personal digital assistants (PDAs) are examples of communication devices commonly used in business.
3. Information technology creates a way for communication tools to upload and download electronic files, let employees participate in virtual meetings, and help employees manage their schedules.
4. Technological advancements in communication have great benefits for businesses. A March 2007 publication by the International Association of Business Communicators explains that some people prefer to communicate electronically. Additionally, virtual and electronic communication is a solution to physical barriers and global borders.
5. When determining which communication devices are right for your business, consider the functions you want these tools to perform, and make sure your companys information technology can support those services.
Read more: Business Communication & Information Technology |
This issue is prevalent in many organizations and exists primarily because of a lack of focus by the IT department on trying to ensure a good connection with end users. It's not uncommon for users to just "give up", deciding there is no use talking with those IT "geeks" because they can't understand our needs. After all, everyone knows that IT personnel prefer interacting with their machines rather than talking with live human beings. But this doesn't have to be the case. Decision makers can improve communication if they are devoted to developing effective IT leadership that encourages IT personnel to stay in touch with the business. As entry level IT personnel enter the work force, they are concerned with learning an organization's existing infrastructure and applications while also trying to simply "fit in." This challenge is riddled with traps for the new IT employee who has to learn many new technologies and challenges which can be quite time consuming and overwhelming. Over time these
individuals catch on to their new technical environment and, hopefully, learn to be a productive member of the department that produces workable solutions for the business. However, as fast as technology changes in today's world, it is very difficult for IT personnel to keep abreast of new technology and add "knowing the business" to their repertoire. This is where IT leadership needs to step in. IT leaders need to understand the importance of communication with the business as a skill their personnel must possess and/or develop. Quite often, IT personnel don't appreciate the importance of communicating with their business partners, and if it's not emphasized, they fall back on what they know best technology. But IT leaders who recognize that communication with the business, in the terminology of end users, can be a competitive advantage that will create value for their organizations. With repeated emphasis and nurturing, these crucial communication skills can be developed by employees throughout IT. By stressing the importance of effective nontechnical communication with the business, future IT personnel can be developed into future leaders who will ensure that "IT communication" is no longer considered an oxymoron.
Communication technology, like email and video conferencing, plays a crucial role in the workplace. The goal of utilizing electronic communication in the workplace is to improve business communication. How efficient electronic communication is in the workplace depends on how well the technology is implemented.
1. Improper use of electronic communication in the workplace, like forwarding funny emails or sharing confidential information, can leave a company vulnerable to harassment lawsuits and confidentiality breeches. For this reason, your company may decide to monitor electronic business communication.
2. Communication technology should be used to facilitate, not replace, face-to-face communication. For example, emails and phone calls should be used to schedule meetings rather than acting as the medium for the meeting.
3. Personal use of the Internet in the workplace reduces a company's productivity and results in lost time for that company.
4. To maximize the efficiency of electronic communication in the workplace, messages should be short and direct. This reduces the chance of misunderstandings.
5. Employers should keep in mind not all employees will be efficient with communication technology. Implementing alternatives to communication technology, such as company meetings and posted bulletins, is a way to ensure that all employees are up to date on company regulations.
Read more: The Effects of Information & Communication Technology on the Design of Work |
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Information technology (IT) acts as an essential element of managerial communication, which is communication between managers and their employees. Knowing how to effectively utilize information technology will help you better communicate with your employees.
1. Information technology can be implemented into the workplace with the use of fax machines, videotapes, email, computer conferences, voice mail, teleconferences and video conferences.
2. Use IT to establish internal networks, such as an intranet (a network for employee use only). Establishing a complaint forum on the company's intranet is an effective method of learning what criticisms or concerns your employees may have.
3. IT provides a variety of ways for you to collect information around the workplace. With this data you can best handle internal affairs, such as evaluating employee performances and dealing with employee thefts.
4. Managerial communication should be a two-sided conversation between you and your employees. Let your employees use IT to communicate any personal needs, such as accommodations needed in the workplace or requests for days off.
5. Be careful how you utilize IT for communicating with your employees. Don't cross work/home boundaries by abusing IT, like calling an employee who's on vacation.
Read more: How Information Technology Affects Managerial Communication |
The technology offered by mobile devices plays an important role in modern education.
Information and communication technology plays a large role in changing the field of education. With laptops, PDAs and even smart phones finding their way into daily lessons, these devices are changing the way teachers and students share information and the way schools communicate both within their own organization and to the community.
1. Mobile devices like smart phones and tablet computers make learning and teaching more accessible for everyone involved. The Internet is a wealth of information that anyone, no matter the location, can use to develop lesson plans, conduct research or share with others. An educational institution with the proper devices and online access can provide staff and students with a collaborative environment in which communication is easier both in and out of the classroom.
2. One of the most recent advances in technology is digital ink, which is used by devices with touch screens, such as tablet PCs. The ability to digitally record any data, from tests to transcripts, is a feature of information technology that has long-term potential to save money on both paper and ink as well as make organization and management simpler for administrators and teachers. Online grade books, digital library databases and documents that don't require printing and physical filing are both easier and faster to manage.
3. The latest software and applications in information technology allow educators to take a new approach to subject literacy. Rather than simply relying on lectures and slides, lessons can now include a variety of multimedia effects, such as video and audio. Live streaming of events directly into the classroom adds a sense of immediacy and relevance to the lesson. This new selection of tools gives teachers more ways to reach different types of learners, including the disabled, allowing for a greater level of participation in class.
4. Teachers and students can connect with many people and places around the world thanks to information and communication technology, leading to a vast improvement in distance learning courses, and giving those in disadvantaged areas the chance to receive an education equal to the more advantaged. Coursework is also more flexible due to ease of communication, giving more
students who work or have other obligations the ability to further their education with a schedule that works for them.
Expert Insight
5. Seton Hill University provides students and staff with a laptop and tablet computer as part of its program "The Griffin Technology Advantage." According to the university, harnessing this level of information and communication technology fosters creative literacy by "connecting students and teachers to versatile, dynamic communities of learners."
Read more: Role of Information & Communication Technology in Education |