Lecture in Funda Theory
Lecture in Funda Theory
Lecture in Funda Theory
• (c) Possess a degree of Bachelor of Science in • A fine of not less than Fifty thousand pesos
(P50,000,00) nor more than One hundred thousand
Nursing, with at least nine (9) units in management pesos (P100,000.00) or imprisonment of not less
and administration courses at the graduate level; than one (1) year nor more than six (6) years, or
and both, upon the discretion of the court, shall be
imposed upon:
• (d) Be a member of good standing of the
accredited • (a) any person practicing nursing in the
Philippines within the meaning of this Act:
professional organization of nurses;
• (1) without a certificate of registration/professional
license and professional identification card or
special temporary permit or without having been
declared exempt from examination in accordance
HEALTH HUMAN RESOURCE PRODUCTION, with the provision of this Act;or
• (2) who uses as his/her own certificates of
registration/professional license and professional
identification card or special temporary permit of
another; or
• (3) who uses an invalid certificate of
registration/professional license, a suspended or
revoked certificate of registration/professional
license, or an expired or cancelled • Phase I – Work setting scenario analysis
special/temporary permit;
• Phase II – Validation studies of roles and
responsibilities/ Benchmarking Of core
competencies with other
• Phase III- Integrative review of outputs from the
validation strategies.
NURSING CORE COMPETENCY • Phase IV- Consensual Validation of Core
STANDARD 2012 Competency Standards
• Phase V – Conduct of Public hearing
LEGAL BASIS • Phase VI – Promulgation of the Revised and
Modified Core Competency Standards
Article III, section 9 (c) of Republic Act No. 9173 or
the Philippine Nursing Act of 2002, states that the • Phase VII- Printing of the Revised and Modified
Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing is core competency Standards (2012 NNCCS)
empowered to “monitor and enforce quality
standards of nursing practice in the Philippines and • Phase VIII- Training in the implementation of the
exercise the powers necessary to ensure the 2012 National Nursing Core Competency
maintenance of efficient, ethical and technical, Standards
moral and professional standards in the practice of • Phase IX - Implementation of the 2012 National
nursing taking into account the health needs of the Nursing Core Competency Standards
nation.” It is, therefore, incumbent upon the Board
of nursing to take the lead in the improvement and • Phase X – Evaluation of the effectiveness of the
effective implementation of the core competency 2012 National Nursing Core Competency
standards of nursing practice in the Philippines to Standards
ensure safe and quality nursing care, and maintain
integrity of the nursing profession.
• Basic Nursing Education Program in the BEGINNING NURSE’S ROLE ON CLIENT CARE
Philippines through the Commission on Higher
• Responsibility 1: Practices in accordance with
Education (CHED).
legal principles and the code of ethics in making
• Competency-based Test Framework as the basis personal and professional judgment.
for the development of course syllabi and test
• Responsibility 2: Utilizes the nursing process in
questions for “entry level” nursing practice in the
the interdisciplinary care of clients that empowers
Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination.
the clients and promotes safe quality care.
• Standards of Professional Nursing Practice in
• Responsibility 3: Maintains complete and up to
various settings in the Philippines.
date recording and reporting system.
• National Career Progression Program (NCPP) for
•Responsibility 4: Establishes collaborative
nursing practice in the Philippines.
relationship with colleagues and other members of
• Any or related evaluation tools in various practice the team to enhance nursing and other health care
settings in the Philippines services.
•Responsibility 5: Promotes professional and hospitalization, but it is not legally binding
personal growth and development document.
• Responsibility 2: Evaluates research study/report • Caring is central to all helping professions, such
utilizing guidelines in the conduct of a written as nursing and enables persons to create meaning
research critique. in their lives.
• It offers guidance and protection to patients by • HONESTY – includes awareness and openness
stating the responsibilities that a hospital and its to one’s own feelings and a genuineness in caring
staff have toward them and their families during for the other.
• TRUST – involves letting go, to allow the other to • Caring as a philosophical concept and
grow in his own way and own time.
proposes that caring is the human mode of
• HUMILITY – means acknowledging that there is
being, or the “most common, authentic
always more to learn and that learning may come
from any source criterion of humanness”
• HOPE – belief in the possibilities of the other’s
The Six Cs of Caring in Nursing
• COURAGE – the sense of going into the
unknown, informed by insight from past COMPASSION
experiences. • Awareness of one’s relationship to others, sharing
their joys, sorrows, pain and accomplishments.
Participation in the experience of another.
We, the Filipino nurses responding to the needs 🞇 An organized sequence of problem- solving
of society, are engaged in providing human and steps used to identify and to manage the health
globally competent nursing care. problems of clients.
Collection of Data
▪ Data collection is the processof gathering
🞇 Cyclic and dynamic
information about a client’s health status.
🞇 Client centeredness
▪ It includes the health history, physical
🞇 Focus on problem-solving and decision making examination, results of Laboratory and diagnostic
tests and material contributed by other health
🞇 Interpersonal and collaborative style
🞇 Universal applicability
🞇 Use of critical thinking
Types of Data
🞇 Provides an orderly &systematic method for
1. Subjective Data
planning &providing care
▪ Also referred to as symptoms or covert data,
🞇 Enhances nursing efficiency by standardizing
nursing practice are apparent only to the person affected and
🞇 Facilitates documentation of care can be described only by that person.
🞇 Provides a unity of language for the nursing
2. Objective Data
🞇 Stresses the independent function of nurses
▪ Also referred to as signs orovert data.
🞇 Increases care quality through the use of
▪ Detectable by an observe or can be measured or
deliberate actions.
tested against an accepted standard.
▪ Can be seen, heard, felt or smelled and they are
ASSESSMENT obtained by observation or physical examination.
🞇 The first and most critical phase of the nursing
Sources of Data
🞇 Defined as a systematic and continuous
1. Primary
collection, organization, validation and
documentation of data • Direct source of information
🞇 Ongoing and continuous throughout all Phases • The client is the primary source of data
of the nursing process.
2. Secondary
• Indirect source of information all sources
Four Types of Assessment
other than the client
• Include: Family members, health Documentation of Data
professionals, records and reports, 🞇 Nurse records client data
laboratory and diagnostic results. 🞇Forms the database for the entire nursing
process and provides data for all other members of
the health care team.
🞇 Accurate documentation is essential and should
Data Collection Methods include all data collected about the client’s health
🞇 Observation
🞇 Interview
🞇 The second phase of the nursing process
🞇 The nurse used critical thinking skills to
Interpret assessment data to identify client
Stages of an Interview
🞇 A clinical judgment concerning a human
1. The Opening or Introduction response to health conditions/life processes, or a
2. The Body vulnerability for that responses, by an individual,
family, group or community.
3. The Closing
1. Actual diagnosis
🞇 The nurse uses a format that organizes the
2. Risk diagnosis
Assessment data systematically.
3. Wellness diagnosis
🞇 Often referred to as nursing health history
4. Possible nursing diagnosis
or nursing assessment form.
5. Syndrome diagnosis
Validation of Data
🞇 The information gathered during the assessment
is “double-checked” or verified to Confirm that it is NURSING DIAGNOSES
accurate and complete. 1. Problem (Diagnostic Label) and Definition
🞇 CUES–subjective or objective data that can be 2. Etiology (Related Factorsand RiskFactors)
directly observed by the nurse; what the client says
or what the nurse can see, 3. Defining Characteristics
🞇 A deliberative, systematic phase of the nursing
process that involves decision making and
problem-solving. 🞇 Action phase in which the nurse performs the
nursing intervention
🞇 Consists of doing and documenting the activities
that are the specific nursing actions needed to carry
Initial Planning out the interventions.
🞇 Done after the initial assessment
🞇 Done by all nurses who work with the client. Cognitive Skills (Intellectual Skills)
🞇 Ongoing planning occurs at the beginning of a 🞇 Include problem-solving, decision
shift as the nurse plans the care to be given that
making, critical thinking and creativity
Interpersonal Skills
Discharge Planning
🞇 All the activities, verbal and nonverbal,
🞇 Process of anticipating and planning for Needs
after discharge. people use when interacting directly with
one another.
Informal Nursing Care Plan
🞇 A strategy for action that exists in the nurse’s Technical Skills
🞇 Purposeful “hands-on” skills such as
manipulating equipment, giving injections,
bandaging, moving, lifting and repositioning clients
Nursing Audit
PROCESS OF IMPLEMENTING 🞇 Audit means the examination or review of
🞇 Retrospective audit is the evaluation of a client’s
🞇 Reassessing the client
record after discharge from an agency.
🞇 Determining the nurse’s need for assistance
🞇 Concurrent audit is the evaluation of a client’s
🞇 Implementing the nursing interventions health care while the client is still receiving care
from the agency.
🞇 Supervising the delegated care
🞇 Documenting nursing activities
🞇 Discussion –informal oral consideration of a
subject by two or more health care personnel to
identify a problem or establish strategies to solve a
🞇 Report–oral, written, or computer-based
communication intended to convey information to
🞇 Planned, ongoing, purposeful activity in which
clients and healthcare professionals determine: Purposes of Client Records
a. The client’s progress toward achievements 🞇 Communication
of goals/outcomes. 🞇 Planning Client Care
b. The effectiveness of the nursing care plan. 🞇 Auditing Health Agencies
🞇 Research
🞇 Reimbursement
🞇 Legal Documentation
Quality Assurance
🞇 HealthCare Analysis
🞇 Ongoing, systematic process designed to
evaluate and promote excellence in the health care
provided to clients. SOURCE-ORIENTED RECORD
🞇 The traditional client record.
Quality Improvement 🞇 Each person or department makes notations in a
🞇 Evaluating and improving the quality of health separate section or sections of the client’s chart
care based on internal assessment by health care
providers and increasing awareness by the public
in medical errors are notuncommon and can be
🞇 The data are arranged according tothe SOAP,SOAPIE, SOAPIER, APIE
problemsthe client has ratherthan the 🞇 S Subjective Data
source of the information. 🞇 O Objective Data
🞇 Four basic components: 🞇 A Assessment
🞇 Database 🞇 P Plan
🞇 Problemlist 🞇 I Interventions
🞇 Plan ofcare 🞇 E Evaluations
🞇 Progressnotes 🞇 R Revision
🞇 Consists of all information known about the client
when the client first enters the health care agency.
🞇 Includes the nursing assessment, the physician’s
history, social and family data and the results of the
physical examination and baseline diagnostic tests.
Problem List
🞇 Derived from the database
🞇 Listed in the order in which they are identified,
and the list is continually updated as new problems
are identified and others resolved.
Plan of Care
🞇 The initial list of orders or plan of care is made
with reference to the active problems.
🞇 Generated by the person who lists the problems.
🞇 Nurses write nursing orders or nursing care
Progress Note
🞇 A chart entry made by all health professional
involved in a client’s care.
🞇 Are numbered to correspond to the problems on
the problem list and may be lettered for the type of