Documents Checklist - Tehran
Documents Checklist - Tehran
Documents Checklist - Tehran
*Visa applicant: any family member who is seeking family reunion visa to Germany
*Sponsor: the family member living in Germany with whom the visa applicant wish to reunite
1. Passport of all the visa applicant(s) (all relevant pages, Passports with a serial number starting with P or O (letter)
i.e. the passport data page and all pages which contain are acceptable. The passport must have been issued
visas, stamps or remarks) + 1 copy within the last 10 years and the passport’s validity must
exceed the validity of the visa by at least three months. It
If you extended your passport, please add extension must have at least two empty pages and contain the
pages. holder’s signature. Passports must be machine-readable,
handwritten passports are invalid.
2. Iran visa (if available) OR residence permit/refugee card If you have registered on the webpage of the German
in Iran - 1 copy embassy Tehran – and not Kabul! – you will necessarily
have to prove your habitual residence – at least for 6
months - in Iran.
3. VIDEX forms per visa applicant (including children) + 1 Fully completed in German or English in block letters or
copy filled out on the PC, signed or fingerprinted.
Application forms of minors must be signed by both
parents. To fill out the VIDEX, you may click on the
following link:
4. Declaration according to §54 of German Residence Act You may find this along with the VIDEX form. It needs to
be completed and signed.
5. 3 passport photo per applicant (including children) 3 identical passport photos, not older than 6 months, front
shot, biometric, dimensions 35x45mm, white background.
Further info can be found here.
6. Tazkira; original and translation (only German) + 1 copy • Identification document “Tazkira” of all visa
of the front and the back side applicants. The last name and date of birth in the
passport must correspond exactly to the names in
Alternatively, electronic Tazkira the Tazkira, otherwise Tazkira or passport need to be
• Tazkira must contain last names, exactly as in the
• The translation should be attested by MoFA1
• If you hold an electronic Tazkira, you won’t need to
have it translated.
7. Birth certificate (and its translation only in German) + 1 • For all the visa applicants (if available)
copy • The translation should be attested by MoFA
8. Academic documents Only if available
If you are married
9. Marriage certificate (Nikah Khat or Waseeqa Khat); Preferably Nikah Khat (white or green marriage book in
original and MoFA attested translation (only in German) DIN A5 format, alternatively Waseeqa Khat (DIN A4
+ 1 copy of all pages format, blue border). The marriage certificate must
c. Marriage certificate (Nikah Khat or Waseeqa Khat); The marriage certificate must contain the place, the exact
original and MoFA attested translation (only in date of the marriage contract as well as the marriage
German) + 1 copy of all pages portion.
The marriage certificate must contain last name, according
to the one in passport.
Previously married
11. Divorce certificate; original and translation (only in The translation should be attested by MoFA
German) + 1 copy
12. Death certificate; original and translation (only in The translation should be attested by MoFA
German) + 1 copy
13. Declaration of missing spouse; original and translation The translation should be attested by MoFA
(only in German) + 1 copy
Planning to get married in Germany/Fiancé(e)s
14. Confirmation of application for marriage (Bescheinigung It is a confirmation that all necessary requirements for the
über die Anmeldung der Eheschließung) from the local marriage to take place have been met, including a time
German registry (in German Standesamt) in original + 1 frame or date for the wedding.
15. Certificate of non-marriage of the applicant; original Unmarried or non-marriage (or also singleness) certificates
and MoFA attested translation (only in German) + 1 are issued by Afghan courts.
16. Declaration of commitment for the sponsor (in German You can apply for this document at the office for foreigners
Verpflichtungserklärung) in original+ 1 copy in Germany Ausländerbehörde.
Only in case of children reunion to parents OR reunion to unaccompanied minor in Germany
17. a. If one parent remains in Afghanistan and does not The remaining parent must declare his/her consent before
wish to move to Germany: judicial confirmation by the court.
the court that he/she gives consent for the
child(ren) to live in Germany with the other parent; If the other parent is dead or missing or refuses to give
original and MoFA attested translation (only in consent, submit either an official death certificate
German) + 1 copy including a list of all heirs, a declaration of a missing
person or an official court order regarding custody rights.
b. Accompanying letter with detailed and up-to-dated Please state the need for reunion as precisely as possible
documentation showing the reasons for the need and include supporting documents such as medical
to reunite; original and translation (only in certificates, certificates from care facilities, social services
German) + 1 copy etc. It must be evident why you and the reference person
in Germany need each other’s assistance and for what
reasons this assistance can only be granted reasonably in
Germany. It is important to explain your individual
situation. Unfavorable educational, economic, social and
other conditions in Afghanistan do not justify a case of
c. If applicable, further documents on the For example, in form of a judicial appointment as a
relationship with the reference person; original and guardian, death certificates of other relatives, documents
MoFA attested translation (only in German) + 1 explaining the whereabouts of other relatives etc.
19. If applicable: proof of A1 German language certificate Should you not be able to obtain this certificate or learn
from Goethe-Institute; original + 1 copy the language, you need to justify.
22. a. If applicable: copy of the Federal Office for Migration Please submit a complete (until the page with the official
and Refugees (BAMF) certificate regarding the award of stamp of BAMF) copy of the certificate
refugee status or asylum + 1 copy (“Anerkennungsbescheid”).
b. If available, Timely Notification + 2 copies If a timely notification has already been submitted to the
embassy or to the Foreigners Authority (in German
Ausländerbehörde), please submit a proof together with
your application.
• Kindly note that any missing information will lead to your application process taking longer time. So please provide
the information and documents as complete as possible.
• Translations should be verified by official authorities in Afghanistan. Documents issued at the Afghan consulates
abroad do NOT require verification.
• Copies of the documents should be in DIN A4 format.
• Please send documents, when required via email, in PDF format in the attachments.