HUM102 Lecture 04
HUM102 Lecture 04
HUM102 Lecture 04
Report Structure
4.1 Sections
A report has the following sections:
1. Title Page
2. Executive Summary
3. Table of Contents
4. Introduction
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion
7. Recommendations
8. Bibliography
9. Appendices
In Lecture 03, we finished discussing the Introduction section. In this Lecture 04, we are going to start
with the Discussion section.
4.2 Discussion
This section serves three major purposes:
It provides all the details of your results and findings. State the findings in a visually accessible
manner in the form of tables, graphs, and pie charts.
Proceed to interpret and analyze the findings and discuss how they answer the research
questions that you stated in Introduction section.
Relate the findings with the previous research conducted in your area of research that you
stated in Literature Review section. Explain how your results fill the gap by adding new insight to
the existing literature.
4.3.4 Proposal
When composing a proposal report, discuss in detail all the feasible solutions of the problem that are
going to be investigated in the study.
If you repeat the study using the same methodology on the same sample and get similar results, your
findings will be considered reliable.
The significance of your study can be determined by its relevance to the academic or scientific
community and by the new value that it has added to the existing research. For example, latest research
in pediatrics suggests that giving more than 16 ounces of milk to kids above two years of age will result
in anemia. This research will have a positive impact on the overall health of kids by raising awareness
regarding the dosage of milk.
4.5 Conclusion
Conclusions are logical deductions based on the data in the findings section. They are a comprehensive
summary of the findings and sum up the main points of the report along with highlighting the significant
elements. They relate to the objectives and end with a statement which will lead to the
recommendations section.
4.6 Example of Conclusion
This report has identified five types of scanners currently available. Some are
primarily used for professional purposes such as the drum scanner; others
are used more broadly in the workplace and home such as flatbed scanners
and, to a lesser extent, sheet fed scanners.
4.7 Recommendations
Recommendations are useful for researchers who want to work in the same area as the author. Thus,
the author should ensure to give only those recommendations that can be implemented by researchers
in a practical way. Purely imaginative recommendations are just a waste of space. Moreover, they
should be based on the findings. For instance, what more could be done in the same area may be stated
from a certain point of view. Do not give general recommendations; it only shows you want to fill space.
Rather, suggest topics for further research so that others may benefit from them.
4.9 Appendices
An appendix contains material which is too detailed, technical, or complex to include in the body of the
report. That is why it is placed at the very end of your report. Specifications, questionnaires and long
complex tables of figures are usually included in the report as appendices.