MAEE 206 Matrix
MAEE 206 Matrix
MAEE 206 Matrix
1. International
Journal of
Management and
Studies Volume 4
Issue 1 March 2023
378/352967 © The
author (s). Published
by Institute of
Industry and
Addressing Students
Learning Gaps in
1Hernalyn G.
2Roselyn D.
Tingson & 3 Jupeth
T. Pentang
4. International The aim of this research is to identify the What are the Phenomenolog Phenomenology Curriculum One of the most Distance
Journal of difficulties that are faced by classroom difficulties you y design from a Gain density emphasized issues schooling makes
Progressive teachers in teaching mathematics and to put encounter in teaching qualitative Insufficient among the hardships in
Education, Volume a current perspective. In the research, mathematics? research method lesson difficulties arising showing math
18 Number 5, 2022 phenomenological design from the What are the Gain- from the students and that the first
© 2022 INASED qualitative research method was applied. curriculum-related Qualitative development by the classroom of these is
Difficulties Participants were determined by criterion difficulties you research train mismatch teachers estimation and
Classroom Teachers sampling, which is one of the purposive encounter in teaching Central exams- participating in the assessment
Encounter in sampling methods. Semi-structured focus mathematics? program study is reading expressed that
Teaching group interviews were conducted to What are the student- mismatch comprehension. homeroom
Mathematics: A determine the opinions of the classroom based difficulties you Students having educators
Phenomenological teachers about the problems they have in encounter in teaching Students problems in communicated
Study teaching mathematics. The participants of mathematics? Reading comprehending estimation and
Yalçın Karalı i the interview are a total of 7 primary school What are the parent- comprehensi what they read assessment as a
İnönü University teachers, 4 female and 3 male. Content based difficulties you on seriously affects significant issue
analysis was used in the analysis of the data. encounter in teaching Inability to their mathematics of the pandemic
https:// As a result, primary school teachers mathematics? relate to daily learning. There are cycle. With the expressed many problem areas related to What are the material life many studies on the development of
fulltext/ gain density, insufficient lesson hours, and technology-related Difference importance of the pandemic
EJ1364001.pdf central exam-program incompatibility, difficulties you between relationship circumstances,
reading comprehension, associating with encounter in teaching students between reading estimation and
daily life, readiness, inadequacy of mathematics? comprehension and assessment
economy, lack of material, distance What are the Lack of mathematics. processes were
education, fear of mathematics, peer difficulties you preschool suspended in
pressure and lack of motivation. encounter in the education Outcome in numerous
distance education Inability to schooling is nations, and eye
process in mathematics comprehend collaboration. This to eye tests must
teaching? symbols group comprises of be done on
Are/what are the partners like online.
different challenges Parent school, family,
you would like to add Indifference climate and
to the challenges Economical schooling system.
mentioned? insufficiency One of the most
Communicatio significant of these
n with the partners, the
teacher Lack family's
of collabaration methodology,
Pyschological interest and
Factors mentality towards
• Pressure on schooling are
the teacher determinants of
Fear of math
perception of
Lack of
Peer pressure
5. Contrasting Filipino students performed poorly in the Identify the factors Machine Two-stage For students in both
Profiles of Low- 2018 Programme for International Student (personal and learning stratified private and public
Performing Assessment (PISA) mathematics contextual) that random schools, variables
Mathematics assessment, with more than 50% obtaining differentiate the lowest- Machine sampling system that indicate
Students in Public scores below the lowest proficiency level. performing students Learning resource constraints
and Private Schools Students from public schools also from the other Filipino Modeling Shapley identify poor
in the Philippines: performed worse compared to their private students in mathematics Additive performing
Insights from school counterparts. We used machine in public and private Machine Explanations (or students, but the
Machine Learning learning approaches, specifically binary schools in the learning SHAP values) constraint goes
Allan B. I. Bernardo classification methods, to model the Philippines approaches beyond material
1,* , Macario O. variables that best identified the poor disadvantage and
Cordel II 2 , Minie performing students (below Level 1) vs. Our objective was to Society-level relates to
Rose C. Lapinid 3 , better performing students (Levels 1 to 6) discover the key social axiom aspirational
Jude Michael M. using the PISA data from a nationally variables that constraints as well.
Teves 2 , Sashmir A. representative sample of 15-year-old characterize the poor However, the poor
Yap 2 and Unisse C. Filipino students. We analyzed data from performing students, or achieving Filipino
Chua 2 students in private and public schools more specifically that students are also
separately. Several binary classification differentiate them from identified as having
methods were applied, and the best the better performing lower expectations
https:// classification model for both private and Filipino students in of completing a public school groups was the Random mathematics. postsecondary
fulltext/ Forest classifier. The ten variables with the vocational degree
EJ1353615.pdf highest impact on the model were identified and lower expected
for the private and public school groups. occupations when
Five variables were similarly important in they become adults
the private and public school models. and have parents
However, there were other distinct variables who have low
that relate to students’ motivations, family status occupations
and school experiences that were important also.
in identifying the poor performing students
in each school type. The results are
discussed in relation to the social and social
cognitive experiences of students that relate
to socioeconomic contexts that differ
between public and private schools.