8 Indemnity Bond in Place of Rectification Deed ANNEX08
8 Indemnity Bond in Place of Rectification Deed ANNEX08
8 Indemnity Bond in Place of Rectification Deed ANNEX08
ThatIappliedforanewelectricconnection/NameChangeagainstCA NO-
forwhichIamenclosingherewithapplication withattachmentsincludingthe
General Power of Attorney ,Agreement to sell , ……………………………………..
….................forwhichTPDDLneedsrectificationdeed,under-signedstatesthatthepropertypapers are
veryoldofdated----------------andExecutant/PartyoftheGPA/Agreementtosell................................is not
AndwhereasIhaverepresentedthatthepremisesisincompliancewiththerequirementofthe applicable
laws/rules/regulations and undertake to mention in it the condition all along.
Now this Indemnity bond witnesses that I shall keep indemnified the licensee in releasing
the new connection/granting Name change on account of any losses, charges, expenses and
compensationwhichitmayhavetoincurincasetheabovestatementprovestobefalseorincorrectand that in
such case it has every right to disconnect supply / reverse name change without any notice.
I shall also keep the licensee indemnified against any losses or expenses incurred by the Licensee
incaseof receiptofa reference form concernedcompetent landowing/lawenforcing agency regarding
sealing/demolition/vacation of my premises and in case where any suit if filed against the licensee on
account of giving the supply to the premises, such electric connection can be disconnected and the
meter/service line removed by the licensee/reversal of name change without any further notice to me.
Inthatcase,theexecutants/sshallpaylitigationchargestothelicenseeirrespectiveofthefactwhether any
costs are granted by the court or not.