The Importance of Computer in Our Life
The Importance of Computer in Our Life
The Importance of Computer in Our Life
Today, the computer is indispensable, and its presence has become very important and necessary
in our daily life, and it has become easier for us to do many operations and activities.
A computer is an electronic device that receives information and data, automatically stores it and
retrieves it at any time, and uses it in a useful manner. The computer converts different types of
numbers and solves intractable mathematical equations very quickly and with high accuracy. That
is why we need a clean PC build.
GRUPOS NOMINAIS – electronic device – se eu ler de formar linear (1, 2), ficaria eletrônico
dispositivo e o correto é: dispositivo eletrônico. Logo, marcado na cor azul. Embora, eletrônico
seja cognata, não irá marca de amarelo. Faça prevalecer o terceiro grupo, em azul, de grupos
The computer was invented in the second half of the twentieth century and now it has become the
backbone of life.
Some operations before the invention of the computer were very difficult, including searches and
doing some arithmetic activities. In 1642 AD, the calculator was invented to facilitate arithmetic
operations such as addition, subtraction, and other arithmetic operations.
Education: The use of computers in the field of education is one of its most important benefits in
daily human life. It is one of the most important educational tools used by teachers and students.
The computer is used in the field of education in schools and universities, where hard disks and
magnetic disks are used to explain the lessons, and drawings and films are used to deliver
information to students, as well as the students retain the information in order to retrieve it at a
later time.
The computer has restructured the education system. Schools, colleges, and almost all educational
institutions use at least one computer each semester, and many colleges and universities offer
online degrees to students.
Many schools and colleges around the world are now using computer and Internet technologies to
teach students digitally and creatively, as the use of the computer in the classroom unleashes
creativity and imagination among students. Through computer programs, you can learn more
deeply and more accurately, such as: drawing tools, spreadsheets, music, video lectures, and
PowerPoint presentations.
This has led to the creation of new models of work in the field of education, such as: small classes,
smart classrooms, and digital classrooms.
Medicine: The computer is widely used in the field of health care, as it has become an integral
part of hospitals, laboratories, and medical clinics.
The computer is used to archive patients' records and the treatments they receive.
It facilitates the medical diagnosis of patients and monitors their health conditions.
It is an effective medical tool, which allows monitoring of the heart rate and blood pressure of a
sick person.
It helps in performing some types of surgeries.
It provides the possibility of exchanging medical expertise and consultations between doctors
around the world.
The Internet: The computer is used to access the Internet, and the Internet is used as a means of
communication between people in all countries of the world.
With the help of the Internet you keep in touch with your friends and family, computers provide
this to you easily, and the Internet is also used to search for information. You just have to type a
word in the search engine and open many pages to provide all the information about the specific
word, and you can also watch movies, videos, and news on computers connected to the Internet.
Communication: Computers are one of the main tools that allow communication between people
regardless of their location, as the computer has become an effective communication tool that
brings together family members, relatives, and friends, and allows job interviews to be conducted
virtually. This is done by connecting the computer to the Internet, and then using some programs
and tools to conduct Internet communications, whether visual or even audio.
A computer connected to the Internet allows the use of various social media such as Facebook,
Twitter, and others. These means allow users to interact with each other by sharing photos, videos,
and other activities.
The computer is also used to organize phone lines, pay phone bills, and control the purity of voice
Business: The business sector is one of the most important sectors in which the computer is used,
due to the numerous and important services it provides for employers or workers.
Through the computer, many different actions can be performed, such as conducting online sales,
transfering funds between accounts, completing large account operations, and other institutional
work that requires speed and accuracy.
The computer also provides business companies with the ability to create economic forecast plans
based on some of the data it is provided with. In addition, corporate computers provide protection
for their data and information from theft or vandalism.
When a user surfs the browser, there is a passing of information between the server and the user's
PC. It should be encrypted with modern encryption standards. It is therefore necessary to have an
SSL certificate to secure online transactions.
The use of computers in business has made it easier to find employees. This is done through some
specialized social media such as LinkedIn.
The computer has also made it easier to manage the company's employee records through
specialized programs, as well as to prepare the company's budget, tax forms, and others.
Transportation: The computer is used in transportation, where the routes of transportation lines
are controlled, as well as booking travel tickets via the computer and recently via the Internet, and
booking international airline tickets anywhere in the world via the Internet.
The computer is used to control transportation, determine the take-off and direction of aircraft, and
store information about workers in the field of transportation.
The industry: Computer uses are widespread in the industry, as most companies today have a
wide range of uses for computers, and factories have become highly dependent on the operation of
machines to ensure a high level of quality.
The use of computers in the industry has been a great necessity, as it is used as a means to allocate
industrial resources more efficiently, as well as as a means to reach a larger group of potential
customers. As a result, IT jobs have flourished as the industry relies on computers for its daily
Entertainment: Computers are among the best sources of entertainment because they offer a wide
range of options related to entertainment and entertainment. Through the computer, you can listen
to music, watch some movies and videos, and talk and chat with your friends.
Today, everything related to daily life can be done with a few simple clicks, where breakfast can
be ordered online, newspapers can also be read, and work from home can be done comfortably
with the help of a laptop.
Engineering and military: Both the engineering and military fields are broad areas of computer
use. The computer helps accomplish many operations, including:
The computer provides special programs for advanced engineering drawing, such as the design of
buildings, structures, ships, planes, city planning, and design through 2D and 3D graphics.
The computer is used in the field of military industries and to control them through computerized
control systems that control missile launches, military communications, military planning
operations, and smart weapons.
Security systems: The computer is used in various electronic protection systems, such as
surveillance cameras, which are widely used in private and government facilities in order to
monitor the movement of goods and people in these areas.
Some types of computers, particularly those built with facial recognition and fingerprint, have also
contributed to reducing the possibility of identity fraud.
Automation systems: Computers are used in automation systems that are concerned with the
manufacture of automated robots.
It also facilitates the completion of much other work such as manufacturing and assembling auto
parts, in addition to that, robots or automated programs can be used in scientific discovery tasks
that are difficult for humans to carry out, such as exploring geographical areas that are inaccessible
to humans.
Problem Solving: Today, the computer is used to find solutions to any problem through computer
experts. Technological problems are solved by finding solutions by experts, directly or indirectly,
and this affects our daily lives positively.
● A computer is a vital tool for accessing and processing information and data, as it is the first
window to access the Internet.
● It is an important tool for science students, who generally rely on it in preparing their educational
reports and projects.
● It facilitates ways of communicating with others by editing and writing messages and preparing
reports and documents.
● It is an effective element in achieving success in the educational process.
● It is a major tool in distance education, this type of education cannot be completed without the
presence of a laptop or computer.
● It helps to be familiar with the news and stay up to date, as it is a means of communicating with
the outside world.
● It helps in doing some electronic transactions, such as making payments, purchasing, and others.
● It helps perform the tasks assigned to the user.
● It provides tools and means to facilitate work, such as tables, worksheets, presentations, and many
● It preserves and stores information away from the damaging factors of traditional methods of
● It facilitates making and storing calculations.
The importance of the computer also appears in filling leisure time with games and watching
valuable videos, and its role in entertainment also emerges.
Grupos nominais
Daily human life - vida humana diária
Education tools - ferramentas educacionais
Hard disks - discos rígidos
Magnetic disks - discos magnéticos
Education system - sistema de educação
Educational institutions - instituições educacionais
Computers programs - programas de computadores
Drawing tools - ferramentas de desenhar
Small Classes - classes pequenas
Smart classrooms - salas de aula inteligentes
Digital classrooms - salas de aula digitais
Health care - assistência médica
Medical clinics - Clínicas médicas
Patient records - registros de pacientes
Mecical diagnosis - Diagnóstico médico
Health conditions - Condições médicas
Medical tool - ferramenta médica
Blodo pressure - pressão do sangue
Sick person - pessoa doente
Medical expertise - perícia médica
Search engine - mecanismo de busca
Specific word - palavra específica
Communication tool - ferramenta de comunicação
Family members - membros da família
Job interviews - Entreivistas de emprego
Internet communications - comunicações pela internet
Social media - mídia social
Phone lines - linhas telefônicas
Phone bills - contas telefônicas
Voice calls - chamadas de voz
Business sector - setor de negócios
Different actions - ações diferentes
Online sales - vendas online
Account operations - operações de contas
Institutional works - trabalhos institucionais
Employee records - registros dos empregados
Specialized programs - programas especializados
Transportations lines - linhas de transporte
Travel tickets - bilhetes de viagem
Booking international airline tickets - bilhetes de reserva de linhas aéreas internacionais
Industrial resources - recursos industriais
Daily operations - operações diárias
Daily life - vida diária
Military fields - campos militares
Special programs - programas especiais
Engineering drawing - desenhos de engenharia
City planning - planejamento de cidades
Military industries - indústrias militares
Computerizes control systems - sistemas de controles computadorizados
Missile launches - lançamento de mísseis
Military communications - Comunicações militares
Military planning operations - planejamento de operações militares
Smart weapons - armas inteligentes
Security systems - sistemas de segurança
Electronic protection systems - sistemas eletrônicos de proteção
Surveillance cameras - câmeras de vigilância
Government facilities - instalações do governo
Facial recognition - reconhecimento facial
Identity fraud - falsificação de identidade
Automation systems - sistemas de automação
Automated robots - robôs automatizados
Scientific discovery - descobertas científicas
Geographical areas - áreas geográficas
Problem Solving - soluções de problemas
Computer experts - especialistas em computador
Technological problems - problemas tecnológicos
Vital tool - ferramenta vital
Science students - estudantes de ciência
Educational reports - relatórios educacionais
Effective element - elemento efetivo
Educational process - processo educacional
Major tool - ferramenta principal
Distance education - educação à distância
Outside world - mundo externo
Electronic transactions - transações eletrônicas
Traditional methods - métodos tradicionais
storing calculations - cálculos de armazenamento
Leisure time - tempo de lazer
Valuable videos - vídeos valiosos
Useful manner - maneira útil
Arithmetic activities - atividades aritméticas
Arithmetic operations - operações aritméticas