2363 5276 1 SM
2363 5276 1 SM
2363 5276 1 SM
Rizki Amelia
State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
Second language acquisition is the study how second languages are learned
and the factors that influence the process. Exposing your child to a second
language acquisition while young allows him or her to optimize his or her
learning potential, helping to shape the brain at its most flexible stage. Young
children are uniquely suited to learning a second language. Learning a second
language at a young age is cognitively as easy as learning a first language.
This paper examines some benefits of early second language acquisition.
Key Words: early age, second language acquisition
intelligence, which raises the who speak and read more than one
question of whether ability in more language have the ability to
than one language enables communicate with more people,
individuals to achieve greater read more literature, and benefit
intellectual flexibility (Bruck, more fully from travel to other
Lambert, and Tucker, 1974; countries. Introducing students to
Hakuta, 1986; alternative ways of expressing
themselves and to different
2) Linguistic benefit cultures gives greater depth to
Young language learners their understanding of human
can acquire native-like fluency as experience by fostering an
easily as they learned to walk, in appreciation for the customs and
contrast to an adult language achievements of people beyond
learner. Where adult learners have their own communities.
to work through an established Ultimately, knowing a second
first-language system, studying language can also give people a
explicit grammar rules and competitive advantage in the work
practicing rote drills, the young force by opening up additional job
learner learns naturally, absorbing opportunities (Villano, 1996).
the sounds, structures, intonation 4) Academic benefit
patterns and rules of a second
language intuitively, as they did Parents and educators
their mother tongue. The young sometimes express concern that
brain is inherently flexible, learning a second language will
uniquely hard-wired to acquire have a detrimental effect on
language naturally. students‘ reading and verbal
abilities in English. However,
Older learners lose the several studies suggest the
ability to hear and reproduce new opposite. For example, a recent
sounds by age 8-12, according to study of the reading ability of 134
experts, resulting in a permanent four- and five-year-old children
foreign-sounding accent in any found that bilingual children
language. Younger learners understood better than
benefit from flexible ear and monolingual children the general
speech muscles that can still hear symbolic representation of print
the critical differences between (Bialystok, 1997). Another study
the sounds of a second language, analyzed achievement test data of
as well as reproduce them with students in Fairfax County,
native-like quality. Virginia, who had participated for
3) Personal benefit five years in immersion—the most
intensive type of foreign language
An obvious advantage of program. The study concluded
knowing more than one language that those students scored as well
is having expanded access to as or better than all comparison
people and resources. Individuals
parlance, the word "interview" refers to a University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.
one-on-one conversation with one person Based on the interviewed with her
acting in the role of the interviewer and mother, there are three conclusion about
the other in the role of the interviewee. why Raufan can use English in his daily
The interviewer asks questions, the communication.
interviewee responds, with participants
taking turns talking. Interviews usually 1. Her mother started to teach Raufan by
involve a transfer of information from using English at 9 months. It means
interviewee to interviewer, which is that he started using English at early
usually the primary purpose of the age. When kids are still babies, their
interview, although information transfers mind is being constructed and
can happen in both directions structured every day in order to
simultaneously. The researcher used understand the stimulus that they get
unstructured interview According to from the world around them. Experts
(May K, 1991). It does not reflect any say that children who learn a language
preconceived theories or ideas and are before their teenage years are more
performed with little or no organisation. likely than older learners to achieve
Such an interview may simply start with native-like pronunciation.
an opening question such as 'Can you tell Furthermore, research has found that
me about your experience of visiting the kids have an innate ability to acquire
dentist?' and will then progress based, the rules of any language – an ability
primarily, upon the initial response. that disappears by adulthood.
Unstructured interviews are usually very Although children‘s minds are known
time-consuming (often lasting several for being ―like a sponge‖ which
hours) and can be difficult to manage, and absorbs everything, it is
to participate in, as the lack of recommended to give them enough
predetermined interview questions time to acquire and fully understand
provides little guidance on what to talk one language before introducing
about (which many participants find another one. Otherwise, they might go
confusing and unhelpful). Their use is, through a confused time in which they
therefore, generally only considered won‘t actually know how to express
where significant 'depth' is required, or themselves. Anyhow, it is an obvious
where virtually nothing is known about fact that the more years committed to
the subject area (or a different perspective learning a language and the more use
of a known subject area is required). of it made, the greater the proficiency
that will be achieved.
4. Result and Discussion 2. Raufan was taught by using
audiovisual. Her mother usually play
The participant of this research English song for children such as;
was Raufan Muazzam Hisyam. He is the twinkle-twinkle little star, johny-
son of Riri Fauzana, S.Pd., M.Sc and johny yes papa, old mc donald farm
Rizqi Abadi, S. Ikom. He was born on and etc. Besides that Raufan usually
March 5 2013. Now he is 3,5 years old. watched Baby vision channel. Base
Her mother Riri Fauzana was the lecturer on the theory, children learn best by
in English Department at State Islamic observing and copying the behaviors