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Benefits of Early Second Language Acquisition

Rizki Amelia
State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Second language acquisition is the study how second languages are learned
and the factors that influence the process. Exposing your child to a second
language acquisition while young allows him or her to optimize his or her
learning potential, helping to shape the brain at its most flexible stage. Young
children are uniquely suited to learning a second language. Learning a second
language at a young age is cognitively as easy as learning a first language.
This paper examines some benefits of early second language acquisition.
Key Words: early age, second language acquisition

1. Introduction Simply, the younger the learner,

the better they are at mimicking new
For years it was thought that
sounds and adopting pronunciation. The
teaching foreign languages to children as
brain is open to new sounds and patterns
young as three was futile. Research
in preadolescence. At this age, young
findings indicate quite the opposite. There
children have time to learn through play-
are incredible psychological benefits of
like activities. Language lessons can be
learning another language. These benefits
informal and children‘s minds are not yet
extend way beyond being able to order a
cluttered with facts to be stored and
cup of tea abroad. Longitudinal studies by
tested. Before children become self-
Harvard University confirm that learning
conscious they can try out their newly
additional languages increases critical
acquired languages without fear of
thinking skills, creativity and flexibility
embarrassment. Children who grow up
of the mind in young children. Pupils who
learning about languages develop
learn a foreign language outscore their
empathy for others and a curiosity for
non-foreign language learning peers in
different cultures and ideas; prepared to
verbal and maths standardized tests,
take their place in a global society.
indicating that learning additional
Furthermore, in later years, career
language is a cognitive activity not just a
opportunities increase for those with
linguistic one. The brain, like any muscle,
additional languages to offer.
functions better with exercise. Learning a
language involves memorizing rules and Although people can learn
vocabulary, which helps strengthen that languages at any age, some studies
mental muscle.

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suggest that children who learn a Children who study foreign

language before adolescence are more language show higher cognitive
likely than older learners to attain native- performance in overall basic skills
like pronunciation (Harley, 1986; in elementary school. According to
Patkowski, 1990). A number of the College Entrance Examination
researchers have found that children have Board, they go on to score higher
an innate ability to acquire the rules of on SATs. Children who learn a
any language, and that this ability foreign language at a young age
diminishes by adulthood (Curtiss, 1995; also exhibit better problem-solving
Johnson and Newport, 1989). Older skills, enhanced spatial relations,
language students should take heart, and heightened creativity.
however, in the results of other studies Learning a second language early
that report that although young children on encourages flexible thinking
acquire pronunciation easily, they are not and communication skills, helping
particularly efficient learners of children consider issues from more
vocabulary or other aspects of language than one perspective.
structure (Genesee, 1978; Swain and
Lapkin, 1989). Of course, the more years Additionally, research shows
devoted to learning a language and the that multilinguals have enhanced
more opportunities available to use it in memory, planning, and multi-
everyday situations, the greater the tasking skills. When learning
proficiency achieved (Curtain, 1997). multiple languages young, the
brain is trained to attend to salient
2. Literature Review information and to disregard non-
pertinent information, a skill that
a. Advantages of early second
later supports better focus,
language acquisition
memory, planning and
1) Cognitive development
multitasking abilities. Research
While some parents worry shows that multilinguals use more
that starting their toddler on a of their brains than monolinguals
second language will interfere with and outperform monolinguals on
developing English skills, the creativity tests.
opposite is actually true. Children
Some research suggests that
can differentiate between two
students who receive second
languages within the first weeks of
language instruction are more
life. "Learning another language
creative and better at solving
actually enhances a child's overall
complex problems than those who
verbal development," says Roberta
do not (Bamford and Mizokawa,
Michnick Golinkoff Ph.D., author
1991). Other studies suggest that
of How Babies Talk.
persons with full proficiency in
The research goes on to more than one language
show a number of additional (bilinguals) outperform similar
cognitive benefits to learning a monolingual persons on both
second language at an early age. verbal and nonverbal tests of

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intelligence, which raises the who speak and read more than one
question of whether ability in more language have the ability to
than one language enables communicate with more people,
individuals to achieve greater read more literature, and benefit
intellectual flexibility (Bruck, more fully from travel to other
Lambert, and Tucker, 1974; countries. Introducing students to
Hakuta, 1986; alternative ways of expressing
themselves and to different
2) Linguistic benefit cultures gives greater depth to
Young language learners their understanding of human
can acquire native-like fluency as experience by fostering an
easily as they learned to walk, in appreciation for the customs and
contrast to an adult language achievements of people beyond
learner. Where adult learners have their own communities.
to work through an established Ultimately, knowing a second
first-language system, studying language can also give people a
explicit grammar rules and competitive advantage in the work
practicing rote drills, the young force by opening up additional job
learner learns naturally, absorbing opportunities (Villano, 1996).
the sounds, structures, intonation 4) Academic benefit
patterns and rules of a second
language intuitively, as they did Parents and educators
their mother tongue. The young sometimes express concern that
brain is inherently flexible, learning a second language will
uniquely hard-wired to acquire have a detrimental effect on
language naturally. students‘ reading and verbal
abilities in English. However,
Older learners lose the several studies suggest the
ability to hear and reproduce new opposite. For example, a recent
sounds by age 8-12, according to study of the reading ability of 134
experts, resulting in a permanent four- and five-year-old children
foreign-sounding accent in any found that bilingual children
language. Younger learners understood better than
benefit from flexible ear and monolingual children the general
speech muscles that can still hear symbolic representation of print
the critical differences between (Bialystok, 1997). Another study
the sounds of a second language, analyzed achievement test data of
as well as reproduce them with students in Fairfax County,
native-like quality. Virginia, who had participated for
3) Personal benefit five years in immersion—the most
intensive type of foreign language
An obvious advantage of program. The study concluded
knowing more than one language that those students scored as well
is having expanded access to as or better than all comparison
people and resources. Individuals

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groups on achievement tests and consistent with College Board

that they remained high academic profiles for previous years
achievers throughout their (College Entrance Examination
schooling (Thomas, Collier, and Board, 1982; Solomon, 1984) and
Abbott, 1993). Finally, a study with the work of Eddy (1981),
conducted in Louisiana in the suggest that studying a second
1980s showed that regardless of language for a number of years
race, sex, or academic level, may contribute to higher SAT
students who received daily scores. (1)
instruction in a foreign language
(taught as a separate subject rather 5) Societal benefit
than through immersion) Bilingualism and
outperformed those who did not multilingualism have many
receive such instruction on the benefits to society. Americans
third-, fourth-, and fifth-grade who are fluent in more than one
language arts sections of language can enhance America‘s
Louisiana‘s Basic Skills Tests economic competitiveness abroad,
(Rafferty, 1986). Numerous other maintain its political and security
studies have also shown a positive interests, and work to promote an
relationship between foreign understanding of cultural diversity
language study and English within the United States. For
language arts achievement (Barik example, international trade
and Swain, 1975; Genesee, 1987; specialists, overseas media
Swain, 1981). All of these results correspondents, diplomats, airline
suggest that second language employees, and national security
study helps enhance English and personnel need to be familiar with
other academic skills. other languages and cultures to do
Some studies have found their jobs well. Teachers,
that students who learn foreign healthcare providers, customer
languages score statistically service representatives, and law
higher on standardized college enforcement personnel also serve
entrance exams than those who do their constituencies more
not. For example, the College effectively when they can reach
Entrance Examination Board across languages and cultures.
reported that students who had Developing the language abilities
averaged four or more years of of the students now in school will
foreign language study scored improve the effectiveness of the
higher on the verbal section of the work force later.
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
than those who had studied four or
more years of any other subject
(College Entrance Examination
Board, 1992; Cooper, 1987).
These findings, which were

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b. How to teach children second second language learning. Children

language acquisition can learn elements of a second
language from a babysitter, a nanny, a
1) Natural Situation
family member, or a friend. They
A natural situation for second learn the language by imitating. It
language learning is one where the means that the child copies and
second language is experienced in a repeats aloud the words which he or
situation that is similar to that in she hears. Through imitation, children
which the native language is learned. learn how to pronounce sounds and
That is language is experienced words and they seem to enjoy
dealing with the objects, situations imitating the sounds which they hear
and events of everyday life. The (Masur, 1995).
paradigm case would be that of a
2) Classroom situation
young child going to live in another
country and learning that country‘s Children can also attend a
language, not by explicit teaching, multilingual preschool or a preschool
but by interacting with play mates. with a language program. If a child
For example, an English-speaking 5 has a number of positive experiences
year old f rom New York goes to with another language, he or she can
Tokyo with her parents. Through become quite receptive to learning
playing with Japanese children, she other languages.
soon learns Japanese. In fact, she
learns the language in less than a Throughout the school years,
year, which is not uncommon for parents can show their children that
children this age, and her speech is the ability to speak a second language
indistinguishable from that of native is valued by encouraging an interest
speakers. She is soon translating for in other languages and cultures.
her parents when they go shopping or Parents can show their respect for
speaking for them on telephone other cultures and ways of speaking
(Stenberg, 2001: 178) by inviting people who speak other
languages into their homes and by
From example below it can be attending cultural events featuring
concluded that the young child is music, dance, or food from other
often readily accepted by other countries. They can also provide their
children and even adults. For young children with books, videos, and
children language is not as essential similar materials in other languages,
to social interaction. So called and they can send their children to
parallel play is common among foreign language camps.
young children. They can be content
just to sit in each other‘s company To supplement language
speaking only occasionally and classes, parents of older children
playing on their own. ., for example might also wish to explore the
possibility of enrolling them in
Before children begin to international exchange programs.
school, parents can begin to facilitate Students normally live abroad with a

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host family, which provides them The population of the research is

with a safe and sheltered environment all the English lectures at English
where they can practice their language Department of Education and Teacher
skills. These experiences offer Training Faculty in State Islamic
valuable opportunities to complement University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.
second language study with firsthand The Total population 31 Lecturers. The
exploration of a different culture. sample of the research is taken by using
purposive sampling. Purposive sampling
Parents who are interested in is choosing specific people within the
enrolling their children in elementary population to use for a particular study or
school foreign language programs research project. Purposive sampling
should first inquire about existing (also known as judgment, selective or
programs in the school district. If the subjective sampling) is a sampling
neighborhood school does not offer technique in which researcher relies on
foreign language instruction, it is his or her own judgment when choosing
possible that immersion programs or members of population to participate in
language-focused schools exist the study. Purposive sampling starts with
elsewhere in the school district. a purpose in mind and the sample is thus
Enrollment information will be selected to include people of interest and
available at individual schools or at exclude those who do not suit the
district administrative offices. If there purpose. The researcher took the sample
are no foreign language schools or by classifying into the person who has
programs offered in the school children under five years old. They are
district, then private language classes fifteen lecturers who have the children
may be the only option. Although under five years
second language classes are not
always readily available, many old. But only one lecturer who had
resources exist to help parents and successfully taught her children by using
educators establish a program in their English in daily speaking.
school or school district.
In collecting the data, the
3. Method of The Research researcher used observation and
interview. The first is observation.
This research is a qualitative research. Marshall and Rossman (1989) define
Qualitative research is aimed at gaining a observation as "the systematic description
deep understanding of a specific of events, behaviors, and artifacts in the
organization or event, rather a than social setting chosen for study" (p.79).
surface description of a large sample of a Observations enable the researcher to
population. It aims to provide an explicit describe existing situations using the five
rendering of the structure, order, and senses, providing a "written photograph"
broad patterns found among a group of of the situation under study (Erlando,
participants. It is also called Harris, Skipper & Allen, 1993). The
ethnomethodology or field research. It second is interview. An interview is a
generates data about human groups in conversation where questions are asked
social settings. and answers are given. In common

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parlance, the word "interview" refers to a University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.
one-on-one conversation with one person Based on the interviewed with her
acting in the role of the interviewer and mother, there are three conclusion about
the other in the role of the interviewee. why Raufan can use English in his daily
The interviewer asks questions, the communication.
interviewee responds, with participants
taking turns talking. Interviews usually 1. Her mother started to teach Raufan by
involve a transfer of information from using English at 9 months. It means
interviewee to interviewer, which is that he started using English at early
usually the primary purpose of the age. When kids are still babies, their
interview, although information transfers mind is being constructed and
can happen in both directions structured every day in order to
simultaneously. The researcher used understand the stimulus that they get
unstructured interview According to from the world around them. Experts
(May K, 1991). It does not reflect any say that children who learn a language
preconceived theories or ideas and are before their teenage years are more
performed with little or no organisation. likely than older learners to achieve
Such an interview may simply start with native-like pronunciation.
an opening question such as 'Can you tell Furthermore, research has found that
me about your experience of visiting the kids have an innate ability to acquire
dentist?' and will then progress based, the rules of any language – an ability
primarily, upon the initial response. that disappears by adulthood.
Unstructured interviews are usually very Although children‘s minds are known
time-consuming (often lasting several for being ―like a sponge‖ which
hours) and can be difficult to manage, and absorbs everything, it is
to participate in, as the lack of recommended to give them enough
predetermined interview questions time to acquire and fully understand
provides little guidance on what to talk one language before introducing
about (which many participants find another one. Otherwise, they might go
confusing and unhelpful). Their use is, through a confused time in which they
therefore, generally only considered won‘t actually know how to express
where significant 'depth' is required, or themselves. Anyhow, it is an obvious
where virtually nothing is known about fact that the more years committed to
the subject area (or a different perspective learning a language and the more use
of a known subject area is required). of it made, the greater the proficiency
that will be achieved.
4. Result and Discussion 2. Raufan was taught by using
audiovisual. Her mother usually play
The participant of this research English song for children such as;
was Raufan Muazzam Hisyam. He is the twinkle-twinkle little star, johny-
son of Riri Fauzana, S.Pd., M.Sc and johny yes papa, old mc donald farm
Rizqi Abadi, S. Ikom. He was born on and etc. Besides that Raufan usually
March 5 2013. Now he is 3,5 years old. watched Baby vision channel. Base
Her mother Riri Fauzana was the lecturer on the theory, children learn best by
in English Department at State Islamic observing and copying the behaviors

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of adults. It is therefore evident that teacher‘s ability to present the lesson

learning is more effective when in simple, effective and easy to
sensory experiences are stimulated. understand for the students.
These include pictures, slides, radios, Audiovisual material make learning
videos and other audiovisual tools. more permanent since students use
According to the Webster dictionary, more than one sense. It is important to
audio-visual aids is defined as create awareness for the state and
‗training or educational materials federal ministry of education as policy
directed at both the senses of hearing makers in secondary schools of the
and the sense of sight, films, need to inculcate audiovisual resource
recordings, photographs, etc. used in as main teaching pedagogy in
classroom instructions, library curricula. The outcome is to promote
collections or the likes‖. The concept the audiovisual material in secondary
of audiovisual aids is not new and can schools because they lack the resource
be traced back to seventeenth century to produce them. The visual
when John Amos Comenius (1592- instruction makes abstract ideas more
1670), a Bohemian educator, concrete to the learners. This is to
introduced pictures as teaching aids in provide a basis for schools to
his book Orbis Sensualium Pictus understand the important roles in
(―picture of the Sensual World‖) that encouraging and supporting the use of
was illustrated with 150 drawings of audiovisual resource. In addition,
everyday life (Aggarwal, 2009). studies have shown that there is
Similarly, Jean Rousseau (17122- significant difference between the use
1788) and JH Pestalozzi (1756-1827) and non-use of audiovisual material in
advocated the use of visual and play teaching and learning (Ode, 2014)
materials in teaching (Akram, S.; 3. Raufan also taught by using game
Sufiana; Malik, 2012). More recently, such as flash card. Her mother
audiovisual aids were also widely showed him the card that is content of
used during and after World War II by the words for daily living for example
the armed service. The successful use read, eat, sleep, drink and etc.
of picture and other visual aids in U.S
armed forces during World War II Games help the teacher to create
proved the effectiveness of contexts in which the language is
instructional tools (. There are various useful and meaningful. Even though
types of audiovisual materials ranging games are often associated with fun,
from filmstrips, microforms, slides, we should not lose sight of their
projected opaque materials, tape pedagogical value, particularly in
recording and flashcards. In the foreign language teaching and
current digital world, audiovisual aids learning. Games are effective as they
have grown exponentially with create motivation, lower students‘
several multimedia such as stress, and give language learners the
educational DVDs, PowerPoint, opportunity for real communication.
television educational series, youtube, According to (J. Haldfield, 1999) ―a
and other online materials. The goal game is an activity with rules, a goal
of audio-visual aids is to enhance and an element of fun.… Games

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should be regarded as an integral part and classroom behavior. Pair or

of the language syllabus‖. This group work is one of the main
definition highly evaluates the ways to increase cooperation.
importance of games in teaching. It Many games can be played in
shows that games serve not only as an pairs or in small groups, thereby
‗amusing activity‘, but also as a providing an opportunity to
technique to carry out many develop their interpersonal skills
pedagogical tasks. Classifying games such as the skill of disagreeing
into categories can be difficult politely or the skill of asking for
because categories often overlap. (J. help. In the classroom learners
Hadfield,199) proposes two ways of will definitely participate in the
classifying language games. First, activities. Therefore, in groups or
language games are divided into two in pairs, they are more willing to
types: linguistic and communicative ask questions, communicate and
games. Linguistic games focus on discuss topics with their partners
accuracy, such as supplying the and think creatively about how to
correct antonym. Communicative use foreign language to achieve
games presuppose successful their goals. The competition in the
exchange of information and ideas. J. games gives students a natural
Hadfield also offers to classify opportunity to work together and
language games into many more communicate with each other a
categories: sorting, ordering, or lot.
arranging, information gap games, b) Games improve learners‘
guessing, search games, matching language acquisition. Thanks to
games, labeling, exchanging games; the motivation and interaction
board, role play games. According to created by games, students can
(W. Lee, 1991), games can be acquire knowledge faster and
classified into ten categories: structure more effectively than by other
games which provide experience of means. Games can stimulate and
the use of particular patterns of syntax encourage students to participate
in communication; vocabulary games in the activity since they naturally
in which the learners‘ attention is want to win. Apart from having
focused mainly on words; spelling, fun, students are learning. They
pronunciation games; number games; acquire a new language. Students
listen-and-do games; games and begin to realize that they have to
writing; miming and role play; use the language if they want
discussion games. others to understand what they are
saying. Furthermore, games can
There are some of the common lower anxiety. In the easy, relaxed
advantages of using games in foreign atmosphere which is created by
language teaching and learning. using games, students remember
a) Games promote learners‘ things faster and better. The
interaction. Interaction comprises meaning of the language students
the nature of classroom pedagogy listen to, read, speak and write in
will be more vividly experienced

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in a game and, therefore, they will 5. Conclusion

better remember the language they
learn. If parents are thinking about
c) Games increase learners‘ teaching your children a foreign
achievement. Games can involve language, find out more about what
all the basic language skills, i.e., considerations you should keep in mind.
listening, speaking, reading, and Learning a foreign and new language
writing, and a number of skills are involves an obvious amount of effort for
often involved in the same game. anyone, either a child or an adult, but the
Games can motivate learners, younger you are the easier it is. When
promote learners‘ interaction, and considering teaching children a foreign
improve learners‘ acquisition. As language, it is important to think about
a result, games can increase the benefits that knowing and gaining this
learners‘ achievement, which skill might bring to your kids in the
means that learners‘ test results, future. At a career-wise level,
ability of communication, professionals able to communicate in a
knowledge of vocabulary, or other second or third language are always more
language skills can improve. C. desirable since they can embrace
Riedle, emphasizes the advantage additional responsibilities and job
of games in improving learners‘ opportunities. In this sense, parents may
achievements: ―We are teaching a want to think about languages that could
new generation of students, which be more useful to know in the future. At a
requires unconventional teaching personal level, the more languages a
strategies to be put into practice in person speaks, the better access he or she
the classroom. And when schools will have to different people and
use games, student benefits speak resources from other countries and
for themselves – a greater desire cultures. Additionally, it helps children to
to learn and higher test scores. better understand other cultures,
expressions and styles of communication.
In brief, games prove to be This can encourage children to appreciate
a useful tool in language teaching. how big the world is and will open their
Games not only motivate learners mind greatly – which is always a good
and create a friendly atmosphere, thing. Finally, children that are advanced
they are aimed at developing all or fluent in a foreign language will feel
language skills. Consequently, especially satisfied when practicing it
games can motivate, promote abroad. Discovering that they are able to
learners‘ interaction, improve communicate with foreign people will
their acquisition and increase their boost their self esteem, autonomy and
achievement. confidence.

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