Language Curriculum 2023 - Condensed Grades 1-8

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Grades 1-8 Condensed

Document Created by Marshauna Smith Parkes, Ontario Certified Teacher, using the Ontario Language Curriculum 2023 Grades 1-8
retrieved at, “”
Strand A: Literacy Connections and Applications
Overall Expectation A1: Transferable Skill

Demonstrate an understand ing of how the seven transferable skills (critical thinking and problem solving; innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship;
self-directed learning; collaboration; communication; global citizens hip and sustainability; and digital literacy) are used in various language and literacy

Transferable Skills – Communication, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Self-Directed Learning


Domain-Specific Contexts – The particular field or area of knowledge that is relevant to a given communication. Communication within a domain may
involve specialized knowledge, styles, conventions, and terminology.
Viewing – The process of understanding and appreciating visual texts in various formats. Viewing involves analyzing the techniques and conventions
of visual texts and becoming critical viewers of visual media.
Forms – A category or type of text that has certain defining characteristics. The concept of text forms provides a way for readers, listeners, viewers,
and creators to think about the purpose of a text and its intended audience. Most texts are of multiple forms (e.g., a comic strip is a visual text that may
also be narrative, expository, literary). Text forms include but are not limited to:
• Expository – An expository text explains something, providing evidence, or uses a text pattern such as comparison and contrast, or cause and
effect. A narrative exposition provides factual background information within a story. Also called an explanatory text.
• Descriptive – A descriptive text provides an account or representation of a person, object, or event, using descriptive or figurative language.
• Functional – A functional text is any text that is useful in daily life; it usually includes information that helps the reader, listener, or viewer make
decisions and complete tasks.
• Informational – An informational text informs the reader, listener, or viewer about a specific topic. This term is also used to describe any non-
literary text.
• Literary – A literary text is a text created to tell a story or to entertain. Its primary purpose is usually aesthetic, but it may also contain political
messages or beliefs.
• Narrative – A narrative text tells a story or recounts a series of connected events. A personal narrative is told from the first-person point of view.
• Persuasive – A persuasive text attempts to convince or influence the reader, listener, or viewer to do or believe something. An argument aims to
persuade others that an action or idea is right or wrong, using logic and providing evidence.
• Procedural – A procedural text describes procedures or how to do something.
• Report – A report gives an account of something observed, heard, done, or investigated.
• Visual – A visual text is an image, or a text in which images may play a major role.
Conventions – Accepted practices or rules in the use of language, and of features in a text form or genre. Some conventions help convey meaning
(e.g., punctuation and grammar in written texts); some describe accepted practices in a genre (e.g., the main characters in children’s books should be
children or animals; locations in horror films should be dark and secluded) and some describe rules for the presentation of content (e.g., sizes of
margins and indents in an academic essay). Oral, written, visual, and multimodal texts each have their own conventions that influence the way we
interpret their meanings.
Digital Texts – A text created, stored, and transmitted in a digital form (e.g., web page, social media post, email, computer graphic).
Media Texts – Any work, object, or event that communicates meaning to an audience. Most media texts use words, graphics, sounds, and/or images,
in print, oral, visual, or digital form, to communicate information and ideas to their audience. Examples include: advertisement, database, vlog, film,
newspaper, magazine, brochure, interview, clothing, song, dance.
Culturally Relevant and Responsive Texts – A text that engages readers’ interests as it considers or connects the identities, backgrounds, lived
experiences, perspectives, and knowledges of the reader.

1|Pa ge
Specific Expectations:
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8

Receptive and Expressive Communication

A1.1 A1.1 A1.1 A1.1 A1.1 A1.1 A1.1 A1.1
identify how identify how identify how explain how explain how explain how analyze and analyze and
transferable transferable transferable transferable transferable transferable explain how explain how
skills can be skills can be skills can be skills can be skills can be skills can be transferable transferable
used to support used to support used to support used to support used to support used to support skills can be skills can be
communication communication communication communication communication communication used to support used to support
in various in various in various in various in various in various communication communication
cultural, social, cultural, social, cultural, social, cultural, social, cultural, social, cultural, social, in various in various
linguistic, linguistic, linguistic, and linguistic, and linguistic, and linguistic, and cultural, social, cultural, social,
and domain- and domain- domain-specific domain-specific domain-specific domain-specific linguistic, linguistic,
specific contexts, specific contexts, contexts, and contexts, and contexts, and contexts, and and domain- and domain-
and apply them and apply them apply them apply them apply them apply them specific contexts, specific contexts,
when reading, when reading, when reading, when reading, when reading, when reading, and apply them and apply them
listening listening listening to, listening to, listening to, listening to, when reading, when reading,
to, viewing, and to, viewing, and viewing, and viewing, and viewing, and viewing, and listening listening
creating texts of creating texts of creating texts of creating texts of creating texts of creating texts of to, viewing, and to, viewing, and
various forms various forms various forms various forms various forms various forms creating texts of creating texts of
various forms various forms

Student Agency and Engagement

A1.2 A1.2 A1.2 A1.2 A1.2 A1.2 A1.2 A1.2
demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an explain how explain how explain how evaluate and evaluate and
understanding of understanding of understanding transferable transferable transferable explain how explain how
how transferable how transferable of how skills help them skills help them skills help them transferable transferable
skills help them skills help them transferable to express their to express their to express their skills help them skills help them
to express their to express their skills help them voice, be voice, be voice, be to express their to express their
voice and be voice and be to express their engaged in their engaged in their engaged in their voice, be voice, be
engaged in their engaged in their voice and be learning, and learning, and learning, and engaged in their engaged in their
learning learning engaged in their plan the next plan the next plan the next learning, and learning, and
learning steps to develop steps to develop steps to develop implement a plan implement a plan
their capabilities their capabilities their capabilities to develop their to develop their
and potential and potential and potential capabilities and capabilities and
potential potential

2|Pa ge
Strand A: Literacy Connections and Applications
Overall Expectation A2: Digital Media Literacy

Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to
construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media.

Transferable Skills – Digital Literacy; Collaboration; Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship

Specific Expectations:
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
Digital Citizenship
A2.1 A2.1 A2.1 A2.1 A2.1 A2.1 A2.1 A2.1
demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an explain their explain their explain their evaluate and evaluate and
understanding of understanding of understanding of rights and rights and rights and explain their explain their
their rights and their rights and their rights and responsibilities responsibilities responsibilities rights and rights and
responsibilities responsibilities responsibilities when interacting when interacting when interacting responsibilities responsibilities
when interacting when interacting when interacting online with online with online with when interacting when interacting
online with online with online with appropriate appropriate appropriate online with online with
appropriate appropriate appropriate permission, and permission, and permission, and appropriate appropriate
permission, and permission, and permission, and make decisions make decisions make decisions permission, and permission, and
make decisions make decisions make decisions that contribute that contribute that contribute make decisions make decisions
that contribute that contribute that contribute positively to the positively to the positively to the that contribute that contribute
positively to the positively to the positively to the development of development of development of positively to the positively to the
development of development of development of their digital their digital their digital development of development of
their digital their digital their digital identity and identity and identity and their digital their digital
identity and identity and identity and those of their those of their those of their identity and identity and
those of their those of their those of their communities communities communities those of their those of their
communities communities communities communities communities

3|Pa ge
Online Safety, Well-Being, and Etiquette
A2.2 A2.2 A2.2 A2.2 A2.2 A2.2 A2.2 A2.2
demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an
understanding of understanding of understanding understanding understanding understanding understanding of understanding of
how to navigate how to navigate of how to of how to of how to of how to how to navigate how to navigate
online online navigate online navigate online navigate online navigate online online online
environments environments environments environments environments environments environments environments
safely, manage safely, manage safely, manage safely, manage safely, manage safely, manage safely, manage safely, manage
their privacy, and their privacy, and their privacy, their privacy their privacy their privacy their privacy, their privacy,
interact in a way interact in a way and interact in a and personal and personal and personal personal data, personal data,
that supports that supports way that data, and data, and data, and and security, and and security, and
their well-being their well-being supports their interact in a way interact in a way interact in a way interact in a way interact in a way
and that of and that of well-being and that supports that supports that supports that supports that supports
others, including others, including that of others, their well-being their well-being their well-being their well-being their well-being
seeking seeking including and that of and that of and that of and that of and that of
appropriate appropriate seeking others, including others, including others, including others, including others, including
permission permission appropriate seeking seeking seeking seeking seeking
permission appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate
permission permission permission permission permission
Research and Information Literacy
A2.3 A2.3 A2.3 A2.3 A2.3 A2.3 A2.3 A2.3
gather, evaluate, gather, evaluate, gather, evaluate, gather, evaluate, gather, evaluate, gather, evaluate, conduct conduct
and use and use and use and use and use and use research, research,
information, information, information, information, information, information, considering considering
considering considering considering considering considering considering accuracy, accuracy,
various various various validity, validity, validity, credibility, and credibility, and
perspectives, to perspectives, to perspectives, to credibility, credibility, credibility, perspectives, perspectives,
construct construct construct accuracy, and accuracy, and accuracy, and with a focus on with a focus on
knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and perspectives, to perspectives, to perspectives, to misinformation, misinformation,
demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate construct construct construct disinformation, disinformation,
learning learning learning knowled ge, knowled ge, knowled ge, and curated and curated
create texts, and create texts, and create texts, and information, to information, to
demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate construct construct
learning learning learning knowledge, knowledge,
create texts, and create texts, and
demonstrate demonstrate
learning, while learning, while
respecting legal respecting legal
and ethical and ethical
considerations considerations

4|Pa ge
Forms, Conventions, and Techniques
A2.4 A2.4 A2.4 A2.4 A2.4 A2.4 A2.4 A2.4
demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an evaluate the use evaluate the use
understanding of understanding of understanding understanding understanding understanding of the various of the various
the the of the forms, of the forms, of the forms, of the forms, forms, conventio forms, conventio
forms, conventio forms, conventio conventions, conventions, conventions, conventions, ns, and ns, and
ns, and ns, and and techniques and techniques and techniques and techniques techniques techniques
techniques techniques of digital and of digital and of digital and of digital and of digital and me of digital and me
of digital and me of digital and me media texts, and media texts, media texts, media texts, dia texts, dia texts,
dia texts, and dia texts, and apply this consider the consider the consider the consider the consider the
apply this apply this understanding impact on the impact on the impact on the impact on the impact on the
understanding understanding when analyzing audience, and audience, and audience, and audience, and audience, and
when analyzing when analyzing texts apply this apply this apply this apply this apply this
texts texts understanding understanding understanding understanding understanding
when analyzing when analyzing when analyzing when analyzing when analyzing
and creating and creating and creating and creating and creating
texts texts texts texts texts

Media, Audience, and Production

A2.5 A2.5 A2.5 A2.5 A2.5 A2.5 A2.5 A2.5
demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
the the the the the the the the
interrelationships interrelationships interrelationships interrelationships interrelationships interrelationships interrelationships interrelationships
between the between the between the between the between the between the between the between the
form, message, form, message, form, messa ge, form, message, form, messa ge, form, messa ge, form, message, form, message,
and context of a and context of a and context of a and context of and context of and context of and context of and context of
text, the text, the text, the texts, the texts, the texts, the texts, the texts, the
audience, and audience, and audience, and intended intended intended intended and intended and
the creator the creator the creator audience, and audience, and audience, and unintended unintended
the purpose for the purpose for the purpose for audience, and audience, and
production production production the purpose for the purpose for
production production

5|Pa ge
Innovation and Design
A2.6 A2.6 A2.6 A2.6 A2.6 A2.6 A2.6 A2.6
use digital and use digital and use digital and select and use select and use select and use select and use select and use
media tools to media tools to media tools to appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate
support stages of support stages of support stages digital and media digital and media digital and media digital and media digital and media
the design the design of the design tools to support tools to support tools to support tools to support tools to support
process and to process and to process and to the design the design the design the design the design
develop creative develop creative develop creative process and process and process and process and process and
solutions to solutions to solutions to address address address address address
authentic, real- authentic, real- authentic, real- authentic, authentic, authentic, authentic, authentic,
world problems world problems world problems relevant, real- relevant, real- relevant, real- relevant, real- relevant, real-
world problems world problems world problems world problems world problems
by developing by developing by developing by developing by developing
innovative innovative innovative and proposing and proposing
solutions solutions solutions innovative innovative
solutions solutions

Community and Cultural Awareness

A2.7 A2.7 A2.7 A2.7 A2.7 A2.7 A2.7 A2.7
communicate communicate communicate communicate communicate communicate communicate communicate
and collaborate and collaborate and collaborate and collaborate and collaborate and collaborate and collaborate and collaborate
with various with various with various with various with various with various with various with various
communities in a communities in a communities in a communities in a communities in a communities in a communities in a communities in a
safe, respectful, safe, respectful, safe, respectful, safe, respectful, safe, respectful, safe, respectful, safe, respectful, safe, respectful,
responsible, and responsible, and responsible, and responsible, and responsible, and responsible, and responsible, and responsible, and
inclusive manner inclusive manner inclusive manner inclusive manner inclusive manner inclusive manner inclusive manner inclusive manner
when using when using when using when using when using when using when using when using
online platforms online platforms online platforms online platforms online platforms online platforms online platforms online platforms
and and and and and and and and
environments, environments, environments, environments, environments, environments, environments, environments,
including digital including digital including digital including digital including digital including digital including digital including digital
and media tools, and media tools, and media tools, and media tools, and media tools, and media tools, and media tools, and media tools,
and demonstrate and demonstrate and demonstrate and demonstrate and demonstrate and demonstrate and demonstrate and demonstrate
cultural cultural cultural cultural cultural cultural and model and model
awareness with awareness with awareness with awareness with awareness with awareness with cultural cultural
members of the members of the members of the members of the members of the members of the awareness with awareness with
community community community community community community members of the members of the
community community

6|Pa ge
Strand A: Literacy Connections and Applications
Overall Expectation A3: Applications, Connections, and Contributions

Apply language and literacy skills in cross-curricular and integrated learning, and demonstrate an understanding of, and make connections to, diverse voices,
experiences, perspectives, histories, and contributions, including those of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit individuals, communities, groups, and nations.

Transferable Skills – Global citizenship and Sustainability, Communication, Collaboration

Specific Expectations:
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
Cross-Curricular and Integrated Learning
A3.1 A3.1 A3.1 A3.1 A3.1 A3.1 A3.1 A3.1
apply the apply the apply the explain how the explain how the explain how the analyze and analyze and
knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and explain how the explain how the
skills developed skills developed skills developed skills developed skills developed skills developed knowledge and knowledge and
in this grade to in this grade to in this grade to in this grade in this grade in this grade skills developed skills developed
support learning support learning support learning support learning support learning support learning in this grade in this grade
in various subject in various subject in various subject in various in various in various support learning support learning
areas and identify areas and identify areas and subject areas subject areas subject areas in various subject in various subject
some ways this some ways this identify some and in everyday and in everyday and in everyday areas and in areas and in
learning can be learning can be ways this life, and describe life, and describe life, and describe everyday life, and everyday life, and
used in everyday used in everyday learning can be how they how they how they describe how describe how
life life used in everyday enhance enhance enhance they enhance they enhance
life understanding understanding understanding understanding understanding
and and and and and
communication communication communication communication communication

7|Pa ge
Identity and Community
A3.2 A3.2 A3.2 A3.2 A3.2 A3.2 A3.2 A3.2
demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an
understanding of understanding of understanding understanding understanding understanding of understanding of understanding of
the contributions, the contributions, of the of the historical of the historical the historical the historical the historical
lived experiences, lived experiences, contributions, contexts, contexts, contexts, contexts, contexts,
and perspectives and perspectives lived contributions, contributions, contributions, contributions, contributions,
of a diversity of of a diversity of lived experiences, lived experiences, lived experiences,
experiences, lived lived
individuals and individuals and and perspectives and perspectives and perspectives
and experiences, experiences, of a diversity of
communities, communities, of a diversity of of a diversity of
including those in including those in perspectives of and and individuals and individuals and individuals and
Canada, by Canada, by a diversity of perspectives of perspectives of communities, communities, communities,
exploring the exploring the individuals and a diversity of a diversity of including those in including those in including those in
concepts of concepts of communities, individuals and individuals and Canada, by Canada, by Canada, by
identity, self, and identity, self, and including those communities, communities, exploring the exploring and exploring and
sense of sense of in Canada, by including those including those concepts of analyzing the analyzing the
belonging belonging exploring the in Canada, by in Canada, by identity, self, and concepts of concepts of
in culturally in culturally concepts of exploring the exploring the sense of identity, self, and identity, self, and
responsive and responsive and identity, self, concepts of concepts of belonging in a sense of sense of
relevant texts relevant texts variety of belonging in a belonging in a
and sense of identity, self, identity, self,
culturally variety variety
belonging and sense of and sense of responsive and of culturally of culturally
in culturally belonging in a belonging in a relevant texts responsive and responsive and
responsive and variety of variety of relevant texts relevant texts
relevant culturally culturally
texts responsive and responsive and
relevant texts relevant texts
First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Perspectives and Ways of Knowing
A3.3 A3.3 A3.3 A3.3 A3.3 A3.3 A3.3 A3.3
identify themes identify themes identify themes explain themes explain themes explain themes analyze themes analyze themes
explored in First explored in First explored in First explored in First explored in First explored in First explored in First explored in First
Nations, Métis, Nations, Métis, Nations, Métis, Nations, Métis, Nations, Métis, Nations, Métis, Nations, Métis, Nations, Métis,
and Inuit cultures and Inuit cultures and Inuit cultures and Inuit cultures and Inuit cultures and Inuit cultures and Inuit cultures and Inuit cultures
to demonstrate to demonstrate to demonstrate to demonstrate to demonstrate to demonstrate to demonstrate to demonstrate
an understanding an understanding an understanding an understanding an understanding an understanding an understanding an understanding
of the varied of the varied of the varied of the varied of the varied of the varied of the varied of the varied
identities, identities, identities, identities, identities, identities, identities, identities,
perspectives, perspectives, perspectives, perspectives, perspectives, perspectives, perspectives, perspectives,
relationships, relationships, relationships, relationships, relationships, relationships, relationships, relationships,
legacies, truths, legacies, truths, legacies, truths, legacies, truths, legacies, truths, legacies, truths, legacies, truths, legacies, truths,
and ways of and ways of and ways of and ways of and ways of and ways of and ways of and ways of
knowing, being, knowing, being, knowing, being, knowing, being, knowing, being, knowing, being, knowing, being, knowing, being,
and doing and doing and doing and doing and doing and doing and doing and doing

8|Pa ge
Strand B: Foundations of Language

Overall Expectation B1: Oral and Non-Verbal Communication

Apply listening, speaking, and non-verbal communication skills and strategies to understand and communicate meaning in formal and informal contexts
and for various purposes and audiences.

Transferable Skills – Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving


Oral Communication – The exchange of information and ideas through speech or the spoken word. It can be face-to-face or by way of a communication
device such as a telephone or video conferencing application. Aspects of spoken language include word choice, pronunciation, and fluency, as well as
tone, pitch, and pace. Non-verbal communication (e.g., body language) can emphasize spoken words.
Non-Verbal Communication – Aspects of communication that convey meaning without the use of words or voice (e.g., facial expressions, gestures, body
language, eye movement, silence, proximity, touch), and by using objects and pictures in place of words and speech. Gestures and other types of non-
verbal communication may have diverse cultural connotations.
Word Choice – The careful selection of words to communicate a message or establish a particular voice or writing style. Word choice plays a key role in
establishing correctness, clearness, or effectiveness. Also called diction.
Specific Expectations:
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
Effective Listening Skills
B1.1 B1.1 B1.1 B1.1 B1.1 B1.1 B1.1 B1.1
use effective use effective use effective use effective use effective analyze various analyze various evaluate and use
listening skills, listening skills, listening skills, listening skills, listening skills, effective listening effective listening various effective
including listening including asking including asking including asking including skills, including skills, including listening skills to
attentively and relevant questions to questions to expressing understanding understanding enhance
asking relevant questions, clarify information encourage a interest in what is when to ask when to ask comprehension,
questions, in restating what and ideas, in speaker to being said at relevant relevant including
formal and they heard, and formal and elaborate, and appropriate times, questions and questions and paraphrasing,
informal contexts, expressing informal contexts responding to the asking questions how to respond how to respond to asking open-
including interest, in formal and for various contributions of to encourage a to the the contributions ended questions,
conversations and informal purposes, others in group speaker to contributions of of others in group making relevant
and classroom contexts and for including in small- discussions, in elaborate, and others in group discussions, and responses in
activities various purposes, and large-group formal and responding to the discussions, and use these skills in group
including in conversations informal contexts contributions of use these skills formal and discussions, and
conversations and various and for various others in group in formal and informal contexts reflecting on what
and various classroom purposes discussions, in informal contexts and for various has been said,
classroom activities formal and and for various purposes and use these
activities informal contexts purposes skills in formal
and for various and informal
purposes contexts and for
various purposes

9|Pa ge
Listening Strategies for Comprehension
B1.2 B1.2 B1.2 B1.2 B1.2 B1.2 B1.2 B1.2
identify and use identify and use a select and use a select and use a select and use a select and use a select and use a select and use a
listening variety of listening variety of listening variety of listening variety of listening variety of variety of listening variety of listening
strategies before, strategies before, strategies before, strategies before, strategies before, listening strategies before, strategies before,
during, and after during, and after during, and after during, and after during, and after strategies before, during, and after during, and after
listening to listening to listening to listening to during, and after listening to listening to
listening to
comprehend comprehend comprehend comprehend listening to comprehend analyze and
information information information information and comprehend comprehend information comprehend
communicated or communicated or communicated or messages information and information communicated or information
ally and non- ally and non- ally and non- communicated messages communicated ally and non- communicated or
verbally verbally, and to verbally, orally and non- communicated orally and non- verbally, seek ally and non-
recognize when a recognize when a verbally, express orally and non- verbally, seek clarification, and verbally, seek
message is message is interest in what is verbally, clarification, and develop a clarification, and
difficult to difficult to being said at determine the develop a relevant response identify relevant
understand understand, and appropriate times, purpose of a text, relevant appropriate to the evidence to
develop an seek clarification, construct response context support a
appropriate and develop an meaning, seek appropriate to the response
response appropriate clarification, and context appropriate to the
response develop an context

Speaking Purposes and Strategies

B1.3 B1.3 B1.3 B1.3 B1.3 B1.3 B1.3 B1.3
identify the identify the identify the identify the identify the identify the identify the analyze the
purpose and purpose and purpose and purpose and purpose and purpose and purpose and purpose and
audience for audience for audience for audience for audience for audience for audience for audience for
speaking in speaking in speaking in speaking in speaking in speaking in speaking in speaking in
formal and formal and formal and formal and formal and formal and formal and formal and
informal contexts, informal contexts, informal contexts, informal informal informal contexts, informal contexts, informal contexts,
and use and use and use contexts, and contexts, and and choose and choose and select and
appropriate appropriate appropriate use appropriate use appropriate appropriate appropriate adapt speaking
speaking speaking speaking speaking speaking speaking speaking strategies to
strategies, strategies, strategies, strategies, strategies, strategies to strategies to communicate
including taking including taking including including including communicate communicate clearly and
turns, turns and staying establishing a paraphrasing paraphrasing clearly and clearly and coherently
understanding on topic, to rapport with the and restating, to and restating, to coherently coherently
when to speak, communicate audience, to communicate communicate
and knowing how meaning clearly communicate clearly and clearly and
much to say, to and coherently clearly and coherently coherently
communicate coherently
clearly and
10 | P a g e
Oral and Non-Verbal Communication Strategies
B1.4 B1.4 B1.4 B1.4 B1.4 B1.4 B1.4 B1.4
identify and use identify and use identify and use identify and use identify and use identify and use identify and use identify and use
oral and non- oral and non- oral and non- oral and non- oral and non- oral and non- oral and non- oral and non-
verbal verbal verbal verbal verbal verbal verbal verbal
communication communication communication communication communication communication communication communication
strategies, strategies, strategies, strategies, strategies, strategies, strategies, strategies,
including including including including including including including including
expression, expression, expression, expression, expression, expression, expression, expression,
gestures, and gestures, and gestures, and gestures, and gestures, and gestures, and gestures, and gestures, and
body language, body language, body language, body language, body language, body language, body language, body language,
to interpret or and demonstrate and demonstrate and explain how and explain how and analyze the and analyze the and evaluate and
contribute to the an an these strategies these strategies ways in which ways in which compare the
meaning of understanding of understanding of help them help them these strategies these strategies effectiveness of
messages how these how these understand or understand or support support these strategies
strategies can strategies can communicate communicate understanding understanding or in supporting
contribute to the contribute to the ideas and ideas and or communication, understanding or
meaning being meaning being meaning meaning communication, including how communication,
conveyed conveyed including how their use may including how
their use may vary across their use may
vary across cultures vary across
cultures cultures

11 | P a g e
Word Choice, Syntax, and Grammar in Oral Communication
B1.5 B1.5 B1.5 B1.5 B1.5 B1.5 B1.5 B1.5
use use use use appropriate use appropriate use precise and use precise and use precise and
appropriate word appropriate word appropriate word word choice, word choice, descriptive word descriptive word descriptive word
choice, including choice, including choice, including including new including new choice, including choice, including choice,
new vocabulary, new vocabulary, new vocabulary, vocabulary, vocabulary, varied adjectives varied adjectives including domain
grammar, and grammar, and grammar, and varied adjectives varied adjectives and adverbs to and adverbs to -specific
cohesive cohesive cohesive and adverbs to and adverbs to elaborate, a elaborate, a vocabulary from
phrases and sentences when sentences when elaborate, a elaborate, a variety of variety various subjects,
sentences when speaking and speaking and variety of variety of sentence types, of sentence and cohesive
speaking and communicating communicating sentence types, sentence types, cohesive types, cohesive and coherent
communicating ideas, to support ideas in various and cohesive and cohesive sentences, and and coherent sentences during
ideas audience contexts, to sentences during sentences during the active or sentences, and formal and
comprehension support audience formal and formal and passive voice as the active or informal
comprehension informal informal appropriate passive voice as communication,
communication, communication, during formal appropriate to support
to support to support and informal during formal audience
audience audience communication, and informal comprehension
comprehension comprehension to support communication,
audience to support
comprehension audience

12 | P a g e
Strand B: Foundations of Language
Overall Expectation B2: Language Foundations for Reading and Writing

Demonstrate an understanding of foundational language knowledge and skills and apply this understanding when reading and writing.

Transferable Skills – Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving


Phoneme – The smallest unit of sound in spoken words.

Automaticity – The ability to use skills or perform procedures accurately with little or no mental effort. Automaticity in reading and spelling refers to the ability to
decode and spell words quickly and accurately without having to stop and think about each letter or sound in the word. In general, automaticity develops with
Grapheme-Phoneme Correspondence – The association between a grapheme and its corresponding phoneme. For example, when a student sees the letter d
and articulates the sound /d/ (as in dog). Grapheme-phoneme correspondence is also called letter-sound correspondence. See also grapheme, phoneme.
Consonant – A speech sound (e.g., /p/, /g/, /n/) made by completely or partly stopping the flow of air through the breath channel.
Vowel – A speech sound made with the mouth fairly open and the tongue not touching the top of the mouth. Examples include: /ē/ as in “me”, /u/ as in “to”.
Phonics – The systematic and structured teaching of grapheme-phoneme correspondences and how to use these to decode/read and encode/spell words.
Phonemic Blending – An aspect of phonemic awareness that involves the ability to combine individual phonemes (sounds) to form
words. (Compare segmenting.)
Phonemic Segmentation – An aspect of phonemic awareness that involves separating a word into individual sounds (phonemes). (Compare blending.)
Orthographic Knowledge – Knowledge of how letters represent sounds in spoken language. Orthographic knowledge includes knowledge of the English spelling
system and its patterns, including grapheme positions and combinations in a word. See also position-based tendencies.
Position-based Tendencies – Tendencies or rules related to position-based spellings and accurate pronunciation. To spell and pronounce words, students need
to understand the concept of position-based grapheme-phoneme correspondences; for example, when the letter i is placed before the letter e in the middle of a
word, it is pronounced as /ee/: niece, piece. See also orthographic knowledge.
Morpheme – The smallest unit of meaning within words. A morpheme can be either a prefix, a suffix, or a base. Words are made up of one or more morphemes.
Morphological Knowledge – The understanding of how morphemes can be used to form words.
Bases – A structural element that forms the foundation of a written word; any unit of a word to which affixes can be added. (e.g., act is the base of acted, action,
activity, activate, react). Types of bases include:
• Bound Base – A base that requires an affix to form a word (e.g., -ject in inject and project).
• Free Base – A base that forms a word on its own (e.g., eat, date, weak).
Prefix – A morpheme that precedes a base to form a different word (e.g., trans- before form or act).
Suffix – A morpheme that is added to the end of a base to create a different word.
Fluency – The ability to identify words accurately and to read text quickly with ease, pace, automaticity, and expression. As they develop fluency, students read
expressively, with proper phrasing and punctuation, and gain more meaning from the text.
Intonation – The stress and pitch of spoken language. Intonation is used to communicate information additional to the meaning conveyed by words alone (e.g., a
rising intonation at the end of a sentence indicates a question). (Compare tone.)
Text – A means of communication that uses words, graphics, sounds, and/or images, in print, oral, visual, or digital form, to present information and ideas to an
audience. Texts can take multiple forms and include multiple modes such as an artifact imbued with interwoven meaning(s).

13 | P a g e
Specific Expectations:
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
Phonemic Awareness
understanding of
the sound
structure of
spoken words to
orally isolate,
blend, and
segment phone
mes, from simple
structures with
two phonemes to
structures with
more phonemes

Alphabetic Knowledge
name and form
the upper- and
lowercase letters
both in and out
of order and
knowledge of
alphabetic order,
with automaticity

14 | P a g e
Phonics: Grapheme-Phoneme Correspondence
identify, read,
and spell most
common graphe
of consonants a
nd vowels, with

Word-Level Reading and Spelling: Using Phonics Knowledge

B2.4 B2.1 B2.1
use phonics kno use phonics kno use
wledge wledge, consolidated pho
and phonemic including phone nics knowledge,
blending to read mic blending to including phone
words, read words and mic blending to
and phonemic set for variability read words and
segmentation to to correct set for variability
spell phonetically approximations, to correct
regular words, in and phonemic approximations,
isolation and segmentation to and phonemic
various text spell phonetically segmentation to
contexts regular spell phonetically
monosyllabic regular
and multisyllabic monosyllabic
words, in and multisyllabic
isolation and words, in
various text isolation and
contexts various text cont-

15 | P a g e
Word-Level Reading and Spelling: Using Orthographic Knowledge
B2.5 B2.2 B2.2
use use orthographic use
developing ortho knowledge, consolidated orth
graphic including position ographic
knowledge, -based knowledge,
including position tendencies, to including position
-based make a spelling -based
tendencies, to choice or tendencies, to
make a spelling accurately make a spelling
choice or pronounce a choice or
accurately word when accurately
pronounce a reading pronounce a
word when word when
reading reading

Word-Level Reading and Spelling: Use Morphological Knowledge

B2.6 B2.3 B2.3 B2.1 B2.1 B2.1 B2.1 B2.1
use developing use developing use developing use knowledge use generalized use generalized use generalized use consolidated
knowledge of the knowledge of the knowledge of the of the meanings knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of the knowledge of the
meanings of meanings of meanings of of words the meanings of the meanings of meanings of meanings of
words and words and words and words and words and words words
common morphe common morphe and morphemes morphem es (i.e., morphem es (i.e., morphemes (i.e., and morphemes and morphemes
mes (i.e., bases, mes (i.e., bases, (i.e., bases, prefi bases, prefixes, bases, prefixes,
bases, prefixes, (i.e., bases, prefi (i.e., bases, prefi
prefixes, prefixes, xes, and suffixes) to and suffixes) to xes, xes,
and suffixes) to
and suffixes) to and suffixes) to and suffixes) to read and spell read and spell and suffixes) to and suffixes) to
read and spell read and spell read and spell read and spell complex words read and spell read and spell
words words with
words words words with accuracy complex words complex words
accuracy and and automaticity with accuracy with accuracy
automaticity and automaticity and automaticity

16 | P a g e
B2.7 B2.4 B2.4 B2.2 B2.2 B2.2 B2.2 B2.2
demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate an demonstrate an
understanding of understanding of understanding of an an an understanding of understanding of
commonly used a variety of a variety of understanding understanding understanding a wide variety of a wide variety of
words, acquire words, acquire words, acquire of a variety of of a variety of of a variety of words, acquire words, acquire
and use explicitly and use explicitly and use explicitly words, acquire words, acquire words, acquire and use explicitly and use explicitly
taught taught taught and use taught taught
and use and use
vocabulary in vocabulary in vocabulary in explicitly vocabulary vocabulary
explicitly explicitly
various contexts, various contexts, various contexts, taught flexibly in various flexibly in various
including other including other including other taught taught vocabulary in contexts, contexts,
subject areas, subject areas, subject areas, vocabulary in vocabulary in various including other including other
and use their and use their and various various contexts, subject areas, subject areas,
developing morp developing morp use morphologic contexts, contexts, including other and use and use
hological hological al knowledge to including other including other subject areas, generalized consolidated mor
knowledge to knowledge to analyze and subject areas, subject areas, and use morphological phological
analyze and analyze and understand new and and use generalized knowledge to knowledge to
understand new understand new words in context use generalized morphological analyze and analyze and
words in context words in context morphological morphological knowledge to understand new understand new
knowledge to knowledge to analyze and words in context words in context
analyze and analyze and understand new
understand new understand new words in context
words in context words in context
Reading Fluency: Accuracy, Rate, and Prosody
B2.8 B2.5 B2.5 B2.3 B2.3 B2.3 B2.3 B2.3
read simple read words, read read a variety of read a variety of read a variety of read a variety of read a variety of
words, short sentences, and words, complex texts fluently, texts fluently, texts fluently, complex complex
sentences, and paragraphs in a sentences, and with accuracy with accuracy with accuracy texts fluently, texts fluently,
paragraphs in a variety of paragraphs in a and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate with accuracy with accuracy
variety of texts fluently, variety of pacing to pacing to pacing to and appropriate and appropriate
texts fluently, with accuracy texts fluently, with support support support pacing, to pacing, to
with accuracy and appropriate accuracy and comprehension, comprehension, comprehension, support support
and appropriate pacing to support appropriate and when and when and when comprehension, comprehension,
pacing to support reading aloud, reading aloud, reading aloud,
pacing to support comprehension, and when and when
comprehension, adjust adjust adjust
comprehension, and read aloud and read aloud reading aloud, reading aloud,
and read aloud with expression expression and expression and expression and adjust adjust
using varied
with expression and intonation intonation intonation intonation expression expression
and intonation ac according to the according to the according to the and intonation ac and intonation ac
cording to the purpose of purpose of purpose of cording to the cording to the
purpose of reading reading reading purpose of purpose of
reading reading reading
17 | P a g e
Strand B3: Foundations of Language

Overall Expectation B3: Language Conventions for Reading and Writing

Demonstrate an understanding of sentence structure, grammar, cohesive ties, and capitalization and punctuation, and apply this knowledge when reading
and writing sentences, paragraphs, and a variety of texts.

Transferable Skills – Communication, Collaboration, Self-Directed Learning


Cohesive Ties – Words or phrases, including anaphors, synonyms, conjunctions, and pronouns, used to integrate information within and across
sentences and to link and connect ideas in a text. Also called cohesive devices.
Punctuation – The use of symbols (e.g., periods, commas, semicolons) to distinguish elements within a sentence or to separate sentences. Punctuation
marks create and clarify meaning in a written text and help the reader understand how text sounds when it is read aloud.
Text – A means of communication that uses words, graphics, sounds, and/or images, in print, oral, visual, or digital form, to present information and ideas
to an audience. Texts can take multiple forms and include multiple modes such as an artifact imbued with interwoven meaning(s).
Sentence Types – English has four main sentence types:
• Declarative – A sentence that makes a statement.
• Imperative – A sentence that makes a request or gives a command or instruction.
• Interrogative – A sentence that asks a question.
• Exclamatory – A sentence that expresses strong emotion or feelings and ends in an exclamation mark.
Sentence Forms – English has four main sentence forms:
• Simple – A sentence consisting of one independent clause.
• Compound – A sentence made up of two or more independent clauses joined by a semicolon or coordinating conjunction, usually preceded by a
• Complex – A sentence made up of one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.
• Compound-complex – A sentence made up of two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.
Punctuation – The use of symbols (e.g., periods, commas, semicolons) to distinguish elements within a sentence or to separate sentences. Punctuation
marks create and clarify meaning in a written text and help the reader understand how text sounds when it is read aloud.
Parts of Speech – Categories of words sorted by their grammatical and semantic functions within sentences. English contains the following common parts
of speech:
• Noun – A word that refers to people, places, things, and ideas.
• Pronoun – A word that replaces a noun.
• Verb – A word that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being.
• Adjective – A word that describes a noun or pronoun.
• Adverb – A word that describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.
• Preposition – A word that connects nouns, pronouns, and phrases.
• Conjunction – A word or phrase that connects other words, phrases, or sentences, clauses.
• Interjection – A word or phrase that expresses emotion. It has no grammatical connection with the sentence in which it is used.
• Article – A type of adjective used before a noun to indicate whether the identity of the noun is known (definite article) or unknown (indefinite
18 | P a g e
Specific Expectations:
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
Syntax and Sentence Structure
B3.1 B3.1 B3.1 B3.1 B3.1 B3.1 B3.1 B3.1
identify and identify and identify and identify and identify and use their use their apply their
construct simple construct declara construct construct various construct knowledge of knowledge of knowledge
and compound tive, imperative, various sentence sentence types various sentence types sentence types of sentence
sentences, interrogative, types and forms, and forms, and forms to and forms to types and forms t
sentence types
including declara and exclamatory including simple including simple construct construct o construct
and forms, increasingly
tive, imperative, sentences, sentences, and compound sentences that sentences that
including complex
interrogative, including compo compound sentences communicate communicate
formed with compound- ideas effectively, sentences that
and exclamatory und sentences sentences, and ideas effectively,
prepositional complex including using connect and
sentences complex including using
sentences, and communicate
sentences phrases and/or and creating and creating
independent correct complex ideas accurately
containing complex
and effectively
adverbial and dependent sentence sentences with sentences that
clauses clauses fragments and adjective or combine phrases
run-on relative clauses and clauses to
sentences to express express
relationships relationships
among ideas among ideas

19 | P a g e
B3.2 B3.2 B3.2 B3.2 B3.2 B3.2 B3.2 B3.2
demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding understanding understanding of understanding of understanding of
the functions the functions the functions of the functions of the functions the functions of the functions the functions
of parts of of parts of of parts of of parts of of parts of parts of speech of parts of of parts of
speech in speech in speech in speech in speech in in sentences, speech in speech in
sentences, sentences, sentences, sentences, sentences, including nouns sentences, sentences, refine
including including including including including direct that are gerunds, including indirect their
distinguishing understanding of
common singular abstract and possessive relative objects for objects and
and plural nouns, collective nouns, nouns, linking pronouns, the nouns, intensive and converting predicate nouns, grammar, and
between active use this
using the personal verbs and the perfect verb and reflexive predicate
and passive knowledge to
pronoun “I”, the pronouns, forms progressive tense and pronouns, adjectives,
past, present, of the verb “to tense, interrogative proper voice, and use participles, and comprehension
and future verb be”, comparative interrogative and imperative adjectives, and this knowledge adverbial and communicate
tenses, common and superlative adjectives and verbs, and the correlative to support phrases, and use meaning clearly
adjectives and adjectives, adverbs, and use of pronouns conjunctions, comprehension this knowledge and precisely
adverbs, and conjunctions, prepositions and as adjectives, and use this and to support
common and recognition interjections, and and use this knowledge to communicate comprehension
conjunctions, of the words that use this knowledge to support meaning clearly and
and use this adverbs modify, knowledge to support comprehension communicate
knowledge to and use this support comprehension and meaning clearly
support knowledge to comprehension and communicate
comprehension support and communicate meaning clearly
and comprehension communicate meaning clearly
communicate and meaning clearly
meaning clearly communicate
meaning clearly

20 | P a g e
Capitalization and Punctuation
B3.3 B3.3 B3.3 – B3.3 B3.3 B3.3 B3.3 B3.3
use their use their use their use their us their use their use their use and refine
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding understanding understanding understanding of their
the meaning and the meaning and the meaning and of the meaning of the meaning of the meaning the meaning and understanding of
function of function of function of and function of and function of and function of function of the meaning and
capitalization capitalization capitalization capitalization capitalization function of
capitalization capitalization
and punctuation and punctuation and punctuation and punctuation and punctuation capitalization
and and punctuation to communicate
to communicate to communicate to communicate to communicate and punctuation
meaning clearly, clearly, including meaning clearly, punctuation to to communicate meaning clearly meaning clearly to communicate
including the use capital letters for including the use communicate meaning clearly and coherently, and coherently, meaning clearly
of a capital letter proper nouns, of capital letters meaning and coherently, including the including the use and coherently,
at the beginning commas to in dialogue and clearly and including the use of colons in of colons to when reading
of a sentence separate items in for words in coherently, use of commas formal letters introduce a and writing
and the lists, titles, commas, including the to set off and memo quotation after a
appropriate apostrophes for and quotation use of capital advanced salutations and complete
punctuation mark possessives, and marks to mark letters for phrase s or to indicate a sentence,
at the end quotation marks direct speech clauses such new speaker in semicolons to
for direct speech and direct as appositives script dialogue, separate two
quotations from and participles, and commas independent
commas to set after transitional
texts within and colons for clauses,
off nouns of
sentences, and introducing a list words or phrases commas to set
direct address,
apostrophes to after a complete off conjunctive
and quotation
indicate sentence adverbs, and
marks to indicate
contractions ellipses or
the title of a short
dashes to
indicate an
omission, a
pause, or a

21 | P a g e
Strand C1: Comprehension – Understanding and Responding to Texts

Overall Expectation Strand C1: Knowledge About Texts

Apply foundational knowledge and skills to understand a variety of texts, including digital and media texts, by creators with diverse identities, perspectives,
and experience, and demonstrate an understanding of the patterns, features, and elements of style associated with various text forms and genres.

Transferable Skills – Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Global Citizenship and Sustainability, Digital Literacy


Text – A means of communication that uses words, graphics, sounds, and/or images, in print, oral, visual, or digital form, to present information and ideas
to an audience. Texts can take multiple forms and include multiple modes such as an artifact imbued with interwoven meaning(s). See also text form.
Digital Text – A text created, stored, and transmitted in a digital form (e.g., web page, social media post, email, computer graphic).
Media Text – Any work, object, or event that communicates meaning to an audience. Most media texts use words, graphics, sounds, and/or images, in
print, oral, visual, or digital form, to communicate information and ideas to their audience. Examples include: advertisement, database, vlog, film,
newspaper, magazine, brochure, interview, clothing, song, dance. See also multimodal text.
Text Pattern – Ways in which content in a text is organized to create a specific effect or convey meaning. Text patterns in writing include time order or
chronological order (events presented in time sequence); comparison and contrast (an outline of similarities and differences); cause and effect (an outline
of events or actions linked to their consequences); generalization (general statements supported by examples); combined/multiple orders (two or more
organizational patterns used together: for example, comparison/contrast and cause/effect).
Text Features – The technical or design aspects of a text that clarify and/or give support to the meaning in the text (e.g., in a written text: title, table of
contents, headings, subheadings, lists, bold font, illustrations; in a digital text: hyperlinks, drop-down menus, pop-ups, banners). See
also conventions, elements of texts.
Elements of Style – Elements and devices used by creators of texts to help create meaning and aesthetically pleasing and distinctive texts. For example,
elements of literary style include word choice, sentence structure, and syntax; figurative language; literary devices, rhetorical devices (e.g., repetition,
emphasis, dramatic pause); and techniques to add rhythm and sound (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia). Elements of visual style include use of colour, line,
shape, texture, pattern, and space to achieve harmony, balance, and focus. Elements of style in film include lighting and shooting style. Also called stylistic
elements. See also alliteration, figurative language, literary device, onomatopoeia, syntax, word choice.
Genres – The types or categories into which texts are grouped. For example, literary genres include: novel, short story, essay, poetry, and drama. See
also conventions.
Indigenous Storywork – A framework, described by Stó:lo scholar Jo-ann Archibald, for understanding the characteristics of Indigenous oral narratives
and the process of storytelling. Indigenous Storywork establishes a receptive listening context for holistic meaning-making, bringing storytelling into
educational contexts and demonstrating how stories have the power to heal the heart, mind, body, and spirit. Indigenous Storywork is built on the seven
principles of respect, responsibility, reciprocity, reverence, holism, interrelatedness, and synergy.
Point of View – The perspective of the narrator in relation to the story; the vantage point from which events are seen (e.g., first, second, or third person;
omniscient, limited, or unreliable). See also narrator.
Voice – The distinctive style or character of a text arising from how the creator uses various elements and features of a text form or genre to create the
mood of the work as a whole (e.g., in a written or spoken text, word choice, sentence structure, imagery, rhythm, sound, tone; in a visual text, use of
materials, techniques, themes, and colour palette).
Visual Elements – The pictorial, graphic, and aesthetic elements of an image (e.g., colour, composition, line, shape, contrast, repetition, style) or text
(e.g., typography, illustration, graphic design).
22 | P a g e
Specific Expectations:
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8

Using Foundation Knowledge and Skills to Comprehend Texts

C1.1 C1.1 C1.1 C1.1 C1.1 C1.1 C1.1 C1.1
read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read and
comprehend comprehend comprehend comprehend comprehend comprehend comprehend comprehend
short, simple short texts, using various texts, various texts, various texts, various texts, various complex various complex
texts, using knowledge of using using using using texts, using texts, using
knowledge of words, grammar, knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
words, grammar, cohesive ties, words, words, words, words, words, grammar, words, grammar,
cohesive ties, sentence grammar, grammar, grammar, gramm ar, cohesive ties, cohesive ties,
sentence structures, and cohesive ties, cohesive ties, cohesive ties, cohesive ties, sentence sentence
structures, and background sentence sentence sentence sentence structures, and structures, and
background knowledge structures, and structures, and structures, and structures, and background background
knowledge background background background background knowledge knowledge
knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge

Text Forms and Genres

C1.2 C1.2 C1.2 C1.2 C1.2 C1.2 C1.2 C1.2
identify simple identify and identify and describe some describe some analyze a variety analyze a variety analyze and
literary and describe some describe some characteristics of characteristics of of text forms and of text forms and compare the
informational text characteristics of characteristics of various text various text genres, including genres, including characteristics of
forms and their literary and literary and forms and forms and cultural text cultural text various text
associated informational text informational text genres, including genres, including forms, and forms, and forms and
genres forms and their forms and their cultural text cultural text explain how their explain how their genres, including
associated associated forms, and forms, and characteristics characteristics cultural text
genres genres explain how they explain how they help help forms, and
help help communicate communicate provide evidence
communicate communicate meaning meaning to explain how
meaning meaning they help

23 | P a g e
Text Patterns and Features
C1.3 C1.3 C1.3 C1.3 C1.3 C1.3 C1.3 C1.3
identify some identify some identify some identify text identify text analyze text analyze text compare the text
text patterns, text patterns, text patterns, patterns, such as patterns, such patterns, such patterns, such as patterns, such as
such as such as such as order of spatial order in a as cause and as problem- cause and effect problem-solution
sequencing and chronological importance and graphic text, and effect in a solution in a in an expository in a letter to the
chronological order and journal cause and effect, text features, persuasive text, report, and text text, and text editor, and text
order, and text entry, and text and text such as type and text features, such features, such as features, such as
features, features, features, such as styles and features, such as subheadings a bibliography a glossary and
including including table of headings and an hyperlinks, as a preface and and pull-down and accessible infographics,
illustrations, contents, charts, index, associated with glossary, menus, fonts, associated associated with
symbols, and and icons, associated with various text associated with associated with with various text different text
titles, associated associated with various text forms, including various text various text forms, including forms, including
with various text various text forms, and cultural texts, forms, including forms, including cultural texts, cultural texts,
forms, and forms, and explain how they and explain how cultural texts, cultural texts, and explain how and evaluate
explain how they explain how they help readers, they help and explain how and explain how they help their importance
help readers, help readers, listeners, and readers, they help they help readers, in helping
listeners, and listeners, and viewers listeners, and readers, readers, listeners, and readers,
viewers viewers understand the viewers listeners, and listeners, and viewers listeners, and
understand the understand the meaning understand the viewers viewers understand the viewers
meaning meaning meaning understand the understand the meaning understand the
meaning meaning meaning

Visual Elements of Texts

C1.4 C1.4 C1.4 C1.4 C1.4 C1.4 C1.4 C1.4
demonstrate an identify ways in describe ways explain how explain how analyze and analyze and evaluate
understanding of which images, in which images, images, compare how compare how images,
the relationship graphics, and images, graphics, and graphics, and images, how images, graphics, and
between visual graphics, and visual design visual design graphics, and graphics, and visual
simple illustration design create, visual design create, create, visual design visual design create,
s, images, and communicate, are used in a communicate, communicate, create, design create, communicate,
graphics and the and contribute to given text, and and contribute to and contribute to communicate, communicate, and contribute to
text meaning in a demonstrate an meaning in a meaning in a and contribute to and contribute to meaning in a
variety of texts understanding variety of texts variety of texts meaning in a meaning in a variety of texts
of their purpose variety of texts variety of texts
and connection
to the content of
the text

24 | P a g e
Elements of Style
C1.5 C1.5 C1.5 C1.5 C1.5 C1.5 C1.5 C1.5
identify some identify some identify some identify various describe various identify various identify various identify various
simple elements simple elements elements of elements of style elements of style elements of style elements of style elements of style
of style in texts, of style in texts, style in texts, in texts, including in texts, including in texts, including in texts, in texts,
including voice, including voice, including voice, voice, word voice, word voice, word including voice, including voice,
word choice, word choice, word choice, choice, word choice, word choice, word word choice, word choice,
word patterns, word patterns, word patterns, patterns, and patterns, and patterns, and word patterns, word patterns,
and sentence and sentence and sentence sentence sentence sentence and sentence and sentence
structure, and structure, and structure, and structure, and structure, and structure, and structure, and structure, and
describe how explain how they explain how they analyze how analyze how analyze how analyze how analyze how
they help help help each element each element each element each element each element
communicate communicate communicate helps create helps create helps create helps create helps create
meaning meaning meaning meaning and is meaning and is meaning and is meaning and is meaning and is
appropriate for appropriate for appropriate for appropriate for appropriate for
the text form and the text form and the text form and the text form and the text form and
genre genre genre genre genre

Point of View
C1.6 C1.6 C1.6 C1.6 C1.6 C1.6 C1.6 C1.6
identify identify identify the identify the identify the identify the identify analyze
the narrator’s poi the narrator’s poi narrator’s point of narrator’s point of narrator’s point narrator’s point of the narrator’s poi the narrator’s poi
nt of view in a nt of view, view, including view, including of view, including view, including nt of view, nt of view,
variety of texts, including first first person or first, second, or first, second, or first, second, or including first, including limited,
and suggest an person or third third person, in a third person, in third person, in third person, in a second, or third omniscient, or
alternative point person, in simple variety of texts, a variety of a variety of variety of texts, person, in a unreliable, in a
of view to tell the texts, and and suggest texts, and texts, and providing variety of texts, variety of texts,
story suggest an alternative points describe the describe the evidence, and providing explain how it is
alternative point of view to tell advantages and advantages and explain how evidence, and communicated,
of view to tell the each story disadvantages disadvantages using an explain how and suggest
story of the approach of the approach alternative point using an alternative points
used in each used in each of view would alternative point of view, giving
story story change each of view would reasons
story change each

25 | P a g e
Indigenous Contexts of Various Forms
C1.7 C1.7 C1.7 C1.7 C1.7 C1.7 C1.7 C1.7
read, listen to, read, listen to, read, listen to, read, listen to, read, listen to, read, listen to, read, listen to, read, listen to,
and view various and view various and view various and view and view and view various and view various and view a wide
forms of texts by forms of texts by forms of texts by various forms various forms forms of texts by forms of texts by variety of text
diverse First diverse First diverse First of texts by of texts by diverse First diverse First forms by diverse
Nations, Métis, Nations, Métis, Nations, Métis, diverse First diverse First Nations, Métis, Nations, Métis, First Nations,
and Inuit and Inuit and Inuit and Inuit and Inuit Métis, and Inuit
Nations, Métis, Nations, Métis,
creators to creators to creators and creators to make creators to make creators to make
demonstrate and Inuit and Inuit meaning through
demonstrate demonstrate meaning meaning
understanding of understanding of understanding of creators to creators to Indigenous through through
various aspects various aspects various aspects make meaning make meaning Storywork about Indigenous Indigenous
of First Nations, of First Nations, of First Nations, through through First Nations, Storywork about Storywork about
Métis, and Inuit Métis, and Inuit Métis, and Inuit Indigenous Indigenous Métis, and Inuit First Nations, First Nations,
histories, histories, histories, Storywork about Storywork about histories, Métis, and Inuit Métis, and Inuit
cultures, cultures, cultures, First Nations, First Nations, cultures, histories, histories,
relationships, relationships, relationships, Métis, and Inuit Métis, and Inuit relationships, cultures, cultures,
communities, communities, communities, histories, histories, communities, relationships, relationships,
groups, nations, groups, nations, groups, nations, cultures, cultures, groups, nations, communities, communities,
and lived and lived and lived relationships, relationships, and lived groups, nations, groups, nations,
experiences experiences experiences communities, communities, experiences and lived and lived
groups, nations, groups, nations, experiences experiences
and lived and lived
experiences experiences

26 | P a g e
Strand C: Comprehension – Understanding and Responding to Texts

Overall Expectation Strand C2: Comprehension Strategies

Apply comprehension strategies before, during, and after reading, listening to, and viewing a variety of texts, including digital and media texts, by creators
with diverse identities, perspectives, and experience, in order to understand and clarify the meaning of texts.

Transferable Skills – Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Global Citizenship and Sustainability, Digital Literacy


Literacy Devices – A particular pattern of words (e.g., rhyme, parallel structure), figure of speech (e.g., hyperbole, irony, metaphor, personification), or
technique (e.g., comparison and contrast, foreshadowing, juxtaposition, analogy) used in literature to produce a specific effect. Also called a stylistic
Rhyme – Words rhyme when they have the same or similar ending sounds. For example, rain rhymes with pain, stain.
Alliteration – The deliberate repetition of sounds or syllables, especially initial consonants, for stylistic effect. For example, “Peter Piper picked a peck
of pickled peppers” and “the snake slithers slowly”.
Onomatopoeia – The use of a word having a sound that suggests its meaning (e.g., splash, murmur, buzz, twitter). See also literary devices.
Consonance – The deliberate repetition of similar consonant sounds for stylistic effect (e.g., stroke/luck).
Simile – A figure of speech in which two unlike things are compared using the words like or as (e.g., runs like a cheetah and busy as a bee.) See
also figurative language.
Metaphor – A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to something to which it is imaginatively but not literally applicable (e.g., heart of
gold, night owl).
Assonance – The deliberate repetition of similar vowel sounds for stylistic effect (e.g., feel/clean).
Inferences – A conclusion or opinion reached using reasoning and evidence from a text, based on what the creator states and implies in the text and
what the reader brings to the text from their prior knowledge and experience.
• Local Inference – An inference formed based on an understanding of implied information at the local level of sentences and paragraphs.
• Global Inference – An inference based on an understanding of implied information in the whole text (e.g., about the theme of the text). A global
inference usually requires the application of the reader’s previous knowledge.
Symbolism – The use of something concrete or visible to stand for or represent an abstract idea.

27 | P a g e
Specific Expectations:
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8

Prereading: Activating Prior Knowledge

C2.1 C2.1 C2.1 C2.1 C2.1 C2.1 C2.1 C2.1
activate prior activate prior activate prior identify and identify and identify and identify and identify and
knowledge, knowledge, knowledge, explain prior explain prior explain prior explain prior explain prior
including including including knowledge from knowledge from knowledge from knowledge from knowledge from
knowledge knowledge knowledge various sources, various sources, various various sources, various sources,
gained from gained from gained from including including sources, including including
personal and personal and personal and personal personal including personal personal
text experiences, text experiences, text experiences, experiences, that experiences, that personal experiences and experiences and
that they can use that they can use that they can use they can use to they can use to experiences learning in other learning in other
to understand to make to make make make and learning in subject areas, subject areas,
the topics of new connections and connections and connections and connections and other subject that they can use that they can use
texts understand the understand the understand new understand new areas, that they to make to make
topic and form of topic and form of texts texts can use to connections and connections and
new texts new texts make understand new understand new
connections texts texts
and understand
new texts

Prereading: Identifying the Purpose for Reading, Listening, and Viewing

C2.2 C2.2 C2.2 C2.2 C2.2 C2.2 C2.2 C2.2
identify purposes identify various identify specific identify a variety identify a variety identify a variety identify a variety identify a variety
for engaging with purposes for purposes for of purposes for of purposes for of purposes for of purposes for of purposes for
texts, including engaging with engaging with engaging with engaging with engaging with engaging with engaging with
enjoyment or texts, including texts, including texts, and select texts, and select texts, select texts, select texts, select
finding enjoyment or learning facts or texts from texts from texts from texts from texts from
information finding information, or to diverse creators diverse creators diverse creators diverse creators diverse creators
information gain insight or that are suitable that are suitable that are suitable that are suitable that are suitable
new for the purposes for the purposes for the purposes, for the purposes, for the purposes,
perspectives and explain why and explain why and explain why
the selections the selections the selections
are appropriate are appropriate are appropriate

28 | P a g e
Monitoring of Understanding: Making and Confirming Predictions
C2.3 C2.3 C2.3 C2.3 C2.3 C2.3 C2.3 C2.3
make predictions make predictions make make predictions make predictions make predictions make predictions make predictions
using using predictions using using using using using
background background using background background background background background
knowledge, text knowledge, text background knowled ge, text knowled ge, text knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and
features, and features, and knowled ge, text features, and features, and textual textual textual
evidence from evidence from features, and evidence from evidence from information, information, information,
the text the text evidence from the text, and the text, and pose questions pose questions pose questions
the text, and pose questions pose questions to check whether to check whether to confirm or
adjust their to check whether to check whether their predictions their predictions refute their
understanding their predictions their predictions were correct, were correct, predictions, and
based on new were correct were correct and, if not, adjust and, if not, adjust revise or refine
information their their their
understanding understanding understanding
as indicated

Monitoring of Understanding: Ongoing Comprehension Check

C2.4 C2.4 C2.4 C2.4 C2.4 C2.4 C2.4 C2.4
use strategies use strategies use strategies use strategies use strategies use strategies select suitable select suitable
such as such as such as such as such as such as strategies, such strategies, such
rereading, rereading, rereading, adjusting adjusting visualizing, as visualizing, as rereading,
visualizing, and visualizing, and visualizing, and reading rate, reading rate, reading ahead, reading ahead, using the
asking asking asking visualizing, visualizing, asking asking glossary, asking
questions, to questions, to questions, to questions, and questions, and questions, and
reading reading
monitor their monitor their consulting consulting consulting
ahead, asking ahead, asking references and
understanding of understanding of references and references and
questions, and questions, and other
simple texts simple texts other texts or other resources,
sources of to monitor and
information, to confirm their
monitor and understanding of
confirm their complex texts
understanding of and solve
various texts and comprehension
solve problems

29 | P a g e
Monitoring of Understanding: Making Connections
C2.5 C2.5 C2.5 C2.5 C2.5 C2.5 C2.5 C2.5
identify identify identify describe how the describe how the explain how the explain how the connect,
connections connections connections ideas expressed ideas expressed ideas expressed ideas expressed compare, and
between ideas between ideas between ideas in texts connect in texts connect in texts connect in texts connect contrast the ideas
expressed in expressed in expressed in to their to their to their to their expressed in
simple texts and simple texts and texts and their knowledges and knowledges and knowledges and knowledges and texts and their
their knowledges their knowledges knowledges and lived lived lived lived knowledges and
and lived and lived lived experiences, the experiences, the experiences, the experiences, the lived
experiences, the experiences, the experiences, the ideas in other ideas in other ideas in other ideas in other experiences, the
ideas in other texts, and the texts, and the texts, and the
ideas in other ideas in other texts, and the ideas in other
texts, and the world around world around world around
familiar texts, and familiar texts, and world around them them them world around texts, and the
the world around the world around them them world around
them them them
Summarizing: Identifying Relevant Information and Drawing Connections
C2.6 C2.6 C2.6 C2.6 C2.6 C2.6 C2.6 C2.6
identify important identify the main identify the main summarize the summarize the summarize and summarize and summarize and
information in a idea in a simple idea in a simple main idea of a main idea of a record the main record the main synthesize the
simple text, text, and relate text, and relate text and the text and the idea and idea and important ideas
including the important details important details supporting supporting supporting supporting details and supporting
main idea in sequence in sequence details in details in details in various in various texts, details in complex
sequence, and sequence, and texts, and draw and draw well- texts, and draw
draw a simple draw a well- well- supported supported effective
conclusion supported conclusions conclusions conclusions
Reflecting on Learning
C2.7 C2.7 C2.7 C2.7 C2.7 C2.7 C2.7 C2.7
identify identify describe how explain how explain how explain and explain and explain
strategies, such strategies, such strategies, such strategies, such strategies such compare how compare how and compare how
as activating prior as rereading, as visualizing, as visualizing, as visualizing, various strategies, various various
knowledge and visualizing, and making making making such as strategies, such strategies, such
visualizing, that asking questions, predictions, and predictions, predictions, visualizing, as visualizing, as visualizing,
have helped them that have helped connecting to summarizing, summarizing, making making making
comprehend texts them their experiences, and connecting and connecting predictions, predictions, predictions,
comprehend have helped them to their to their summarizing, and summarizing, and summarizing, and
comprehend experiences, experiences connecting to their
various texts connecting to connecting to
various texts have helped them have helped experiences,
their experiences, their experiences,
comprehend them have helped them
various texts comprehend comprehend have helped them have helped them
various texts various texts, and comprehend comprehend
set goals to various texts, and various texts, and
improve their set goals to set goals for
comprehension improve their future
comprehension improvement

30 | P a g e
Strand C3: Comprehension – Understanding and Responding to Texts

Overall Expectation Strand C3: Critical Thinking In Literacy

Apply critical thinking skills to deepen understanding of texts, and analyze how various perspectives and topics are communicated and addressed in a
variety of texts, including digital, media, and cultural texts.

Transferable Skills – Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Global Citizenship and Sustainability, Communication


Literary Devices – A particular pattern of words (e.g., rhyme, parallel structure), figure of speech (e.g., hyperbole, irony, metaphor, personification), or
technique (e.g., comparison and contrast, foreshadowing, juxtaposition, analogy) used in literature to produce a specific effect. Also called a stylistic
device. See also figurative language, imagery.
Foreshadowing – A literary device in which a creator provides an indication of future events in the plot.
Allegory – A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning. Each character or event may be a symbol representing an idea or
Symbolism – The use of something concrete or visible to stand for or represent an abstract idea.
Idioms – A group of words that, through usage, has taken on a special meaning different from the literal meaning (e.g., Better late than never! or Piece of
Hyperbole – A literary device in which exaggeration is used deliberately for effect or emphasis (e.g., a flood of tears, piles of money).
Irony – A technique using contrast or contradiction for the purposes of humour or emphasis; for example, a statement that has an underlying meaning
different from its literal or surface meaning.
Satire – The use of irony, sarcasm, or other forms of humour to expose or criticize human folly or vice.
Allusion – A brief reference, explicit or implicit, to a place, person, event, or to a part of another text.
Bias – An opinion, preference, prejudice, or inclination that limits an individual’s or group’s ability to make fair, objective, or accurate judgements. Bias may
occur in any text. Explicit bias refers to attitudes and opinions that are consciously held and conveyed in texts. Implicit bias refers to unconscious attitudes
or stereotypes conveyed in texts that may influence an audience’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviour.
Perspective – A particular attitude towards or way of regarding something. Explicit Perspective is a perspective in a text is expressed clearly, directly, and
unambiguously. Implicit Perspective is a perspective in a text that is present or implied but expressed indirectly; it may be an attitude or view held
subconsciously by the creator.
Inference – A conclusion or opinion reached using reasoning and evidence from a text, based on what the creator states and implies in the text and what
the reader brings to the text from their prior knowledge and experience. Local Inference is an inference formed based on an understanding of implied
information at the local level of sentences and paragraphs. Global Inference is an inference based on an understanding of implied information in the whole
text (e.g., about the theme of the text). A global inference usually requires the application of the reader’s previous knowledge.

31 | P a g e
Specific Expectation:
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
Literary Devices
C3.1 C3.1 C3.1 C3.1 C3.1 C3.1 C3.1 C3.1
identify identify identify literary describe literary describe literary describe literary describe literary analyze literary
simple literary simple literary devices, devices, devices, devices, devices, devices,
devices, devices, including metaph including including including including foresha including, irony, s
including rhyme, including conson or and assonanc personification imagery and hyperbole and dowing, allegory, atire,
alliteration, ance and simile, e, and describe and humour, in a idioms, in a and symbolism, and allusion, in a
and onomatopoe and describe how they help anthropomorphis variety of texts, variety of texts, in a variety of variety of texts,
ia, and describe how they help communicate m, in a variety of and explain how and explain how texts, and and explain how
how they help communicate meaning texts, and they help create they help create explain how they they help create
communicate meaning explain how they meaning and are meaning and are help create meaning and are
meaning help create appropriate for appropriate for meaning and are appropriate for
meaning and are the intended the intended appropriate for the intended
appropriate for purpose and purpose and the intended purpose and
the intended audience audience purpose and audience
purpose and audience

Making Inferences
C3.2 C3.2 C3.2 C3.2 C3.2 C3.2 C3.2 C3.2
make make make inferences make local and make local and make local and make local and make local and
simple inference simple inference using stated and global global global global global
s, using stated s using stated implied inferences, inferences, inferences, using inferences, using inferences, using
and implied and implied information and using explicit using explicit explicit and explicit and explicit and
information and information and ideas to and implicit and implicit implicit evidence, implicit evidence, implicit evidence,
ideas, to ideas to understand texts evidence, to evidence, to to develop to develop to explain and
understand understand extend their extend their interpretations interpretations support their
simple texts simple texts understanding understanding about various about various interpretations
of various texts of various texts texts and to texts and to about various
extend their extend their complex texts
understanding understanding

32 | P a g e
Analyzing Texts
C3.3 C3.3 C3.3 C3.3 C3.3 C3.3 C3.3 C3.3
analyze simple analyze simple analyze various analyze various analyze various analyze various analyze complex analyze complex
texts, including texts, including texts, including texts, including texts, including texts, including texts, including texts, including
literary and literary and literary and literary and literary and literary and literary and literary and
informational informational informational informational
informational informational informational informational
texts, by
texts, by texts, by texts, by texts, by texts, by texts, by texts, by
identifying main
identifying and identifying and and supporting identifying main identifying main identifying main evaluating, synth evaluating, synth
sequencing sequencing ideas, and supporting and supporting and supporting esizing, and esizing, and
important important sequencing ideas, ideas, ideas, evaluating sequencing sequencing
information and information, and information, and sequencing the sequencing the the quality of relevant relevant
events comparing and comparing and events of events of information and information and information and
contrasting contrasting multiple plots, multiple plots, its relevance for formulating formulating
simple elements elements and explaining recording a specific conclusions conclusions
cause and effect relevant purpose, and
information, and formulating
explaining conclusions
cause and effect
Analyzing Cultural Elements of Texts
C3.4 C3.4 C3.4 C3.4 C3.4 C3.4 C3.4 C3.4
identify identify identify some identify cultural identify cultural analyze cultural analyze cultural analyze cultural
some cultural some cultural cultural elements that elements that elements that elements that elements that are
elements repres elements repres elements are represented are represented are represented are represented represented in
ented in various ented in various represented in in various texts, in various texts, in various texts, in various texts, various texts,
texts, texts, various texts, including norms, including, norms, including values, including values, including norms,
including symbol including symbol including values, artifacts, values, artifacts, rituals and rituals and values, social
s and values, s, language, and symbols, sports, and sports, and ceremonies, ceremonies, hierarchy, past
and explain how values, and pose language, and music, music, architecture, art, architecture, art, times, language,
values, and investigate the investigate the and dance, by and taboos, by
these elements questions and and dance, by
pose questions meanings of meanings of investigating the investigating the
contribute to the share ideas investigating the
meanings of
meaning about how these and share ideas these elements, these elements, meanings of meanings of these elements,
elements about how and make and make these elements, these elements, making
contribute to the these elements connections to connections to making making connections to
meaning contribute to the their lived their lived connections to connections to their lived
meaning experience and experience and their lived their lived experience and
culture culture experience and experience and culture, and
culture, and culture, and considering how
sharing their sharing their the inclusion of
interpretations interpretations these elements
with others with others contributes to the
meaning of the
33 | P a g e
Perspectives Within Texts
C3.5 C3.5 C3.5 C3.5 C3.5 C3.5 C3.5 C3.5
identify explicit identify explicit identify explicit identify explicit identify explicit explain explicit explain explicit analyze explicit
and implicit and implicit and implicit and implicit and implicit and implicit and implicit and implicit
perspectives perspectives perspectives perspectives perspectives perspectives perspectives perspectives co
communicated in communicated in communicated communicated communicated communicated communicated in mmunicated in
a text, and a text, providing in texts, in various texts, in various in various texts, various texts, various texts,
describe how evidence, and providing explain how texts, explain including including evaluate any
these describe how evidence, and these how these narrative texts, narrative texts, evidence that
perspectives these explain how perspectives perspectives provide any provide any could suggest
could influence perspectives these are conveyed, are conveyed, evidence that evidence that bias in these
an audience could influence perspectives give some give some could suggest could perspectives,
an audience could influence evidence of any evidence of bias in these suggest bias in and suggest
an audience biases the texts any biases the perspectives, these ways to avoid
may contain texts may and suggest perspectives, any such bias
and suggest contain, and ways to avoid and suggest
how such suggest how any such bias ways to avoid
biases could such biases any such bias
influence an could influence
audience an audience

Analysis and Response

C3.6 C3.6 C3.6 C3.6 C3.6 C3.6 C3.6 C3.6
express personal express personal describe explain how explain how explain how explain how analyze how
thoughts and thoughts and personal various topics, various topics, various topics, various topics, various topics,
feelings about feelings about thoughts and such as such as diversity, such as such as diversity, such as diversity,
ideas presented ideas presented feelings about diversity, inclusion, and diversity, inclusion, and inclusion, and
in texts, such as in texts, such as ideas presented inclusion, and accessibility, are inclusion, and accessibility, are accessibility, are
ideas about ideas about in texts, such as accessibility, are addressed in accessibility, are addressed in addressed in
diversity, diversity, ideas about addressed in texts, and addressed in texts, analyze texts, respond to
inclusion, and inclusion, and diversity, texts, and describe what texts, analyze the insights or the insights and
accessibility accessibility inclusion, and describe what insights or the insights or messages messages
accessibility insights or messages are messages conveyed, and conveyed, and
messages are conveyed conveyed, and identify different identify different
conveyed identify different positions positions
positions presented presented

34 | P a g e
Indigenous Contexts
C3.7 C3.7 C3.7 C3.7 C3.7 C3.7 C3.7 C3.7
identify some identify some identify some explain how texts explain how texts assess the assess the compare the
ways in which ways in which ways in which created by First created by First influence of influence of ways in which
texts created by texts created by texts created by Nations, Métis, Nations, Métis, historical historical historical
First Nations, First Nations, First Nations, and Inuit and Inuit periods, cultural periods, cultural periods, cultural
Métis, and Inuit Métis, and Inuit Métis, and Inuit individuals, individuals, experiences, experiences, experiences,
individuals, individuals, individuals, communities, communities, and/or socio- and/or socio- and/or socio-
communities, communities, communities, groups, or groups, or political political political
groups, or groups, or groups, or nations are nations are conditions and conditions and conditions and
nations nations nations influenced by influenced by events on texts events on texts events have
communicate communicate communicate historical historical created by First created by First influenced two or
about historical about historical about historical periods, cultural periods, cultural Nations, Métis, Nations, Métis, more texts
periods, cultural periods, cultural periods, cultural experiences, and experiences, and and Inuit and Inuit created by First
experiences, and experiences, and experiences, and events, and how events, and how individuals, individuals, Nations, Métis,
events, and how events, and how events, and how they relate to they relate to communities, communities, and Inuit
they relate to they relate to they relate to current lived current lived groups, or groups, or individuals,
current lived current lived current lived experiences experiences nations, and how nations, and how communities,
experiences experiences experiences they relate to they relate to groups, or
current lived current lived nations, and how
experiences experiences they relate to
current lived
Reflecting and Learning
C3.8 C3.8 C3.8 C3.8 C3.8 C3.8 C3.8 C3.8
identify thinking identify thinking identify thinking identify the identify the compare the compare the assess the
skills that helped skills that have skills that have critical thinking critical thinking critical thinking critical thinking effectiveness of
them understand helped them helped them skills they used skills they used skills they used skills they used the critical
simple texts analyze and analyze and to analyze and to analyze and when analyzing when analyzing thinking skills
better better evaluate various evaluate various and evaluating and evaluating they used when
understand understand texts, and texts, and various texts, various texts, analyzing and
simple texts various texts explain how explain how identify the skills identify the skills evaluating
these skills these skills that best that best various texts,
have helped have helped supported their supported their and set goals to
them better them better understanding, understanding, improve their use
understand the understand the and explain why and explain why
texts texts they were they were
effective effective

35 | P a g e
Strand D: Composition – Expressing Ideas and Creating Texts

Overall Expectation D1: Developing Ideas and Organizing Content

Plan, develop ideas, gather information, and organize content for creating texts of various forms, including digital and media texts, on a variety of topics.

Transferable Skills – Critical Thinking and Problem Solving; Collaboration; Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship

Specific Expectations:
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
Purpose and Audience
D1.1 D1.1 D1.1 D1.1 D1.1 D1.1 D1.1 D1.1
identify the topic, identify the topic, identify the identify the identify the identify the identify the topic, identify the topic,
purpose, and purpose, and topic, purpose, topic, purpose, topic, purpose, topic, purpose, purpose, and purpose, and
audience for audience for and audience and audience and audience and audience audience for audience for
various simple various texts for various texts for various texts for various texts for various texts various texts various texts
texts they plan to they plan to they plan to they plan to they plan to they plan to they plan to they plan to
create create create, and create, and create, and create, and create, and create; choose a
describe how explain why the explain why the explain why the analyze why the text form, genre,
the chosen text chosen text chosen text chosen text chosen text form, and medium to
form and genre form, genre, and form, genre, and form, genre, genre, and suit the purpose
will help medium suit the medium suit the and medium medium suit the and audience,
communicate purpose and purpose and suit the purpose purpose and and justify their
their intended audience and audience and and audience, audience, and choices
meaning how they will how they will and how they how they will
help help will help help
communicate communicate communicate communicate the
the intended the intended the intended intended
meaning meaning meaning meaning

36 | P a g e
Developing Ideas
D1.2 D1.2 D1.2 D1.2 D1.2 D1.2 D1.2 D1.2
generate ideas generate and generate and generate and generate and generate and generate and generate and
about given and develop ideas develop ideas develop ideas develop ideas develop ideas develop ideas develop ideas
chosen topics, about given and about given and about various and details and details and details about and details about
using simple chosen topics, chosen topics, topics, such as about various about various various topics, challenging
strategies and using simple using various topics related to topics, such as topics, such as such as topics topics, such as
drawing on strategies, and strategies, and diversity, equity, topics related to topics related to related to topics related to
various drawing on drawing on and inclusion diversity, equity, diversity, equity, diversity, equity, diversity, equity,
resources, various various and to other and inclusion and inclusion and inclusion and inclusion
including their resources, resources, subject areas, and to other and to other and to other and to other
own lived including their including their using a variety subject areas, subject areas, subject areas, subject areas,
experiences, and own lived own lived of strategies, using a variety of using a variety of using a variety of using a variety of
learning from experiences, and experiences, and and drawing on strategies, and strategies, and strategies, and strategies, and
other subject learning from learning from various drawing on drawing on drawing on drawing on
areas other subject other subject resources, various various various various
areas areas including their resources, resources, resources, resources,
own lived including their including their including their including their
experiences own lived own lived own lived own lived
experiences experiences experiences experiences

D1.3 D1.3 D1.3 D1.3 D1.3 D1.3 D1.3 D1.3
gather gather gather gather gather and gather gather and gather and
information and information and information and information and record information and synthesize synthesize
content relevant content relevant content relevant content relevant information and content relevant information and information and
to a topic, using to a topic, using to a topic, using to a topic, using content relevant to a topic, using content relevant content relevant
a single source three or more three or more a variety of to a topic, using multiple textual to a topic, using a to a topic, using a
sources sources sources and multiple textual sources; variety of textual variety of textual
strategies, and sources; verify summarize the sources and sources and
record the the reliability of information; appropriate appropriate
sources of sources, using verify the strategies; strategies;
evaluate the evaluate the
information simple criteria; reliability of
quality, bias, and currency, quality,
and record the sources; and
accuracy of bias, and
creator and record the
information; verify accuracy of
creator and
the reliability of information; verify
source of all sources; and the reliability of
content created record the creator sources; and cite
by others and source of all the sources of all
content created content created
by others by others

37 | P a g e
Organizing Content
D1.4 D1.4 D1.4 D1.4 D1.4 D1.4 D1.4 D1.4
sort and sort and sort and select and select and classify and classify and classify and
sequence ideas sequence ideas sequence ideas classify ideas classify ideas sequence ideas sequence ideas sequence ideas
and information, and information, and information, and collected and collected and collected and collected and collected
taking into taking into using information, information, information, information, information,
account the text account the text appropriate using using using using using
form and genre form and genre strategies and appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate
to be used to be used tools, taking into strategies and strategies and strategies and strategies and strategies and
account the text tools, and tools, and tools, and tools, and tools, and
form and genre sequence sequence identify and identify and identify and
to be used content, taking content, taking organize relevant organize relevant organize relevant
into account the into account the content, taking content, taking content, taking
chosen text form, chosen text form, into account the into account the into account the
genre, and genre, and chosen text form, chosen text form, chosen text form,
medium medium genre, and genre, and genre, and
medium medium medium

Reflecting and Learning

D1.5 D1.5 D1.5 D1.5 D1.5 D1.5 D1.5 D1.5
identify the identify the identify the describe the describe the explain and explain and evaluate the
strategies that strategies that strategies that strategies and strategies and compare how compare how the strategies and
helped them to helped them helped them tools that tools that the strategies strategies and tools used to
develop ideas for develop ideas for develop ideas for helped them helped them and tools used tools used develop ideas
texts texts texts and develop ideas develop ideas helped them helped them and organize
organize content and organize and organize develop ideas develop ideas content for texts
content for texts content for texts and organize and organize of the chosen
of the chosen of the chosen content for texts content for texts forms, genres,
forms, genres, forms, genres, of the chosen of the chosen and media,
and media, and and media, and forms, genres, forms, genres, explain which
explain how explain how and media, and and media, and were most
they helped they helped how they helped how they helped helpful, and
them improve them improve them improve as them improve as suggest steps for
as a text creator as a text creator a text creator a text creator future
improvement as
a text creator

38 | P a g e
Strand D: Composition – Expressing Ideas and Creating Texts

Overall Expectation D2: Creating Texts

Apply knowledge and understanding of various text forms and genres to create, revise, edit, and proofread their own texts, using a variety of media, tools,
and strategies, and reflect critically on created texts;

Transferable Skills – Critical Thinking and Problem Solving; Digital Literacy; Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship


Cursive Writing – A style of handwriting where the letters are rounded and joined together in a flowing manner, generally for the purpose of
making writing faster.
Style – A manner of writing, speaking, or representing. In a literary work, style usually refers to distinctive characteristics of the word choice, figurative
language, literary devices, language patterns, and sentence structures of the work. In other forms, a creator’s distinctive style is the sum of all the stylistic
elements and devices they consistently use.
Capitalization – The use of a capital letter to begin a sentence; to indicate a proper noun, a personal title, an acronym, or an initialism; and to set off
important words in titles and headings.
Punctuation – The use of symbols (e.g., periods, commas, semicolons) to distinguish elements within a sentence or to separate sentences. Punctuation
marks create and clarify meaning in a written text and help the reader understand how text sounds when it is read aloud.
Tone – A manner of speaking, writing, or creating that reveals the creator’s attitude towards a subject and/or audience.
Coherence – The underlying logical connectedness of the parts of an oral, written, visual, or multimodal text. A paragraph is coherent if all its sentences
are connected logically so that they are easy to follow. An essay is coherent if its paragraphs are logically connected.

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Specific Expectations:
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
Producing Drafts
D2.1 D2.1 D2.1 D2.1 D2.1 D2.1 D2.1 D2.1
draft short, draft short texts draft short texts draft texts of draft texts of draft complex draft complex draft complex
simple texts of of various forms of various forms various forms various forms texts of various texts of various texts of various
various forms and genres, and genres, and genres, and genres, forms and forms and forms and
and genres, including including including including genres, including genres, including genres, including
including personal narrative, narrative, narrative, narrative, narrative, narrative,
personal narratives, persuasive, and persuasive, and persuasive, and expository, and expository, and persuasive,
narratives, persuasive texts, informational informational informational informational informational expository, and
persuasive texts, and procedural texts, using a texts, using a texts, using a texts, using a texts, using a informational
and procedural texts, using a variety of media, variety of media, variety of media, variety of media, variety of media, texts, citing
texts, using a variety of media, tools, and tools, and tools, and tools, and tools, and sources, and use
variety of media, tools, and strategies strategies strategies strategies strategies a variety of
tools, and strategies appropriate
strategies media, tools, and
strategies to
information and
Printing and Handwriting
D2.2 D2.2 D2.2 D2.2 D2.2 D2.2 D2.2 D2.2
print letters and print legibly and begin to write in write in cursive, write in fluent write in fluent write write
words with fluently, with cursive, forming forming letters of cursive, begin to cursive, and in cursive fluently in cursive fluently
appropriate appropriate letters with appropriate keyboard with apply , with a personal , with a personal
formation formation appropriate shape, size, automaticity, and keyboarding style, and apply style, and apply
patterns, size, patterns, size, formation proportion, and apply word- skills with word-processing advanced word-
placement, and placement, and patterns, size, slant to improve processing skills, increasing skills with some processing skills
spacing spacing placement, and the legibility of including fluency, fluency, to improve the
spacing texts, and begin selecting automaticity, and automaticity, and accuracy and
to develop fluent appropriate proficiency to proficiency to effect of texts
keyboarding fonts, to produce improve the improve the
skills using and enhance accuracy and accuracy and
touch- typing texts of various effect of texts effect of texts
techniques lengths

40 | P a g e
D2.3 D2.3 D2.3 D2.3 D2.3 D2.3 D2.3 D2.3
demonstrate a demonstrate a demonstrate a establish a establish a establish a establish a establish an
personal voice in personal voice in personal voice personal personal voice in personal voice personal voice in identifiable voice
their texts, with a their texts, using in their texts, voice in their their texts, using in their texts, their texts, using in their texts,
focus on using descriptive using descriptive texts, using varied language using varied language and modifying
words that words to express words and varied and elements of language and elements of style language
express their their thoughts, sentence language style to express elements of to express their and style to suit
thoughts, feelings, and patterns to and their thoughts, style to express thoughts, the text’s form,
feelings, and opinions about express their elements of feelings, and their thoughts, feelings, and genre, audience,
opinions about the topic thoughts, style to opinions about a feelings, and opinions about a and purpose,
the topic feelings, and express their topic, and using opinions about topic, and using and express their
opinions about thoughts, a tone a topic, and a tone appropriat thoughts,
the topic appropriate to using e to the form and feelings, and
feelings, and
the form and a tone genre opinions about
genre appropriate to the topic clearly
about a
the form and
topic, and
a tone
appropriate to the
form and genre

Point of View
D2.4 D2.4 D2.4 D2.4 D2.4 D2.4 D2.4 D2.4
identify the point identify the point identify the point identify the point identify the point identify the point identify the point explain the
of view, including of view, including of view, including of view used in of view, implicit of view, of view, explicit and
first person, used first person, used first person or their texts, and and explicit perspectives, perspectives, implicit points of
in their texts in their texts third person, the perspectives perspectives, and bias and bias view,
used in their and bias and bias conveyed in their conveyed in their perspectives,
texts conveyed in conveyed in their texts, and texts, and and bias
their texts texts, and explain how their explain how their conveyed in their
explain how their message might messages might texts, evaluate
messages might be interpreted by be interpreted by how various
be interpreted by audiences with audiences with audiences might
audiences with different different respond, and
different perspectives perspectives suggest ways to
perspectives acknowledge

41 | P a g e
D2.5 D2.5 D2.5 D2.5 D2.5 D2.5 D2.5
make revisions make simple make revisions make revisions make revisions make revisions make revisions
to texts using revisions to draft to the content of to the content of to the content, to the content, to the content,
feedback from texts, including draft texts and to draft texts and to elements of elements of elements of
others, such as replacing words elements of elements of style, patterns, style, patterns, style, patterns,
adding or and adding style, such as style, such as and features of and features of and features of
deleting sentences, to word choice and word choice, and draft texts, and draft texts, and draft texts, and
sentences improve content adding or add or delete add and delete add, delete and add, delete,
and clarity, using deleting sentences, to sentences to re-sequence revise, and
feedback from sentences, to improve clarity, improve clarity, sentences to reorganize
others improve clarity, focus, and focus, and improve clarity, sentences to
focus, and coherence, coherence, focus, improve clarity,
coherence, seeking using various and coherence, focus,
seeking feedback strategies and using various and coherence,
feedback seeking and strategies and using various
selectively using seeking and strategies and
feedback selectively using seeking and
feedback selectively using
Editing and Proofreading
D2.5 D2.6 D2.6 D2.6 D2.6 D2.6 D2.6 D2.6
make simple make simple edit draft texts edit draft texts to edit draft texts to edit draft texts to edit draft texts to edit draft texts to
edits to draft edits to draft to improve improve improve improve improve improve
texts, such as texts, such as accuracy and accuracy and accuracy and accuracy and accuracy accuracy and
changes checking for style, checking style, checking style, checking style, checking and style, style, checking
to capitalization, errors in for errors in for errors in for errors in checking for for errors in
for errors in
punctuation, and capitalization, spelling, spelling, spelling, errors in spelling, spelling,
spelling punctuation, and punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
punctuation, grammar, and grammar, and
spelling grammar, and grammar, and grammar, and
grammar, format; use a format; use a format; edit format; edit format; edit
and text word processor word processor digital texts using digital texts using digital texts using
conventions, and to edit texts to edit texts word- processing word-processing word-processing
proofread edited software, software, software,
texts to make including including spell- including spell-
corrections spell- and and grammar- and grammar-
grammar- checkers checkers

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Strand D: Comprehension – Expressing Ideas and Creating Texts
Overall Expectation D3: Publishing, Presenting, and Reflecting

Select suitable and effective media, techniques, and tools to publish and present final texts, and critically analyze how well the texts address various

Transferable Skills – Communication, Collaboration, Digital Literacy

Specific Expectations:
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8

Producing Finals Texts

D3.1 D3.1 D3.1 D3.1 D3.1 D3.1 D3.1 D3.1
produce final produce final produce final produce final produce final produce final produce final produce final
texts, using texts using texts using texts using a texts using a texts, selecting texts, selecting a texts using
simple simple simple variety of variety of a variety of variety of appropriate
techniques, to techniques, to techniques, to techniques and techniques and suitable suitable techniques and
achieve the achieve the achieve the tools, including tools, including techniques and techniques and tools, including
intended effect intended effect intended effect simple digital digital design tools, including tools, including digital design
design and and production digital design digital design and production
production tools, tools, to achieve and production and production tools, to achieve
to achieve the the intended tools, to achieve tools, to achieve the intended
intended effect effect the intended the intended effect
effect effect

Publishing and Presenting Texts

D3.2 D3.2 D3.2 D3.2 D3.2 D3.2 D3.2 D3.2
present the texts present the texts present the texts publish and publish and publish and publish and publish and
they have they have they have present texts present texts present texts present texts present texts
created using created using created using they have they have they have they have they have
appropriate appropriate appropriate created, using created, using created, using created, using created, using
strategies, strategies, strategies, selected media selected media selected media various media various media
including by including by including by and tools, and and tools, and and tools, and and tools, and and tools, and
reading aloud reading aloud reading aloud explain how explain how analyze how analyze how evaluate how
with expression with expression with expression each helped each helped their choices their choices their choices
them them helped them helped them helped them
communicate communicate communicate communicate communicate
their intended their intended their intended their intended their intended
message message message message message

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Reflecting on Learning
D3.3 D3.3 D3.3 D3.3 D3.3 D3.3 D3.3 D3.3
identify a identify a few identify the describe various describe various compare how compare how evaluate the
strategy they strategies they strategies that strategies that strategies and various various strategies and
found helpful found helpful helped them helped them tools that strategies and strategies and tools they found
when presenting when presenting present and present and helped them tools helped tools helped helpful when
texts texts communicate communicate communicate them them publishing and
their message, their message their intended communicate communicate presenting texts,
and explain how when publishing message when their intended their intended reflect on what
they helped and presenting publishing and message when message when they learned at
them improve texts, and presenting texts, publishing and publishing and each stage of the
as a text creator explain how and suggest presenting presenting texts, creative process,
they helped steps for future texts, and analyze how analyze how
them improve improvement as suggest future their texts their texts
as a text creator a text creator steps for address various address various
improvement as topics, and topics, and
a text creator suggest steps for suggest steps for
future future
improvement as improvement as
a text creator a text creator

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