DataStructureMay2022 NEP
DataStructureMay2022 NEP
DataStructureMay2022 NEP
I Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, May 2022
(NEP - 2021-22 and Onwards)
Paper - 1.3 : Data Structures
Time :2Tz Hours Max. Marks : 60
lnstruction : Answer all Sections.
l. Answer any 4 of the following : (4x2=8)
1) How to measure the complexity of an algorithm ?
2) What is an Abstract Data type ? Give an example.
3) Explain overflow and underftow conditions in stack. '
4) What is a Binary Search Tree ? Give an example.
, 5) Mention any two types of Graphs.
6) What do you mean by Chaining in Collision Resolution ?
NP - 164 ilililril ililtil ltfl ililIilil lil
11) Write an Algorithm for lnsertion sort. Give the analysis for lnsertion sort.
12) Write a note on.
a) Adjacency Matrix
b) Adjacency list.
16) Explain heap sort method for the given set of elements. 8
18 32 14 I 45 06 55 16
17) a) Define Hashing. Explain Hash Table and Hash function with
an example. 6
b) List any two Probing Methods. 2
'lB) Construct birlgry tree. Given inorder and Post order traversals. I
lnorder :6 + 2. 319 "/" 2
Post order : 62 + 392 o/" I *