Amie Recognition Certificates
Amie Recognition Certificates
Amie Recognition Certificates
It is hereby informed that All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE),
through Extraordinary Gazette notification, part III, Section 4 published by
Government of India on 06 January 2016, clarified under item (E) Miscellaneous
Issues, S.No. 67, page 31 (in Hindi, Page 12, S. No.67) that passing Sections A &
B examinations (AMIE), along with M.E./M.Tech degree acquired through contact
mode (i.e. regular/part time), is accepted for the appointment as a faculty in
Technical Education.
Issued by
Secretary & Director General Incharge
for and on behalf of The Institution of Engineers (India)
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Issue Clarification
1 Whether a person with under mentioned The Institutions should not consider these
qualifications is eligible for CAS and/or for qualifications for direct recruitment for faculty
Appointment as a faculty in Degree and Diploma position, at any level of post from the date of
level Technical Institutions. publication in Official Gazette (i.e. AICTE
Regulations, 2010). However, existing incumbents
(a) MCA/M.Sc in Mathematics/ Physics/
recruited as a faculty with these basic minimum
Electronics/ Computer Science and allied subjects
qualifications prior to the issue of AICTE
with ME/M. Tech/Ph. D in Computer Science/
Regulations, 2010 are to be considered for Career
Information Technology to teach in Computer
Advancement Scheme (CAS), subject to fulfilment of
Science, IT & Engg. Courses.
other eligibility criteria and higher qualification
(b) M. Sc. (Electronic Science) and M. E. prescribed, if any, for various levels of posts.
(ET&T) qualification.
(c) Master of Science in Information
Technology (M.Sc. IT) to teach in CSE program.
2 Applicability of qualifications in the program of AICTE Regulations, 2010 have prescribed the
CSE and Technology for appointment to the post of minimum qualifications and eligibility conditions for
Asst. Professor. the appointment of faculty in the program of
Engineering and Technology including the program
of CSE and Technology.
3 (a) Consideration of qualification of M. Pharm The BoG of the concerned Institution on the
(Quality Assurance) for the candidate for eligibility recommendation of duly constituted Selection
to the post of Lecturer/Asst. Professor in Committee and with the approval of their respective
Pharmacology. State/UT/ Central Government /University may take
(b) Consideration of Inter – Disciplinary appropriate decision in accordance with AICTE
courses and teaching in Medicine and Technology Regulations, 2010. The same should be notified at the
for the eligibility. time of advertisement for the Posts.
4 Consideration on the under mentioned issues for the Rules relating to reservation for the respective
purpose of appointment on various teaching posts in category including relaxation in minimum
Degree and Diploma Technical Institutions. qualification criteria of the concerned
(a) Relaxation on minimum passing State/UT/Central Government as applicable from time
qualification criteria for Differently Abled (Physical to time would be applied.
and visually) against backlog and regular vacancies.
(b) Relaxation in minimum qualifying marks by
5% for SC/ST persons.
(c) Applicability of reservation policy in self-
financing Technical Institutions for SC/ST persons.
5 Clarification in respect of Ph.D acquired from inter- The BoG of the concerned Institute on the basis of the
disciplinary Centres/ Departments in relevant area recommendations of properly constituted Selection
for the appropriateness in relevant discipline in Committee and with the approval of their State
which faculty has acquired BE/ B. Tech. and ME/ Technical Education Department/State/ UT/ Central
M. Tech. Degree. Government/University may take appropriate
6 Consideration to relax Ph.D qualification in HMCT It was decided that the same will be placed before the
Programme due to scarcity of Masters/ Ph.D degree Board of Studies in HMCT for further decision in the
personnel in HMCT. matter.
9 Appropriateness of MS degree acquired from NIT, The MS degree shall be considered equivalent to ME/
IIT and IISC Bangalore etc., for appointment as M. Tech. for all purposes, provided MS degree has
Asst. Professor in Engineering disciplines. been acquired from the Institutes of national
importance as recognised by MHRD and the basic
degree should be BE/B. Tech. in relevant branch.
MS degree awarded by an accredited foreign
Universities/ Institutions shall be considered provided
that the equivalency of MS degree has been approved
by AIU.
10 Clarity required in faculty norms notified vide The qualifications laid down under faculty norms in
AICTE Regulations, 2010 (Diploma) for Humanities AICTE Regulations, 2010 for the post of Lecturer be
& Sciences program. read as under:
“Master’s degree in appropriate subject of
Humanities & Sciences with first class or equivalent
at Bachelor’s or Master’s Level”.
Further, for their upward movement as a Lecturer
(Selection Grade) under Career Advancement Scheme
(CAS), Ph.D in relevant subject is an essential
11 Clarity required in faculty norms notified vide The qualifications (laid down under faculty norms in
AICTE Regulations, 2010 (Degree) for HMCT AICTE Regulations, 2010) for the post of Assistant
discipline for the post of Assistant Professor. Professor in HMCT be read as under:
Bachelor’s or equivalent and Master’s degree in
HMCT with first class or equivalent grade, either at
Bachelor’s or Master’s level.
12 Defining the qualification/ eligibility conditions for The qualification/eligibility conditions for the post of
the post of Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor/ Professor in
Professor in Humanities & Sciences (Degree). Humanities & Sciences are as in Annexure -I.
13 Defining the qualification/ eligibility condition for The essential qualifications shall be same as for the
the post of HOD in Humanities & Sciences post of Lecturer (Humanities & Sciences) along with
(Diploma). Ph.D Degree in relevant subject and 10 years
experience in Teaching/Research/Industry at the level
of Lecturer or equivalent.
14 Framing Guidelines for Industrial experience (other (i) Working experience in public sector
than academic) at Degree & Diploma level undertaking is preferred. However private sector can
Technical Education for appointment of faculty. also be considered provided the Industry has a
successful continuous standing of at least 10 years.
(ii) The experience can be considered only after
production of certificate (experience) issued by
competent authority.
(iii) The area of operation of Industry shall be
related to the relevant field of discipline.
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15 Framing guidelines for the faculty in Biotechnology The Pay Scale, Qualification and Service Conditions
and Bio - informatics courses. for the faculty of these courses shall be same as
notified in AICTE Regulations, 2010 for various
levels of posts in Engineering and Technology
16 Recognition of Integrated/Dual Degrees programs Recognised integrated B.E/B.Tech. Degree,
for recruitment as faculty in Degree and Diploma Integrated B/E./B.Tech.-MBA and Integrated
level Technical Institutions. i.e. B.E./B.Tech.-M.Tech., and Dual Degrees awarded
(a) B.E/B. Tech. – MBA Integrated program of shall be recognised for direct recruitment &
five years duration. promotion of faculty under CAS.
19 Disparity in Pay between the Senior and Junior Stepping up of Pay shall be carried out in a manner
faculty with similar qualification upgraded through similar to recommendations made in issue No. 18.
CAS promotion in the year 2005 and 2006
respectively in Technical Institutions (Degree/
Diploma), due to one additional increment at the
time of financial upgrading as per AICTE
Regulations, 2010.
20 Anomaly between UGC and AICTE Regulations, In order to have uniformity of Pay Scale, the
2010 for the minimum Pay for the directly recruited Committee recommends the following.
Principals in Degree Colleges /Polytechnic. Principal (Degree):
Posts of Principal in Degree level Technical
Institutions shall be in the PB-4 (i.e. Rs. 37400-
67000 ) with an AGP of Rs. 10000 plus a special
allowance of Rs. 5000 per month and shall be fixed at
a stage not below Rs. 43000. All in service Principals
shall be appropriately fixed in the PB-4 with AGP of
Rs. 10000.
Principal (Diploma):
21 (a) Placement of directly recruited Assistant The Pay of Assistant Professor recruited under the Vth
Professor in PB-4 appointed according to Vth CPC CPC recommendations is to be fixed as prescribed in
recommendations, in pre-revised Pay Scale of Rs. Para a(ix)/(xii) page 21/22 of AICTE Regulations,
12000 -18300 between 01-01-2006 and the date of 2010 (Degree).
issue of AICTE Regulations, 2010.
(b) Fixation of Pay Scale of Assistant
Professor, who rendered their services in pre-
revised Pay Scale of Rs. 12000-18300 for the period
more than 03 years prior to 01-01-2006 in some of
the Institute and recruited as Assistant Professor in
some other Institute in the pre-revised Pay Scale of
Rs. 12000-18300 before 01-01-2006 with Pay
22 Clarification is invited about the EDP Manager, EDP Manager is not an approved designation as per
being covered in Academic or Non academic staff. AICTE Regulations.
23 Whether a faculty of Humanities & Sciences with Lecturer in Humanities & Sciences with Master’s
Master’s Degree will be placed in AGP of Rs. Degree shall be placed in Pay Scale of Rs.15600-
6000 (Diploma). 39100 with AGP of Rs. 5400 at entry level vide
AICTE Regulations, 2010. However, those who have
M. Phil/Ph. D degree in relevant discipline/subject
shall be placed in PB-3 with Academic Grade Pay of
Rs. 6000 at the time of joining as Lecturer.
24 Clarification invited to extend the clause 1a (xiv) of The Committee recommends that criteria of API for
AICTE Regulations, 2010 (Diploma), for the acquiring the Grade Pay of Rs. 10000 may be
Lecturer (Selection Grade), who have Ph. D considered for all eligible candidates. Other
qualification. conditions will be same as for the HOD and as
defined in AICTE Regulations, 2012 (stage 5).
However, AGP of Rs. 10000 of such eligible
candidates shall be fixed from the date not before the
publication of AICTE Regulations 2012 in Official
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26 Whether, a faculty of Degree/ Diploma Technical Yes, one additional increment to be given at the
Institutions is eligible for one additional increment time of up–gradation through CAS in each higher
at the time of up-gradation through CAS at each stage of AGP in PB-3 & PB-4 irrespective of
higher stage of AGP [Sub para (iii) under Para existing scheme of increment on promotion from
Increments] as per AICTE Regulations, 2010. lower Pay Scale to higher Pay Scale in Vth CPC.
However, there shall be no additional increment on
movement from PB-3 to PB-4.
27 Effective date (i.e. retrospective/ prospective) of AICTE Regulations, 2010, sub Para (v) of Para under
applicability of Ph. D in Relevant branch/ discipline incentive for Ph. D /M. Tech and other higher
for entitlement of three non-compounding qualification is applicable. These shall come into
increments. (Faculty who have enrolled/obtained Ph. force with effect from the date of their publication in
D before the issue/ implementation of AICTE the Official Gazette.
Regulations, 2010).
28 Recognition of Ph.D degree for three non- These Institutions are the Institutes of National
compounding increments, if faculty has acquired Ph. importance. The Ph. D degree awarded by these
D from IIT, IIM and IISC, NITs, BITS etc., which Institutions are to be recognised for all purposes
are recognized by the MHRD though neither including grant non - compounding advance
approved nor recognized by the UGC/AICTE. increments.
Issue Clarification
29 Fixing of Pay of the Professor upgraded prior to The fixing of Pay should be in accordance with the
01.01.2006 under Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) Pay fitment Table of 6th CPC as on 01-01-2006
at the minimum of basic Pay of Rs. 43,000 with AGP approved by MHRD.
Rs.10000 w.e.f. 01.01.2006.
30 Whether experience of Professors upgraded through Yes and shall be from the date of eligibility.
CAS and those directly recruited will be considered at
par for the purpose of Recruitment of Principal in the
Engineering Colleges.
33 (a) Procedure to verify the past service record for (a)Past service to be counted for CAS, subject to
counting the service under CAS. the endorsement of complete service record by the
(b)Consideration for stepping up of Pay of Senior appropriate approving authority (i.e.
faculty at par with Junior [who has been given benefit University/State Department of Technical
of the service, rendered in the private/Govt. Institutions Education) in accordance with GOI Rules.
for the purpose of CAS] in Govt. Institutions governed Stepping up shall be in accordance with FR & SR
by CCS/FR & SR Rules. Rules of GOI, as admissible.
(b) Based on the recommendation of Selection
(c)Total period of past service rendered may be Committee, the Central/State/ UT Govt. May
counted for the purpose of CAS to the faculty. decide as per their norms/terms and conditions at
the time of appointment.
34 Effective date of implementation of Pay scale through The effective date of implementation of CAS is
CAS: i.e. from the date of completion of Ph.D or else, from the date of acquiring essential qualification
where such qualification is essential. for the post subject to fulfilment of other eligibility
conditions as laid down in AICTE Regulations/
Notifications issued from time to time.
35 Whether CAS guidelines issued in 2012 AICTE Regulations, 2012 have been issued in
(Degree/Diploma) are in continuation of AICTE continuation of AICTE Regulations, 2010. All
Regulations, 2010 and its applicability to the existing conditions laid down shall be applicable to existing
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37 Applicability of CAS guidelines to the post of Yes, guidelines notified in AICTE Regulations,
HOD/Principal promoted departmentally as laid down 2012 are also applicable for the departmental
in AICTE, Regulations, 2012 (Diploma). promotion to the post of HOD/Principal,
considering the merit of all eligible faculty
38 Consideration to relax API score (Degree/ Diploma) Relaxation in API score is applicable for the period
between 05th Mar. 2010 and issue of AICTE of 03 years only (till date 7-11-2015) from the
Regulations, 2012 on 8th Nov. 2012. issue of AICTE Regulations 2012 in Official
Gazette. Thereafter, API score shall be
39 Clarity required in AICTE Regulations, 2012 (Degree) As per Para 3.8 of AICTE Regulations, 2012
in Para 3.8 (page 44) in r/o eligible education (Degree).
qualification of Assistant Professor (AGP 8000) to
move into Pay Band of Rs.37400-67000 (AGP 9000)
as Associate Professor under CAS.
40 Consideration to review and issue of faculty norms for This shall be as per Annexure -III.
direct recruitment and CAS guidelines for non-
Engineering Diploma programs in the discipline of
Cosmetology & Health, Fashion Design, Garment
Fabrication Technology, Interior Design, Library and
Information Sciences, Beauty Culture, Modern Office
Practices, Commercial Art and MLT.
41 Consideration to relax the educational qualifications to (a) For Diploma level Institutions:
Librarians and PTIs, recruited prior to issue of AICTE Librarians and PTIs who have been recruited
Notifications (from 01-01-1996 to 15 -3-2000) for the between 01-01-1996 and 15-3-2000 in the
purpose of CAS (Degree/ Diploma). Diploma level Institutions, with the existing
recruitment rules to be considered for up-
gradation under CAS in the next higher grade of
Senior Scale only. However, for further upward
movement under CAS, they are required to acquire
minimum educational qualification in a manner
similar to that as laid down in AICTE notification
2000 (Degree) and in subsequent
42 Consideration to relax the educational qualifications of (a) For Diploma level Institutions:
the Lecturers in Printing Technology recruited prior to Lecturers in Printing Technology, who have been
issue of AICTE Regulations, 2010 for the purpose of recruited between 01-01-1996 and 30-12-1999 in
CAS (Degree/ Diploma). the Diploma institutions, with the existing
recruitment rules to be considered for up-
gradation under CAS in the next higher grade of
Lecturer (Senior scale) only. However, for further
45 Clarification invited regarding counting of service The period specified in the AICTE Regulations,
period rendered in pre - revised Pay Scale (Rs. 10000- 2010 for upward movement of Lecturer from AGP
15200) as a Lecturer (Senior Scale) prior to 1-1-2006 of Rs. 7000 to AGP of Rs. 8000 shall be counted
for the upward movement of Lecturer from AGP of from the date of placement of Lecturer in the
Rs. 7000 to AGP of Rs. 8000 in Para a (ix) of Lecturer corresponding pre - revised Pay Scale.
in polytechnic in the of AICTE Regulations, 2010.
48 Whether a faculty of Engineering & Technology Yes, provided the person also has an administrative
with minimum 10 years relevant experience in experience of at least 3 years.
teaching/research out of which 3 years is in the same
grade Pay (i. e. Rs. 9000) at par with HOD is
eligible for the post of Principal in Polytechnic.
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49 (a) Requirement of defining Pay Scales and The respective Central/ State/ UT Government may
service conditions and CAS for the posts of Foreman decide their Pay Scales, qualifications and service
Instructor in Degree/Diploma level Technical conditions as per respective Govt. rules.
51 Applicability of Reader’s allowance to the Visually Reader’s allowance to the faculty with Visually
Differently Abled Category faculty at par with UGC Differently Abled Category shall be as per the UGC
in Degree/Diploma level Technical Institutions. guidelines.
52 Consideration to count EOL period granted to accept Extra ordinary leave period granted to accept
invitation of teaching post, research cum teaching invitation of teaching post, research cum teaching
post or for the academic work of importance to be post, fellowship, academic administrative post or any
for the purpose of increment at par with UGC in other work of similar nature/importance is to be
AICTE approved Institutions. counted for the purpose of notional increment and
53 Whether, Asst. Professor (Re-designated as Such candidates will be required to complete Ph. D
Associate Professor w.e.f 1-1-2006), who are not within 7 years from the date of Joining, failing which
able to complete the Ph. D in seven years from the increments shall be stopped until Ph. D is earned.
date of Joining (Direct/ CAS) will be reverted back.
54 Clarification cited on Inter se Seniority of the CAS As per the respective State/UT Govt. rules.
promoted (Financial up gradation) faculty and
directly recruited faculty.
55 Consideration is invited to fix the pension of The concept of Grade Pay and Pay Band were not
Principals of Engineering colleges in pre-revised applicable in 5th CPC.
(Vth CPC) scales may be deemed to be Rs. 19400-
22,400 with grade Pay of Rs. 12000 or alternatively
with grade Pay of Rs. 10000 with administrative
allowance Rs. 3000.
56 Whether, faculty from the Humanities & Sciences to No.
be considered eligible for the post of Principal/
Director of the Technical Institutions.
57 Framing the Guidelines for CAS for the Cadres of Instructions on the API Scoring pattern for these
Librarians/ Deputy Librarians/ Assistant Librarians posts have been clarified under Instructions for filing
and Director of Physical Education & Sports/Deputy up Part B of the PBAS Proforma, Para III (iv) of
Director of Physical Education & Sports / Assistant AICTE Regulations, 2012.
Director of Physical Education & Sports at Different For these posts, Career Advancement Scheme,
Levels in Degree and Diploma Level Technical eligibility criteria including API, composition of
Institutions. Selection Committee shall be similar to that
prescribed in the UGC Regulations, 2010 and applied
in University.
58 Consideration for minimum eligibility of 04 years to The benefit of 4 years shall be extended to those
move from Lecturer (Sr. scale) to Lecturer teachers who have not been availed such relaxation
(Selection Grade)/Asst. professor (from AGP of during movement form Lecturer to Lecturer (Sr.
7000 to 8000) to those who complete Ph. D during scale)/ Asst. professor (from AGP of 6000 to 7000).
senior to Selection Grade in Vth & VIth AICTE
Notifications (Degree/Diploma).
59 (a) Clarity is required in AGP of 5000 as (a) This is typographical error. AGP Rs. 5000 shall
mentioned in Para (a) vii) of AICTE Regulations be read as AGP Rs. 5400.
(b)Two one week each AICTE/ UGC/ MHRD/DST/
(b) Consideration to relax two one week each State Govt. sponsored programs may also be
TEQIP sponsored programs for CAS. considered as a alternative to TEQIP programs.
60 Higher qualification has been attached to the post of Academic qualification for the post of HOD in
Lecturer (Selection Grade) vide AICTE Regulations, Diploma Institutions shall not be lower than that
2012 in comparison to those prescribed for the post prescribed for the post of Lecturer (Selection Grade).
of HOD under faculty norms in AICTE Regulations,
61 Pay anomaly is created among faculty, while As per the respective State/UT Govt. Rules.
extending the provision regarding counting of past
service rendered by the teachers for the purpose of
CAS in States/UTs Government Institutions as laid
down in AICTE Notifications/ Regulations.
Consideration is required to remove anomaly/
irregularity created in States/UTs Government
Institutions, where service conditions are regulated
under CCS, FR&SR Rules.
62 To consider experience in “Educational Yes
administration” for the purpose of appointment of
Principal/ Director in Technical Institutions [Faculty
norms AICTE Regulations, 2010].
63 Clarity is cited in AICTE Regulations, 2012 Sub-Para (ii) shall be read as:
(Diploma) in Table III (page 49): Lecturer (stage 4)
to (Stage 5) sub-Para (ii) in column 4. A minimum of 03 publications since the period that
the teacher is placed in stage 4.
64 Whether Ph. D is an essential qualification for the Yes
Post of Principal in Diploma Level Technical
65 Whether, Central/ State Govt. norms could be No
extended (i.e. MACP/ACP) for career advancement
to those faculty who do not have qualifications in
accordance with AICTE norms in Diploma Level
Technical Educations.
66 What shall be teaching load for faculty as per Workload of a teacher should not be less than 40
AICTE Regulations, 2010 on 6th CPC in Degree/ hours a week, of which teaching contact hours should
Diploma Level Technical Institutions? be as follows:
(a) Degree Level:
Asst. Professor -16 hrs/ week
Associate Professor -12 hrs/ week
Professor – 8 hrs/ week
Director/Principal- 4 hrs/ week
14 hrs/week
Principal - 6 hrs/week
Annexure- I
The qualifications for the faculty (Humanities & sciences) at various levels of posts in Degree level Technical
Institutions are given below. Other terms and conditions are prescribed in AICTE Regulations No. 37-3/
Legal/AICTE/2010 dated 05th March 2010 and No. 37-3/ Legal/AICTE/2012 dated 8th Nov. 2012 for Degree level
Technical Institutions which shall remain unchanged.
i. Master’s degree in relevant subject of Humanities & Sciences with first class or equivalent, at Bachelor’s or
Master’s Level from any recognised Indian University.
ii. Besides fulfilling the above qualification, the candidate must have cleared the National Eligibility Test
(NET) conducted by the UGC, CSIR or similar test accredited by the UGC like SLET/SET.
iii. Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-clauses (i) and (ii) to this clause; a candidate, who has a Ph.D
Degree awarded before 2009, or has been awarded a Ph. D Degree after 2009 in accordance with the
University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D Degree) Regulations,
2009, shall be exempted from the requirement of the minimum eligibility condition of NET/SLET/SET for
recruitment and appointment as Assistant Professor in Technical Institutions.
i. Qualification as above for the post of Asst. Professor and Ph. D degree in relevant subject.
ii. A minimum of 6 years of experience in teaching or research at an academic/research position equivalent to
that of Assistant Professor and minimum of 3 publications with good impact factor in International Journal
of repute.
iii. A minimum score as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based Performance Based on
Appraisal System (PBAS), set out in AICTE Regulations 2012.
i. Qualification as above for the post of Associate Professor.
ii. A minimum of 10 years of teaching experience in University/college, and/or experience in research at the
University/National level Institutions/ industries out of which 5 years should be at the level of Associate
Professor including experience of guiding candidates for research at doctoral level.
Minimum of 13 years of teaching experience in University/college, and/or experience in research at the
University/National level Institutions/ industries.
iii. Evidence of published work with a minimum of 4 publications with good impact factor in International
Journal of repute.
iv. A minimum score as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based on Performance Based
Appraised System (PBAS), set out in this Regulation in AICTE Regulations 2012.
Annexure –II
3. Stage of Promotion Under Career Advancement Scheme of Incumbent and Newly Appointed Lecturer :
Para- 3 of AICTE Regulations, 2012 (Diploma)
3.1 Entry level Lecturer (stage 1) would be eligible for promotion under the career advancement scheme (CAS)
through three successive stages (stage 2, stage 3 and stage 4), provided they are assessed to fulfil the eligibility
and performance criteria as laid down in next clause.
3.2 In order to remedy the difficulties of collecting retrospective information and to facilitate the implementation
of these Regulations from 5th March, 2010 in the CAS promotion, the API based PBAS will be progressively
and prospectively rolled out. Accordingly, the PBAS based on the API scores of categories I and II as
mentioned in the tables of Appendix I is to be implemented for one year, initially based on the existing systems
in Universities/ Colleges for one year only with the minimum annual scores as depicted in Table II (A) for
Colleges teachers. This annualized API scores can then be compounded progressively as and when the teacher
becomes eligible for CAS promotion to the next cadre. Thus, if a teacher is considered for CAS promotion in
2013, one year API scores for 2012-13 alone will be required for assessment. In case of a teacher being
considered for CAS promotion in 2014, two year average of API scores for these categories will be required
for assessment and so on leading progressively for the complete assessment period.
3.3 Incumbent and newly recruited Lecturer, possessing Ph. D. Degree in the relevant discipline shall be placed in
the Pay Band of Rs. 15600-39100 with AGP of Rs. 6000 (stage 1) and eligible, for moving to the next higher
grade of Rs.7000 (stage 2) as Lecturer (Senior Scale) after completion of four years service as Lecturer.
3.4 Incumbent and newly recruited Lecturer possessing M. Phil Degree or a Post-Graduate Degree in professional
courses approved by the relevant statutory body shall be placed in the Pay Band of Rs. 15600-39100 with AGP
of Rs. 6000 (stage 1) and eligible for moving to the next higher grade of Rs.7000 (stage 2) as Lecturer (Senior
Scale) after completion of five years service as Lecturer.
3.5 Incumbent and newly recruited Lecturer with B.E. / B. Tech qualification in appropriate branch / discipline
either entering the teaching profession newly or Lecturers already .in service in Polytechnic Institutions shall
be designated as Lecturer and shall be placed in the Pay Band of Rs. 15600-39100 with AGP of Rs. 5400 and
will move to AGP of Rs. 6000 on completion of Master’s qualification in appropriate branch / discipline.
Further, Incumbent and newly recruited Lecturer who do not have Ph.D. or a Master's degree in the relevant
branch / discipline of a program shall be eligible for the AGP of Rs. 7,000 (stage-2) as Lecturer (Senior Scale)
only after completion of 9 years service as Lecturer.
3.6 The upward movement from the entry level grade (stage 1) to the next higher rade of Rs.7000 (stage 2) as
Lecturer (Senior Scale) for all Lecturers shall be subject to their satisfying the API based PBAS conditions laid
down by the AICIE in these Regulations.
3.7 Lecturer ( Senior Scale) who has completed five years of service in the grade of Rs 7000 (stage 2) shall be
eligible subject to meeting the API based PBAS requirements laid down by these Regulations, to move up to
next higher grade of Rs 8000 (stage 3) as Lecturer (Selection Grade) in Pay Band of Rs. 15600-39100.
3.8 Lecturer (Selection Grade) completing three years of teaching in the grade of Rs.8000 (stage 3) shall be
eligible subject to the qualifying conditions and the API based PBAS requirements prescribed by these
Regulations, to move to the Pay Band of Rs.37400-67000 with next higher grade of Rs.9000 (stage 4) and to
be re-designated as Lecturer (Selection Grade). However, those joining the Service after 5th March 2010 shall
have also earned Ph. D in addition to above mentioned requirements to move to the stage 4 subject to
(a) Satisfying the required credit points as per API based PBAS requirements as provided in Tables of
Appendix 1 and
(b) An assessment by a duly constituted Selection Committee as suggested for the direct recruitment of
Head of Department.
3.9 Head of the Department (HOD)/Lecturer (Selection Grade), completing 3 years of service in the AGP of Rs.
9000 and possessing a Ph.D Degree in the relevant discipline shall be eligible, subject to other conditions of
academic performance as laid down by the AICTE, shall be placed in Rs. 37400-67000 with AGP of Rs. 10000
(stage 5).
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 33
Annexure- III
Medical Laboratory Technology Master’s Degree in Medical Laboratory Technology with first class or equivalent
from a recognised University/Institution.
MBBS degree with 55% marks or equivalent. Qualification as MD in Pathology/
Biochemistry/ Microbiology/ Laboratory Medicine is desirable.
Fashion Designing B.E/B. Tech. in Textile Technology/ Textile Engg./ Textile Chem. with first class
or equivalent. If a candidate has a M.E/ M. Tech. in relevant disciplines, first
class or equivalent is required at Bachelor’s or Master’s level.
First Class Bachelor’s degree in Fashion Technology/ Apparel Production/Fashion
Design/ Fashion & Apparel Engg. or B. Des. in Fashion Design / Leather Design/
Knit wear Design. If a candidate has a Master’s Degree in relevant discipline,
first class or equivalent is required at Bachelor’s or Master’s level.
Interior Design/Decoration Bachelor’s Degree in Interior Design/B. Arch./ B. Des. in relevant discipline with
first class or equivalent.
Commercial Art First class Master’s Degree in Fine Art (Applied Art/ Design Art).
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 35
Garment Technology i) Qualifications same as for the post of Lecturer along with Ph.D or equivalent
in appropriate discipline / subject.
Modern Office Management and Secretarial i) Qualifications same as for the post of Lecturer along with Ph. D or equivalent
Practice in appropriate discipline.
ii) 8 years experience in Teaching/ Research/ Industry/Training at the level of
Lecturer or equivalent.
Library and Information Sciences i) Qualifications same as for the post of Lecturer along with Ph.D or equivalent
in Library & Information Science.
Applied Videography i) Qualifications same as for the post of Lecturer along with Ph.D or
equivalent in appropriate discipline.
Beauty culture and Cosmetology i) Qualifications same as for the post of Lecturer along with Ph.D or equivalent
degree in appropriate subject.
MBBS qualification with 55% marks and possesses the MD/MS/DNB in
appropriate subject. Ph. D qualification is desirable.
Medical Laboratory Technology i) Qualifications same as for the post of Lecturer along with Ph. D or
equivalent in appropriate subject
MBBS qualification with 55% marks and possesses the MD/MS/DNB in
appropriate subject. Ph. D qualification is desirable.
Fashion Designing i) Qualifications same as for the post of Lecturer along with Ph. D or equivalent
in appropriate discipline /subject.
Interior Design/Decoration i) Qualifications same as for the post of Lecturer along with Ph. D or equivalent
in appropriate discipline.
Commercial Art i) Qualifications same as for the post of Lecturer along with Ph. D or equivalent
in appropriate subject.
General guidelines for fixing qualifications for teachers of Diploma level courses
(Three years diploma programme)
1. The qualifications prescribed above shall be applied for the purpose of CAS, promotion and direct recruitment.
These shall be come into force from the date of publication in Official Gazette.
2. The revised Pay Scales, Service Conditions, Career advancement scheme and other guidelines shall be as per
AICTE Regulations 2010, dated 5th March 2010 (Diploma) and AICTE Regulations, 2012 dated 8th Nov. 2012
(Diploma) or any subsequent amendments / clarifications issued thereof, are applicable.
3. Non-compounding advance increments are admissible to those who hold ME/ M.Tech./ M. Des/MD/MS/ Ph. D or
equivalent higher qualification in appropriate discipline as laid down in AICTE Regulations, 2010 dated 5th March
2010 (Diploma) and subsequent clarifications.
4. The revised qualifications and experience will be required only for fresh appointees to the designated posts and will
not be applicable for existing incumbents working on those positions. However, for further upward movement of
the faculty under CAS/ promotion/ appointment they have to acquire higher qualification, if any prescribed for the
5. For upward movement of Lecturer to Lecturer (Sr. Scale) or corresponding stage as prescribed in AICTE
Regulations, 2012 dated 8th Nov. 2012 under CAS, minimum qualifications shall be same as for the post of
Lecturer in relevant discipline.
6. For upward movement of Lecturer (Sr. Scale) to Lecturer (Selection Grade) or corresponding stage 4 & 5, minimum
qualification shall be same as prescribed for the post of HOD in relevant discipline. Other guidelines are applicable
as laid down in AICTE Regulations, 2012 dated 8th Nov. 2012 or in any subsequent clarification thereof.
7. For those AICTE approved non-Engineering diploma programs, which are not covered in this Regulations,
State/UT Govt. may frame the guidelines for the requirement of minimum eligibility criteria in line with
qualification prescribed as above, keeping in view that there shell be no dilution of qualification at any level of post,
with the approval of AICTE.
Annexure- IV
Guidelines for grant of Study leave to Teachers and other academic staff entering into service without M. Tech./
Ph. D or other higher qualification in Degree/ Diploma level Technical Institutions are given below.
(i) Study leave may be granted with Pay to the appointees such as Assistant Professor/Assistant Librarian/Assistant
Director of Physical Education (Degree level) or in equivalent cadre (Diploma level), to pursue for study
(M.E./M. Tech./ Ph. D) or research in the discipline directly related to his/her work.
(ii) The number of years to be put in after entry should be a minimum of three years in regular service including the
probation period, keeping in mind the availability of teachers in the discipline and the vacant positions.
(iii) The paid period of study leave should be two/three years for Master/ Doctorial level respectively. Two years
may be given in the first instance, extendable by one more year for Ph. D program, if there is satisfactory
progress report by the Research Guide. Care should be taken to see that the regular academic work is not
disturbed while granting study leave.
Explanation: in computing the length of service, the time during which a person was on probation or engaged
as a research assistant may be reckoned provided:
(a) The persons is a teacher on the date of the application;
(b) He should have completed his probation period as specified in the concerned Institute statutes;
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 37
The need for placement and Training in a Degree Level Technical Institutions was recognized in the AICTE Norms and
standards of the year 1990, to be adopted by State/UT Government in the respective States /UTs. Vide Para 10 (b) of
Letter No. FD/PSSC/Clrif/2002/1 dated 03-01-2003 their Pay Scales etc. were left to be decided by said Governments
taking local conditions into consideration. Considering the various representations received by various stakeholders and
the importance of Training and Placement Officers (TPO) in the changed Scenario of developing of economy of the
country, it has become imperative to bring them in the purview of AICTE to determine their service conditions.
Accordingly, the following is proposed.
(i) Person entering as Training and placement officers shall be of the cadre of a Professor and shall be recruited with
designation as Professor (TPO). Essential Qualifications and experience required for the post shall be in line with
Professor (Engineering and Technology) laid down in AICTE Regulations 2010 (Degree). Due waitage shall be given to
a person from the reputed Industrial background with good managerial and communicational skill. Degree in
management shall be a desirable qualification.
(ii) Existing Training and Placement officers shall be re-designated as Professor (TPO)/ Associate Professor (TPO)/
Asst. Professor (TPO), as the case may be, provided all the requisite qualifications and relevant experience in line with
faculty norms laid down in AICTE Regulations 2010 (Degree) and subsequent AICTE Clarifications/ Notifications
issued thereof.
(iii) Pay Scales of existing TPO shall be fixed in accordance of fitment table of 6th CPC with re-designation of post as
may be applicable.
(iv) Career Advancement scheme shall be equally applicable to them in line with that prescribed for the faculty
subject to fulfilment of essential eligibility conditions as laid down in AICTE Regulations 2010 & 2012 and in
subsequent Clarification/ Notifications issued thereof.
Printed by the Manager, Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.
Roundcube Webmail :: From COEPP Bahrain Page 1 of 1
Dear Dr Gupta
Thank you for your E-mail regarding the accreditation of Kalasalingam University, which I have now added to
our list of approved Universities, and thank you for sending the E-mail address for Mr Vivek Halwatkar, who I
will make contact with soon.
Regarding Sections A & B examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India), the Committee passed the
following resolution below in May 2009:
It was resolved that Sections A & B from the Institution Examinations in the Engineering Branch, are
equivalent to a normal Bachelor of Engineering Degree of an accredited Indian University, to include
‘Graduate’ or ‘Associate Member’ or ‘Member’ to be able to be a full Engineer. This approval is to be
applied from this meeting (MCM 14/09 of 24 May 2009).
Best regards
Ms Zara 11/07/2014
View the actual judgment from court
User Queries
equivalent qualification
Qualification AMIE
technical education
Kerala High Court
Mageeja.M. Nair vs State Of Kerala on 22 October, 2005
By virtue of the nature of contention raised from the part of the above respondents,
some additional documents have been
W.P.(C) No. 31583 of 2011 produced by the petitioner along with reply affidavit as Exts.
P9 and P10, besides producing some more additional documents as Exts. P11 to P14
along with I.A. No. 7220 of 2014.
6. The learned counsel for the petitioner points out that there is absolutely no merit or
bonafides in the contention raised from the part of the respondents 2 and 3 as to the
alleged lapse or deficiencies on the part of the petitioner or her qualification. It is also
pointed out that the idea and understanding of the respondents 2 and 3, blindly seeking
to place reliance on 'AICTE' as the competent authority, to certify equivalency of
qualification, is wrong and misconceived. Reference is made to Ext. P10, which is a
communication dated 08.01.2001 issued by the AICTE in this regard. When the AICTE
was required to certify equivalency of AMIE from the Indian Institute of Engineers, India,
it was clarified as follows :
"The equivalence of AMIE will be approved either by the Board of
Assessment MHRD or by the Association of Indian Universities for
employment and other purposes and for academic equivalence respectively."
From the above, it is quite evident that, for the purpose of employment, even according
to AICTE, equivalency has to be
W.P.(C) No. 31583 of 2011 approved and certified by the Board of Assessment, MHRD
(Ministry of Human Resource and Development) and if it is for academic purpose, it is
for the association of Indian Universities, to certify the position.
7. Coming to the question whether the qualification of 'AMIE' was approved by the
MHRD, reliance is sought to be placed by the petitioner on Ext. P5 proceedings dated
16.01.2006 of the said Ministry. The said notification categorically stipulates 15 courses
of Section A & B examination as revised and conducted by the Institute of Engineers
India. The said 15 courses stand recognized by the MHRD as equivalent to Degree in
the appropriate branch of Engineering of the recognized Universities in India, which
includes the subject 'Computer Science and Engineering' (which is relevant for the
petitioner), enlisted at 'serial No. 6'. Nothing is mentioned with regard to Ext. P5 or P10
either in the counter affidavit of the respondents 2 & 3; nor is there any additional
counter affidavit in this regard. It is also brought to the notice of this Court that Ext. P9 is
the equivalency certificate issued by the Kerala University, while Ext. P11 is issued by
the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare Department, as early as on
W.P.(C) No. 31583 of 2011 16.08.1978 i.e. even prior to Ext. P5 issued in this regard.
Ext. P12 certificate dated 31.08.1977 has been issued by Indian Institute of Technology,
Bombay accepting equivalency of AMIE for its graduation purpose. Ext. P13 dated
27.02.1978 is the proceedings of the UPSC, considering AMIE as an equivalent
qualification. Ext. P14 is a copy of the proceedings dated 24.02.1978 of the Indian
Institute of Management to the effect that AMIE can be accepted for its post graduate
8. After hearing both the sides, this Court finds that the stand taken by the 2nd and 3rd
respondents to oust the petitioner from the field of consideration, stating that, the
petitioner does not have the requisite qualification, AMIE having not been certified as
equivalent to B.E/B.Tech, does not hold any water at all. By virtue of the position made
clear by the AICTE vide Ext. P10 and also by virtue of Ext. P5 position made clear by
the Ministry of Human Resources and Development, the qualification of AMIE has
necessarily to be considered as an equivalent qualification for the purpose of
employment. The writ petition was admitted as early as on 25.11.2011 and it is pending
for nearly three years, but no steps have been taken by the respondents to ascertain
the factual
W.P.(C) No. 31583 of 2011 position, if they were having any doubt in this regard, by
getting the same clarified by AICTE. No proceeding of the AICTE to the contrary has
been produced to hold that the qualification of 'AMIE' possessed by the petitioner is not
an equivalent qualification.
9. In the said circumstances, this Court finds that the petitioner is entitled to succeed.
Accordingly, it is declared that the qualification of 'AMIE' secured by the petitioner is an
equivalent qualification for appointment to the post of Assistant Professor, notified as
per Ext. P7. Therefore, the respondents 2 and 3 are directed to give appointment to the
petitioner to any of the existing vacancies or in the next arising vacancy in the post of
Assistant Professor, based on the position in the rank list and notionally reckoning
seniority from the date of appointment of the immediate junior appointed from the rank
list. It is made clear that expiry of rank list will not be a bar for giving effect to the
The Writ Petition is allowed. No cost.
IndoUS Technology & Educational Services Inc.
Country: India
This evaluation is based on copies of transcripts, certificates and degree documents provided by Mr. Hemanth
Kumar Bongarala. This evaluator has no reason to doubt the authenticity of the said documents. The documents
provided attest that Mr. Hemanth Kumar Bongarala has obtained Certificates for Section A & B Examination in
Electronics and Communication Engineering, The Institution of Engineers (India), Calcutta, India, 1996-1998;
Master of Technology Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology,
Guwahati, India, 2001. This is a true and correct evaluation to the best of our knowledge and belief, pursuant to
requirements of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) of the United States Department of
Homeland Security. A detailed analysis of the submitted credentials is also provided.
347 Plainfield Ave, suite 101, Edison, NJ 08817 Tel: (732)777-0116 Fax: (732)777-0135 E-Fax: (888)202-2016 Page 1 of 5
Technology& Education For a Brighter Tomorrow
IndoUS Technology & Educational Services Inc.
Mr. Hemanth Kumar Bongarala was enrolled in Certificates of Section “A & B” Examination in
Electronics and Communication Engineering at the Institution of Engineers (India) located in
Calcutta, India. Admission into such a program is based on completion of 12 years of U.S.
equivalent high school education which he has completed earlier. After completing the required
coursework, he has obtained the Certificate for Section A in the year 1996 and for Section B in
the year 1998. The coursework included the following subjects (shown in italics are Computer
Science studies):,
Based on the reputation of The Institution of Engineers (approved by Government of India), the
nature and duration of the coursework (Government of India recognizes these Certificates as
equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering),
347 Plainfield Ave, suite 101, Edison, NJ 08817 Tel: (732)777-0116 Fax: (732)777-0135 E-Fax: (888)202-2016 Page 2 of 5
Technology& Education For a Brighter Tomorrow
IndoUS Technology & Educational Services Inc.
Subsequently, Mr. Hemanth Kumar Bongarala was enrolled in a Master of Technology Degree
in Electronics and Communication Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology located in New
Guwahati, India. Admission to this degree is based on completion of a Bachelor’s degree. After
completing the following coursework he has obtained this 2-year degree in the year 2001. The
coursework included the following subjects (shown in italics are Computer Science studies):
Based on the reputation of Indian Institute of Technology, the nature and duration of the
coursework, it is my professional opinion that Mr. Hemanth Kumar Bongarala’s aforementioned
Master’s Degree is equivalent to a Master’s Degree in Electronics Engineering and additionally
also equivalent to 12 credits of academic studies towards a Bachelor's Degree in Computer
Science (CS) from an accredited college or University in the United States of America.
In summary, it is my professional/expert opinion that Mr. Hemanth Kumar Bongarala has the
equivalent of a Master’s Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering and also has the
equivalent of a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics Engineering with an Additional Concentration
in Computer Science (CS) (24 credits for a major in CS: 12 credits from his Bachelor’s
degree, 12 credits from his Master’s degree) from an accredited college or university in the
United States of America.
This professional analysis is based upon Mr. Hemanth Kumar Bongarala’s Certificates of
Section A & B Examination in Electronics and Communication Engineering contained in this
credential and Master of Technology Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering and
the Computer Science studies contained in these degrees.
347 Plainfield Ave, suite 101, Edison, NJ 08817 Tel: (732)777-0116 Fax: (732)777-0135 E-Fax: (888)202-2016 Page 3 of 5
Technology& Education For a Brighter Tomorrow
IndoUS Technology & Educational Services Inc.
Corporate Seal
Pratap P. Reddy, Ph.D.
I have been teaching Computer Information Systems (CIS)/Computer Science (CS) courses at
Raritan Valley Community College (RVCC) for the last 32 years. I have served as the
department chair of CIS from 1996-2002, with 9 full-time and 42 adjunct faculty members, and
have been the coordinator of Cooperative Education (Credit for Work) program of Computer
Science Department, at RVCC, since 2002. As CIS/CS faculty member and the department chair
I have evaluated hundreds of transcripts, as well as training and work experience records,
primarily those in the fields of CIS, Computer Science/Engineering, and Management
Information Systems (MIS), each year.
I have received the outstanding doctoral dissertation award given by Walden University for the
academic year 1993-94. This dissertation dealt with “Identifying and Validating the
Competencies for Community College Graduates to Obtain Entry-level Jobs in Information
Technology Field.” I have conducted research, received grants, and published in the Area of
Computer Information Systems. In addition, I have done over 15,500 academic/work experience
credential evaluations and have written many letters of expert opinions for Immigration purpose.
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) of the United States
Department of Homeland Security has been accepting my evaluations and expert opinions since
the year 2000. I am an active voting member of Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), I
have subscription to American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers—
AACRAO’s Electronic Database for Global Education (EDGE), a web-based resource for the
evaluation of foreign educational credentials.
347 Plainfield Ave, suite 101, Edison, NJ 08817 Tel: (732)777-0116 Fax: (732)777-0135 E-Fax: (888)202-2016 Page 4 of 5
Technology& Education For a Brighter Tomorrow
IndoUS Technology & Educational Services Inc.
3. Universities Handbook. 2002. 29th Ed. Association of Indian Universities. New Delhi:
AIU house, 16 Kotla Marg, New Delhi, India.
347 Plainfield Ave, suite 101, Edison, NJ 08817 Tel: (732)777-0116 Fax: (732)777-0135 E-Fax: (888)202-2016 Page 5 of 5
Technology& Education For a Brighter Tomorrow
Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Secondary & Higher Education
Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi,
the 16th January, 2006
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2. Agricultural Engineering.
3. Architectural Engineering.
4. Chemical Engineering.
5. Civil Engineering.
6. Computer Science & Engineering.
7. Electrical Engineering.
8. Electronics & Communication Engineering.
9. Environmental Engineering.
10. Marine Engineering.
11. Mechanical Engineering.
12. Materials & Metallurgical Engineering.
13. Mining Engineering.
14. Production Engineering.
15. Textile Engineering.
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