6. Developing Mastery Divide the class into groups and assign - Divide the class into small groups. To develop mastery, have students work For this part, the students will create an
each group a representative author of in groups to create a presentation on the artwork that reflects the impact of
African literature. - Provide each group a different literary context of a literary text from African African literature on their assigned
work from African Literature. literature. culture. They can use different materials
Ask each group to research the author such as paint, clay, or recycled items.
and present their findings to the class, - Ask them to identify the form and Each group should choose a different The students will present their artwork to
including the author's background, theme present in the literary work and literary text and then present their the class and explain how they were able
notable works, and contributions to present their analysis to the class. findings to the class. to reflect the impact of African literature
African literature. on their assigned culture.
- Allow them to share their insights and
Encourage the students to ask questions
engage in a class discussion.
and engage in discussion.
Discuss with students how the skills they Discuss with the students how African
- Ask students to reflect on how they can learned in this lesson can be applied to literature can be applied in daily living.
Discuss the importance of understanding
apply their knowledge of analyzing and their daily lives. The teacher can ask some guiding
and appreciating literature from different
interpreting literary texts from African questions such as "How can we use the
cultures in today's globalized world.
7. Finding practical applications of Literature in their daily lives. For example, students could discuss how lessons we learned from African
concepts and skills in daily living literature in our daily lives?"
Encourage the students to read more they could use these skills to better
- Encourage them to appreciate different
literature from different cultures and to understand the news or to analyze other
cultures and learn from their perspectives
broaden their perspectives. types of media.
through reading literary works.
Ask the students to reflect on what they The teacher will discuss with the
- Summarize the concepts and skills At the end of the lesson, have students
have learned about African literature and students the general impact of African
learned during the lesson. summarize the key concepts they learned.
its representative texts and authors. literature on other cultures and how it has
8. Generalizing and abstractions
contributed to a better understanding of
about the lesson - Encourage students to analyze and Then, have them discuss how these
Encourage the students to make different cultures.
interpret literary texts beyond their concepts apply to other literary texts
connections between African literature
cultural background. from different cultures.
and their own experiences and cultures.
To evaluate learning, you could give The teacher will evaluate the student's
students a quiz on the key concepts of the learning through a short quiz or a
Assess the students' understanding of
- Provide a short quiz to assess students' lesson. reflection paper on the impact of African
African literature and its representative
9. Evaluating Learning understanding of the lesson concepts and literature on their assigned culture.
texts and authors through a quiz or a
skills. You could also have students write a
written reflection.
short essay on the context of a literary
text from African literature.
For students who need additional The teacher can assign additional
Ask the students to write a short essay on application or remediation, you could readings on African literature and its
the importance of understanding and have them read more literary texts from impact on other cultures or provide a
- Assign students to create their literary
appreciating literature from different African literature or watch documentaries writing task about a personal experience
work inspired by African Literature.
10. Additional Activities for cultures. on African culture. relating to the impact of African
Application or Remediation literature in a student's life.
- Allow them to present their work to the
Encourage the students to read more You could also have them work on a
class and engage in a class discussion.
African literature and to share their creative project that involves describing
thoughts and insights with the class. the context of a literary text from African