21ST Century Literature Q1 Week 7
21ST Century Literature Q1 Week 7
21ST Century Literature Q1 Week 7
6. Developing Mastery - In groups, you will be given different - For the mastery activity, ask the - Divide the class into groups and give
literary works from different countries students to create their own short story or each group a literary text from the
and cultures. Using what you have poem that highlights the socio-cultural Philippines or other countries.
learned, you will analyze how the socio- contexts. - They will create a socio-cultural
cultural context of the work shapes it and - They can choose any culture or society analysis of the literary work by
how different cultures are reflected in the they are familiar with and create their discussing the following:
story and characters. own text that reflects the values, beliefs, - What socio-cultural factors are
customs, and traditions of that particular evident in the text?
culture. - How do these socio-cultural
- After they finish writing their texts, let factors affect the meaning of the text?
- How is the socio-cultural
them read it in front of the class and
context of the literary work connected to
discuss how the socio-cultural contexts
the culture of the author or the setting?
contribute to the overall meaning of the
- Each group will present their analysis to
the class for discussion and evaluation.
- Being able to understand how socio- - Ask the students to think about how
- Ask the students to reflect on how
cultural contexts affect literature is not socio-cultural context affects their daily
understanding socio-cultural contexts can
only applicable in the academic setting
help them appreciate other cultures and lives and the choices they make
but also in our daily lives. We encounter
7. Finding practical applications of societies.
different literature and media that shapes
concepts and skills in daily living - Discuss how knowledge of socio- - Encourage them to be more aware of
how we see the world. Understanding
cultural contexts can help them how their culture and society shape their
how these are shaped by socio-cultural
communicate better with people from thinking and behavior
contexts can help us better understand the
different backgrounds.
world around us.
- Summarize the key concepts of the - Summarize the key points of the lesson,
- Through this lesson, we have learned
lesson and its importance in interpreting emphasizing the importance of
how socio-cultural contexts affect
literary texts. understanding the socio-cultural context
8. Generalizing and abstractions literature and how it reflects the culture it
- Let the students express their insights of literary texts
about the lesson comes from. We have also learned how
and opinions about the lesson. - Encourage students to apply the
to analyze and interpret literature through
knowledge and skills they learned in
socio-cultural contexts.
analyzing other literary works
- Evaluate the learning by asking the The teacher will create a quiz to assess
students to answer a few questions the learnings of the students. Make sure
related to the lesson. that the quiz covers all the topics that
- Have the students write a reflection on
- Ask them to give examples of strengths were discussed for the whole week.
what they have learned in this lesson and
9. Evaluating Learning and weaknesses of using socio-cultural
how they think it can be applied in their
contexts in literary interpretation.
daily lives.
- Ask them to explain how socio-cultural
contexts contribute to the overall
meaning of a text.
- As a follow-up activity, students can be
asked to bring in a favorite piece of
- Students will write a reflection paper on
literature or media and analyze how it - For application, ask the students to read
one of the literary texts they studied,
reflects the socio-cultural context it a literary text and write an essay that
analyzing the socio-cultural context and
comes from. This can be done in small analyzes how the socio-cultural contexts
10. Additional Activities for its impact on the meaning of the text
groups or individually. contribute to the interpretation of the text.
Application or Remediation - For remediation, students who are
- For remediation, struggling students can - For remediation, provide additional
struggling with the concept can be given
be given additional examples and exercises or readings that reinforce the
more examples or be asked to re-analyze
opportunities to practice analyzing and key concepts of the lesson.
a text using the socio-cultural lens.
interpreting literature through socio-
cultural contexts.