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Post A Status 2
Zamani, E., He, Y. and Phillips, M. (2018) On the security
risks of the blockchain. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 60 (6). pp. 495-506.
ISSN 0887-4417
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The adoption of blockchain technology is taking place at a fast pace. Security features
inherent in blockchain make it resistant to attack, but they do not make it immune, and
blockchain security risks do exists. This paper details the associated risks and concerns of the
blockchain. We explore relevant standards and regulations related to blockchain and survey
and analyse 38 blockchain incidents to determine the root cause in order to provide a view of
the most frequent vulnerabilities exploited. The paper reviews six of these 38 incidents in
greater detail. The selection is made by choosing incidents with the most frequent root cause.
In the review of the incidents, the paper details what happened and why and aims to address
what could have been done to mitigate the attack. The paper concludes with a
recommendation on a framework to reduce cyber security risks when using blockchain
Keywords: security; standards; blockchain; root cause analysis; security recommendations
The Blockchain technology was devised by Satoshi Nakamoto, the designer of Bitcoin, set
out in a white paper in 20081. The technology created a ‘peer-to-peer’ online cash system,
whereby a third party, such as a financial institution, was no longer needed. The benefits of
using such a technology are transparency, authenticity and auditing as it takes away the need
for trust between two parties participating in a transaction2.
Since the inception of the Blockchain, several hacks and attacks have occurred, bringing into
question the security of the technology. The causes of these incidents range from smart
contract vulnerabilities3, application vulnerabilities4, cloud infrastructure/server breach5,
insider breaches to social engineering breaches6. Some of the causes are not publicly known.
A study performed by Luu et al.7 discovered that 8,833 out of the 19,366 existing Ethereum
contracts are vulnerable. Atzei et al.8 analysed the security vulnerabilities of Ethereum smart
contracts, and provided a taxonomy of common programming pitfalls that may lead to
vulnerabilities, Zimba et al.9 investigated crypto mining attacks by examining malware code
and suggested mitigations, while Li et al.10 analysed the vulnerabilities in Blockchain systems
and compiled a list of security risks to Blockchain systems.
Yet current research places an imbalanced focus on the technical aspects of Blockchain.
There is limited work in regulatory frameworks, Blockchain standards and best practices.
Presently, businesses and organisations operate under a lack of standards, where there is
currently only one in development11. This creates legal liability issues as Blockchain systems
often run on cloud platforms and integrate with 3rd party applications, notably in a public and
consortium driven type12, and to date it is unclear how legal liabilities are determined if
Blockchain incidents do occur. Therefore, there is a need to understand and identify the
applicability of the existing standards and regulations that are connected to Blockchain.
Ideally, organisations learn lessons from previous incidents. Public information sharing is
necessary at the earliest opportunity. This also allows new industries adopting the technology
to learn from other communities, as despite their reasons for using the Blockchain may be
different the vulnerabilities remain the same. Although some incidents are publicly known,
the information is not always complete or accurate. As a result, organisations cannot
effectively benefit from the mistakes of others, since there doesn’t seem to exist a procedure
to properly document and report incidents. However, experience can be borrowed from the
general cyber security area related to the incident response (IR). A complete IR lifecycle
encompasses incident identification, notification, analysis, containment, mitigation, incident
learning and dissemination, where lessons learned are cycled back to the incident
identification stage of the IR lifecycle13.
In this paper we identify current security and other standards that may be pertinent for the
blockchain technology. Through the examination of existing cases of security breaches based
on a root cause analysis approach, we analyse Blockchain security incidents with a focus on
standards, information governance and regulatory frameworks. This analysis informs a set of
recommendation on what a cyber security blockchain framework should include and have
implications for the creation of the Blockchain specific security standard.
‘Blockchain’ or ‘Blockchain technology’ is seen as the backbone of the Bitcoin protocol, and
as an online, distributed and publicly available ledger that is updated by the nodes of a peer-
to-peer (P2P) network, based on consensus, without the mediation of a trusted third party,
where all transactions are secured by cryptographic means14. The blockchain is essentially a
very restricted data structure, which is open, public and append only.
It contains all transactions ever made within ‘blocks’, each of which contains groups of
transactions, linked together based on cryptography rules15. Regardless of whether the
transactions are purely financial or not, the underlying mode of operation is always the same
(Figure 1). First a transaction request is made and broadcasted across a network of peers. This
could be a contract, an update of a record, a financial transaction or anything that is
transactional information. The nodes check the validity of the transaction through a process
called mining, trying to solve a very difficult computationally-wise mathematical problem,
which is resource-intensive, and then broadcast the solution to the other miners for
confirmation. Once confirmed, the original miner is rewarded in bitcoins for their effort and
the transaction itself is then added into a confirmed block. This block is timestamped and
linked to the previous block, because the very solution to the mathematical problem is based
on the unique cryptographic signature (hash) of the previous block. This means that all blocks
are linked together in sequence, i.e., there is a clear and unique path from block 0 all the way
to block n16.
As blocks are identified, miners add them in their local copy of the blockchain and broadcast
them to the network. The rest of the miners, when they receive the information about this
newly identified block, they validate it (which is not resource-intensive like mining), and
assuming that the information is indeed validated, i.e., the solution to the mathematical
problem is correct, then they also update their local copy of the blockchain. As a result, all
miners across the network have access and maintain to the same copy at all times15.
Blockchain Typology based on access rights
Blockchains can be categorised in different ways. Okada et al. propose their classification
based on the existence or absence of a trusted authority with certain control over the chain,
and the existence or absence of incentives in the form of an operational market around the
blockchain system17. Equally, other classifications have to do with the permission rights and
the ownership of the chain, or the degree of decentralisation and the computing approach for
service delivery (peer to peer or cloud-based). One can identify three main types of
blockchains: public, private and consortium-driven. Public blockchains are permissionless
and anyone can send transactions as well as participate in the process of deciding whether a
given block gets added to the overall chain. In addition, third parties and intermediaries are
not needed, or needed to be trusted. Private and consortium blockchains are both types of
permissioned chains. In a private blockchain, one organisation owns the ‘write’ permissions.
‘Read’ permissions can be made available to the public or trusted others if necessary via the
authorisation of the owner organisation. As a result, private blockchains are permissioned and
need somebody trusted for the chain to operate18. This is ideal for database management or
auditing within a single company. In a consortium blockchain, the validation process is
controlled by several pre-selected nodes19. For example, the rules of the blockchain may be
that two banks and a regulator must sign each block for it to be added. Again, the right to
read the blockchain can be made public if required and consortium-based blockchain can be
thought of as partially decentralised20.
IEE std c37.240-201444 International cyber security Not designed specifically for
requirements for substation blockchain but can be applied.
automation, protection and control
Common Criteria for International standard that removes Not specific to blockchain, but
Information Technology redundant evaluation activities that do applicable when building blockchain
Security Evaluation (CC not contribute significantly to the final based applications or products.
v3.1)45 assurance of a product
Federal Information Comprehensive framework to protect Not directly related to blockchain, but
Security Management Act government operations, assets and applicable when looking at aspects of
2014 (FISMA)46 information from threats. This is information security.
United States federal law.
ISO/IEC 27001:201347 International information security Can be applied to blockchain
management standard that defines best technology since it can be thought of
practice for an information security as a security management system. The
management system. standard could be applied to any part
of a business.
ISO/IEC 27005:2011 Supports implementation of ISO/IEC As with ISO 27001 it can be applied to
2700548 27001. blockchain but is not tailor made.
General Data Protection Synchronise European data privacy GDPR says that people can demand
Regulation (GDPR)41 laws, as well as to protect and that their personal data is rectified or
empower all EU citizens data privacy. deleted under several circumstances.
Enforceable from 25th May 2018. This must be a key consideration for
blockchain technology where personal
data is used as it is essentially a
growing record with a traceable
history. Therefore, GDPR compliance
could be a barrier.
ISO/IEC 27017:201549 Information technology, security Directly related to cloud technology
techniques and code of practice for which blockchain platforms can be ran
information security controls based on on.
ISO/IEC 27002 for cloud services.
ISO/IEC 27018:201450 Information technology, security Specific to PII on Cloud services.
techniques and code of practice for Blockchain platforms can be run on
protection of personally identifiable cloud services.
information (PII) in public clouds
acting as PII processors.
Regulations that affect areas that can benefit by Blockchain technologies
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of Reform corporate financial reporting Blockchain has the potential to assist
2002 (SOX)51 and accounting. This is United States companies with compliance to SOX 52
federal law.
Health Insurance Security and privacy of specific health Blockchain has potential to assist with
Portability and data to ensure its protection. This is HIPAA compliance, improving patient
Accountability Act of United States federal law. care as well as operational efficiency
1996 (HIPAA)53 in the healthcare industry 54
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act United States Act that requires Blockchain has potential to assist with
(1999)42 financial institutes to be clear with compliance to the act. If crypto
their information sharing practices and currency exchanges get classified as
details the responsibility of the financial institutions, then they would
organisation to safeguard sensitive also be obliged to adhere to the cyber
data. security policies and procedures within
the Act 55.
Payment Card Industry The standard developed consists of Applicable should financial
Data Security Standard twelve requirements created to institutions look to move cardholder
(PCI DSS) (2004)56 improve cardholder data security. data onto blockchain networks.
Directly related to the Blockchain
ISO/TC 307 (In Standardises distributed ledger and Directly related to blockchain, but it is
development)11 blockchain technologies. There are not yet completed. Will cover aspects
currently 8 ISO standards in the including Smart contracts, governance
development stage under ISO/TC 307. and interoperability.
Incidents Incident Type What are the root causes? What is required to prevent the
The DAO58,59 Application Software vulnerability in the Peer-review and testing of code
Vulnerability/ ‘split’ function, allowing before deployment
Smart Contract hackers to run split multi-times Smart contract audits by
Code Error to drain the DAO of its value; independent testing facilities
Poor design of the smart
Bitfinex58 Server/Infrastruct Key parties of the multi- Systematic controls to prevent and
ure Breach signature key management detect analogous transactions;
system blindly signing off End to end security review using
transactions scenarios
Coindash60,61 Server/Infrastruct Coindash website hack resulting Web-based attack detection and
ure Breach in Ethereum address changed to prevention
the hackers’ wallet address Defence against malicious insiders
Suspicious malicious insiders
Parity61,62 Application Smart contract vulnerability in Smart contract code review and
Vulnerability/ the library code; audits;
Smart Contract Code containing self-destruct Formal procedures and tooling for
Code Error function; testing complex live smart
Restructured code (light contracts
version) not reviewed
Zerocoin63,64 Application A programming error (‘==’ Routine code reviews and internal
Vulnerability/ being used instead of ‘=’) and external audits;
Smart Contract allowing an attacker to duplicate Formal agreements and automated
Code Error serial numbers and generate procedure in emergent blockchain
multiple spends incident handling
Social Engineering
Insider Threat
Root Cause
Cloud Platform
Server/Infrastructure Breach
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Incident Frequency
Based on the increasing use of blockchain technologies and the incidents reviewed, we
propose a framework of best practices to reduce the chance of cyber security vulnerabilities.
This framework provides solutions for the interactions surrounding blockchain as opposed to
altering the technology itself. As explored in previous sections, blockchain technology itself
is not usually compromised; instead vulnerabilities arise due to its improper use. We further
provide security recommendations for both providers and consumers of the blockchain
Regulatory Compliance - Blockchain solutions are often implemented on cloud platforms,
and we have already seen hacks due to the cloud infrastructure (see Figure 2). Stakeholders
need to carefully investigate the risks of the cloud platform itself70, and ensure they choose an
appropriate platform to host permissioned blockchains, especially within a regulated industry.
Blockchain providers need to ensure their cloud infrastructures are at least compliant with
ISO 27001 and ISO 270017. Blockchain consumers dealing with personally identifiable
information (PII) should also ensure their providers are compliant with ISO 270018. This will
help ensure that the necessary security controls are in place. Blockchain providers should also
consider industrial specific compliance requirements. In the healthcare industry, platforms
should be built with compliance to country specific acts, such HIPAA. This allows adopters
to meet the needs of the industry more easily keeping patient data secure. In the finance
industry, there are also platforms on offer, such as IBM Blockchain framework71, to help with
compliance with FISMA, SOX and Gramm Bleach Bliley.
Blockchain Providers Selection - Blockchain consumers should carefully consider platforms
available when choosing a third-party provider. The question they should ask is: will this
provider help me to be compliant with the needs of my industry? Likewise, Blockchain
providers need to have the consumer in mind by ensuring that their blockchain frameworks
contain detailed guidance on how they can help consumers to satisfy their industrial needs.
Good practices are the IBM and Microsoft blockchain frameworks71,72 that specify their
country specific and industrial specific standards that they have addressed and also provide
considerations that the consumer must undertake to avoid security breaches. In essence, a
successful blockchain framework must inform an organisation to select a provider that meets
all their needs.
Routine Audits – Our review flagged the need for formal reviews of all smart code contracts.
Mistakes can compromise the entire system as seen with The DAO incident58. The
blockchain framework should contain detail of how an internal formal code review should be
carried out73, and who should carry out the review, what experience is required to undertake
the review and what seniority level is required for sign off. This may vary between industry
sectors. Details should be provided on how often external reviews should take place. It is
unrealistic for all smart code contracts to be externally audited, however all should go
through detailed internal reviews. The framework should also state that if a code has been
audited for a specific purpose, it should not be used for other purposes. Using the code in an
alternative way would constitute the need for another review for the new suggested purpose.
This would have helped mitigate the Parity Vulnerability review62
Automation of Blockchain Incident Response - We identified the need for a formal process to
be agreed upon by communities for incident response. In the case of the Zerocoin hack, if
there were an automated way to inform mining pools about the incident, activities could have
been suspended until fixed63. This example is specific to the cryptocurrency world; however,
automation of blockchain incident response should be considered in all other industries.
Furthermore, in the root cause analysis, it was noted that in many cases the root causes of
hacks were not discussed or recorded. This results in a lack of ability for the wider
blockchain community to learn from security breaches. Companies can therefore fall victim
to the same attacks that could otherwise have been prevented. Therefore, it is recommended
that mandatory public information sharing is necessary at the earliest opportunity. This will
also allow other organisations adopting the technology to learn from other communities, as
although their purpose in using the blockchain may be different, the vulnerabilities remain
the same.
Use of Hot Wallets and Cold Wallets - Hot wallets were identified earlier as a key risk, with
some incidents being the result of hackers gaining access to hot wallets. Although the
vulnerability may have been elsewhere, if cold storage had been used, the attack could have
been mitigated. This is not to say that cold storage is completely secure, but we have seen
many more hot wallet breaches in comparison to cold storage (see Figure 2). Therefore, it is
recommended that keys of value are stored using cold storage methods. It would be difficult
to eradicate the use of hot wallets as they aid the efficiency of transactions, however the data
stored in hot wallets should be strongly considered prior to use. It is suggested that major
exchanges should keep most funds in cold storage10.
End-to-end Product Life Cycle Reviews - Detailed end-to-end reviews should be part of the
business process to try and identify vulnerabilities through risk-based scenarios. This would
aid proactive identification of risk rather than waiting until they materialise. There is limited
research in blockchain risk management in the product life cycle review. Experience can be
borrowed from cyber security risk assessment (Rauter, et, al., 2016) that key blockchain risk
factors throughout the product life cycle should be identified, measured, prioritised and
mitigated (e.g. avoiding, minimising, transferring or containing) to an acceptable level that is
benchmarked or predefined.
Automated Checks - Where possible automated checks74 should be in place to ensure the
systems and processes are working as expected. For example, in the Zerocoin incident, if they
had noticed that total Zerocoin spend did not align with the total Zerocoin minted earlier, the
amount stolen would have been much less (Insom, 2017). In this respect, ‘Automated
Management Information Reports’ could be designed to check such totals and send an alert
when a mis-match is detected.
The Blockchain is designed to be secure and the technology has great potential benefits.
However, through the interactions with software systems, web-based systems, clouds and
other platforms, security risks can be introduced to Blockchain systems. It must be used
appropriately with the use of a security framework. Currently, businesses and organisations
operate under a lack of standards. Based on an extensive review of the existing standards and
regulations, we identified their applicability that is connected to Blockchain. The incidents
reviewed highlight key points that should be included in a blockchain specific framework,
including regulatory compliance, Blockchain provider selection, the need for thorough smart
contract code reviews and both internal and external audits, the automation of incident
response methods and checks, appropriate use of cold storage techniques where possible and
end-to-end product life cycle reviews and automated checks. Our intention is not to provide
an all-encompassing framework, but to highlight ways for identifying, exploring and
addressing risks related to Blockchain technology. This also contributes to the creation of the
Blockchain specific security standard regarding what security concerns need to be included
and addressed. One limitation of this work is that the derived root causes and recommended
security solutions have not been scientifically verified or executed in experiments. Future
work should improve on this by verifying the framework through experimentation. Future
work will be focusing on the elaboration of the above-mentioned seven aspects within the
framework and borrow experience from general information security area including
regulatory compliance, risk assessment, incident response, access control, auditing and
contingency planning.
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