An Overview of Blockchain Security Analysis: 1 Background
An Overview of Blockchain Security Analysis: 1 Background
An Overview of Blockchain Security Analysis: 1 Background
Hai Wang1,2 , Yong Wang3 , Zigang Cao1,2 , Zhen Li1,2 , and Gang Xiong1,2(B)
Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team/Coordination
Center, Beijing, China
1 Background
The first blockchain was conceptualized by a person (or group of people) known
as Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 [1]. It was implemented the following year by
Nakamoto as a core component of the cryptocurrency bitcoin, where it serves as
the public ledger for all transactions on the network.
Comparing to the rapid development of blockchain technology, relevant
norms and standards on it are still incomplete. The first descriptive document
on the blockchain is the “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” writ-
ten by Nakamoto, in which blocks and chains are described as a data structure
recording the historical data of the bitcoin transaction accounts. “A timestamp
server works by taking a hash of a block of items to be timestamped and widely
publishing the hash, such as in a newspaper or Usenet post. The timestamp
proves that the data must have existed at the time, obviously, in order to get
c The Author(s) 2019
X. Yun et al. (Eds.): CNCERT 2018, CCIS 970, pp. 55–72, 2019.
56 H. Wang et al.
into the hash. Each timestamp includes the previous timestamp in its hash,
forming a chain, with each additional timestamp reinforcing the ones before
it (Fig. 1).” The blockchain is also called the Internet of value [2], which is a
distributed ledger database for a peer-to-peer network.
As a rule, most innovations do not appear out of nowhere, nor does the
blockchain. The blockchain is actually a natural result of that the ledger tech-
nology developed into distributed scenarios. Ledger technology has evolved from
single entry bookkeeping, double-entry bookkeeping, digital bookkeeping to dis-
tributed bookkeeping. The blockchain structure (Fig. 1) naturally solves the
problem of multiparty trust in distributed bookkeeping [3].
Due to its decentralization, tamper-resistance, safety and reliability, the
block-chain technology has received extensive attention since its birth. After
nearly 10 years developing, the blockchain technology has experienced the period
of v1.0-bitcoin, v2.0-Ethernet and v3.0-EOS. Not only has the technology itself
been greatly expanded and developed, but it has also been applied in many
manages one node, and at least 10 of which must confirm each block to be
recognized as valid and added to the chain. The right to read the blockchain can
be open to the public, or limited by participants, or “hybrid”. Such chains can
be called “partially decentralized”.
2 Blockchain Applications
The large-scale digital currency system represented by the Bitcoin network runs
autonomously for a long time, through which it supports the global real-time
reliable transactions that are difficult to achieve in the traditional financial sys-
tem. This has caused infinite imagination for the potential applications of the
blockchain. If the business value network based on the blockchain gets real in
the future, all transactions will be completed efficiently and reliably, and all
signed contracts can strictly follow the agreement. This will greatly reduce the
cost of running the entire business system, while sharply improving the efficiency
of social communication and collaboration. In this sense, the blockchain might
trigger another industrial revolution as the Internet did.
In fact, to find the right application scenario, we should proceed from the
characteristics of the blockchain itself. In addition, you need to consider the rea-
sonable boundaries of the blockchain solution. For example, blockchain applica-
tions for mass consumers need to be open, transparent, and auditable, which can
be deployed on a borderless public chain or on a blockchain that is commonly
maintained by multicenter nodes.
The application of blockchain in the financial services is the most concerned
currently, and many banks and financial institutions around the world are the
main promoters. At present, the processing after global securities trading is very
complicated. The cost of liquidation is about 5–10 billion dollars. The post-trade
analysis, reconciliation and processing costs exceed 20 billion dollars. According
to a report by the European Central Bank [5], the blockchain, as a distributed
ledger technology, can make a good deal with the cost of reconciliation and
58 H. Wang et al.
serious [10]. BiHu - a token investor vertical community. In the BiHu, the user’s
contribution will be rewarded with the token (KEY) representing the BiHu and
its surrounding ecological use rights [11].
Due to its decentralization, eliminating trust, tamper-resistance, safety and
reliability characteristics, the blockchain technology has been used in lots of fields
including financial services, credit and ownership management, trade manage-
ment, cloud storage, user-generated content, copyright protection, advertising
and games. In these cases, blockchain either solves the problems of multiparty
trust in the transaction, or reduces the costs and risks of traditional industries.
Fig. 2. Economic losses caused by blockchain security incidents (ten thousand dollars).
Application Layer. Application layer security mainly covers the security issues
of centralized nodes such as the exchanges which involve digital currency trans-
actions and manage large amounts of funds. These nodes are at any point of
failure of the entire blockchain network, and the attack yield is high and the
cost is low, which is the preferred target of the attackers [13].
Exchange DDoS. Due to the high demand for network bandwidth in the trading
platform, once a DDoS attack occurs, it is very serious for the platform and the
entire industry. If the trading platform is attacked by DDoS, not only will itself
suffer losses, but the transaction volume of the blockchain currency will also be
greatly reduced, which will indirectly affect the rise and fall of the blockchain
currency [15].
According to the report of global DDoS threat landscape Q3 2017 by Incap-
sula [16], although its industry scale is still relatively small, Bitcoin has become
one of the top 10 industries which are most vulnerable to DDoS attacks. This
reflects to a certain extent that the entire blockchain industry is facing serious
DDoS security challenges. For example, from November 2017 to December 2017
Bitfinex announced that it had suffered the DDoS attack for three times, and
all the services of the exchange had been shut down for a long time [17]. The
attacker creates pressure on the server by creating a large number of empty
accounts, causing related services and APIs to go offline for hours.
Employees Host Security. On June 20, 2011, the large Bitcoin exchange Mt.Gox
was attacked. Its server was not compromised, but the attacker gained access
to a computer used by an auditor of Mt.Gox, and got a read-only database file,
resulting in about 60000 users’ username, email address, and encrypted pass-
word [18] to be leaked. After obtaining this sensitive information, the attacker
An Overview of Blockchain Security Analysis 61
cracked the password of one of the large accounts, issued a large sales message
through this account, and sold 400,000 BTC [19] under it, trying to transfer
funds through the legal transaction process. Fortunately, because the exchange
protection measures are effective, it limits the maximum value of $1,000 BTC
per account per day, so it does not cause much damage to this account. However,
a large number of BTC sale requests caused the exchange BTC price to drop to
1 cent, resulting in an impact of approximately $8,750,000 in assets.
Initial Coin Offering. Tampering Attack: When ICO raises funds, it usually
hangs the receiving address on the project official website, and then the investor
will transfer money to this address for the corresponding token. Hackers can
tamper with the collection address through attacks such as domain hijacking,
web vulnerabilities, or social engineering.
Phishing attack: The attacker uses social engineering and other means to
impersonate the official, allowing the user to transfer money to the attacker’s
wallet address. For example, an attacker can use an approximate domain name
and highly phishing website to defraud investors or use email to disseminate
fake information, such as ICO project’s payment address change notice, etc.
or disseminate phishing information on social software and media to defraud
Mining Machine System. The cyber security awareness of mining device manu-
facturers is uneven, and because of its closed source characteristics, the security
of its code cannot be checked by the public. Once a cyber security issue occurs,
the result is fatal. And whether the device manufacturer will intersperse the
back door for remote control of the device, or steal the mining output, is still
remain to be discussed.
0day: Most mining system is a general-purpose system. Once a mining system
is found to have a 0 day vulnerability, the security barriers of the system will be
broken in an instant. The attacker can use the vulnerability to obtain the modify
permission and then tamper with reward receiving address and then hijack the
user’s reward.
62 H. Wang et al.
Weak password attack: At present, the mining system in the market is based
on the B/S architecture. Access to the mining system is usually through the web
or other means. If the weak password is used, it will be vulnerable to intrusion.
Mining Pool. By June 2018, the top five Bitcoin mining pools in the world
are, AntPool, SlushPool, BTC.TOP and F2Pool. About 60% of the
world’s hash power is in the hands of Chinese miners [21].
Hash power forgery attack: The mining pool will test the actual hash power
of the current miner through a certain proof of work test algorithm. The hacker
can falsely report the hash power by finding the vulnerability of the algorithm,
and then obtain the excessive reward that doesn’t match the actual contribution.
Selfish mining attack: A malicious mining pool decides not to release the
block it finds, and thus creates a fork. When the private fork is longer than the
public chain, the malicious mining pool issues the private fork. Because the fork
is the longest chain in the current network, it will be recognized as a legal chain
by honest miners, so the original public chain and the honest data it contains
will be discarded. The results of the study indicate that the malicious mining
pools will yield more benefits normally by using selfish mining strategies. But
such attacks usually require huge hash power as a support.
Centralization: The existence of the mining pool violates the principle of
decentralization of the blockchain. Theoretically, if it can control at least 51%
of the hash power of entire network, it will be able to monopolize the mining
right, billing right and distribution right, which will affect the ecological security
of the blockchain, so that the credit system of the cryptocurrency will cease to
exist and the cryptocurrency system will be completely destroyed.
Possible Methods. It is impossible for any one party to respond to various attacks
at the application layer. The application developers should ensure that the soft-
wares don’t contain discovered vulnerabilities and are thoroughly tested. As the
central node, such as a trading platform, real-time monitoring of system health
and some protected methods (e.g. data encryption storage, etc.) are required
to ensure that the system is not subject to internal and external attacks. All
employees should be systematically trained before they are employed to avoid
becoming an attack portal. As a user, you should be able to keep your own
account and key properly, distinguish between true and false information and be
cautious in trading to avoid phishing attacks.
Smart Contract Layer. A smart contract is more than just a computer pro-
gram that can be executed automatically. It is a system participant. It responds
to the received message, it can receive and store value, and it can send out infor-
mation and value [22]. For the security risks of smart contracts, the following
attacks are summarized.
and the attacker used the vulnerability in the contract to launch a reentrancy
attack and gained 60 million dollars. In order to recover this part of the funds,
the Ethereum community decided to perform a hard fork, roll back all the trans-
action records since the start of the attack and fix the contract vulnerabilities in
the new branch. The vulnerability is described below. Here is a simplified version
of The DAO contract:
c o n t r a c t SimpleDAO {
mapping ( a d d r e s s => u i n t ) p u b l i c c r e d i t ;
f u n c t i o n donate ( a d d r e s s t o ) { c r e d i t [ t o ] += msg . v a l u e ; }
f u n c t i o n q u e r y C r e d i t ( a d d r e s s t o ) r e t u r n s ( u i n t ){
return c r e d i t [ to ] ;
f u n c t i o n withdraw ( u i n t amount ) {
i f ( c r e d i t [ msg . s e n d e r ]>= amount ) {
msg . s e n d e r . c a l l . v a l u e ( amount ) ( ) ;
c r e d i t [ msg . s e n d e r ]−= amount ;
Participants call the donate function to donate their own Ether to a contract
address, the donation information is stored in the credit array, and the recipient
contract calls The DAO’s withdraw function to receive funds. Before actually
sending the transaction, The DAO checks if there is enough donation in the
credit array, and after the transaction is over, the transaction amount is reduced
from credit.
The attacker first constructs a malicious contract Mallory, as follows:
c o n t r a c t Mallory {
SimpleDAO p u b l i c dao = SimpleDAO ( 0 x354 . . . ) ;
a d d r e s s owner ;
f u n c t i o n Ma l l o r y ( ) { owner = msg . s e n d e r ; }
f u n c t i o n ( ) { dao . withdraw ( dao . q u e r y C r e d i t ( t h i s ) ) ; }
f u n c t i o n g e t J a c k p o t ( ) { owner . send ( t h i s . b a l a n c e ) ; }
After Mallory deployed, the attacker calls The DAO’s donate function to donate
a bit of Ether to the Mallory contract. After triggering Mallory’s fallback function
(unnamed function), there are many trigger methods, such as transfer money
to Mallory. The fallback function will call The DAO’s withdraw function and
extract all the funds that belong to it. It seems to be no problem so far. How-
ever, after in the withdraw is executed, Mal-
lory’s fallback function is automatically called after the transfer is completed
due to the transfer operation feature, so the withdraw function is called again.
Because credit is not updated at this time, so you can still withdraw money
64 H. Wang et al.
normally, then you fall into a recursive loop, and each time you can extract a
part of Ether in the DAO to the Mallory contract.
This loop will continue until one of three conditions occurs, gas is exhausted,
the call stack is full, and The DAO balance is insufficient. An exception is thrown
when one of the above conditions occurs. Due to the characteristics of the Solidity
exception handling, all previous transactions are valid. Theoretically, repeating
this operation can extract all the Ether of The DAO’s to Mallory.
Unauthorized Access Attack. Most of this attack due to failure to make explicit
function visibility, or fails to do sufficient permission checks, which can cause an
attacker to access or modify a function or variable that should not be accessed.
For example, a multi-signature contract vulnerability in the Parity wallet
was exploited by an attacker to steal a total of 153,037 Ether in three times.
Then Parity official blog and Twitter released security alert [23] and updated
the new version of the library contract. The bug comes from the Multi-Sig library
file enhanced-wallet.sol written by Parity’s founder Gavin Wood. The attacker
exploited the bug to reset the wallet owner, took over the wallet and stolen all
the funds. This is essentially a breach of authority in the contract.
already occurred. It should conduct sufficient security tests before issued. Pro-
fessionals perform code optimizations in a timely manner, conduct regular code
audits, and monitor abnormal behavior of deployed contracts to reduce losses.
Consensus Layer. The consensus mechanism gives the blockchain the soul to
differentiate it from other P2P technologies. Commonly used consensus mech-
anisms are Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Stake (PoS), and Delegated Proof
of Stake (DPoS). The possible attacks include Bribe Attack, Long-Rang Attack,
Accumulation Attack, Precomputing Attack and Sybil Attack. Table 1 shows the
application scope of the attacks for the consensus mechanisms.
At present, the existing consensus mechanisms are not perfect, and it is nec-
essary to explore a more secure and faster consensus mechanism while increasing
the difficulty of existing attacks.
for information transmission in which it must expose each other’s IP. If there
is an attacker in the network, it is very easy to bring security threats to other
nodes. The node of the public blockchain network may be an ordinary home PC,
a cloud server, etc., and its security must be uneven. There must be a node with
poor security, and attacking it will directly threaten the other nodes. The main
attacks are as follows.
Eclipse attack: The node is kept in an isolated network by hoarding and
occupying the victim’s slots. This type of attack is designed to block the lat-
est blockchain information from entering the eclipse node, thereby isolating the
nodes [24].
BGP hijacking: At present, the security researchers have proved the concep-
tual feasibility of the attack. From November 5, 2015, to November 15, 2016,
through the analysis and statistics of the node network, most of the bitcoin
nodes are currently hosted in a few specific Internet Service Providers (ISP),
while 60% of Bitcoin connections are in these ISPs. Therefore, these ISPs can
see 60% of Bitcoin traffic, and can also control the traffic of the current Bit-
coin network. The researchers verified that at least two attacks are conceptual
feasible through the hijacking scenario, and given validation code [25].
The security defense for the network layer can be mainly improved from two
aspects: P2P network security and network authentication mechanism. In the
transmission process of the network, a reliable encryption algorithm is used for
transmission to prevent malicious attackers from stealing or hijacking the node
network. Strengthen the validity, rationality and security of data transmission in
network. Client nodes should do the necessary verification for important opera-
tions and information.
Data Layer
Signature and Encryption Method. Cryptography is the key to ensure the secu-
rity and tamper resistance of blockchain, and blockchain technology relies heavily
An Overview of Blockchain Security Analysis 67
on the research results of cryptography, which provides a key guarantee for the
information integrity, authentication and non-repudiation of the blockchain.
As a mainstay of the blockchain, the encryption technology is particularly
important. For example, the MD5 and SHA1 hash algorithms popular in previous
years but have been proved to be insufficiently secure. At present, the SHA256
algorithm is widely used in bitcoin. So far, this algorithm is still safe, but with
the development of new technology and research, it may not be safe in the future.
Therefore, when designing blockchain applications, it is important to carefully
choose the encryption method. Current mainstream signature methods include
aggregate signature, group signature, ring signature, blind signature, proxy sig-
nature, interactive incontestable signature (IIS), blinded verifiable encrypted
signature (BVES), and so on.
Attacks on cryptographic algorithms, especially the hash functions, include
brute-force attack, collision attack, length expansion attack, back door attack
and quantum attack.
“Recycling box” are those cases that attempt to solve industry pain points
through blockchain solutions in a better, faster, and cheaper way. Their goals
are not illegal, and the motivation is simple. In the process of the application
launched, the network supervision authorities can implement supervision only
by making minor modifications to the current supervision framework.
The most typical example is the interbank settlement system developed
by Ripple. The payment solution uses a single distributed ledger to connect
the world’s major financial institutions and cross-bank transactions that occur
between each other can be done in real time. Compared with the traditional
method, it not only saves a lot of time, improves efficiency, but also saves a
service fee [27].
68 H. Wang et al.
“Dark box”, its source is similar to “dark net”. Cases belonging to this category,
without exception, all contradict the current law. Such cases are numerous, for
example, the online drug market, the arms market or other illegal goods market,
human trafficking networks, terrorist financing and communication networks,
money laundering and tax evasion can all be classified as such. These illegal
services have existed in the dark network for a long time. Nowadays, because of
the application of blockchain technology, some of them are like discovering the
New World. It’s easy to identify the “dark box”, but it can be difficult to try to
stop them [27].
The reason why the “dark box” is difficult to be stopped is that in recent
years, the digital currency has become an important tool for money laundering,
illegal transactions, and escaping foreign exchange control due to its anonymity
and decentralization. Digital currency does not require a credit card and bank
account information. Criminals can avoid the supervision agencies and cannot
trace the source and destination of funds through traditional capital transaction
records, which makes traditional supervision methods malfunction.
3.6 “Sandbox”
The “sandbox” is one of the most exciting and headaches for legislators in these
three categories, and many of the most disruptive and public interest cases fall
into this category. The term “sandbox” was taken from a recent initiative by
the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) called “Regulatory Sandbox”. Appli-
cation cases belonging to this category have very valuable business objectives,
but the current situation is that due to the various characteristics of the dis-
tributed ledger technology, most of these cases cannot meet the existing super-
vision requirements. Their common feature is what the business pursued is legal,
but it may cause various risks, so the government will not let it go and will have
appropriate supervision.
The typical case is peer-to-peer(P2P) funding. It is necessary to mention the
venture capital fund The DAO based on the blockchain. Although The DAO’s
ICO is no different from ordinary venture capital, their goals are all to invest
in a startup. It seems to have nothing to do with illegality. However, the way
The DAO works is not normal at all, which is one of the reasons why it will be
incompatible with the existing legal system.
The DAO has no physical existence, no legal status in any jurisdiction, no
leadership, management, or even employees. All operations are automatically
done by the blockchain in a decentralized manner. It is not responsible to anyone
except those anonymous donors. TechCrunch commented on such organizations
as “completely transparent”, “shareholders have full control”, and “unparalleled
flexibility and self-governance”.
At present, the skills possessed by most of the regulators are highly special-
ized, and they are only suitable for a certain place. The applications of blockchain
are mostly global, and the coverage area is very wide. This also explains why the
An Overview of Blockchain Security Analysis 69
FCA’s proposed regulatory sandbox program has suffered a cold spot as soon as
it was launched, and many blockchain startups have expressed no interest in it.
5 Conclusion
As an emerging technology, the inherent data security and effective privacy pro-
tection make the blockchain industry be used more and more widely. However,
it is worth noting that with the expansion of its application, more and more
new types of security threats are emerging targeted on the blockchain. The way
to strengthen the security protection of the blockchain needs further research
The second chapter of this paper introduces the application scenarios of
blockchain technology in different fields and analyzes the corresponding projects.
The third chapter focuses on the security analysis of the technology and appli-
cation of each layer of the blockchain, and summarizes the vulnerabilities and
possible attacks. The fourth chapter summarizes the current status of blockchain
security protection, it shows that more research is needed on the security aspect.
According to a large number of papers have been researched, most users and
researchers of the blockchain pay more attention to the application of blockchains
and technology itself, but less attention and researches to security. We think
blockchain anonymity research and upper-level security, especially smart con-
tract layer and application layer security requires continuous attention and
research. I hope that the work of this paper can alert the practitioner “network
security of the blockchain is still waiting for deeper research”.
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