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“Basic Policy on the Operation of the System for Status of Residence for Specified Skilled Workers” (December 25, 2018 Cabinet Meeting)
Decision), 3 (1) E and (2) C, “Regarding Examination Policies for Specified Skilled Workers” (January 30, 2020 Immigration and Immigration
Services Agency) (hereinafter referred to as “examination policy” ), in order to ensure the proper implementation of the proficiency test pertaining
to the specified skill No. 1 in the automobile maintenance field (hereinafter referred to as the “specified skill evaluation test in the automobile
maintenance field”), the following specified skill evaluation test in the automobile maintenance field Define implementation guidelines.
1 Test outline
In addition, English words are written together for technical terms written in katakana.
Implementing body: Japan Automobile Maintenance Association Federation (hereinafter referred to as “Nisseiren”) Location: 17th
The automobile maintenance field specified skill evaluation test (hereinafter referred to as the “specified skill evaluation test”)
Written and practical examinations will be conducted using the data-based testing (CBT) method (Note).
(Note) Questions and answers are given and answered using a computer.
(4) Number of implementations in the fiscal year, timing and location of implementation
2) The timing and location of the implementation will be determined through consultation between the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,
Transport and Tourism and the Japan Federation of Industrial Trade Organizations. ÿ On the premise that the test will be conducted overseas,
(5) Qualifications
for taking the test Those who can take the specific skill evaluation test must be 17 years of age or older on the date of the test.
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However, when the examination is conducted in Japan, it is subject to the authority of the foreign government or region designated by the Minister of
Justice in the public notice to cooperate in the smooth execution of the deportation order for those who have a status of residence. Except for those who
According to the examination policy, even if you pass the examination, it does not guarantee that you will be granted the status of residence of
"Specified Skilled Worker". Even if an application for issuance of a certificate of eligibility or an application for a change of status of residence is made, it
is not necessarily the case that a certificate of eligibility will be issued or permission to change the status of residence will be granted. However, visa
applications are subject to a separate review by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and visas may not necessarily be issued.
conducting tests overseas, observe the relevant local laws and regulations.
(1) The JSE will promote the implementation of the test both domestically and in countries where the test is conducted, and will recruit test takers
through its own website. ÿ Information necessary for applying for the test, such as test date, test center, test reservation period, test fee and
payment method
In addition to important information, identity verification documents, etc. on the day of the examination will be posted on the website. The
website will be publicized on the website of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. (8) Notification method of pass/fail
Within 30 days after the test is conducted, the ID numbers of those who pass the test will be published on the website of the Japan Institute of
Technology. If it is decided that an employment contract will be concluded between successful applicants and the accepting organization, the accepting
Regarding the examination implementation system, the operating organization of the “automobile mechanic skill registration examination” (hereinafter referred to
as “registration examination”) and the “foreign automobile maintenance skill training evaluation examination” (hereinafter referred to as “technical intern training
The “Technical Intern Training Evaluation Examination Technical Committee”, which deliberates on technical matters such as preparation of
examination questions related to the technical intern training evaluation examination, discusses paper and practical examination questions.
Administrative work related to examinations, such as building a dedicated website for applying for examinations, arranging examination venues,
confirming identity, taking facial photographs to be inserted into score reports, and assigning examination supervisors.
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Regarding the examination venue, please ensure that there are no illegal activities such as lockers for storing personal belongings and installation of surveillance cameras.
As for test proctors, we allocate personnel who are capable of properly performing their duties as test proctors, such as
receiving sufficient training on the implementation and administration of tests and the prevention of fraud, and conduct
retraining at regular intervals. do. (3) System to follow up on the appropriate operation of the study
(1) The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism shall request the necessary reports or give instructions regarding this test to the JSE.
I can.
ÿ If the proctor confirms that the examinee has committed an obvious misconduct,
Stop the test for the examinee and dismiss the examinee.
(3) The JMA prohibits those who have taken or attempted to take the specific skill evaluation test by fraudulent means from
taking the test, cancels the decision to pass the test, or sets a period of time.
It is possible to make it impossible to take a specific skill evaluation test for the first time.
ÿ Examination fees paid will not be refunded even if the applicant does not take the examination.
3 Test level
In addition to inspection and maintenance such as tire air pressure, lighting and blinking of lighting devices, steering wheel
operation and looseness of wheel nuts, etc., inspection and maintenance and modification by removing important parts such as
engines and brakes are performed appropriately. In order to acquire the skills required to perform “daily inspection and maintenance”,
“periodic inspection and maintenance” and “overhaul and maintenance” based on the Vehicle Law (Law No. 185 of 1951), the skills
required to pass the test and related The degree of knowledge shall be at the same level as the "Automobile Mechanic Skill Test Test
The scope of the specific skill evaluation test is the following for automobile chassis and engines.
adjustment c. Elementary knowledge about structure, function and handling method of testing machine, measuring instrument and tools
D. Elementary knowledge on the properties and usage of materials and fuel oils and fats
(2) Number of questions in the specific skill evaluation test and test time
The number of questions and test time for the specific skill evaluation test are as follows. (1) Academic
b) The number of questions shall be 30, and the examination time shall be 60
The number of questions is 3, multiple questions are provided, and the test time is 20 minutes.
5 Acceptance criteria
The number of correct answers in the academic test must be 65% or more of the questions, and the total score of the practical test must be 60% or more.
fraud An appropriate number of examination supervisors will be assigned according to the number of examinees, and examinations will
be conducted properly. In addition, there are other improprieties such as training for test supervisors, strict management of test questions,
prevention of spoofing such as identity verification using passports, implementation of property inspections, and thorough management of mobile
information terminals with communication functions such as smartphones. Take preventative measures.
The certificate of passing the exam will be valid for 10 years from the date of the exam.
ÿ Examination certificate can be reissued only once. However, 10 days after the exam date
(3) Examination fees will be determined in consideration of the cost of conducting the exam, income and price levels in the country where the exam
is conducted, exam fees for specific skill evaluation exams in other fields, exam fees for similar exams conducted in other countries, etc. do.
(4) Upon notification of test results, prepare a report without delay stating the examinee's name, date of birth, nationality, gender, test date, test
location, pass/fail judgment, and pass date. , the Ministry of Justice (Immigration Services Agency) and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,
(5) After the end of each fiscal year, Nichiseiren shall notify the Ministry of Justice (Immigration and Immigration Services Agency) and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
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Submit a report on the status of the test (including the details of the test performed and a summary of the results) without delay.
(6) Confidentiality obligation 1. Personal information acquired in conducting the test will be handled appropriately in accordance with
shall be handled.
ÿ Committee members related to specific skill evaluation tests and other persons in charge of duties related to specific skill evaluation tests
(hereinafter referred to as “specified skill evaluation test committee members, etc.”) shall not disclose or misappropriate secrets that
they have learned in the course of their duties. should not be done.
ÿ Specified Skilled Worker Evaluation Examination Committee Members, etc. shall endeavor to implement the Specified Skilled Worker Evaluation Examination fairly.
ÿ If it is found that a member of the Committee for the Specified Skills Evaluation Test, etc. regarding the Specified Skills Evaluation Test has
divulged secrets that he/she has learned in the course of his/her duties to others, or has stolen them, or has violated the fair
ÿ Employees in charge of duties related to the specific skill evaluation test do not share secrets that they have learned in the course of their duties
If it is found that you have divulged, stolen, or violated fair implementation, you will not be allowed to work on
documents In principle, books and documents related to specific skill evaluation examination affairs shall be preserved for the specified
period starting from the fiscal year following the implementation of the examination. ÿ “Examinee Ledger” 10 years ÿ “Academic Exam
Questions” 3 years